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Pollution, Oil Pipelines and Spills

Millions of Americans are breathing unsafe air and it's getting worse. An increasing number of Americans live in places with unhealthy levels of smog or particulate air pollution—both of which are being made worse by climate change, according to a new report. Air quality in the US has been improving since the 1970s, but that progress may be backsliding and 43 percent of Americans are now living in places where they are breathing unsafe air, according to the American Lung Association report. via @MotherJones

Haunting Images of the World's Most Polluted Environments via @WIRED

Vintage photos from the EPA reveal what America looked like before pollution was regulated

Leaked documents reveal counterterrorism tactics at Standing Rock by @AlleenBrown @willparrishca @alicesperi

Cleanup efforts under way to remove thousands of gallons of oil following Ventura spill.

Climate Change

Four ways to reduce climate change:
  1. Hang your laundry to dry in the sun. Don't burn natural gas to heat your house. Use an electric instant water heater. Cut home energy usage.
  2. Use public transportation. Drive an economical car 30+ mpg. Take the train, avoid flying. Don't waste gas.
  3. Don't eat fast food or Starbucks. Eat a plant based diet. Don't waste food. Avoid plastic packaging.
  4. Don't have children.

Climate change group scrapped by Trump reassembles to issue warning. The panel is now known as the Science to Climate Action Network (Scan) and has now completed work it would have finished for the federal government, releasing a report on Thursday warning that Americans are being put at risk from the impacts of a warming planet due to a muddled response to climate science. “We were concerned that the federal government is missing an opportunity to get better information into the hands of those who prepare for what we have already unleashed,” said Richard Moss, a member of Scan and a visiting scientist at Columbia University, who previously chaired the federal panel.

Pentagon report details climate risks to bases, but critics say it falls short on detail

Timeline: California’s intense tree mortality follows a culture of fire suppression driven by logging...

5 Trump policies that will make future flooding worse

don't buy or eat fast food or Starbucks.

A groundbreaking study outlines what you can do about climate change.

Just who are these 300 'scientists' telling Trump to burn the climate? | John Abraham

Outdoor outfitters can’t stay quiet on climate change. The industry is short-changing millions of visitors at a time when dialogue is needed.

Vandalism of Parks and Petroglyphs, Off Road Vehicles

'Jiggery-pokery'? Utah legislator rips feds over conviction for ATV protest ride. A jury convicted Lyman in 2016 of misdemeanor trespassing after he led an ATV protest ride in a southeastern Utah canyon that the Bureau of Land Management had closed to off-road vehicles. Lyman spent 10 days in jail. A federal judge hit him with a $95,955 bill for assessing and repairing riparian areas and archeological sites in Recapture Canyon. The court allowed him pay $100 per month. A Utah House member went off on the U.S. Attorney's Office, federal agencies and the media in a new court filing opposing government efforts to quintuple his restitution payments for an illegal ATV protest ride in a prosecution he calls "jiggery-pokery." "It is troubling to me that certain people in the U.S. Attorney's Office feel compelled to continually harass me and pillory my name and reputation," Rep. Phil Lyman, R-Blanding, wrote. "Judging from the tweets (and bad math) of Ms. Moon, I'm inclined to believe that her malice is politically motivated." Lyman doesn't cite any specific tweets by assistant U.S. attorney Allison J.P. Moon in the filing. But in what appears to be her last tweet on Feb. 6, 2017, she expresses support for Bears Ears National Monument. Lyman is a vocal critic of the monument designation.

Shattered glass 'deliberately' spread along Sleeping Bear Dunes beach. Leelanau District Ranger Andy Blake said the broken pieces were found near where glass previously turned up, on Lane Road near Port Oneida in October 2017. "Just like the Lane Road incident, the glass was not dumped in one spot, but is spread fairly uniformly up and down the beach for several hundred yards," Blake said. "It is definitely a hazard to beachgoers as it consists of literally thousands of freshly broken pieces mostly one half to two inches in size." via @freep

Park Staff Ordered to Violate Laws and Stand Aside as People Trashed Parks During Shutdown

Death Valley playas damaged by offroaders during shutdown

An off-road playground nearly the size of Los Angeles could be protected in Southern California desert

Graffiti damages petroglyph rock panel at Utah’s Capitol Reef National Park.

Oroville Dam

Dam Worries Resurface After Oroville Scare

Reconstruction begins at Oroville Dam. Will it be different this time?

Oroville Dam update: Spillway releases curbed, even as atmospheric river looms

Oroville Dam’s flood-control manual hasn’t been updated for half a century

Groundbreaking on the dam site occurred in May 1957. Governor Goodwin Knight Republican October 5, 1953 – January 5, 1959

Pat Brown Governor from January 5, 1959 – January 2, 1967 Democratic

On May 4, 1968, Oroville Dam was officially dedicated by the state of California. Among the notable figures present were California governor Ronald Reagan, January 2, 1967 – January 6, 1975 Republican

Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor from November 17, 2003 – January 3, 2011 Republican

Governor Jerry Brown, current, Democrat

On October 17, 2005 three environmental groups filed a motion with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging federal officials to require that the dam’s emergency spillway be armored with concrete, rather than remain as an earthen spillway and that it did not meet modern safety standards.

Shortly after 8:00 am on February 11, 2017, the auxiliary spillway began carrying water for the first time since the dam's construction in 1968. Evacuation of Oroville itself was not considered at that time, as officials stated that there was no threat to public safety. The flow topped out at 12,600 cu ft/s (360 m3/s), and the water flowed directly onto the earthen hillside below the the auxiliary spillway, as per design.

On February 12, 2017, an evacuation was ordered for those in low-lying areas along the Feather River Basin in Butte, Yuba and Sutter counties, due to an anticipated failure of the auxiliary spillway.[43] Specifically, erosion on the hillside was growing uphill toward the concrete lip of the auxiliary spillway, leading to fear it would collapse. A failure of the concrete top of the spillway would allow up to 30 feet (9 m) vertical of Lake Oroville through the gap in an uncontrolled deluge. The flow over the main spillway was increased to 100,000 cu ft/s (2,800 m3/s) to try to slow the erosion of the auxiliary spillway.

The Birth Of Oroville Dam: Construction During 1961 To 1968 - Education... via @YouTube

Sustainability, Conservation, Recycling

The spring of 2011 was a great time to recycle a Coke bottle. What happened? via @slate

US says conserving oil is no longer an economic imperative

Cops hassle filmmakers flying drone near cattle feedlot


1 Million Species Are Threatened with Extinction Thanks to Humans, UN Report Says

Two generations of humans have killed off more than half the world’s wildlife populations, report finds

Mysterious great white shark lair discovered in Pacific Ocean

Obama’s mixed impact on endangered species. The administration delisted more species, but ultimately weakened the act itself.

Crops, herbicides, pesticides

This miracle weed killer was supposed to save farms. Instead, it’s devastating them.

Health and Medicine

antibiotic resistant bacteria

WHO names 12 bacteria that pose the greatest threat to human health


Four vaccine myths and where they came from



What would you do if your everyday life was turned upside down? This brochure is being sent to all households in Sweden at the behest of the Swedish Government. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is responsible for its content. The purpose of the brochure is to help us become better prepared for everything from serious accidents, extreme weather and IT attacks, to military conflicts. Many people may feel a sense of anxiety when faced with an uncertain world. Although Sweden is safer than many other countries, there are still threats to our security and independence. Peace, freedom and democracy are values that we must protect and reinforce on a daily basis. Public authorities, county councils and regions, municipalities, companies and organisations are responsible for ensuring that society functions. However, everyone who lives in Sweden shares a collective responsibility for our country's security and safety. When we are under threat, our willingness to help each other is one of our most important assets. If you are prepared, you are contributing to improving the ability of the country as a whole to cope with a major strain.



Scientists establish a link between religious fundamentalism and brain damage. A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia has shown that religious fundamentalism is, in part, the result of a functional impairment in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism by diminishing cognitive flexibility and openness—a psychology term that describes a personality trait which involves dimensions like curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness.

US church membership hits all-time low: Gallup

BBC News - Albert Einstein's 'God letter' expected to sell for $1.5m

Vincent Price - Witchcraft - Magic - An Adventure In Demonology (1969) F... via @YouTube

Satanist Religious Freedom Rally Successful Despite Neo-Nazis and Christian Heckler

Romans 13 King James Version (KJV) 8 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Churches make a drastic pledge in the name of social justice: To stop calling the police

Lawsuit accuses Irvine, LA police of ignoring animal-cruelty laws in connection to Jewish ritual

America’s Changing Religious Identity via @PRRIPoll

Satanist Makes Tucker Carlson Look Silly While Talking About Religion -

Faith-based film studio funds replacement for destroyed state-house 10 Commandments statue

Peter Nothnagle: No evidence for a historical Jesus via @Evolutionistrue


When Does Praying In Public Make Others Uncomfortable? It’s often not when believers expect.


Why Americans Turn Their Backs On Religion.


'I'm not a Mormon': fresh 'mass resignation’ over anti-LGBT beliefs. Critics of the church’s anti-gay stance continue to leave en masse, and say the exodus will go on as long as the church alienates the queer community. The mass resignations include some Mormons who have become inactive in the church for years, but want to formally dissociate, in part to ensure that the LDS church no longer includes them in statistics and stops encouraging them to return. The church claims that it has more than 15.6 million members worldwide. I wanted to be off the rolls,” said Ivonna Earnest, 45, who resigned on Saturday. “I don’t want to be a selling point anymore.”

Public religious displays, Crosses

High court deciding fate of cross-shaped Maryland memorial

Politics, Catholic sexual abuse

Pope publicly acknowledges clergy sexual abuse of nuns

‘In God We Trust’ - the bills Christian nationalists hope will ‘protect religious freedom’

The Satanic Temple's Protest for First Amendment Rights

A Bible Museum Backed By White Conservatives Is Suddenly Trying Hard To Attract Black Visitors

Kim Davis, who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, loses Kentucky county clerk seat

Kim Davis ensnared in archbishop's fight with Vatican over Pope Francis #FoxNews

Christian leaders call out the heresy of Trumpism Reclaiming Jesus

Tenants of Satanism

  1. Live life based in Reality.
    1. Belief in science and Evolution.
    2. Belief in Climate Change.
    3. Do not believe in the supernatural or superstition.
  2. Healthcare is a right.
    1. Vaccines are safe and effective.
  3. Belief in a woman's right to choose abortion.
    1. Right of privacy between a Doctor and Patient.
    2. No waiting period for abortion.
    3. No State mandated instruction or information related to abortion.
  4. No Death Penalty.
  5. Complete separation of Church and State.
    1. No public displays of 10 Commandments.
    2. No prayers at public or private Government meetings or Court proceedings.
  6. There are seven fundamental tenets.
    1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.
    2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
    3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
    4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.
    5. Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
    6. People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.
    7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word


Anthony Burgess essay on pornography to be published

Alt Right, Hate Crime

Nobody Got The Story Of The Baraboo Nazi Prom Photo Right, Including The Town Itself via @bernstein

Two newly translated diaries by young women murdered in the Holocaust cry out to us about the evils of the past and the dangers of the present

Why are conservatives more susceptible to lies? A theory:

Are Hate Crimes on the Rise in Tennessee?

The state of hate in America

What About the Terrorism of the Far Right?

Writings on Antisemitism

The seeds of the alt.right were planted early - and deep - in our politics: George Michael

What Is The “Alt-Right”? A Guide To The White Nationalist Movement Now Leading Conservative Media.

Sovereign Citizen, Qanon

NESARA Scam. NESARA is an acronym for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which is a legislative proposal that merely reintroduces specie as alternative currencies to help combat anti-inflationary policies of the paper currency.

The NESARA Scam: White Knights, Dark Forces and Endless Prosperity. Shaini Goodwin, herself a victim of a scam called the Omega Trust. Omega was a scheme put together by grifter Clyde Hood, selling "prime European bank notes" repackaged as "Omega Units." One Unit could be bought for as little as $100 and return a profit of up 12 million dollars after it "rolled over."


Fantastic interview with Martin Luther King Jr.

"It’s just hard to find out what is the security rule," Sykes said. "They seem to be a moving target for different people." 'You don't look like a legislator': Security stops black, female lawmaker going to work in Ohio

The path to Trump 2020 is paved with Democrats' racist accusations. White Middle Americans are sick of accusatory identity politics, and if the left doesn't stop, they'll do what needs to be done to stop it.

Inside the anti-racist movement that brings the fight to white supremacists via @MotherJones

Officials condemn racist petition that circulated at school Kool Kids Klan


My Evening with the Angry, Young, White Free Speech Crusaders Who Hate PC Culture via @vice


An Aborted 6-Week-Old Embryo Got a Green Light to Sue an Alabama Abortion Clinic via @po_st

Anti-abortion harassment goes way beyond picketing clinics

Analysis | GOP congressman repeatedly promoted antiabortion stance a week after reportedly telling mistress to get abortion

Anti-abortion-rights activist found in contempt over videos. U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick said David Daleiden, a leader of the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress, had violated the judge's injunction against releasing additional videos. Orrick ruled Daleiden's lawyers, former Los Angeles prosecutor Steve Cooley and Brentford Ferreira, had also violated his injunction. Ferreira said Monday they would appeal the judge's contempt ruling.

The Man Who Secretly Taped Planned Parenthood Could Be Going To Prison — Alongside His Criminal Lawyers

California prosecutors have turned the tables on Planned Parenthood's undercover video tormentors

Kellyanne Conway Worked for Alleged Anti-Abortion Felons via @thecut

Pair Behind Planned Parenthood Sting Videos Charged in California

A State-by-State List of the Lies Abortion Doctors Are Forced to Tell Women.


El Cajon reaching out to homeless with police, social services combo


California Now World's 5th Largest Economy, Surpassing UK. California's economic output is now surpassed only by the total GDP of the United States, China, Japan and Germany. The state has 12 percent of the U.S. population but contributed 16 percent of the country's job growth between 2012 and 2017. Its share of the national economy also grew from 12.8 percent to 14.2 percent over that five-year period, according to state economists. California's economic juggernaut is concentrated in coastal metropolises around San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego. "The non-coastal areas of CA have not generated nearly as much economic growth as the coastal areas," Ohanian said in an email.


El Cajon Police Shootings

Back story: One year later, why the shooting of Alfred Olango still resonates

A year after Alfred Olango's death, local activists buck national 'law and order' tide

San Diego federal judge denies El Cajon officer's attempt to dismiss lawsuit against him in Alfred Olango. U.S. District Judge Cynthia Bashant dismissed the city from the case, saying there was not enough evidence to argue that policies or specific decisions made by the Police Department contributed to Olango’s death...

Already suing, El Cajon officer claims she faces harassment, retaliation. According to a complaint filed earlier this month with the state Department of Fair Employment and Housing, El Cajon police Sgt. Anthony Kolombatovic sent Officer Christine Greer numerous improper messages. Greer sent the texts to Chief Jeff Davis. Greer, who already is litigating a sexual-harassment case against the city of El Cajon and Officer Richard Gonsalves, alleges that she received no reply from the chief. “The fact another supervisor was willing to send Officer Greer another nude photo and then punish her when she complained reveals just how deeply ingrained sexual harassment and retaliation is at the El Cajon Police Department,” said attorney Daniel Gilleon, who represents the veteran officer. “It's clear that the city of El Cajon holds civil rights in low regard.” Police spokesman Lt. Robert Ransweiler declined to discuss the allegations, citing the existing lawsuit Greer filed last year.

'Cannot Tolerate Racism': Marchers on Alfred Olango and Police

Officer Won't Be Charged in Killing of Unstable Black Man

El Cajon has paid nothing in police excessive force and civil-rights claims over past five years. A review of the legal claims filed against the Police Department during that time shows the city has not paid out any money to claimants or plaintiffs. The largest expense has come in legal costs to the city for handling the claims. That totals $438,836. The only significant police-related payout in recent years was made to one of the department’s own employees. Officer Christine Greer settled a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Sgt. Richard Gonsalves for $90,000 last year. She said Gonsalves had sent her lewd photos and texts and made unwanted advances toward her. Gonsalves is also the officer who fatally shot Olango in the parking lot of a taco shop the afternoon of Sept. 27.

El Cajon police log 12 shootings in 10 years, one complaint last year. Those 12 shootings — five of which were fatal — give El Cajon the highest rate of shooting per 100,000 people of any law enforcement agency in the county, according to an analysis of police shootings by The San Diego Union-Tribune.

Former cop gives frame-by-frame analysis of El Cajon shooting video via @fox5sandiego

March 2015 Police sgt. accused of harassment demoted. Citizens demanded Tuesday that the El Cajon City Council take stronger action against a police sergeant who was demoted after a female officer accused him of sexual harassment, but the city manager stood by his decision. Speakers claimed the recent allegations are a symptom of “institutionalized sexism” at the El Cajon Police Department and called for the officer to be fired or placed on administrative leave for the claims against him. “He shouldn’t have been demoted, he should have been fired,” said speaker Robert Clark. “There are thunderstorms ahead… you are going to lose this coming lawsuit.” Officer Christine Greer filed a lawsuit against the city and Richard Gonsalves, who is now an officer, at the beginning of the month. It claims Greer was the victim of “continuous unwanted sexual advances” by Gonsalves. In one instance, she claims she was “subjected to” a photograph of his genitals via text message. Other women were also harassed by Gonsalves, the lawsuit claims.

California police killed an unarmed, mentally ill black man after his sister asked them to help him videos

El Cajon shooting puts focus on police de-escalation training. The push toward more de-escalation training has drawn backlash from police unions and rank-and-file officers, some of whom dismiss the emphasis on better communication strategies as “hug a thug.”

WARNING: Video Shows Uncensored Footage of Fatal El Cajon Police Shootin... via @YouTube

Fourth Night Of Protests In El Cajon After Police Shoot Unarmed Man. Davis said Olango’s family was asked to view the video and be at the news conference where it was released, but they declined. Dan Gilleon, the attorney representing the Olango family, said that’s not true. He said the family did not turn down the meeting but, rather, needed more time to get to the meeting. Gilleon said the family was not informed the video would be released to the media.

Unarmed black man killed by police near San Diego had twice been ordered deported

WATCH: Anti-cop mob attacks Trump supporter at

Alfred Olango: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know. Police revealed in the news conference that it took them 50 minutes to respond to the sister’s 911 call, although it was unclear whether she called one time or as many as three.

Channel 10 is reporting that the officer who shot Alfred Olango is Richard Gonsalves. gonsalves is the el cajon police officer who was alleged to have (grossly) sexually harassed a fellow police officer. read the complaint against the alleged el cajon pd shooter here -

San Diego

21-Year-Old Run Over After Being Hit by Eggs in El Cajon

Lawsuit alleges ogling with NCTD security cameras SDUT

The Man Cops Say Serially Killed San Diego’s Homeless Is Homeless Himself. People on the streets were sharpening knives and sleeping with one eye open before police arrested John Guerrero for stabbing and torching several victims.

Police make arrest in homeless attacks case.

The Oakland County Child Killer

The Oakland County Child Killer case: Unsolved after 40 years

Police Crime and Corruption, Suicide

Officer punched Oscar Grant and lied about facts in 2009 killing, records show. A police officer involved in the 2009 killing of Oscar Grant on an Oakland train platform repeatedly lied to investigators and had punched the unarmed 22-year-old without justification, according to newly released records. The report on the New Year’s Eve killing, which sparked national police accountability protests, was disclosed this week following journalists’ requests under a new California police transparency law. The previously sealed internal file, written 10 years ago, documented how the Bay Area Rapid Transit (Bart) officer Anthony Pirone “started a cascade of events that ultimately led to the shooting”. Pirone called Grant the N-word while detaining him, hit him in the face in an “unprovoked” attack, and later gave a series of false statements contradicted by videos, investigators said.

Orlando paramedics didn't go in to save victims of the Pulse shooting. Here’s why.

Sacramento County DA Anne Marie Schubert released a 61-page report Saturday that declared Clark’s death a “tragedy,” but cleared the officers of wrongdoing. via @slate

5 Chicago Police Officers Died By Suicide Since July. Is The Department Doing Enough? via @AddThis

Dozens of CHP officers suspected of faking overtime are temporarily relieved of duty Paul Pringle (@PringleLATimes)

Exclusive: FBI Warned Law Enforcement Agencies of Threat Posed by Non-Existent 'Pro-Choice Extremists'. A domestic terrorism briefing the FBI gave to law enforcement agencies in 2017 warned them about the threat of “pro-abortion extremists.” That would be fine, except—as the FBI’s own briefing materials subsequently admit—violent pro-abortion extremists barely exist, and in no universe do they constitute an organized domestic terror movement.

Suicide killed more police officers in 2018 than any other work-related incident. For Third Straight Year, Police Suicides Outnumber Line-Of-Duty Deaths. Law enforcement agencies across the country lost at least 159 officers to suicide in 2018.

Aurora officer who shot, killed homeowner faces no criminal charges

LAPD surveillance caught assistant chief in sex act with subordinate officer just before his sudden retirement, sources say

They look like cops, but they're not. And they're all over Michigan.

Bicyclist Sues SDPD Officer for Excessive Force, False Arrest After Torrey Pines Traffic Stop

The FBI is Now Investigating the Shady Vice Squad That Cuffed Stormy Daniels via @thedailybeast

After decades of problems, new allegations surface of a secret clique within L.A. County Sheriff's Department

There’s More to the ‘SDPD Officer Punched in Barrio Logan’ Story via @SDFreePressorg

Did police help neo-Nazis? Protesters say yes

The County's Outrageous Targeting of Reporter Who Exposed Jail Deaths

California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue 'anti-racist' activists, documents show

State Supreme Court to decide if L.A. County sheriff can give names of problem deputies to prosecutors

Spain Sept 30, 2017

Seven Reasons Police Brutality Is Systemic, Not Anecdotal | The American Conservative

Feds: Customs officers hazing included "rape table" at Newark airport

How problem cops stay on the street

LAPD officer arrested, accused of sex with underage cadet

San Diego County sheriff's deputy arrested in stalking case

The ‘war on cops’: flawed logic and fantasy This review of The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe, by Heather Mac Donald, was first published in the August/September 2016 issue of Reason magazine. View the article in the digital edition here.

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

Behind the Badge. Amid protests and calls for reform, how police view their jobs, key issues and recent fatal encounters between blacks and police.

Videos Surface of a Death in Custody the LAPD Didn’t Want Released. Vachel Howard was arrested for driving under the influence. Hours later, he was dead. Here‘s what happened inside an LAPD jail. Early on the afternoon of June 4, 2012, Vachel Howard was handcuffed to a bench inside the Los Angeles Police Department’s 77th Street Station Jail. He was 56 years old, and had been taken into custody for driving while intoxicated. The grandfather of seven had been strip-searched, and his shirt still hung open. Howard told the officers present that he suffered from schizophrenia. Police suspected he was high on cocaine. Less than an hour later, Howard was pronounced dead at Good Samaritan Hospital, just miles from the jail. He had been released from the handcuffs, but later subdued by half a dozen officers after he became, by their testimony, “violent and combative.” A coroner eventually listed three contributing causes of death: cocaine intoxication, heart disease, and a chokehold employed by one of the officers. Two years of litigation followed before, in October of 2015, the city of Los Angeles agreed to pay Howard’s family $2.85 million to settle a wrongful death claim.

LAPD motorcycle officer fatally shoots man during South L.A. traffic stop. The dead man was identified Wednesday as Kenney Watkins.

‘Cauldrons of anarchy’: Milwaukee police chief blames urban policies for riot. After a weekend of violent protests in Milwaukee, sparked by the fatal police shooting of an armed black man, County Sheriff David Clarke controversially blamed the unrest on the policies of the Obama administration and liberals. His comments ignited fury on social media.

Use of Robots

Man vs. machine: L.A. sheriff's deputies use robot to snatch rifle from barricaded suspect, end standoff

NRA, Gun violence and shootings

FBI finds Sol Pais, woman ‘infatuated’ with Columbine, dead via @ladailynews

A Gunman Has Opened Fire At Mosques In Christchurch, Causing "Multiple Fatalities"

Police say Brazil school shooters were trying to copy Columbine

The Woman Behind a Mass Murder Plot Shares How the Internet Radicalized Her. Lindsay Souvannarath James Gamble On February 14, 2015, they would go to the area of the food court of the Halifax Shopping Centre, and throw Molotov cocktails. Next, Gamble and Ms. Souvannarath would indiscriminately shoot whoever was there, with a lever action .308 hunting rifle, and a single action 16 gauge shotgun respectively. Gamble would kill any wounded persons with a hunting knife. Their intention was to inflict as many casualties as their ammunition would allow.” The shooting would only end with Souvannarath and Gamble killing themselves on the count of three.

Have you ever wondered what goes on in those school shooter trainings your child’s teacher is required to undergo? as it turns out, I took extensive ethnographic field notes of the one I did. Want to know some of what's in them? Dr. Lisa Gilbert (@gilbertlisak)

The shooter who killed 58 people in Las Vegas in 2017 may have been seeking infamy, an FBI special agent said.

How Credit Cards Are Used to Finance Mass Shootings

10 days, 4 hate crimes: The parallel paths of 4 angry men who terrorized America

Third Dylann Roof Fan Arrested in Past Week for Threatening to Kill

Opinion | This list of lives lost in mass shootings grows longer. Here are their names.

Gunman apparently stopped shooting to post online. Authorities trying to make sense of why a gunman killed 12 people at a Southern California bar are not publicly discussing what they've learned, but at least one Instagram post he made after beginning the massacre has emerged as an early focus. Social media platforms have scrubbed that and any other posts following Wednesday night's massacre. But one law enforcement official said Ian David Long, a 28-year-old former Marine, posted about his mental state and whether people would believe he was sane.

The Kentucky Supermarket Shooting That Left Two Black People Dead Is Being Investigated As A Hate Crime. Police arrested Gregory Bush, 51, and charged him with two counts of murder for the shooting in the Louisville suburb of Jeffersontown. After the killings, Bush reportedly told a man, “whites don’t shoot whites.” via @ambiej

Kroger Shooting Suspect Tried to Enter Black Church Before Killing 2, Police Say

South Dakota man found asleep in truck with arsenal of guns in Miami Beach, police say

“Whites don’t shoot whites”: Witness suggests Kentucky Kroger shooting racially motivated

The facts on guns in 6 charts: A 2018 midterm report via @PolitiFact

Guns Make You and Your Family Less Safe, Not More

Exclusive: Inside accused Annapolis shooter’s alt-right theology of mass murder

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

Police identify victims in deadly Maryland newspaper shooting

Kent State open carry dummy Kaitlin Bennett attacks David Hogg on Twitter and gets smashed in return

Galveston County Sheriff Henry Trochesset said Monday he doesn't believe any of the victims killed in Friday's mass shooting were shot by officers during the crossfire with the suspected shooter at the Santa Fe, Texas, high school. Authorities identified the gunman as Dimitrios Pagourtzis, 17. He was armed with a sawed-off shotgun and a .38 caliber handgun, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. One of the students killed, Shana Fisher, had rejected the suspect's advances for months, her mother Sadie Baze said. Finally, about a week ago, she stood up to him in the middle of class to proclaim she would not go out with him. Baze said she believes the incident embarrassed the suspect so much that he targeted Shana. "One of the shotgun shells was for my daughter," she said. Shana had turned 16 days earlier. Another student killed, Jared Black, turned 17 last week and was supposed to have a birthday party Saturday. The massacre also claimed the lives of students Sabika Sheikh, a Pakistani exchange student; Chris Stone; Angelique Ramirez; Christian Riley Garcia; Aaron Kyle McLeod; and Kimberly Vaughan. Teachers Glenda Ann Perkins and Cynthia Tisdale were also killed. The people hospitalized included retired Houston police Officer John Barnes, who served as a resource officer at the school and confronted the gunman.

Role Models, Contagions, and Copycats: An Exploration of the Influence of Prior Killers on Subsequent School Attacks.

Four students killed at Kent State this afternoon May 04, 1970—William Schroeder, Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller and Sandra Lee Scheuer: DcYJCTdVwAEjAJ-.jpg

Kent State shootings

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Ohio 1970 Kent State University

Analysis | More than 200,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine

Need proof the teen activists are winning? Watch the NRA do an about-face in new video message

School shooter made gun threats, first host family told police @CNN

A New Report on the Las Vegas Gunman Was Released. Here Are Some Takeaways.

Las Vegas shooting report explores gunman’s mental health

Report: Las Vegas gunman researched San Diego and La Jolla beach months before massacre

The most comprehensive look yet at how the Las Vegas concert massacre unfolded

White supremacists killed over twice as many people in 2017, and more than twice as many people as Islamic extremists.

A Mass Shooting in Texas and False Arguments Against Gun Control

Stephen Paddock Bought 33 Guns in 12 Months. That Should Be Illegal. via @thenation

12 bursts of gunfire. 10 horrific minutes. We use video evidence to map what happened in the Las Vegas massacre.

More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

Sources: Baton Rouge police on 'all-out hunt' for gunman linked to 2 apparently random fatal shootings of black men.

Right-to-Carry Laws Make Violent Crime Rates Worse, Law Professor Finds

Gunman didn’t plan Alexandria baseball shooting, visited Sanders’ Senate office – FBI

GunmanJames T. Hodgkinson, 66, at Virginia ballfield kept local storage locker with ammunition. he shot more than 60 times. Authorities revealed Wednesday that Hodgkinson had legally purchased a 7.62 mm caliber SKS rifle in March 2003 and a 9mm handgun after the election in November 2016. The rifle had been modified, the FBI said.

Both the rifle and handgun Hodgkinson was carrying were purchased legally through federal firearms licenses, the FBI said. The rifle was modified to accept a detachable magazine and the original stock was replaced with a folding stock. Hodgkinson bought the guns in April, after Trump was elected, Slater said.

In addition to the ammunition, investigators found a laptop computer, a receipt for a November 2016 gun purchase and additional SKS rifle components. Hodgkinson, from Belleville, Ill., used an SKS 7.62mm caliber rifle and a 9mm handgun during the shooting at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park on June 14. “(Hodgkinson) fired over 60 shots, 50 of those shots were from the SKS rifle,” Slater said, adding it didn’t appear that Hodgkinson had a particular target in mind and it was a spontaneous shooting. He said the 9mm handgun was purchased after the election of President Donald Trump in November 2016.

Here's what the data says about who's killed with guns in America:

Tracking down guns used in crimes and terror attacks is still surprisingly low-tech. The work would be far easier for ATF’s staff of 50 employees and 300 contractors if there were a national electronic database of gun owners and sales. But the National Rifle Assn. and gun-rights advocates have opposed such an idea, warning against allowing the government to collect such information.

Pro-gun activists to hold downtown protest.

‘I just wanted a piece of him’: College officers pushed through injuries in Dallas shooting.

Fresno Police Shooting Video Shows Dylan Noble Ignoring Orders to Stop.

Saiga 5.45mm Rifle used by Dallas Shooter. MicahJohnsonAK-620x1101.jpg

GRAPHIC: Picture of Micah Johnson, the Dallas Shooter, After he was Killed by a Robot Bomb.

The police headquarters in Dallas, Texas has been put on lockdown after the law enforcement received an anonymous threat, just days after a deadly attack on the city’s police officers, local media reported. According to a police statement, law enforcement personnel across the city could be under threat. The statement added that police was taking “precautionary measures to heighten security.” The city's police has deployed SWAT units around the police station in the city, the Dallas Morning News reported.

Threat against Dallas police, possible radio hoax trigger lockdown at HQ.

Editors note: Unfortunately, initial reports are usually wrong, and in this case it appears that this might be true. SOFREP just received information from separate sources that have identified the weapon used by Micah X. Johnson as a Saiga AK74. More information about this to follow.- Desiree Huitt

Investigative Update Regarding the Deadly Attack on Police Officers Dallas Micah Johnson via @DallasPD

Why Westerners die at the hands of cops. Jack Yantis, an Idaho rancher, raised the profile of rural police brutality.

When Omar Mateen burst into Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12 and opened fire on the crowd, killing 49 people and wounding 53 others, he was armed with two guns. But in the aftermath of the attack, only one of the weapons became the subject of intense scrutiny. Most of the attention has focused on Mateen's semi-automatic .223-caliber Sig Sauer MCX, which is modeled after the AR-15 assault rifle. The fact that similar weapons were used during several recent mass shootings — including the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, the movie theater rampage in Aurora, Colorado that same year, and the 2015 attack in San Bernardino, California — led to a renewed push for an assault weapons ban, and prompted many reports about how easily AR-15s can be purchased in Florida. But Mateen was also carrying a Glock, a brand of firearm that has been used nearly as often as assault rifles to commit mass murder.

Nazi Roots, EU Violations, and Mass Shootings. Meet the shady gun manufacturer whose rifle killed 49 people in Orlando. The gun the Orlando shooter used was a Sig Sauer MCX, not an AR-15.

Which Gun Control Policies Will Actually Work? via @vice

Toddlers have shot at least 23 people this year

High Roller tryst set stage for man’s murder

Maryland Officer Jacai Colson died from friendly fire

6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

Aimless life, passion for guns preceded Roseburg shooter's attack.

Robert Dear: No remorse for shootout at Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic

Organized Crime

"It’s one of our most violent institutions." Following the killing of Whitey Bulger in a federal prison in West Virginia, Federal Bureau of Prisons employees say the high-profile gangster should never have been taken there.

Serial Killers

There May Be a Surge of Serial Killers in 2035 via @vicecanada

Deadliest shootings in American history

White House says too soon to talk gun limits or other policy responses to Las Vegas shooting

The right’s terrorism problem. Scott Gilmore on why we remain so focused on the bogeyman of Islamic terrorism when the most dangerous terror threat is far right extremism

NABJ, NAHJ clarify use of 'mass shooting' language - National Association of Black Journalists

If police chief John Mina’s estimate proves accurate that about 20 people were killed in the Orlando shooting, it already ranks as one of the deadliest in American history.

  1. Thousand Oaks, 12 killed
  2. Pittsburgh: 11 killed
  3. Kentucky 2 killed
  4. Santa Fe: 10 Killed
  5. Parkland: 17 killed
  6. Sutherland Springs: 25 killed
  7. Las Vegas: 58 killed
  8. 12 June 2016: police estimate that 50 people were killed and 53 injured after a gunman opens fire at an LGBT Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
  9. 2 December 2015: An American and his Pakistani wife kill 14 people in San Bernardino, California, wounding 21 others at a workplace event. The shooters were killed after a car chase and shootout with police. The FBI declared the shooting an act of terrorism.
  10. 1 October 2015: A student at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, killed eight students and a teacher, after amassing 14 weapons. He was killed in a gunfight with sheriff’s deputies.
  11. 18 June 2015: A white gunman sat in a prayer session at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina, and then killed nine church-goers. Police later found a hate-filled manifesto linked to the shooter, who they eventually captured.
  12. 16 September 2013: A Navy contractor opened fire at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington DC, killing 12 people and injuring three. The gunman was killed by authorities, who found he had a record of insubordination and disorderly conduct.
  13. 14 December 2012: A gunman shot dead 20 young children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The 20 year old also killed his mother, who lived nearby, and then killed himself before police could stop the massacre.
  14. 20 July 2012: A 24-year-old gunman sprayed bullets in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater during a late-night showing of a Batman film. He killed 12 people and injured 58 others, and was arrested in the parking lot outside the theater. He was sentenced to life in prison.
  15. 5 November 2009: An army psychiatrist killed 13 people and 32 others at Ft Hood, Texas, where he was based. The shooter was sentenced to death for the shooting.
  16. 3 April 2009: A shooter killed 13 people and injures four others at an immigration center in Binghamton, New York, before apparently shooting himself.
  17. 16 April 2007: A Virginia Tech student opened fire on campus, killing 32 people in a dorm and university building in two separate attacks, the deadliest mass shooting in US history. The gunman killed himself after the second attack.
  18. 20 April 1999: Two Colorado high school students at Columbine High shot dead 12 students and a teacher and causing injury to two dozen others before taking their own lives.
  19. 16 October 1991: A gunman opened fire with a semiautomatic pistol at a restaurant in Killeen, Texas, killing 22 people and wounding 20 others. Police later find the shooter in a restroom, killed by a gunshot wound.
  20. 20 August 1986: A postman killed 14 people and wounded six others at his post office in Edmond, Oklahoma, before killing himself.
  21. 18 July, 1984: An unemployed security guard attacked a McDonald’s in San Ysidro, California, killing 21 people and injuring 19 others. A police sniper killed the shooter from the roof of a nearby post office.

DAPL Standing Rock

Watch the bizarre videos that cops made about the DAPL protesters via @MotherJones

Immigrants and crime

Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens

VICTIMS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS. MEMORIAL. In honor of the thousands of American citizens killed each year by Illegal Aliens.

121 The number of people released from immigration custody who were later charged with murder between 2010 and 2014, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security.

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy

May 2019

  1. Grazing Permit for Pardoned Arsonists Sparks Lawsuit. Environmental groups claim the Bureau of Land Management violated its own rules by renewing grazing permits for Dwight and Steven Hammond, whose prison sentences for arson on public land was cited by Ammon Bundy as motivation for launching the 2016 occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
  2. Nevada officials work to fight sovereign citizens movement via @reviewjournal

April 2019

  1. Fire-starting ranchers get a new blessing from BLM - @highcountrynews
  2. Cliven Bundy case appealed by feds. Prosecutor says missteps were inadvertent. - @highcountrynews
  3. Judge tosses Cliven Bundy’s claim that state owns all public lands via @reviewjournal

March 2019

  1. Idaho Lt. Gov releases statement on photo that shows her posing with 3 Percenters group. "I took a photo with two Second Amendment supporters who were here to support Todd Engel, who is in prison in connection to the Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada. an Idahoan who was treated unjustly by the court system for standing up for our fundamental rights as Americans. They were part of a larger group who had come to the Capitol to protest Engel's imprisonment.

February 2019

  1. Cliven Bundy's cattle still graze on federal land 5 years after standoff

January 2019

  1. LVCVA board member Michele Fiore travels far at agency’s expense via @reviewjournal
  2. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s case to be appealed by prosecutors via @reviewjournal
  3. Final Bunkerville standoff defendant sentenced in Las Vegas. The last defendant who pleaded guilty for his role in the 2014 armed standoff in Bunkerville was ordered Tuesday to serve a year of supervised release. Rancher Cliven Bundy’s former bodyguard, Brian Cavalier, pleaded guilty in October 2017 to one count of conspiracy to impede and injure a federal officer. “I would like to put this behind me,” Cavalier told U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro. “I got myself twisted into something that was beyond my actual personal beliefs.”

December 2018

  1. Feds want to revive case lost by 'outrageous' prosecution - WND via @worldnetdaily
  2. Time to state the obvious. The Bundy family is only in it for the Bundy family. Always have been. They've now dropped the militia world because they no longer need it to get what they want. They use their religion as cover for getting what they want. JJ MacNab (@jjmacnab) December 8, 2018
  1. Ammon Bundy Is Quitting The Militia Movement After Breaking With Trump On Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric via @salhernandez

November 2018

  1. Cliven Bundy rebukes Trump over attack on migrants: 'We should have a heart'
  2. Rancher Ammon Bundy Says Trump's Immigration Rhetoric Is 'Counterproductive'
  3. Ammon Bundy hits Trump over anti-migrant rhetoric

October 2018

  1. The Sovereign Files 11/8/2018 - Southern Poverty Law Center. In this month’s Sovereign Files, a Utah sovereign citizen has a standoff with police, a sovereign guru gets hard time, a man in Louisiana claims to have monkey blood in his possession and Ryan Bundy sues the U.S. Attorney General and four former members of the government.
  2. Ryan Bundy sues Jeff Sessions, former federal agents. Bundy told reporters and a small group of supporters that his constitutional rights had been violated when federal agents moved in on the family ranch in April 2014. Alongside him were his father, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was also cleared in the case, and Washington D.C. lawyer Larry Klayman. The Bundys spent nearly two years behind bars, under conditions they described as difficult, but they said they learned from the experience. The 2014 standoff occurred after federal agents tried to execute a court order to round up Cliven Bundy’s cattle.
  3. Interior selects Bundy supporter who favors 'war' against the BLM to serve as senior legal adviser via @thinkprogress
  4. Ammon Bundy taking land rights message on road again
  5. Why don’t anti-Indian groups count as hate groups? - @highcountrynews
  6. Republicans join far-right figures at Montana anti-government event
  7. Controversial Public Lands Opponent - And Protesters - Organize Whitefish Rallies On Saturday
  8. Montana conference features anti-American Indian, antigovernment figureheads - Southern Poverty Law Center

September 2018

  1. No prison for man in Nevada rancher standoff case after plea in Oregon refuge takeover
  2. Oregon refuge occupier Blaine Cooper sentenced in Nevada standoff
  3. Campaign manager goes rogue on Ryan Bundy’s website
  4. As Nevada Gov, Ryan Bundy Will Repeatedly Kill And Rape Killers And Rapists, For God!
  6. The Race For Governor: Ryan Bundy via @AddThis
  7. Bundy associate sentenced for Bunkerville conspiracy - Southern Poverty Law Center
  8. In a Parody of Nike’s New Ad Campaign, Anti-Government Militant Ryan Bundy Uses His Portland Mug Shot
  9. Governor Bundy @GovernorBundy Why vote for the lesser of two evils? Vote for someone who will work for you. Vote Ryan Bundy for Governor on November 6th!

August 2018

  1. Rancher Cliven Bundy again sues Nevada, Clark County
  2. Cliven Bundy sues Nevada, seeking court order to declare federally-owned lands property of the state
  3. Two former FBI agents who were very close to #oregonstandoff say they're disappointed with Agent Astarita's trial — but for very different reasons. One says it never should have happened, the other wanted more answers. FBI Agent's Trial In Portland Leaves Key Question Unanswered.
  4. 2 men cleared in Bunkerville standoff sue federal government via @reviewjournal
  5. 2 more defendants sentenced in Bunkerville standoff case via @reviewjournal
  6. FBI agent found not guilty of lying about Oregon standoff shooting via @reviewjournal
  7. Jury acquits FBI agent accused of lying in Finicum shooting case
  8. FBI Agent Accused Of Lying In Finicum Shooting Found Not Guilty
  9. Case of FBI agent accused of lying in Finicum shooting now in hands of jury
  10. Testimony turns to analysis of path of bullet that hit roof of Finicum's truck
  11. FBI agents vague, dismissive in group interview after Finicum shooting, detective says
  12. "Label-lynching," the new far-right buzzword, has become part of the Malheur standoff narrative
  13. State police officer who fatally shot LaVoy Finicum outed by slip-up in court
  14. JJ MacNab @jjmacnab I learned the officer's name earlier today because it was being amplified on both militia and pro-Russia news sites.
  15. Indicted FBI agent's flippant remark when asked if he fired his gun recounted at trial

July 2018

  1. Two state police SWAT officers speak for first time about their fatal shooting of LaVoy Finicum
  2. Trial related to seizure of Oregon refuge begins
  3. New details of Finicum shooting aftermath revealed at FBI agent trial
  4. Jury Selection To Begin For FBI Agent Charged In Finicum Shooting
  5. Finicum family’s wrongful death lawsuit moves forward in federal court
  6. Church Responds to Inquiries Regarding Oregon Armed Occupation via @mormonnewsroom
  7. Ammon Bundy claims LDS Church infiltrated by socialists via @IdahoStateJ
  8. Idaho man gets federal prison sentence in Nevada standoff. Engel, 51, was convicted in April 2017 while representing himself on charges of obstruction of justice and interstate travel in aid of extortion during the first of three trials in the case. Prosecutors said Engel traveled to Bunkerville, about 70 miles northeast of Las Vegas, with the intent to commit violence against Bureau of Land Management officers who were executing a court order to round up Bundy cattle on federal land. Engel, wielding a loaded AR-15 assault rifle with extra ammunition in his tactical vest, hid behind concrete barriers on an Interstate 15 overpass and impeded agents, according to prosecutors.
  9. Ammon Bundy claims LDS Church infiltrated by socialists. Bundy’s worldview that all plants and animals on Earth were placed here by God for the express use and benefit of humans. On the other side, he claims that environmentalists, globalists and socialists believe that man has evolved into an intellectually advanced species, and therefore all other species are at a disadvantage. He said the environmentalists believe it’s man’s duty to balance the species and to eliminate much of the human population. He said environmentalism is a religion. “It is a completely different theology than a Christian theology,” Bundy said.
  10. Pardoned ranchers back home, focused on grazing rights fight
  11. Trump pardons Oregon ranchers who inspired refuge takeover via @reviewjournal
  12. Judge rejects prosecutors’ bid to reopen Bundy criminal case

June 2018

  1. Cattle rancher, subject of possible White House pardon, had years of disputes with Malheur wildlife refuge
  2. After Malheur, side effects of the Bundys’ extremism linger - @highcountrynews
  3. Letter to the Editor: Bundy isn't a terrorist
  4. Oregon refuge occupier Blaine Cooper sentenced, last of 18 convicted in armed takeover

May 2018

  1. Clemency decision may be imminent for imprisoned Oregon ranchers
  2. others have also noticed that these statements he made are redolent of the militia and sovereign citizen movements. What is not clear is why investigators--who, given militia & sovereign activity in Nevada, surely would have picked up on this as well--did not make these comments public earlier.
  3. New documents suggest Las Vegas shooter was conspiracy theorist – what we know

April 2018

  1. How the feds helped make Cliven Bundy a celebrity - @highcountrynews
  2. Militia Leader Who Tried to Bomb a Remote Federal Cabin Pleads Guilty

March 2018

  1. Oregon refuge occupier Joseph O'Shaughnessy next to face sentencing
  2. Judge seeks tutorial on government experts' 3D animation of indicted FBI agent's shooting
  3. Ryan Bundy plans to run for Nevada governor as independent

February 2018

  1. Judge sentences Oregon refuge occupier Ryan Payne to over 3 years in prison
  2. Judge refuses to dismiss any of the 5 charges against indicted FBI agent
  3. Prosecutors to seek nearly 3 1/2-year sentence for refuge occupier Ryan Payne
  4. Oregon refuge occupier Jason Patrick gets 21 months in prison
  5. Judge did US government a favor by tossing out case, says Bundy
  6. Cliven Bundy to address state rights party’s Nevada convention
  7. Cliven Bundy’s victory lap -
  8. Prosecutors to seek nearly 4-year sentence for Oregon refuge occupier Jason Patrick. Federal prosecutors will seek a nearly four-year sentence Thursday for Oregon refuge occupier Jason Patrick, arguing that he was one of the leaders of the 2016 takeover and among the first to arrive armed. Patrick also has "proved to be difficult to supervise while out of custody before and during his trial, prosecutors said.
  9. Cliven Bundy has set his sights on a new target. Bundy has picked up where he left off: advocating for Western ranchers and land-owners to disregard federal law, especially the agencies tasked with environmental management.
  10. The Bundy family's war with the federal government is not what it was when it began — and that's worrisome - Southern Poverty Law Center
  11. Prosecutors want judge to reconsider dismissal of Cliven Bundy case
  12. Militia group founder charged with 19 counts of grand theft. Brandon Curtiss, 43, of Payette, Idaho, was arrested Tuesday and has been charged with 19 counts of grand theft.
  13. Lands cut from Utah monuments now open to claims, leases
  14. FBI told state police not to wear body cameras for 2016 stop of refuge occupation leaders
  15. Refuge occupier Ryan Payne to remain in custody, pending sentencing

January 2018

  1. Passengers in Finicum's truck file separate civil suit against FBI, Harney County sheriff
  2. Finicum family files wrongful death lawsuit against FBI, BLM, Oregon State Police and others
  3. Lawmakers see Bundy supporter as a victim. Lands workers still see someone to fear.
  4. Recently freed rancher Cliven Bundy sues Nevada, Clark County
  5. Cliven Bundy is a free man, but his cows are wreaking havoc. The Nevada rancher’s cattle are terrorizing people, threatening wildlife, and dying in the desert.
  6. Judge calls Oregon refuge occupier Jake Ryan's 'sovereign citizen' stance 'legal gibberish'
  7. Feds won't retry refuge occupier Ryan Bundy on FBI camera theft charge
  8. Ryan Bundy's new bargaining chip: his shoulder shrapnel
  9. ryan-bundy--98bfbfca47417a85.jpeg Ryan Bundy, the eldest son of the Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, rides an ATV through southern Utah's Recapture Canyon in May 2014, which has been closed to motorized use since 2007. The protest ride involved several (Trent Nelson/The Salt Lake Tribune)
  10. Cliven Bundy met by supporters, detractors in Sanders County
  11. Cliven Bundy back on the antigovernment speaking circuit - Southern Poverty Law Center
  12. Newly Freed, Cliven Bundy Gets a Hero’s Welcome in the Rugged West
  13. This Man Led Two Armed Standoffs Against The Government, And He Says He’d Do It Again
  14. Ammon Bundy Led Two Armed Standoffs Against The Government, And He’s Prepared To Do It Again
  15. Timeline: A brief history of the Sagebrush Rebellion -
  16. Fear of the Federal Government in the Ranchlands of Oregon
  17. As a rancher, I see failure on both sides of the Bundy trial -
  18. For two days after his two years in jail, Cliven Bundy's supporters got to listen, talk and learn from...
  19. FBI Agent Charged With Lying During Refuge Occupation Wants Case Dismissed
  20. BLM made serious mistake with show of force at Nevada standoff, retired agency officials say
  21. LaVoy Finicum shooting: Defense says case against FBI agent based on 'junk science'
  22. Rancher Cliven Bundy renews range fight, pledging to 'do whatever it takes'
  23. Congress expected to hold hearings on dismissal of Bundy case
  24. Desert tortoise faces uncertain future amid Bundy conflict
  25. The following is the background story of what was happening in the West in 1993, the year that Cliven Bundy started his 25-year, still-ongoing fight with the Federal government.
  26. Bundy trial errors cast shadow on Nevada federal prosecutors
  27. Cliven Bundy seeks support from sheriff in feud with feds
  28. After dismissal, Bundys eager to return to family roots — VIDEO
  29. Judge in Las Vegas dismisses case against Cliven Bundy, 2 sons
  30. US judge in Las Vegas may dismiss ranching standoff case | AP news | The Journal Gazette
  31. Judge in Oregon standoff sanctions defendants for Bundy visit
  32. Facebook photos of Oregon refuge occupiers visiting Bundy ranch irks judge
  33. NV prosecutors seek new trial against Bundys, say evidence violations were 'inadvertent'

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy older December 2017

December 2017

  1. Newly unsealed motions in NV Bundy case reveal details of prosecutors' discovery violations
  2. Bundy mistrial highlights why right distrusts the feds — ANALYSIS
  3. The 11 meanest things the Justice Department had to say about outlaw rancher Cliven Bundy
  4. Judge declares mistrial in case against rancher Cliven Bundy, sons and militiaman
  5. Cliven Bundy: judge declares mistrial in case against Nevada rancher and family
  6. Mistrial declared in Bundy trial over withheld evidence
  7. The government has screwed up the Bundy case even worse than we realized
  8. Bureau of Land Management supervisor contradicts whistleblower's concerns in Bundy case
  9. BLM investigator alleges misconduct by feds in Bundy ranch standoff
  10. Review-Journal asks judge to unseal Bundy docs, hearings
  11. Blood, soil, faith - Southern Poverty Law Center
  12. Las Vegas judge hints at mistrial in Bunkerville standoff case
  13. Oregon refuge video reveals chaos, anger night of Finicum killing
  14. Cliven Bundy’s fight against the feds has roots in interpretation of Mormon scripture
  15. Judge releases four more Bunkerville standoff defendants
  16. Trump turned two vast Utah national monuments into five smaller ones. Here's a look at the new sites — and key lands that got left out., via @sltrib

November 2017

  1. Zion, Militias and Public Lands
  2. Oregon refuge occupier Jon Ritzheimer: 'I am extremely sorry for this entire mess'
  3. Supporters greet Ammon Bundy in Las Vegas after his release
  4. Judge orders release of Cliven Bundy, son Ammon Bundy and co-defendant Ryan Payne during NV trial
  5. Defendants ordered released as Bundy trial continues -
  6. How Ryan Bundy sees the West -
  7. Defense wants ‘domestic terrorism’ out of Bundy case -
  8. Timeline: A brief history of the Sagebrush Rebellion -
  9. Despite judge's order releasing him during his trial, Cliven Bundy opts to stay in jail
  10. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy rejects release opportunity
  11. Nevada uprising leader vowed 'whatever it takes' to stop government: recording
  12. Utah man sentenced to probation for role in Oregon protest
  13. How The Bundy Trial Hits America's Widening Information Divide
  14. Live updates: Bundy Ranch trial - Southern Poverty Law Center
  15. Ryan Bundy tells Las Vegas jury: ‘I am an innocent man’
  16. Ryan Bundy's opening statement: 'We don't pay rent for something we own'
  17. Arizona Man Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy To Impede Or Injure A Federal Officer During 2014 Armed Standoff In Bunkerville
  18. Live updates: Bundy Ranch trial - Southern Poverty Law Center
  19. Let out of jail after nearly two years, Ryan Bundy arrives to court in style
  20. Bundys got what they wanted 'at the end of a gun,' prosecutor says as trial opens
  21. Trial begins in Las Vegas for Cliven Bundy, sons
  22. Judge releases Bunkerville rancher’s son, Ryan Bundy, to halfway house
  23. Judge denies release for Cliven Bundy amid courtroom outburst
  24. Arizona roadway to be named for man killed during Oregon protest
  25. The Bundy Family Is On Trial For An Armed Standoff With The Government. Here's What You Need To Know
  26. Secret video camera gives Bundys a surprise victory in their trial
  27. Judge delays openings in NV standoff trial, wants more info on FBI surveillance camera
  28. Think the Bundys are wacky? Meet their lawyers.
  29. Nevada standoff trial: What you need to know
  30. Days before trial, defense confirms FBI had surveillance camera outside Bundy Ranch
  31. The jury for key Bundy trial in Las Vegas has been selected -
  32. As Bundy trial neared, Labrador caught AG Sessions’ ear about Idaho defendants
  33. The Bundys deny the government's legitimacy—as it pays for their legal defense.

October 2017

  1. Las Vegas trial to begin for rancher Cliven Bundy and sons
  2. Defense wants ‘domestic terrorism’ out of Bundy case - @highcountrynews
  3. 'No Man's Land' Sketches a Striking but Flawed Portrait of Right-Wing Extremism
  4. How the Bundy trial embodies many of America’s divisions -
  5. Will Donald Trump pardon Cliven Bundy?
  6. 2 plead guilty to misdemeanor in Bunkerville standoff case
  7. Judge delays Bunkerville trial after Las Vegas shooting
  8. After Las Vegas shooting, Bunkerville defendant wants trial postponed. Pete Santilli, who has argued that he was a journalist covering the confrontation between the Bundy family and law enforcement, has agreed to plead guilty to felony conspiracy, his lawyer Chris Rasmussen told U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro on Tuesday. The deal is expected to be finalized this week. Prosecutors declined to comment on the negotiation.

September 2017

  1. Cliven Bundy's lawyer compares his armed resistance to the Selma marchers
  2. Cliven Bundy wants to fire attorney just before trial. Defense attorney Bret Whipple, whom Bundy retained, filed court papers Thursday asking for a hearing as soon as possible. Angela Dows, his standby attorney, also has asked to withdraw from the case, citing a “repugnant” correspondence from Ryan Bundy and a “fundamental disagreement” between the two.
  3. Agent in charge during 2014 Bundy standoff no longer with BLM
  4. Why is a Trump operative so interested in Cliven Bundy? -
  5. How a Marine became Bundys' anti-government ‘protector’

August 2017

  1. 1/3 of Idaho lawmakers ask AG Sessions to back off Bundy case
  2. Judge sets October trial for rancher Cliven Bundy, others
  3. Why the Bundy crew keeps winning in court -
  4. Burns Chronicles No 59 - Ryan Bundy Holds the Key
  5. Commentary: U.S. and Utah need to stop coddling domestic extremists, via @sltrib
  6. Why the Bundys and Their Heavily Armed Supporters Keep Getting Away with It
  7. Oregon refuge occupier Jason Blomgren sentenced to 2 years probation
  8. After acquittals, remaining Bunkerville defendants seek freedom
  9. BLM agent accused of taking valuable stones held as evidence
  10. Hung Jury, Acquittals in Second Bundy Trial - Southern Poverty Law Center
  11. Sept. 25 retrial set for 2 charged in Bunkerville standoff
  12. 2 men acquitted of all charges in Bunkerville standoff case
  13. No guilty verdicts reached in Bunkerville ranch standoff
  14. Judge Revokes Malheur Occupier's Pretrial Release
  15. Travis Cox Sentenced For Role In Malheur Occupation
  16. Prosecutors Want Possible Bullet From Ryan Bundy's Arm As Evidence
  17. After Millions In Damages, Oregon Standoff Defendants Agree To Pay Back $78,000
  18. Bundy Trial update: Two jurors have accused two other jurors of being biased. This is oddly reminiscent of what happened in Oregon.
  19. At Bundy Ranch trial, questions on guns and violence -
  20. Malice in Bundyland: Attorneys go to the brink of contempt in contentious retrial
  21. Jury in Bunkerville standoff case to resume deliberations Monday
  22. Defense attorneys withhold closing arguments in Bunkerville retrial
  23. Bunkerville defendant says he didn’t intend threat
  24. Officials seek Gold Butte reduction to guarantee water supplies
  25. Judge cuts defendant’s testimony short in Bunkerville retrial
  26. With jury absent, Cliven Bundy supporters give testimony
  27. Prosecution to rest in Bunkerville standoff retrial
  28. LaVoy Finicum shooting: Prosecutors seeking missing shell casings, metal fragment from Ryan Bundy's shoulder
  29. America's midlife crisis: lessons from a survivalist summit
  30. 4 Ways Far-Right Groups Are Winning The Social Media Battle. In the rural West, the jailed rancher Cliven Bundy and his militia followers were early and savvy users of social media. Bundy is the man who inspired two armed standoffs against federal agents over control of U.S. public lands.
  31. Trump Confidant Seeks Pardon for Bundys - Southern Poverty Law Center

July 2017

  1. A Rally for America on the U.S. Capitol Grounds Becomes A Rally for the Bundy Family - Southern Poverty Law Center
  2. Interior Secretary Zinke to visit Bunkerville on Sunday
  3. Interior Head To Stop In The Bundy Family's Nevada Hometown
  4. Michael Emry sentenced to 2.5 years in federal prison for machine gun possession
  5. Attorney: Client ate 'everything' bagel, did not take drugs | WTOP
  6. Bundy supporter Burleson sentenced to 68 years in prison
  7. Gavin Seim vs. the Veterans: Internal Squabbles are Dividing the Bundys’ Biggest Fans. Bundy supporters are a mix of sovereign citizens, militia members, extremist constitutionalists and the Bundy's friends and family.’-biggest-fans
  8. Las Vegas police recover body found near Bunkerville
  9. Now you know what you can do help. Thank you.
  10. Karen Budd-Falen, the Bundy family’s lawyer, may be Trump’s pick to manage federal lands
  11. In Bundy case, federal judge tilts playing field in favor of the government
  12. Nevada standoff retrial opens: Armed assault or lawful protest?
  13. Larry Klayman Believes 'Deep State' Behind Federal Prosecution of Bundy Family, Militias - Southern Poverty Law Center
  14. Lawyers give opening statements in Bunkerville standoff retrial
  15. Opening statements begin Monday in Bunkerville standoff retrial
  16. Rallies support defendants in Bunkerville standoff case. They gathered at Rainbow Gardens to hear speeches from Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore, members of the Bundy family and even Roger Stone, an on-and-off adviser for President Donald Trump.
  17. Judge issues protective order to conceal identities of other FBI agents, police in Finicum shooting case
  18. AG Sessions: ‘I’m not taking sides’ in Bundy case
  19. Groups, Senate Democrats urge Trump to keep monuments intact
  20. FBI Agent Indicted In Finicum Shooting Hires High Profile DC Attorney
  21. Oregon refuge occupier Jason Blomgren's drug test under scrutiny
  22. Jury selection crucial in Bunkerville standoff retrial
  23. Grand Staircase-Escalante was set up to fail - @highcountrynews
  24. Some Democrats allege that the government isn’t taking threats to public-land employees seriously, @yayitsrob writes
  25. How Ammon Bundy got acquitted in Oregon - @highcountrynews
  26. Oregon Indictment Guaranteed to Enflame Patriot Paranoia - Southern Poverty Law Center

June 2017

  1. Forty years of Sagebrush Rebellion -
  2. FBI agent charged with lying about his role in Oregon standoff activist's killing
  3. FBI agent faces 5-count indictment in LaVoy Finicum shooting investigation
  4. FBI Agent Indicted In Finicum Shooting Identified
  5. Judge places Oregon refuge occupier Geoffrey Stanek on home detention, 2 years probation
  6. Probation sentence expected for Oregon refuge occupier Geoffrey Stanek
  7. Judge rejects refuge occupier Jason Patrick's motion to be released from jail
  8. New felony charges added in gate-closing case against Utah activist | The Salt Lake Tribune
  9. Let the floodgates of protest open over Bears Ears -
  10. Maxine Bernstein‏@maxoregonian Judge sets civil contempt show cause hearing for Gary Hunt on Aug. 23 at 1:30 pm #oregonstandoff
  11. Eight lawmakers whose bills attack public lands -

May 2017

  1. New Hampshire man sentenced to 7-plus years in Cliven Bundy standoff case
  2. First prison term imposed in Bunkerville standoff case
  3. Retrial in Bunkerville standoff case postponed until July
  4. Price tag for defense in Bunkerville standoff case tops $1M
  5. Investigation of Ammon Bundy’s treatment finds no criminal violations
  6. No retrial planned for 2 Bunkerville standoff defendants
  7. The bizarre story behind the FBI's fake documentary about the Bundy family by @rdevro @trevoraaronson
  8. Sheriff: No violations found in Ammon Bundy jail treatment
  9. How an undercover FBI agent ended up in jail after pretending to be a journalist by @trevoraaronson
  10. They hate the US government, and they're multiplying: the terrifying rise of 'sovereign citizens'
  11. Supporters of rancher Bundy build mock jail cell near prison via @reviewjournal
  12. Nevada awaits details about national monument review via @reviewjournal
  13. Review of national monuments prompts BLM to postpone Gold Butte forum via @reviewjournal
  14. Prosecutors ask to retry gunmen before Bundys go to trial via @reviewjournal
  15. Prosecutors struggle to prove conspiracy in Bundy cases
  16. Supporters Of Bundy Case Defendants Rally At Nevada Prison

April, 2017

  1. Bundy lawyer says court violated rancher’s speedy trial rights via @reviewjournal
  2. Testimony wraps up in first Bunkerville standoff trial
  3. Land transfer advocates steer their focus to monuments - @highcountrynews
  4. Prosecutors request start date of June 5 for second Bunkerville standoff trial
  5. Defense starts calling witnesses in Bundy trial
  6. Bundy supporters’ lawyers say ruling eviscerates their case

March, 2017

  1. Government done calling witnesses in Bunkerville standoff trial via @reviewjournal
  2. Bundy defendants interviewed in undercover FBI operation via @reviewjournal
  3. Judge issues guilty verdicts on 9 of 11 misdemeanor charges against four Oregon standoff defendants
  4. Armed militia movement takes center stage in first Bundy standoff trial
  5. Jury Returns Convictions in Oregon Refuge Takeover - Southern Poverty Law Center
  6. Nevada Highway Patrol sergeant testifies in Bundy trial
  7. Prosecutors: Malheur Defendants Don't Speak For Rural America
  8. Two convicted of conspiracy, but two acquitted in Oregon occupation trial
  9. Second Oregon standoff trial: Ammon Bundy and other key witnesses
  10. Malheur Judge Presses Prosecutors For Specifics In Misdemeanor Case
  11. Criminal conspirators or political protesters? Lawyers paint different portraits of refuge occupiers
  12. 2nd Malheur Trial Goes To Jury, Tempers Flare Outside Courtroom
  13. Refuge manager, fish biologist tell jurors how they felt scared, violated during occupation
  14. Defense calls last witnesses in second refuge takeover trial
  15. Tempers flare, nerves fray in trial against Bundy supporters via @reviewjournal
  16. Defense calls last witnesses in second refuge takeover trial
  17. Defense to call Blaine Cooper's father to impeach son's testimony
  18. Case expected to go to jury this week in second Oregon standoff trial
  19. Idaho woman issued federal citation for not standing for jury in refuge takeover trial
  20. OPB broadcast interview with Ryan Bundy will be played for jurors, judge rules
  21. Defense Witnesses Describe Fear At Malheur Refuge After Occupier Died
  22. Oregon Republican Activists Say Bundys Went Too Far With Occupation
  23. Legislature prepares for battle over federal ownership of public lands in Nevada via @reviewjournal
  24. Bunkerville standoff video captures agent conversations via @reviewjournal
  25. 2nd Malheur Trial Could Go To Jury Early Next Week
  26. What Did Harney County Residents Know Before The Malheur Occupation?
  27. BLM ranger testifies that he turned off body cam as Bunkerville standoff escalated via @reviewjournal
  28. Las Vegas jury hears opening statements in first Bunkerville standoff trial via @reviewjournal
  29. Here’s what Ryan Bundy told a BLM agent before the Bunkerville standoff in 2014 via @reviewjournal

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy, older February 2017

February, 2017

  1. Court rules Hage family must pay $587K for grazing cattle on federal land in Nevada via @reviewjournal
  2. Ammon Bundy Contradicts Previous Testimony On Refuge Takeover
  3. Prosecutors changed strategy in second Oregon occupation trial
  4. Ammon Bundy Returns To Oregon To Testify In Refuge Trial
  5. Former Occupier: Ammon Bundy Plotted Takeover At Secret Meeting
  6. Defense To Call Occupation Leader Ammon Bundy As 1st Witness
  7. Subpoena For Former OPB Reporter Quashed In Malheur Occupation Case
  8. In Malheur Video, Occupiers Discuss Plan To 'Lay Down Lead'
  9. 'This Land Is Our Land' Bonus: The Jurors Talk
  10. FBI Authorized Informants To Commit Crime While At The Refuge
  11. Prosecutors Show Signs Of Lessons Learned From 1st Malheur Trial
  12. FBI authorized some informants to engage in unlawful activity at refuge
  13. OPB moves to quash federal subpoena of former reporter John Sepulvado
  14. Oregon's retired top FBI agent testified why he didn't send agents to 'assault the refuge'
  15. Prosecutor: No formal agreement to conspire in refuge takeover, but a 'meeting of the minds'
  16. Feds arrest gun-toting, anti-government activist
  17. Federal Prosecutors Subpoena Former OPB Reporter For 2nd Malheur Trial
  18. Prosecutors Show Signs Of Lessons Learned From 1st Malheur Trial
  19. 2nd Malheur Trial Offers Hope For Some Harney County Residents
  20. Ammon Bundy's Attorney Will Go Before Judge Over Stun Gun Incident
  21. Las Vegas jury views video of April 2014 rally led by Cliven Bundy via @reviewjournal
  22. Bundy Lawyer Mumford Seeks Charge Dismissal, Jury Trial
  23. BLM agent tells Las Vegas jury that Bundy supporters posed threat via @reviewjournal
  24. Jury Selection Gets Underway In 2nd Malheur Refuge Trial
  25. What Led To The Acquittal Of Ammon Bundy And 6 Others? 2 Jurors Explain
  26. Testimony begins in Bunkerville standoff trial in Las Vegas via @reviewjournal
  27. Anger, suspicion boil over at Mesquite meeting on Gold Butte National Monument via @reviewjournal
  28. Stewards of Federal Lands Feel Threatened by Militants, Survey Shows via @seeker
  29. Revisiting Malheur, one year after the occupation - @highcountrynews
  30. 3 Malheur Occupiers Plead Guilty Monday
  31. Oregon standoff defendant Duane Ehmer gets into heated exchange with prosecutor
  32. Ammon Bundy's Oregon Attorney Wants Charges Dismissed In Courthouse Scuffle
  33. 6 Bundy Ranch 'Gunmen And Followers' To Begin Trial
  34. Defense attorneys representing men charged as co-conspirators of rancher Cliven Bundy have raised concerns that a Bureau of Land Management supervisor recently acccused of ethics violations is the same person who oversaw agency officials during the armed standoff in Bunkerville in April 2014. In a scathing report released this week, the Office of the Inspector General accuses an unnamed BLM supervisory agent of using his position to obtain sold-out Burning Man tickets in 2015. The report includes allegations that the agent intimidated employees who may have reported his wrongdoing, and it accuses him of threatening to ruin subordinates’ careers by saying things like, “If you’re not on my ship, you’re going to sink … so I suggest you get on my ship.” The defense attorneys filed motions in federal court Wednesday seeking personnel files of all the BLM agents involved in the case. But the language in the filings reveals that lawyers are focused specifically on the identification of the unnamed supervisory agent targeted in the OIG report, whom they apparently suspect to be the same agent in charge of the cattle impoundment operation at Bundy’s ranch.

January, 2017

  1. 4 Of 7 Refuge Occupiers Set To Appear In Second Trial Will Plead Guilty
  2. Four of remaining 7 Oregon standoff defendants set to plead guilty to trespass
  3. Defendant in Oregon standoff wants new judge for non-jury trial via @reviewjournal
  4. Oregon Rally Marks Anniversary of Malheur Shooting Death. The widow of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, an antigovernment activist who was killed in the closing days of the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge last year, promised a crowd of almost 500 gathered in Oregon on the year anniversary of his death that she would soon be filing a lawsuit against the federal government.
  5. Discover ancient artwork, sandstone landscape at Gold Butte National Monument — VIDEO via @reviewjournal
  6. Crowd of 500, including some Oregon standoff defendants, salute Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum
  7. Federal Authorities, Justice System, Media Under Fire At Finicum Meeting In John Day
  8. FBI agent testifies about arrest of Oregon standoff defendant Darryl Thorn at Redmond Super 8 Motel
  9. Repair of two trenches, road dug at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge cost more than $100,000

Saturday, January 07, 2017

  1. Prosecutors want California man to remove blog posts on FBI informants in refuge occupation case

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

  1. Oregon occupation a year later: Ranch family at center of debate was 'scared to death'
  2. Defendant in Cliven Bundy case wants jury to visit site of 2014 standoff via @reviewjournal

Friday, December 30, 2016

  1. County declines request to cover Sheriff Palmer’s legal fees

Thursday, December 29, 2016

  1. Former Assemblywoman Michele Fiore will run for Las Vegas City Council via @reviewjournal
  2. Conservatives in Nevada, Utah howl over Obama’s national monument declarations via @reviewjournal
  3. What Obama's New National Monuments Mean for the Militia Movement

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

  1. President Obama declares Gold Butte a national monument. In addition, Obama declared the Bears Ears region of Utah a national monument under the same law. via @reviewjournal

Friday, December 23, 2016

  1. Ryan Bundy asks judge in Las Vegas to free him pending trial on standoff charges via @reviewjournal

Thursday, December 15, 2016

  1. Second round of Malheur defendants face conspiracy charges. Federal prosecutors are moving ahead, despite the first trial’s acquittal.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

  1. Judge orders three separate trials for antigovernment rancher Cliven Bundy and 16 other defendants. Antigovernment rancher Cliven Bundy, 70, will have his next showdown with the U.S. Government early next year after a judge this week ordered three separate trials for him and 16 other defendants.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

  1. Rancher Cliven Bundy opposes 3 separate trials in Bunkerville standoff case.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

  1. U.S. marshals explain why they grabbed Ammon Bundy's lawyer.
  2. Names of Oregon standoff jurors should be public, media companies argue.

Monday, November 28, 2016

  1. The Bundy family, on trial. In Oregon, they were acquitted, but what will happen in Nevada?

Friday, November 25, 2016

  1. Prosecutors Weighing Whether To Move Forward With 2nd Malheur Trial.

Monday, November 14, 2016

  1. Prosecutors seek 3 separate trials in Bunkerville standoff case.

Monday, November 07, 2016

  1. UNLV researchers puzzle over tracks left near Gold Butte that predate dinosaurs. Roughly 290 million years before rancher Cliven Bundy brought international attention to the Gold Butte area, an early reptile the size of a baby crocodile left its own lasting impressions there. A team of researchers from UNLV recently announced the discovery of fossilized footprints 60 million years older than the earliest dinosaurs on a slab of sandstone about 115 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
  2. 'A pivotal moment in the west': pro-militia Oregon sheriff seeks re-election. Glenn Palmer, a three-term incumbent linked to the Patriot movement, is among the west’s most controversial local officials and could stay in office after Tuesday.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

  1. Who was John Killman? A tip and detective work unmask mystery man at Oregon refuge.
  2. Here's our dream cast for the Oregon standoff movie (photos)
  3. Oregon standoff: See you in court -- again -- Ammon Bundy (Letters to the Editor)

Friday, November 04, 2016

  1. Rancher Cliven Bundy sues congressional candidate Ruben Kihuen over attack ads.
  2. Bundy Family and Militias, Emboldened by Acquittals, Warn of More Conflict Over Land Issues. The acquittal of Ammon and Ryan Bundy, along with five other members of the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, has resonated through the antigovernment extremist movement in unsettling ways. And the Bundy family is warning the fight might not be over.
  3. Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and the Bundys: A year inside America’s militias. Some call them militia. They call themselves patriots. In the United States, many local militias are armed and have taken issue with some government policies. After spending a year with groups in Oregon, Montana, Nevada and Idaho protesting what they describe as government overreach, I've decided not to label them at all.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

  1. Ammon, Ryan Bundy return to Nevada for trial over armed standoff at family ranch.
  2. Transcript of Juror 4's emails: His explanation for Ammon Bundy verdict,
  3. What precedent is set by Oregon standoff verdict? (Letters to the Editor).

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

  1. Why do we punish Dakota pipeline protesters but exonerate the Bundys? Ladonna Bravebull Allard The Bundy militia fought for their right to make money. We want to protect our sacred lands – but the state is treating us with violence and hostility.
  2. New Hampshire man wants to withdraw plea in Bunkerville standoff case.
  3. Oregon Standoff Leaders Head To Nevada Jail For New Charges.
  4. 'Too Damn Much Land': Debate Over Public Land Ownership Comes To The Northwest.
  5. Bundy brothers discharged from Oregon jail, headed to Nevada with U.S. Marshals.
  6. Outrage at Malheur, Standing Rock is predictable (Opinion).
  7. Hot Button: Readers respond to Malheur verdict, question of 'justice' (Letters to the Editor).

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

  1. In the Nevada desert, Bundy family warns of another standoff.
  2. Ammon Bundy: ‘We will continue to stand’
  3. Parallels Seen Between Protests Of Dakota Pipeline, Oregon Refuge Occupation.
  4. 41 Days And 8 Months Later: Dissecting The Oregon Standoff Trial.
  5. Ammon Bundy: 'We will continue to stand'.
  6. Drop charges against Oregon refuge occupiers awaiting trial, defense lawyers say.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

  1. Bundy, like Trump, further splits a divided society.
  2. Ammon Bundy verdict puts federal land agencies on alert.
  3. Conspiracy charge, defendants' 'state of mind' proved hurdles in Ammon Bundy prosecution.
  4. After Malheur, patriot groups claim common cause with other protest movements.
  5. Prankster lists Malheur wildlife refuge on Craigslist: Dogs, cats, standoffs OK.
  6. Legal Experts Discuss How Oregon Standoff Jury Reached Verdict.
  7. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: Harney County, Tribes, Federal Employees React.
  8. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: Listener Questions About The Verdict.
  9. US Attorney Billy Williams: Occupation Verdict 'Disappointing, Bitterly So.'
  10. Attorneys Say Racial Bias Played A Role In Malheur Verdict.
  11. 3 Takeaways From The Oregon Refuge Occupiers' Acquittal.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

  1. Oregon militia standoff trial: shock and anger after Bundys found not guilty. The surprise verdict over the armed occupation has left many concerned that it will encourage other militias to take action against the government.
  2. Appeals panel will not let Larry Klayman defend Cliven Bundy in Bunkerville standoff case.
  3. ‘Part of a miracle’: Jubilation at Bundy ranch in Nevada over Oregon acquittals.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

  1. Jury finds all Oregon standoff defendants not guilty of federal conspiracy, gun charges.
  2. Oregon standoff: All defendants found not guilty.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

  1. Court Agrees To Dismiss Juror No. 11 In Malheur Trial.
  2. Federal judge dismisses a juror for 'good cause' in Oregon standoff trial.
  3. Legal experts give their analysis of jury questions from Oregon standoff trial.
  4. Judge dismisses juror for bias in Bundys’ Oregon standoff trial.
  5. Jurors indicate difficulty reaching consensus on Oregon wildlife refuge standoff.
  6. US Supreme Court closes book on Wayne Hage, Sagebrush Rebellion court case.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

  1. One juror questions impartiality of another juror during deliberations in Oregon standoff case.
  2. Juror Questioned Over Bias Will Likely Continue In Malheur Case.
  3. Cliven Bundy has new lawyer in Bunkerville standoff case.

Monday, October 24, 2016

  1. Refuge Occupier Ryan Payne Explains Why He Wants To Reverse Guilty Plea.
  2. Bundy Supporters Rally Outside Federal Courthouse As Jury Deliberates.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

  1. 'This Land Is Our Land' Ep. 10: Jury Deliberation.
  2. Malheur Occupation Trial Goes To Jury.
  3. Federal conspiracy case against Ammon Bundy, six co-defendants heads to jurors.
  4. Oregon standoff trial: Wednesday highlights, and what's next.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

  1. Ryan Bundy quotes Martin Luther King in his closing argument of Oregon trial.
  2. Ryan Bundy Asks Jury To Reconsider Role Of Government.
  3. Closing Arguments Continue Wednesday As Malheur Trial Nears End.
  4. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: Closing Arguments.
  5. Conspiracy charge 'stretches reality,' David Fry's lawyer argues in Oegon standoff closing.
  6. Oregon standoff trial: Tuesday highlights, and what's next.
  7. Lawyers present starkly different portraits of refuge occupation in closing arguments.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy's Attorney Begins Closing Arguments.
  2. 'This Land Is Our Land': The Defense Rests Its Case.
  3. Oregon refuge simply 'wasn't theirs' to take, prosecutor says in closing argument.
  4. Oregon standoff trial: Picking words for jury instructions a painstaking but important task.
  5. Defense rests with witness confirming he was FBI informant and ran occupation's shooting range.

Monday, October 17, 2016

  1. Lawyer in Bunkerville standoff case wants to block evidence gathered by undercover film crew.
  2. Defense Rests Its Case In Malheur Trial.
  3. Malheur Trial Defense Team Seeks More Info On Government Informants.
  4. Oregon standoff: 'Who is John Killman?' Defense lawyers believe he was an FBI confidential source.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

  1. Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge released from Ryan Bundy's subpoena.
  2. 15 confidential sources fed FBI info from Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

Saturday, October 15, 2015

  1. 'This Land Is Our Land': The Heart Of The Issue — Public Lands.
  2. Oregon standoff trial: Friday's highlights and what's next.

Friday, October 14, 2016

  1. Malheur Occupier David Fry: I Should Have Been At Fatal Traffic Stop.
  2. Malheur Occupation Trial Could Go To Jury Next Week.
  3. 15 confidential sources fed FBI info from Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
  4. Oregon standoff holdout David Fry: 'I really thought I was going to die'.
  5. Concerns about refuge occupiers heading to Grant County reached Gov. Brown's office in mid-January.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

  1. Cliven Bundy changes mind after seeking publicly funded defense lawyer in standoff case.
  2. Malheur Occupation Trial Could Go To Jury Next Week.
  3. Judge Criticizes Defense In Occupation Trial; Cox Testifies.
  4. Bundy Ally Ryan Payne Asks Judge To Withdraw His Guilty Plea.
  5. Oregon standoff defendant Shawna Cox takes stand, plays her video of arrest.
  6. Oregon standoff defendant Ryan Payne wants to withdraw guilty plea.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

  1. Ore. Community Becomes Unwilling Symbol For Anti-Government Movement.
  2. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: Online Radicalization, Mental Illness And David Fry.
  3. Ryan Bundy Questions His Wife; Medenbach Testifies.
  4. Defense Plans Uncertain As Malheur Trial Enters 6th Week.
  5. Ken Medenbach testifies that the Bundys are his 'heroes,' and he's exactly where he wants to be.
  6. Defense resumes with testimony on FBI informant, David Fry's mental eval and 'ugly guns'.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

  1. 'Mr. Bundy, how ya doing?' begins rare exchange between Bundy brothers at trial.
  2. Does Ammon Bundy's 10-hour testimony help or hurt his case in Oregon standoff trial?

Saturday, October 08, 2016

  1. Public Lands Damaged By Grazing Aren't Getting The Restoration They Need, Report Finds.

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy, older October 2016

Friday, October 07, 2016

  1. 'This Land Is Our Land' Ep. 8: Guns And Gun Culture In Court.
  2. U.S. marshals end Ammon Bundy's contact visits with lawyers in courthouse over 'disrespect'.
  3. Oregon standoff trial: Thursday highlights, and what's next.

Thursday, October 06, 2016

  1. Why Was a 26-Year-Old Computer Whiz from Ohio the Last Man Standing at Malheur?
  2. Prosecutor Cross-Examines Ammon Bundy In 15 Minutes.
  3. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: More Testimony From Ammon Bundy.
  4. Heated exchanges, with some lighter moments, during the federal conspiracy case Wednesday.
  5. Oregon standoff trial: Wednesday highlights, and what's next.
  6. Ammon Bundy describes arrest: 'Men in the trees and everywhere else'.

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy Cites ‘Duty’ To Occupy Wildlife Refuge. The occupation’s accused ringleader wept as he recounted what he said was government mistreatment of his family.
  2. Ammon Bundy testifies how Bunkerville shaped his views for Harney County.
  3. Oregon standoff trial: Tuesday highlights, and what's next.
  4. Ammon Bundy Testifies: Guns, Divine Intervention, Greg Walden.
  5. Ammon Bundy Testifies To His 'Duty To Get Involved' In Oregon.
  6. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: Ammon Bundy Takes The Stand.

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

  1. Defense Develops Weapons Theory In Refuge Trial.
  2. Father of final holdout in Oregon standoff says son is computer whiz, not gun enthusiast.
  3. The darkness at the heart of Masher. A Westerner traces the roots – and meaning – of the Oregon occupation.

Monday, October 03, 2016

  1. Gun Charge Against Shawna Cox Dismissed, Ward Testifies.
  2. Ammon Bundy Likely To Testify Tuesday As Oregon Standoff Trial Continues.
  3. Judge drops firearms charge against Shawna Cox; Harney County sheriff called back to testify.
  4. Ammon Bundy says he feels the court has left him no choice but to take the witness stand.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

  1. 'We're obsessed': Oregon standoff trial draws spectators from near and far.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

  1. Lawyer says FBI agents posed as film crew in Bunkerville standoff investigation. Attorney Chris Rasmussen said undercover agents conducted video interviews of several defendants to “extract admissions” from them before they were charged. He identified the company as Longbow Productions, which does not appear in online Nevada licensing records.

Friday, September 30, 2016

  1. Banta Becomes First Occupier To Testify.
  2. Judge inclined to dismiss firearms charge against defendant Shawna Cox without more evidence.
  3. Oregon standoff trial: Thursday highlights, and what's next.
  4. Public land belongs to all Americans (Opinion).

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

  1. Idaho militia group members resign, say leader took money.
  2. Defense Gets Off To Rocky Start In Oregon Standoff Trial.
  3. FBI sent two agents into Mormon church in Burns as part of refuge takeover investigation.
  4. Brief history of federal conspiracy statute aired before judge in Oregon standoff case.
  5. Oregon standoff trial: Tuesday highlights, and what's next.
  6. 'This Land Is Our Land': The Government Rests Its Case.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

  1. Feds present dramatic display of 22 long guns, 12 handguns recovered from refuge.
  2. Defense in Oregon standoff trial plans to recall government witnesses.
  3. Prosecution Rests In Refuge Occupation Trial.
  4. Prosecution Details Evidence FBI Found At Malheur Refuge.
  5. UO Professor Speaks Out on Lasting Effects of Oregon Standoff - See more at:
  7. Cliven Bundy lawyer wants off Bunkerville standoff case. Facing serious back problems, Cliven Bundy’s lawyer is trying to withdraw from the Bunkerville standoff case. Attorney Joel Hansen said in court papers last week that he is preparing to have back surgery later this year and will be unable to participate in the criminal trial, which is set to begin on Feb. 6. “Due to my health issues, I do not believe that Cliven Bundy could receive a vigorous and effective defense if I were forced to stay on the case,” Hansen said. “And since I may probably be disabled for up to 12 weeks between now and the trial, there is no way I can be properly prepared to attend the trial.” Hansen said he has recruited another lawyer to take his place but did not identify the lawyer.
  8. Grant Co. sheriff invokes the 5th when questioned. The Oregonian sued Sheriff Glenn Palmer in an effort to obtain public records. Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer was questioned twice last week by an attorney representing The Oregonian/OregonLive, which sued the sheriff in an effort to obtain public records.
  9. Grant County sheriff invokes the Fifth when questioned about public records. By Les Zaitz
  10. Feds present dramatic display of 22 long guns, 12 handguns recovered from refuge.
  11. Oregon standoff trial: Monday's highlights and what's ahead.
  12. Guns Take Center Stage In Oregon Standoff Trial.

Monday, September 26, 2016

  1. Prosecution Details Evidence FBI Found At Masher Refuge.
  2. Prosecution In Oregon Standoff Trial Turns Its Case To Guns.
  3. FBI agents find more than 1,600 shell casings at boat launch, ammo throughout refuge.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

  1. Listen: OPB's 'This Land Is Our Land' Podcast

Saturday, September 24, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff defendant Scott Willingham sentenced for theft of government cameras.
  2. Inviting wrath of judge may be part of a calculated approach by Ammon Bundy's lawyer.
  3. Outside Looking In: Rancher Describes His View Of The Malheur Occupation.
  4. First Malheur Occupier Sentenced To Probation.

Friday, September 23, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff trial: Thursday highlights, and what's next.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

  1. Judge Threatens To Hold Ammon Bundy's Attorney In Contempt. The warning came during the cross examination of Harney County rancher Andy Dunbar when Mumford began asking questions about the circumstances surrounding the Jan. 26 fatal shooting of occupation spokesperson Robert “LaVoy” Finicum. Brown warned Mumford that she will hold him in contempt if he continues to violate her orders on how Finicum’s shooting can be addressed in front of the jury. She said she will fine him $1,000 for each question he raises about the circumstances of the shooting when jurors are in the courtroom. According to Brown, Mumford can address the fact that the shooting occurred and the date on which it occurred with witnesses, but anything involving how Finicum died is off limits in the presence of the jury. She told Mumford that if he has a question involving Finicum’s shooting he can inform the court and she will dismiss the jury. After some back and forth, Mumford acknowledged that he understood her warning. Brown later extended the warning to all attorneys and prosecutors.
  2. Judge to Ammon Bundy's lawyer: If he continues to defy her orders, she'll hold him in contempt.
  3. Oregon standoff trial: Wednesday highlights, and what's next.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

  1. Jurors hear FBI crisis negotiator's calls to refuge holdouts.
  2. Informant Tipped Off OSP On Day Of Arrests Of Several Malheur Occupation Leaders.
  3. Report: Staff Shortages Hamper US Wildlife Refuges.
  4. Mark McConnell, man driving Jeep before Ammon Bundy's arrest, was informant, testimony reveals.
  5. Oregon standoff trial: Tuesday highlights, and what's next.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy Had $8K In Cash On Him At Time Of Arrest.
  2. Ammon Bundy had $8,031 in cash when arrested, talked on cell en route to jail.
  3. Ryan Bundy Mistrial Motion.
  4. Oregon standoff trial: Monday's highlights, what's next.

Monday, September 19, 2016

  1. 'This Land Is Our Land': Refuge Employees Testify And Contested Bundy Interview.
  2. Refuge Employees, Former Occupier Take Stand In Malheur Refuge Trial.
  3. Malheur Refuge Employees To Testify About Life During The Occupation.
  4. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge fish biologist finds office 'completely trashed,' she testifies.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

  1. Senate candidate rips Nevada Democrats for linking her to Cliven Bundy via @reviewjournal
  2. Jay Kay ‏@Joe_Kohlman 21h21 hours ago Ammon could only shake his head as JAB allowed this pic into evidence -- was from his FB page. #OregonStandoff CslppiXXEAE5ewI.jpg

Saturday, September 17, 2016

  1. What we’re reading about the Bundy trial in Oregon - @highcountrynews
  2. Judge Denies Motion By Ammon Bundy's Lawyer For Mistrial.
  3. Police Arrest Man Carrying Rifle Near Malheur Occupation Trial.
  4. Ammon Bundy's Facebook posts revealed: 'I would never show up to a rally without my arms'.
  5. Oregon standoff trial: Friday highlights, and what's next.

Friday, September 16, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy's lawyers file motion for a mistrial, claiming 'prejudicial' testimony by Harney County sheriff.
  2. Oregon standoff trial: Thursday highlights, and what's next.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

  1. Man with concealed rifle arrested near courthouse where Oregon standoff trial is happening.
  2. Manager of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Testifies At Trial.
  3. Initial Takeover Of Malheur Refuge Outlined In Testimony Thursday.
  4. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: First Witnesses.
  5. Oregon standoff: Refuge manager explains Jan. 2 decision to keep employees home.
  6. Ammon Bundy chooses to wear jail scrubs in trial.
  7. Oregon standoff trial: Wednesday highlights, and what's next.
  8. Judge rebukes feds for 'lack of diligence, attention to detail' in failure to secure Facebook material.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

  1. Bundy trial: Oregon sheriff says he was threatened with ultimatum by militia. Sheriff David Ward told the court his small rural community is ‘still dealing with the fallout’ of the armed occupation as controversial trial continues.
  2. Rep. Matt Shea presents Oregon-standoff figure Bosworth with "2016 Patriot of the Year" award.
  3. Armed Takeover Violated Law, Prosecutor Argues as Trial Begins. The trial for defendants in the armed standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge begins.
  4. Threat Against Harney County Sheriff Described In Testimony.
  5. Burns man who rode in first caravan to refuge Jan. 2 testifies for government.
  6. Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward testifies: 'I didn't go to pick a fight. I wanted them to go home.'
  7. Oregon standoff trial: Tuesday highlights, and what's next.
  8. Two contrasting portraits of refuge occupation emerge during opening statements.
  9. You can now show your support for the Bundys with this 'Unindicted Co-Conspirator' T-shirt.
  10. Was that Oregon wildlife refuge occupation a legitimate protest? In the trial of seven activists who staged an armed occupation of Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge last winter, prosecutors dismissed claims that their actions were protected under the First Amendment.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

  1. Opening Statements Conclude In Malheur Trial, Sheriff Ward To Take Stand Wednesday.
  2. 'This Land Is Our Land' Update: Opening Statements
  3. Trial begins for militants who occupied Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon standoff.
  4. Line forms early outside federal courthouse on day of Bundy trial's opening statements.
  5. Opening Arguments Begin Tuesday In Malheur Refuge Case.

Monday, September 12, 2016

  1. Judge Rules Prosecutors Can Use Facebook Evidence In Malheur Refuge Trial.
  2. Defense Says Government Lied To Court About Facebook Evidence In Refuge Trial.
  3. Jury selected for Oregon standoff trial; opening statements begin Tuesday.
  4. Pete Santilli talks about dismissal of Oregon case, doesn't hold 'ounce of bitterness'.
  5. Defendants' intent the central question in Oregon standoff trial.
  6. Oregon standoff: Judge to admonish feds, but deny motion to suppress Facebook evidence.
  7. Oregon standoff defendant Jeff Banta had to remind judge he also faces firearms charge.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

  1. 40 potential jurors identified so far in Oregon standoff trial.
  2. Documentary film will chronicle the Oregon standoff at Malheur wildlife refuge.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

  1. Federal judge finds Bundy brothers' trial attire appropriate.
  2. Bundy Bunch Trial Starts With Life-Or-Death Demand To Allow Idiots To Wear Cowboy Boots.
  3. Judge excludes 11 of 31 potential jurors for Oregon standoff trial in first day of questioning.
  4. Trial for Ammon Bundy, 6 others in Oregon standoff set to begin.
  5. Trial For Malheur Occupiers Kicks Off In Portland.
  6. Trial Opens For Occupiers Of Oregon Wildlife Refuge.
  7. Mumford's last-minute motion to dismiss case against Ammon Bundy.
  8. Feds dismiss conspiracy case against Oregon standoff defendant Pete Santilli on eve of trial.
  9. Ammon Bundy's lawyer argues for his client's right to wear cowboy boots at trial.
  10. Oregon standoff trial: The key players.
  11. Oregon standoff trial: What you need to know.
  12. Trial for Ammon Bundy, 6 others in Oregon standoff set to begin.
  13. Charges Dismissed Against Refuge Occupier Pete Santilli.
  14. BONUS 'This Land Is Our Land': Pete Santilli Charges Dropped And Jury Selection.
  15. Trial Opens For Occupiers Of Oregon Wildlife Refuge.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

  1. Federal judge denies Oregon standoff defendant Ryan Bundy's motion to ditch his standby counsel.
  2. Ryan Bundy Asks To Remove Standby Counsel, Dismiss Charges.
  3. Malheur Refuge Headquarters Will Remain Closed During Trial.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

  1. Third defendant Bunkerville standoff case reaches plea deal. Joseph O’Shaughnessy, 44, an Arizona militia member, has agreed to plead guilty before Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navaro on Wednesday, according to court records. Navarro has indicated that she has a plea agreement signed by O’Shaughnessy, who earlier this year pleaded guilty to a conspiracy charge stemming from the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Prosecutors regard O’Shaughnessy as a midlevel organizer of the 2014 armed confrontation with law enforcement in Bunkerville, about 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
  2. Judge Details Malheur Occupation Evidence Allowed At Trial.
  3. Faces Of The Malheur Refuge Occupation Trial.
  4. This Land Is Our Land: Meet The Defendants Podcast.
  5. Ammon Bundy's lawyer quotes from Western film, mocks federal prosecutors in last-minute legal motion.
  6. New Yorker writer praises Obama administration's handling of Malheur standoff.
  7. Federal judge in Oregon standoff case rules on what evidence can be introduced at trial.
  8. Prosecutors withdraw motion for live feed of Bundy trial for fed employees in Burns.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

  1. Oregon's U.S. senators ask court to quash Ryan Bundy's subpoenas.
  2. Have you heard ‘Trailer: OPB's This Land Is Our Land’ by OPB This Land Is Our Land on #SoundCloud? #np

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

  1. Oregon Standoff Judge Rules On Self-Representation, Mental Health Testimony.
  2. Malheur Refuge Occupier Visits Oregon Capitol In Seek Of Support.
  3. Oregon standoff: David Fry suffers from schizotypal personality disorder, mental health expert to testify.
  4. Despite misgivings, judge allows Oregon standoff defendants Ryan Bundy, Ken Medenbach to represent themselves.
  5. First Guilty Pleas Entered in 2014 Nevada Standoff with BLM. Two men who backed Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy in his standoff with federal officers in 2014 have struck plea bargains with federal prosecutors. Gerald “Jerry” A. DeLemus, 61, of Rochester, N.H., and Blaine Cooper, 36, of Humboldt, Ariz., are the first of 19 defendants charged in Nevada to plead guilty. The remaining 17 defendants indicted for roles in the Bunkerville standoff, including Cliven D. Bundy and his sons, Ammon, Ryan, Melvin and David Bundy, are scheduled to stand trial in February. They are accused of conspiracy, threatening federal officers, carrying firearms during a crime of violence and obstruction.
  6. 'Constitutional County' Project Moves Forward In Arizona, As Candidate Hopes To Create 'Barrier' Against Federal Government.

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy older August 30, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

  1. Rebel cowboys: how the Bundy family sparked a new battle for the American west. After leading two armed standoffs against the government, the jailed Bundy family awaits trial for their land-rights crusade that they say is ‘worth dying for’
  2. Media lawyer says feds trampling on free speech in Bundy case. The lawyer representing the Las Vegas Review-Journal and other news media filed court papers Monday accusing the government of trying to “stifle” free speech in the criminal case stemming from the Bunkerville standoff. The filings are part of an effort to overturn a federal judge’s protective order withholding the bulk of the government’s evidence from the public in the high-profile case. Attorney Maggie McLetchie — who represents the Review-Journal, Battle Born Media and The Associated Press — previously has lodged objections to the protective order signed last month by U.S. Magistrate Judge Peggy Leen, calling it too broad and a blow to transparency.
  3. Ryan Bundy to keep metal fragments in arm to 'preserve evidence'. An attorney for Ryan Bundy said his client will not agree to have metal fragments removed from his shoulder due to concerns that the metal, which he described as "a crucial piece of evidence," could be lost or damaged by law enforcement. Brian Claypool, who is acting as co-counsel for Bundy, told The Oregonian/OregonLive that Bundy has no plans to have the fragments removed from his arm as it has little bearing on his criminal case, though he left open the possibility of having it surgically removed ahead of a civil lawsuit Bundy plans to file against the government. "He has not agreed to it being removed," Claypool said in a phone interview. "The concern, from both him and I, is the preservation of evidence."
  4. Government Outlines Malheur Trial Facebook Evidence Fumble In Memo To Judge.
  5. Judge allows eyewitness ID of Shawna Cox in refuge kitchen w/ gun #oregonstandoff

Sunday, August 28, 2016

  1. Man Deputized By Grant County Sheriff Guilty Of Felony Theft. A 12-person jury convicted former Monument fire chief Roy Richard Peterson on three felony counts related to theft from the fire district.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

  1. Wife of Oregon militia leader killed by cops to sue FBI, state police. On Friday, an attorney hired by Finicum’s widow, Jeanette, told BuzzFeed News that state police were “motivated by political reasons” and “escalated the otherwise peaceful demonstration by pursuing Finicum.” The California-based attorney, Brian Claypool, said he expected to file civil rights lawsuits against both FBI and Oregon State Police sometime next month.

Friday, August 26, 2016

  1. Bundys Shocked to Find Out Jail Is an Awful Place.
  2. Judge quashes Ryan Bundy's subpoena of Gov. Kate Brown.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

  1. Judge Approves Harney County Video Feed Of Refuge Trial.
  2. Blaine Cooper, Jerry DeLemus plead guilty in Nevada standoff near Cliven Bundy's ranch.
  3. 2 men plead guilty in armed standoff near Bundy ranch. Gerald DeLemus, 61, of Rochester, New Hampshire, and Blaine Cooper, 37, of Humboldt, Arizona, were the first of 19 co-defendants to take plea deals to felony charges connected to an armed standoff with federal officials near Bundy’s ranch in Bunkerville in April 2014.

Wednesday,, August 24, 2016

  1. U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown appears poised to terminate Ryan Bundy’s status as his own attorney in his trial, which starts next month. In an order filed Wednesday, Brown wrote that Bundy has repeatedly raised “frivolous issues” in open court and through written motions. Brown said Bundy must provide a written explanation by Aug. 29 for why he should be allowed to continue to represent himself rather than reinstate Lisa Ludwig, his standby counsel, as his defense attorney.
  2. Ryan Bundy To Argue Why Oregon Governor Should Testify In Refuge Trial.
  3. Looks like Ryan Bundy is about to lose his chance to play lawyer. Judge about to strip him of pro se status.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

  1. Montana man with controversial past to serve as 'volunteer paralegal' for Ryan Bundy. On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown allowed Montana resident Roger L. Roots, a convicted felon, to serve as a volunteer paralegal for Bundy and his standby counsel. Roots, a Libertarian candidate for Montana's secretary of state who is allowed to practice law in Rhode Island, has a controversial past. Two years ago, he told Montana's Sidney Herald that he was turning away from a youth filled with racism and anti-Semitism to be a champion for individual liberties.
  2. Oregon standoff prosecutors ordered to provide details about improper Facebook data sharing.
  3. Judge Deals Government Blow Over Facebook Evidence In Refuge Trial. Despite calling an assistant U.S. attorney, two legal assistants and an FBI agent as witnesses, prosecutors weren’t able to explain to the court how protected information from 11 Facebook accounts used by defendants ended up being shared as part of discovery. Judge Brown ordered the government to file a full factual account of how it went about conducting a search warrant for Facebook data, which prosecutors intend to use to show occupiers planning the refuge takeover.
  4. Father Seeks Custody Of Children Who Went To Oregon Standoff. A father is seeking custody of seven children whose mother took them to sing for the Oregon wildlife refuge occupiers and is accused of abusing them. The Kansas City Star reports that Tim Sharp said after a Monday court hearing in Shawnee County that he’s hopeful that the children will soon be living with him in Colorado. Their mother, Odalis Sharp, has described the abuse allegations as trumped up. She has 10 children, but several are over 18.
  5. Plea hearing delayed for defendant in 2014 Bunkerville standoff case. Gerald DeLemus of New Hampshire was the first of 19 defendants connected to an armed standoff with federal officers near Bunkerville in 2014 to reach a plea deal with federal prosecutors. Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro pointed out in court Tuesday that the charges to which DeLemus had agreed to plead guilty — conspiracy and interstate travel in aid of extortion — did not exactly match the language of the crimes with which he was charged. Navarro rescheduled the hearing for Thursday morning to give both sides a chance to fix the language in the plea agreement.
  6. Ammon Bundy jury pool shrinks in Oregon with eliminations. More than 90 potential jurors for the upcoming trial of rancher Ammon Bundy for his alleged role in the 41-day occupation of an Oregon bird sanctuary have been excluded from the jury pool, leaving prosecutors and defense lawyers with about 200 more to assess until 12 are selected to serve on the jury. The federal court presided by U.S. District Judge Anna Brown sent out 1,500 juror questionnaires and received 350 back ahead of the Sept. 7 trial. About 25 percent of the people who filled them out were eliminated from the jury pool due to alleged bias or hardship, The Oregonian/OregonLivereported Tuesday.
  7. Judge: Fear during Oregon standoff not necessarily relevant in conspiracy case. Prosecutors intend to call seven employees from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to testify at the Sept. 7 trial. They will be asked to explain their work at the refuge and how they were prevented from doing their jobs, identify photos from the refuge and identify defendants driving government vehicles, Assistant U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Barrow told the court. The testimony is to show that defendants charged with federal conspiracy accomplished their objective in obstructing the employees from carrying out their work during the course of the 41-day armed occupation, Barrow said.

Monday, August 22, 2016

  1. Federal judge admonishes Oregon standoff defendant Duane Ehmer for threatening social media post.
  2. Legal Teams Begin Putting Together Jury For Masher Trial.
  3. Ryan Bundy Wants Oregon Governor To Testify For His Trial.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

  1. Biking bill is a smokescreen for opening up wilderness - @highcountrynews

Saturday, August 20, 2016

  1. Sheriff Glenn Palmer makes his own rules in Grant County.
  2. Lawsuit spurs Sheriff Glenn Palmer to turn over public records.
  3. Ammon Bundy appeals to higher court for pretrial release, 3 weeks before trial.
  4. Oregon standoff defendant Shawna Cox challenges eyewitness ID of her with firearm at refuge.

Friday, August 19, 2016

  1. Blaine Cooper, a Bundy family bodyguard, is to change his plea before Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro on Aug. 25. Navarro said in a court filing Friday that she has received a signed guilty plea agreement from Cooper, who is one of 19 defendants charged in the April 2014 armed confrontation with law enforcement. The agreement will be made public after Cooper appears in court. Cooper, 37, of Arizona, is the second defendant to strike a plea deal in the case.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

  1. In Nevada, Tribes Push To Protect Land At The Heart Of Bundy Ranch Standoff.
  2. Gov. Kate Brown seeks to quash subpoena from Oregon standoff defendant Ryan Bundy.
  3. 'American Malheur': Creators court publishers for Oregon standoff graphic novel.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

  1. Voters Weigh 'The Soul Of Grant County' In Latest Recall Effort.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

  1. First defendant in Bunkerville standoff case to plead guilty. Gerald DeLemus, a politically active New Hampshire man, has become the first of 19 defendants to strike a plea deal in the 2014 Bunkerville standoff. Federal prosecutors describe DeLemus, who has been in custody for more than five months, as a “gunman and midlevel organizer” in the Bundy family-led scheme to assault law enforcement officers who had rounded up Bundy cattle. DeLemus, 61, co-chaired Veterans for Donald Trump in New Hampshire before his March arrest, and his wife is a Republican New Hampshire state representative.
  2. Refuge Occupier Jon Ritzheimer Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy.
  3. Roseburg Boy Names Prize Steer After Slain Refuge Occupier. A 10-year-old Roseburg boy has honored one of the occupiers of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by naming his prize-winning steer after him. The News-Review reports that a 1,030-pound black Maine-Anjou named LaVoy Finicum earned third-place at the Douglas County Fair. The steer is named after Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the Arizona rancher killed by law enforcement during the occupation. In March officials declared the shooting justified. The steer was named by Ryley Schneider, who says Finicum was a hero for standing up against government overreach. Schneider used his time at the fair to talk to people about Finicum. He handed out pocket-sized copies of the U.S. Constitution to police officers.
  4. Corey Lequieu becomes first Oregon standoff defendant sent to prison in conspiracy case.
  5. Prosecutors in Oregon standoff case admit faux pas in Facebook account sharing.
  6. Behind the Oregon Standoff, You’ll Find Big Questions About Democracy. By R. MCGREGGOR CAWLEYJAN. 8, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

  1. Don’t let Bears Ears go the way of Moab. Industrial tourism has transformed the town. Bears Ears doesn’t have to suffer the same fate.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff defendant challenges federal judge's oath of office in lawsuit. Since March, Kenneth Medenbach has raised questions during his pending criminal case about the oath taken by U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown. His lawsuit names Brown along with U.S. Attorney Billy Williams and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Craig Gabriel, Geoffrey Barrow and Ethan Knight as defendants.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

  1. Ryan Bundy Placed In Disciplinary Housing.
  2. Ammon Bundy Defends Brother's Actions In Jail Scuffle.
  3. Judge Orders Grant County Sheriff Not To Delete Emails.
  4. Oregon standoff prosecutors treating case like 'spaghetti western,' defendant argues.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

  1. Military records show Panaca bomber Jones served 11 years in Army and National Guard.
  2. Ryan Bundy involved in scuffle with jail deputies. Oregon standoff defendant Ryan Bundy was involved in a physical confrontation with sheriff's deputies Tuesday morning after he refused to let them handcuff him to take him out of jail for part of the day, a Multnomah County jail spokesman said.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

  1. Why does the outdoor recreation community ignore horseback riders? We love and make use of our public lands, but we get no respect.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

  1. Outdoor companies support proposed national monument in southern Utah. A coalition of outdoor sports companies in Salt Lake City voiced support Thursday for a proposed national monument in southeastern Utah that has become a flashpoint in the debate over public lands in the West. Company leaders from a group that included The North Face, Patagonia, Rossignol and Black Diamond said at a Thursday news conference that preserving open spaces is paramount to keeping their industry vibrant and allowing Utah-based companies to recruit top talent. “Bears Ears is the largest, most culturally rich, biologically diverse, spectacularly pristine ecosystem left in the lower 48 states,” said Peter Metcalf, Black Diamond founder. “If you want to see the landscapes protected as they are, you should support a monument.”

Friday, August 05, 2016

  1. Special Jail Privileges For Refuge Occupiers Remained Secret For Weeks.
  2. Jury Selection For Refuge Occupiers To Begin In September.
  3. Judge allows ‘special accommodation’ for 6 accused in Oregon standoff.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

  1. Idaho mining dispute raises questions about the future of wilderness. A grandfathered mining claim has opened the doors to development.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff case: Judge maps out plans for jury selection, schedules last pretrial hearings.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

  1. Mid-Level Organizer Of Malheur Refuge Occupation Pleads Guilty. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupier Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy has become the tenth defendant to plead guilty for his role in the January takeover near Burns. O’Shaughnessy, 44, pleaded guilty Monday to one count of conspiracy to impede federal workers at the wildlife refuge through threats or intimidation. Federal prosecutors described O’Shaughnessy as a mid-level organizer of the occupation in Oregon. They also say he participated in a 2014 standoff at Cliven Bundy’s ranch in Nevada. As part of a pending plea agreement in the Nevada case, O’Shaughnessy was required to plead guilty in Oregon.
  2. A former Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupier was sentenced Monday in Eugene to five years’ probation in a separate case in which he took over Bureau of Land Management property in Southern Oregon last year while challenging the government’s ownership of public lands. Kenneth Medenbach, 63, returned to U.S. District Court in Eugene more than three months after a jury found him guilty of illegally camping and occupying BLM property near Galice, in rural Josephine County.
  3. Ammon Bundy to appeal his detention, again seek delay in Sept. 7 trial.
  4. Oregon standoff defendant Joseph O'Shaughnessy pleads guilty to conspiracy charge.

Monday, August 01, 2016

  1. Malheur Refuge Occupier Sentenced To Probation In Separate Case.
  2. Finicum, Bundy supporters discuss aftermath of Oregon standoff.
  3. Skousen Pocket Constitution
  4. ACLU Pocket Constitution

Sunday, July 31, 2016

  1. With older Bundys in jail, youngest son runs family ranch — PHOTOS
  2. It’s business as usual back home on Bundy range. For a man federal authorities have described as rancher in name only, Cliven Bundy still sends a fair amount of cattle to market. Since Bundy was arrested by the FBI on Feb. 10, his ranch has sold 117 cows, calves and steers to buyers and auction houses in Nevada, Utah and Wyoming, according to state brand inspection records.
  3. THE 5,000 YEAR LEAP 28 Great Ideas That Changed the World by W. Cleon Skousen (copyright 1981, 2009)

Saturday, July 30, 2016

  1. Panaca man has ‘no idea’ why his family was targeted in bomb attack.
  4. Prosecutors: Oregon standoff defendants broke into safes, stole federal documents, called refuge takeover 'another Bunkerville'.

Friday, July 29, 2016

  1. Prosecutors: Bill Of Rights Shouldn't Cover Malheur Occupiers' Actions.
  2. Another defendant in Bundy standoffs to plead guilty in Oregon.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff: 9 guilty pleas up ante for Ammon Bundy, 16 others.
  2. Kansas mom whose kids sang at Oregon standoff loses custody. Odalis Sharp was accused of physical and emotional abuse of her children. Sharp Family Singers performed for armed occupiers who had taken over Oregon wildlife refuge. Most of the children will remain in custody of Kansas Department for Children and Families. Read more here:
  3. Ryan Bundy Declares Himself 'Idiot' Not Subject To US Courts.
  4. Oregon State Bar Dismisses Final Complaint Against Former Bundy Attorney.
  5. Judge: Facebook Evidence Will Be Allowed In Refuge Trial.
  6. Oregon standoff's singing mom loses custody of younger children.
  7. Second trial in Oregon standoff case set to start on Oregon's birthday, Valentine's Day.
  8. Ammon Bundy's lawyer wants to inspect grand jury selection records to challenge indictment.

Friday, July 22, 2016

  1. The Oregonian seeks order stopping Grant County sheriff from destroying emails.
  2. Oregon standoff defendant Travis Cox, youngest of refuge occupiers, pleads guilty to conspiracy.
  3. Speculation surrounds FBI investigation of Panaca bombing. Authorities could be interested in Joshua Cluff’s ties to LaVoy Finicum, the slain spokesman for the occupiers of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The two are cousins. Finicum was shot and killed by Oregon police at a roadblock Jan. 26 after he and other occupiers of the refuge tried to evade it. Authorities have alleged the takeover was led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy, the sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. In a telephone interview this week, Finicum’s youngest brother, Jody, said he had not been questioned by the FBI about the Panaca bombings. Jody Finicum, who lives in Ely, described Cluff as one of his best friends. He said he had met Jones “once or twice but can’t tell you what he looks like.” He said he talked to Cluff the day after the bombings, and the family has no idea why Jones targeted the Cluff home. Cluff’s profile picture on Facebook is an image of LaVoy Finicum’s cattle brand. Going back to the beginning of the year, his Facebook page includes several posts a week opposing gun control and abortion, attacking the Obama Administration and Democrats in general, and celebrating family and the Mormon faith. His page is also filled with shared memes and links to news stories about LaVoy Finicum’s death and the ongoing criminal cases against Bundy family members in Oregon and Nevada. Some of those posts accuse the FBI of executing LaVoy Finicum. A number of the posts Cluff has shared come from groups classified as anti-government militias or widely associated with the patriot movement. He appears to have made two publicly available posts since the July 13 bomb attack. One is an attack on Democrats and gun control, and the other is an ad for a T-shirt that reads: “I Just Want to Work in My Garden and Hang Out With My Chickens.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

  1. Federal judge declines to release Ammon Bundy, brother Ryan Bundy from custody.
  2. Ryan Payne faces recommended 12-year sentence under plea deals in Oregon and Nevada.
  3. Oregon standoff: Who's pleaded guilty, who's still awaiting trial?
  4. Oregon refuge occupier pleads guilty; Bundys stay in jail.

Monday, July 18, 2016

  1. Attorney Disputes Claims About Ammon Bundy's Role In Occupation.
  2. FBI Corrects The Record On LaVoy Finicum's Involvement In Bombing Attempt.
  3. Prosecutors: Ryan Bundy Jail Escape Foiled During Cell Search.
  4. Ammon Bundy Takes Stand Ahead Of Masher Trial.
  5. Judge denies venue change in Oregon standoff case.
  6. Ammon Bundy takes witness stand; feds reveal attempted jail escape by brother Ryan Bundy.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

  1. Before a packed meeting, Interior Secretary Jewell sees harm visitors are causing at proposed Bears Ears monument.
  2. Judge orders key Bundy evidence in Bunkerville case withheld from the public.
  3. Movement to create Utah monument leads to another Western land fight.

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy, older July 2016

Friday, July 15, 2015

  1. Federal judge: Possible misconduct by FBI in LaVoy Finicum shooting irrelevant to defense in Oregon standoff case.
  2. Michael Emry, facing federal gun charges, traveled to Oregon in van loaned by Ammon Bundy, prosecutor says.
  3. Refuge Occupier David Fry Says He Has Gender Dysphoria.
  4. Key Wildlife Refuge Occupier Scheduled To Plead Guilty. A key figure of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation is scheduled to plead guilty on July 19 to federal charges related to the occupation. Ryan Payne, a military veteran and electrician from Montana, also faces federal charges in Nevada related to the April 2014 standoff at Cliven Bundy’s ranch with the Bureau of Land Management. Federal public defender Lisa Hay confirmed Payne’s intent to plead guilty. She said details of his plea agreement would be released after his July 19 hearing. He’s charged with conspiring to impede federal officials from doing their jobs at the refuge and weapons possession at a federal facility.
  5. Draft GOP Platform Echoes Demands From Malheur Occupation.
  6. State bar dismisses complaints critical of social media crowdsourcing by Ammon Bundy's former attorney.
  7. Grant County sheriff builds $20,000 defense fund through outside donors.
  8. Fictional character appears to donate to sheriff’s legal expense fund. Someone who donated $100 June 7 is listed in the report as John Galt, 138 Got Ur Six Way, Galts Gulch, CA 97632. The ZIP code actually corresponds to Malin, Oregon, near Klamath Falls. “Galts Gulch” does not appear on a California Department of Transportation list of cities in the state. Galt’s Gulch is, however, mentioned in Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged as the location where character John Galt leads a campaign against the government.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

  1. Refuge Occupation Trial May Seem Simple, But Complications Abound.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

  1. Judge Allows Ammon And Ryan Bundy To Collaborate On Defense.
  2. This Pond in Montana Could Be the Site of the Next Major Militia Showdown with the Federal Govt. The case of a Montana man is drawing attention from antigovernment extremist groups.
  3. Federal judge: Bundy brothers should be housed in same jail, deputies shouldn't share contents of overheard phone calls.

Monday, July 11, 2016

  1. Congressional Proposal Would Create A Texas-Sized ‘Republic Of Cliven Bundy’

Saturday, July 09, 2016

  1. Meat is horrible

Friday, July 08, 2016

  1. Lawyer asks appeals court to let him defend Cliven Bundy in Nevada case. Nationally known lawyer Larry Klayman has asked a federal appeals court to overrule a Nevada judge who refused to allow him to defend rancher Cliven Bundy in the Bunkerville standoff case. In papers filed this week with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Klayman argued that Chief U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro has twice erroneously denied his bid to join Bundy’s defense team, violating Bundy’s constitutional right to a lawyer of his choice. Klayman and Las Vegas attorney Joel Hansen, who also signed the papers, told the San Francisco-based appeals court that Hansen cannot handle Bundy’s defense alone.
  2. Confronting Racism and White Nostalgia on Cliven Bundy's Ranch.

Thursday, July 07, 2016

  1. Bundy bodyguard pleads guilty in Oregon wildlife refuge takeover.
  2. Federal judge rejects Ammon and Ryan Bundy’s request for trial delay.
  3. Federal judge denies Bundy brothers' requests for delay in trial
  4. Blaine Cooper pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge in Oregon standoff, close to plea deal in NV.
  5. Militia leader linked to Cliven Bundy pleads not guilty to allegedly trying to bomb BLM cabin.
  6. Malheur Refuge Occupier And 'Recruiter' Blaine Cooper Pleads Guilty.
  7. Bundy Ranch start at 8:00 The President & The Mad Rancher via @viceland

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

  1. Militia leader accused in Mohave County BLM bomb attempt staying in jail.
  2. Suspected white supremacist found in Pinelands with AK-47, lots of ammo. Bruce "Brus" J. Post III, 42, of Hamilton Township – was "wearing combat gear and gave indications of possible white-supremacist involvement," Lacey Township Police Chief David Paprota said in a statement. After speaking with the two subjects and determining their activities to be suspicious, the officers then discovered an AK-47, a Walther P38 9mm handgun, eight 30-round high-capacity magazines, and one 100-round drum magazine, and various forms of ammunition at the scene, Paprota said.

Monday, July 04, 2016

  1. 'Embedded' reporter at Oregon standoff seeks release while facing federal gun charges. Michael R. Emry, who described himself as an "embedded journalist" during the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, is asking a judge to release him as he awaits trial on federal weapons charges in Oregon. His attorney Mark Sabitt on Friday filed a motion to release Emry from custody, noting that Emry's wife has relocated their fifth-wheel trailer from Grant County to Cresent in Klamath County, at least 150 miles away from an informant who prosecutors say feels threatened by Emry. "Clearly the court could impose conditions of release that prohibit travel to Grant County and contact with or concerning, the confidential witness, Sabitt wrote in his motion.
  2. It’s “political sleight-of-hand”: For their next trick, Republican magicians will make your federal land disappear. When federal land becomes state land, it can be bought and sold to the profit of small-government billionaires.

Friday, July 01, 2016

  1. A federal judge Friday allowed the Las Vegas Review-Journal and other media to formally oppose a government push to withhold evidence from the public in the criminal case stemming from the Bunkerville standoff. “The court finds that allowing intervention will promote transparency and the integrity of the judicial proceedings in this case,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Peggy Leen said in her order.
  2. The leader of an armed occupation at a federal wildlife refuge in rural Oregon wants to delay his September trial date. Ammon Bundy also asked in court papers this week to be released pending his trial, currently set for Sept. 7.
  3. Ryan Bundy Joins Request For Later Trial Date.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

  1. FBI agent: Investigation of alleged attempted bomber began after his involvement at Bundy Ranch.
  2. Brian “Booda” Cavalier, the former armed bodyguard for Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his son, Ammon Bundy, has pleaded guilty to federal charges related to the illegal occupation earlier this year of an Oregon wildlife refuge.
  3. Harney County Judge Steve Grasty survived a recall election last night. We’ll ask him what’s next for his County.
  4. Bundy 'Bodyguard' Pleads Guilty To Occupation Charges.
  5. Ammon Bundy's bodyguard Brian Cavalier pleads guilty to two federal charges.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

  1. Harney County Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Recall Against Judge Grassy.
  2. Harney County voters solidly reject effort to oust county judge who opposed Ammon Bundy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

  1. Here are the unofficial final results out of Harney County on the recall: No - 2,012, Yes - 826. Steve Grasty remains county judge.

Monday, June 27, 2016

  1. Militia members say they warned Finicum family about Utahn accused of trying to bomb BLM cabin.
  2. When documents like this hit the #oregonstandoff docket, it feels like Christmas!
  3. Aftershocks remain from Oregon refuge takeover.

Friday, June 24, 2016

  1. Right-wing militant charged for planting a bomb at BLM building. A federal felony complaint reveals that the feds are continuing to investigate extremism on public lands.
  2. FBI: Utah militia leader linked to Cliven Bundy tried to bomb BLM cabin.
  3. Grand jury considers FBI’s use of force in Finicum shooting.
  4. Wesley Kjar, described as Ammon Bundy's 'personal security,' pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

  1. Utah militia leader planned to bomb US-owned cabin, FBI says.
  2. Stockton man arrested by FBI has an extreme hatred for federal government. Agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigations have taken a Stockton, Utah man into custody and searched his home. It appears Bill Keebler was arrested in Nephi, and FBI agents will not say why he is in custody.
  3. Charges: Utah head of militia tried to detonate bomb at BLM facility in Arizona. Federal prosecutors say a Tooele County man placed a pipe bomb against the door of a BLM cabin and pushed the button on a remote detonator multiple times, with no result. His mistake? He'd unwittingly assigned an undercover FBI agent to build the bomb. William Keebler, 57, of Stockton, was arrested early Wednesday morning in Nephi and appeared Thursday in U.S. District Court, charged by federal prosecutors with attempting to blow up federal property at an Arizona Strip BLM facility that he had allegedly scouted with Robert LaVoy Finicum.
  4. Oregon Standoff Latest: Fifth Guilty Plea in Case. Wesley Kjar, who was at the refuge for less than a week, pleads guilty.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

  1. LaVoy Finicum Supporters Stand Guard At Illegal Roadside Memorial.
  2. Malheur Defendants Want Facebook Evidence Thrown Out Of Court.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

  1. Forged letters mislead Utah residents about Native American land proposal. Interior secretary did not say land would ‘revert’ to US government, officials say, as flyers reject Navajos from ‘party’ for proposed Bears Ears national monument.
  2. With Cliven Bundy In Jail, BLM Moves To Reassert Authority Over Disputed Land
  3. BLM returns to work near Bundy ranch as Cliven and sons await trial

Monday, June 20, 2016

  1. After Republicans Refuse, Democrats Hold Their Own Hearing On The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Takeover.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

  1. Preservation groups rejoice in Gold Butte. It’s been two years since the Bureau of Land Management suspended work in the artifact-rich region of Gold Butte in Nevada. That drought has ended. A recent tour of Gold Butte by BLM Director Neil Kronze, BLM Nevada Director John Ruhs, Clark County Commissioner Marilyn Fitzpatrick and Capt. James LaRochelle of the Las Vegas Metro Police Department was followed by a news release stating restoration and preservation efforts in the area will be restored.

Friday, June 17, 2016

  1. BLM returning staff to Gold Butte after 2014 standoff with Bundy family.
  2. Harney County recall election another test of Ammon Bundy's impact.
  3. Ammon Bundy, 4 co-defendants argue rights infringed by dual prosecutions in Ore., Nev. Assistant federal public defender Rich Federico urged a panel from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday to ensure that Ammon Bundy and four co-defendants' rights to due process and effective representation aren't jeopardized by their dual prosecutions in Oregon and Nevada.
  4. Oregon standoff defendant Darryl Thorn backs away from plea deal. Oregon standoff defendant Darryl W. Thorn, who was scheduled to plead guilty Wednesday afternoon to a federal conspiracy charge stemming from the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, abruptly announced in court Wednesday morning that he had changed his mind. "I'd like to withdraw my plea today," Thorn said, standing to announce his decision during the monthly status hearing in the refuge takeover case. Thorn's court-appointed lawyer, Laurie Shertz, also asked the court to withdraw as Thorn's lawyer. It was the second time since her appointment that Shertz asked to step aside.
  5. Evidence in Oregon standoff case immense, including 6,000 hours of video. As U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown pushes ahead to begin selecting a jury in September for the federal conspiracy trial in the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, defense lawyers have raised concerns about the volume of evidence they need to decipher and their need to know more.
  6. Defense lawyers seek investigation reports into alleged FBI misconduct in Finicum shooting.
  7. Change Of Plea Hearing Set For Oregon Refuge Occupier
  8. Malheur Video Evidence Exceeds 250 Days Of Nonstop Viewing.
  9. Oregon Refuge Occupier Drops Lawyer Moments Before Hearing. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupier Darryl Thorn is changing lawyers after an “irreparable breakdown in relationship” with his current attorney, Laurie Shertz.
  10. Refuge Occupiers Ask Court To Prevent Simultaneous Prosecutions.
  11. North Carolina Man Pleads Guilty In Oregon Refuge Case. A man who traveled across the country to participate in the armed occupation of an Oregon wildlife refuge has pleaded guilty to a federal conspiracy charge. Jason Blomgren of Murphy, North Carolina, is the fourth person to plead guilty in the takeover that began Jan. 2 and lasted 41 days. The protesters led by Ammon Bundy wanted the federal government to relinquish control of Western lands. Appearing Thursday at U.S. District Court in Portland, the 42-year-old Blomgren admitted that he performed guard duty at the refuge and prevented federal employees from doing their jobs. In exchange for his plea, prosecutors dropped a weapons charge.
  12. Third Of Malheur Refuge Staff Expected To Leave, Says Manager.
  13. Oregon standoff defendant Jason Blomgren pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge. "Myself and others performed guard duty at different locations at the refuge, Blomgren told the judge. "Just routine guard duty rotations with weapons. That's really it.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

  1. Prosecutors want all Bundy defendants tried together in Bunkerville standoff case
  2. Grant County sheriff, deputy botched arrest in 'egregious abuse of power'. A deputy protected his relatives from blame in a random shooting by arresting the 911 caller who reported it, resulting in a foul-up that raises fresh questions about embattled Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer. The district attorney didn't pursue a case, instead rebuking Palmer and his deputy. The county quietly paid the caller $12,000 to fend off a lawsuit. "This incident is the most egregious abuse of power I have ever seen," said attorney Edie Rogoway, who represented the arrested man.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

  1. Supporters Of Harney County Judge Grasty Rally Against Recall
  2. Feds: Evidence of firearms training during refuge standoff by Malheur boat launch
  3. Judge dismisses one of the gun charges against Ammon Bundy, 7 co-defendants
  4. Second Oregon standoff defendant pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge
  5. Salt Lake City attorney seeks to assist in Ammon Bundy's legal defense in Oregon
  6. Federal judge advises Oregon standoff figure to avoid protests after he was escorted from a Trump rally

Thursday, June 09, 2016

  1. BLM Forms New Division

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

  1. Memorial honors Las Vegas officers, civilian killed in 2014 shooting rampage. Jerad Miller and his wife Amanda were part of the Bundy Ranch, Bunkerville standoff.

Monday, June 06, 2016

  1. A major Native American site is being looted. Will Obama risk armed conflict to save it?

Sunday, June 05, 2016

  1. Federal judge allows release of Oregon standoff defendants Jake Ryan, Travis Cox
  2. Oregon standoff: Judge declines to dismiss conspiracy, firearms in federal facility charges

Monday, May 30, 2016

  1. Bundy defendants want separate trials in Bunkerville standoff case

Saturday, May 28, 2016

  1. 'Weapon of war' destined for occupied refuge, prosecutor says.
  2. Bundy brothers in jail complain about lack of Internet service, ability to gather for prayer.
  3. Nothing civil about Oregon refuge occupiers' disobedience. The armed militants and their supporters are ignoring facts: Americans want public land to remain public.
  4. Oregon Militia Leader Furious He Can't Have Guns or Facebook in Jail

Friday, May 27, 2016

  1. Nevada's favorite tabloid representative, Michele Fiore, who's running for the U.S. House, never ceases to disappoint. Thanks to plenty of free publicity and exposure gained when she inserted herself into the mix of the Malheur standoff, we learned that she was one of the agitators of the whole mess. But Fiore's history is made up of a long list of suspicious practices. The self-pronounced Bundy Bunch heroine also has a few unusual campaign donations and expenditures. Would you believe? Yes. You would. When you examine her expenditures, it is clear that Fiore used her NV Assembly campaign funds to fly up to the Malheur standoff and intervene in a disgraceful and costly debacle inflicted on Nevada, Washington State, and the rest of this nation's taxpayers.
  2. RJ lawyer says public has right to evaluate evidence in Bundy case. The Las Vegas Review-Journal’s lawyer chided federal prosecutors in court documents late Thursday for trying to block its bid to oppose government secrecy in the Bunkerville standoff case. Maggie McLetchie, who also represents Battle Born Media and The Associated Press, said the public “has a right to evaluate the nature of the government’s case” against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and 18 other defendants stemming from the April 12, 2014, armed confrontation with law enforcement near Bunkerville. “This case in part involves the fine line the government must walk when criminalizing speech — especially when the speech at issue is critical of the very government that is prosecuting the case,” McLetchie said.
  3. Former Wildlife Refuge Occupier Ammon Bundy Retains New Attorney. Eugene attorney Mike Arnold has stepped away as lead counsel for Ammon Bundy. Bundy was the leader of the group that took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge for 41 days earlier this year. “Our firm is out,” Arnold wrote in a text Thursday. Court documents filed Wednesday show Utah-based attorney Morgan Philpot will be taking over the case.
  4. GOP Politician Is Ammon Bundy's New Lawyer
  5. Even With Bundy Behind Bars, 'Range War' Lives On For Some Ranchers. Stanton Gleave hardly fits the stereotype of a modest, keep-to-himself Western rancher.
  6. Ammon Bundy Considering Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Multnomah County. Ammon and Ryan Bundy are actively considering whether they should pursue a civil rights lawsuit against the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office for conditions at the county detention center. In court documents released Tuesday, the leaders of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation give a list of conditions at the jail they said are violating their constitutional rights.
  7. Prosecutors Want To Keep Evidence Confidential In Nevada Standoff Case. ederal prosecutors say they fear backers of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy would use names and information that could be disclosed in a case over a 2014 armed standoff to target court officials and intimidate witnesses. In court filings in Las Vegas, the government says prosecutors and the court have already received threats, including one recent Facebook post appearing to invite a “lone wolf attack.”
  8. Defense Attorneys Argue Some Malheur Charges Are Unconstitutional.
  9. Oregonians want to know who Ammon Bundy is, according to frequent Google searches.
  10. Feds say they have no evidence of any NSA surveillance of refuge occupiers.
  11. Ammon Bundy retains new lawyer, former Utah State Rep. J. Morgan Philpot from Molalla. Ammon Bundy, the leader of the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, has retained a new lawyer, J. Morgan Philpot, a former Utah state representative who was born in Molalla, Oregon. Late Wednesday, Eugene-based attorney Mike Arnold, who was retained by Bundy after his Jan. 26 arrest, filed a notice of "substitution of counsel, for Philpott.

"He is intimately familiar with the land use issues central to the Malheur protest, Arnold said in a prepared statement.

Friday, May 20, 2016

  1. FBI interrogation of Oregon refuge holdout David Fry called into question
  2. First Oregon standoff defendant pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge
  3. Oregon standoff: State police request $2.5 million in reimbursement
  4. Was NSA surveillance used on refuge occupiers labeled as 'domestic terrorists,' lawyer asks

Sunday, May 15, 2016

  1. Recall petition filed against Harney County Judge Steve Grassy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

  1. After The Occupation, Oregon Sees A Rise In 'Patriot' Candidates.
  2. Harney County Voters Weigh Candidates On Refuge Occupation

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

  1. Cliven Bundy sues Obama over 'cruel and unusual' solitary confinement. Lawsuit from jailed rancher, who in 2014 led a high-profile standoff against the government, also names judge Gloria Navarro and Nevada senator Harry Reid.
  2. Cliven Bundy sues Obama, Reid and federal judge over criminal case.
  3. Cliven Bundy Standoff Brews Over Cattle On Federal Land. Groups are asking for Bundy’s cattle to be seized, which the feds say “continue to be in trespass.”
  4. Michele Fiore explains comment about pointing a gun at law enforcement.

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy older news

Monday, May 09, 2016

  1. Bundy Sympathizer Pleads Not Guilty To Weapons Charges
  2. Boise Gun Dealer Shocked After Machine Gun Stolen By Bundy Sympathizer
  3. Bundys Complain Of Poor Jail Conditions, Unpalatable Food
  4. Letter from 9 orgs. demanding #BundyRanch cattle removal from #publiclands.
  5. Nevada Lawmaker: It’s Okay To Aim Guns At Cops If They Aim At You First
  6. Judge won’t release Internet talk show host in Bundy case
  7. Cliven Bundy suing Obama, Nevada officials
  8. Oregon standoff figure Scott Willingham scrawled threats on rifle magazines, prosecutor says
  9. Ammon Bundy had intended refuge occupation to end up in civil court, lawyers say

Sunday, May 08, 2016

  1. Sheriff With Militia Ties Goes Wild in West Texas

Saturday, May 07, 2016

  1. 'Embedded' reporter tied to militia arrested in John Day on weapons charges

Thursday, May 05, 2016

  1. Nevada Lawmaker: It’s Okay To Aim Guns At Cops If They Aim At You First
  2. Oregon standoff defendant Sean Anderson apologizes for inflammatory video messages from refuge.
  3. Defense lawyers signal push for change of venue, wider jury pool in federal conspiracy case
  4. Oregon Bar drops complaint against Ammon Bundy's lawyers tied to refuge visit
  5. Officials Take Custody Of Kids Who Went To Oregon Standoff
  6. Refuge Occupiers Concerned About Liberal Portland Jury
  7. Malheur Occupation Trial Could Last For Months
  8. Oregon Bar Throws Out Ethics Complaints Against Bundy Attorneys

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

  1. Kansas mother who went to Oregon standoff arrested in assault on officer. Sharp told The Star on Tuesday that the family had been performing in several states since the standoff and planned to travel around the country the rest of the year. But she said the older children, including Victoria, “have left the path I put them on.” “The best way to describe Victoria is that she’s like her horse, Spirit,” Sharp said. “Young and pretty, very spirited. She’s got all that pasture, but she wants to be out of her bounds. And when she gets out of bounds, she leads the others with her, and she’s hurting my family. It’s a shame.” Sharp said she has a hearing Wednesday in juvenile court. “Jesus is on trial tomorrow,” she said. “These children are not my children. They’re God’s children. He has anointed them. And you don’t mess with that.”

Monday, May 02, 2016

  1. Government defends secrecy in Bundy-Bunkerville case

Sunday, May 01, 2016

  1. Refuge takeover a casual topic at Harney County branding

Friday, April 29, 2016

  1. RJ fights government secrecy in Bunkerville standoff case
  2. More Ethics Complaints Filed Against Ammon Bundy's Attorney

Thursday, April 28, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff defendants' motions: Dismiss charges due to vagueness, government overreach
  2. Bunkerville standoff figure plays media card in bid for freedom
  3. Why Malheur Wildlife Refuge is seeing green after the siege. The armed militia-style takeover of Malheur Wildlife Refuge has prompted some unintended consequences.
  4. Mike Noel asks constitutional council to investigate group calling for national monument in Utah
  5. A former Yakima County Sheriff candidate is facing domestic violence assault charges. Court papers say 42-year-old Anthony Bosworth assaulted his 17-year-old daughter. Witnesses told police Bosworth threw his daughter to the ground outside near the 2500 block of Nob Hill Blvd. Bosworth held her down by putting his knee on her chest, court papers say. He put both hands around her neck and choked her until she couldn't breathe or speak, court papers say.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

  1. A rural paper's decision on the voice of Harney County (Column)
  2. Ammon Bundy offered to plead guilty to federal conspiracy after arrest, lawyer says
  3. Nevada trial for Cliven Bundy, 18 others set for 2017
  4. ‘We stand firmly behind the Eagle’ In recent weeks, the Blue Mountain Eagle, its staff and its publisher have come under vicious attack by some members of the Grant County community. These criticisms have challenged the truthfulness of articles we have published and the integrity of Eagle employees. The comments — appearing mostly in social media platforms like Facebook — contain false accusations about our actions and motives, some of which border on defamation.
  5. Oregon Territory SPJ: Covering the Oregon Standoff, Part 1
  6. Ammon Bundy offered to plead guilty if Oregon protesters' charges dropped. Standoff leader offered to ‘take a hit for the team’ in exchange for charges being dropped against all other protesters at the wildlife refuge, a court filing says.
  7. Ammon Bundy’s Legal Defense Exactly As Sane As Every Other Bundy Legal Theory Read more at

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

  1. New February trial date set in Bunkerville standoff case
  2. More state bar complaints filed against Ammon Bundy's lawyer, critical of social media crowdsourcing

Monday, April 25, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy to challenge authority of feds to prosecute Oregon standoff defendants
  2. Cliven Bundy threatening the contractor hired by the BLM in 2012. RANGE WAR!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

  1. The new Shawna Cox affidavit answered a couple of my questions.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

  1. PART 1: THE STRANGE CASE OF MOLLIE DUNN POWELL : SHOOTING FOR SYMPATHY This time around, as “Shiloh Ryder”, Powell was the ringleader of many attacks on, and doxxing of, non Bundy supporters, particularly the journalists covering the January armed takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns, Oregon. Myself and award-winning Oregonian reporter, Les Zaitz, have been her, and her followers, primary targets of choice.

Friday, April 22, 2016

  1. Bundys, other defendants oppose long trial delay in Bunkerville standoff. The majority of the 19 defendants charged in the 2014 Bunkerville standoff — including rancher Cliven Bundy and four of his sons — indicated Friday they want to exercise their constitutional rights and go to trial as soon as possible. The move appeared to surprise prosecutors, who told a federal judge that they had previously obtained the support of most of the defendants for an eight-month trial delay until February. Many of the defendants and their lawyers announced in court that they had changed their minds, prompting the lead prosecutor in the case, Steven Myhre, to suggest some were “playing games” with the “extremely serious charges” they are facing.
  2. Judge weighs trial date in Nevada standoff for Cliven Bundy, sons and other defendants

Thursday, April 21, 2016

  1. Court fight expected over Bundy trial date

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

  1. Federal prosecutors argued in court papers Wednesday against releasing Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy in the criminal case stemming from the 2014 armed Bunkerville standoff with law enforcement. Prosecutors did not address claims made by Bundy’s lawyer earlier this month that Bundy was a “political prisoner” like the late South African leader and civil rights activist Nelson Mandela. But in urging a federal judge to keep him behind bars, they again alleged that Bundy is a “lawless and violent man” who violated federal court orders for more than 20 years. Bundy, 69, is charged as the leader of what prosecutors say was a mass armed assault April 12, 2014, on federal agents trying to round up his cattle being grazed illegally on federal land. Prosecutors argued in their papers that his claims of being a law-abiding citizen are inconsistent with his actions during and after the Bunkerville confrontation.
  2. Months before Oregon standoff, armed activists were in town. Months before their takeover of a national wildlife refuge became an international fascination, an armed group of ranchers made its presence known in the surrounding Oregon community, following around the sheriff, his deputies and their families and intimidating those who publicly disagreed with them, Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward said.
  3. Judge questions Oregon standoff figure about reported 'flock of geese' inspiration. A federal judge Wednesday ordered the release of Oregon standoff defendant Dylan Anderson to his parents, allowing for his return to Utah pending trial. U.S. District Judge Robert E. Jones ruled that Anderson, 35, was not a flight risk and no longer a danger to the community, particularly because he will not be allowed to possess any firearms while awaiting trial. Anderson, known as "Captain Moroni, is one of 27 people facing federal indictment stemming from the 41-day takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge outside of Burns in Harney County.
  4. Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy will stay in jail pending trial in Nevada, judge rules

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

  1. Judge again refuses to let nationally known lawyer defend Cliven Bundy
  2. Jury Finds Oregon Man Guilty Of Taking Over Federal Lands. A federal jury has convicted Kenneth Medenbach for his role in taking over Bureau of Land Management property last year in southern Oregon. The 63-year-old Crescent, Oregon, resident represented himself in the case. He was found guilty in a Eugene court Monday of unlawful occupation and illegal camping on federal lands. Medenbach traveled to Josephine County after a group of armed activists from the Oath Keepers and other groups gathered at the Sugar Pine Mine in southern Oregon. Constitutional rights groups converged on the small gold mine in May 2015 after the owner issued a call for help because of alleged overreach by the BLM.
  3. U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says the 41-day occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge did not get the support of the local community. During remarks following a Tuesday speech at the National Geographic Society in Washington D.C., Jewell also addressed a 2014 armed standoff in Nevada.
  4. risAnne Hall is in Oregon this week, speaking about the U.S Constitution. Hall is the latest activist to address a group in the region since the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Hall spoke to an audience of about 170 in Prineville on Monday. Her message focused on the parts of the U.S. Constitution that emphasize states’ rights, rather than federal rights.
  5. Feds argue that Oregon standoff figure Corey Lequieu helped plan refuge takeover
  6. An armed takeover of an Oregon national wildlife refuge is part of a disturbing "extreme movement" to seize public lands and reject the rule of law — putting communities and public employees at risk throughout the West, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says in a speech outlining Obama administration conservation policies. The 41-day standoff this winter at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge came at the same time as two other trends that threaten the West, Jewell said: A push by some politicians to sell off lands that belong to all Americans to the highest bidder, and the rapid disappearance of natural areas throughout the region due to climate change and increased development.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

  1. Federal wildlife refuges are not up for grabs. Alaska’s attempt to intrude on federal wildlife refuges has incensed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for good reason.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

  1. Is not paying taxes tantamount to terror? San Diego sheriff seeks to ramp up battle against Sovereign Citizens.
  2. Bundy on Trial: The Ultimate “Friday News Dump”
  3. Bundy brothers, three others refuse to enter pleas in Bunkerville standoff
  4. Bundy brothers arraigned on felony charges in armed Nevada standoff. Prosecutors accused Ammon and Ryan, who also led an armed occupation at a wildlife refuge in Oregon, of assaulting and threatening law enforcement officers.
  5. Ammon Bundy said that he was mistreated while he was taken by authorities to Nevada from Oregon, where he and the others have been held since their arrests in the occupation of a U.S. wildlife refuge this year.
  6. Federal judge backs off from total gag order on refuge occupier Shawna Cox

Friday, April 15, 2015

  1. This lawmaker compared dead Oregon occupier LaVoy Finicum to Moses and Jesus
  2. Ask the RGJ: Are cows starving in Nevada desert?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy Led An Occupation. This Cowboy Came Late. Both Face 6 Years For Conspiracy. Prosecutors are blurring the line between supporters and leaders of the Oregon occupation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy's Right-Wing Crusaders Will Liberate the West or Die Trying
  2. Bundy Brothers, 3 Others Due In Nevada In Standoff Case
  3. Grant County DA contradicts sheriff's 'danger' claim regarding standoff roadblock

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

  1. Sheriff Palmer intends to sue city of John Day, employees. Sheriff Glenn Palmer's attorney notified the city of John Day he intends to sue for damages.
  2. Grant County sheriff says dispatchers endangered his life withholding standoff information
  3. Ammon Bundy and 4 co-defendants heading to Nevada after appeals court refuses to halt transfer

Monday, April 11, 2016

  1. Ammon Bundy's lawyer responds to Nevada senator's comments about 'the Bundy boys and his pals'
  2. Op-ed: Despite wasteful Utah effort, public lands thankfully will remain federal

Sunday, April 10, 2016

  1. If Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum had obeyed officers, he would be alive today: Letters to the Editor

Saturday, April 09, 2016

  1. ‘Captain Moroni’ to media, Provo man seeks release ahead of Oregon refuge standoff trial. A motion calling for the release of Provo's Dylan Wade Anderson from an Oregon jail provides a fuller picture of the wildlife refuge occupier known primarily for identifying to media as "Captain Moroni." Anderson is a man of few words, Clay said, and he didn't explain his interest. "He just kind of got involved with helping them," she said. He later would read a book about Bundy written by a fellow Malheur indictee, Kanab's Shawna Cox, and a novel written by Robert LaVoy Finicum, an Arizona Strip rancher who was killed the day before Anderson's arrest and whose services were held in Kanab. Anderson and his wife of three years, Cynthia, then were photographed at a May 2014 protest ATV ride in San Juan County's Recapture Canyon. Still, even after his widely publicized arrest in eastern Oregon, he was unknown to an ATV ride's organizer until late last month, when San Juan County Commissioner Phil Lyman posted the couple's photo to Facebook with his suspicion that Anderson and his wife "were agents provocateur working for the BLM or one of the environmentalist groups." (His post was deleted after this story's publication.)

Friday, April 08, 2016

  1. Harry Reid trades insults with Cliven Bundy's wife in battle over standoff site. Previous legislative efforts to create a national conservation area in Nevada have failed, and conservative critics have accused him of a ‘federal land grab’.
  2. Reid Blasts Bundys On Floor, Wants NV Standoff Site To Be Nat'l Monument
  3. Ethics Commission Approves Legal Fund For Embattled Oregon Sheriff
  4. After Oregon standoff, Harney County Migratory Bird Festival basks in boosted interest

Thursday, April 07, 2016

  1. Birders Flock To Harney County For Annual Bird Festival
  2. Oregon Standoff Defendant Jake Ryan Detained Until Trial
  3. Concern about Montana sheriff raised during Oregon standoff figure Jake Ryan's detention hearing

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff figure Jake Ryan found hiding in shed in Clark County
  2. Malheur Refuge Occupiers' Trial Date Set For Sept. 7
  3. Finicum Shooting Investigators Release Bundy Cellphone Video
  4. Ammon Bundy's lawyers rely on social media to defend client, object to court's protective order
  5. Federal judge refuses to halt order to transfer Ammon Bundy, four co-defendants to Nevada
  6. New video captures Ryan Bundy's comments, surrender after shooting

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

  1. Lawyer asks for Cliven Bundy’s release, calls him ‘political prisoner’. Attorney Joel Hansen said the government has failed to show Bundy is a violent man and is keeping him behind bars because of his free speech view on the government’s “alleged ownership of 90 percent of Nevada land.” “The government seems to be afraid that it might lose in a jury trial, so it wants to keep him in prison, in solitary confinement, as long as it can because he, like Nelson Mandela, is a political prisoner,” Hansen wrote. “There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution allowing the federal government to hold political prisoners without a trial. Nothing.”
  2. Oregon standoff sheds light on conservative sheriffs group
  3. Sage Grouse lawsuit looking to block new fences on BLM land in Nevada
  4. Fraud investigation uncovers allegations of child pornography. West Bloomfield police were originally investigating Travis for fraud, allegedly charging more than $50,000 to a West Bloomfield business's credit card. Moore said Travis is a "sovereign citizen," someone who doesn't recognize laws, courts, or law enforcement. He demanded the federal court to drop the charges against him as part of his beliefs. "My point is that all laws are commercial in nature and I am a natural born human of the American land," Travis said. "Since all laws are commercial in nature and I choose not to do business with this court, I ask that this case be dismissed."

Monday, April 04, 2016

  1. Broadcaster who streamed final hours of Oregon standoff calls for release of arrested occupiers
  2. David Fry makes unusual personal plea for his release in federal court
  3. Judge Denies Pretrial Release For 'Vunerable' David Fry
  4. Standoff Sheds Light On Conservative Sheriffs Group
  5. Refuge Occupation Trial May Seem Simple, But Complications Abound
  6. Federal prosecutors: No reason to delay temporary transfer of Ammon Bundy, 4 co-defendants to Nevada.
  7. Utah ranchers vow to stand up to government despite Oregon arrests. As the unofficial leaders of the land-use rights movement are being prosecuted, ranchers remain steadfast in fighting what they say is federal overreach.
  8. Reopening rager? Local group hopes to persuade Crook County Court to take over ranger station.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

  2. When Western county commissioners wanted to start a nonprofit dedicated to taking over federal lands, they turned to a well-heeled 92-year-old businessman. Bert Smith and his wife, Kathy, cut a $35,000 check. The American Lands Council was born in 2012. "I don't know how much money they've put into it over the years, but a lot," said Demar Dahl, an Elko County, Nev., commissioner and the organization's co-founder and current board member.
  3. Finicums Speech in Orem Uta

Friday, April 01, 2016

  1. Judge won’t let widely known conservative lawyer defend Cliven Bundy. Nevada’s chief federal judge has refused to let nationally known conservative lawyer Larry Klayman join Cliven Bundy’s defense team. In a three-page order, Gloria Navarro questioned Klayman’s candidness with her about the outcome of professional disciplinary proceedings against him in Washington, D.C.
  2. A key defendant in armed standoffs with law enforcement in Oregon and Nevada pleaded not guilty Wednesday to federal charges in the Nevada case. Conservative radio talk show host Peter Santilli, 50, of Cincinnati faces 16 felony charges stemming from the 2014 standoff with law enforcement outside the Bundy family ranch near Bunkerville. He was indicted earlier this month in Las Vegas with Bundy patriarch, Cliven Bundy, and 17 other defendants, including four Bundy sons. FBI agents arrested Santilli and others last month in Oregon as part of a move to end the 41-day occupation of a government wildlife refuge in that state.
  3. Oregon standoff: Incidents reported at 13 other refuges during Oregon occupation

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff: Grant County sheriff facing investigation pursues legal defense fund
  2. No, Ted Cruz, Westerners should not follow in Texas’ footsteps. The state’s public lands boondoggle was a historical accident.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

  1. No Bundy Las Vegas Appearances Monday In Ranch Standoff Case
  2. Federal judge admonished Shawna Cox she's not to speak publicly about Oregon standoff case
  3. Bundy brothers and 2 co-defendants appeal to higher court to remain in Oregon
  4. Oregon Standoff: Occupiers and sympathizers revealed
  5. Bundy brothers fighting push to bring them to Nevada to face charges
  6. Oregon occupation supporters investigated for death threats

federal land-return movement and Cliven Bundy, older

Monday, March 28, 2016

  1. Birds — and staff — return to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
  2. Idaho patriot group leader filed bankruptcy after Masher visit
  3. The darkness at the heart of Masher. A Westerner traces the roots – and meaning – of the Oregon occupation.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

  1. Bundy son pleads not guilty; detained pending standoff trial
  2. LaVoy Finicum Supporters Threatened To Burn Qurans, Kill Police And Oregon Governor
  3. Grant County Sheriff Deputizes Man Facing Felony Theft Charges

Friday, March 25, 2016

  1. Larry Klayman, a nationally known conservative lawyer, has filed court papers seeking to join Cliven Bundy’s defense team. Klayman, the founder of the Washington-based public interest groups Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his tenacious pursuit of litigation, mostly in support of a wide range of conservative and libertarian issues.
  2. Oregon standoff figure Scott Willingham scrawled threats on rifle magazines, prosecutor says
  3. Threats continue against troopers, governor, others after LaVoy Finicum shooting
  4. Sheriff Urges Supporters of Wanted Oregon Occupier to Stay Away from Sanders County. Plains man wanted by federal agents for his involvement in Oregon standoff.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

  1. New photos of Oregon wildlife refuge reveal damage done by Bundy standoff. Photos released by Fish and Wildlife Service show protesters trashed buildings and damaged facilities, with the occupation’s overall costs running at least $6m
  2. New Hampshire man linked to Bundy standoff to face trial in Nevada
  3. Refuge Occupier Accused Of Stealing Government Cameras
  4. Congress Should Confront the Rise of Violent Extremism on America’s Public Lands
  5. $6 million will go to restore Malheur refuge, cover other costs of standoff
  6. Refuge occupier accused of threats against officers now faces federal theft charge
  7. Judge opens door for Ammon Bundy, others to be prosecuted in Nevada and Oregon at same time

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

  1. Malheur Refuge Restoration On Track, Despite Costs

Tuesday, March 22. 2016

  1. Oregon Judge Sends 6 Refuge Occupiers To Nevada For Bunkerville Charges
  2. Burns Police Investigating Pacific Patriots Network Co-Founder

Monday, March 21, 2016

  1. 'This land belongs to all Americans,' Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says in Burns
  2. Final Malheur indictee revealed as Montana man’s family weighs taking ‘a stand’ against his arrest
  3. Bundy son, another defendant held without bail in Bunkerville standoff
  4. Occupier who feds say dug trench for feces, disturbed sacred artifacts faces charges
  5. Analysis and valuation of the health and climate change cobenefits of dietary change
  6. Interior Sec. Jewell Urges Harney County Collaboration To Counter Extremism Jewell also called Harney County Sheriff David Ward an American hero and praised his leadership for ensuing peace in the community during the occupation.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

  1. Anti-Refuge Occupation Organizers Raise More Than $130K
  2. Oregon Lawmaker Says Roseburg Shooting Prompted ‘Fact-Finding’ Visit To Armed Occupation
  3. In southern Utah, a ranger is jailed under questionable pretenses. The region has a history of sheriffs butting heads with federal land agencies.

Friday, March 18, 2016

  1. Fairy tales about the West are fueling public lands conflict
  2. MANUFACTURING FEAR Spokane's Republican sheriff says members of his own party are dangerously dividing people
  3. Here's my status list from Oregon.
  4. Ryan Bundy To Represent Himself In Court
  5. Occupier Who Threatened To Shoot Law Enforcement Arrested
  6. Chaotic scene of LaVoy Finicum shooting, explained (graphic animation)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

  1. Cliven Bundy Loses Bid For Release In Nevada
  2. DOJ Launches Investigation Into Grant County Sheriff

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

  1. Credibility of FBI’s elite Hostage Rescue Team is on the line
  2. Fiore: Oregon occupiers were campers who were victimized by government
  3. GOP Politicians Planned And Participated In Key Aspects Of Refuge Occupation
  4. Bullet casings disappear from LaVoy Finicum shooting scene, sources say

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

  1. EDITORIAL: Rancher stands up; feds should back off
  2. Remote Utah Enclave Becomes New Battleground Over Reach of U.S. Control
  3. Finicum shooting investigation: second round of documents

Monday, March 14, 2016

  1. Former Federal Prosecutor Lays Out Likely Path For Refuge Trial
  2. OSP Officer Regretted Grabbing Taser During Finicum Shooting
  3. From Jail, Ammon Bundy Defends Grant County Sheriff
  4. Malheur Refuge Occupation Gave Invasive Fish Species A Leg Up

Saturday, March 12, 2016

  1. ‘We want Cliven free!’: Protesters converge on Bundy court hearing in Las Vegas
  2. Bundy about to trade soapbox for cell block
  3. What We Know About the Crackdown on Cliven Bundy and the Oregon Occupiers

Friday, March 11, 2016

  1. LaVoy Finicum's last moments echo earlier provocations
  2. Oregon standoff defendant says he was just borrowing government truck to get groceries
  3. Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy sold close to 1,300 cattle over the past five years and found business in a handful of states even as the federal government sought to purge his herd from public lands, according to state records reviewed by Greenware. Bundy sold or transferred cattle to nearly two dozen recipients in Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah and Kansas, according to branding records kept by Nevada's Department of Agriculture.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

  1. 4 Key Details Revealed By LaVoy Finicum Investigation Report
  2. Cliven Bundy Refuses To Enter Plea In Nevada US Court
  3. Documents: OSP Moved Fatal Traffic Stop To Avoid Grant County Sheriff
  4. We Can Get a Peek at our Future by Looking at Bundy, Bundy, Bundy—the town of Burns Oregon Today
  5. EXPOSED: The Source Of Cliven Bundy’s Crackpot Constitutionalism

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

  1. Cliven Bundy backer Michele Fiore launches congressional run in Nevada
  2. Occupation leaders talked about using explosives, drones in 'worst-case scenario,' court testimony reveals
  3. Tribal Leaders Visit Malheur Refuge Site
  4. Locals, FBI Talk Differently About Finicum Shooting
  5. Judge: Bundy Ranch Protesters From Idaho To Stay Behind Bars
  6. Judge: Malheur Occupation Trial Could Take More Than A Month
  7. New Indictment Alleges Damage To Burns Paiute Site
  8. Accused Malheur Refuge Occupants Appear In Court

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

  1. Watch: New Video Details LaVoy Finicum Traffic Stop, Shooting
  2. You have questions about the LaVoy Finicum shooting, we have answers
  3. The Case for Civil Disobedience in Oregon

Monday, March 07, 2016

  1. Feds describe Pete Santilli as a "shill for Cliven Bundy in 2014 standoff in Nevada
  2. Investigation into LaVoy Finicum death concludes, results to be released Tuesday
  3. Malheur occupation: Is private enterprise always the answer? (Letters to the Editor)

Sunday, March 06, 2016

  1. Occupation Supporters Try To Sway Broader Audience In Portland
  2. AG: More Charges Coming 'Very Soon' In Masher Occupation

Saturday, March 05, 2016

  1. More than 100 people gather in Portland in memory of LaVoy Finicum. 318.9 MILLION people DO NOT gather.
  2. LaVoy Finicum rally: Protesters will openly carry guns in downtown Portland, police say
  3. Four men from Idaho were among 14 people indicted Thursday on federal charges connected to an armed standoff in Nevada. The Idaho defendants are 32-year-old Eric J. Parker of Hailey, 44-year-old O. Scott Drexler of Challis, 36-year-old Steven A. Stewart of Hailey and 48-year-old Todd C. Engel, of Boundary County.
  4. For Tulalip 22-year-old, a life gone haywire after Oregon standoff. The youngest of the 25 people indicted after the takeover of the Oregon wildlife refuge lives on the Tulalip Reservation with his girlfriend and infant. They were planning to marry, then he would join the Army. But he was arrested instead. Their lives have gone haywire.

Friday, March 04, 2016

  1. Interactive Map: Dozens of rallies in memory of LaVoy Finicum planned Saturday nationwide
  2. Cliven Bundy makes initial court appearance in Nevada
  3. Judge orders David Fry to remain in custody, citing prolonged role in refuge takeover
  4. That Constitution The Bundy Terrorists Tote Around Is A Perverted Version Of The Real Thing W. Cleon Skousen pocket constitution 1db39a1b1919ac0a40031e99355c4f44.jpg
  5. Ammon Bundy says jail 'most difficult thing I've ever done'
  6. Attorney General Loretta Lynch praises 'peaceful resolution' to Oregon standoff
  7. Another man arrested in Cliven Bundy ranch standoff

Thursday, March 03, 2016

  1. Fourteen more charged in armed 2014 standoff at Nevada ranch

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

  1. Malheur Refuge Manager: 'It's 1 Big Mess'
  2. Backlog Grows For Rangelands Awaiting Environmental Health Checkup

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

  1. Oregon standoff: Refuge workers had 'a sense' about visitors before takeover
  2. Oregon standoff: Workers find 'mess' left behind by occupiers
  3. Judge grants conditional release to man charged in Oregon occupation who says he was there as a journalist
  4. Oregon refuge occupiers left behind guns, explosives and feces, investigators say

Monday, February 29, 2016

  1. The new face of the patriot movement is a Kansas-raised teenager. Victoria Sharp, 18, joined her Kansas family to sing at the Oregon wildlife refuge occupation. She was in the vehicle with the occupier who was shot to death. Sharp has gone on to be the focus of many patriot movement videos and broadcasts.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

  1. Pete Santilli's Detention Hearing Set For Monday
  2. MALHEUR STANDOFF: THE AFTERMATH Wildlife refuge begins process of returning to normal routine By Les Zaitz / The Oregonian
  3. CcUf-HdWwAAUJbQ.jpg

Saturday, February 27, 2016

  1. Study: Counties with more federal land outperform peers
  2. Bundy lawyers fire back at Marquis
  3. Judge allows for pretrial release of Jeff Banta, one of 4 Malheur refuge holdouts
  4. Bill to shield cop who killed LaVoy Finicum falters in Senate

Friday, February 26, 2016

  1. Patriot or domestic terrorist? The interview with Cliven Bundy's former bodyguard
  2. Papers show BLM made tactical errors in 2014 Bunkerville cattle roundup
  3. Western GOP Congressmen Promote Transfer Of Federal Forests To States
  4. You may have seen the pocket version of the United States Constitution the Bundy Bunch carries around. The distinctive picture of George Washington on the cover is a clear giveaway that not only do these imbeciles not understand the laws of our land, they rely on the interpretations of a man whose thoughts on the hallowed document have been compared to “a warm bucket of spit.” It’s a convenient version for the right-wing terrorist; it retains the original spelling and punctuation from the 18th century, leaving it completely intact and just the way they like it. Read between the lines, however, and you’ll find the thoughts and analysis of a man who once called President Eisenhower a Soviet agent. His name is W. Cleon Skousen, once referred to by TIME Magazine as “an exemplar of the right-wing ultras.” Skousen’s commentary has long been mocked as an attempt to connect the constitution to religion, making it a favorite among zealots and meatheads like the Oregon “patriots.” It holds dear the idea that America was founded as a “Christian Nation” and includes such revolutionary insights as this: No Constitutional authority exists for the federal government to participate in charity or welfare.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

  1. Grant County sheriff, under scrutiny, speaks out. Glenn Palmer tells NewsChannel 21 'I never invited them (the occupiers), and it is a rumor'
  2. Proposed Spending Plan Includes Up To $2 Million For Masher Occupation
  3. Clatsop County DA Files Complaint Against Ammon Bundy's Lawyers
  4. The Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation Over, Idaho Ranchers Highlight Collaboration with the Feds. Facing the real problems on the range takes patience and communication.
  5. Sheriff Mack Defends CSPOA Sheriff Amid Ethical Complaints Surrounding Oregon Occupation. An Oregon sheriff in a county neighboring the antigovernment extremist occupation of a national wildlife refuge is now the focus of eight complaints alleging ethical violations in relation to his actions and treatment of occupiers. Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer was named in eight separate complaints, including one from a 911 manager and the John Day, Ore. police chief, alleging misconduct during the 41-day occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Ore., according to the Oregonian. The paper noted that Palmer had been left out of planning for a roadblock that led to the arrest of Ammon and Ryan Bundy, Ryan Payne, Pete Santilli and others and denied information when he called the 911 Center in John Day.
  6. Grant County Warns Potential Militants, Denouncing Occupation
  7. West Obsessed: What the heck is a Sagebrush Sheriff? Behind a lot of anti-fed sentiment, you'll find ‘constitutional’ peace officers. Here’s why that’s worrying.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

  1. Bundys, other refuge protesters arraigned over armed Oregon occupation
  2. The leaders of the armed occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are scheduled to be arraigned in federal court Wednesday morning.
  3. Bird Expert Goes Back to Normal in Harney County, With FBI Guests
  4. U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Regains Control Of Masher Refuge

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

  1. FBI is done processing evidence at Malheur refuge, according to prosecutors
  2. Does the public have a right to know who shot Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum? (Letters to the Editor)
  3. $3.3 million and counting: The cost of the Malheur occupation
  4. FBI Estimates Malheur Occupation Cost Oregon Taxpayers More Than $1.2 Million. “The vigilantes who occupied the Malheur Wildlife Refuge for over a month sapped resources from local and state governments and inflicted tremendous damage to a valued national resource,” said DeFazio in a statement Monday. “It will take time, money and hard work to clean up the destruction left behind.”
  5. A New Normal Settles Over Harney County
  6. Oregon Investigates Complaints Against Grant County Sheriff
  7. Pete Santilli urges court to reopen, review his detention in Malheur refuge conspiracy case
  8. Ted Cruz wants Cliven Bundy vote in Tuesday's Nevada Republican Caucus

Monday, February 22, 2016

  1. The brainwashed rebels of the Bundy siege: Why something like this was eventually bound to happen. In a conservative bubble that encourages conspiracy theories and violence impulses, it was only a matter of time.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

  2. Federal prosecutors signal potential for new indictment, more defendants in refuge takeover case
  3. 41 Days: An OPB Documentary On The Oregon Occupation
  4. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupier Sandy Anderson Released From Custody
  5. Listen to the profane message threatening “armed occupation” of Rep. Matt Shea’s office
  6. Sandy Anderson, one of last 4 refuge holdouts, wasn't aware of federal orders to leave, her lawyer says
  7. Grant County sheriff viewed as 'security leak' as state seeks investigation
  8. Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Occupier Sandy Anderson Released From Custody
  9. Which State Gets First Dibs On 4 Malheur Occupiers?
  10. Judge Will Send Cliven Bundy To Nevada To Face Charges
  11. Bundy Ranch 2014 militants brag about having their guns "locked and cocked," aimed at federal agents.
  12. BLM Destroyed Archaeological Sites & Artifacts


Trump Wars


History: The War Powers Resolution (also known as the War Powers Resolution of 1973 or the War Powers Act)

History: Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists 98-0-2

History: The Iraq Resolution (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 77-23

Collusion with Russia

The Pentagon considers this Russian sniper rifle a big threat to US soldiers. The NRA helped promote it.

Letter to Congress, Saturday, April 08, 2017

Letter to Congress, Saturday, April 08, 2017

Dear Mr. Speaker:

At approximately 8:40 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on April 6, 2017, at my direction, United States military forces in the Mediterranean Sea, operating beyond the territorial sea of any state, struck the Shayrat military airfield in Syria. United States intelligence indicates that Syrian military forces operating from this airfield were responsible for the chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians in southern Idlib Province, Syria, that occurred on April 4. I directed this action in order to degrade the Syrian military’s ability to conduct further chemical weapons attacks and to dissuade the Syrian regime from using or proliferating chemical weapons, thereby promoting the stability of the region and averting a worsening of the region’s current humanitarian catastrophe.

I acted in the vital national security and foreign policy interests of the United States, pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations and as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive. The United States will take additional action, as necessary and appropriate, to further its important national interests.

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of Congress in this action.


Donald J. Trump


Report: ISIS in Syria could resurge within 6 to 12 months after US withdrawal

‘Mad Max’ Jihad: Seized ISIS combat vehicles go on exhibit in Mosul (PHOTOS)


Car bomb kills three US servicemembers, one contractor outside Bagram Air Field

‘Stop looking at these kids as heroes,’ says veteran who made documentary featuring wartime footage of Marines

UN: American airstrikes contribute to record number of children, civilians killed in Afghanistan

Father of Afghan robotics team captain killed in Isis attack

UN: Afghan war claims record number of civilian lives

Questions for US military after doubt cast on efficiency of Afghan bombing

Syria War

Law of War? Civilian Deaths in US Strikes in Syria, Iraq Soar Under Trump:

On Thursday, Trump ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles at the Shayrat air base, the origin of Tuesday’s chemical weapons attack that killed scores of Syrian civilians in Idlib. Trump explained in a letter to Congress Saturday that his strike was meant “to degrade the Syrian military’s ability to conduct further chemical weapons attacks” and dissuade Assad from using chemicals again.

North Korea

Experts urge caution over latest North Korean move

US military plane leaves North Korea with remains of soldiers from Korean War

North Korean officials are apparent no-shows for meeting on returning U.S. troops' remains

The Korean War accounting effort remains a priority for the U.S. government. The Department of Defense (DoD) pursues opportunities to gain access to loss sites within North Korea and South Korea. Additionally, identifications continue to be made from remains that were returned to the U.S. using forensic and DNA technology. More than 7,800 Americans remain unaccounted-for from the Korean War.

Jim Woolsey. He worked for years in defense and national security. He was President Clinton's CIA director, and then he advised President Trump during the campaign. I asked him what President Trump's actual goal should be if he's going to boost military spending. JAMES WOOLSEY: Well, the objective should not be to spend money. It ought to get - be to get capability. And I think it ought to be particularly to get modern capability because the next war may well not be at all like past wars. Cyber, for example, is extremely important. You're going to have to worry about - especially with the North Koreans and the Iranians - you're going to have to worry about electromagnetic pulses that they would produce, knocking out our electric grid. And we didn't have to worry about that in previous wars.

WWII, The Holocaust

The Holocaust Prisoners Who Risked Their Lives to Sneak Evidence from Concentration Camps. But during his time in Auschwitz, Müller was doing something else: collecting evidence. Caught in a horrific, vulnerable position, the young man tried to kill himself when he realized that he had been facilitating the killing of thousands of Jews. He entered a gas chamber along with a group of fellow prisoners who were forced there, but, as he recorded in a memoir written years after the war, a little girl came up to him and convinced him not to do what he was doing. "We understand that you have chosen to die with us of your own free will, and we have come to tell you that we think your decision is pointless," she told him. "Perhaps you'll survive this terrible tragedy and then you must tell everybody what happened to you."

America Didn’t Bomb Auschwitz 75 Years Ago. Why?

War Memorials, Confederate statues

Which Confederate statues were removed? A running list

War Memorials HQ, War, Remembrance, and Commemoration Through History

Nuclear, missile-defense

ICBM is destroyed by multiple ground salvos in missile-defense test first

Hiroshima, By John Hersey, August 31, 1946 Issue. A hundred thousand people were killed by the atomic bomb. Survivors wonder why they lived when so many others died.


Farewell, now exiting the internet for the day, I leave you with Dr Thompson's frighteningly prophetic 9/11 column


White Nationalist Trump Terrorists

The Hate Report: 43 alt-right murders in four years

The alt-right is killing people - Southern Poverty Law Center

Suspects in five killings reportedly linked to macabre neo-Nazi group

Majority of 2017 extremist murders in US were committed by right-wingers: Report - ABC News -

Stanley Majors trial scheduled to begin in Tulsa County

The largest share of domestic-extremist related killings last year were committed by white supremacists, who claimed 18 lives, according to a new @ADL_National report, writes @JGreenblattADL:

Fact-checking Cory Booker's statistic about attacks by white nationalist hate groups

Far right, not Islam, drives most extremist violence in region and elsewhere. James Fields Jr Daniel Borden Jeffrey Allen and his co-conspirators, Anthony Baumgartner and Stephen Harkness. The trio plotted to at least kidnap and torture Delfin at least a week ahead of time, detectives said.

The authorities charged Sean C. Urbanski, 22, with assault and first- and second-degree murder in the death of Richard W. Collins III, 23, who had just been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army and was preparing to move to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., for training in defending the country against chemical attacks.

Authorities in New York have charged a white supremacist from Baltimore with terrorism over the murder of a black man last week. Police say 28-year-old James Jackson of Baltimore traveled to New York City specifically to kill black men. It was a plan he carried out on Monday, stabbing 66-year-old Timothy Caughman to death on a public street corner, police say.

White Male Terrorists Are an Issue We Should Discuss. Who gets named a terrorist, and why?

"Do you go camping or play paintball?" and 47 other questions from the FBI's secret terrorist-detection questionnaire

A list of 39 white terrorists for the GOP rep who challenged CNN to name more than two:

Corruption, Malfeasance, Ship collisions

Former USS Chafee commander is censured in 'Fat Leonard' corruption case

Man who betrayed friend, cheated federal government out of over $150 million gets 4 years

Sailor used military discount to buy guns and resell them, despite ATF warnings

Worse than you thought: inside the secret Fitzgerald probe the Navy doesn’t want you to read. A scathing internal Navy probe into the 2017 collision that drowned seven sailors on the guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald details a far longer list of problems plaguing the vessel, its crew and superior commands than the service has publicly admitted.

Trump nominee sunk by 'Fat Leonard' corruption scandal. A retired admiral who had been nominated for a senior job in the Trump administration has been torpedoed for his involvement in the Fat Leonard corruption scandal, according to Navy officials. Mark C. Montgomery, a retired two-star admiral, received a letter of censure from the Navy last week after an investigation concluded he had committed graft and taken illicit gifts from Leonard Glenn Francis, a Singapore-based defense contractor who has admitted to bribing scores of officers.

Retired Navy commander gets 30 months prison for accepting 'Fat Leonard' bribes

U.S. Paid $1B to Contractor Accused of Bigotry at Iraq Air Base

‘Fat Leonard’ scandal grows with indictment of three more retired Navy officials

The Marines are still haunted by their 'monster in the closet' as this trial looms

Analysis | Nuclear sub sailors fired after 'absolutely disgraceful' parties with a prostitute and cocaine

The crimes of SEAL Team 6, an exclusive investigation by @theintercept by @matthewacole

Ex-Navy official gets six years in prison for taking $350,000 in bribes from 'Fat Leonard'.

Criminal Misconduct, Sex crimes

Sex, alcohol and violence collided in murder case ensnaring SEALs and Marines. After a long night of drinking in Mali’s capital, two Navy SEALs and two Marine Raiders smashed their way into Army Staff Sgt. Logan J. Melgar’s room with a sledgehammer. One of the SEALs, Petty Officer 1st Class Anthony E. DeDolph, a former professional mixed-martial-arts fighter and Purple Heart recipient, jumped on Melgar and put him in a chokehold on his bed sometime after 5 a.m., two of the men later told authorities. The other SEAL, Chief Petty Officer Adam C. Matthews, grabbed Melgar’s legs, while the two Marines sought to duct-tape them. DeDolph and Matthews, another Purple Heart recipient, were members of the counterterrorism unit commonly known as SEAL Team 6. The other two men, Gunnery Sgt. Mario Madera-Rodriguez and Staff Sgt. Kevin Maxwell, were assigned to Marine Corps Special Operations Command.

How the military handles sexual assault cases behind closed doors - Stripes

More Very Bad Behavior: Navy SEAL Accused of Hoarding Child Pornography:

Bush Wars

Ari Fleischer Lied, and People Died | The American Conservative via @amconmag

Condoleezza Rice: US Invaded Iraq to Oust Saddam Hussein, Not to Bring Democracy:

After Sending So Many to Die in Iraq, Bush Honors US Vets With Book of Paintings. Read more:

Report: Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan cost almost $5 trillion so far. By: Leo Shane III, Military Times, September 12, 2016


The US Army says Iran is the only victor of the Iraq War.

Army history highlights failures in Iraq War

I ran Iraq in 2003. Washington hadn't prepared for the aftermath of war. Paul Bremer.


Present at the Creation. The never-told-before story of the meeting that led to the creation of ISIS, as explained by an Islamic State insider. BY HARALD DOORNBOS, JENAN MOUSSA

Vietnam, Kent State

49 Years After Kent State Massacre, New Photos Revealed

The CIA Predicted Disaster in Vietnam. Why Did No One Listen?


Bristol Palin allegedly slammed ex-husband, a Medal of Honor recipient, as 'no hero'

Mishandling Classified Information

5 years on, US government still counting Snowden leak costs

Hunter: Marine had right intent, Hillary Clinton did not.


Skripal Suspect Boshirov Identified as GRU Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga via @bellingcat

Chelsea Manning leaks had no strategic impact on US war efforts, Pentagon finds

Senate investigator breaks silence about CIA's 'failed coverup' of torture report. Exclusive: Daniel Jones, the man at the center of landmark Senate report, goes public for the first time about the investigation that led to the CIA spying on him.

Records show how often SDPD uses its Stingray via @sdut

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) employs a network of 15,000 undercover informants who devise bogus terrorist plots to entice young Muslims before arresting them and claiming to prevent terror attacks, according to US media reports.

Big Brother is listening as well as watching. Audio surveillance on mass transit systems is all about passenger safety, according to officials. But civil liberties advocates call it a ‘gross violation of privacy.’ And they recently won the debate in New Jersey, where the program on some light-rail lines was shut down.


Faith leaders to U.S. authorities: Migrants have international right to U.S. asylum via @nbcnews

Who is leading the caravan? Depends on who you ask.

Active-duty troops sent to US-Mexico border are training for 'a range of scenarios'

Pentagon deploying troops from 39 units to US-Mexico border

US troops deployed at the border limited in what they can do

A Janitor Preserves the Seized Belongings of Migrants

Portland sex attack suspect's 12 deportations inflame immigration debate


Customs and Border Protection

Former Mozilla CTO detained at US border and denied a lawyer. Former Mozilla Chief Technical Officer Andreas Gal filed today a civil rights complaint against the US Customs and Border Protection agency after a November 2018 incident during which Gal was detained and questioned at the San Francisco International Airport, asked to unlock devices, and denied a lawyer. The incident took place on November 29, last year, according to a copy of the civil rights complaint obtained by ZDNet that Gal and the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California filed against the CBP.

Smuggling, Tunnels and Border Wall

US agents discover tunnel in Texas leading toward Mexican border

All eight of Trump's functionally-flawed, border wall prototypes stand in San Diego

The ACLU made the Border Patrol reveal its terrifying legal theories

As Trump argues for a wall, a border security measure gets pulled back. About 2 miles of military-grade wire was removed from city land in Laredo, Texas, according to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officials. The agency ordered the removals after hearing from local elected officials who raised environmental and public safety concerns with the wire running near community parks. Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, who leads the Texas Border Commission, said the Trump administration has, in part, used his community to fabricate the threat of migrants traveling north.

Last week 7-year old Jackeline Caal from Guatemala died of dehydration in custody of U.S. Border Patrol. Let's all recall this video of Border Agents pouring out water left for people like Caal, intended to help safe lives like hers. They are complicit! Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen)

Video shows group climbing border fence. People on the Mexican side of the border could be seen climbing the fence near Friendship Park Tuesday November 13, 2018, afternoon after part of the Central American migrant caravan arrived in Tijuana.

Barbed wire and Black Hawk helicopters: US troops settle in along border in Texas

As the border wall grows, smuggling tunnels proliferate - @highcountrynews

Tunnel with a rail system is found under Mexico-California border

San Diego's Tunnel Rats stay busy stalking border drug smugglers

Air tour of U.S.Border between Arizona and the Pacific

A backpack, a Coke bottle and fake cocaine: Inside a Border Patrol agent’s smuggling arrest.

Two tunnels, one incomplete, reported at SD-Tijuana border.


EXCLUSIVE: CIA Psychologist’s Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush’s Torture Program. Bush administration officials have long asserted that the torture techniques used on “war on terror” detainees were utilized as a last resort in an effort to gain actionable intelligence to thwart pending terrorist attacks against the United States and its interests abroad. But the handwritten notes obtained exclusively by Truthout drafted two decades ago by Dr. John Bruce Jessen, the psychologist who was under contract to the CIA and credited as being one of the architects of the government’s top-secret torture program, tell a dramatically different story about the reasons detainees were brutalized and it was not just about obtaining intelligence. via @truthout

Guantánamo’s Darkest Secret. An M.P. explained to Wood that the current guard force called Detainee 760 “Pillow,” because when they had arrived, several months earlier, a pillow was the only object in his possession. Then one of them shouted, “Pillow, you can come out now!” A short man in his mid-thirties stepped into the guards’ area, unshackled. He wore a broad smile and a white jumpsuit, and moved cautiously toward Wood. The detainee introduced himself as Mohamedou Salahi, then reached for a handshake, and said, “What’s up, dude?”

True scale of UK role in torture and rendition after 9/11 revealed

Perspective | Psychologists are facing consequences for helping with torture. It’s not enough.

The Moral Cost of Torture via @CFR_org

The appeal of torture: what I learned from teaching a class on terrorism. Adam Theron-Lee Rensch was puzzled when his students, who were critically conscious of Islamophobia, US politics and the media, found torture ‘necessary’
