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U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution Annotated. This edition of the Congressional Research Service's U.S. Constitution Annotated is a hypertext interpretation of the CRS text, updated to the currently published version. It links to Supreme Court opinions, the U.S. Code, and the Code of Federal Regulations, as well as enhancing navigation through search, breadcrumbs, linked footnotes and tables of contents.

2020 Elections


Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat. The 27-page report pins Trump's loss on voter perception that he was untrustworthy and disapproval of his pandemic performance. The post-mortem, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, says the former president suffered from voter perception that he wasn’t honest or trustworthy and that he was crushed by disapproval of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. And while Trump spread baseless accusations of ballot-stuffing in heavily Black cities, the report notes that he was done in by hemorrhaging support from white voters.

Saturday, November 7, 2020 08:50:41 AM
Biden 284 50.6% 74,847,834
Trump 214 47.7% 70,591,531
Vote Results Wednesday, December 9, 2020 04:46:17 PM
candidate electoral
share popular
Biden 306 51.30% 81,282,896
Trump 232 46.85% 74,222,484

Sunday, November 22, 2020 08:27:27 AM Biden advantage in California 5,085,114

Share of vote 21st c. presidential candidates

  1. Obama 2008 52.9
  2. Biden 2020 51.3
  3. Obama 2012 51.1
  4. Bush 2004 50.7
  5. Gore 2000 48.4
  6. Kerry 2004 48.3
  7. Clinton 2016 48.2
  8. Bush 2000 47.9
  9. Romney 2012 47.2
  10. Trump 2020 46.9
  11. Trump 2016 46.1
  12. McCain 2008 45.7

Transition and Inauguration

Inside the frantic, final days of record-keeping that landed Trump in hot water. Aides to the former president described a chaotic process that was colored by the boss’ desire to keep litigating the election and retain his own mementos.

Trump Was ‘Fact Free’ During Briefings, Says Former National Intelligence Director. “For the Intelligence Community, the Trump transition was far and away the most difficult in its historical experience with briefing new presidents,” a new CIA report said. Even once Trump started receiving the President’s Daily Brief (PDB), a daily summary of high-level national security and intelligence issues, Trump chose not to read it, according to Ted Gistaro, a career CIA analyst who frequently briefed Trump. This backed up earlier reports that Trump did not read the PDB. “He touched it,” Gistaro said when asked how closely Trump read the briefs. “He doesn’t really read anything.”

McConnell sought to disinvite Trump from Biden’s inaugural. According to a new book from Jonathan Karl, Trump got wind of the plan and preemptively announced he wasn’t attending. To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.

In Farewell Speech As President, Trump Says ‘We Did What We Came Here To Do’. “As I conclude my term as the 45th president of the United States, I stand before you truly proud of what we have achieved together,” Trump began. “This week, we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous,” he continued, adding: “We also want them to have luck, a very important word.” (See video of the speech above.) “We did what we came here to do ― and so much more. Above all, we have reasserted the sacred idea that in America, the government answers to the people,” Trump said. “We restored the idea that in America, no one is forgotten ― because everyone matters and everyone has a voice.” Falsely casting his time in office as an effort to unify Americans, Trump claimed that his agenda “wasn’t about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that means the whole nation,” despite having spent his entire presidency vilifying his political opponents. He appeared to defend his violent rhetoric on Tuesday, saying, “In America, we don’t insist on absolute conformity or enforce rigid orthodoxies and punitive speech codes.” “Now, as I prepare to hand power over to a new administration at noon on Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning,” Trump said. “There’s never been anything like it.”

Washington's security preps in high gear for inauguration. Thousands of National Guard forces have been called to the DC area ahead of President-elect Biden's inauguration.

The next 12 days will be something to tell the grandchildren! It’s 1776 all over again!

Media has yet to do a deep dive on precisely what Trump *said* in his January 6 speech in DC—a speech now called an "incitement to insurrection," and the basis for an article of impeachment coming Monday. This thread unpacks the speech.

Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021.

To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th. Jan 8, '21 @ 10:44 am ET Author: Likely Trump

The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!! Jan 8, '21 @ 9:46 am ET Author: Likely Trump

The violence at the Capitol was an attempted coup. Call it that. video

Trump privately admits it’s over, but wants to brawl for attention. To one person, Trump even confided he was “just disappointed we lost.” But he still maintains he would have won a fair election. But mostly, he is continuing his fight to subvert the election for a Trumpian reason: to keep the attention on himself and give his supporters what they want, according to the people who have spoken with him. “The point is to still be relevant and still be talked about in the news,” said one of the people. “This is someone who’s been on Page Six of the New York Post for 40 years. He’s beyond embarrassment.”

Trump says he’ll ‘fight like hell’ to hold on to presidency. With mounting desperation, Donald Trump declared Monday night he would “fight like hell” to hold on to the presidency and appealed to Republican lawmakers to reverse his election loss to Joe Biden when they convene this week to confirm the Electoral College vote. Electoral voters won by President-elect Biden are “not gonna take this White House!” he shouted as supporters cheered at an outdoor rally in Georgia. Trump’s announced purpose for the trip was to boost Republican Senate candidates in Tuesday’s runoff election, but he spent much of his speech complaining bitterly about his election loss — which he insists he won “by a lot.”

Fox News panelist defends Trump's leaked call to Georgia secretary of state: He is a “man who fights” The Washington Post just released tape of Trump threatening GA Secretary of State Bread Raffensberger in an attempt to overturn election results. 3:30 GAYLE TROTTER: The voters who wanted President Trump to have a second term voted for him because he's a fighter. He's a man who fights. And this is yet another example -- A.B. STODDARD: [LAUGHS]

Donald Trump could be planning Turnberry trip as Scots airport told to expect a high-flyer the day before Joe Biden’s inauguration. Prestwick airport has been told to expect the arrival of a US military Boeing 757 aircraft, that is occasionally used by Trump, on January 19 – the day before his Democratic rival takes charge at the White House.

Trump, on tape, presses Ga. official to ‘find’ him votes. “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Trump said. “Because we won the state.” Here’s the full transcript and audio of the call between Trump and Raffensperger

GOP senators, led by Cruz, to object to Electoral College certification, demand emergency audit. The lawmakers call for an electoral commission to be established to audit results." In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy," the lawmakers said in the statement. "Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission -- consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices -- to consider and resolve the disputed returns."

Trump returns to White House after Florida vacation. Shortly after he entered the White House, Trump tweeted out a previously recorded message in which he praised Americans for showing "grit, strength, tenacity and resolve" throughout 2020 and boasted of his administration's work in developing a coronavirus vaccine. "This is one of the most extraordinary scientific, industrial and medical feats in history. Everybody has it at that," Trump said. "That's what they're marking it down as, and we can never let people forget where it came from and how it came. We're very proud to be honored, and all of the people that worked so hard on it, we have to be remembered for what's been done."

Democrats who praised 2004 objections to Electoral College certification now slam Hawley. Democrats objected to electoral vote certification last 3 times a Republican was elected president. Democrats challenge Ohio electoral votes. Move delays official certification of presidential election. Thursday, January 6, 2005 The move was not designed to overturn the re-election of President Bush, said Ohio Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and California Sen. Barbara Boxer, who filed the objection.

Keep Calm and QAnon. Pro-Trump conspiracy theories may have actually discouraged postelection violence.

Trump Attacks FBI, DOJ, Supreme Court and GOP Senators in Boxing Day Twitter Tirade.

Trump’s Bonkers Oval Office Meeting With Sidney Powell Was Even Too Much for Rudy. Dec. 19, 2020 8:05PM ET. Her claims of mass election fraud have fallen flat. But it didn’t stop Trump from inviting conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell to the White House for a brainstorm. Sidney Powell’s insane claims about the election being stolen have left judges across the country shaking and scratching their heads. But during a bonkers Oval Office meeting with her on Friday night, President Trump floated the idea of appointing her as a special counsel investigating voter fraud. Two sources familiar with the matter confirmed to The Daily Beast that Trump and Powell held the Friday meeting to discuss their baseless theories of mass election fraud. According to The New York Times, which first reported the meeting, some aides were left in shock at Trump’s suggestion of making Powell a special counsel. Even Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s most loyal foot soldier in his election fraud crusade, was against the idea. A source quoted by CNN on Saturday described the meeting as “ugly” after Powell and Flynn lashed out at others. “It was heated, people were really fighting it out in the Oval,” the source was quoted saying. Even some of the president’s closest allies vocally opposed some of the insane ideas floated in the meeting. Along with Giuliani, White House counsel Pat Cipollone was against the special counsel idea. Flynn’s idea of invoking martial law was similarly shot down, as was an extraordinary idea for an executive order to seize voting machines, according to the Times, which described the meeting as “raucous.”

This might be the most embarrassing document created by a White House staffer. The first thing I did when I cracked open White House trade adviser Peter Navarro’s 30-page compilation of President Trump’s voter-fraud greatest hits was check a footnote. The introduction claimed that, as of midnight Election Day, Trump looked to be “well on his way to winning a second term,” given that he “was already a lock to win both Florida and Ohio.” “[N]o Republican has ever won a presidential election without winning Ohio,” the document notes, “while only two Democrats have won the presidency without winning Florida.” But this, in broad strokes, is how Navarro’s document operates. It throws out as near-certainties things that are unfounded, misrepresented or unimportant. Philip Bump is a correspondent for The Washington Post based in New York.

Joe Biden asks Trump to accept his 'clear victory' after electoral college vote result. Kayleigh McEnany slammed for claiming Biden’s electoral college speech was ‘divisive’. Remarks came as EC officially recognised Joe Biden’s election win.

Joe Biden asks Trump to accept his 'clear victory' after electoral college vote result. Trump says Biden is ‘pretending he’s won’ and insists he had a ‘landslide victory’. The president shows no signs of accepting reality and may never concede defeat.

Supreme Court declines to hear Trump-supported Texas case over election results in four other states. Legal experts said Texas' case, flawed in several ways, was likely to fail. The order does not foreclose any other pending or future election appeals at the Supreme Court, but time is running out. The states meet next week on Dec. 14 for the Electoral College exercise. And on Jan. 6 there will be a joint session of the House and Senate to count the electoral votes and certify President-elect Joe Biden as the winner. Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas said they would have heard the case -- without granting other relief, like issuing an injunction on electoral proceedings. They added that they expressed "no view on any other issue."

White House Asks Staff To Transition With ‘Professionalism’ Despite Trump’s Lies: Report. Staffers were asked to “prioritize preparations for a smooth transition.”

Trump holds self-congratulatory vaccine 'summit,' dismisses concerns over virus spread. The White House pushed back on reports U.S. declined to buy more vaccine doses.

President Trump walks out on Medal of Freedom ceremony for legendary wrestler, ex-Iowa coach Dan Gable. Well, I think the case has already been made. If you look at the polls, it was a rigged election. You look at the different states. The election was totally rigged. It’s a disgrace to our country. It’s like a third-world country — these ballots pouring in from everywhere, using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. They have “glitches,” as they call them. Glitches. The glitches weren’t glitches. They got caught sending out thousands of votes — all against me, by the way. No, this was like from a third-world nation. And I think the case has been made. And now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.

'We're all victims' Trump whines at Georgia rally, repeatedly refusing to accept he lost election to Biden.

Just 26 congressional Republicans acknowledge Biden’s win, Washington Post survey finds. Two Republicans consider Trump the winner despite all evidence showing otherwise. And another 221 GOP members of the House and Senate — nearly 90 percent of all Republicans serving in Congress — will simply not say who won the election.

When Kimmel extracts all lies from Trump's 45-min rant, it turns into great 45-second speech

Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team. Dec. 4, 2020 at 5:52 p.m. EST The Trump administration has refused to allow members of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence agencies that are controlled by the Pentagon, undermining prospects for a smooth transfer of power, current and former U.S. officials said. The officials said the Biden team has not been able to engage with leaders at the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage platforms.

Michigan voter fraud hearing goes viral for alleged flatulence, unruly witness. HuffPost reporter Ryan J. Reilly shared a video on Twitter of Giuliani passionately answering a question about Attorney General William Barr’s statement that federal prosecutors had not found evidence of election fraud that would influence the outcome. During the clip, what sounds like flatulence can be heard as he’s speaking.

In February, 2021, a man goes to the White House to see Donald Trump. He is told by the Marine on duty that Trump is no longer president and that he no longer resides there. Three days in a row the man returns to see Trump and each time the same Marine tells him Trump is no longer president. On the fourth day, the Marine finally asks the man why he keeps coming back asking for Trump when he already knows the answer. The man replies, “I just love hearing you tell me Trump is no longer the president.” The Marine snaps to attention, salutes and says, “See you tomorrow, sir!”

Biden chief of staff says inauguration ‘not going to be the same’ Ron Klain said the inauguration ceremony will be altered to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Russian interference, Trump collusion, ratfucking

How Bannon and Trump normalized antisemitic bigotry. Loaded attacks on "Soros" and "globalists" are now part of the Republican brand. Steve Bannon closed out Trump’s presidential campaign with a commercial prominently featuring images of Jewish financiers, notably including George Soros. The ad also featured images of blight and shuttered factories, and Trump’s voice declaring: “It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.” A centerpiece of Trump’s campaign was the claim that powerful “globalists” were scheming to strip American workers of their wealth and, for unstated but plainly odious reasons, to hand it over to foreign countries, most notably China. The Anti-Defamation League, accurately, described the commercial as a pastiche of “painful stereotypes.” Trump’s rhetoric was grounded on one of the oldest conspiracy theories, most notoriously recited in Protocols of the Elders of Zion — a Czarist fabrication that was popularized by Henry Ford — that purported to prove a secret cohort of Jews secretly controlled, and manipulated, international financial institutions. But the ad was also clearly linked to more recent antisemitic conspiracism that had begun proliferating in the wake of the 2009 financial crisis, particularly in Hungary under that country’s authoritarian, and increasingly neo-fascist, Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules Is a Hilarious Mockumentary. A tour de force exploring the limits of how many suckers there are willing to pay for fantasy. ome of the film’s funniest moments come when D’Souza summons his fellow Salem Media Group talkers—Dennis Prager, Eric Metaxes, Seb Gorka, and Charlie Kirk—for a meeting of the minds to discuss their thoughts about election fraud before and after viewing D’Souza’s movie. But even the Salem hosts seem wise to the game and acknowledge that D’Souza hasn’t, and won’t be able to prove anything. Gorka sums it up with this non sequitur: “It’s the perfect crime because it cannot be curated after it’s committed.”

Meadows texts reveal just how tight the Fox News-Trump embrace is. As Trump raged against non-existent election fraud, he took counsel from his actual staff. He also had help from acquaintances and associates like Rudy Giuliani. But, less conventionally, Trump’s White House was also getting guidance from some of Fox News’ best-known personalities, in a level of coordination rarely, if ever, seen in top-level politics. The direct interactions between Trump’s administration and the Fox hosts Sean Hannity and Maria Bartiromo were revealed in leaked text messages from the phone of Mark Meadows, Trump’s chief of staff during the November election and the January 6 insurrection. The texts, revealed by CNN, show how the lines between Fox News and the Trump White House had become jarringly blurred in Trump’s final months. On election day 2021 Hannity, the second-most watched host on Fox News, was texting Meadows asking which states he particularly needed to “push” – to encourage people to vote.

Homeland Security Secretary Altered Report on Russian Election Interference to Help Trump, Watchdog Says. The DHS inspector general’s office found that Chad Wolf and his employees made “changes that appear to be based in part on political considerations” The watchdog’s office said it interviewed an individual in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) “who told us the Acting Secretary asked the product be held because it made President Trump look bad and hurt President Trump’s campaign — the concept that Russia was denigrating candidate Biden would be used against President Trump.” The product, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of US Candidates to Influence 2020 Electoral Dynamics,” was first being drafted in April 2020 after then-candidate Biden had assumed frontrunner status in the Democratic primary. These findings align with a whistleblower report from Sept. 2020 filed by Brian Murphy, the former principal deputy undersecretary in DHS’s I&A office. Murphy alleged that DHS leaders including Wolf, former Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and senior official Ken Cuccinelli not only minimized Russian influence in the election, but fabricated data relating to the U.S.-Mexico border wall and downplayed the threat of white supremacy. Murphy also claimed retaliation by his superiors after he raised these concerns.

Durham says CIA found data alleging Trump-Russia connection not 'technically plausible,' was 'user created'. Special Counsel John Durham asserted in a court filing Friday that the CIA concluded data from Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann alleging coordination between Donald Trump and Russia was "not technically plausible" and was "user created." But Sussmann is moving to preclude evidence concerning the "gathering" of that "DNS data" by "Tech Executive 1," who has been identified as Rodney Joffe, and his associates. Durham's original indictment alleges Sussmann told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016 — less than two months before the 2016 presidential election — he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and held a meeting where he presented "purported data and 'white papers' that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin. The indictment alleges that Sussmann lied in the meeting, "falsely stating to the general counsel that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client." Durham also alleges that Sussmann is a lizard person.


The Presidency of Donald Trump review: the first draft of history. Julian Zelizer of Princeton has assembled a cast of historians to consider every aspect of four years that shook America. One of the best essays, about the Republican party Trump inherited, is written by the book’s editor, Julian Zelizer. The Princeton historian reminds us that the “smashmouth partisanship” perfected by Trump actually began when Newt Gingrich snared the House speakership nearly 30 years ago. In 1992, Pat Buchanan’s speech to the Republic convention featured all of the gay-bashing that Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, (and many other Republicans) have revived with so much gusto in 2022. With major contributions from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the rightwing media machine, most of the GOP moved so far right it didn’t become Trump’s party because he “seized control” but rather because “he fit so perfectly” with it. Most Republicans were “all in” for Trump, from Mitt Romney, the ex-never Trumper who voted with his former nemesis more than 80% of the time, to “moderate” Chris Christie, who gave Trump an “A” four months after his four years of scorched-earth governance were over.

Former President Trump is raising eyebrows after he seemingly admitted to losing the 2020 presidential election in a video published by The Atlantic on Monday. “I didn’t win the election,” Trump, who has repeatedly rejected President Biden’s victory, said while speaking in July to a panel of historians convened by Julian Zelizer, a Princeton professor and editor of “The Presidency of Donald Trump: A First Historical Assessment.”

It Wasn’t a Hoax. People with scant illusions about Trump are volunteering to help him execute one of his Big Lies. By David Frum NOVEMBER 25, 2021

  1. Dating back to at least 2006, Trump and his companies did tens of millions of dollars of business with Russian individuals and other buyers whose profiles raised the possibility of money laundering. More than one-fifth of all the condominiums sold by Trump over his career were purchased in all-cash transactions by shell companies, a 2018 BuzzFeed News investigation found.
  2. In 2013, Trump’s pursuit of Russian business intensified. That year, he staged the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Around that time, Trump opened discussions on the construction of a Trump Tower in Moscow, from which he hoped to earn “hundreds of millions of dollars, if the project advanced to completion,” in the words of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
  3. Trump continued to pursue the Tower deal for a year after he declared himself a candidate for president. “By early November 2015, Trump and a Russia-based developer signed a Letter of Intent laying out the main terms of a licensing deal,” the Senate Intelligence Committee found. Trump’s representatives directly lobbied aides to Russian President Vladimir Putin in January 2016. Yet repeatedly during the 2016 campaign, Trump falsely stated that he had no business with Russia—perhaps most notably in his second presidential debate against Hillary Clinton, in October 2016.
  4. Early in 2016, President Putin ordered an influence operation to “harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process.” Again, that’s from the Senate Intelligence Committee report.
  5. The Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos “likely learned about the Russian active measures campaign as early as April 2016,” the Senate Intelligence Committee wrote. In May 2016, Papadopoulos indiscreetly talked with Alexander Downer, then the Australian high commissioner to the United Kingdom, about Russia’s plot to intervene in the U.S. election to hurt Clinton and help Trump. Downer described the conversation in a report to his government. By long-standing agreement, Australia shares intelligence with the U.S. government. It was Papadopoulos’s blurt to Downer that set in motion the FBI investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, a revelation authoritatively reported more than three years ago.
  6. In June 2016, the Trump campaign received a request for a meeting from a Russian lawyer offering harmful information on Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump Jr. and other senior Trump advisers accepted the meeting. The Trump team did not obtain the dirt they’d hoped for. But the very fact of the meeting confirmed to the Russian side the Trump campaign’s eagerness to accept Russian assistance. Shortly after, Trump delivered his “Russia, if you’re listening” invitation at his last press conference of the campaign.
  7. WikiLeaks released two big caches of hacked Democratic emails in July and October 2016. In the words of the Senate Intelligence Committee: “WikiLeaks actively sought, and played, a key role in the Russian intelligence campaign and very likely knew it was assisting a Russian intelligence influence effort.”
  8. Through its ally Roger Stone, the Trump campaign team assiduously tried to communicate with WikiLeaks. Before the second WikiLeaks release, “Trump and the Campaign believed that Stone had inside information and expressed satisfaction that Stone’s information suggested more releases would be forthcoming,” according to the Senate Intelligence Committee. In late summer and early fall 2016, Stone repeatedly predicted that WikiLeaks would publish an “October surprise” that would harm the Clinton campaign.
  9. At the same time as it welcomed Russian help, the Trump campaign denied and covered up Russian involvement: “The Trump Campaign publicly undermined the attribution of the hack-and-leak campaign to Russia and was indifferent to whether it and WikiLeaks were furthering a Russian election interference effort,” the Intelligence Committee found.
  10. In March 2016, the Trump campaign accepted the unpaid services of Paul Manafort, deeply beholden to deeply shady Russian business and political figures. “On numerous occasions, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information” with a man the Intelligence Committee identified as a Russian intelligence officer. “Taken as a whole, Manafort’s high-level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services … represented a grave counterintelligence threat,” the committee found. Through 2016, the Russian state launched a massive Facebook disinformation program that aligned with the Trump campaign strategy.
  11. At crucial moments in the 2016 election, Trump publicly took positions that broke with past Republican policy and served no apparent domestic political purpose, but that supported Putin’s foreign-policy goals: scoffing at NATO support for Estonia, denigrating allies such as Germany, and endorsing Britain’s exit from the European Union.
  12. Throughout the 2016 election and after, people close to Trump got themselves into serious legal and political trouble by lying to the public, to Congress, and even to the FBI about their Russian connections.

The Steele dossier undertook to answer the question “What the hell is going on with Trump and Russia?” The Senate Intelligence Committee found that the FBI investigation gave the Steele dossier “unjustified credence.” But the disintegration of the dossier’s answers has not silenced the power of its question. It was to silence that question that the outgoing Trump administration appointed a special counsel of its own to investigate its investigators. John Durham has now issued three indictments, all for lying to the FBI about various aspects of the Steele dossier. None of these indictments vindicate Trump’s claims in any way. It remains fact that Russian hackers and spies helped his campaign. It remains fact that the Trump campaign welcomed the help. It remains fact that Trump’s campaign chairman sought to share proprietary campaign information with a person whom the Senate report identified as a “Russian intelligence officer.” It remains fact that Trump hoped to score a huge payday in Russia even as he ran for president. It remains fact that Trump and those around him lied, and lied, and lied again about their connections to Russia.

Putin Did It Again: New Intelligence Report Says Moscow Helped Trump in 2020. Anti-Biden propaganda was prepared with the assistance of Russian intelligence.

Liberal Dark Money

Liberal ‘dark money’ groups’ revenue soared ahead of 2020 elections. More than $86.2 million of Sixteen Thirty Fund’s windfall came from its sister 501(c)(3) group, New Venture Fund, which tax documents show raised over $965 million — nearly $1 billion — in 2020 from a myriad of anonymous sources. Since New Venture Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, individual donors can write off their contributions as tax-deductible even though some of the nonprofit’s money is given to more politically active groups. Both New Venture Fund and Sixteen Thirty Fund give to an array of groups and causes with a wide range of levels of political activity. New tax records reviewed by OpenSecrets reveal that New Venture Fund was primarily funded by multimillion dollar donations in 2020 with ​​just eight anonymous donors giving tens of millions of dollars each in 2020 making up the bulk of its fundraising. Two donors gave over $100 million each. While Sixteen Thirty Fund and New Venture Fund do not voluntarily disclose donors, some funders have been made public by foundations and other groups giving grants to them. Donors have included nonprofits linked to Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss, Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar and liberal mega-donor George Soros.

Past elections, fraud

Pro-Trump Group Invented Voter Fraud Claims Months Before Election. A well-funded far-right group—that made inroads with Stop The Steal organizations, paid a former police captain more than $200,000 to hunt ballots, and became entangled in a roadside stickup—was making war plans for Election Day 2020 months ahead of time, documents reveal. The fringe group, the Liberty Center for God and Country (LCGC), led a lucrative fundraising blitz in the run-up to the election and quietly networked with now-notorious election denialists. Their work came to light in October of that year when former Houston Police captain Mark Aguirre allegedly rammed his SUV into a man’s truck, forced the man onto the ground at gunpoint, and accused him of transporting 750,000 fraudulent ballots. Aguirre’s claims were baseless—his victim was an innocent air conditioner technician—and no widespread voter fraud has been found in the 2020 election. Aguirre was indicted this week for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

How Ashley Biden's Diary Made Its Way to Project Veritas. Federal prosecutors and FBI agents are investigating whether there was a criminal conspiracy among a handful of individuals to steal and publish the diary. Those being scrutinized include current and former operatives for the conservative group Project Veritas; a donor Trump appointed to a political position in the final days of his administration; a man who once pleaded guilty in a money laundering scheme; and a financially struggling mother of two, according to people familiar with federal grand jury subpoenas and a search warrant who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. The investigation has focused new attention on how Trump or his allies sought to use the troubles of Biden’s two surviving children to undercut him. The inquiry has also intensified the scrutiny of Project Veritas. Its founder, James O’Keefe, was pulled from his apartment in his underwear and handcuffed during a dawn raid last month by the FBI, two days after a pair of his former employees had their homes raided. Asked a list of specific questions related to the investigation, a lawyer for Project Veritas, Paul A. Calli, responded with a statement from O’Keefe criticizing The New York Times. Project Veritas has said in court filings that it was assured by the people who sold Ashley Biden’s items to the group that they were abandoned rather than stolen. But the police report said that Bantner’s client had told him that the property was “possibly stolen” and “he got it from an unknown person at a hotel.” The video footage, which appears to be a partial account of the encounter, records Bantner describing the bags as “crap.” The officer can be heard telling Bantner that he is going to throw the bags in the garbage because the officer did not have any “information” or “proof of evidence.” “Like I said, I’m fine with it,” Bantner replied. But police did examine the contents of the bag and quickly determined that they belonged to Ashley Biden. The report said police contacted the Secret Service and the FBI, which later collected the items.

Probe finds Trump officials repeatedly violated Hatch Act

FEC drops investigation into Trump hush money payments. The Federal Elections Commission (FEC) has closed its investigation into whether former President Trump illegally made hush money payments to women prior to the 2016 election. The FEC voted 4-1 to close the probes after failing to find that Trump or his campaign “knowingly and willfully” violated campaign finance law when his former attorney Michael Cohen paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her from disclosing an alleged affair. Cohen was convicted in 2018 of lying to Congress, tax evasion and other charges relating to the payments to Daniels and other women. He served three years in prison. His attorney said Cohen testified in court that the payment was made “for the principal purpose of influencing an election.” The FEC's Office of General Counsel issued a report in December finding that there was “reason to believe” that Cohen and the Trump campaign knowingly and willfully violated campaign finance law. However, the FEC said that it failed by a 2-2 vote to prove any of the parties violated campaign finance law. The panel’s two Republican commissioners, Allen Dickerson and Sean Cooksey, wrote in a statement that they felt Cohen had already been punished criminally and the matter was “not the best use of agency resources.” “The public record is complete with respect to the conduct at issue in these complaints, and Mr. Cohen has been punished by the government of the United States for the conduct at issue in these matters,” Dickerson and Cooksey wrote. In a separate statement, Democratic commissioner Ellen Weintraub and Commission Chair Shana Broussard said the probe should have been continued after the general counsel said there was reason to believe campaign finance law was broken.

Twitter troll arrested for election interference related to disinformation campaign. The charges are a potentially tectonic shift in how the federal government tries to enforce laws against election interference. The notorious Twitter troll and alt-right figure Douglass Mackey, known better by his alter ego, Ricky Vaughn, was arrested on Wednesday on federal charges of election interference stemming from an alleged voter disinformation campaign during the 2016 election. Mackey is charged with conspiring with others “to disseminate misinformation designed to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote,” according to the newly unsealed criminal complaint. In September 2016, Mackey’s groups turned to creating memes that misled potential voters about how they would be able to cast votes, creating memes that falsely claimed that supporters could cast their vote by posting on Facebook or Twitter or by voting through text message. According to the complaint, 4,900 unique telephone numbers texted their votes to the number provided.


California Recall

Republicans overplayed their hand in California – and Democrats are laughing. Larry Elder just discovered that his brand appeals to a tiny fraction of voters. Republican governors in Texas and Florida may learn similar lessons.

5 Takeaways From The California Recall Election. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) crushed a Republican-led effort to oust him from office a year early.

  1. Democrats’ coronavirus approach vindicated
  2. ‘Trumpism is not dead’
  3. Newsom dodges friendly fire
  4. Recall reform could gain public support

California Recall Updates: Gavin Newsom Wins, in a Relief for Democrats. The governor of America’s most populous state brushed aside an effort to remove him, as deep-blue California rallied to prevent Republicans from capturing its top office.

No 5,840,283 63.9%
Yes 3,297,145 36.1

California women show decisive support for Newsom, concerns about Elder, as recall looms.

Column: Gavin Newsom has been one of the most pro-Latino governors in California history, and he’s under attack for it.

How Jerry Brown fits in among California’s greatest governors. Historians say he’s one of the best but doesn’t match his father. None of the other modern-era governors who served between Brown’s two stints in the top job quite match up, historians say, pointing to episodes like Wilson’s anti-immigrant policies, Gray Davis’ recall election, and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s failure to staunch the state’s fiscal problems.

Column: How recall candidate Larry Elder mentored Trumpism’s top acolytes. BY JEAN GUERRERO

Recall backers try to block Trump mentions from California voter guide. Their demand: Recall supporters say that Newsom's language misleadingly casts the recall as illegitimate and falsely implies only Republicans are in support. They want to strip out various references to Republicans and to mute Newsom’s attempts to frame the recall as a nefarious effort to seize power. Newsom response: "The lawsuit is totally baseless," Newsom campaign spokesperson Nathan Click said in a statement. "The facts are clear — this is a partisan Republican recall: one that was launched by Republicans like Heatlie and Netter and funded almost exclusively by Republican donors, the RNC and allies of Donald Trump. Republicans know they can't win in a normal election year, so they are trying to force a special election and grab power." Why it matters: Newsom has striven from the outset to define the recall as a cynical maneuver by Trump-aligned Republicans, believing that will resonate in a heavily Democratic state where Trump was very unpopular. The state’s official voter guide offers a prime opportunity to make that case to voters — or not.

Reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner said Friday that she's leading all contenders in the Gov. Gavin Newsom recall despite polling and fundraising totals that suggest otherwise, addressing California political reporters in her first campaign press conference. Jenner said she plans a statewide bus tour in the month before the Sept. 14 recall and dismissed a major May poll showing that she was fourth among GOP hopefuls with only 6 percent support. “Honestly, I'm not concerned about the polling,” she said, dismissing the survey as outdated. “I guarantee you that I am in the lead." Jenner said she has no plans to drop out of the race ahead of a filing deadline next week and will provide five years of tax returns as required by California's elections chief under a new law. “I have a tremendous advantage, obviously because of name recognition," Jenner said in her first trip to Sacramento some 10 weeks after declaring her candidacy.

GOP’s Faulconer: Boost Shelters For Homeless Californians. Republican gubernatorial candidate Kevin Faulconer wants to create more homeless shelters in California as part of his effort to get people off the streets, declaring homelessness in the state an emergency that must be treated like one. Faulconer, the former two-term San Diego mayor, released a statewide plan Tuesday modeled off his efforts while leading the nation's eighth-most populous city. Expanding shelters would make it easier for law enforcement to clear encampments and to cite or arrest people who don't leave. But the plan offers limited details on what happens to people once they're in the shelters, and only lays out a plan to help veterans access permanent housing. Faulconer said all shelters would be required to offer services for mental health and drug addiction. Converting hotel and motel rooms into housing is the key component of Newsom's response to homelessness. Faulconer supported such programs as San Diego mayor and said there's “absolutely" a place for it in the state's approach.

‘It’s all fallen apart’: Newsom scrambles to save California — and his career. The Democrat leading the nation’s biggest state is facing a raging pandemic, vaccine distribution problems and a nascent recall drive.


2022 & Redistricting

Star Trek makes Stacey Abrams president of United Earth – and stokes conservative anger. National Review says candidate for governor in Georgia and self-confessed superfan does not deserve fictional title.

Inside McConnell's Campaign to Take Back the Senate and Thwart Trump. For more than a year, former President Donald Trump has berated Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, savaging him for refusing to overturn the state’s presidential results and vowing to oppose him should he run for the Senate this year. In early December, though, Ducey received a far friendlier message from another former Republican president. At a golf tournament luncheon, George W. Bush encouraged him to run against Sen. Mark Kelly, a Democrat, suggesting the Republican Party needs more figures like Ducey to step forward. “It’s something you have to feel a certain sense of humility about,” the governor said this month of Bush’s appeal. “You listen respectfully, and that’s what I did.”

Louisiana candidate for Senator burns up a confederate flag in this new kickass ad. Hoping to unseat racist Senator John Kennedy in the 2022 election, Louisiana Senate candidate Gary Chambers gets right down to business in his powerful new campaign ad. Appealing to Democrats and anyone else opposed to what the far-right senator stands for, Chambers hangs a confederate flag, douses it in gas, and then burns it up. And after explaining how Jim Crow never left Louisiana and the South, he ends the ad saying, "Our system isn't broken — it's designed to do exactly what it's doing, which is producing measurable inequity. … I do believe the South will rise again, but this time it will be on our terms."

Watch: Simple explainer on why democracy in America will lose, unless Democrats wake up

CA AD 78 old 77th Democrat Brian Maienschein Elected four times as a Republican, became a Democrat on January 24, 2019.

CA SD 39 old 39th Democrat Toni Atkins

CA CD 51 old 53rd Democrat Sara Jacobs

First-term Rep. Sara Jacobs announced Tuesday that she will seek re-election to the House of Representatives in the new 51st District in 2022. Hours later, Republican Rep. Darrell Issa said he’d seek the new 48th District seat. The new district in central San Diego County includes much of Democrat Jacobs’ current 53rd District, but also parts of the county previously represented by Reps. Scott Peters, Issa and Juan Vargas.

The map viewer includes draft maps that were approved 11.10.21.

Finally, three safely Democratic districts in the San Diego area have turned into two safely Democratic districts and one competitive district, which could force one of the area’s Democratic incumbents to either run on much redder turf or take on one of their colleagues. At the same time, though, the new map moves Republican Reps. Ken Calvert’s and Darrell Issa’s districts each 8 points to the left, putting them in danger of losing reelection later in the decade.

FiveThirtyEight also determined that the 50th District, which has historically always been a Republican stronghold, will still favor Republicans, but less strongly than it has before. "Certainly Darrell Issa will yet again be one of the targeted Republicans nationally and someone who will likely draw a top tier challenger and will be in another strong political fight," Kousser said.

Trump’s Underlying Rally Message Is Clear: Fear Me. As he kicks off a new series of rallies, Trump hopes to punish those who have defied him and scare off any would be challengers in 2024.

‘As Long as the Party Embraces Trump, It’s Going to Have Trouble’ The Republican collapse in Michigan’s Oakland County, once a stronghold, was a long time coming. Is losing these suburbs a warning light for Trumpism?

Pollster Frank Luntz: Trump's 'Big Lie' is working, may cost GOP votes. Luntz noted in an interview on the New York Times podcast “Sway” released Thursday that “more than two-thirds of Republicans believe that the election was stolen,” warning that a widespread and unproven belief that there was rampant fraud last November could turn Republicans off from voting in the midterm elections. “What Donald Trump is saying is actually telling people it's not worth it to vote. Donald Trump single-handedly may cause people not to vote. And he may be the greatest tool in the Democrats' arsenal to keep control of the House and Senate in 2022,” Luntz said. The pollster also said that Trump would be the "odds-on favorite" to win the Republican nomination if he runs again in 2024.


What 2022 election? California Republicans grim on beating Newsom. Republican donors and fundraisers described a dearth of activity. Faulconer has been reaching out to funders to see if another run is viable after he finished a distant third among recall replacement candidates, receiving only 590,000 votes compared with more than 3.5 million for Elder. (Nearly 8 million voted to keep Newsom in office.)

Trump GQP rallies, Republican/Nazi Party/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

Elon Musk uses Twitter to tell Independents: "Vote for a Republican". The new owner of Twitter, who in the spring said Twitter must be "politically neutral," just told Independent voters they should vote "for a Republican Congress." "To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic," Elon Musk tweeted this morning. This comes a day after the thin-skinned edgelord banned comedian Kathy Griffin from the platform for impersonating him (although the Almighty claims he will return her account for $8).

Lindsey Graham says there are 'gonna be people jumping off bridges in San Francisco by the thousands' if Jim Jordan becomes chair of the House Judiciary Committee.

Marco Rubio Canvasser, a Notorious White Supremacist, Was Beaten in Miami Area. Rubio tweeted that "four animals" beat a man who was campaigning for him simply because he's Republican. That doesn't appear to be what actually happened. the victim in question has been identified as Christopher Monzon, a white supremacist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate” who participated in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has a history of violence, and is deeply involved in Miami Republican politics. A police report obtained by the Miami New Times confirms that a man has been arrested in the attack: 22-year-old Javier Jesus Lopez, who “has a violent past and is out on felony bond,” according to NBC News reporter Marc Caputo. The police report says Lopez allegedly told Monzon, “You can’t pass by here. This is my neighborhood,” before slamming him to the ground. But the report “does not mention a political dispute, nor does it indicate that Lopez targeted Monzon because Monzon is a Republican,” according to the New Times. The report also does not indicate that Monzon was attacked by “four animals,” as Rubio claimed in his dehumanizing tweet, though police told CBS they’re looking to talk to “two other possible people of interest.” It’s definitely odd for a U.S. senator to tweet out a story before local news or the police have said a word about it, and conveniently leave out the fact that the victim has a history of perpetrating white supremacist violence himself.

Trump Plans to Challenge the 2022 Elections — Starting in Philly. The former president is fixated on challenging the results of Pennsylvania’s Senate race, which he views — as one source puts it — as a “dress rehearsal for Trump 2024” In recent months, Trump has convened a series of in-person meetings and conference calls to discuss laying the groundwork to challenge the 2022 midterm election results, four people familiar with the conversations tell Rolling Stone. In these conversations, pro-Trump groups, attorneys, Republican Party activists, and MAGA diehards often discuss the type of scorched-earth legal tactics they could deploy.

‘I’m Scared To Death’: Frank Luntz Predicts Midterms May Mirror 2020, Fueling Claims Of ‘Stolen’ Election.

Flynn Group Recruits Cops, Vets for ‘One More Mission’—to Watch Election Sites. Despite its nonpartisan claims, One More Mission is funded by a group led by some of the most prominent pro-Trump election deniers in the country. One More Mission’s promotional materials argue that police and veterans are the most trusted figures in the United States and that they should therefore be used to certify to the public that elections are legitimate. In a late September press release announcing its launch, the group claimed to be a politically independent solution to fears of voter fraud.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims She's A Jan. 6 'Victim' During Wild Debate. The Georgia lawmaker has referred to those arrested in the riots as "political prisoners." “You spent your time providing aid and comfort to the Jan. 6 insurrectionists,” he said, and then asked why Greene cared more for “those criminals in jail” than her own constituents. Greene once again called herself a “victim” and began ranting about antifa and Black Lives Matter, among other things. She also accused Flowers of being part of the “defund the police” party. Flowers fired back ― accurately ― that Greene is selling “Defund the FBI” merchandise on her website.

Only 27 people showed up to pro-Trump rally in Washington DC. “We would have liked to have more people, but I would consider it a success,” event organiser John Paul Moran told The Daily Beast.

Here Is The House GOP’s Hit List If Republicans Retake Congress. From tech companies to Merrick Garland to Anthony Fauci, the list of investigation targets for the House GOP is long.

Herschel Walker denies paying for ex girlfriend’s abortion after report turns own son against him. Presented with receipts in Fox News interview, Walker says he ‘send[s] money to a lot of people’.

Trump rallies drift to fringe ahead of potential 2024 bid

For the record: Michigan nuns at Trump rally aren't really nuns. Members of the Dominican Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, based in Hartland, Michigan, and whose community does not have canonical standing with the Catholic Church, applaud as then President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at Oakland County International Airport, Oct. 30, 2020, in Waterford Township, Michigan.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump holds a rally in Warren, MI pictures

Trump GQP rallies, Republican/Nazi Party/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, archived October 02, 2022

Ohio GOP House Candidate Has Misrepresented Military Service. Rather than deploying to Afghanistan, as he has claimed, records state that J.R. Majewski was based in Japan for much of his active-duty service. They indicate Majewski never deployed to Afghanistan but instead completed a six-month stint helping to load planes at an air base in Qatar, a longtime U.S. ally that is a safe distance from the fighting. The mischaracterizations extend to his professional career, in which he has repeatedly described himself as an “executive in the nuclear power industry,” including in a campaign ad last spring.But a review of his now-deleted resume on the website LinkedIn and a survey of his former employers do not support the claim. He most recently worked for Holtec International, a Florida-based energy conglomerate that specializes in handling spent nuclear fuel. But he is not listed among the executives and members of the corporate leadership teams in current or archived versions of the company’s website. A spokesman confirmed Majewski was a former Holtec employee, but declined to offer details on his position or role, which Majewski’s LinkedIn page described as “senior director, client relations.” Majewski also described himself on LinkedIn as “project manager - senior consultant” for First Energy, an Ohio based power company, a position that he stated he held since shortly after leaving the military. The company, Majewski explained in a biography posted to his website, quickly recognized him for his “intellect and leadership capabilities” Yet records from his 2009 bankruptcy raise questions about his seniority. They show he was an “outage manager” who earned about $51,000 a year. In the bankruptcy, Majewski and his wife gave up their home, two cars and a Jet Ski to settle the case, court records show.

Cult Vibes: Trump Ends Rally In Bizarre Fashion, Leaving Crowd Mesmerized. Members of the crowd raised their hands in a weird salute to the former president.

QAnon song plays and MAGA supporters give unusual finger salute as Trump speaks at JD Vance rally in Ohio, video shows. Former President Donald Trump spoke at a rally for JD Vance on Saturday in Youngstown, Ohio. A QAnon song played while he spoke about Ukraine, "Fake News," and Hunter Biden's laptop. His followers pointed their fingers to the sky. Experts say the finger salute may have also been a nod to QAnon. According to Media Matters, the US-based media watchdog, the soundtrack appears to be a song previously released online with the title "Wwg1wga" — the QAnon slogan. An unusual finger salute, which saw attendees of the Youngstown rally raise their fingers to the sky, is also being described by experts on the conspiracy theory as a potential nod to QAnon. "Some on Twitter are calling it a QAnon salute, with 1 finger for 'Where we go 1,' and Trump is playing a pro-Q song as he talks," said Will Sommer, author of an upcoming book on QAnon, in a tweet on Saturday.

Mitch McConnell greatly damaged US democracy with quiet, chess-like moves. While Trump’s coup attempt may have failed, McConnell’s own machinations have proven highly effective. Another brazen GOP action, however, has succeeded – this one engineered by the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, whose chess-like skills of political strategizing put to shame Trump’s powerful but limited game of bluster and bullying. The act to which I refer is McConnell’s theft of Barack Obama’s 2016 appointment to the supreme court, a radical deed that has dimmed somewhat in public consciousness even as it proved crucial to fashioning a rightwing supreme court willing to overturn Roe v Wade and to destabilize American politics and American democracy in the process.

The Enigma of Peter Thiel. There Is No Enigma — He's a Fascist. Thiel’s libertarianism is about freedom—freedom for him and people like him, the entrepreneurial elite of the capitalist class. He’s openly antidemocratic. In an essay for the Cato Institute, Thiel once wrote, “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible…” Why? Because if you empower the demos, they will eventually vote for restrictions on the power of capitalists. and therefore, restrictions on their “freedom.” He continues, “Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women — two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians — have rendered the notion of ‘capitalist democracy‘ into an oxymoron.” In that 2009 essay, Thiel imagines a kind of futurist program of utopian projects “beyond politics” in cyberspace or “seasteading,” but it’s clear now he’s returned to believing in politics, or at least an anti-political form of politics.

New book claims Steve Bannon admitted Trump ‘would lie about anything’ Bannon, according to sources in Jonathan Lemire’s Big Lie, said Trump lies ‘to win whatever exchange he [is] having at that moment’ Lemire writes that “even for Bannon, Trump was something new. The chief strategist told me that Trump ‘was not looking to win a news cycle, he was looking to win a news moment, a news second.’ Lemire, citing sources, added: “An at-times shell-shocked Bannon would relay to aides that ‘Trump would say anything, he would lie about anything to win that moment, to win whatever exchange he was having at that moment.’ “Entire campaign proposals had to be written on the fly, policy plans reverse engineered, teams of aides immediately mobilised to meet whatever floated through Trump’s head in that moment to defend his record, put down a reporter, or change a chyron on CNN.”

Pence endorses in Arizona governor’s race, putting him at odds with Trump. Pence and Trump, who are considering 2024 presidential runs, will both campaign in Arizona on Friday. Former vice president Mike Pence is endorsing Arizona gubernatorial candidate Karrin Taylor Robson, a developer who has long been involved in Republican politics, instead of former president Donald Trump’s chosen candidate, Kari Lake, a former TV anchor who continues to falsely claim that the 2020 election was “stolen.” The endorsement comes two months after Pence and other prominent Republicans lined up behind Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R), whom Trump targeted for certifying the 2020 election. Kemp won in a landslide. But Arizona’s gubernatorial primary appears far tighter, raising the stakes for Pence. Split-screen campaign events Friday will underscore Pence’s breaks from the former president since he, too, defied pressure to overturn Trump’s 2020 loss.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says man who sexually harassed AOC should be thanked [with amusing update] @RonFilipkowski Since she has no interest legislating, and nothing else to do, Marge takes a break from podcasts to continue her daily crusade to have the staffer fired who put stickers on her ‘Two Genders’ sign. Now she is saying it was a “hate crime.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Should Thank Her Sexual Harasser. Greene featured the harasser on her podcast and called his lewd shouts "quite the compliment." “I think women should be confident,” Greene said. “And if a man gives you a compliment, a woman can say ‘thank you.’” Patriot Takes, an account that monitors right-wing media, posted part of the podcast interview:

A man harassed members of Congress as they walked to votes on Wednesday. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the incident shows security issues persist at the Capitol. "These systems are not working," Ocasio-Cortez said. Our team witnessed a man, later identified as Alex Stein of the conservative website The Blaze, harassing members of Congress, including Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday night as they headed to votes. Capitol Police did not appear to intervene as the man made sexually harassing comments to Ocasio-Cortez, in particular.

Footage shows the "life-threatening" tap on Rudy Giuliani's back by market employee. Snowflake Rudy Giuliani nearly cracked his head and died after being "attacked" by a passerby in a supermarket (see harrowing video above). Or at least that's what the disgraced former Trump attorney is bellowing on about after a market employee slapped him on the back yesterday. "I feel a shot on my back like somebody shot me. I went forward, but luckily I didn't fall down," the skittish New York mayor-turned-slipper peddler said. "I mean, suppose I was a weaker 78-year-old and I hit the ground, cracked my skull, and died." (Yes, and suppose I walked outside and, from out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck me in the skull and I died.) "My back hurts, but otherwise I'm able to walk and stuff like that," continued the Big Lie promoter, who is still battling ongoing defamation lawsuits brought against him by Dominion Voting Systems. "He almost knocked me down. Thank God for a 78-year-old, I am in pretty good shape."

5 notable moments from Trump’s remarks at Faith and Freedom Coalition event

  1. Trump floats pardons for Jan. 6 defendants after a potential 2024 win
  2. Trump continues attacks on Pence over 2020 election certification
  3. Trump claims without evidence that Jan. 6 videos shown as evidence are doctored
  4. Trump asserts Capitol riot was ‘a simple protest that got out of hand‘
  5. Trump bashes ‘left-wing indoctrination’ in education

Trump Posts Fake Video Of Him Hitting Biden In The Head With Golf Ball.

Trump calls Pence a 'human conveyor belt' who 'didn't have courage to act' and says Democrats want to execute babies AFTER birth in speech attacking Biden, the January 6 committee and schools that let 'kindergartners pick their own gender' Former President Donald Trump slammed his former vice president on Friday He said Pence 'had a chance to be great' if he refused to certify election results Instead he behaved like a 'human conveyor belt' by delivering the votes Trump addressed religious conservatives in Nashville, Tennessee 'It was a simple protest,' he said of January 6. 'It got out of hand'

Anti-Abortion Rep. Lauren Boebert Reportedly Had Two Abortions. The allegations were shared by the same PAC that targeted Rep. Madison Cawthorn. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) reportedly had two abortions and worked as an unlicensed paid escort. During her escort work, one wealthy client in Aspen introduced her to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who subsequently encouraged Boebert to run for office.

Primary election results – live: Trump rages as Dr Oz struggles and Madison Cawthorn crashes out. With almost all the results now in from Tuesday’s key primary elections, strong performances by several Donald Trump-backed candidates underscore the former president’s ongoing clout within the party – but it was far from a perfect scorecard, with North Carolina Republicans throwing out Trump-backed congressman Madison Cawthorn in his primary. Meanwhile, Mr Trump has taken to Truth Social to baselessly suggest mail-in ballots were fraudulent in Pennsylvania, where his chosen Senate candidate Dr Mehmet Oz is locked in a tight battle with former hedge fund executive David McCormick. With only a small portion of the vote yet to be counted, the two men are just a tiny number of votes apart, putting them within the 0.5-point margin that triggers an automatic recount – and raising the possibility that mail-in votes could put Mr McCormick ahead.

Trump, Don Jr., Imagine Themselves MAGA 'Royalty' In Cringey Memes

Lauren Boebert’s American Dream. The Colorado congresswoman has built her reputation as a certain kind of working-class hero. Her employees tell a different story. ABIGAIL WEINBERG The high percentage of unaffiliated voters in Boebert’s district lends a degree of unpredictability to the upcoming election, but the tea leaves seem to read in her favor. Boebert supporters, unsurprisingly, are confident that Boebert is not a fluke, but the future. “I think she’s going to become a very powerful member of the US Congress,” McInnis says. Or, as the donor who denounced “liberal crap” tells me, “Maybe she’ll be president someday.”

Lindsey Graham is heard praising Joe Biden as the 'best person' to lead the country in new audio while he was waiting in a 'secure location' during Jan. 6 riot The South Carolina senator called Biden the best person to unify the country 'I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?' Graham asked rhetorically The audio was released by two New York Times reporters promoting a book about the 2020 election It was recorded as the Republican sought refuge from rioters on January 6, 2021 Graham sharply criticized Trump supporters after the riot Since then, he has been spotted golfing with the former president in Florida

President Who Was Wrong Countless Times Tells Cult Followers ‘I Was Right About Everything’ Trump claimed tonight he was “right about everything” but also forgot the name of a candidate at whose rally he spoke just last week. Trump took to the stage as the Sept. 11 tribute song, “Proud to be an American,” played. He then told the crowd, “I could have gotten out of this one.” The rally, originally scheduled for Friday, had to be postponed because of potential severe weather in the area. Promoting Herbster, Trump said that the candidate accused of assault by multiple women was “a good man, a very good man.” (Trump has been credibly accused of sexual harassment or assault by at least 18 women.) Trump also touted other candidates he has endorsed in the 2022 elections, kind of. “We’ve endorsed Dr. Oz. We’ve endorsed J.P., right? J.D. Mandel. And he’s doing great. They’re all doing good. They’re all doing good. And let’s see what happens.” Except, J.D. Vance is the candidate Trump endorsed, not J.D. Mandel. Vance is running against Josh Mandel in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary. This, from a “stable genius” with a perfect cognitive test score and a “very, very large brain” who claims he has been “right about everything.”

Macomb County GOP ousts party leaders stuck re-litigating Trump's 2020 loss. When Macomb Township Republican Jamie Roe walked into the event at the Shelby Gardens convention space, he said the place was well on its way to being packed and that the mood was "spirited." "Last night, everyone who was focused on winning the election in 2022 had been pushed over the edge," said Roe. "Fed-up activists and elected officials joined together to remove the Executive Committee and officers from office and replace them with a new group focused solely on winning in 2022 and not on the past." Grassroots activists have a way of showing us what is happening within a party long before the first ballots are cast. What happened in Macomb is evidence that the party is ready to move on -- not necessarily beyond Trump, but certainly beyond 2020.

Video shows Donald Trump struggling to say the name of his own social media platform, Truth Social. In Ohio, Trump was heard bungling the name of Truth Social, calling it "Truth Central" instead. At the same rally, Trump messed up the pronounciation of "drop box" too, calling them "drok boxes."

Trump Rambles About Toilets Not Flushing During Ohio Rally … Oh, and Also: Hijacking America’s Election Systems. The former president went on several laughable rants during his speech on Saturday night. He also waxed about his ongoing efforts to cut the legs out from under the democratic process.

2022 election: Q&A with Rep. Darrell Issa, 48th Congressional District candidate.

In the summer of 2020, Ruth Ben-Ghiat was putting the final touches on her history of modern autocracy. She had to do it, though, without the benefit of knowing whether one of her most important subjects would remain in power come November. The genius of the “big lie” was not only that it sparked a movement that ended up with January 6 to physically allow him to stay in office. But psychologically the “big lie” was very important because it prevented his propagandized followers from having to reckon with the fact that he lost. And it maintains him as their hero, as their winner, as the invincible Trump, but also as the wronged Trump, the victim. Victimhood is extremely important for all autocrats. They always have to be the biggest victim.

GOP pollster Frank Luntz says 'Trump isn't the same man he was a year ago' He claims Republicans are mocking and laughing at the former president behind his back and 'think he's a child' Republicans, he says, are fed up with Trump pushing 2020 election fraud claims Comments come after New Hampshire GOP Governor Chris Sununu said during the Gridiron Dinner in D.C. on Saturday that Trump is 'f***ing crazy' He said: 'I don't think he's so crazy he should be in a mental asylum. But if he's in one, he's not getting out' 'I don't know a single Republican who was surprised by what Sununu said,' Luntz said

Donald Trump has long equated crowd size with success ― reportedly even bragging of the size of the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to block the certification of the election and keep him in power. GOP strategist Susan Del Percio said Trump is now falling short by that measure as his rally crowds decrease in size. “That’s what you saw there: a very shrinking base,” she told MSNBC’s Cori Coffin one day after Trump addressed a surprisingly sparse crowd in Selma, North Carolina. Local newspaper The News & Observer reported that Trump spoke to about 1,000 to 2,000 people ― a far cry from the 15,000 who turned out for him at the same venue in 2016.

Mike Pence launches his midterms 'Freedom Agenda' to 'stop the radical left' - and jabs at Trump by saying Democrats would 'love nothing more than for conservatives to talk about the past' Former Vice President Mike Pence launched his 'Freedom Agenda' Thursday that outlines policy positions he argued conservative candidates can use to win He told Fox News Digital it was important for the conservative party to 'rally around a bold, optimistic agenda' Pence said Democrats would 'love nothing more for conservatives to talk about the past' The former VP is walking a thin line between touting what he and Trump accomplished and not further calling attention to his rift with the ex-president. With Trumpworld turned against him, Pence is trying to carve out areas where he can have clout within the Republican Party. The 'Freedom Agenda' is split into three sections: American Culture, American Opportunity, American Freedom.

Trump, who was impeached in 2019 for his request to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that he do Trump a "favor" by investigating Joe Biden's son Hunter, told right-wing television host John Solomon in an interview published Tuesday that he wanted Russian President Vladimir Putin to shed light on unverified reports that Biden's son received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Yelena Baturina, the wife of Moscow's former mayor. “She gave him $3.5 million, so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that,” Trump told Solomon. “I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer.” “How is it that the mayor of Moscow, his wife, gave the Biden family three and a half million dollars?” he continued. “I think Putin now would be willing to probably give that answer. I’m sure he knows.”

Trump Degrades His Own General as an ‘Idiot’ Before Gushing Over ‘Smart’ Kim Jong-un. Trump once again finds himself praising an autocrat who doesn’t care about democracy. Funny how that keeps happening. Before Donald Trump took the stage in Commerce, Georgia for a campaign-style rally Saturday night, those in attendance were shown a monologue by General George Patton. It wasn’t the actual Patton; like most what took place on stage Saturday night, it was someone acting a part. In this case, it was the general as played by George C. Scott in the 1970 Academy Award-winning film Patton. Within the hour, Trump had called the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — Gen. Mark Milley — a “freaking idiot.” “Where the hell are our General Pattons?” Trump exclaimed, before rehashing an alleged dialogue he had with Milley, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who’d also held that role under Trump. According to Trump — who, as a reminder, lies a lot — Milley advocated for leaving certain American-made weapons in Afghanistan during the withdrawal of U.S. forces while Trump thought otherwise. (Trump also claimed that the United States left some $85 billion of equipment in the country, but the real number is $18 billion, according to an Associated Press fact check.) “Sir, it’s cheaper to leave the equipment than to take it out, sir,” Trump said, giving an impression of Milley, whom he nominated as chairman in 2018. “That’s when I realized he was a freaking idiot,” Trump blurted out, in a near replica of comments he made about the general late last year at Mar-a-Lago. “I’ll never forget it. I said, ‘This guy says it’s cheaper to leave all this equipment.'”

Trump's Georgia Rally Sees 'Smallest Crowd' in State Since 2016: Reporters. Former President Donald Trump's Georgia rally on Saturday failed to draw the number of supporters he has been accustomed to in the southern state, according to multiple journalists covering the event. Trump held the event in support of several of Georgia's Republican primary candidates in Commerce, Georgia, which is about an hour drive northeast of Atlanta. While the former president has regularly seen tens of thousands attend his events in the state, as well as other states across the country, journalists assessed that the crowd size was underwhelming this weekend. "I've covered more than two dozen Trump rallies around the nation. This is the smallest crowd I've seen at a rally of his in Georgia since he won the 2016 election—significantly smaller than the crowd in Perry in September," Greg Bluestein, a political reporter at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution tweeted. Fowler also reported that people in attendance began "streaming out" even as Trump was still speaking. "People keep leaving during Trump speech. It's cold and windy and there's not much enthusiasm," he wrote. He also shared photos from different times during the event, showing that the venue got emptier as the former president spoke.

Peter Thiel-tied dark money group helping bankroll super PAC spending on 2022 election. A “dark money” group tied to billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel steered hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super PAC spending on Ohio’s Senate race in support of “Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance, who worked at Thiel’s venture capital firm. Vance faces a crowded field of Republican contenders in the Ohio Senate race with a primary scheduled for May 3. The pro-Vance super PAC, Protect Ohio Values, received $200,000 from a group called Per Aspera Policy. Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and an early investor in Facebook, also gave $10 million to the pro-Vance super PAC during the first half of 2021 but the super PAC did not report any money received from Thiel during the second half of the year.

A weakened Trump? As some voters edge away, he battles parts of the Republican Party he once ran. The former president’s power within the party and his continued focus on personal grievances is increasingly questioned behind closed doors at Republican gatherings, according to interviews with more than a dozen prominent Republicans in Washington and across the country, including some Trump advisers. Many spoke on the condition of anonymity because there remains significant fear of attracting Trump’s public wrath. The growing split is rooted in diverging priorities: Trump has pursued a narrow effort to punish those who challenged his efforts to overturn the 2020 election result, while also working to put people in power who would be more sympathetic to him should he try the same thing again. Other Republicans are more focused on finding palatable candidates most able to win in November.

Confederate Flags, Conspiracies, and the Ghost of JFK Jr.: What I Saw at Trump’s Bananas Texas Rally. It’s part roadshow and part religious revival, but the show is a grift and the religion being revived is fascism. We were in one of the reddest counties in one of the reddest states, and it showed: When I arrived at the press check-in station, the first thing I saw was a merchandise vendor with a Confederate flag — the banner of a nation that lasted only 4 years before being routed out of existence — that says “Come And Take It.” It was set up directly across from a wooden cross. Having attended the prior rally in Arizona and the Lara Trump event on Thursday, a twisted sense of deja vu came over me when I got into the venue and began to hear the same songs, watch the same videos, listen to the same speeches, and see the same people. There were many familiar faces — election conspiracy peddling MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and the JFK Jr. obsessed QAnon cult leader Michael Protzman — and in some instances, near word for word repeats of previous events.

They’re Too Extreme for QAnon — and Right at Home at Trump’s Rally. Michael Protzman tells his followers that JFK Jr. and other dead celebrities are helping Trump catch a global cabal of pedophiles. Saturday night, he was seated with the VIPs. Florence, Ariz. — One full day before Trump spoke to an estimated 15,000 die-hard Republicans in Arizona, a group of JFK Jr. obsessed QAnon fanatics arrived at the venue grounds here. They drove all the way from Dallas, Texas, where they’ve been holed up in a Hyatt hotel for over two months amid a series of failed prophecies that JFK Jr. would return from the dead. The first among them was Stephen Tenner, right hand man to the group’s leader Michael Protzman. “I’m the first person and only person,” Tenner said in a video posted on social media. “I’m the number one mofo.” Tenner was later joined by Protzman and about two dozen members of this cultish group, whose months-long antics in Dallas have worried locals and drawn national attention. Protzman is a QAnon influencer who peddles a form of religious numerology known as “gematria,” which he infuses into his interpretations of QAnon theories. Protzman uses gematria to promote the idea that he is in direct contact with both the Kennedy family — which he believes are direct descendants of Jesus Christ — and members of the Trump inner circle. His group also trafficks in a wide range of outlandish conspiracy beliefs such as that long dead famous people such as Michael Jackson and JFK Jr. faked their deaths and are working with Donald Trump in secret to take down a global satanic pedophile cabal.

Trump kicks off midterm year still stuck on last election. The former president delivers Jan. 6 rebuttal in Arizona, home to ground zero in the “Stop the Steal” movement’s fraudulent push to find evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. Trump, speaking at a podium emblazoned with “Save America,” opened his speech by falsely claiming “proof” that the 2020 election was “rigged.” As he vowed Republicans will take over the House and Senate in 2022, and sweep governors races across the country, an energized sea of supporters cheered at the Country Thunder festival grounds. “The fake news and the lamestream media … they refused to talk about it,” Trump said of his false election claims. “They say, ‘well it is unsubstantiated and the big lie.’ The big lie. The big lie is a lot of bullshit. That’s what it is.” “If an election were held today, we would trounce them so badly in a landslide in every way, just as we really did on Nov. 3. We trounced them. If we had an honest press, the election would have been much different,” Trump said, spreading more falsehoods about the election he lost by over 7 million votes.

MAGA hats and QAnon: Inside Trump’s first rally of 2022. The former president hit all the notes in his rally in Arizona on Saturday. The question is: Is this a precursor to a reelection bid?

Civil War

‘These are conditions ripe for political violence’: how close is the US to civil war? Nearly half of Americans fear their country will erupt within the next decade. Ahead of the midterm elections this week, three experts analyse the depth of the crisis. The US is not yet in a civil war. But a 2012 declassified report by the CIA on insurgencies outlines the signs. According to the report, a country is experiencing an open insurgency when sustained violence by increasingly active extremists has become the norm. By this point, violent extremists are using sophisticated weapons, such as improvised explosive devices, and begin to attack vital infrastructure (such as hospitals, bridges and schools), rather than just individuals. These attacks also involve a larger number of fighters, some of whom have combat experience. There is often evidence, according to the report, “of insurgent penetration and subversion of the military, police, and intelligence services”.

Jan. 6 witness Rusty Bowers says Constitution ‘hanging by a thread’ after election loss. “The Constitution is hanging by a thread,” Bowers told The Guardian. “The funny thing is, I always thought it would be the other guys. And it’s my side. That just rips at my heart: that we would be the people who would surrender the constitution in order to win an election. That just blows my mind.”

The FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago unleashed the latest barrage of threats of violence, on top of a wave of threats against election workers and rising weapons sales. Dr Garen Wintemute used to laugh off warnings of a civil war coming to America as “crazy talk”. Then the emergency room doctor in California saw the figures for gun sales. Wintemute, who founded a centre to research firearms violence after years of treating gunshot wounds, had long observed that the rush to buy weapons came in waves, often around a presidential election. Always it fell back again. “Then in January of 2020 gun sales took off. Just an unprecedented surge in purchasing and that surge continued,” he said. “We were aware that, contrary to prior surges, this one wasn’t ending. People are still buying guns like crazy.” Many were buying a weapon for the first time. Wintemute wanted answers and they stunned him. A survey for his California Firearm Violence Research Center released last month showed that half of Americans expect a civil war in the United States in the next few years. One in five thought political violence was justified in some circumstances. In addition, while almost everyone said it was important for the US to remain a democracy, about 40% said that having a strong leader was more important.

Primaries & special elections

Democrat Mary Peltola won the special election for Alaska’s only U.S. House seat on Wednesday, besting a field that included Republican Sarah Palin, who was seeking a political comeback in the state where she was once governor. Peltola’s victory, coming in Alaska’s first statewide ranked choice voting election, is a boon for Democrats, particularly coming off better-than-expected performances in special elections around the country this year following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade. She will be the first Democrat to hold the seat since the late U.S. Rep. Nick Begich, who was seeking reelection in 1972 when his plane disappeared. Begich was later declared dead and Young in 1973 was elected to the seat.

November Elections

Republicans in some heavily conservative states won their campaigns for secretary of state last year after claiming they would make sweeping changes aimed at keeping fraud out of elections. So far, their efforts to make good on their promises are mixed, in some cases because their rhetoric has bumped up against skepticism from members of their own party. Voters in politically pivotal swing states such as Arizona, Michigan and Nevada rejected candidates seeking to oversee elections who had echoed former President Donald Trump’s false claims about the 2020 presidential election. But newly elected secretaries of state in Alabama, Indiana and Wyoming who had questioned the legitimacy of that election won easily in those Republican-dominated states. They are now facing the task of backing up their campaign pledges in states where Republicans have already set strict election laws. In Indiana, Secretary of State Diego Morales has been relatively quiet. He has not been making the rounds at the Statehouse trying to persuade lawmakers to embrace the wide-ranging tightening of voting rules he promoted as a candidate. After defeating the incumbent secretary of state for the Republican nomination last summer, Morales dialed back his description of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election as a “scam” and his calls for tighter voting laws. That push included cutting Indiana’s 28-day early voting period in half and requiring new voters to prove their U.S. citizenship when registering.

Sen. Raphael Warnock defeats Herschel Walker to win reelection in Georgia Senate runoff race.

Search for Widespread Voter Fraud Finds Very Little Voter Fraud. “The whole concept of voter impersonation fraud is such a horribly exaggerated problem," one expert says

5 Signs That Arizona Republicans Are Melting Down After Their Election Day Belly Flop. Fast-forward a week and Kari Lake has gone silent, Mark Finchem is political panhandling, Abe Hamadeh is walking back his claims of victory, establishment Republicans are calling for Kelli Ward’s ouster, and Wendy Rogers is discovering self-awareness. Weird, right?

Liz Cheney mocks defeated Kari Lake with two words — and impeccable timing

Where do the uncalled House races stand as GOP nears majority? Mon, November 14, 2022, 11:00 AM A party must win 218 seats to win a majority in the 435-seat body, a feat appearing to be within the grasp of the GOP, who have won 212 seats so far to Democrats' 204.

Tucker Carlson Tried to Play Election Kingmaker. It Went Terribly. The Fox News host would like you to know that someone else is to blame, but the candidates he backed largely flopped the midterm elections.

5 myths that the 2022 midterms demolished. By now, every American who pays attention to politics is aware that Democrats had a much better night on Nov. 8 than anyone expected. Despite the howling economic headwinds, it’s entirely possible that Joe Biden could become the first Democratic president since John F. Kennedy in 1962 not only to keep control of the Senate but actually expand his majority there. Democrats held onto House seats in Rhode Island, Virginia, Michigan and Ohio that Republicans were sure they could flip. They clawed back control of state legislatures. They ran the table on ballot measures to preserve abortion rights. And they could be on their way to winning the governor’s mansions in four of the five states that swung from former President Donald Trump to Biden in 2020.

  1. Myth: Candidates don’t matter. Consider Georgia, where Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, who resisted Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, ran five points ahead of the former football star Herschel Walker, Trump’s scandal-and-gaffe-prone Senate endorsee.
  2. Myth: Trump has the 2024 Republican nomination sewn up. It is hard to overstate what an anomaly Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was this year. Trump’s handpicked roster of hardcore would-be MAGA governors lost in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, Maryland and possibly Arizona. Meanwhile in Florida, DeSantis won reelection by nearly 20 percentage points, more than quintupling Trump’s 2020 margin (3.3 percentage points). DeSantis won Miami-Dade County — which is 70% Latino and which voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 by nearly 30 points — by 11. The last Florida Republican to win Miami-Dade was Jeb Bush. That was two decades ago. “How could you look at these results tonight and conclude Trump has any chance of winning a national election in 2024?” tweeted Scott Jennings, a former deputy of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell.
  3. Myth: Swing voters don’t care about abortion and democracy. The twist Tuesday night was that geography largely dictated which issues mattered most. In states where democracy and abortion rights weren’t directly on the ballot, inflation (and to a lesser extent, crime) may have exerted a greater pull. Yet in states where democracy and abortions rights were on the ballot — or in imminent danger — both issues clearly motivated Democrats to turn out and stifle what might have otherwise been a red wave.
  4. Myth: Latinos are all becoming more Republican. Preliminary House exit polls show Democrats beating Republicans 60% to 39% nationally among Latinos. The 2020 House exit polls showed a 63% to 36% margin.
  5. Myth: Polling is broken. Well, the polls this year were pretty accurate.

The Red Whimper And 4 Other Takeaways From Election Night. The “red wave” never materialized for Republicans as Donald Trump-endorsed candidates floundered across the country.

The Arizona Secretary of State has referred 18 cases of suspected voter intimidation to federal law enforcement, according to a spokesperson who released copies of each case on Friday. Comprised largely of complaints submitted by voters through the office’s online portal, they include creepy details of the vigilante “ballot watchers” deployed to drop-boxes across the state by a shady group named Clean Elections USA. One voter reported an old man lurking in the bushes “about 30 feet away.” Another said he was recorded simply for walking his dog past a drop box. Others mentioned “camo clad” men watching them through binoculars, taking photos of license plates, calling voters “mules,” and recording voters so closely that the names on their ballots could be seen. “I have never been more intimidated in my life tring [sic] to vote and standing only 3 feet from the box,” one complainant wrote. “...Now that have my Information recorded will they show up at my house... Do I need worry about my family being killed now if the results are not what they wanted.” A judge slapped a restraining order on the vigilantes earlier this week.

2024 Election

GQP, Trump, run up

GQP, Trump, run up

Pence moves to claim culture war lane before DeSantis gets there. A Pence political initiative plans to spend at least $1 million to advocate for parental rights policies. “The truth is, it wasn’t our choice to start the left’s culture war. But now we have no choice but to win it for the sake of our children and grandchildren,” Pence told a crowd in Minneapolis, shortly after federal appellate court judges in nearby St. Paul heard arguments over an Iowa school gender identity policy that the former vice president opposes. “We will win this fight.” The focus, as Pence characterized it, is a broader battle over young people that has engulfed schools and colleges. “We’re told that we must not only tolerate the left’s obsessions with race and sex and gender but we must earnestly and enthusiastically participate or face severe consequences,” Pence said Wednesday. “Nowhere is the problem more severe, or the need for leadership more urgent, than in our public school classrooms.”

Nikki Haley announces run for president, challenging Trump

Former President Donald Trump blasted the Club for Growth on Tuesday after his name was left off the guest list for the conservative anti-tax organization's annual donor retreat. "The Club For NO Growth, an assemblage of political misfits, globalists, and losers, fought me incessantly and rather viciously during my presidential run in 2016," Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social. "They said I couldn't win, I did, and won even bigger in 2020, with millions of more votes than '16, but the Election was Rigged & Stollen." Trump's remarks come a day after Club for Growth President David McIntosh said nominating Trump to be the GOP candidate in 2024 would diminish the Republican Party's chances of winning the presidency. "The party should be open to another candidate," McIntosh told reporters on Tuesday. He said that the six potential GOP presidential nominees who were invited to this year's event were Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. It's unclear as to whether any of the invited Republicans will be in attendance.

Trump hits DeSantis: He's a Covid skeptic phony. The former president slams the Florida governor — and potential 2024 rival — as he hits the campaign trail in New Hampshire and South Carolina. On Saturday, Trump took his sharpest swings at DeSantis to date, accusing the governor of “trying to rewrite history” over his response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Trump said DeSantis, who has been openly skeptical about government efforts to vaccinate people against the virus, “promoted the vaccine as much as anyone.” He praised governors who did not close down their states, noting that DeSantis ordered the closure of beaches and business in some parts of the state. “When I hear that he might [run] I think it’s very disloyal,” Trump said.

Trump Announces Plan To Build ‘Impenetrable Dome’ To Protect U.S. From Nuclear Threats. The twice-impeached former president, the subject of several criminal investigations, said President Joe Biden's administration is risking nuclear war. “World War III would be a catastrophe unlike any other,” he said in the video published on his Truth Social platform Friday. “This would make World War I and World War II like very small battles. The best way to ensure that such a conflict never happens is to be prepared with unmatched technology and unrivaled strength.” “When I am commander in chief… I will work with Congress and our great military leaders — not the ones you see on television, I don’t consider them leaders,” he continued.” We’re gonna work with them to build a state-of-the-art, next-generation missile-defense shield.”

Trump vows to 'complete unfinished MAGA business' by kicking millions of migrants out of USA and stopping biological males from playing in women's sports in fired-up speech before intimate crowd of 200 Trump vowed to 'complete unfinished business of Making American Great Again' Spoke at South Carolina's Capitol in his second public remarks since announcing The remarks were before only 200 supporters rather than at a mega rally During his remarks, the former president was flanked by Senator Lindsey Graham, Governor Henry McMcaster and Representatives Russell Fry, Joe Wilson and William Timmons, among other state and local leaders. Some supporters caused an awkward stir when they yelled 'Trump won 2020' when Graham took the microphone to throw his support behind Trump's 2024 run. The shouts were in protest of Graham failing to embrace Trump's claim that he was the legitimate winner of the 2020 presidential election against Biden. In January 2021, Graham said that challenging the 2020 election results in Congress as 'not going to do any good.'

Tulsa preacher Jackson Lahmeyer is building a movement to battle "demonic" Democrats and put Donald Trump back in the White House. Lahmeyer leads the newly created Pastors For Trump, a 50-state organization that aims to revive evangelical support for the disgraced, insurrectionist former president as Trump makes his bid for the 2024 GOP nomination.

'I can't do this anymore': Trump's former adviser Steve Bannon slams Donald's 'major announcement' about superhero NFTs and says 'step your game up' Former Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon is the latest ally of the ex-president to turn on him, after Trump teased a 'MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT' Bannon reacted to the anticlimactic reveal of his NFTs on his Right Side Broadcasting Network with exasperation Despite saying Trump was 'one of the greatest presidents in history,' he admitted: 'I can't do this anymore ' He blamed either a 'business partner' or a 'comms staffer' whom he believes 'oughta be fired today' for pushing the idea on Trump

GQP, Trump, run up archived December 16 2022

Like It or Not: Here’s 5 Good Things About Trump’s Presidency

  1. It brought balance, autonomy, and common sense back to U.S. foreign policy. Among other things, I believe it achieved this by moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, pulling the United States out of the Iranian nuclear deal, and demanding that NATO countries pony up enough money to cover the organization’s expenses and their own defense costs. He also pulled out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, defying global warming alarmists, and began a dialogue with North Korea about ending its nuclear weapons program.
  2. It went to war against the establishments of both political parties, each of which had become self-serving and disconnected from their own voters. Politics is all about winning, and public service has become solely about being re-elected—which Trump failed to do, despite his claims to the contrary. But the trend is to break promises and pursue policies that run counter to the best interests of one’s constituents. Trump did plenty of that, but he also challenged orthodoxies, going over the heads of the Washington, D.C. pooh-bahs and speaking directly to the masses. And the masses were receptive—until they weren’t.
  3. It rankled the elitists and brought coastal elitism to the surface. And it revealed what a lot of us already knew: There are whole swaths of America that look down on the rest of America in an ugly way. It’s a kind of cultural supremacy where it is believed that the “best” people are the smartest, the most sophisticated, the most well-read, the most “woke.” Suddenly, Trump was being criticized for putting ketchup on his steak and for consuming fast food. Dealing with all of this elite sentiment was unpleasant, but Americans needed to do it.
  4. It smoked the liberal media out of their holes by provoking them to the point where journalists showed their true agenda: to topple Trump. With Trump in the White House, many journalists jumped into the arena with both feet. The New York Times ran an anonymous op-ed. The Washington Post kept a tally of Trump lies. The worst offender was CNN, where anchors bickered with Trump officials and reporters made themselves the story by aggressively debating Trump at press conferences.
  5. While implementing immigration policies that were dishonest, racist, unfair, cruel, and punitive—many of which have now been co-opted by the Biden administration—Trump’s presidency did nonetheless manage to bring immigration to the front page and make it a central part of the national discourse. Pre-Trump, immigration often seemed like it was only a big issue for those of us who live in border states like California, Arizona, and Texas. Now, thanks to Trump, as Republicans like to say, every state is a border state.

GOV. RON DESANTIS OVERSAW TORTURE IN GUANTÁNAMO AS A MILITARY LAWYER. A new interview with former Guantánamo detainee Mansoor Adayfi reveals shocking details about DeSantis’s past.

John Bolton is considering running for president in 2024 just to stop Trump from getting back into office after his attack on the Constitution Former National Security Advisor John Bolton on Monday threatened to jump in the 2024 presidential race He said he would 'absolutely' run if other Repubicans didn't step up and condemn former President Donald Trump's attack on the Constitution Over the weekend Trump said the Constitution should be terminated because 'Massive Fraud' was allowed in the 2020 election

62 Things Trump Did That You Forgot About To Preserve Your Sanity. Donald Trump's running for president again, so you can look forward to more of his "fun" ideas — like the time he tried to buy Greenland.

The Mysterious Fourth Man At The Trump-Ye Dinner Tells His Story. “I was there as a spectator. I was just along for the ride,” said Jamar Montgomery, who told HuffPost he met Ye just a few days before joining him, Nick Fuentes and Donald Trump for dinner. NBC News reported only that the other person in Ye’s group was the parent of a student at Donda Academy, the rapper’s private school in California. But while speaking about the dinner this week, Ye briefly referred to a man named Jamar Montgomery during a livestream with far-right influencer Tim Pool. Ye identified him as a “Boeing engineer.” HuffPost tracked Montgomery down and spoke with him Thursday night. He is indeed a Boeing employee, though he did not confirm any connection with Donda Academy. Montgomery told a wild tale about how an invitation from Ye, whom he says he barely knew, quickly led to a dinner with the former leader of the free world. Montgomery shared some details from the evening, including some insight into why a mysterious phone call suddenly darkened Trump’s mood, after which he began treating Ye with open hostility.

The fourth attendee at the four-person dinner, Karen Giorno — a veteran political operative who worked on Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign as his state director in Florida — also confirmed that Mr. Fuentes was there. Attempts to reach Mr. Fuentes through an intermediary on Friday were unsuccessful.

All three sources familiar with the dinner told NBC News there was one glaring inaccuracy in Trump’s statement: Trump knew one of the three “friends” brought by the rapper, Karen Giorno. She was the Trump campaign's Florida director in 2016 and the former president knows her by name and sight, the sources said. In addition to Giorno and Fuentes, Ye also brought along another man who was an associate, according to the sources.

Donald Trump Calls Kanye West a ‘Seriously Troubled Man’ After Mar-a-Lago Dinner. "I told him don’t run for office, a total waste of time, can’t win," former president says of disgraced rapper's 2024 presidential hopes. Although West requested a meeting “alone,” he showed up “with 3 people, two of which I didn’t know.” One of those people were Nick Fuentes, a far-right activist infamous for his white supremacist and antisemitic views.

Trump draws heat for Mar-a-Lago dinner with white nationalist, rapper Ye. “You are better than this,” his former ambassador to Israel said, echoing others. “I urge you to throw those bums out.” Not long after, Trump took to his social media network to say that Ye and “three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about” had “unexpectedly showed up” at his club.

‘F---ing nightmare’: Trump team does damage control after he dines with Ye and white supremacist Nick Fuentes. Former President Donald Trump distanced himself Friday from a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, and white supremacist Nick Fuentes, claiming he didn’t know the identity of the far-right activist who was unexpectedly brought along with the rapper. “This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Shortly thereafter, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about,” Trump said Friday in a statement on his Truth Social platform. “We had dinner on Tuesday evening with many members present on the back patio. The dinner was quick and uneventful,” Trump said. “They then left for the airport.” Ye said in his video debrief that Trump was angry. “When Trump started basically screaming at me at the table telling me I was going to lose, I mean, has that ever worked for anyone in history?” the rapper said. “I’m like hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, Trump. You’re talkin’ to Ye.”

These prominent Republicans are speaking out against Trump’s 2024 run.

To his credit, Trump killed off the Clinton dynasty in 2016, nominated and got confirmed three constitutionalist justices, reformed taxes, pushed deregulation, got control of the border, significantly degraded ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and cinched normalization deals between Israel and the Gulf states, among other things. These are achievements that even his conservative doubters and critics — including NR — can acknowledge and applaud. That said, the Trump administration was chaotic even on its best days because of his erratic nature and lack of seriousness. He often acted as if he were a commentator on his own presidency, and issued orders on Twitter and in other off-the-cuff statements that were ignored. He repeatedly had to be talked out of disastrous ideas by his advisers and Republican elected officials. He turned on cabinet officials and aides on a dime. Trump had a limited understanding of our constitutional system, and at the end of the day, little respect for it. His inability to approximate the conduct that the public expects of a president undermined him from beginning to end.

To his credit, Trump killed off the Clinton dynasty in 2016, nominated and got confirmed three constitutionalist justices, reformed taxes, pushed deregulation, got control of the border, significantly degraded ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and cinched normalization deals between Israel and the Gulf states, among other things. These are achievements that even his conservative doubters and critics — including NR — can acknowledge and applaud.

That said, the Trump administration was chaotic even on its best days because of his erratic nature and lack of seriousness. He often acted as if he were a commentator on his own presidency, and issued orders on Twitter and in other off-the-cuff statements that were ignored. He repeatedly had to be talked out of disastrous ideas by his advisers and Republican elected officials. He turned on cabinet officials and aides on a dime. Trump had a limited understanding of our constitutional system, and at the end of the day, little respect for it. His inability to approximate the conduct that the public expects of a president undermined him from beginning to end.

Fox News and CNN cut off ‘low energy’ Trump mid-speech as he announces 2024 bid. ‘This is one of the most low-energy, uninspiring speeches I’ve ever heard from Trump’ says former Trump press aide.

Don v Ron: It's ON! DeSantis finally breaks his silence to take a shot at Trump by telling him to 'check out the scoreboard from Tuesday night' - hours before ex-President's big announcement at Mar-a-Lago 15 November 2022 Florida Governor DeSantis called out 'the corporate media' when asked about Donald Trump's recent spate of criticism against him But it appeared that DeSantis was taking a veiled jab at Trump while suggesting he was unfazed by the former president's attacks Republicans swept Florida in the midterm elections but did poorly elsewhere 'At the end of the day, I would just tell people to check out the scoreboard from last Tuesday night,' DeSantis said on Tuesday Trump is expected to be announcing he's running for president again on Tuesday

Trump vs. DeSantis: A simmering rivalry bursts into view. November 13, 2022 Eyeing the Florida governor as his most formidable foe within the Republican Party, the former president has sought to keep DeSantis in his place, often noting the role his endorsement played in lifting the relatively obscure congressman to the leader of one of America's largest states. DeSantis, for his part, has long praised Trump and mimicked his style, but has notably declined to put aside his own White House ambitions as the former president prepares to seek his old job again. In the clearest sign of tension, the two held dueling Florida rallies in the final days of this year's midterm elections. At his event, Trump unveiled his new derisive nickname for DeSantis, calling him Ron DeSanctimonious. The simmering rivalry between the Republican Party's biggest stars enters a new, more volatile phase after the GOP's underwhelming performance in what was supposed to be a blockbuster election year. DeSantis, who won a commanding reelection, is increasingly viewed as the party's future, while Trump, whose preferred candidates lost races from Pennsylvania to Arizona, is widely blamed as a drag on the party.

Defiant Trump drops hint he STILL wants to run in 2024 - hours after FBI raid: Says America is 'in decline' and 'the best is yet to come' as MAGA supporters line streets by Mar-a-Lago and Republicans warn of revenge Donald Trump posted the ad to Truth Social late Monday night, calling America 'a nation in decline' The former president promised a political future for himself where he proclaimed that 'the best is yet to come' The ad was posted just hours after the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago residence and just after he was spotted leaving Trump Tower in New York City Lara Trump appeared on Fox News on Monday and said Trump could 'announce any day' his 2024 bid The FBI raid Monday is reportedly part of an investigation regarding Trump taking classified documents from the White House to his Florida residence Supporters gathered outside Mar-a-Lago to protest the raid and show supporter for the former president

Navarro urges Trump to skip planned DC speech: I had to fight ‘Brother Larry’ Kudlow on daily basis. The former Trump White House adviser slammed members of America First Policy Institute AFPI’s think tank and leadership, including former Energy Secretary Rick Perry, former National Security Council Chief Fred Fleitz and former economic adviser Larry Kudlow. Navarro also called those associated with AFPI “grifters” and claimed that their “broader agenda” might be to “hijack the political attractiveness of Trumpism but replace Trump with an AFPI-anointed RINO.”

America First Policy Institute (AFPI) At the beginning of 2020, a small group of President Donald Trump’s top advisers huddled at the White House to craft a second-term policy agenda for the next administration. Brooke Rollins, the domestic policy adviser, Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic adviser, and Robert O’Brien, Trump’s national security adviser, initially teamed up, sometimes working from white boards in the West Wing. They were joined at times by Ivanka Trump, Kellyanne Conway and Russ Vought, Trump’s Office of Management and Budget director, along with various policy aides. By the summer of 2020, the group produced a two-page document called “Vision 2025,” reviewed by POLITICO, that outlined 10 priorities. Some of those goals include job creation and low unemployment, expansion of affordable housing, eradicating Covid-19, reducing federal bureaucracy, cracking down on crime and illegal immigration, passing congressional term limits, and ending foreign war and reliance on China. There are social and cultural issues, too. But it doesn’t take on a central focus, at least not to the degree that has animated the right since Trump left office. Rollins, for one, did not want to get ahead of AFPI when asked about endorsing a national abortion ban in the wake of the striking down of Roe, but applauded the high court for giving the decision to the states. Rollins, Kudlow and others haven’t discarded their project, though. Instead, they turned it into a blueprint for a new non-profit, the America First Policy Institute, often described as a “White House in waiting.”

Trump Has Floated Giving MAGA Extremists — Including Lou Dobbs — Cabinet Gigs if He Wins in 2024. The former president is considering gutting the government and installing loyalists like the former Fox Business lackey should he win back the White House.

‘Trump 2025’ Plan Would Bring in Jan. 6 Allies, Gut Everyone Else if He Is Re-Elected, Axios Reports. Ex-president is preparing to turn the federal government upside down to serve his own political agenda if he is re-elected, according to an Axios investigation. After speaking with close allies of the former president, Axios reports Trump would purge staff at the Justice Department, State Department, and Pentagon in his early days back in the Oval Office in 2025. The outlet’s investigation says the plan would be based around an executive order called “Schedule F,” which was secretly developed and then publicly launched in October 2020 before being rescinded by President Biden. The order established a new category of employment for federal workers. Trump would resurrect the order if he returns to the White House, which would see thousands of workers who have an influence on policy reassigned as “Schedule F” employees. After being reassigned, the staff would lose their employment protections. An estimate from a Trump official who worked on the order said that as many as 50,000 workers could be subject to such a reassignment. If he became president again, Trump could theoretically fire tens of thousands of them without the employees having any ability to appeal their sacking. He could then fill the vacancies with people he deems more loyal to him and his “America First” program. Such a plan would completely gut the American civil service and could potentially burden future presidents with the decision of bringing in their own partisans to replace those of their predecessors. While Trump allies say they wouldn’t need to fire all 50,000 workers, sacking a cohort of particular “bad apples” at every agency affected would achieve the desired “behavior change” from the federal government. They said they believe the implementation of Schedule F will finally curtail the “farce” of Republican presidents being sabotaged by an ostensibly nonpartisan civil service, which is, in their belief, staffed by liberals.

Trump Tells Team He Needs to Be President Again to Save Himself from Criminal Probes. The former president is planning on running for the White House — and away from the law. In recent months, Trump has made clear to associates that the legal protections of occupying the Oval Office are front-of-mind for him, four people with knowledge of the situation tell Rolling Stone. Trump has “spoken about how when you are the president of the United States, it is tough for politically motivated prosecutors to ‘get to you,” says one of the sources, who has discussed the issue with Trump this summer. “He says when [not if] he is president again, a new Republican administration will put a stop to the [Justice Department] investigation that he views as the Biden administration working to hit him with criminal charges — or even put him and his people in prison.”

Trump Says He ‘May Have To’ Run in 2024 During Rambling, Lie-Filled South Carolina Rally Speech. “In 2024 we are going to take back that beautiful, beautiful White House,” the former president said. “I wonder who will do that. I wonder. I wonder.”

Trump told GOP donors that North Korea's Kim Jong Un had ability to make his advisers 'cower,' jokingly saying he also wants his staff to 'act like that'. "We will see a Republican president reclaim that beautiful White House in 2024. I wonder who that might be."

The Republican National Committee is considering a change in its bylaws that would prohibit GOP presidential candidates from participating in presidential debates put on by the Commission on Presidential Debates. "So long as the CPD appears intent on stonewalling the meaningful reforms necessary to restore its credibility with the Republican Party as a fair and nonpartisan actor, the RNC will take every step to ensure that future Republican presidential nominees are given that opportunity elsewhere," RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote in a letter Thursday to Frank Fahrenkopf and Kenneth Wollack, co-chairs of the debate commission. McDaniel said the party would initiate the rules change at its upcoming winter meeting, slated for February in Salt Lake City.

Trump’s 2024 veep tryouts get underway. The question of Trump’s prospective choice of running mate is surfacing with increasing frequency. “A lot of times, a presidential candidate will pick a running mate to balance out wings of the party. But with Trump, that’s not the issue. He is the party, basically. It’s so united behind him,” said John McLaughlin, one of Trump’s campaign pollsters. “So his choice, if he runs, will come down to what he wants. It would be a much more personal decision this time.” Trump hasn’t made his 2024 bid official. He’s expected to make a decision after the 2022 midterms. But he has been building a campaign-in-waiting that is already laying groundwork, and the question of a running mate is surfacing with increasing frequency. He’s name-dropped Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as one possible running mate. Veepstakes speculation rose among insiders who saw him interact recently with South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at his Mar-a-Lago club. “They’re all begging me. They all come here,” Trump boasted to one adviser, who shared the account anonymously with POLITICO.

Pence says he looked to James Madison as he certified the 2020 election for Biden. The Des Moines Register reported that Pence also compared Trump favorably to former President Ronald Reagan, describing both men as “one of a kind.”

Grisham thinks Trump will run in 2024 and have no 'guardrails'. “I think he is going to run again and you know that's why I'm speaking out the way I am. I don't want him to run again,” Grisham told “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd on NBC. “I think people aren't remembering that if he does run again in 2024, he'll have no guardrails because he will never have to worry about reelection, so he will do whatever he wants. He will hire whomever he wants, and I think that includes people of the January 6 mind,” she said, referring to the mob attack on the Capitol that led to Trump's second impeachment.

Thoughts on Trump's rally in Des Moines, Saturday, October 09, 2021 and the value of Trump coverage more broadly. You may be done with Trump. But Trump is not done with you.

Bannon fires up 'shock troops' for next GOP White House. Trump often railed publicly about career civil servants and Obama administration political appointee holdovers whom he saw as obstacles to his agenda, referring to them collectively as the "deep state." Bannon said he wants to see pre-trained teams ready to jump into federal agencies when the next Republican president takes office. For the most part, that means the tiers of presidential appointees whose postings don't require Senate confirmation. "We’re going to have a sweeping victory in 2022 and that’s just the preamble to a sweeping victory in 2024, and this time we’re going to be ready — and have a MAGA perspective, MAGA policies, not the standard Republican policies," he said, referring to Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan and describing a 2024 electoral victory as a "second term." The launch party Wednesday drew a crowd of roughly 200 former officials from multiple Republican administrations — though mostly Trump appointees — according to a person who attended and is not one of the organizers of the group. Jeffrey Scott Shapiro, a former Broadcasting Board of Governors official who is one of the organizers of the group said organizers are still trying to determine who will lead the association, but he said the need for institutional memory is apparent. "What we’re hoping to do is build a base of people that can be available as a support system for political appointees who are coming in for the first time," he said. "It’s easy, if you know the rules, to accomplish your objective."

Trump on what would prevent 2024 bid: 'I guess a bad call from a doctor'

Trump’s Long Campaign to Steal the Presidency: A Timeline The insurrection was a complex, yearslong plot, not a one-day event. And it isn’t over.

President Trump said that his one-time close ally and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley can't decide how she feels about him. 'Every time she criticizes me, she uncriticizes me about 15 minutes later,' the former president told Vanity Fair. Haley, who hadn't spoken to Trump since that the riot, was doubtful that he would ever run again. 'I think he's going to find himself further and further isolated,' Haley said. 'I think his business is suffering at this point. I think he's lost any sort of political viability he was going to have. I think he's lost his social media, which meant the world to him. I mean, I think he's lost the things that really could have kept him moving.' Haley is now stuck in limbo along with every other Republican considering a run for the presidency. 'It's a holding pattern,' a frustrated Haley adviser told Vanity Fair. 'It's unlike any previous race.' Trump refuses to say whether he'll run in 2024, but told Fox News' Sean Hannity in August: 'Let me put it this way, I think you’ll be happy and I think a lot of our friends will be very happy.' Insiders believe he is basking in the 'will he or won't he' agony other prospective Republicans are grappling with. 'Knowing Trump, he’ll dangle it right up to the New Hampshire primary filing deadline,' one Trump confidant said.

Donald Trump coming to Alabama for rally in Cullman on Aug. 21. The event at York Family Farms begins at 2 p.m. with music and speakers. The former president is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. York Family Farms 1872 County Road 469 Cullman, AL 35057

Pence flatlines as 2024 field takes shape. “There are some Trump supporters who think he’s the Antichrist,” said one Iowa GOP official. Mike Pence was met by a respectful, even warm, crowd in his first trip back to Iowa since the election. Republicans at a picnic in the northwestern corner of the state stood and clapped for him on Friday. In Des Moines later that afternoon, a ballroom full of Christian conservatives did the same. He was “honorable,” a “man of faith,” attendees at the annual Family Leadership Summit said. Evangelical leader Bob Vander Plaats called him “a very consistent conservative voice in Congress and then as governor, and then as vice president.” Six months after he left the vice presidency, that is the prevailing view at the grassroots and among the GOP political class. By most accounts, both here and nationally, Pence is dead in the early waters of 2024. Stuart Spencer, the famed Republican strategist who advised Ronald Reagan, said he concluded that Pence was a “sincere guy and has a belief system” when Pence refused to be cowed by Trump on Jan. 6. But he doubted that will do him any good in 2024. “The Trump people don’t like him, and all the people who were anti-Trump don’t like him,” Spencer said. For Pence, he said, “That’s not a big Lincoln Day dinner.”

Donald Trump May Already Be Violating Campaign Laws “Trump—if you believe what he’s saying—has already decided. So if he ends up getting in the race, that would mean he had made the decision as of now, and should be filing FEC reports as a candidate.”

Sasse inflames GOP with anti-Trump video. If the GOP’s fervor for the former president fades to any degree, Sasse will be better positioned than anyone to capitalize. Sen. Ben Sasse's political prospects rest on a longer view of the Republican Party — and an uncertain bet that eventually it will shift away from former President Donald Trump.


Watch Biden's grinning response to whether he'd be up for a rematch against Trump


‘Slow-motion insurrection’: How GOP seizes election power. In battleground states and beyond, Republicans are taking hold of the once-overlooked machinery of elections. While the effort is incomplete and uneven, outside experts on democracy and Democrats are sounding alarms, warning that the United States is witnessing a “slow-motion insurrection” with a better chance of success than Trump’s failed power grab last year. They point to a mounting list of evidence: Several candidates who deny Trump’s loss are running for offices that could have a key role in the election of the next president in 2024. In Michigan, the Republican Party is restocking members of obscure local boards that could block approval of an election. In Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the GOP-controlled legislatures are backing open-ended “reviews” of the 2020 election, modeled on a deeply flawed look-back in Arizona. The efforts are poised to fuel disinformation and anger about the 2020 results for years to come. All this comes as the Republican Party has become more aligned behind Trump, who has made denial of the 2020 results a litmus test for his support. Trump has praised the Jan. 6 rioters and backed primaries aimed at purging lawmakers who have crossed him. Sixteen GOP governors have signed laws making it more difficult to vote. An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll showed that two-thirds of Republicans do not believe Democrat Joe Biden was legitimately elected as president. The result, experts say, is that another baseless challenge to an election has become more likely, not less.

Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt. “With the country still as divided as ever, we must take steps to prepare for the worst,” wrote former Army Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen. Steven Anderson and former Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba. As the nation nears the first anniversary of the Capitol riot, the generals are “increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk,” they wrote in The Washington Post. The “lack of military preparedness for the aftermath of the 2020 election was striking and worrying. Trump’s acting defense secretary, Christopher Miller, testified that he deliberately withheld military protection of the Capitol before Jan. 6,” the generals noted. That can’t happen again, they emphasized. Military leaders can’t wait for elected officials to take adequate action to prepare for the next time. “Not a single leader who inspired” the last attempt has even been “held to account,” the generals noted.

117th Congress, 2021-2022





Elaine Chao's Excuse For Using the DOT As Her Father's Personal PR Agency: I'm Asian!

Revealed: DOJ declined to investigate Mitch McConnell's Transport Secretary wife Elaine Chao after inspector general probe said she used her office for personal tasks and to promote her family's shipping firm. A report made public on Wednesday said Chao used her staff and office for personal tasks and to promote her family's shipping company. The report also said DOT staff assisted in the marketing of Chao's father's biography and edited his Wikipedia page. It was given to the Justice Department who declined to open a criminal investigation, but said there 'may be ethical and/or administrative issues to address' regarding Chao's actions detailed in the report. Chao has denied wrongdoing, saying promoting her family was an appropriate part of her official duties. Chao is the wife of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

Senate Judiciary Committee

Incoming Senate Judiciary chairman wants to hold Garland hearing Monday. Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the incoming chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he wants to hold confirmation hearing for Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland on Feb. 8, a day before the impeachment trial of former President Trump begins in the Senate.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) rejected a Democratic request on Monday to schedule a confirmation hearing next week for Merrick Garland, President Biden's pick to be attorney general. Though Democrats have the Senate majority, Graham is still the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman because the chamber hasn't yet passed an organizing resolution for the 117th Congress.

Senate Judiciary Committee, January 2021
Lesley Graham (SC) Dianne Feinstein (CA)
Chuck Grassley (IA) Patrick Leahy (VT)
John Cornyn (TX) Dick Durbin (IL)
Michael S. Lee (UT) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
Ted Cruz (TX) Amy Klobuchar (MN)
Ben Sasse (NE) Christopher A. Coons (DE)
Joshua D. Hawley (MO) Richard Blumenthal (CT)
Thom Tillis (NC) Mazie Hirono (HI)
Thom Tillis (NC) Cory Booker (NJ)
Joni Ernst (IA) Kamala Harris (CA)
Mike Crapo (ID)
John Kennedy (LA)
Marsha Blackburn (TN)

Republican/Nazi Party/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Threat to Democracy

Republican/Nazi Party/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Threat to Democracy

McConnell on Jan. 6 criminal referral of Trump: ‘Entire nation knows who is responsible for that day’. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday issued a terse response to the House Jan. 6 select committee’s decision to refer criminal charges against former President Trump to the Justice Department. “The entire nation knows who is responsible for that day. Beyond that, I don’t have any immediate observations,” McConnell said in a statement reacting to the House panel voting to refer four criminal charges against Trump to prosecutors in connection to his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

'A Crisis Coming': The Twin Threats to American Democracy. The first threat is acute: a growing movement inside one of the country’s two major parties — the Republican Party — to refuse to accept defeat in an election. The second threat to democracy is chronic but also growing: The power to set government policy is becoming increasingly disconnected from public opinion. The run of recent Supreme Court decisions — both sweeping and, according to polls, unpopular — highlights this disconnect. Although the Democratic Party has won the popular vote in seven of the past eight presidential elections, a Supreme Court dominated by Republican appointees seems poised to shape American politics for years, if not decades. And the court is only one of the means through which policy outcomes are becoming less closely tied to the popular will. Two of the past four presidents have taken office despite losing the popular vote. Senators representing a majority of Americans are often unable to pass bills, partly because of the increasing use of the filibuster. Even the House, intended as the branch of the government that most reflects the popular will, does not always do so because of the way districts are drawn. “We are far and away the most countermajoritarian democracy in the world,” said Steven Levitsky, a professor of government at Harvard University and a co-author of the book “How Democracies Die,” with Daniel Ziblatt.

Republican/Nazi Party/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, archived September 17, 2022

Teenage kicks! Shocking moment Marjorie Taylor Greene strikes Gen Z gun control activist with her foot after the girl walked in front of her at Capitol Video shows the Georgia Republican leaving a news conference as a pair of activists heckle her on gun violence At one point, an activist walks in front of her and Greene kicks the 18-year-old to get her out of the way 'Excuse me,' Greene says, appearing to step on Pecora's heel. 'Excuse me,' she says again, appearing to take aim at the back of Pecora's leg 'Did she literally just tweet out the video of her kicking me?' Pecora wrote on Twitter when Greene posted the exchange Greene blasted the teenager on Twitter while the heckler threatened legal action

Rep. Issa Splits with San Diego Delegation in Votes on Assault Weapons, Wildfires

Callous GOP Fist-Bump After Holding Up Aid For Burn-Pit Veterans Sparks Fury. The gloating was particularly hard to take after Republicans blocked medical help for vets, many of whom are suffering from cancer.

Video resurfaces of Rand Paul admitting ‘misinformation works’ amid Dr Fauci accusations. Republican advised medical students that ‘misinformation works, so try to trick your opponents’

Lauren Boebert Heckles Biden as He Honors Dead Soldiers During State of the Union. “You put them in, 13 of them,” the Colorado lawmaker yelled, referring to service members who died in Afghanistan last summer, as the president spoke of his late son. Trashing Biden as he spoke about the death of his son wasn’t the only time Boebert heckled the president on Tuesday night. She and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) kicked off the night by turning their backs on Biden’s Cabinet. Later, they chanted “Build the Wall” as Biden pushed for immigration reform.

Republican Reps Issa and Green mock Biden’s absence from DC – while he was known to be attending funeral. EXCLUSIVE: Two Republican members of the House Foreign Relations Committee laughed and joked about Mr Biden being safe from a theoretical attack on Washington during an impromptu interview with The Independent.

Stop the Steal’ Congressman Suddenly Worried About Will of the Voters. Madison Cawthorn, who voted against certifying the 2020 election Donald Trump lost, is losing it over a lawsuit designed to kick him off the ballot.

‘Cheap fakes’: Viral videos keep clipping Biden’s words out of context

U.S. Capitol Police rejects GOP congressman’s claim that check of his open office is illegal investigation. Chief Tom Manger said a Capitol Police officer entered Rep. Troy E. Nehls’s office in November because the door was left 'open and unsecured’. Nehls accused Capitol Police leadership after one of the officers entered his office in the Longworth House Office Building with no prior notice Nov. 20, 2021, ahead of the Thanksgiving break, and took pictures of a whiteboard. The officer filed a report raising concerns about the contents of the whiteboard, which included mentions of “body armor” and a poorly drawn map of the Rayburn House Office Building — which is also part of the Capitol complex — that had an X at one of the building’s entrances. Nehls explained that the writing on the board — which included reports of faulty Chinese-made body armor — was related to legislation his office was working on, while the map of the Rayburn Building, which Nehls said “looked like it was done by my 9-year-old,” was drawn for an intern who was sent on a mission to find the ice machine. The X marked the spot. Nehls noted that he’s been a “very, very vocal” critic of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, and said he thinks he was being targeted by Capitol Police leadership because of this.

The original quote from Strom, an American white nationalist and Holocaust denier, has been used previously online and paraphrased in a variety of ways. In a 1993 radio broadcast, Strom said: “To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” according to an internet archive containing his full remarks. U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, shared the incorrectly attributed quote in a tweet Sunday to his more than 320,000 followers, with a caption criticizing Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert. @RepThomasMassie You mustn’t question Fauci, for he is science.

The Republican National Committee Censured Liz Cheney And Adam Kinzinger. A move to admonish the two members of Congress despised by Trump passed an RNC vote on Friday.

8 interesting facts about Rep. Lauren Boebert GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert and husband racked up arrests in home district

'Twitter is an enemy to America': Marjorie Taylor Greene's hits out as her Twitter account is PERMANENTLY suspended after 'fifth strike' which saw her lash COVID rules and vaccine mandates.

Cristina Cawthorn is divorcing her husband Madison, a notorious pathological liar, racist insurrectionist, and alleged sex pest after having been married for just 8 months. Cawthorn, who likens women to "earthen vessels," blames his hard work on the Capitol for the break.

A warning from Tim Gosar: Paul Gosar is "dangerous" and "needs to be expelled".

Watch: Paul Gosar's hard-to-understand statement about being "censored" by Congress.

House censures Rep. Gosar for violent video in rare rebuke. The House voted Wednesday to censure Republican Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona for posting an animated video that depicted him killing Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a sword, an extraordinary rebuke that highlighted the political strains testing Washington and the country. Calling the video a clear threat to a lawmaker’s life, Democrats argued Gosar’s conduct would not be tolerated in any other workplace — and shouldn’t be in Congress. The vote to censure Gosar and also remove him from his House committee assignments was approved by a vote of 223-207, almost entirely along party lines, with Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois the only Republicans voting in favor. Gosar showed no emotion as he stood in the well of the House after the vote, flanked by roughly a dozen Republicans as Speaker Nancy Pelosi read the censure resolution and announced his committee penalty. He shook hands, hugged and patted other members of the GOP conference on the back before leaving the chamber. Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called the vote an “abuse of power” by Democrats to distract from national problems. He said of the censure, a “new standard will continue to be applied in the future,” a signal of potential ramifications for Democratic members should Republicans retake a majority.

WATCH: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez on censure against Rep. Gosar who tweeted altered video showing her death

WATCH: Rep. Gosar on censure vote for tweet of altered video showing Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s death

Pelosi Calls Gosar 'To The Well' Of The Floor To Announce Censure Vote

Cheney's Consultants Are Given an Ultimatum: Drop Her, or Be Dropped. In response, The Morning Group, a fundraising firm she hired to help prepare for a primary next year against a challenger endorsed by former President Donald Trump, informed her last month they could no longer work on her campaign, according to Republicans familiar with the matter.

'She Started Screaming': Controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Spars with Liz Cheney on House Floor. According to CNN, Greene, 47, could be heard speaking in a raised voice to Cheney, 55, and Maryland Democrat Jamie Raskin, both of whom voted to impeach former President Donald Trump for his role in supporting the rioters. "This is a joke," said Greene, a fierce ally of Trump, later telling Raskin: "Why don't you care about the American people?" Raskin, 58, replied to Greene: "You represent the American people." Cheney, meanwhile, responded to Greene by calling her a "joke" and referencing to a 2018 comment Greene made about "Jewish space lasers." CNN reports that Greene yelled "I never said that!" when Cheney mentioned the lasers.

Greene heckles Democrats and they fire back on Capitol steps

QAnon Rep. Rips GOP Colleagues in Bonkers 38-Part Twitter Thread Railing Against 'Dictator Biden'

@mtgreenee Dear Colleagues, Since Dictator Joe Biden started phase 1 of the Dems’ Communist takeover of America yesterday & I don’t have a GOP Conference call on my calendar or an email in my inbox from leadership to stop this insanity, well I’m going to be more direct than usual.

‘Predatory Enterprise of Perversion’: Lawsuit Claims Prominent GOP Donor Was ‘Sexual Ringmaster’ of Child Sex Trafficking Ring. The complaint, filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court in Minnesota, claims that Anton “Tony” Lazzaro, 30, led a sex trafficking ring that targeted minor girls, then tried to use his wealth to buy their silence. As previously reported by Law&Crime, on Aug. 13, Lazzaro was arrested along with his alleged accomplice 19-year-old Gisela Castro Medina for obstruction of justice, sex trafficking, and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors. Medina—who had recently been elected chair of University of St. Thomas College Republicans chapter—allegedly acted as a recruiter for Lazzaro. Prosecutors say Medina targeted girls and young women on social media, established a personal relationship with them, then received a fee when she introduced them to Lazzaro, who allegedly sought to exploit them sexually.

How Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans learned to stop worrying about a Biden victory and love the infrastructure bill.

In wild talk, Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Fauci paid China to create Covid, suggests audience should use guns to defend against vaccine workers

The Trumpist right drifts toward fascism. It’s frustratingly typical for conservatives to fraudulently cloak themselves in the mantle of Abraham Lincoln and the Union. But what Fox News host Ben Domenech did on Tuesday night -- describing the progressive left as “the inheritor” of “slave power” with its “fixation on the hierarchy of race and caste” and his viewers as ideological descendants of the paramilitary pro-Lincoln “Wide Awakes” of 1860 -- wandered perilously close to a call for a new Civil War. Domenech presented U.S. politics as an existential fight between “the enemies of everything this nation has ever been” and “the patriots, the Americans, the men and women who will do anything to preserve it, because they know what civilization requires.” The host closed by directly addressing his millions of viewers. “You are the heart of a nation that has slept for so long,” he said. “But now at last, you are wide awake. So now I ask you again: What are you willing to do?” Domenech didn’t give an answer to the question -- but his rhetoric suggests that it isn’t casting votes for candidates who share your values.

McCarthy says 'it will be hard not to hit' Pelosi with gavel if he becomes House speaker.

Republican congressman bulldozes cannabis grows of Hmong farmers in California. Outdoor grows are illegal in that county and often lack sewage systems and other environmental safety measures. But advocates for local farmers say the timing of the videos — weeks after law enforcement officers fatally shot a 35-year-old Hmong man during a mandatory wildfire evacuation — is problematic, as is the congressman's language. “I love the smell of diesel power in the afternoon. It smells like victory,” LaMalfa says in one of the videos, playing off a quote from the Vietnam War movie "Apocalypse Now."

Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene hoped the third time might be the charm for finding a California venue to host their “America First” rally on Saturday night. But instead of speaking to a packed arena, the pair were left with the sidewalk outside the Riverside City Hall. Greene used the “Peaceful Protest Against Communism” to hawk vaccine hesitancy. She urged the crowd, “Don’t let them force your kids to wear masks at school. Don’t let your kids be forced to take a vaccine that’s not FDA approved.” Meanwhile, coronavirus cases in California are surging as the more contagious Delta variant rips through the unvaccinated population. Gaetz, who is currently under federal investigation for sex trafficking and abuse of a minor, railed against “the corrupt forces in the Department of Justice and the FBI” and complained that the private venues’ refusals to host the pair amounted to an infringement on their freedom of speech. “They may try to cancel us online, they may try to pursue us in real life, they may shut down our venues, but we will take this fight to them in the courts, in the halls of Congress, and if necessary in the streets,” he said. In Riverside, city council members had voiced their concern with the two representatives, with council member Ronald Fierro saying, “The hateful and racist rhetoric that will be perpetrated at this event by these two well-known extremists has absolutely no place in our City.” The M3 Live Anaheim Event Center had canceled on Gaetz and Taylor Greene Saturday afternoon, just hours before the event was scheduled to begin. This came after two separate venues, the Pacific Hills Banquet & Event Center in Laguna Hills and the Riverside Convention Center, canceled on the pair after protesters flooded the respective owners with complaints.

Matt Gaetz Is Blowing Piles of Cash on Scandal—and on Roger Stone. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is bringing in massive amounts of money, but he’s spending even more than he’s raising.

Ted Nugent tells the tale of his night with Trump and Kid Rock. The menu featured lobster salad and lamb chops. The conversation ranged from "rock 'n' roll and hunting" to "military strength and Supreme Court justices." And everybody at the table was certainly on board with the politics. That's how Ted Nugent tells the tale of his night with Kid Rock as personal guests of President Donald Trump. The world awoke Thursday morning to learn the president had spent his evening with the Detroit-bred rockers, two outspoken Trump supporters who were invitees of fellow dinner guest Sarah Palin.

Judi Hershman, a former advisor of the conservator attorney Ken Starr, is ready to get some shit off her chest.. Hershman’s lays out the receipts of Starr’s deviousness quite plainly, beginning with an anecdote about Starr and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh was just a lawyer when Hershman met him 20 years ago, when they were both working with Starr on the investigation into President Clinton’s relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Hershman, who helped prep Starr present his findings before Congress, recalled an incident in which a furious Kavanaugh began “badgering” her and “invading” her space, pointing his finger in her face and seething.

Ken Starr, Brett Kavanaugh, Jeffrey Epstein and Me Judi Hershman As a former professional partisan, I never thought I’d look back decades to my political beginnings and find the map that points to our current moment, when there is serious doubt whether the democracy we took for granted at the time will continue to exist. Despite all the posturing and gamesmanship and at times skullduggery back then, political opponents shared an understanding that the process enforced by our Constitution would prevail, no one would get everything they wanted every time, and the state of the union would remain strong. As it turns out, too many people like me stuck our heads in the sand, swallowed our doubts, let the unacceptable slide, convinced ourselves it was in the interest of the greater good, and never dreamed that we would look back and realize that a failure to say “Enough!” had led to our country’s biggest existential crisis since the Civil War.

Newt Gingrich says Biden's attacks on GOP state voting reforms are the 'greatest threat to the nation since the Civil War' as Greg Abbott accuses President of spreading 'misinformation'.

Ken Starr helped Jeffrey Epstein with ‘scorched-earth’ campaign, book claims. Book by Miami Herald journalist details extraordinary efforts by special prosecutor who hounded Bill Clinton to aid sex trafficker.

Of course Mel Gibson would dramatically salute Donald Trump

Secret filming shows GOP congressman saying party wants ‘18 months’ of disruption leading up to 2022 midterms. Chip Roy was recorded admitting that Republicans would try to ‘slow down’ the Democrat’s legislative agenda ahead of the elections for Congress.

CNN's Jim Acosta asks GOP lawmakers about their continued support for former President Donald Trump and his unfounded claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

Column: U.S. Capitol insurrection so disturbed a former San Diego mayor, he quit the GOP. Jerry Sanders, now chamber of commerce president, never cared for Trump and was alarmed at the direction of the GOP. The assault on Congress was the last straw. On Jan. 7, the 71-year-old former San Diego mayor and chief of police decided to quit the Republican Party he had joined as a young man when he first registered to vote. His current view of the state of affairs may be dark, but Sanders believes things will get brighter. However, he said for that to happen, Trump has to be moved to the sidelines — especially if the Republican Party is to get back on track. He especially has faith in potential future leaders who come from “a smart, young generation that’s accepting of others.”

McCarthy Unveils Republican Task Forces, Announces Leaders and Members. Rep. Kevin McCarthy: "When we are in the majority in January 2023 we will be much different than the Democrats."

Nearly 40 House Democrats are demanding House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy take what they call "immediate action" to address the behavior of GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, whose actions, they say in a Thursday letter obtained by CNN, "could lead to violence against members of Congress." The group chose to take this step after Greene spoke as a warmup act for former President Donald Trump at his rally in Ohio last weekend, an aide familiar with the letter's origins told CNN. Greene, without evidence, repeatedly claimed Trump won the 2020 election and viciously attacked Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. Greene described Ocasio-Cortez as the "little communist from New York City," and nodded in agreement with the crowd when they started shouting "lock her up." Ocasio-Cortez has signed on to the letter, which is led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington and is signed by a diverse list of House Democrats, including fellow progressives like Reps. Cori Bush of Missouri and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and more moderate members like Reps. Gerald Connolly of Virginia and Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvania.

Republicans offer lots of excuses for not voting to give medals to the cops who saved their ass during the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, but simply put honoring people who put their lives in the way of an angry mob looking to hang the Vice-President and Speaker of the House is too much for them. CNN put together this wonderful video that goes one-by-one through the cowardly Q-publicans who appear to back the insurrection, more than the Capitol Police who defended our nation.

GOP congressman refuses to shake hands with D.C. police officer who protected the Capitol on Jan. 6, lawmakers say. Rep. Andrew S. Clyde (R-Ga.), who voted against awarding police officers the Congressional Gold Medal for their bravery in protecting the U.S. Capitol against violent, pro-Trump rioters on Jan. 6, refused to shake hands with D.C. police officer Michael Fanone on Wednesday. Fanone was beaten unconscious after he voluntarily rushed to the Capitol to help defend it from those who breached the building. He suffered a concussion and a mild heart attack. In the months since, Fanone has been one of the leading voices pushing back against Republicans who have sought to downplay the severity of what happened Jan. 6. Fanone, joined by Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, returned to the Capitol on Wednesday, the day after 21 House Republicans voted against the Gold Medal resolution, in an effort to meet them and tell his story. He said he recognized Clyde at an elevator and that he and Dunn hopped in with the congressman. “I simply extended my hand and said, “How are you doing today, Congressman.’ I knew immediately he recognized me by the way he reacted. He completely froze. He just stared at me,” Fanone said in an interview.

Regarding Blunt, Manchin appears to be suggesting — without, perhaps, quite explicitly saying so — that the wealthy executives on the call could dangle future financial opportunities in front of the outgoing senator while lobbying him to change his vote. Senate ethics rules forbid future job negotiations if they create a conflict of interest or present even the appearance of a conflict of interest. Manchin, notably, doesn’t suggest that the donors discuss a job, but rather says that people who Blunt may later be working with would be likely to have significant influence, reflective of the way future job prospects can shape the legislative process even when unspoken.

GOP senator: I want to make Biden a 'one-half-term president'. Republican Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.) last week said he wants to make President Biden a “one-half-term president” in 2022 by ensuring that Democrats no longer have complete control in Washington. “I’m looking forward to a very successful 2022,” Barrasso said during a breakfast discussion hosted by The Ripon Society on Thursday. “I want to make Joe Biden a one-half-term president, and I want to do that by making sure they no longer have the House, Senate and White House,” he added. When asked if Barrasso was advocating for removing Biden from office before his first term is up, Laura Mengelkamp, the senator's communications director, told The Hill he was referring to the GOP winning the House and Senate next year, which would take away Democratic control of Washington and help Republicans win the White House in the next general election cycle.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She’s ‘Removing’ Holocaust Comparisons From Her Past Rebukes Of Covid Measures. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) held an impromptu press conference on Monday, shortly after a visit to the Holocaust Museum, to apologize for repeatedly comparing coronavirus precautions to the oppression of Jews by Nazi Germany last month, declaring that she is “removing” those comparisons to her condemnations of mask mandates. “And I have made a mistake and it’s really bothered me for a couple of weeks now. So I definitely want to own it. This afternoon, I visited the Holocaust Museum. The Holocaust is—there’s nothing comparable. It happened, you know, over 6 million Jewish people were murdered. More than that, there were not just Jewish people, Black people, Christians, children, people that the Nazis didn’t believe were good enough, perfect enough. The horrors of the Holocaust are something that some people don’t even believe happened, that some people deny, but there is no comparison to the Holocaust. There are words that I have said, remarks that I’ve made, that I know are offensive. And for that I want to apologize.”

Watch: Caitlyn Jenner won't say whether she thinks Biden won the election

McConnell: 'The era of bipartisanship is over' 06/08/2021 05:02 PM EDT

Greene says her remark about "gas chambers in Nazi Germany" was not referring to the Holocaust. "We can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star, and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens — so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany, and this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about."

Emerging from two years of relative silence, former House Speaker Paul Ryan has joined the fight against Donald Trump, urging fellow conservatives to reject the former president’s divisive politics and those Republican leaders who emulate him. Ryan made his remarks during a Thursday evening address at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. He was critical of both Republicans and Democrats, though he saved his sharpest barbs for Trump, who is by most measures the leader of the modern-day Republican Party. “It was horrifying to see a presidency come to such a dishonorable and disgraceful end,” Ryan said, referring to the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol that Trump inspired on Jan. 6. “Once again, we conservatives find ourselves at a crossroads,” Ryan continued. “And here’s the reality that we have to face: If the conservative cause depends on the populist appeal of one personality, or on second-rate imitations, then we’re not going anywhere. Voters looking for Republican leaders want to see independence and mettle. They will not be impressed by the sight of yes-men and flatterers flocking to Mar-a-Lago.”

Republican/Nazi Party/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants archived May 28, 2021

Toxic Marjorie Taylor Greene says she and Matt Gaetz are "taking charge" of the Republican party

House GOP lawmakers fined after defying mask mandate. The brave protesters were Reps. Brian Mast (R-FL), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), Beth Van Duyne (R-TX), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Chip Roy (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Mary Miller (R-IL), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX). After the protest, Greene posted a selfie of her and her grinning colleagues with the caption: “Masks are oppressive and nothing but a political tool. End the oppression!” Reps. Brian Mast of Florida, Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa and Beth Van Duyne of Texas all received $500 fines for second offenses of the mask mandate, the official said. Additional offenses of the mandate would result in $2,500 fines.

MTG v AOC: Marjorie Taylor Greene shouts 'stop being a baby' and 'get rid of your diaper' through AOC's office mailbox during 2019 visit with friend who was arrested for storming Capitol. Marjorie Taylor Greene was a conservative activist when she visited Congress in February 2019. Facebook Live video shows her urging AOC to 'Get rid of your diaper' through locked door. She was accompanied by Anthony Aguero, who was part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6. Greene has repeatedly sought out AOC for confrontation. Wednesday she accused the New York congresswoman of supporting 'terrorists'.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene aggressively confronted Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Wednesday and falsely accused her of supporting “terrorists,” leading the New York congresswoman’s office to call on leadership to ensure that Congress remains “a safe, civil place for all Members and staff.” Two Washington Post reporters witnessed Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) exit the House chamber late Wednesday afternoon ahead of Greene (Ga.), who shouted “Hey Alexandria” twice in an effort to get her attention. When Ocasio-Cortez did not stop walking, Greene picked up her pace and began shouting at her and asking why she supports antifa, a loosely knit group of far-left activists, and Black Lives Matter, falsely labeling them “terrorist” groups. Greene also shouted that Ocasio-Cortez was failing to defend her “radical socialist” beliefs by declining to publicly debate the freshman from Georgia. “You don’t care about the American people,” Greene shouted. “Why do you support terrorists and antifa?” Since asking earlier this year to debate Ocasio-Cortez, Greene has confronted her one other time on the House floor, when she approached the New York congresswoman last month to try to schedule a date for a debate over the Green New Deal, a set of environmental policies intended to combat climate change. In a video posted to social media a day later, Greene criticized Ocasio-Cortez for not debating her. “If she chickens out, then she shows who she really is: a scared little girl that is pretty stupid and doesn’t know anything about the economy or economics,” Greene said.

Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney was ousted from House Republican leadership on Wednesday. In a closed-door meeting in the basement of the Capitol, Republicans voted her out in less than 15 minutes. The move cements Donald Trump's hold on Republican Party. In comments after the vote, Cheney said: 'I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again, is anywhere near the Oval Office'. After the vote, Trump said of Cheney: 'Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being'.

Oregon lawmaker who opened state Capitol to far-right protesters faces criminal charges. State Rep. Mike Nearman, a Polk County Republican, has been charged with official misconduct and criminal trespassing following the Dec. 21 incident.

Fox contributor Newt Gingrich: Biden administration is “attacking people of traditional values who are appalled that this administration would fly the gay flag at American embassies”

“John Bolton has never recovered from being fired. President Trump used Bolton’s idiocy to the benefit of Americans in negotiating deals with other countries because they knew Bolton was a crazed lunatic, and if he was in the room, they’d be concerned,” Miller said. While Bolton predicted that Trump would not run for president in 2024, he said that he would not either. “My hope,” he said, “is that if [Trump] is upset with this poll and he and his pollsters go into the field and whatever they find they release with the same kind of transparency we have.”

Trump Curses Out ‘Son of a B*tch’ McConnell at GOP Donor Event for Not Completely Destroying Democracy. During this weekend’s Republican National Committee donor retreat in Florida, attendees headed to Donald Trump’s private club Mar-a-Lago on Saturday evening to hear prepared remarks from the twice-impeached former president on the future of his party. Predictably, Trump at times veered wildly off-script from his prewritten speech, the text of which was reviewed by The Daily Beast earlier in the day. While at the private event, he inveighed against Republican, Democratic, and celebrity enemies, and again denounced the 2020 presidential election outcome as “bullshit,” according to those in the audience. “[Trump began] swearing and telling everyone about the stolen election,” according to one such attendee. The 2020 election, of course, was not stolen from Trump, and President Joe Biden decisively beat the GOP incumbent in both the Electoral College and popular vote counts. Trump’s anti-democratic blitz following Election Day and the lies he and much of the mainstream GOP spread about the election culminated in the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which Trump is now accused in court papers of inciting.

Barr and the Office of the Attorney General received multiple briefings on the Gaetz probe, beginning in the summer of 2020, a second person familiar with the probe said. They encouraged Florida prosecutors to move as quickly as they needed to and take whatever steps were appropriate. The briefings were consistent with Barr's memo requiring notification to department leadership on probes of candidates. The briefing was important because — among other reasons — Barr didn't want to accidentally appear anywhere with Gaetz, the person said. At one point, Barr was scheduled for a meet-and-greet with Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee. But DOJ canceled his appearance at the event when they saw that Gaetz, a member of that committee, had RSVP'd for it.

Rep. Matt Gaetz was allegedly being extorted over 'compromising pictures' showing him in a sex orgy with underage prostitutes to help rescue American hostage Robert Levinson from Iran, according to newly-obtained documents. Bombshell text message screenshots, an email and a printout with the heading 'Project Homecoming' detail an alleged scheme involving former DOJ official David McGee and former Air Force intelligence officer Bob Kent. The alleged plot tries to enlist Gaetz's financial backing - to the sum of $25 million - to pay to free Levinson, who was captured 14 years ago in Iran and whose family said they were told he was dead.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'Mark Of The Beast' Theory Receives Holy Hell On Twitter.

The Matt Gaetz allegation, explained. “The Justice Department is investigating Rep. Matt Gaetz — a Florida Republican considered a close political ally of former president Donald Trump — over an alleged sexual relationship with an underage girl,” The Washington Post’s Matt Zapotosky and Devlin Barrett explain. That relationship allegedly included paying for the girl to travel, potentially across state lines, adding the complexity of potential federal charges related to sex trafficking, according to the Times. Both The Post and Times stories are constrained for fairly obvious reasons, including the limits of available information and the need to accurately convey the potential risk Gaetz faces. The investigation apparently spun out of another sex-trafficking probe in Florida. That one focused on a former county official named Joel Greenberg, who was charged in the summer with a number of federal offenses, including sex trafficking of a minor.

Inside the Koch-Backed Effort to Block the Largest Election-Reform Bill in Half a Century. On a leaked conference call, leaders of dark-money Facist groups and an aide to Mitch McConnell expressed frustration with the popularity of the legislation—even among Republican voters.

Stephen Miller to launch a new legal group to give Biden fits. America First Legal will focus on a few things: executive branch issues and giving Joe Biden headaches.

The Republican Freshman Class Is a Tribute to Our Nation’s Notorious Local Bozos. A guide to the GOP’s ascendant congressional wing of bullshitters, cranks, zealots, and personal-life disasters.

Dozens of Trump appointees 'burrow' into Biden government. Roughly two dozen Trump administration appointees remain in civil service jobs or on government advisory boards roughly two months into the Biden administration, according to a new report from a government watchdog group obtained by The Hill. Accountable.US, a left-leaning watchdog, found that at least 24 Trump appointees have "burrowed" into civil service jobs. The appointments mean that Trump-era officials will remain in those posts for the foreseeable future. The report cited four individuals who are believed to have burrowed into national security roles, nine who have taken up roles in environmental regulation and three officials at the Department of Justice. The allegations mirror those made frequently during the Trump administration about a so-called deep state of career officials who were obstructing the former president's agenda. Among those listed in the report as potentially burrowing into the Biden administration are acting U.S. Attorney Prerak Shah, Brandon Middleton in the Department of Energy and Robert G. Cameron at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The Biden administration has taken some steps to intervene in the appointments. Biden's Defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, in early February ousted hundreds of members from the Pentagon's advisory committees, removing last-minute appointees by the Trump administration that included former Trump campaign advisers Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.

Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren quietly releases massive social media report on GOP colleagues who voted to overturn the election.

Donald Trump trashes Mitch McConnell calling him 'a dour, sullen and unsmiling political hack,' claiming he is 'destroying' GOP, is compromised on China by wife Elaine Chao and tells senators to FIRE him - after GOP leader blamed him for MAGA riot.

Shortly after taking his seat in Congress last month, Madison Cawthorn emailed his Republican colleagues to tell them of his intended role. “I have built my staff around comms rather than legislation,” he wrote, using the slang word for public relations. An Esquire magazine headline offered this translation of the freshman congressman’s words: “It’s not about legislating, or fixing problems. It’s about the show.” If so, the show is not designed to appeal to Western North Carolina’s mainstream Republicans, independents or Democrats, despite Cawthorn’s post-election promise to be the congressman for all his constituents. A new and featured attraction of Cawthorn’s “comms” is his own channel on a Dubai-based social-media platform, Telegram Messenger. Telegram was relatively unknown in the United States until after the Jan. 6 Capitol pro-Trump insurrection, when Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other services stepped up restrictions against disinformation, including debunked claims that President Biden “stole” the election, delusional conspiracy theories, and reckless assertions that the pandemic is a hoax.

A guide to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s conspiracy theories and toxic rhetoric.

How Lindsay Graham’s Petty Partisan Decision Stalled the DOJ. At the center of the imbroglio is a figure who is accustomed to being collateral damage of partisan warfare on Capitol Hill: Merrick Garland. While the AG nomination has no bearing on the court project, it’s been an ominous way to begin the task at hand for Democrats and for Durbin, who is replacing Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) as chairman. Graham is ceding the top spot on the GOP side to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), so he will no longer be his party’s chief instigator on judicial matters, but his final move as chairman has made some Democrats concerned about the path forward for the next two years. “It’s a bad first step,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), a member of the panel, told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. “It’s a bad way to begin the journey.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene finally partially apologizes for backing QAnon - then says 'I am NOT sorry' for harassing David Hogg and flees press conference when she is asked about wanting Nancy Pelosi executed.

Eleven Republicans voted with House Dems. to strip GA's Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments: 230-199

  1. Adam Kinzinger
  2. Nicole Malliotakis
  3. John Katko
  4. Fred Upton
  5. Brian Fitzpatrick
  6. Carlos Gimenez
  7. Chris Jacobs
  8. Young Kim
  9. Maria Salazar
  10. Chris Smith
  11. Mario Díaz-Balart

Marjorie Taylor Greene's altercation with Democratic rep Cori Bush and claim Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced by a body double are revealed - as White House slams her and she talks about the 'electric chair' for media. QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene got into an altercation with fellow freshman lawmaker, Rep. Cori Bush, the St. Louis Democrat revealed Friday. Additionally, another conspiracy theory of Greene's was revealed: that she said Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced by a body double. Greene has dominated the headlines from Capitol Hill since Tuesday when CNN reported she had shown support on Facebook for executing top Democrats. The White House has been forced to weigh in twice, with Jen Psaki saying Friday, 'We don’t want to elevate conspiracy theories further in the briefing room'

Marjorie Taylor Greene warned before the election that Americans would have to shed blood to 'get your freedoms back' if Trump lost.

A local TV reporter said she was threatened with arrest and removed from a town-hall meeting with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia for asking a question. Meredith Aldis, a reporter with the Chattanooga, Tennessee, station WRCB, tweeted that she attended the meeting in Dalton, Georgia, on Wednesday and was told she was not allowed to ask questions to Greene or anyone else in the building.

Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to force Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to retake their oaths on a Bible in a resurfaced video. In the footage, Ms Greene claimed it was the ‘law’ for the representatives to use a Bible when taking their oaths.

Video Shows QAnon Congresswoman Harassing Parkland Teen. The conspiracy theorist lawmaker has falsely claimed that Parkland and other school shootings were not “real.” Georgia congresswoman and QAnon believer Marjorie Taylor Greene was filmed chasing after Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg and berating him in a video that re-surfaced on social media Wednesday. Greene was apparently so proud of her creepy conduct that she posted the video to her YouTube page a year ago. It has re-surfaced amid reports that she claimed school shootings weren’t real and reports that she “liked” Facebook posts about executing Democrats.

Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing prominent Democrats in 2018 and 2019 before running for Congress.

Before Capitol Riot, Republican Lawmakers Fanned the Flames. A “1776 moment”: Several of the president’s closest allies in Congress used bellicose language to urge their supporters to attend the Jan. 6 rally that turned into a deadly riot. “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass,” said Mr. Brooks, Republican of Alabama. “Are you willing to do what it takes to fight for America? Louder! Will you fight for America?” Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado, first-term lawmakers who ran as outspoken defenders of Mr. Trump, referred to the day as Republicans’ “1776 moment.” Representative Paul Gosar of Arizona, who for weeks promoted the Jan. 6 protest and other “Stop the Steal” events across the country more than a dozen times, repeatedly referred to Mr. Biden as an “illegitimate usurper” and suggested that Mr. Trump was the victim of an attempted “coup.” “Be ready to defend the Constitution and the White House,” Mr. Gosar wrote in an op-ed titled “Are We Witnessing a Coup d’État?” Their comments have raised questions about the degree to which Republicans may have coordinated with protest organizers. In a since-deleted tweet, Representative Pete Sessions, Republican of Texas, wrote that he “had a great meeting today with the folks from Stop The Steal,” one of the leading groups that organized last week’s rally. And in a separate video, Ali Alexander, a far-right activist and conspiracy theorist who emerged as a leader of Stop the Steal, claimed that he, along with Mr. Brooks, Mr. Gosar and Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona, had set the Jan. 6 event in motion. “We four schemed up of putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting,” Mr. Alexander said in a since-deleted video, “so that who we couldn’t rally, we could change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body, hearing our loud roar from outside.”

Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas) are facing a possible vote on a censure resolution in the Senate as Democrats and some Republicans blame them for the mob that attacked the Capitol last week. Several Democratic senators have called on Hawley and Cruz to resign and Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) have called for them to be expelled if they don’t step down voluntarily. Democratic aides say there is a discussion about censuring the two lawmakers for helping to incite protesters who temporarily halted the counting of the Electoral College last week after overrunning Capitol Police.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Bonsall, said on Fox Business on Monday that Democrats are overplaying Wednesday’s violence at the U.S Capitol and are using the incident to kick President Donald Trump while he’s down. Issa, responding to a question about the Democratic effort to impeach Trump a second time, accused liberals of seizing on a political opportunity presented by the riot. “It’s kicking him when he’s down,” Issa said of Trump. “There’s no question at all, I think the liberals saw an opportunity, a misstep by the president that they’re going to overplay and they’re overplaying it as we speak.”

Cruz, AOC exchange blows on ‘Nazi’ accusations. Biden says voters should decide if GOP lawmakers who objected the election results should hold office "I think the American public has a good clear look at who they are. They're part of the Big Lie," Biden told reporters Wednesday, following the attacks that resulted in five dead, including a Capitol Police officer. "Goebbels [said] in the Great Lie -- you keep repeating the lie, repeating the lie." "By the way, Trump said that before he ran. 'If you say it enough, I'm going to convince you. I'll say it enough: The press is bad, the press is bad, the press is bad, the press is bad'." "If he's the only one saying it, it's one thing. But the acolytes that follow him are as responsible as he is," the president-elect continued. "There are decent people out there who actually believe these lies, because they've heard it again and again." Cruz took to Twitter to respond to Biden’s comparison and said, "President-elect Biden’s choice to call his political opponents literal Nazis does nothing to bring us together or promote healing."

After Capitol Stormed, Issa and Most California Republicans Still Rejected Biden’s Victory. California Republicans who voted to reject the Electoral College results from the two states — after being delayed for hours when a far-right, pro-Trump mob vandalized the Capitol — were House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, Doug LaMalfa of Richvale, Jay Obernolte of Big Bear Lake, Devin Nunes of Tulare, Darrell Issa of Vista, Ken Calvert of Corona, and Mike Garcia of Santa Clarita. “My colleagues and I spoke out in support of ballot integrity and the sacred right to vote,” said Issa after the votes. “The process is now complete and a peaceful and orderly transition of power will occur, as it should.” But one Republican voted to accept the votes from both states: Rep. Tom McClintock of Elk Grove. Newly elected representative Young Kim from Orange County did not vote on the Arizona question but voted to accept the Pennsylvania results.

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has condemned newly seated Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) for saying earlier this week that Adolf Hitler was “right” about the value of influencing a nation’s youth. Appearing at a Tuesday rally on Capitol Hill calling for the 2020 presidential election to be overturned, Miller said, “Hitler was right on one thing, that whoever has the youth has the future. Our children are being propagandized.”

Republican Congressional group opposing "The Squad" names themselves after X-Men villains. Beginning in Uncanny X-Men #199, the shape-shifting mutant anti-hero Mystique blackmails the US government into pardoning her and the other members of her on-the-nose named Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and then granting them legal authority as the rebranded Freedom Force. During this time, the so-called Freedom Force tries to frame the X-Men for several international terrorist attacks while Magneto is on trial at the UN, and even ignores the Mutant Massacre—literally a genocide of ugly mutants who live underground—just so they can persecute the X-Men and X-Factor (who, at the time, are the original 5 X-Men, pretending to be bigoted mutant hunters as a PR deflection so they can help mutants, because comics). In defense of Utah congressman-elect Burgess Owens, "Freedom Force" without context sounds like a pretty uncontroversial name. But that's ironically what the X-Men comics were counting on some 35 years ago, too. It is worth noting: Owens is a Black man. The rest of his "Freedom Force" includes Nicole Malliotakis (NY), Michelle Steel (CA), Stephanie Bice (OK), Victoria Spartz (IN), Carlos Giménez (FL), Maria Elvira Salazar (FL), and Byron Donalds (FL). In their defense, this is a diverse group. Then again, so was Mystique's Freedom Force, which included her wife, Destiny; the non-mutant Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter; the obese Texan mutant known as the Blob; as well as 3 immigrants: Pyro from Australia, Avalanche from Greece, and Spiral from the Mojoverse. And despite that range of diversity, they were still literally the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

The 'Freedom Force': Republican group takes on the Squad and 'evil' socialism. Utah representative-elect Burgess Owens rails against the Democrats’ ‘radical agenda’ Calling themselves the Freedom Force, the Republicans say they will combat the “evil” of socialism and Marxism. “We love our nation. This group will be talking against and giving a contrast to the hard left. We have the Freedom Force versus Squad; we have a group of people who believe in our country, believe in God, family, respect for women and authority, and another group who hates everything I just mentioned,” the Utah congressman-elect Burgess Owens told the Fox News host Laura Ingraham, speaking as a representative of the Freedom Force. Owens said the group would aim to protect small business owners and the middle class. “Business ownership is the foundation of our freedom,” he said on Fox & Friends Weekend. “It’s where our middle class comes from.” He added that the middle class got its power from small businesses, while the left got its power “from misery”. During the interview, Owens – a former Super Bowl champion – also railed against NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem and against the Green New Deal. He pointed to the diversity within his new coalition. “South Korea, Cuba, Iran, Greece, I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida … We’ve all dealt with the harshness, the evil of socialism and Marxism, and so we can talk from experience,” he said. As a final warning to Democrats, he added: “You’re collateral damage if you run a business and you want to go to church and you want to put your kids in school; you’re collateral damage – that’s the way the evil Marxists and socialists roll.” The coalition of Republican lawmakers includes New York’s Nicole Malliotakis; Michelle Steel of California; Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma; Victoria Spartz of Indiana; and Carlos Giménez, Maria Elvira Salazar and Byron Donalds of Florida.

Incoming GOP congresswoman to take aim at AOC with conservative 'squad' Nicole Malliotakis expects to form an alliance with other Republican women. Rep-elect Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) floated the idea during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” saying “a natural alliance is occurring among members” of the new freshman class of Republicans. “I think what you're going to see is a group of individuals who are going to serve as a counterbalance to the values of the socialist squad,” Malliotakis told CNN’s Dana Bash. “We don't believe we should be dismantling the economy. We don't believe we should be destroying free market principles. We don't believe in 'Green New Deal.' We don't believe in packing the courts.” Malliotakis, who frequently attacked Ocasio-Cortez during her campaign against Democratic Rep. Max Rose, took aim again at her New York counterpart when asked about the future of the Republican Party. “I think one of the reasons why we were so motivated to run is seeing the Democratic women being elected in 2018 that don't necessarily reflect our values, particularly those who are self-described socialists,” Malliotakis said. “I think there's just a stark contrast between what we're offering and what people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are offering. And that's something that needs to be debated in Washington.”


Dianne Feinstein May Be ‘Mentally Unfit’ for Congress, and Others Probably Are, Too. Reports raising questions about Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) mental fitness to serve in Congress have been bubbling up on occasion for a couple years now. On Thursday, an explosive new report claimed “four U.S. senators, including three Democrats, as well as three former Feinstein staffers and [a] California Democratic member of Congress,” have said the California Senator’s memory is “rapidly deteriorating.” Per one specific anecdote, the California member in question told the San Francisco Chronicle that at a recent meeting to discuss policy with Feinstein, 88, they had to reintroduce themselves to the Senator multiple times over the course of several hours.

Sinema Reminds Biden He’s Wasting His Time on the Filibuster. Kyrsten Sinema took to the Senate floor just moments before Joe Biden arrived on Capitol Hill to let him know he can’t change her mind on the filibuster for voting rights.

9 Moderate Democrats Threaten To Derail Pelosi's Infrastructure And Budget Plan. The letter is signed by Reps. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, Carolyn Bourdeaux of Georgia, Filemon Vela of Texas, Jared Golden of Maine, Henry Cuellar of Texas, Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Ed Case of Hawaii, Jim Costa of California and Kurt Schrader of Oregon.

The Democrats who want to destroy the Biden presidency. The "Suicide Squad" is taking the party agenda hostage to get tax cuts for the rich. Led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, the Suicide Squad presented an argument for their position in a short op-ed at The Washington Post, which bears close examination. They say the reason the infrastructure bill must pass immediately is because America simply can't wait a single moment longer to start repairs, and that it's illegitimate to hold the bill hostage:

News, Budget, Infrastructure

Senate Democrats passed their signature climate, tax and health care package Sunday afternoon, handing a long-sought victory to President Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer even as the bill hit some last-minute snags. In a 51-50 vote, Senate Democrats approved their party-line package after an amendment process that spanned more than 15 hours. Democrats fought off most GOP efforts to change their fragile deal but did make a change just before the bill’s final passage that adjusted the corporate minimum tax provisions. Democrats’ failure to keep a cap on insulin prices on the commercial market in the bill was the most notable blow during a fusillade of GOP amendments. Those efforts by Senate Republicans were some of a few setbacks in Democrats’ mostly successful plans to pass their climate, tax and health care package. Though the GOP effectively stripped out a $35 monthly cap on insulin prices in the private market, Democrats’ goal to lower insulin prices for Medicare is now expected to become law. They also endured a partial defeat to their signature effort to lower prices on some prescription drugs in the commercial market.


America’s anti-democratic Senate, in one number: 41,549,808

Stunning stat: 48 Democrats who supported reforming filibuster to pass voting rights bills represent 34 MILLION more Americans than 52 senators (all Republicans + Sinema/Manchin) who opposed it. 48 senators who voted to reform filibuster represent 182 million Americans, 55% of US. 52 senators who upheld filibuster represent 148 million Americans, 45% of US.

After deal with moderates, House Democrats move forward on $3.5 trillion budget. The House moved forward on a $3.5 trillion budget plan Tuesday, as the Democratic leadership tries to keep its members united around President Biden’s agenda. The 220-212 vote was delayed after a group of 10 moderate Democrats said they would not vote yes on the budget until House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure deal that passed the Senate earlier this month. After negotiations, Pelosi said she was committed to passing the bipartisan deal by Sept. 27. Every House Democrat voted in favor of the bill, including the holdouts.

The 19 GOP senators who voted for the $1T infrastructure bill. Roy Blunt (Mo.) Richard Burr (N.C.) Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.) Bill Cassidy (La.) Susan Collins (Maine) Kevin Cramer (N.D.) Mike Crapo (Idaho) Deb Fischer (Neb.) Lindsey Graham (S.C.) Chuck Grassley (Iowa) John Hoeven (N.D.) Mitch McConnell (Ky.) Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) Rob Portman (Ohio) James Risch (Idaho) Mitt Romney (Utah) Dan Sullivan (Alaska) Thom Tillis (N.C.) Roger Wicker (Miss.)

Uphill: AOC's January 6 Account. Plus: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is removed from her committees.

America’s anti-democratic Senate, in one number: 41,549,808. Because smaller states tend to be whiter and more conservative than larger states, this malapportionment gives Republicans an enormous advantage in the fight for control of the Senate. Once Warnock and Ossoff take their seats, the Democratic half of the Senate will represent 41,549,808 more people than the Republican half.

Dianne Feinstein's Staff Suggests Her Age Is Becoming a Problem. Dianne Feinstein’s Missteps Raise a Painful Age Question Among Senate Democrats

Goodbye and Thanks for Nothing. California Senator Dianne Feinstein announced on Monday that she plans to step down from her top Democrat spot on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Feinstein said in a statement that she would instead focus more on the natural disasters ravaging her state, “existential threats” that urgently need her attention, according to The Hill. But there are a few other reasons why it’s high time for Feinstein to vacate her position on the committee, many of which have to do with her love of civility politics and institutional norms at the expense of actually leading the party during critical moments.


Decoding Donald Trump's statement on his Senate acquittal. Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun. In the months ahead I have much to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our incredible journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people. There has never been anything like it! We have so much work ahead of us, and soon we will emerge with a vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future. Together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Donald Trump learns his fate tomorrow with senators voting after impeachment trial turns into an angry shouting match as his defense attorneys call Democrats liars and hypocrites and they hit back: 'Get your client here to testify!'

Senator Mitt Romney was seen running for his life after Proud Boys and other rioters smashed their way into the US Capitol in previously unseen video footage played at Donald Trump's impeachment trial. The video, taken from the Capitol security footage and containing no sound, showed the Utah senator running down a corridor, having been told to flee by Capitol Hill police officer Eugene Goodman.

Here is Rep. Jamie Raskin's full 13-minute video montage of the Capitol insurrection

Democrats Showed A Stunning Video Of Trump's Supporters Using His Own Words As They Attacked The Capitol In His Impeachment Trial. House Democrats opened Trump's historic second impeachment trial Tuesday with a video documenting how the former president's words kicked off violence.

Trump’s lawyers say he was immediately ‘horrified’ by the Capitol attack. Here’s what his allies and aides said really happened that day. But that revisionist history conflicts with the timeline of events on the day of the Capitol riot, as well as accounts of multiple people in contact with the president that day, who have said Trump was initially pleased to see a halt in the counting of the electoral college votes. Some former White House officials have acknowledged that he only belatedly and reluctantly issued calls for peace, after first ignoring public and private entreaties to do so. “As this was unfolding on television, Donald Trump was walking around the White House confused about why other people on his team weren’t as excited as he was as you had rioters pushing against Capitol Police trying to get into the building,” he said, indicating that he had learned of Trump’s reaction from “senior White House officials.”

118th Congress, 2023-2024

Election results

United States House of Representatives elections
Republicans Democrats
Popular vote 54,506,136 51,477,313
Percentage 50.6% 47.8%


Freedom Caucus MAGA Leadership

What the 21 McCarthy holdouts got in committee assignments. Nearly two dozen House Republicans prevented Kevin McCarthy from quickly securing the speaker’s gavel. Some made out better than others in committee seats.

House GOP obsesses over mirage of a backroom-deal doc. The new speaker and his allies insist that nothing was guaranteed. But rumors flying about a secret addendum that doesn't seem to exist have exposed a trust problem. It’s the three-page document everyone in Washington is talking about — except it may not even exist. Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his GOP allies insist that no back-room promises were made to land his gavel after 15 frenetic ballots, that no plum committee spots, precise spending cuts, or debt limit strategy were guaranteed in a quid pro quo. Agreements and goals were reached with conservatives who initially withheld their votes from the speaker, GOP leaders say, but nothing was formalized in writing. The situation has grown more complicated this week, as GOP leadership outlined the concessions that it prefers to interpret as agreements and as some House Republicans open up about what they got from last week’s frenetic talks. One McCarthy holdout, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), bluntly told Fox News when asked “what did you get” that he would join the influential GOP Steering Committee “as Speaker McCarthy’s designee.” Another McCarthy promise was to diversify the membership on coveted House panels, which in practice means adding more Freedom Caucus members and other conservatives. That has begun to happen: Four speaker-race holdouts — Clyde, Donalds, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas) and Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.) — were awarded spots on prime committees on Wednesday. Cloud and Clyde will serve on the powerful Appropriations panel, while Donalds and Ogles will serve on Financial Services. Several more committees will set their rosters next week.

Some GOP McCarthy holdouts scoff at claims Trump swayed speaker vote outcome. "President Trump had no influence on the votes, myself or any of my colleagues," Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., one of the initial five so-called "Never Kevins" who pushed for major changes to how the House functioned, told ABC News when asked what influenced his decision. "Saturday morning, it became clear that it was inevitable that Mr. McCarthy was going to become speaker, and I saw no reason to prolong that through the weekend," Good added. GOP Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana, who was captured in a now-viral photo waving off Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who was holding up a cell phone with Trump on the line, also told ABC News that the former president had nothing to do with his speaker vote. "Not with my decision," Rosendale said when asked if Trump played any role. "My decision was based on the voters of Montana and to support the constitution … I was meeting and listening to my constituents and my effort was always focused on making sure we had a much more open process." Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina, another one of the initial five so-called "Never Kevins," also told ABC News that Trump "didn't have anything" to do with his ultimate decision to back McCarty. "In fact, I disagreed with him getting involved," Norman said. "This is a House function. We elect the speaker," Norman added.

McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on Thursday that he would consider expunging one or both of former President Trump’s impeachments. “I would understand why members would want to bring that forward,” McCarthy said in response to a question at a press conference on Thursday, before listing off several other key priorities for House Republicans. “But I understand why individuals want to do it, and we’d look at it,” he added. In the last Congress, a group of more than 30 House Republicans led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin (Okla.) put forward a resolution to expunge Trump’s impeachment in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The resolution was supported by the fourth-ranking Republican in the House, Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.). A smaller group, again led by Mullin, also introduced a resolution to expunge Trump’s December 2019 impeachment for allegedly attempting to withhold military aid from Ukraine in an effort to pressure the country to investigate the business dealings of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

Republicans Setting Up Committee On 'Weaponization Of The Federal Government'. A new House panel will investigate an array of right-wing grievances, possibly including the criminal probes into Donald Trump. Republicans previously complained of Democrats “weaponizing” the federal government when the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida and when Democrats obtained Trump’s tax returns. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the likely chair of the weaponization committee, suggested the panel would investigate an array of right-wing grievances, from the imagined persecution of parents for popping off at school board meetings to the social media company Twitter allegedly censoring conservative views. “This is about the First Amendment,” Jordan said on the House floor ahead of the vote Tuesday. “Your right to practice your faith, assemble, right to petition the government, freedom of press, freedom of speech ― every single one’s been attacked in the last two years.” Right-wing Republicans pushed for the creation of the committee as part of a House rules package meant to mollify conservatives in exchange for their support for McCarthy as speaker. As McCarthy’s speakership seemed in doubt last week, Republicans added language to the weaponization committee resolution granting the panel power to oversee “ongoing criminal investigations.” McGovern suggested the new language presented a conflict of interest, noting that the FBI seized the phone of House Freedom Caucus chair Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), one of the McCarthy holdouts, last year as part of an investigation related to Trump’s efforts to overthrow the 2020 election. Perry said over the weekend that he wouldn’t recuse himself from serving on the committee. “This is a committee designed basically to protect those who, quite frankly, are under investigation right now,” McGovern said.

Crisis, Coups, and Criminality: House GOP Leadership Has Been a Rolling Clusterf–k. From Newt Gingrich to Kevin McCarthy, the modern Republican Party has proven itself incapable of running the lower chamber of Congress.

Twenty Republicans voted against McCarthy on the fourth ballot, and one, Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana, switched her vote from McCarthy to “present.” It was the same alignment on the fifth ballot.

Kevin McCarthy falls short in 1st House speaker vote. While Republicans took control of the House in November’s midterm elections, they fell far short of a predicted landslide victory, leaving only a slim majority to work with. McCarthy could only afford four defections; in the end, McCarthy lost 19 Republican votes. Following the failed vote, McCarthy conceded it was possible the Speaker process could take days.

McCarthy received 203 votes and the Democratic nominee, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), won 212, both short of the majority needed to win the Speakership. Here’s who McCarthy’s GOP detractors voted for.

  1. Rep. Andy Biggs (Ariz.) — Biggs
  2. Rep. Dan Bishop (N.C.) — Biggs
  3. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) — Jordan
  4. Rep.-elect Josh Brecheen (Okla.) — Banks
  5. Rep. Michael Cloud (Texas) — Jordan
  6. Rep. Eli Crane (Ariz.) — Biggs
  7. Rep. Andrew Clyde (Ga.) — Biggs
  8. Rep. Matt Gaetz (Fla.) — Biggs
  9. Rep. Bob Good (Va.) — Biggs
  10. Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.) — Biggs
  11. Rep. Andy Harris (Md.) — Zeldin
  12. Rep.-elect Anna Paulina Luna (Fla.) — Jordan
  13. Rep. Mary Miller (Ill.) — Jordan
  14. Rep. Ralph Norman (S.C.) — Biggs
  15. Rep.-elect Andy Ogles (Tenn.) — Jordan
  16. Rep. Scott Perry (Pa.) — Biggs
  17. Rep. Matt Rosendale (Mont.) — Biggs
  18. Rep. Chip Roy (Texas) — Donalds
  19. Rep.-elect Keith Self (Texas) — Jordan
20. Byron Donalds (R-FLA.) After previously casting his vote for McCarthy in the first two votes, Donalds switched his vote to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) during the third ballot.

Nancy Pelosi Hits Kevin McCarthy With Searing Question In Likely Final Speech As Speaker. Pelosi: "It was sad to hear the minority leader earlier say that this legislation is the most shameful thing to be seen on the House floor in this Congress. I can't help but wonder, has he forgotten January 6?"

The GOP opposition to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) Speaker bid could potentially keep him from attaining the position. (Greg Nash) The letter sent to colleagues on Thursday came from House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry (R-Pa.) along with GOP Reps. Chip Roy (Texas), Dan Bishop (N.C.), Andrew Clyde (Ga.) and Paul Gosar (Ariz.) and Reps.-elect Eli Crane (Ariz.) and Andy Ogles (Tenn.).

Trump calls to kill the Constitution, and all the GOP can do is tremble in silence.

@GOPLeader On the very first day of the new Republican-led Congress, we will read every single word of the Constitution aloud from the floor of the House—something that hasn't been done in years. 10:50 AM · Nov 25, 2022

Benghazi Too: Elect clowns, expect a circus

The Disturbing Origins of Republicans’ New House ‘‘Weaponization Committee”. The idea of weaponization is not new. You can find the term in past Fox News coverage, for example, including as early as 2017. “Weaponization” of course implies a martial aspect. It is similar to the linguistic trick of calling the Biden administration the “Biden regime” to evoke an illiberal approach to governing. It carries the whiff of a rogue state implementing Stasi-like operations to suppress dissent. “Federal agencies have a long and sordid history of illegally targeting American citizens to gain political advantage,” writes the Center for Renewing America in one recent example. “Government agencies like (but not limited to) the FBI, DHS, and DOJ are actively working to silence and suppress citizens who subscribe to ideas that differ from the regimes’.” The Center for Renewing America is led by Russ Vought, a Christian nationalist and the former head of Trump’s budget office. Vought has not just helped to popularize the “weaponization” trope (he has been using this language since at least 2021), but he also embodies its intent and hypocrisies. Vought is an extreme partisan who, when given the chance to govern, damaged the institutions of government. He weaponized government in the worst ways while in power:

  • As the Office of Management and Budget chief, Vought pushed the Schedule F executive order that would have made it possible to fire career employees for political reasons.
  • Vought OK’d the withholding of aid to Ukraine even though his career OMB lawyers warned him it was illegal.
  • Weeks after it was clear that Trump had lost the election, Vought blocked career officials from cooperating with the Biden transition at a crucial moment during the pandemic.

So that is Vought when working in government. When out of power, Vought characterized legitimate uses of government power as “weaponization,” such as when the FBI searched, under court order, the home of a key player in Trump’s efforts to overturn the election. Vought is now building an “army” of far-right ideologues with a “biblical worldview” to take control of federal agencies when a Republican administration returns to power. Vought told Axios: “We are consciously bringing on the toughest and most courageous fighters with the know-how and credibility to crush the deep state.”

The House GOP’s many, many investigations, explained: Many of these inquiries are dedicated to damaging the president, a strategy that’s tried and true. In a study of 53 years of congressional investigations, political scientists Douglas Kriner and Eric Schickler found that the more time Congress spent on hearings into potential executive branch misconduct, the lower the president’s approval rating became. Per their study, if lawmakers spent 20 days per month on investigative hearings, the president’s approval rating would see a commensurate decline of 2.5 percent in that timeframe.

  1. Hunter Biden
  2. Border security
  3. “Weaponization of the federal government”
  4. Biden documents
  5. Afghanistan
  6. Covid-19
  7. US-China policy
  8. Fraud in pandemic relief funds

Ohio's gerrymandered into permanence congressperson of ill repute Jim Jordan could not make his point at a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing called to discuss Twitter's handling of some Hunter Biden BS. Jordan fumbled the ball well enough to actually disprove the reason for the entire hearing — as Twitter isn't held accountable to the First Amendment, it is meant to regulate the government. The best part is the very end when Jordan yielded his remaining time to Rep. Connolly who remarked "My, my, my, what happens when you hold a hearing and can't prove your point?"

Lauren Boebert goes ballistic, shouting at former Twitter employees: "Did either of you approve the shadow banning of my account @Lauren Boebert? Yes or no?" she asked Vijaya Gadde and Yoel Roth, naturally focusing her interrogation on matters that concerned her rather than Hunter Biden. "So the answer is … Yes you did!" she shouted. "You silenced members of Congress from communicating with their constituents. You silenced me from communicating with the American people… Now who the hell do you think you are?!" @therecount "Did either of you approve the shadowbanning of my account, @ LaurenBoebert?" — Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) uses her time at today's House Oversight Committee hearing to talk about her personal Twitter metrics

McCarthy names GOP members to run sweeping investigative panel. As expected, Rep. Jim Jordan will run the subcommittee. It will also include a handful of the speaker's allies and two of his detractors. The California Republican, on Tuesday evening, appointed a dozen GOP lawmakers, including Jordan, to a select subcommittee on the “weaponization” of the federal government. Republicans are expected to use it to probe, among other targets, the FBI, Justice Department and the intelligence community — agencies at the center of some of their biggest recent gripes. While putting Jordan in the driver’s seat and naming other allies to the panel could help McCarthy try to keep it in check, he also has to keep detractors like Reps. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) happy to quell any rebellion before it begins. Some of McCarthy’s close allies snagged spots on the panel. Jordan was long expected to lead the group, and Reps. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) and Mike Johnson (R-La.), two members of the GOP leadership team, are also getting seats on the subcommittee, as well as Armstrong, a McCarthy backer who helped nominate him for speaker during a closed-door meeting last year. Stefanik and Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) are also both members of the Intelligence Committee. Other GOP members of the committee will include Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Greg Steube (R-Fla.), Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) and Harriet Hageman (R-Wyo.). Democrats still need to recommend their own members to the panel. As part of the resolution that greenlit it, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) automatically gets a seat, due to his perch as top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. Additionally, the resolution laid out that McCarthy would name 13 members beyond Jordan and Nadler, including no more than five in consultation with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

McCarthy turns House Oversight into a Tucker panel. While turning the Oversight Committee into a Tucker Carlson panel will obviously be catnip for Fox News, it might end up backfiring on the GOP. It’s likely to demonstrate the party learned very little from three straight underwhelming election cycles where voters rejected MAGA. It will make it easy for Dems to draw a contrast and portray themselves as the adults in the room heading into 2024. But in the meantime, the House will be a circus, and to the extent the Republican majority actually tries to accomplish anything beyond creating 20-second Hannity clips, their efforts are likely to hurt people. Elect clowns, expect a circus.

Benghazi probe May 2, 2014

Select Committee on Benghazi May 2, 2014
Trey Gowdy, South Carolina, Chair Elijah Cummings, Maryland, Ranking Member
Susan Brooks, Indiana Adam Smith, Washington
Jim Jordan, Ohio Adam Schiff, California
Mike Pompeo, Kansas Linda Sánchez, California
Martha Roby, Alabama Tammy Duckworth, Illinois
Peter Roskam, Illinois
Lynn Westmoreland, Georgia

House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments on Benghazi probe. The California Republican, who is the leading contender to become the next speaker of the House, said Tuesday night that the GOP-led Congress had succeeded by bringing down Clinton’s poll numbers because of the long-running investigation into the 2012 terror attack that killed four Americans.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” McCarthy said on Fox News. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened had we not fought.” Privately, Republicans were outraged by the remarks, saying the House majority leader had given Democrats unfounded ammunition to argue that the committee’s investigation is squarely being driven by politics. Republicans on the committee had tried for months to keep the focus of the inquiry on the administration’s handling of the attacks, avoiding getting into the ins and outs of the various aspects on the email stories.McCarthy had one defender: Rep. Bill Flores, a Texas Republican who chairs the Republican Study Committee. “If you think about it, the American people would not know about Hillary’s email server – the lack of security she had, the transmitting of top secret messages via an unsecured server – they wouldn’t know about any of that if it hadn’t been for the good work of the Benghazi committee. “I don’t believe what McCarthy said is out of line,” Flores added. While the Illinois Republican predicted the controversy wouldnt hurt McCarthy’s chances of becoming Speaker, he suggested some conservatives critical of McCarthy may use it against him. “We all know there’s 25 troublemakers in our caucus and we’ll see what they do.”



What a Peaceful Transition of Power in a Democracy Looks Like, What a True, Eloquent Leader Says and Does. Hakeem Jeffries in the Midnight Hour of Our Fragile Democracy and Its Survival. So over the next two years, as we begin this 118th Congress, let us continue to fight for lower costs. Let us continue to fight in this Congress for better paying jobs. Let us continue to fight in this Congress for safer communities. Let us continue to fight in this Congress to defend Democracy. Let us continue to fight in this Congress to put and protect the public interests. Let us continue to fight in this Congress for economic opportunity in every single zip code. And let us continue to fight in this Congress for reproductive freedom. [ Boos and shouts of derision from the Republican side of the House ] Because as Democrats we do believe in a country for everyone. We believe in a country for everyone. A country that provides for the poor, works for working families, makes sense for the middle class, stands up for senior citizens, innovates in the inner city, strengthens suburban communities, helps out the heartland and revitalizes rural America. We believe in a country with liberty and justice for all, equal protection under the law, free and fair elections and yes, we believe in a country with the peaceful transfer of power.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries’ ABCs of American Values: “The Constitution over the cult …Freedom over fascism… Maturity over Mar-a-Lago…” “We will never compromise our principles. House Democrats will always put American values over autocracy. Benevolence over bigotry. The Constitution over the cult. Democracy over demagogues. Economic opportunity over extremism. Freedom over fascism, Governing over gaslighting. Hopefulness over hatred. Inclusion over isolation, Justice over judicial overreach. Knowledge over kangaroo courts, Liberty over limitation. Maturity over Mar-a-Lago. Normalcy over negativity. Opportunity over obstruction, People over politics. Quality of life issues over QAnon. Reason over racism. Substance over slander. Triumph over tyranny. Understanding over ugliness. Voting rights over voter suppression. Working families over the well connected. Xenia* over xenophobia. Yes, we can over you can’t do it, and zealous representation over zero sum confrontation.”

Members, Committees

Democrats kicked off Intelligence Committee claim Kevin McCarthy was doing the bidding of 'his master in Mar-a-Lago' as 'revenge' for impeaching Trump Democrats kicked off the House Intelligence Committee say House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is getting revenge for former President Donald Trump On Tuesday, McCarthy decided that Reps. Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell were no longer welcome on the House Intel Committee He's also threatened a House vote to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee 'The cardinal sin appears to be that I led the impeachment of his master in Mar-a-Lago,' Schiff said, while Swalwell called it 'purely political vengeance'

DINOs, Feinstein

Senator Feinstein contradicts her office on the whole not running for re-election thing. Feinstein is useless.

★ Evil Mutants 2023

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., says that the left have "infiltrated" major U.S. institutions and as a result control major narratives in ways that he says are destructive to the country as top Republicans are sounding the alarm about the alleged weaponization of the U.S. government. "I think my main point is that the left has pretty well infiltrated the major institutions in this country, starting with our university system, and that just has metastasized out and so now they control the narrative and they're using their control, that narrative in I think very destructive ways," Johnson said in an interview with Fox News Digital on Friday.


"Tour Guide" Clyde thinks he's triggering Democrats by handing out assault rifle pins. I'm Congressman Andrew Clyde from Georgia's 9th district. I hear that this little pin I've been giving out on the House floor has been triggering some of my Democrat colleagues. Well, I give it out to remind people of the second ammendement of the Constitution and how important it is in preserving our liberties. If I missed you on the House floor, please stop by my office [unintelligible] I have plenty more to give out.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is trying to set the record straight about the "Jewish space lasers" comment attributed to her. "Every single day, there's people that think that I said a phrase called 'Jewish space lasers,'" a phrase that I never said," she said in the video. "As a matter of fact, it was created and invented in a story that a bunch of people read in the news and they believe that about me, but in fact, that's something I never said. And I don't hold any types of beliefs like that at all."

In case it’s not obvious, let me state it plainly. Today’s Republican party has a serious antisemitism problem. The easy acceptance and amplification of all sorts of anti-Jewish hate that party leaders engage in emboldens all the worst bigots, raving racists, and far-right extremists across the globe, all the while threatening Jewish people here and everywhere.


De-facto Speaker of the House Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-GA) is leading the GOP charge to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the Foreign Affairs Committee because they say she is anti-semitic. Rep. Dean Phillps (D-MN), who is Jewish, suggested to Greene and other non-Jewish GOP representatives that, "if you really are sincere about defeating anti-semitism in America, how about asking us? How about asking us what we need? And let me assure you, you might be surprised by the answer." While he was at it, he managed to get a good dig into Greene, Paul Gosar, and other wacko hate-mongers in the house:


Democrats triggered as GOP House lawmakers wear assault rifle pins to protest attempts to ban firearms inside committee rooms Reps. George Santos, Anna Paulina Luna, and Andrew Clyde were seen wearing AK-15 style pins Democrat Rep. Jared Huffman wanted to ban members from carrying firearms within committee hearing rooms; the amendment failed 'The same Democrats who are voting to send firearms to Ukraine are telling me I can't carry one.' Luna posted on social media

New MAGA Push: Defund the Government, It’s Too Woke. Republicans are embracing a Trumpist policy wonk’s strategy to make the debt-ceiling fight all about social justice, not Social Security. At the heart of Vought and CRA’s, the Trump-aligned Center for Renewing America, push is a budget blueprint — “A Commitment to End Woke and Weaponized Government” — that has been circulating among influential Republican circles on Capitol Hill for months, sources say. It breaks down which line items in President Joe Biden’s budget are too “woke” — a word that appears 77 times across its 104 pages. Among the proposed cuts: gutting the National Institute of Health’s “offices that are infused with critical race theory and gender theory,” purging programs the Department of Housing and Urban Development that promote “health equity” or “social justice,” and defunding a quarter of the Department of Education’s budget to scrub the “equity” embedded “throughout the entirety of its operations.” During Vought’s meeting with the House Freedom Caucus, Vought called the budget “paradigm-shifting” as he walked through cuts to, among other agencies, the FBI (“weaponized” and “SWAT-swaggering,” his budget states) and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a 50 percent budget reduction, Vought suggests, for “propelling risky and potentially destructive” research, a claim sourced from the unproven lab-leak origin theory of COVID-19).

Far-right Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar restored to House panels. Greene will sit on the House homeland security committee while Gosar will be on the natural resources panel.

The Conspiracies Powering the GOP-Controlled House. How Republicans have put disinformation and falsehoods at the center of their governing agenda.

  1. The Covid-19 “Lab Leak” Theory And Other Pandemic Conspiracies
  2. The Disinformation Governance Board, an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”
  3. Rep. Eric Swalwell’s Ties To A Chinese Spy
  4. The Justice Department’s Investigation of Conservative Parents as “Domestic Terrorists”
  5. 87,000 Internal Revenue Service “Agents”
  6. Big Tech Censorship

Please, Speaker McCarthy, let Rep. Paul Gosar go on a snipe hunt for 'traitors'. Opinion: Not because Gosar would expose Gen. Mark Milley and former-Speaker Nancy Pelosi as traitors, but because it would give Gosar the opportunity to expose Gosar as a traitor. EJ Montini Arizona Republic. Recently, Gosar boasted on Twitter that the Republican-controlled House will launch what he described as “a real investigation” into the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot. He said, “the effort to attempt a coup between traitor Gen. Mark Milley (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and (former House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi will be reviewed and exposed.”

New House Homeland Security Committee Chair Has History Of Anti-Muslim Comments. During a 2016 tea party meeting, Mark Green told an audience that he didn’t want public school students in Tennessee to learn about the Islamic faith. Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) is set to lead the House Committee on Homeland Security, which Muslim civil rights groups say is alarming because he has a history of making Islamophobic remarks. Green — a physician, Iraq War veteran and former GOP state senator — once said he didn’t want students in Tennessee to learn about Islam and that Iraqis smelled like “curry mixed with sweat.” He has also made anti-LGBTQ remarks, including claiming that being transgender was a disease.

How Trump's "just joking" defense poisoned the GOP. Today, politicians — and they’re pretty much exclusively Republicans — can utter all manner of things, then skirt accountability simply by saying, “I was just kidding.” For this tectonic shift in what’s considered acceptable in politics we can thank Donald Trump. Give him credit: Trump was a pioneer. Back in 2015, barely a month into his campaign for president, Trump said of Vietnam war hero Sen. John McCain: “I like people who weren’t captured.”

Hours after House Republicans approved a sweeping new select subcommittee promising an unprecedented review of misconduct or overreach by the federal government, a number of veteran House Democrats told CBS News they will participate in the panel. They said the party will not boycott or stand down from the subcommittee, in contrast to how most House Republicans refused to take allotted seats on the landmark House Jan. 6 select committee.

A Democratic Survival Guide to the New House GOP Majority. The people who lived through the last era of House GOP insanity weigh in on how today's Democrats can weather the new one. Democrats, after all, are familiar with how Republicans intend to use their control of the House of Representatives. Indeed, GOP lawmakers have said it out loud for months. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the soon-to-be chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said Republicans would use their oversight powers to “frame up the 2024 race” — a race they “need to make sure that [Trump] wins.” Incoming House Oversight chairman Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), meanwhile, vowed the intensity of investigations under his committee would “prevent Joe Biden from running” for another term.

‘It’s going to be dirty’: Republicans gear up for attack on Hunter Biden. House Republicans are determined to make the president’s supposedly errant son a staple of the news cycle. House Republicans and their staff have been studying messages and financial transactions found on a now notorious laptop that belonged to Hunter. Having gained the majority, they now have the power to issue congressional subpoenas to foreign entities that did business with him.

Pence Responds after Trump Blames Pro-Lifers for GOP Midterm Struggles. In an effort to shore up support heading into the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race, Trump has sought to redirect blame aimed at him for the party’s underwhelming showing during the midterm elections. “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the MidTerms,” Trump posted on Truth Social Sunday evening. “It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother, that lost large numbers of Voters. Also, the people that pushed so hard, for decades, against abortion, got their wish from the U.S. Supreme Court, & just plain disappeared, not to be seen again. Plus, Mitch stupid $’s!” Trump added. Former vice president Mike Pence responded to Donald Trump’s comments blaming pro-lifers for the GOP’s lackluster midterm performance on Monday by endorsing a statement released by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. “The approach to winning on abortion in federal races, proven for a decade is this: state clearly the ambitious consensus pro-life position and contrast that with the extreme view of Democrat opponents. We look forward to hearing that position fully articulated by Mr. Trump and all presidential candidates,” the organization said in a statement released Monday.

The Incredible 37-Page Guide for Staffing Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. Aides to the Arizona senator were expected to get her groceries, fix her internet, and learn her very specific preferences for airline seats, according to an internal memo. The document outlines that Sinema should keep all meetings with constituents in her D.C. office limited to a block on Wednesdays. Her former aide told The Daily Beast that Sinema would stack as many constituent meetings as possible, usually no longer than three minutes, into a half-hour period on Wednesdays. That meant that Sinema likely spent more time during the work week in physical therapy appointments and massages than with constituents. The document also outlines that scheduling “coffee meetings with lobbyists and donors are fine” and to allot those 15 to 20 minutes—a comparatively lengthy stretch of time for a senator routinely scheduled down to the second.

Whitehouse, The Presidency

@Acyn Sanders: The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice, is between normal, or crazy. I signed executive orders to ban crt, racism in our schools


Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican address to the nation in response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night. In her remarks, Sanders recalled a story from Christmas in 2018, when she accompanied then-President Donald Trump on a secret trip to Iraq to celebrate the holiday with American troops serving overseas. Sanders said one soldier came up to her and commented that as press secretary, she had a hard job. “I told him, ‘What I do is nothing. You take bombs and bullets. That’s a tough job,’” Sanders said. In response, the soldier gave her a patch from his uniform as a “sign of ultimate respect.” “Overwhelmed with emotion, and speechless, I just hugged him, with tears in my eyes and a grateful heart for heroes who keep us free,” Sanders said. The address focused on what Huckabee Sanders characterized as the stark differences between Biden and the Republican Party.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders painted a dystopian portrait of the country in her rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, leaning heavily into Republican culture war issues and accusing Biden of pursuing “woke fantasies.” (Feb. 8)

The Biden administration is willing to brief former Trump officials on newly discovered intelligence that China sent spy balloons into U.S. airspace during their time in charge. The offer, described by senior Biden administration officials on Sunday night, comes as former President Donald Trump and senior members of his national security team say they were never briefed on such an incursion by a Beijing-sent aircraft. The proposal to brief the Trump officials is the latest development following the military’s shootdown of a Chinese spy balloon on Saturday, seven days after it entered U.S. airspace. Republicans and former Trump officials said this week that they would have downed the airship as soon as it appeared, and criticized President Joe Biden for waiting until the balloon was over water before bringing it down. Yet on Saturday, a senior Defense Department official said that Chinese spy balloons entered American airspace three times during Trump’s tenure and once before during the current administration. The administration officials didn’t detail how they learned of those events long after they happened.

Still, it helps explain why five senior Trump administration officials POLITICO spoke with on Sunday said they were never told of such incidents occurring when they were in office. “This never happened. It would have never happened,” Trump told Fox News on Sunday.


Biden Calls Out ‘Socialist Republicans’ Now Begging for Money From Program They Voted Down. Reading from a CNN report, the president listed several GOP lawmakers who trashed the infrastructure bill before asking the admin for money from the legislation. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a fierce Biden critic who derided the bill’s “wasteful spending,” has since written 10 letters appealing for money to be allocated for Kentucky projects that would “promote continued economic development, ease congestion, improve air quality, and support job growth throughout the region.”

The National Archives and Records Administration informed lawmakers that a number of electronic communications from Trump White House staffers remain missing, nearly two years since the administration was required to turn them over. The nation's record-keeping agency, in a letter Friday to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, said that despite an ongoing effort by staff, electronic communications between certain unidentified White House officials were still not in their custody. "While there is no easy way to establish absolute accountability, we do know that we do not have custody of everything we should," Debra Steidel Wall, the acting U.S. archivist, wrote in a letter to Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. The letter went on to specify that the National Archives would consult with the Justice Department about how to move forward and recover “the records unlawfully removed.”

Despite what Republicans want to tell you, President Joe Biden is making America great.

“I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered?..Do you want to be the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?” Biden, Jan 11

From ‘Huckleberry Capone’ to ‘Turd Blossom’: A History of White House Nicknames. Presidents and their aides have long bestowed nicknames on each other — often to undermine their rivals.

Joe Biden Has Deadpan Response To Jimmy Fallon's Low Approval Ratings Question. Biden also countered the narrative that "Armageddon’s on the way" during his first late-night TV interview as president.


'Something's seriously wrong with Joe': Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson says he believes the president, 79, will be forced to resign or will face the 25th Amendment because he is NOT fit for office.

How Conservative Lawyers Accidentally Helped Biden De-Trumpify the Government. The Supreme Court left Biden with two options: unilateral disarmament or hardball politics. He chose the latter. On Friday, President Joe Biden fired Andrew Saul, the Donald Trump nominee leading the Social Security Administration. Saul’s removal marked the latest chapter in Biden’s ongoing efforts to expel Trump holdovers from leadership positions in the executive branch. Beginning on Jan. 20, the new president has sacked Trump appointees from agencies both powerful and obscure, preventing the dead hand of the previous administration from governing the current one. The conservative legal movement has long advocated for the president’s power to fire executive officials at will. This theory of the “unitary executive” has gathered widespread support on the right and scorn from the left. But it is Biden who has first reaped its rewards, exploiting the theory’s ascendence at the Supreme Court to de-Trumpify the government. The radical nature of Trump’s nominees, combined with the Supreme Court’s conservative tilt, have allowed Biden to become the first unitary executive. An idea promoted by conservatives has created a windfall for Democrats. If Trump had put regular, competent Republicans in charge of the government, Biden might have put up with them until their terms ran out. But Trump put arsonists in charge of the firehouse, nominating extreme partisans eager to sabotage the agency they led. For instance, Peter Robb, Trump’s general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, relentlessly sought to undermine unions. Michael Pack, whom Trump placed at the head of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, tried to turn Voice of America and its sister networks into pro-Trump propaganda machines. And Kathleen Kraninger, Trump’s director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, authorized predatory lending and abusive debt collection practices. By tradition, a new president allows these officials to serve out their terms. But Biden did not wait for them to burn down the firehouse. He fired all three on Jan. 20.

Trump debuts at 41st in C-SPAN presidential rankings. His predecessor, Barack Obama, moved up to the No. 10 spot.

The Bidens' beloved pet dog Champ dies, as Jill pays tribute to their companion of 13 years who supported 'us in our most joyful moments and on our most grief-stricken days' The German Shepherd passed away peacefully aged 13 at his home. The Bidens released a statement saying their 'hearts are heavy' and paying tribute to their 'loving companion'. Jill and Joe Biden got Champ as a puppy in 2008 after Joe was elected Barack Obama's Vice President. His name was chosen by their grandchildren, in a heart-warming family reference to one of their grandfather's popular speeches. Champ moved with the Bidens to the White House in January along with three-year-old rescue pup Major.

National Archives, classified documents

Documents with classified markings were discovered in former Vice President Mike Pence's Indiana home last week, his lawyers says, the latest in a string of recoveries of confidential information from the homes of current and former top U.S. officials. The records "appear to be a small number of documents bearing classified markings that were inadvertently boxed and transported to the personal home of the former vice president at the end of the last administration," Pence's lawyer, Greg Jacob, wrote in a letter to the National Archives shared with The Associated Press. The revelation came as the Department of Justice was already investigating the discovery of documents with classification markings in President Joe Biden's home in Delaware and his former Washington office, as well as former President Donald Trump's Florida estate. Democrat Biden has indicated he will seek reelection, and Republican Pence has been exploring a possible 2024 presidential campaign that would put him direct competition against his former boss. The newest discovery thrusts Pence, who had previously insisted that he followed stringent protocols regarding classified documents, into the debate over the handling of secret materials by officials who have served in the highest ranks of government.

Climate Change, Energy

Manchin: Biden's coal comments are 'divorced from reality'. Biden raised Manchin’s ire with his reference to coal power during a speech Friday in Carlsbad, California, to spotlight his $280 billion plan to boost the semiconductor industry and scientific research. “I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest old coal plant in America. Guess what? It cost them too much money,” Biden said. “No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of their existence of the plant. So it’s going to become a wind generation,” Biden added. “We’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar.”

Six key lifestyle changes can help avert the climate crisis, study finds. Research shows that governments and individuals making small changes can have a huge impact in reducing emissions.

  1. Eat a largely plant-based diet, with healthy portions and no waste
  2. Buy no more than three new items of clothing per year
  3. Keep electrical products for at least seven years
  4. Take no more than one short haul flight every three years and one long haul flight every eight years
  5. Get rid of personal motor vehicles if you can – and if not keep hold of your existing vehicle for longer
  6. Make at least one life shift to nudge the system, like moving to a green energy, insulating your home or changing pension supplier

Greta Thunberg makes first cover of Vogue Scandinavia.

"Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people, to give them hope, but I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house is on fire, because it is." World Economic Forum, Davos, January 2019

OPEN LETTER AND DEMANDS TO WORLD LEADERS #FaceTheClimateEmergency You must stop pretending that we can solve the climate- and ecological crisis without treating it as a crisis.

Greta Thunberg's message to world leaders at #DavosAgenda

@GretaThunberg "Right now more than ever we are desperate for hope. But what is hope? For me, hope is the feeling that keeps you going, even though all odds may be against you. For me hope comes from action not just words. For me, hope is telling it like it is." #wef2021 #DavosAgenda

The United States is the #1 worst G20 nation when it comes to climate change.


  1. obsession with words, what they mean, and how they are said
  2. secrecy
  3. dissociation from reality, fantastical thinking
  4. use of code words


If you went to primary or secondary school in the US or watched any mainstream movie that discusses the past, you learned the white-washed patriotic uplifting (for some) story of people persecuted for their belief in a particularly oriented Christian God and their desire for liberty, freedom, and capitalism. To a certain extent, that narrative does have limited purchase – there was a desire for independence, freedom, and capitalism. Yet, that desire was predicated on claiming, occupying, and usurping land, enslaving kidnapped indigenous people from Africa, and then enforcing a coerced sexual labor of forced reproduction. What were the experiences of the American revolutionary period before 1776, through the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and after the 1787 adoption of the Constitution, for Indigenous peoples on the continent, and Indigenous peoples kidnapped people from different tribes on the African continent? This story of an ever-evolving, progressive, and enlightened nation bringing civilization to the "brutes" of the world continued through the 19th century and the US invasion of Mexico, known in the US as the US-Mexico War.

How did the genocide of indigenous Americans impact the health of planet Earth? The authors of the research report conclude the report, "We estimate that 55 million indigenous people died following the European conquest of the Americas beginning in 1492. This led to the abandonment and secondary succession of 56 million hectares of land…. These changes show that the Great Dying of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas is necessary for a parsimonious explanation of the anomalous decrease in atmospheric CO2 at that time and the resulting decline in global surface air temperatures. These changes show that human actions had global impacts on the Earth system in the centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution."

Education, schools

Ohio's Dissident Homeschool Network instructs 2,500 members on how to raise "wonderful Nazis". These are the more than 2,500 members of the "Dissident Homeschool Network," a channel on the social network messaging app Telegram. The "dissidents" are a group of Nazi parents who share homeschooling lesson plans extolling the virtues of Hitler and white nationalism — while relying on a popular social media account run by a Jewish woman to provide ammunition for their hatred. The founders of the group were recently unmasked by a hate group monitor as a couple in rural Upper Sandusky, Ohio[…] "We are so deeply invested into making sure that [our] child becomes a wonderful Nazi," the founder of Dissident Homeschool Network, who goes by the pseudonym "Mrs. Saxon," recently said on a neo-Nazi podcast to promote the group. She has been identified by the Anonymous Comrades Collective, an anti-Nazi group, as well as Vice News and HuffPost, as Katja Lawrence, a Dutch immigrant who currently lives in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Lesson plans include teaching cursive by having students write out famous quotes from Hitler [see below] and American neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell; building "math" classes around racist manipulations of urban crime statistics; and praising Confederate general Robert E. Lee as "a grand role model for young, white men."

REVEALED: 'Shame on you!' Video mocking teachers continues to draw condemnation across Tennessee. Voices of condemnation and outrage continue to reverberate across Tennessee in the wake of a hidden-camera video showing Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee chatting with an education adviser at an invitation-only reception as that adviser denigrates public school teachers and the education programs that train them. Several school boards have passed resolutions condemning the provocative comments from Larry Arnn, president of Michigan's ultraconservative Hillsdale College, with some also offering harsh criticism for the Republican governor. Some of those critiques are coming from staunching conservative pockets of Tennessee. Among other remarks, Arnn said teachers come from "the dumbest parts of the dumbest colleges," that "diversity" candidates get education degrees because "you don't have to know anything" and that no expertise is required to teach a child because "anybody can do it."

School shootings, guns, murder rate

In the first month of 2023, 25 people lost their lives in four mass shootings in California over just eight days. It’s a grim statistic, made all the more distressing when you consider the fact that California has one of the lowest gun death rates in the entire country. This is what a safe state looks like. California also has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. And in the aftermath of those four mass shootings, new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy — who represents a district in southern California — took the opportunity to poke at the state’s firearms restrictions, saying in a press conference that federal gun control legislation would not be an automatic response to these tragedies because such laws “apparently … did not work in this situation.” So, did California’s gun laws succeed at making it one of the safest states … or did they fail to stop a string of mass shootings? Questions about the efficacy of gun laws have gotten easier to answer in recent years as changes to federal policy have helped to bring money and people back to the field of gun violence research. But decades of neglect mean there are still lots of blank spaces — policies that don’t yet have good quality data backing them up. A recent report from the Rand Corporation that reviewed the evidence behind a variety of gun policies found just three that were supported by evidence that met the report’s quality standards.1 That fact, however, doesn’t mean other gun laws don’t work — just that the research proving it doesn’t yet exist. Scientists I spoke to saw it as an “absence of evidence” problem, stemming from long-standing, intentional roadblocks in the path of gun violence research. Even the authors of the Rand report say lawmakers should still be putting policies aimed at preventing gun violence into practice now — regardless of what the science does or doesn’t say. “I think that the goal of the lawmaker is to pick laws that they have a reasonable hope will be better than the status quo,” said Andrew Morral, a senior behavioral scientist at the Rand Corporation. “And there’s lots of ways of persuading oneself that that may be true, that don’t have to do with appealing to strict scientific evidence.”

Relative of alleged Colorado shooter warned judge of danger they posed. California woman says shooting at gay club could have been prevented had earlier charges not been dismissed. Streltzoff blamed Aldrich’s grandmother and mother for dodging subpoenas that would have forced them to testify in the bomb threat case. But documents unsealed on Thursday also raised questions about whether authorities were aggressive enough in their pursuit of a conviction or could have sought different charges when it became clear Aldrich’s mother, Laura Voepel, and grandparents Jonathan and Pamela Pullen would not testify. Aldrich punched holes in the walls of the grandparents’ Colorado home and broke windows, and the grandparents “had to sleep in their bedroom with the door locked” and a bat by the bed, they wrote. They also said Pamela Pullen gave Aldrich $30,000, used to buy a 3D printer to make gun parts. Streltzoff said Aldrich was treated with “kid gloves” by their grandmother “no matter what” they did. During Aldrich’s teenage years in San Antonio, the letter said Aldrich attacked Jonathan Pullen and sent him to the emergency room with undisclosed injuries. Jonathan Pullen later lied to police out of fear of Aldrich, according to the letter, which also said the suspect could not get along with classmates as a youth so had been homeschooled. Streltzoff said on Friday from the doorway of her southern California home that the letter actually underplayed how menacing Aldrich was. She said they had “terrorized my younger brother for years”.


Artist Barry Blitt drew his latest sketchbook about the shooting by depicting such political leaders as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). (Barry Blitt for Air Mail Weekly)

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities

Cities With Most Murders 2022

  1. St. Louis, MO (69.4)
  2. Baltimore, MD (51.1)
  3. New Orleans, LA (40.6)
  4. Detroit, MI (39.7)
  5. Cleveland, OH (33.7)
  6. Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
  7. Kansas City, MO (31.2)
  8. Memphis, TN (27.1)
  9. Newark, NJ (25.6)
  10. Chicago, IL (24)
  11. Cincinnati, OH (23.8)
  12. Philadelphia, PA (20.2)
  13. Milwaukee, WI (20.0)
  14. Tulsa, OK (18.6)
  15. Pittsburgh, PA (18.4)
  16. Indianapolis, IN (17.7)
  17. Louisville, KY (17.5)
  18. Oakland, CA (17.1)
  19. Washington D.C. (17.0)
  20. Atlanta, GA (16.7)

Eight warnings behaviors of a potential mass shooter: here's what to look for.

  1. Pathway: This is where individuals are planning and preparing the details of their attack, like accumulating ammunition, buying firearms in secret and not telling people about them or building bombs or other incendiary devices in their garage.
  2. Fixation
  3. Identification: In Parkland, Florida, the shooter posted on YouTube six months prior to shooting the high school that he was going to become a "professional school shooter."
  4. Energy burst: You may see an acceleration of "on the ground' behavior and a decrease in online behavior in the hours before an attack as the attacker prepares.
  5. Leakage: This is the most common warning sign, where an individual communicates their intent to attack to a third party. It occurs in 60 to 90% of targeted attack cases, usually in the days or hours before the attack.
  6. Directly communicated threat
  7. Novel aggression: A potential attacker tests their ability to be violent ahead of time in their preparation for an attack, engaging in one-off unusually aggressive behavior that is a test of their resolve to carry out a homicidal act. This could include picking a fight or killing an animal.
  8. Last resort: The potential attacker says things that indicate an urgent need to act violently within a specific time. They might say that it's up to them or use other words to communicate that they must act.

COPS DIDN’T STOP THE UVALDE SCHOOL SHOOTING. And they won’t stop the next.

Beto O'Rourke confront Gov. Greg Abbott during Texas shooting update

Uvalde, TX elementary school shooting: conspiracy trolls say it's a "psy-op"


City Island hate mail cartoon has origins in notorious ‘WAR’ white supremacist group. Antisemitic and racist hate mail cartoons received by multiple City Island businesses in recent weeks were attributed to the wrong artist and actually originate from an infamous white supremacist group, the Bronx Times has learned. In late October and early this month, Caliente’s, Seafood Kingz 2, Archie’s Tap and Table and Little Frida’s Eatery, all restaurants on City Island in the east Bronx, received the same cartoon in the mail postmarked from New Jersey. The cartoon, which has the n-word on it, depicts a racist caricature of a Black man holding a gun and an antisemitic caricature of a Jewish man holding a rent hike notice and says the two demographics are “bad news.” Caliente’s and Seafood Kingz both have Black owners, while the owner of Archie’s is Jewish and the owner of Little Frida’s is Mexican. ?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=e6d43bfd9108467f8f794079fc53dabb&fbclid=IwAR2kRrJZpc45T4ET2ujX2PAJLM3fIjcfetOdIATBwyh_3xeB_vA-qN8rX6A

Staff allegedly took down an Escambia County teacher's posters of Black heroes. He quit. The teacher, Michael James, emailed a letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis and Escambia County Superintendent Tim Smith in which he wrote that a district employee removed pictures of historic Black American heroes from his classroom walls, citing the images as being "age inappropriate." Images that were removed from the bulletin board at O.J. Semmes Elementary School included depictions of Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., Harriett Tubman, Colin Powell and George Washington Carver, James said.

Critical race theory is a way of thinking about America’s history through the lens of racism. Scholars developed it during the 1970s and 1980s in response to what they viewed as a lack of racial progress following the civil rights legislation of the 1960s. It centers on the idea that racism is systemic in the nation’s institutions and that they function to maintain the dominance of white people in society. The architects of the theory argue that the United States was founded on the theft of land and labor and that federal law has preserved the unequal treatment of people on the basis of race. Proponents also believe race is culturally invented, not biological.

Corruption, current Hunter Biden, Rep. Darrell Issa and former Rep. Duncan Hunter

Analysis of Hunter Biden's hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, spent it fast. A representative for Biden says all of his tax responsibilities to the IRS are now satisfied. Two sources familiar with the matter have confirmed to NBC News that Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris began advising Biden in 2020 and arranged to pay off the approximately $2 million Biden owed the IRS. Legal experts say, however, that paying the bill won’t relieve Biden of criminal liability or necessarily erase his debts. While Republicans have suggested that Biden’s reference in an email to needing money for his “family” refers to the larger Biden clan, nothing in the Senate documents or on the hard drive indicates he was earning money expressly to share with other family members, including his father.

How the stench of corruption from Trump’s administration persists to the present day. The Trump administration may be gone from Washington, but the acrid stench of corruption lives on. Case in point: An allegation that former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt pressured agency personnel to approve a controversial Arizona housing development in return for political donations to then-President Trump by the builder and his associates. The allegation came in a request issued Wednesday by House Democrats for a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice into whether the approval by the Interior Department and the contributions to Trump represent “a potentially criminal quid pro quo.”

New Hunter Biden revelations raise counterintelligence questions. Patrick Ho hardly seemed the profile of a big-time international fixer. A short, pudgy man, affectionately known to friends as “Fat Ping,” Ho had been a Harvard-trained ophthalmologist and a Hong Kong government minister. Yet in the fall of 2017, after landing at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City, he was arrested by FBI agents and charged in an audacious plot to dole out millions of dollars in bribes to African leaders in exchange for major energy contracts that appeared to advance Chinese government interests. What emerged in his indictment and later trial and conviction in federal court was a revealing portrait of Chinese influence peddling that included allegations that Ho arranged to broker arms deals — including the sale of rocket and grenade launchers — to countries in war zones in Africa and the Middle East. There was one noteworthy detail, however, about Ho’s global wheeling and dealing that went unmentioned in federal court documents or Justice Department press releases at the time. During the same period that he was being pursued by the FBI for his role in the global bribery scheme, Ho and his boss, Ye Jianming, a billionaire oil tycoon with past ties to a front for the People’s Liberation Army, had entered into a business relationship with two members of the Biden family — President Biden’s son Hunter Biden and the president’s brother, James Biden. As Yahoo News first reported, when Ho was arrested by agents at JFK, the first call he made was to James Biden. (The president’s brother later told the New York Times that he believed the call was intended for his nephew Hunter.) At the time, Ho’s connection to the Bidens was unclear. But emails on a damaged laptop that Hunter Biden left at a computer repair store in Wilmington, Del. — many of which have since been authenticated by the Washington Post and the Times — as well as bank records and other documents uncovered by Senate Republican investigators, reveal a high-dollar money trail that flowed from Chinese interests to Hunter and James Biden and which now appears to be at the heart of an ongoing Justice Department criminal investigation. (George Mesires, a lawyer for both Hunter and James Biden, did not respond to requests for comment from Yahoo News. A lawyer for Ho declined to comment.)

U.S. Congressman Fortenberry found guilty of lying to FBI about funds.

Another Republican ensnared? Rep. Darrell Issa may be implicated in Fortenberry scandal. Longtime House Republican Darrell Issa — worth $250M — may have been target of DOJ sting over $30,000 donation. One public official in question, who is identified in court filings only as "Candidate C," is Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican who is now the apparent target of a DOJ investigation — and may indeed have been the object of a sting operation. Issa retired from Congress in 2018 after serving nine terms from a Southern California district, but then moved to an adjoining district in San Diego County and was narrowly elected in 2020. The former CEO of an after-market auto accessories company called Directed Electronics, Issa has an estimated net worth of $250 million and is one of the richest members of the House.

Trump’s interior secretary misused position and lied to ethics official, watchdog says. Ryan Zinke lied to agency ethics official about his involvement with foundation to advance project in his Montana home town.

The federal case against Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb. — who was indicted last month on charges of lying to federal investigators and concealing information about illegal campaign donations — appears to have ensnared another Republican congressman. The Department of Justice stated last week that a protective order was "necessary" in the Fortenberry case to protect "evidence related to sensitive and ongoing investigations, including those related to public officials." One public official in question, who is identified in court filings only as "Candidate C," is Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican who is now the apparent target of a DOJ investigation — and may indeed have been the object of a sting operation. Issa retired from Congress in 2018 after serving nine terms from a Southern California district, but then moved to an adjoining district in San Diego County and was narrowly elected in 2020. The former CEO of an after-market auto accessories company called Directed Electronics, Issa has an estimated net worth of $250 million and is one of the richest members of the House.

When Kevin Faulconer was San Diego's mayor, his administration failed to follow best practices and conduct due diligence when spending hundreds of millions of dollars on real estate purchases, a city audit found. The audit released Thursday, reported by the San Diego Union-Tribune, explores four real estate deals totaling $230 million the city entered into under Faulconer's leadership. The auditors wrote "a serious lack of policies and oversight caused the City to miss or skip key steps in the acquisition process" and that Faulconer's administration left out or misrepresented key information.

California conservatives rebuke Trump pardon of Duncan Hunter. Republican Carl DeMaio, who unsuccessfully ran for Duncan Hunter's 50th congressional district seat, issued a statement saying Trump's action "sends absolutely the wrong message that politicians can break the law, but can easily avoid any punishment when they do." While Duncan Hunter's pardon was upsetting to many Republicans, Darrell Issa, who won the election to take the 50th congressional district seat, congratulated him via Twitter. "I'm pleased that all of the Hunter family can spend this Christmas together with a fresh outlook on life," he said.

Trump Pardons GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, Who Covered Up Campaign Fraud with Faith.


Estranged wife of former Rep. Duncan Hunter files for divorce. The divorce filings do not include any details about the “irreconcilable differences” that ended the marriage. An attorney for Margaret said she had no comment. A spokesman for Duncan did not immediately respond to requests for comment Wednesday. The indictment and other court records prosecutors filed in Duncan Hunter’s case before he pleaded guilty last year suggested Duncan carried on extramarital affairs with at least five women — three lobbyists, a staff member and a congressional aid — and used his campaign money to pay for weekend getaways and other outings with them, starting in 2009. None of the women were named in court records.


Nathan Bedford Forrest statue along I-65 being removed after more than 2 decades. After more than two decades, the controversial Nathan Bedford Forrest statue along Interstate 65 is being removed. This comes one year after Bill Dorris — the owner of the statue and the property where it stood — passed away. Dorris’ will left his estate to three parties: The Sons of Confederate Veterans. The Battle of Nashville Trust. And his border collie Lulu. The executor of the will is in the process of finalizing the distribution of assets and made the decision to remove the statue. It will be held in storage and possibly be put up for sale. For now, the flags will remain at the site.

Full text of Lt. Col. Kemter’s Memorial Day speech’s-memorial-day-speech

I want a monument to Trump where I can shit on his head. It could be a larger than life statue of Trump with one of his shit eating smirks on his face and two thumbs up gesture, the statue would be in a pit sculpted like a bomb crater so his head is below ground level. There would be a platform above his head that viewers could step out to where there would be privy seats so that you could shit or piss on the statue.

Waiting for the American Khrushchev: Who will deliver the “Cult of Personality” speech to Americans? Yale historian and student of tyranny Timothy Snyder defines the Big Lie as one which requires believers to reject evidence and commit to a vast conspiratorial story. Hitler’s chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels was one of the craft’s best practitioners. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,” he wrote, “people will eventually come to believe it…the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” A few years after his death, Stalin’s Big Lie was revealed to be just that by none other than one of his former enablers — Nikita Khrushchev who delivered the famous “On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences” speech at a closed meeting of the 20th Congress of the Soviet Union in 1956. Who in Trump’s inner circle has the trust of his followers and the guts to do this? Tucker Carlson? Don Jr? Hannity? Ivanka? Is there an American equivalent of the 1956 Soviet Politburo — a group of high-level Trump supporters and enablers who can sense their own destruction on the horizon and for reasons of pure self-preservation will be willing to reveal the Big Lie for what it is to Trump’s supporters and the American public? Is there an American version of Nikita Khrushchev for this moment? I am waiting for him or her to speak up.

Black Farmers Have Been Robbed of Land. A New Bill Would Give Them a “Quantum Leap” Toward Justice. “This is the Black Farmers Civil Rights Act of 2020, and it’s long overdue.”

Coronavirus crisis, tracking

Johns Hopkins Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, CSSE dashboard

San Diego Wastewater Surveillance

This site was created by Avi Schiffmann. I am a high schooler in Washington State, USA.


Here’s Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego County

Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count

Coronavirus crisis, HealthCare, political, economy, masks

Coronavirus crisis, HealthCare, political, economy, masks

Who killed masking? Contrary to the assumptions that seem to be circulating online, in academia, and pushed by political pundits, MAGA supporters, conspiritualists, and the crusty-to-alt-right communities who deny COVID are not the only force influencing how we interpret the information and research about long COVID, masking, vaccines, and other public health issues. The Death Panel podcast has been killing it since November 2018, before the ongoing global pandemic began. "The Death Panel is a twice-weekly podcast about the political economy of health co-hosted by Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant, Phil Rocco, Jules Gill-Peterson, and Abby Cartus." In a recent episode available to everyone, "How Liberals Killed Masking," the hosts take on one of the sacred cows of the liberal imaginary – that they (liberals) are not responsible for policies that ensure people will continue to get sick from COVID-19. "We look back at how such a basic intervention as masking during a pandemic became increasingly scrutinized, undermined, and ultimately stigmatized in mainstream discourse over the last three years."

Surviving the Pandemic. "Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic: Things I Have Learned (So Far)" By Michael Hoerger, PhD, MSCR, MBA

Many of Donald Trump’s fiercest supporters are convinced MAGA influencer Rochelle “Silk” Richardson—half of the “Diamond and Silk” duo—attempted to send the former president a secret message during Saturday’s ceremony to celebrate her sister’s life. And what supposedly was that covert message that Silk floated while speaking at Lynnette “Diamond” Hardaway’s funeral? A plea for Trump to stop pushing COVID-19 vaccinations. In her nearly hour-long speech, Silk shared what occurred during Diamond’s final minutes with around 150 attendees at a theater in Fayetteville, North Carolina. “She said to me, ‘I can’t breathe.’ It was something out of nowhere and no warning,” Silk recalled. “Each breath was less and less and less.” “What I want to say to everybody is don’t you dare call me a conspiracy theorist. Because I saw it happen. I saw how it happened. I was there when it happened, and it happened suddenly,” the pro-Trump pundit continued while the ex-president was seated on stage. Silk called for an investigation into “why people are falling dead suddenly,” which appeared to be a nod to the increasingly popular phrase “died suddenly” on the far right that has to do with unsubstantiated medical claims of those that take the COVID vaccine falling dead. Since Silk’s suggestion that Diamond died due to taking a COVID-19 vaccine, far-right pundits have reignited their war against Trump over his push to produce the shot en masse. “The message is simple. Nobody needs to overthink this. The injections and the ‘virus’ are weapons of biowarfare, and it’s time to indict, try and fry those responsible for the deployment of these weapons of mass destruction,” MAGA-loving radio host Stew Peters told The Daily Beast. Notably, such a suggestion would mean Trump is also partially to blame, which wasn’t lost on Peters. “If Trump’s ego won’t allow him to admit this out loud, he’s equally as complicit as Tony Mengele Fauci,” Peters said. “Everyone knows Diamond and Silk were some of Donald Trump’s biggest supporters. And everyone knows Trump was pushing this bioweapon on the entire country,” he concluded, insisting Silk’s plea wasn't a “cryptic” or a “secret message.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci Issues Sharp Response To Elon Musk's Teased 'Fauci Files'. “I just don’t understand what he’s doing. And I don’t think I should be addressing it because it’s a bit puzzling to me,” said Fauci, who has been the subject of intense attacks from the right over his push for COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine and mask mandates. Fauci told Cavuto he has “absolutely nothing to hide at all” and would “be able to defend everything I’ve done.” “So, a lot of people are spouting out a lot of things about me and Twitter. I don’t have a Twitter account. I’ve never had a Twitter account. I don’t intend on having a Twitter account. And I’ve had nothing to do with Twitter,” he said. “So, I don’t know what they’re talking about when they say that, Neil. I just don’t. I’m puzzled.”

What happens when you take a prestigious institute of higher education, plant a right-wing think tank on its campus, and grant tenure to a flock of iconoclastic libertarians who I can only imagine dream of bathing in the blood of the poor? No, this isn’t a thought experiment. It’s Stanford University. When President Trump assured the public the Covid-19 pandemic was under control in February 2020, White House advisors told their rich friends on the board of Stanford’s Hoover Institution that all was not well. A major stock selloff ensued. But don’t worry ­­– it wasn’t technically insider trading.

People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study

‘The situation in the hospitals is grim’: States face brutal virus fallout. Nearly 30,000 people currently in the hospital have tested positive for Covid-19, up 30 percent since Thanksgiving.

Coronavirus-related hospital admissions are climbing again in the United States, with older adults a growing share of U.S. deaths and less than half of nursing home residents up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations. These alarming signs portend a difficult winter for seniors, which worries 81-year-old nursing home resident Bartley O’Hara, who said he is “vaccinated up to the eyeballs” and tracks coronavirus hospital trends as they “zoom up” for older adults, but remain flat for younger folks.

CDC encourages people to wear masks to help prevent spread of Covid, flu and RSV over the holidays. Tuesday, December 6, 2022 The Centers for Disease Control Prevention on Monday encouraged people to wear masks to help reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses this season as Covid, flu and RSV circulate at the same time. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, in a call with reporters, said wearing a mask is one of several everyday precautions that people can take to reduce their chances of catching or spreading a respiratory virus during the busy holiday season. "We also encourage you to wear a high-quality, well-fitting mask to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses," said Walensky, adding that people living in areas with high levels of Covid transmission should especially consider masking.

A Study Finally Shows Just How Much Deadlier COVID Has Been for Republicans. And suggests that, yes, anti-vaccine rhetoric is to blame.

Nine Omicron symptoms affecting the fully vaccinated - and signs you may have it. Fainting and fatigue may signal onset of variant, experts say. Sunday, August 28, 2022 According to the findings published in the infectious disease and epidemiology journal Eurosurveillance, there were eight key symptoms experienced by the group of fully-vaccinated partygoers. These were: a persistent cough, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, fever and sneezing. The mild nature of the symptoms makes it hard for people to distinguish the virus from a common cold.

Since the early days of the COVID pandemic, health officials have warned to watch for a number of symptoms, including the loss of smell. A study of those who tested positive for COVID shows that symptom may not be felt if you become infected by the omicron variant. 07/24/22 While a loss of smell has been a common symptom among earlier COVID variants, the ZOE Covid Study – a joint effort with researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, King’s College London, Stanford University School of Medicine and the health app ZOE – found fewer than 20% of participants reported the symptom after omicron became dominant. If it was reported, it didn’t occur until days after other symptoms had appeared. “Many other more serious symptoms — like brain fog, eye soreness, fever, and headaches — were all significantly less prevalent in omicron cases, though they can still occur,” an update to the ZOE Covid Study reads. A sore throat and hoarse voice were “consistently more prevalent” among participants with omicron than those with delta.

San Diego Health Officials Urge Masking in Crowds Amid COVID Infections Spike. Monday, July 11, 2022 San Diego County is seeing spikes in COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations, prompting local public health officials to encourage residents to be more vigilant and consider wearing masks in crowded situations. According to the county’s Health and Human Services Agency, lab-confirmed coronavirus cases remain near 10,000 per week, a number which does not include at-home tests. The HHSA also reported it has also seen an increase in reinfections — San Diegans who have tested positive for COVID-19 several times throughout the pandemic. Prior infection does not necessarily prevent reinfection with some of the newer virus variants, according to national data. Additionally, hospitalizations for COVID-related illness are also on the rise, up 66% in the last 30 days. New ICU admissions rose 68% during that same time frame.

New coronavirus mutant raises concerns in India and beyond. The quickly changing coronavirus has spawned yet another super contagious omicron mutant that’s worrying scientists as it gains ground in India and pops up in numerous other countries, including the United States. Scientists say the variant – called BA.2.75 – may be able to spread rapidly and get around immunity from vaccines and previous infection. It’s unclear whether it could cause more serious disease than other omicron variants, including the globally prominent BA.5. “It’s still really early on for us to draw too many conclusions,” said Matthew Binnicker, director of clinical virology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. “But it does look like, especially in India, the rates of transmission are showing kind of that exponential increase.” Whether it will outcompete BA.5, he said, is yet to be determined.

For red and blue America, a glaring divide in COVID-19 death rates persists 2 years later. Cumulative death rates in red states 30% higher.

#8. San Diego County – Population that is fully vaccinated: 80.0% (2,670,929 fully vaccinated)

US 'excess deaths' during pandemic surpassed 1 million, with covid killing most but other diseases adding to the toll. Although the vast majority of the excess deaths are due to the virus, the CDC mortality records also expose swollen numbers of deaths from heart disease, hypertension, dementia and other ailments across two years of pandemic misery. "We've never seen anything like it," Anderson said. In 2019, before the pandemic, the CDC recorded 2.8 million deaths. But in 2020 and 2021, as the virus spread through the population, the country recorded roughly a half-million deaths each year in excess of the norm.

My Mom passed a year ago today from COVID. She took pics of her progression while in the hospital.

‘The case for masks became hugely stronger’: scientists admit their Covid mistakes. Prof Susan Michie, director of the centre for behaviour change at University College London, changed her mind on the usefulness of masks. Early on, my reading was that the evidence on the effectiveness of face masks in community settings was equivocal. The emphasis on droplet transmission raised a concern that infected people may touch their face masks and then touch surfaces, thus providing a transmission route. The possibility of people behaving less cautiously as result of wearing face masks was also raised. Two things changed. When evidence showed that the major route for transmission was via aerosol rather than droplet, the case for masks became hugely stronger. There was also persuasive evidence from real-world studies, including one from German towns and one on cruise ships. This changed my mind from sitting on the fence to being strongly in favour of masks. I was asked on a TV programme how long we’ll be wearing masks. I said “for ever, to some extent”, and was cut off before I could elaborate that this would depend on the context and risk of infection. I had months of being trolled and attacked for saying this. But science continues to generate good evidence that masks reduce infection for Covid-19, an airborne virus.

Good Grief, We’re Doing Throat Swabs Now? The mouth method might be better at detecting omicron. If you’re so inclined, you can swab your throat with a standard test kit by opening wide in front of a mirror and sticking the thing to the very back of your mouth, behind the arch. (A strep test, basically.) Then, stick the swab in each of your nostrils, as the instructions on the rapid test explain.

Right-Wing Podcaster Reportedly On Ventilator For COVID After he attended the right-wing “ReAwaken America” event in Dallas early this month, according to his podcast network and conspiracy theorist attorney Lin Wood.. Doug Kuzma posed with supplies of ivermectin, which the FDA and CDC have warned against using to treat COVID-19. A number of individuals who developed COVID-like symptoms after attending the Dallas event have claimed without evidence that they were somehow poisoned with anthrax. The Dallas event was part of a national tour paid for by right-wing funders featuring guest speakers including MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as well as Flynn.

Watch: Trump says the Covid vaccines he "came up with" are "all very, very good" A wizardly Donald Trump is on a tear this week, taking cues from a mysterious new playbook that leaves followers scrambling to catch up. Rather than touting bleach as the miracle Covid fix, he's now, finally, getting behind the vaccine. Not only did he admit to receiving the booster last Sunday, but he has actually disclosed the fact that he alone created not one, but all three vaccines. "I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines, all are very, very good," he explained to right-wing Daily Wire host Candace Owens on Tuesday. "Came up with three of them in less than nine months. It was supposed to take 5–12 years." Yes, we laugh now. But don't think the master manipulator doesn't know what he's doing.

During the COVID-19 pandemic’s early days, it wasn’t crystal clear how well face masks were preventing coronavirus infections or severe disease among wearers. Now, a new study reveals an association between mask policies and reduced COVID-19 deaths long before vaccines were added to the picture. Research on 44 countries in Asia and Europe including nearly one billion people shows nations that enacted face mask policies at the start of the pandemic had significantly lower COVID-19 deaths per million people than those that did not enforce any mask rules.

Select Subcommittee Releases Further Evidence of Trump Officials’ Pursuit of ‘Herd Immunity’ Strategy, Interference in Public Health. Then-President Trump held a meeting at the White House with a “fringe group” that advocated for a dangerous herd immunity strategy embraced by then-White House Special Advisor Dr. Scott Atlas. Dr. Birx and former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Schuchat detailed a series of early missteps that contributed to the Trump Administration’s ineffectual coronavirus response. The Trump White House intentionally “softened” CDC’s public health guidance for faith communities. A new Select Subcommittee analysis found that nearly 97 percent of Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) fraud prosecutions have involved fraudulent applications submitted during the Trump Administration’s implementation of the program.

Former president Donald Trump knowingly put at risk the lives of Gold Star families, wealthy donors at a Minnesota fundraiser, then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden, White House staff, the crews of Air Force One, White House reporters, and others, according to a new book from his former chief of staff. Trump finally admitted he had contracted COVID-19 just after midnight on Oct. 2, barely 24 hours following a campaign rally in Minnesota where he looked peaked and cut short his typically 90 minutes of rambling remarks to just 45. That, though, was actually almost six days after Sept. 26, when he had originally tested positive, according to former chief of staff Mark Meadows in his new memoir, as reported by the Guardian. In those intervening days, Trump held a reception for families of fallen service members, hosted a gathering of business leaders at the White House, attended a presidential debate with Biden, visited reporters in the press section of Air Force 1, and interacted with multiple flight crews on both Marine helicopters and Air Force planes. “The whole episode demonstrates a total disregard for public health and the well-being of others,” said Alyssa Farah Griffin, Trump’s former communications director who left the White House when Trump would not stop lying about the 2020 election results.

@atrupar Trump won't tell Hannity if he's had a negative coronavirus test. He just ignores the question and starts ranting.

Trump tested positive for Covid few days before Biden debate, chief of staff says in new book. Mark Meadows makes stunning admission in new memoir obtained by Guardian, saying a second test returned negative. Meadows says Trump’s positive result on 26 September was a shock to a White House which had just staged a triumphant Rose Garden ceremony for the supreme court nominee Amy Coney Barrett – an occasion now widely considered to have been a Covid super-spreader event. Despite the president looking “a little tired” and suspecting a “slight cold”, Meadows says he was “content” that Trump travelled that evening to a rally in Middletown, Pennsylvania. But as Marine One lifted off, Meadows writes, the White House doctor called. “Stop the president from leaving,” Meadows says Sean Conley told him. “He just tested positive for Covid.” the stunning revelation of an unreported positive test follows a year of speculation about whether Trump, then 74 years old, had the potentially deadly virus when he faced Biden, 77, in Cleveland on 29 September – and what danger that might have presented. Trump announced he had Covid on 2 October. The White House said he announced that result within an hour of receiving it. He went to hospital later that day.

A federal agency that was run by a college friend of Jared Kushner and assigned $100 million to spend on fixing the Covid supply chain crunch has so far failed to invest a single dime, according to a new government watchdog report. In 2020, the Trump administration directed the International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) to loan out $100 million in Pentagon funds through the CARES Act to "finance the domestic production of strategic resources needed to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, and to strengthen any relevant domestic medical supply chains." Companies were encouraged to apply for financial backing to help increase U.S. distribution of ventilators, vaccines, medical testing supplies, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other relevant products. According to a new Government Accountability Office report, 178 applications flooded into the agency’s downtown Washington office but no money flowed out. Adam Boehler, briefly a college roommate of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, ran the International Development Finance Corporation starting in fall 2019. The DFC had been created with bipartisan support in 2018 to help steer private investment to government-funded projects in the developing world. Adam Boehler, briefly a college roommate of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, ran the International Development Finance Corporation starting in fall 2019. The DFC had been created with bipartisan support in 2018 to help steer private investment to government-funded projects in the developing world.

'He is egregiously incorrect': Fauci fires back at Rand Paul for claiming the NIH changed gain-of-function definition on their website and now he's 'trying to cover his a**'

Moscow will reintroduce COVID-19 lockdown measures from Oct. 28, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on Thursday, with supermarkets and pharmacies the only shops allowed to stay open in an effort to cut soaring infections and deaths. The decision came a day after President Vladimir Putin approved a nationwide week-long workplace shutdown from Oct. 30 to Nov. 7 and said regional leaders could introduce tighter measures at their discretion. The partial lockdown in the capital, the first since June of last year, will also run until Nov. 7. Sobyanin said all shops would close except those selling essential goods, such as supermarkets and pharmacies. Schools and kindergartens will shut too, while bars and restaurants can only operate takeaway and delivery services.

U.S. COVID-19 death toll hits 700,000 October 1, 2021

San Diego County Supervisors Declare COVID-19 Misinformation A Public Health Crisis. Tuesday night's vote was 3-2, with Supervisors Jim Desmond and Joel Anderson voting no. The final result came after hours of debate featuring testimony from hundreds of residents, many who opposed the measure. Fletcher characterized them as "mostly right-wing, anti-vaxxers."


KN95 MASKS VS PM2.5 FILTERS. KN95 (N95) is the rating given to a mask that can filter out 95% of PM2.5 such as dust, pollen, pollution, viruses and particulates in the air. PM2.5 describes the size of the fine particulate matter that people are concerned about. These tiny particles could be pollution, smoke or airborne virals. SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus ≈0.1 μm in diameter, so N95 masks are capable of filtering most free virions, but they do more than that. A micrometer (also called a micron) is 1000 times smaller than a millimeter. ... Nanometer A nanometer is 1000 times smaller than a micrometer. 1 micrometer (μm) = 1000 nanometers.

3rd conservative radio host who condemned vaccines dies of Covid. Marc Bernier was a mainstay on talk radio in Daytona. On Aug. 4, another Florida conservative radio host who had criticized the coronavirus vaccine, Dick Farrel, died from Covid-19 complications. Farrel, whose given name was Farrel Austin Levitt, had worked at several radio stations in Florida, including WIOD in Miami and WPBR in Palm Beach, and had served as a fill-in anchor on Newsmax. He had strongly condemned the coronavirus vaccine, posting on Facebook on July 3, “why take a vax promoted by people who lied 2u all along about masks, where the virus came from and the death toll?” He also criticized Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infection disease doctor, calling him a “power tripping lying freak,” according to The Washington Post, which reported on his death. But the Post also reports that Farrel had changed his stance on vaccines after he became infected with Covid-19. He had reportedly urged a longtime friend to get the vaccine and regretted not getting it himself. Last week, Phil Valentine, a 62-year-old conservative radio host in Nashville, Tenn., who had questioned the necessity of vaccines, also died from the virus. Valentine, the son of former six-term Rep. Tim Valentine (D-N.C.), had a nationally syndicated show. “The people who instinctively believe that the government is the solution to everything are already talking vaccination mandates. This should be a personal choice,” he wrote on his blog in December. “I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m just using common sense.” But like Farrel, he had reportedly changed his position on vaccines after contracting Covid-19. The radio station he was affiliated with, 99.7 WTN, posted a statement on July 23 that Valentine had been hospitalized and “regrets not being more vehemently ‘Pro-Vaccine.’”

Watch: violent attacks at anti-vax protest in Los Angeles.

People who contracted Covid may have "substantial" drop in intelligence, according to The Lancet

General Information about Candida auris. Healthcare facilities in several countries have reported that a type of yeast called Candida auris has been causing severe illness in hospitalized patients. In some patients, this yeast can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, causing serious invasive infections. This yeast often does not respond to commonly used antifungal drugs, making infections difficult to treat. Patients who have been hospitalized in a healthcare facility a long time, have a central venous catheter, or other lines or tubes entering their body, or have previously received antibiotics or antifungal medications, appear to be at highest risk of infection with this yeast. Specialized laboratory methods are needed to accurately identify C. auris. Conventional laboratory techniques could lead to misidentification and inappropriate management, making it difficult to control the spread of C. auris in healthcare settings.

Sen Rand Paul says he's asking DOJ for 'a criminal referral' into Fauci. Paul claims Fauci lied to Congress about gain-of-research funding.

The Other Victims Of The Pandemic: Workers Killed In Fights Over Masks. Essential workers have borne the brunt of a pandemic poisoned by politics. BuzzFeed News found at least four frontline employees who died in fights over masks. Here are their stories.

Tennessee's former top vaccine official said she was sent a muzzle one week before she was fired. Dr. Michelle Fiscus was fired from the Tennessee Department of Health on Monday after facing scrutiny from Republican state lawmakers over TDH's outreach efforts to vaccinate teenagers against COVID-19. "They must not know me, this is for a beagle, but I'm a pit bull," Dr. Fiscus said in reaction to the muzzle. Dr. Fiscus believes she was fired to appease lawmakers after she sent out information on the Mature Minor Doctrine, which allows doctors to treat teenage patients without parental consent.

Coronavirus crisis, HealthCare, political, economy, masks archived July 14, 2021

The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails obtained by the Tennessean. If the health department must issue any information about vaccines, staff are instructed to strip the agency logo off the documents. The health department will also stop all COVID-19 vaccine events on school property, despite holding at least one such event this month. The decisions to end vaccine outreach and school events come directly from Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey, the internal report states. Additionally, the health department will take steps to ensure it no longer sends postcards or other notices reminding teenagers to get their second dose of the coronavirus vaccines. Postcards will still be sent to adults, but teens will be excluded from the mailing list so the postcards are not “potentially interpreted as solicitation to minors,” the report states.

On Monday, July 12, the Tennessee Department of Health fired Dr. Michelle Fiscus, the top vaccine official in the Tennessee state government. Fiscus said she was scapegoated to appease Republican state lawmakers who are angry about efforts to vaccinate teenagers. After losing her job, Fiscus released a 1,200-word statement about the ordeal. Below is her statement in its entirety.

Tennessee fires top vaccine official as COVID-19 shows signs of new spread. Fiscus said she was a scapegoat who was terminated to appease state lawmakers angry about the department's efforts to vaccinate teenagers against coronavirus. The agency has been dialing back efforts to vaccinate teenagers since June. "It was my job to provide evidence-based education and vaccine access so that Tennesseans could protect themselves against COVID-19," Fiscus said in a written statement. "I have now been terminated for doing exactly that."

Fox News’ Anti-Vaccination Hysteria Has Reached a Disturbing New Level. Right-wing media is melting down over President Biden’s push to … inoculate people against a virus that has killed more than 600,000 Americans. Kilmeade is correct in noting that the U.S. has done a good job tamping down Covid-19, and even that the virus is now “on the run.” The reason for this is simple: People are getting vaccinated. A recent Associated Press analysis of government data found that 98.9 percent of Covid-related hospitalizations are among the unvaccinated. Same goes for 99.2 percent of Covid-related deaths. This is a reason to keep vaccinating people, not to stop vaccinating people, especially as the highly contagious Delta variant is spreading around the world.

GOP and Fox News rush to turn vaccine door-knockers into terrifying straw men.

Five clusters of unvaccinated Americans making up 15 million people across 12 states are putting the entire country at risk of another surge in COVID-19 cases, analysis finds. Five clusters of unvaccinated Americans could be putting the entire country at risk of future COVID-19 surges, a new analysis finds. COVID-19 vaccination is extremely uneven across the US, with some counties at rates above 70 percent while others are below 30 percent. The clusters of counties - which make up 15 million Americans - all have vaccination rates under 30 percent and stretch across 12 states including Alabama, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas.

Group of scientists argues COVID-19 lab theory without evidence.

Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated. Thursday June 24, 2021. Nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. now are in people who weren’t vaccinated, a staggering demonstration of how effective the shots have been and an indication that deaths per day — now down to under 300 — could be practically zero if everyone eligible got the vaccine.

Inside the extraordinary effort to save Trump from covid-19. His illness was more severe than the White House acknowledged at the time. Advisers thought it would alter his response to the pandemic. They were wrong.

Among the thousands of pages of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails obtained recently by The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News, a short note from Kristian Andersen, a virus expert at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, has garnered a lot of attention. Over the past year, Andersen has been one of the most outspoken proponents of the theory that the coronavirus originated from a natural spillover from an animal to humans outside of a lab. But in the email to Fauci in January 2020, Andersen hadn’t yet come to that conclusion. He told Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, that some features of the virus made him wonder whether it had been engineered, and noted that he and his colleagues were planning to investigate further by analyzing the virus’s genome. Furin cleavage sites are found all across the coronavirus family, including in the betacoronavirus genus that SARS-CoV-2 belongs to. There has been much speculation that patterns found in the virus’s RNA that are responsible for certain portions of the furin cleavage site represent evidence of engineering. Specifically, people are pointing to two “CGG” sequences that code for the amino acid arginine in the furin cleavage site as strong evidence that the virus was made in the lab. Such statements are factually incorrect. While it’s true that CGG is less common than other patterns that code for arginine, the CGG codon is found elsewhere in the SARS-CoV-2 genome and the genetic sequence[s] that include the CGG codon found in SARS-CoV-2 are also found in other coronaviruses. These findings, together with many other technical features of the site, strongly suggest that it evolved naturally and there is very little chance somebody engineered it.

Transcript: Lawrence Wright, Author, “The Plague Year: America in the Time of COVID”. I feel particularly warm about Matt Pottinger because he began his career as you and I did, as a reporter. And that turned out to be an exceptionally important fact. He speaks fluent Mandarin, and so he was covering SARS-1 in China for The Wall Street Journal. And when the Chinese were issuing statements in early 2020 saying that this was not a human disease, it wasn't transmissible and we've got it under control, some alarm bells went off in Matt Pottinger's mind--evidently not in the minds of people in our intelligence community because very little information was coming from that corridor. And so, Matt was the deputy national security advisory and he--in that capacity he began acting like a reporter once again. He started calling sources in China. And the reports he was getting were pretty alarming. This was community spread. In other words, it was out of control in China. And so even American public health authorities weren't taking it nearly as seriously as Matt was. And one of the things that he instituted was the coronavirus taskforce. He brought agents from across the government together to talk about this. And he also was the one who promoted the use of masks at a time when he was the very first person to wear a mask in the White House, and he said he felt like he was wearing a clown nose. And the president asked if he was ill, and he said, no, I just don't want to be the first person to knock off a president with a communicable disease. He was almost alone in his warnings in the White House about the threat that COVID-19 posed.

What went wrong with Covid-19 response in the US? Author and journalist Lawrence Wright has been writing about pandemics for decades. So when Covid-19 struck the US, he was ideally placed to report on the political response. At the beginning of 2020 the author Lawrence Wright published a novel in which he imagined a deadly virus outbreak that swept the globe. He couldn’t have predicted that as that book hit the shops real life was eerily mimicking his plot. As a reporter for the New Yorker, Wright had been reporting on pandemics for decades and was ideally placed to chart the spread of Covid-19. He tells Anushka Asthana that what unfolded was to become America’s deadliest year, with half a million people lost to the virus. Inside the White House, there were experts desperately trying to influence the president to change course on key decisions. But the story of the initial Covid response, argues Wright, was one of a significant political failure.

QOP Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn't believe in evolution or 'so-called science'. In case you had any doubts, the Right Hand of Q, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, does not believe in science, research, or anything that gets in the way of her claiming anything she'd like at any time. What she's saying: Greene leaned on religion to explain the origins of the coronavirus. "Why is there any need to create a virus that could spread rapidly to a population, to make people sick and kill them? That is a bioweapon," she said. Greene noted she doesn't support so-called "gain-of-function research," in which lab technicians modify a virus to develop vaccines and other medications. "I don't buy it because I don't believe in evolution," the freshman Republican from Georgia added. "I don't believe in that type of so-called science. I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God."

Trump's State Department Officials Fought Over Whether The Coronavirus Was A Chinese Bioweapon. In an open letter posted on Medium on Thursday, Christopher Ford, former assistant secretary for international security and nonproliferation, said he intervened to prevent the US government from “embarrassing and discrediting” itself by accusing China of having deliberately engineered the coronavirus — despite there being no evidence to make that case. Sourcing his account to emails put into the public domain through reporting by Fox News and Vanity Fair, Ford’s Medium post detailed his increasingly fraught relationship with David Asher, a contractor in the State Department who was running its investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, and Thomas DiNanno, former acting head of the department’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance (AVC). According to Vanity Fair, Asher and DiNanno viewed Ford as pushing a preconceived conclusion that the virus had a natural origin. In the Medium post, Ford said that DiNanno signaled that the investigation was focusing on “China allegedly having violated the Biological Weapons Convention by creating the virus.” He added: “They seemed to believe that COVID-19 was a biological weapons (BW) effort gone awry — or perhaps even a BW agent deliberately unleashed upon the world.”

The COVID lab-leak hypothesis: what scientists do and don’t know. Nature examines arguments that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 escaped from a lab in China, and the science behind them.

Liberals' Bizarre Fear of an Unmasked Nation. By Ted Rall There's still flu, common cold, ragweed, car/diesel exhaust, industrial pollution, and my neighbors stinky barbecue. What's my long term health outcome if I wear an N95 outdoors vs not? I can see the freeway from my front porch. Last year that ship burned in the harbor smelled it

Watch angry Jim Jordan blast Dr. Fauci as if he's responsible for Covid. The doctor never loses his cool

'A small victory. Yippee!' Emails reveal how Trump officials celebrated when the CDC altered their guidelines to align with the president's plan to reopen the US. The report, released by congressional investigators, found that as career scientists worked to combat the disease, a group of Trump-appointed officials were attempting to blunt the scientific messaging with their own set of alternative facts lies. At the Department of Health and Human Services, then-science adviser Paul Alexander wrote to then-public affairs chief Michael Caputo on Sept. 9, 2020, pointing to a report where CDC leaders allegedly changed the opening sentence about the spread of the virus among younger people after Alexander pressured them. In his email, Alexander called it a 'small victory but a victory nonetheless and yippee!!!' 'Dr. Fauci has no data, no science to back up what he is saying on school reopen, none … he is scaring the nation wrongfully,' Alexander wrote to 11 senior HHS officials on Aug. 11. Alexander enlisted then-White House adviser Scott Atlas to help him interfere with the document in relation to data on children's death, which came about as the Trump administration was pushing schools to reopen. Alexander also praised Nina Witkofsky, the acting CDC chief of staff, after numbers in the MMRW dropped. Witkofsky had previously been a contractor helping plan events for Seema Verma, the Trump administration's Medicare and Medicaid chief.

Fauci Slams ‘Bizarre’ Right-Wing Critics in Fox Interview. “Peter Navarro saying I created the virus. I mean, how bizarre is that?” the doctor said while responding to attacks from the former Trump aide.

@NikkiMcR Peter Navarro calls COVID-19 the "Fauci Virus" calling Fauci "the father of" the virus and accusing him of allowing China and the People's Liberation Army to "genetically engineer" COVID-19. Host Rachel Campos-Duffy lets it slide.

Trump lashes out at Fauci and Birx after CNN documentary. The former president released a fact-challenged statement criticizing the former advisers after they criticized his administration’s pandemic response.

The coronavirus jab's most tantalising side effects? It may help fight cancer, chronic pain... and even Alzheimer's. Scientists have documented the unexpected benefits of vaccines for decades. Some experts suggest vaccines can 'train' the immune system, strengthening it. Others say increased stress hormones affect cells' ability to target infections.

Israeli hospital says it may have found Covid-19 cure as all treated patients make full recovery. The medication, called EXO-CD24, is a targeted drug that was reportedly developed as a cure for certain types of cancer. EXO-CD24 is relatively inexpensive and must be given once a day for a period of five days. It fights the cytokine storm, a potentially lethal immune overreaction as a result of a coronavirus infection, which is believed to be responsible for many Covid-related deaths. The drug uses so-called ‘exosomes’ – tiny carrier pouches that shuttle materials between cells – to deliver a protein called CD24 to the lungs, which Arber has been studying for decades. “This protein is located on the surface of cells and has a well-known and important role in regulating the immune system,” researcher Shiran Shapira, who is part of Arber’s research team, told the Times of Israel earlier today.

Meet the Bizarro Crew That Shut Down a Los Angeles Vaccine Site. At least two filmed themselves at the Jan. 6 rally that preceded the attack on the U.S. Capitol. Omar Navarro, a perennial political candidate who was previously convicted of attaching a tracking device to his wife’s car, stood outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Saturday and warned that the coronavirus vaccines being distributed there were part of a mind-control project. “What they’re doing here is a massive, massive, massive indoctrination. They want to basically hurt people because this vaccination is definitely not good,” Navarro said in a Facebook Live video, telling viewers the location of his protest. “Basically what the left is doing is using Dodger Stadium to mass-vaccinate people.”

County’s two largest nursing homes have largest outbreaks in region. The Shores Post-Acute in the Birdland neighborhood of San Diego continues to have the greatest number of cases among both its residents and health care workers. California Department of Public Health data show that 245 residents and 108 staff had tested positive for the virus at The Shores since the beginning of the pandemic. Of those cases, there were 41 residents and 33 staff who had active cases on Friday, down from 77 and 35 active cases reported to CDPH on Wednesday. The second-largest outbreak among skilled nursing residents is at Country Hills Post Acute in El Cajon. As of Friday, 202 residents and 111 health care residents had tested positive at the facility, but there were no active cases among residents and 43 active cases among staff.

Maskholes like Jim Desmond want us dead. San Diegans take part in 'Let Them Play' rallies. “It just isn’t fair when the science supports us.,” Riley Merrigan, a student-athlete, said. “Wearing masks and distancing (makes) it safe for us to play. I feel like we have the opportunity, and we can take advantage of it.” Dr. Michele Ritter, an infectious disease specialist at UC San Diego Medical Center, says it is still too risky to resume youth sports. “I think sports are great, but I think we are just at the most challenging time with COVID-19,” Ritter said. “The best way parents can help their kids right now is to help us get through this,” she added, “which means hunker down, stay away from people, try to get our numbers down as much as possible until we can get people vaccinated.”

Trial of COVID-19 blood plasma finds no benefit in severely ill patients. An international trial testing convalescent blood plasma on COVID-19 patients with moderate and severe illness has halted enrolment of severely ill COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care after it found no benefit, trial investigators said on Monday.

Two more life-saving Covid drugs discovered. The UK government is working closely with the manufacturer, to ensure the drugs - tocilizumab and sarilumab - continue to be available to UK patients. As well as saving more lives, the treatments speed up patients' recovery and reduce the length of time that critically-ill patients need to spend in intensive care by about a week. Both appear to work equally well and add to the benefit already found with a cheap steroid drug called dexamethasone.

Black doctor in Indiana dies of COVID-19 after publicly complaining of racist treatment at hospital. "I don't trust this hospital," Dr. Susan Moore said from her hospital bed in Indiana, an oxygen tube hooked up to her nose. "That is not how you treat patients." Moore, an Indianapolis physician who was being treated for COVID-19 at Indiana University Hospital North, died of the virus this week. Earlier this month, she posted a video to Facebook to share that she believed she was not receiving proper medical care because she was Black.

The City of El Cajon and Reopen San Diego present the “All I Want For Christmas is Freedom” rally. Posted: December 21, 2020 Mayor Bill Wells, State Senator Brian Jones, Congressman Darrell Issa, Pastor Reta, and Peggy Hall were among some of the officials who spoke at the rally.

White House canceled plans to mail face masks to all American homes because Trump hates Amazon's Jeff Bezos & feuded with USPS.

Fox News' 'Utterly Insane' Lies About COVID-19 Slammed In Searing Supercut. Veteran radio host Chip Franklin warns in the three-minute spot for Really American, an anti-Trump PAC, that the conservative network will end up getting people killed with its falsehoods. “That’s what a superspreader event looks like. You know it as Fox News and its viewers can’t get enough and some even watch it from their hospital beds as they die from COVID,” Franklin says in the clip, which includes footage of its hosts, including prime-time stars Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, downplaying the threat of COVID-19 and railing against lockdowns and mask mandates aimed at combatting its spread. “Look, 40 million people watch these shows and only these shows and follow their edicts about no masks, no distancing, hydroxychloroquine and other utterly insane shit,” Franklin adds. “Then Trump repeats Fox and Fox repeats Trump.”

As COVID-19 surges in its ranks, LBPD warns officers to wear masks or face discipline. Long Beach police orchestrated a coronavirus super-spreader event, complaint alleges. An outbreak of coronavirus at the Long Beach Police Department, following a training session where hundreds of officers reportedly gathered indoors without masks, has some residents charging that police held a super-spreader event. A complaint filed this week with the Citizen Police Complaint Coalition centers on a large gathering of police officers Nov. 5 at the Long Beach Convention Center. Police had just completed a series of training exercises to prepare for potential unrest around the time of the election, Chief Robert Luna said in an interview last week. The chief stopped by to address the officers for about 10 minutes, praising them for working “their butts off this year.” “As police chief, I needed to get in front of my men and women,” Luna said. “I wanted to thank them for their commitment, their personal sacrifice. … Not only for that week but everything they had been through that year.” Many of the hundreds of officers gathered at the center didn’t wear masks, according to a photo the Long Beach Post published about a month later — alongside the Police Department’s official photo of the group, all wearing masks. The story sparked criticism, including from the two activist groups People of Long Beach and Long Beach Reform Coalition that signed the complaint.

'Like a Hand Grasping': Trump Appointees Describe the Crushing of the CDC. Kyle McGowan, a former chief of staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and his deputy, Amanda Campbell, were installed in 2018 as two of the youngest political appointees in the history of the world’s premier public health agency, young Republicans returning to their native Georgia to dream jobs. But what they witnessed during the coronavirus pandemic this year in the CDC’s leadership suite on the 12-floor headquarters here shook them: Washington’s dismissal of science, the White House’s slow suffocation of the agency’s voice, the meddling in its messages and the siphoning of its budget.

White House security director lost foot, lower leg in battle against coronavirus: Crede Bailey, director of White House security, contracted virus in September. Bailey’s friend Dawn McCrobie organized a GoFundMe page to raise money for his medical expenses. “First let me say that Crede will NOT be happy I've done this as he is a proud man who is the first to help everyone else but would never ask for help himself,” she wrote in the Nov. 13 post. “But the reality is this. His family has staggering medical bills from a hospital stay of 2+ months and still counting in the ICU and a long road ahead in rehab before he can go home. When he does make it home there will be major changes necessary to deal with his new, and permanent, disability,” McCrobie continued.

Biden will have White House disinfected after Trump leaves. With President-elect Joe Biden set to be sworn into office in 41 days, precautions are being taken to prevent any infections among new White House staff. The General Services Administration will deploy a team that will “thoroughly clean and disinfect” every part of the White House touched by human hands, including furniture, doorknobs, handrails and light switches, before Biden settles into the Oval Office, Politico reports. A private contractor will also provide “disinfectant misting services” to remove any lingering droplets.

Trump tweet: 'I just want to stop the world from killing itself!'

I just want to stop the world from killing itself! The Swine Flu (H1N1), and the attempt for a vaccine by the Obama Administration, with Joe Biden in charge, was a complete and total disaster. Now they want to come in and take over one of the "greatest and fastest medical miracles in modern day history." I don't think so! While my pushing the money drenched but heavily bureaucratic @US_FDA saved five years in the approval of NUMEROUS great new vaccines, it is still a big, old, slow turtle. Get the dam vaccines out NOW, Dr. Hahn @SteveFDA. Stop playing games and start saving lives!!!

Older adults should avoid making trips to the grocery store during the pandemic and instead use curbside pick-up or food delivery, new data shows.

The staggering cost of the Scott Atlas debacle. Trump picked a coronavirus adviser because he liked his Fox hits, and now a lot of Americans are dead. Dr. Scott Atlas resigned from his post on the White House’s coronavirus task force on Monday, ending an experiment in governance by Fox News that has caused skyrocketing COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, with even darker weeks ahead.

Drugs hyped as coronavirus treatment linked to psychiatric disorders, says EU agency. EU’s drug regulator issues warning about chloroquine and a related compound, hydroxychloroquine. Chloroquine and a related compound, hydroxychloroquine, have been associated with cases of psychiatric disturbances and suicidal behavior after being given to COVID-19 patients, warned the EU's drug regulator today. The two medicines were some of the first drugs put forward as possible treatments for the coronavirus, and were famously promoted by controversial French doctor Didier Raoult and U.S. President Donald Trump. However, since then, they haven't shown to be effective in clinical studies.

Americans defy pandemic, political leaders to travel for Thanksgiving. Deaths from COVID-19 surpassed 2,000 in a single day for the first time since May on Tuesday and hospitalizations reached a record 88,000 on Wednesday as the country recorded 2.3 million new infections in the past two weeks. Spiraling infections typically result in a rising death toll weeks later. Coronavirus deaths reached 2,157 on Tuesday - one person every 40 seconds - with another 170,000 people infected, as millions of Americans disregarded official warnings and traveled for Thanksgiving.

Jury duty? No thanks say many, forcing trials to be delayed. Within the past month, courts in Hartford, Connecticut, San Diego and Norfolk, Virginia, have had to delay jury selection for trials because too few people responded to jury duty summonses. The non-response rates are much higher now than they were before the pandemic, court officials say.

New Study Shows When You're The Most Infectious With COVID-19. Here's how quick and how long asymptomatic and symptomatic people with the coronavirus may spread the illness. By Rachel Moss 11/20/2020 10:05am EST


Don’t blame Joe Biden for high inflation. For any American who is thinking of voting Republican out of anger about inflation, here’s some advice: look before you leap. Republicans won’t do anything more than Biden has done to slow inflation. Indeed, they’ll probably do less. Despite the flood of GOP ads attacking Biden over inflation, Republicans haven’t put forward any proposals about how they would slow inflation. They talk of their plan to make Trump’s tax cuts permanent for the rich and big corporations, but that won’t do anything to reduce inflation. (By the way, inflation has been higher in many other countries – in Britain, it’s 8.8%, and in Germany, it’s 10.0% – so it’s ridiculous to suggest inflation is all Joe Biden’s fault.) There’s a third major, often unappreciated factor fueling inflation: many US corporations have exploited the inflationary environment by aggressively increasing their prices and profit margins. Exxon’s second-quarter profits soared to $17.9bn, more than triple what it earned in last year’s second quarter, while Chevron’s earnings also more than tripled, to $11.6bn. The Economic Policy Institute, a progressive thinktank, found that roughly 40% of the recent inflation in the US can be attributed to fatter corporate profit margins. Maybe Republican TV ads should be attacking corporate greed rather than Joe Biden.

Polls say voters trust the GOP more than Democrats on economic issues. That’s a huge mistake. History tells a very stark tale. Ten of the last 11 recessions began under Republicans. The one that started under former President Donald Trump and the current GOP leadership was the worst since the Great Depression–and while perhaps any president presiding over a pandemic might have seen the economy suffer, Trump’s gross mismanagement of COVID-19 clearly and greatly deepened the problems the U.S. economy faced. Meanwhile, historically, Democratic administrations have overseen recoveries from those Republican lows. During the seven decades before Trump, real GDP growth averaged just over 2.5 percent under Republicans and a little more than 4.3 percent under Democrats. Republicans have also historically presided over huge expansions in the U.S. deficit, while Democrats (since Bill Clinton’s administration) have overseen dramatic deficit reduction. Ronald Reagan more than doubled the deficit from $70 billion to more than $175 billion. George H.W. Bush nearly doubled that to $290 billion. Clinton ended his administration with a $128.2 billion surplus. George W. Bush inherited that… and left office with a record deficit of more than $1.4 trillion. Obama reduced that by very nearly $1 trillion. Each of Donald Trump’s last two years in office saw federal budgets with deficits of over $3 trillion. In fact, in total, the national debt rose almost $8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. According to ProPublica, it was the third biggest such increase in U.S. history—after George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War years. What about job creation? The U.S. lost jobs under Trump and created relatively few under George W. Bush. Of the 14 presidents since World War II, seven were Democrats and seven were Republican. Of the seven with the highest job creation rates, six were Democrats. Of the seven with the lowest job creation rates, six were Republicans.

China bought none of the $200 billion it promised from the U.S. under ‘Phase 1’ trade deal, study reveals.

Musk tanks TSLA 10% to pay his taxes, then pauses to malign a US Senator.

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years. The “King of Debt” promised to reduce the national debt — then his tax cuts made it surge. Add in the pandemic, and he oversaw the third-biggest deficit increase of any president. The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential administration, according to a calculation by a leading Washington budget maven, Eugene Steuerle, co-founder of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center. And unlike George W. Bush and Abraham Lincoln, who oversaw the larger relative increases in deficits, Trump did not launch two foreign conflicts or have to pay for a civil war.

Trump Leaving Office With 3M Less Jobs Than When He Entered, Worst Record Since Depression.

FedEx just painted a disturbing picture of the job market. FedEx (FDX) said its quarterly results were drilled by $450 million due to labor shortages alone, notably at its ground segment. The company estimated a shocking 600,000 packages across the FedEx network are being rerouted because of the inability to find labor. Those processing bottlenecks stand to wreak havoc on the holiday season if FedEx is unable to address the worker shortage, which increasingly appears unlikely.

Congress averts shutdown; fight continues over pandemic aid. Congress passed a two-day stopgap spending bill Friday night, averting a partial government shutdown and buying yet more time for frustratingly slow endgame negotiations on an almost $1 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package. Democrats on Friday came out swinging at a key obstacle: a provision by conservative Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., that would close down more than $400 billion in potential Federal Reserve lending powers established under a relief bill in March. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is shutting down the programs at the end of December, but Toomey’s language goes further, by barring the Fed from restarting the lending next year, and Democrats say the provision would tie Biden’s hands and put the economy at risk. “As we navigate through an unprecedented economic crisis, it is in the interests of the American people to maintain the Fed’s ability to respond quickly and forcefully,” said Biden economic adviser Brian Deese. “Undermining that authority could mean less lending to Main Street businesses, higher unemployment and greater economic pain across the nation.”

The Fed programs at issue provided loans to small and mid-sized businesses and bought state and local government bonds, making it easier for those governments to borrow, at a time when their finances are under pressure from the pandemic.

A huge study of 50 years of tax cuts for the wealthy suggests 'trickle-down' economics makes inequality worse.

Gripped by the accelerating viral outbreak, the U.S. economy is under pressure from persistent layoffs, diminished income and nervous consumers, whose spending is needed to drive a recovery from the pandemic. A flurry of data released Wednesday suggested that the spread of the virus is intensifying the threats to an economy still struggling to recover from the deep recession that struck in early spring. The number of Americans seeking unemployment aid rose last week for a second straight week to 778,000, evidence that many employers are still slashing jobs more than eight months after the virus hit. Before the pandemic, weekly jobless claims typically amounted to only about 225,000. Layoffs are still historically high, with many businesses unable to fully reopen and some, especially restaurants and bars, facing tightened restrictions.

★ Insurrection Index

Below is a curated selection of key profiles of individuals and organizations who participated in, or directly supported the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. They are in positions of public trust or are actively campaigning for elected office.. State:California Elected Status:Elected Official

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies

D.C. police lieutenant delivered pre-Jan. 6 tips from Tarrio to Capitol Police, Proud Boy's lawyer says. The messages were the latest twist in the trial on charges that Tarrio and four other Proud Boys leaders conspired to violently prevent the transfer of power. In the weeks before Jan. 6, 2021, Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio shared information about his group’s planned activities with a D.C. police lieutenant, who then passed it along to top intelligence officials at the U.S. Capitol Police, Tarrio’s attorneys indicated on Wednesday. Sabino Jauregui, Tarrio’s lawyer, said he hoped to show jurors messages between Lt. Shane Lamond and the Capitol Police intelligence unit’s director, Jack Donohue, that passed along information Tarrio had provided. “I coordinated with Metropolitan Police Department to keep my guys away — on these marches, to keep them away from counter-protesters completely,” Tarrio said. “I would say, ‘Hey, I want to march to the monument,’ and they’d tell me, ‘Hey, there’s counter-protesters between where you are and the monument is.’ And I’d be like, ‘Okay, I’m not going to march 4 over there. We’ll march in the opposite direction.’” But he didn’t specifically identify Lamond. In their own Jan. 6 committee interviews, Donohue and his deputy, Julie Farnam, described coordinating with Lamond — a top intelligence official with the D.C. police — about potential threats. Neither Donohue nor Farnam, referenced getting Proud Boys-related tips or any information derived from Tarrio. The trial featured some of the first discussion, with jurors present, of confidential human sources that the FBI relied on to investigate the Proud Boys. Prosecutors suggested that defense counsel had confused the matter by equating those sources — members of the public who voluntarily share information with law enforcement — with undercover FBI agents. Dubrowski said there were no undercover FBI agents monitoring the chats of the Proud Boys. However, prosecutors emphasized that there were sources within the group who grew alarmed and provided information to law enforcement.

A police officer frequently provided Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio with internal information about law enforcement operations in the weeks before other members of his far-right extremist group stormed the U.S. Capitol, according to messages shown Wednesday at the trial of Tarrio and four associates. Justice Department prosecutor Conor Mulroe asked a government witness, FBI Special Agent Peter Dubrowski, how common it is for law enforcement to disclose internal information in that fashion. “I’ve never heard of it,” Dubrowski said. A federal prosecutor showed jurors a string of messages that Metropolitan Police Lt. Shane Lamond and Tarrio privately exchanged in the run-up to a mob’s attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Lamond, an intelligence officer for the city’s police department, was responsible for monitoring groups like the Proud Boys when they came to Washington for protests. In a message to Tarrio on Dec. 11, 2020, Lamond told him about the whereabouts of antifascist activists. The officer asked Tarrio if he should share that information with uniformed police officers or keep it to himself. Two days later, Tarrio asked Lamond what the police department’s “general consensus” was about the Proud Boys. “That’s too complicated for a text answer,” Lamond replied. “That’s an in-person conversation over a beer.”

Trump claims Jan 6 tweets prove he wanted peace but fails to mention his ‘fight like hell’ instructions. January 6 Capitol riot started after Trump’s ‘Save America Rally’ near the White House. “My clear and unequivocal statements on January 6, 2021, which I conveyed to my over 100 million followers, are no longer under ‘wraps’. “The highly partisan January 6th Committee did not want these messages to be part of the Historical and Legal Record, but they have now been fully restored – a sad shock to what I call the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs,” Mr Trump said. Mr Trump’s statement came as a judge in Georgia on Monday ordered the partial release later this week of a report by a special grand jury that investigated efforts by him and his allies to overturn his election loss.

Pence to fight special counsel subpoena on Trump’s 2020 election denial. The former vice president is prepared to raise a novel claim of legislative privilege to challenge a bid for his testimony in the 2020 election probe. PAB Pence allies say he is covered by the constitutional provision that protects congressional officials from legal proceedings related to their work — language known as the “speech or debate” clause. The clause, Pence allies say, legally binds federal prosecutors from compelling Pence to testify about the central components of Smith’s investigation. If Pence testifies, they say, it could jeopardize the separation of powers that the Constitution seeks to safeguard. "In order to protect the Constitution we put destroy it."

‘1st Amendment’ Group Sues New York Times Over Unflattering Description. The paper described the group as pro-Trump, right-wing extremists. The group says it exists to protect people engaged in free speech — and wants massive damages over the paper's coverage. ON THE STORMY evening of Jan. 5, 2021 on a stage at Freedom Plaza in Washington D.C., Cindy Chafian warmed up the crowd. “Are you all pissed? Are you ready to fight back? Tomorrow we’re going to make history!” Chafian — a right-wing activist who helped organize D.C. rallies that preceded the insurrection of Jan. 6 — asked the crowd to give thanks to “people who often go unseen and unknown.” First, she gave “a huge shout out to Enrique and the Proud Boys.” Lamenting that the Proud Boys’ leader, Enrique Tarrio, couldn’t speak as planned, she led a rowdy chant of appreciation: “En-ri-que!” “En-ri-que!” Chafian then introduced Robert Patrick Lewis, founder of a group called 1st Amendment Praetorian. More than two dozen 1AP members were serving as “demonstration marshalls” to “help maintain order among participants,” according to the rally’s permit. “These guys work vigilantly,” Chafian said. “You don’t see ’em. You don’t hear ’em. But know this. But when you guys are going back to your hotel tonight, they’re the ones who are integrated into crowds keeping you safe.” Chafian put 1AP in notable — indeed, notorious — company: “Them, and the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters. All of those guys keep you safe. All of them. I’ll stand with them, because I’m tired of the Left telling us we can’t talk about them.” But well after the events of Jan. 6, Lewis continued to preach a message of upheaval similar to the one he delivered on the rainy stage at Freedom Plaza. In a May 30, 2021 video titled: “You say you want a revolution?” Lewis issued a call for a “second American revolution.” Lewis said he did not want it be “kinetic” — i.e. a violent civil war. But he insisted “it’s either going to be total annihilation and we’re going to let this country fall and our kids will never know freedom, or you take part in the revolution and we all band together and we all do what has to be done.” Lewis encouraged like-minded Americans to move as one: “There’s a lot of people that say… ‘they’ll arrest whoever goes first,’” but he added: “If we are all together, they aren’t enough jail cells in the country.”

In private messages, revealed Thursday by prosecutors at a seditious conspiracy trial stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, members of the group discussed Trump’s Sept. 29 debate-stage exhortation to the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” ahead of the November election. “Trump basically said to go fuck them up,” Biggs said on Parler, the social media platform popular with conservatives. “This makes me so happy.” They also showed separate exchanges Tarrio had with three girlfriends about his impending trip to Washington D.C. One of them, identified only as Eryka, described a desire to overthrow the government. “The revolution and storming the winter capital is at stake. The revolution is [more] important than anything,” Eryka wrote on Dec. 30. "[T]hat’s what every waking moment consists of,” Tarrio replied. Eryka then referenced that she had sent Tarrio a document — titled “1776 Returns” — that detailed a plan to occupy federal buildings and force officials to declare a new presidential election. “If you don’t like my plan, let me know. I will pitch elsewhere. But I want you to be the executor and benefactor of my brilliance,” she wrote, asking him not to “play games” with her. “I’m not playing games,” Tarrio responded. Notably, the Jan. 6 select committee last year received testimony from a witness who identified Eryka as a figure in Florida’s cryptocurrency community who was a mutual acquaintance of him and Tarrio. The witness, Samuel Armes, described developing some of the ideas at the heart of the 1776 Returns document — months before the election — as a thought exercise for potential civil unrest. Armes said Eryka appeared to have provided an altered version of that document that had been changed to refer to the 2020 election and included operational proposals. Members of the group also discussed what gear to bring to D.C. for Jan. 6, including body armor, Baofeng radios, backup phone batteries, pepper spray, stab proof vests, knuckles, goggles and Sudecon wipes, which are used to decontaminate OC spray.

The conservative judge who convinced Mike Pence he could not overturn the 2020 election has predicted “the beginning of the end of Donald Trump” – the former president who incited the January 6 insurrection but is now trying to return to the White House. Speaking to the Washington Post, J Michael Luttig also made a common comparison to another notorious former president, Richard Nixon, who resigned in 1974 over the Watergate scandal. “What Nixon did was just an ordinary crime,” Luttig said, referring to the cover-up of a break-in at Democratic headquarters. “What Trump has done is quite arguably the worst crime against the United States that a president could commit.” Luttig was a staffer for Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush, who put him on the federal bench in 1991. Now 68, he is a retired conservative jurist widely deemed unlucky not to have made the supreme court. He came to national attention last June, when he appeared before the House January 6 committee.

Capitol Rioter Who Attacked Officer Brian Sicknick Is Sentenced To More Than 6 Years. Julian Khater admitted to pepper-spraying the U.S. Capitol Police officer, who died after suffering two strokes. Julian Khater, 33, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan to serve six years and eight months in prison. His co-defendant, George Tanios, was sentenced Friday to time served over two misdemeanor charges related to his involvement in the attack. Sicknick’s mom, Gladys, gave a victim impact statement during Khater’s sentencing Friday, placing blame for her son’s death on Khater, WUSA-TV in Washington reported. “Did you feel like a tourist, Mr. Khater, watching my son fighting for his life?” she asked. Hogan noted that in Khater’s statement before sentencing, he did not apologize to the officers he assaulted. “Your thoughtful statement right now did not really include any apology to the officers you sprayed,” Hogan said, according to WUSA. “I didn’t hear any expression or ‘sorry’ about the employees of the Capitol, many who hid for their lives and resigned and never came back to work.”

Trump tries to intervene as Navarro faces trial for defying Jan. 6 committee. Like Bannon, the former adviser is charged with contempt of Congress for failing to answer subpoenas. The Jan. 23 letter, filed in federal court, comes less than a week before Navarro is slated to go to trial for contempt of Congress for refusing to appear before the select committee last year. “This confirms President Trump’s position that, as one of his senior advisors, you had an obligation to assert executive privilege on his behalf and fully comply with the principles of confidentiality stated above when you responded to the Committee’s subpoena,” the attorney, Evan Corcoran, wrote on Trump’s behalf. Mehta is unlikely to consider Corcoran’s letter sufficient to derail Navarro’s trial. Navarro had initially claimed in court arguments that Trump told him, during a private conversation, to assert executive privilege before the Jan. 6 committee. But Corcoran’s letter makes no reference to such an assertion. Navarro, like Bannon, both claimed that they were categorically “immune” from appearing before the Jan. 6 committee to discuss their involvement in efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. They said their sensitive conversations with Trump were protected by executive privilege and therefore they could not be compelled by Congress to discuss them. But U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols rejected Bannon’s contention, noting that longstanding legal precedents don’t permit witnesses to defy congressional subpoenas even over assertions of executive privilege. And in both cases, prosecutors noted that there was no evidence Trump had asserted privilege on Bannon or Navarro’s behalf.

The month before the riot at the U.S. Capitol, members of the Proud Boys were growing increasingly angry about the outcome of the 2020 election and were expecting a “civil war,” a former member told jurors on Tuesday as he took the stand in the seditious conspiracy case against the group’s former leader. Matthew Greene testified in the case against former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio and four lieutenants under a cooperation deal with the government after pleading guilty to storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, with fellow extremists. Greene told jurors that the Proud Boys’ conversations became more heated as December 2020 wore on and challenges to President Donald Trump’s election loss were unsuccessful. The Proud Boys were getting “ready and willing for anything that was going to happen,” Greene said, adding that the group saw itself as “essentially the tip of the spear.” “We were openly expecting a civil war at that point,” Greene said.

A federal judge on Tuesday convicted a Pennsylvania restaurant owner of storming the U.S. Capitol, where she screamed at police officers to bring out then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi so the pro-Trump mob could hang her. U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden decided the case against Pauline Bauer after hearing testimony without a jury. The judge convicted her of all five counts in her indictment, including a felony charge that she obstructed the Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress for certifying President Joe Biden’s electoral victory, court records show.

The Proud Boys Have Really Strict Rules About Jerking Off. Members of the extremist group are on trial for sedition, giving the public a deeper look into its inner workings.

Four Oath Keepers Convicted Of Jan. 6 Seditious Conspiracy. The verdict is the second major trial involving far-right extremists accused of plotting to forcibly keep then-President Donald Trump in power. The verdict against Joseph Hackett of Sarasota, Florida; Roberto Minuta of Prosper, Texas; David Moerschel of Punta Gorda, Florida; and Edward Vallejo of Phoenix, comes weeks after after a different jury convicted the group’s leader, Stewart Rhodes, in the mob’s attack that halted the certification of President Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

Man who propped feet on Pelosi desk guilty in Jan. 6 case. A jury deliberated for approximately two hours before unanimously convicting Richard “Bigo” Barnett on all eight counts in his indictment, including felony charges of civil disorder and obstruction of an official proceeding. Barnett lounging at a desk in Pelosi's office made him one of the most memorable figures from the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, the day when Congress convened a joint session to certify President Joe Biden's electoral victory. U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper is scheduled to sentence Barnett on May 3. The judge agreed to let Barnett remain free on certain conditions until his sentencing.

Three active duty Marines, including one who said he was eager for a second civil war, were arrested and charged this week for participating in the riot at the U.S. Capitol. Micah Coomer, Joshua Abate and Dodge Dale Hellonen were all identified as participants through footage of them walking through the Capitol together with hundreds of others on Jan. 6, 2021, according to an FBI affidavit unsealed Thursday. The men, all of who hold prominent military intelligence positions, have each been charged with knowingly entering a restricted building, two counts of disorderly conduct and parading or picketing inside the U.S. Capitol, where the FBI found they spent about 52 minutes with other rioters attempting to block the transference of power from Donald Trump to now-President Joe Biden. The FBI said that Coomer, stationed at San Diego’s Camp Pendleton, posted photos to Instagram showing him inside the Capitol during the riot. In his caption, he wrote: “Glad to be apart [sic] of history.” A search warrant also turned up direct messages he exchanged on the platform saying, “everything in this country is corrupt. We honestly need a fresh restart. I’m waiting for the boogaloo,” which he then explained meant “Civil war 2.” The boogaloo movement is a loosely structured and violent far-right group that espouses anti-government beliefs and promotes white supremacy. It largely centers around their claim that a second civil war is coming to the U.S. Footage showed Coomer inside the Capitol with Hellonen and Abate. At one point, they gathered to put a red “Make America Great Again” hat on a statue and pose for a photo with it.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies. archived January 20, 2023

Who visited the Trump White House before Jan. 6. The Trump administration never publicly released White House visitor records. But new data released by the Jan. 6 committee offers a never-before-seen glimpse. The visitor logs include the dates: Dec. 12, 2020; Dec. 14, 2020; Dec. 18, 2020; Dec. 21, 2020; Jan. 3, 2021; Jan. 4, 2021; and Jan. 5, 2021.

Secret Video Reveals Twitter Team Warned of ‘Shooting in the Streets’ Ahead of Jan. 6. The video shows Twitter managers shrugging off staff warnings of coming violence — one day before the attack on the Capitol. Safety policy staff had clashed repeatedly with Twitter’s management over whether to take a tougher stance on incitement to violence by Donald Trump and his legions of election deniers. She and colleagues were seeing worrying signs and feared what might happen the next day. “There might be someone getting shot tomorrow,” one employee warned, according to a deposition given to the Jan 6. Committee. When the meeting ended Navaroli, a senior safety policy specialist on Twitter’s trust and safety team, Slack-messaged a colleague with a defeated summary. “When people are shooting each other in the streets tomorrow, I’m going to try and rest in the knowledge that we tried.”

‘A complete smear job against me’: Johnson spars with ‘Meet the Press’ host. The Wisconsin senator battled with Chuck Todd in a truculent discussion. “Chuck, you started this questioning falsely. You falsely accused me of getting those — and I never took possession. I never had them. OK?” Johnson said. Johnson snapped back: “What you ought to do is go back and read my opening statement. And that pretty well lays out exactly what I thought about the 2020 election. But the news media never does that. They smear me. They lie about me. They make these things up.” Johnson held a hearing in December 2020 suggesting there was fraud in the 2020 election, as well as efforts to influence the results by multiple factions, including the press. “Part of the reasons are our politics are inflamed, is we do not have an unbiased media. We don’t,” Johnson said. “Look, you can go back on your partisan cable cocoon and talk about media bias all you want,” Todd replied. “I understand it’s part of your identity.”

‘Stop the Steal’ Founder Tipped Off Paul Gosar to Brewing Violence on Jan. 6. In a text message to the right-winger's top aide, Ali Alexander warned: “I think you and your staff should leave.” THE FOUNDER OF “Stop the Steal” delivered an early warning about the violence soon to overwhelm the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in a text to the chief of staff of Rep. Paul Gosar, according to a deposition released by the Jan. 6 Committee. Ali Alexander is a far-right agitator who was one of the key mobilizers of the protest that morphed into the insurgency of Jan. 6, 2021. After making an early exit from the Ellipse rally he’d helped organize — at which Donald Trump demanded his backers march on the Capitol — Alexander became an eyewitness to the chaos unfolding as insurrectionists breached the Capitol perimeter. “People were scaling the wall like Spiderman,” Alexander testified to the Jan. 6 committee. “I’ve never seen anything like that.” But Alexander didn’t just stop and gawk. He took time to sound the alarm to Gosar, one of his top House allies. “I think you and your staff should maybe leave,” Alexander texted Gosar’s chief of staff, Thomas Van Flein. “This is hell out here.” This partisan early warning is cited in the Jan. 6 committee’s 236-page deposition of Alexander, and has not previously been reported. That message, and other details from Alexander’s and related depositions, offer new clarity into the Stop the Steal movement’s links to both far-right paramilitary groups and far-right MAGA lawmakers, including Gosar, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

A defence attorney for former longtime Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio blamed former president Donald Trump for “unleashing that mob” on 6 January, 2021, as a crowd of his supporters stormed the US Capitol. Sabino Jauregui – whose client is charged with seditious conspiracy along with four other members of the far-right nationalist gang – said it was Mr Trump who told his supporters to march to the Capitol and “fight like hell,” not Tarrio or members of his group. “Enrique didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything to anybody on the grounds of the Capitol. He just happens to be the leader of the Proud Boys,” Mr Jauregui said in his opening arguments in US District Court on 12 January.

Opening Statements Begin In Proud Boys Seditious Conspiracy Trial. Prosecutors allege that five Proud Boys leaders had an outsize role in the planning and execution of the insurrection at the Capitol. Enrique Tarrio, the gang’s longtime chairman, sat in D.C. federal court with his four co-defendants — Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola — and a small army of defense attorneys and legal aides, who were preparing to argue that the Proud Boys’ violent actions at the Capitol were both unplanned and constitutionally protected. “In the days after the election, these men began calling for action — calling for war — if their favorite candidate was not elected,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason McCullough in court. He showed the jury the infamous clip of then-President Trump saying, “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by” during a presidential debate in September 2020. “These men did not stand back, they did not stand by. Instead, they mobilized,” McCullough said. “They’d agreed to use any means necessary — including force — to stop congress from certifying the election.” McCullough showed photos and videos of the gang’s communications and promo material surrounding the attack, showing how they rallied one another leading up to Jan. 6, and celebrated their violent exploits afterward. He displayed a promotional video, shared by Rehl, depicting Proud Boys brutally attacking people in the street set to music, as clips of Infowars’ Alex Jones screeching and the words “Fuck Antifa” flashed on-screen. Another message, posted by Tarrio on Jan. 6, read: “Make no mistake, we did this.” The Proud Boys defendants showed up wearing suits, and throughout the proceedings grinned at one another and whispered among themselves. Often Tarrio would look toward the audience, where his mother, Zuny Duarte, sat alongside other Proud Boys supporters.

‘We started running’: Pelosi aide tells jurors about flight from Jan. 6 chaos. Emily Berret described the scene in testimony at a criminal trial. While rioters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, Emily Berret was hunkered down with Speaker Nancy Pelosi at Fort McNair when an image popped on the TV screen that stopped her in her tracks. It was a picture of a man inside Pelosi’s office suite with his feet up on a desk, with a bloody flag draped on the bureau behind him and a taser protruding from his waistband. It’s become one of the most famous images of the Jan. 6 riot — Arkansas’ Richard “Bigo” Barnett with his feet propped up, while a handful of Pelosi staffers sheltered secretly in a nearby conference room. But for Berret the image meant something more: It was her desk. “I took a moment because I panicked,” Beret recalled Tuesday on the witness stand in the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C., where she was the first witness in Barnett’s trial on eight charges stemming from his role in the attack — including obstructing Congress’ proceeding and assaulting or impeding federal officers.

Proud Boys trial: Who is Zach Rehl, the right-wing group’s Philly leader charged in sedition case? Opening statements are set to begin Tuesday in the case against Philly Proud Boys president Zach Rehl and four other leaders of the group — one of the highest profile Jan. 6 prosecutions to date. Rehl will stand trial alongside Henry “Enrique” Tarrio, the Proud Boys’ former national chairman, and two other regional leaders of the far-right group, Ethan Nordean, of Washington state, and Joseph Biggs, of Florida. Dominic Pezzola, a Proud Boys member from New York best known for having broken one of the first windows in the Capitol building with a stolen police riot shield, is also charged.

Trump claims Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt was shot by a ‘lunatic’ for ‘no reason’. Remarks came on anniversary of January 6. On Friday, Babbitt’s mother Micki Witthoeft, 58, was arrested when a group of protesters who did not have a permit to demonstrate on the Capitol grounds attempted to cross a street and enter the grounds. Video shows officers telling Ms Witthoeft to move out of the street or be arrested, which she responds to by turning around and offering her hands to be handcuffed.

Ashli Babbitt's mother arrested during protest outside Capitol on 2nd anniversary of deadly insurrection. According to U.S. Capitol Police, Micki Witthoeft, Ashli Babbitt’s 58-year-old mother, was among a group of demonstrators illegally blocking traffic on Independence Avenue, outside the Capitol. The group did not have a permit to demonstrate on Capitol grounds, the USCP said in a statement, and officers formed a perimeter and repeatedly told the demonstrators to “get out of the road” or they would be arrested. “A woman in the group was given multiple warnings to get out of the road,” the statement read. “Instead of getting out of the road, the woman refused to leave, turned around with her hands behind her back, and asked to be arrested.”

hen Donald Trump woke up on 6 January 2021, it was obvious that the day, when Congress is required by law to certify electoral votes for the presidency, would not go like any of those that had come since the passage of the 1887 Electoral Count Act. Nineteen days earlier, he had told his more than 80 million Twitter followers to descend on Washington on the day Congress would make final his 2020 election defeat to Joe Biden, writing that the day’s events would be “wild”.

What the Jan. 6 Committee Report Left Out. The Capitol attack was a massive failure by law enforcement and intelligence. We can’t let it happen again.

Who repped who in the Jan. 6 probe: A look at the frequently used witness lawyers. We reviewed reams of witness transcripts released by the Jan. 6 select committee to identify the lawyers often tapped by the witnesses. The Jan. 6 select committee repeatedly raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest by some of the lawyers representing crucial witnesses in their investigation — particularly those paid by Trump-friendly entities. The concerns were brought into sharp relief during their late-November interview with Wisconsin State House Speaker Robin Vos, a Republican who declined to answer any questions on how he came to be represented by Edward Greim, a Federalist Society-affiliated lawyer who also represented at least six other committee witnesses.

Corporations gave $10M to election objectors after pledging to cut them off. After Jan. 6, numerous corporations said their PACs would stop or pause contributions to those who objected to the election results. It didn't last long. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who raised more than $27 million during the 2022 election cycle and objected to the election results along with the majority of his party in the House, brought in $285,000 from the PACs of companies that had once pushed back against election denialism. He remains locked in a leadership battle, with the House yet to elect a speaker.

During its last days of existence, the Capitol riot panel unleashed a massive trove of evidence with an unmistakable conclusion: At every stage of former President Donald Trump’s bid to overturn the 2020 election results, a phalanx of hardline GOP lawmakers were egging him on. The committee’s latest material, including 250 witness transcripts, often portrayed those House Republicans as drivers, enablers and even architects of Trump’s Jan. 6 scheme. And several conservatives currently standing against Kevin McCarthy’s bid for the top gavel, including House Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), were among the handful of true believers in Trump’s efforts. The select committee’s report spends little time on the role Senate Republicans played while Trump was mounting his bid to cling to power. But the evidence shows two in particular — Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina — sought to thread a needle between tolerating claims of fraud and pushing back.

Local Jan. 6 defendants seek to limit prosecutors' language, claim permission from Trump. The motions from Pollock, Hutchinson and Perkins seek to join Doolin’s request to prohibit prosecutors from using certain words or phrases in their trials, scheduled for March. In a motion filed in November, Doolin’s lawyer asked Judge Carl Nichols to prevent prosecutors from using such descriptions as “rioters,” “breach,” “confrontation,” “anti-government extremism,” “insurrectionists” and “mob.” Pollock, Hutchinson and Perkins also sought to join Doolin’s motion to assert a “public authority” defense at trial. Doolin’s lawyer has asserted that Doolin thought he had permission from former President Donald Trump to be at the U.S. Capitol. Pollock, Hutchinson and Perkins are represented by Elita Amato, Timothy Saviello and Nancy MacEoin, respectively.

Inside the Jan. 6 committee’s massive new evidence trove. The panel's evidence provides the clearest glimpse yet at the well-coordinated effort by some Trump allies to help Trump seize a second term he didn’t win.

At least 3 House GOP leaders who dodged Jan. 6 committee subpoenas plan to haul in witnesses for their own investigations in the 118th Congress. The January 6 committee deposed over 1,000 witnesses about Trump's 2020 election fraud scheme. Seven House Republicans elected not to answer the committee's questions. Defying this probe could empower Democrats to do the same when Republicans take control in 2023.

Republicans move to retain Jan. 6 committee documents. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield), who is his party's nominee for speaker of the House, sent a letter to Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the chair of the Jan. 6 committee, in November demanding the preservation of “all records collected and transcripts of testimony taken during your investigation." “The official Congressional Records do not belong to you or any member, but to the American people, and they are owed all of the information you gathered — not merely the information that comports with your political agenda,” the letter states.

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol on Friday released more than 40 additional transcripts of its interviews, bringing the total number of transcripts published to more than 160. So far, the transcripts have added details to the public’s understanding of how police intelligence failures contributed to the Capitol attack, how former President Donald Trump considered “blanket pardons” for those charged, and how Trump-aligned lawyers allegedly tried to steer witness testimony.

Jan. 6 Transcripts Detail Failures in Surveillance and National Guard Response. The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol released on Thursday 19 more transcripts of its interviews, bringing its total number of transcripts published to about 120. So far, the committee has added details to the public’s understanding of how witnesses stymied parts of the panel’s inquiry; how Trump-aligned lawyers allegedly tried to steer witness testimony; how panicked lawmakers tried to persuade former President Donald Trump to call off the mob; and how Trump considered “blanket pardons” for those charged. Testimony from Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, who was the commander of the D.C. Guard, reiterated that the response from the Guard on Jan. 6 had been delayed because of concerns from higher-ups over “the optics” of the army’s involvement. The reason it took three hours and 19 minutes to get approval for the Guard to help protect the Capitol, he said, was that “somebody or somebodies were willfully, deliberately delaying making the decision.” He added, “I think it would have been a vastly different response if those were African Americans trying to breach the Capitol.”

Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection

All the transcripts the Jan. 6 committee has released so far

What are the committee's main recommendations?

  1. Citing the 14th amendment, the committee recommended Trump should be barred from holding federal or state office ever again. They also recommend the creation of a "formal mechanism" to evaluate whether those who took part in the insurrection should be barred from holding future government office on federal and other levels.
  2. The committee also recommends that Congress should make stronger criminal penalties for those who obstruct a peaceful transfer of power,
  3. And they recommend federal penalties for those who threaten election workers. The committee's investigation found that many of the people who refused to be pushed into manipulating election results, including governors, secretaries of state, state legislators, state and local election officials, and frontline election workers, found themselves subjected to spamming, doxing, harassment, intimidation, and violent threats. Some of those threats were sexualized or racist in nature and targeted family members.
  4. The committee subpoenaed several individuals in the process of their investigation, but their authority to enforce those subpoenas is unclear. The committee recommends the creation of new legislation that would enforce House subpoenas in federal court.
  5. The committee also recommends more oversight over the Capitol Police. "Congressional committees of jurisdiction should continue regular and rigorous oversight of the United States Capitol Police as it improves its planning, training, equipping, and intelligence processes and practices its critical incident response protocols," they write. They said there should be joint hearings with testimony from the Capitol Police Board.

In their report, the committee also referred four Republican House members —

  1. Kevin McCarthy of California,
  2. Jim Jordan of Ohio,
  3. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania and
  4. Andy Biggs of Arizona

— to the House Ethics Committee for failure to comply with subpoenas. But in the new year, Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives, which means it's possible that these four House members don't face any repercussions.

As the mostly Democratic House committee investigating the Jan. 6. 2021, attack on the Capitol blamed “one man,” former President Donald Trump, as its central cause, House Republicans found someone else to blame in their own report on security failures at the Capitol: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, of course. As anyone who has been paying more than a nanosecond of attention to the Jan. 6 probe knows, blaming Pelosi for any of it stands in the school of goofy logic like blaming a homeowner for the burglary of her own home.

Hicks talked to Trump on January 11, 2021, days after the deadly insurrection. "He asked me if I thought it was really as bad as everyone was making it out to be. And my answer was, yes, I thought it was," the transcript reads. She added: "I think he felt like t wasn't fair — the response to it wasn't fair." Hicks, who resigned from the White House on January 12, 2021, said she communicated to Trump that he should change his approach and appear more "rational" to observers.

Jan. 6 report says Trump floated plan for 10,000 troops to protect him - recap of findings. Ella Lee, Kevin McCoy, Donovan Slack, Kevin Johnson, Candy Woodall and Josh Meyer, USA TODAY

‘1776 Motherf–ker’: Proud Boys Jan. 6 Sedition Trial Ramps Up. Following the conviction of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, the government is targeting Proud Boys honcho Enrique Tarrio for Capitol riot crimes. Heading into Jan. 6, the Proud Boys allegedly sought to blend into the crowd, eschewing the bright gold logos of their usual gear. The Proud Boys militants, according to the indictment, directed the Jan. 6 mobs toward the Capitol, tore down metal barricades, and assaulted law enforcement officers. One of Tarrio’s co-defendants, Dominic “Spaz” Pezzola, allegedly wrestled a riot shield from the hands of a Capitol cop, and used the instrument to break through a window at the Capitol, establishing one of the first breaches of the complex. Tarrio himself was not on the ground in Washington, D.C., on the day of the insurrection. He’d gotten himself arrested on Jan. 4 on a warrant stemming from his burning of a Black Lives Matter flag in front of a church in Dec. 2020. Released from jail on Jan. 5, Tarrio was ordered to leave the district, which he did — but not before a covert meetup in a parking garage with now-convicted seditionist Rhodes of the Oath Keepers. Despite his physical absence, the government alleges that Tarrio remained in command from his post in Baltimore, Maryland, cheering on his subordinates in a series of remarkable text-message exchanges in which Tarrio allegedly took credit for the chaos at the Capitol, including: “Make no mistake… We did this…” When a fellow Proud Boy texted, “Are we a militia yet?,” Tarrio responded simply “Yep.” And as the counting of the votes of the Electoral College was halted, with the Senate floor overrun, Tarrio posted publicly on social media: “Proud Of My Boys and my country.” Opening arguments are expected to begin in early January and the trial itself is anticipated to last at least six weeks. Nearly 1,000 Americans have been charged with crimes related to Jan. 6. More than 400 have pleaded guilty.

House Jan. 6 committee recommends criminal charges against Trump. Lawmakers recommended charges on four counts stemming from Trump’s monthslong effort to stay in power after his election defeat —

  1. obstruction of an official proceeding, 18 U.S.C. 1512(c), obstruction of an official proceeding
  2. conspiracy to defraud the United States, 18 U.S.C. 371, conspiracy to defraud the United States government
  3. conspiracy to make a false statement and 18 U.S.C. 371, 1001
  4. incite, assist, or aid or comfort an insurrection. 18 U.S.C. 2383, insurrection

The panel also recommended the House ethics committee investigate colleagues who brushed aside congressional subpoenas seeking testimony on their knowledge and efforts about the Jan. 6 attack — including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., and Rep. Scott Perry, R-Pa.

The Jan. 6 select committee is preparing to vote on urging the Justice Department to pursue at least three criminal charges against former President Donald Trump, including insurrection. The report that the select panel is expected to consider on Monday afternoon, described to POLITICO by two people familiar with its contents, reflects some recommendations from a subcommittee that evaluated potential criminal referrals. Among the charges that subcommittee proposes for Trump: 18 U.S.C. 2383, insurrection; 18 U.S.C. 1512(c), obstruction of an official proceeding; and 18 U.S.C. 371, conspiracy to defraud the United States government.

Donald Trump was slammed for another round of threats and incitement Saturday after evoking last year’s Jan. 6 insurrection — and then telling his followers it’s now time for the FBI and Justice Department “thugs” to be “dealt with.”

@realDonald Trump Our Country is SICK inside, very much like a person dying of Cancer. The Crooked FBI, the so-called Department of "Justice," and "Intelligence," all parts of the Democrat Party and System, is the Cancer. These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with, or our once great and beautiful Country will die!!!

Jan. 6 committee to weigh actions against GOP lawmakers who flouted subpoenas, Schiff says. Sun, December 18, 2022 “We will also be considering what’s the appropriate remedy for members of Congress who ignored congressional subpoena as well as the evidence that was so pertinent to our investigation,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. and member of the committee, told CNN’s State of the Union. Earlier this year, the committee issued subpoenas to House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy and four other GOP representatives to testify to the committee about their involvement with Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election: Reps. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Jim Jordan of Ohio, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Mo Brooks of Alabama. All five ignored the subpoenas.

Texts Show How Members Of Congress Advanced ‘Antifa’ Conspiracy Theories In The Wake Of Jan. 6. By Josh Kovensky and Hunter Walker | December 14, 2022.

On Dec. 20, 2020, a 21-year-old intelligence analyst went online to search for local Washington, D.C., fishing holes and stumbled upon the blueprint of a plot to storm the Capitol and execute members of Congress and law enforcement officers to prevent the certification of electoral votes to make Joe Biden the next president. The domestic terrorism analyst with the Department of Homeland Security saw a link to a website where people “actively at that moment were discussing the commission of acts of terroristic violence and the violent overthrow of the government of the United States,” according to the analyst’s written account later provided to investigators. There the analyst “witnessed upwards of 500 pages worth of potential threats to national security,” including people urging others — and discussing how — to smuggle illegal weapons into the nation’s capital and avoid detection by law enforcement. The DHS intelligence analyst also saw “discussion references of overthrowing the US Government by force/sparking a second civil war, and veiled credible threats of violence toward other US persons who were perceived enemies, specifically Members of Congress and other federal employees.” “Like so many Americans l watched the events of January 6th, 2021 transpire — shocked, scared, and horrified; but for me there was a deeper connection to the event, I was one of the DHS intelligence officials charged with trying to prevent that day’s violence,” the intelligence analyst wrote in a four-page letter provided to inspector general investigators. Yahoo News obtained a copy of this letter and the unredacted version of the final inspector general investigative report documenting this analyst’s efforts and dozens of credible threats that DHS saw, but did not act on, at the time.

The messages you are about to read are the definitive, real-time record of a plot to overturn an American election. TPM has obtained the 2,319 text messages that Mark Meadows, who was President Trump’s last White House chief of staff, turned over to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack. Today, we are publishing The Meadows Texts, a series based on an in-depth analysis of these extraordinary — and disturbing — communications.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies. archived December 13, 2022

MTG: Bannon and I Would Have ‘Been Armed’ and ‘Won’ the Insurrection. The congresswoman also claimed during a speech on Saturday that "teachers can pass around dildos, butt plugs and lube" in the classroom. “I want to tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed,” Greene said of the events on Jan. 6, according to The New York Post‘s Zach Williams. Greene’s communications director did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Rolling Stone about her remarks. The Republican congresswoman made the claim at an annual New York Young Republican Club dinner Saturday night where Donald Trump Jr. and far-right figure Jack Posobiec were also featured as speakers. While Williams captured video of some of Greene’s speech that night, he did not share footage of her talking about Jan. 6. Greene’s comments about that day seem to imply that she was not involved with the planning of Jan. 6. Two anonymous sources who organized the pro-Trump rally that preceded the Capitol attack have told Rolling Stone they recalled working with Greene on the rally. “I remember Marjorie Taylor Greene specifically,” one organizer said. “I remember talking to probably close to a dozen other members at one point or another or their staffs.” Greene’s communications director told Rolling Stone in October of last year that the congresswoman was involved only in planning to object to the electoral certification on the House floor, not the rally.

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes has been convicted of seditious conspiracy for planning an armed rebellion in an attempt to stop the electoral certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential election victory over Donald Trump. Rhodes, along with one other member of the far-right militia, was found guilty on Tuesday of the rare Civil War-era charge in the most significant trial yet over the Jan. 6 insurrection. The verdict, which was delivered by a D.C. federal jury in three days, marks the biggest prosecutorial win in an almost two-year investigation into how a MAGA mob stormed the U.S. Capitol and forced dozens of elected officials into hiding for hours, leaving bloodshed in their wake. Rhodes’ estranged wife, Tasha Adams, told The Daily Beast on Tuesday she is “beyond happy” about the verdict. “He has absolutely never had to face a consequence in his entire life. This will be the very first time,” Adams added. “He's spent his life making others pay this was past due for him.” After the verdict was read, Rhodes’ son took to Twitter to respond to the conviction—by posting a link to a YouTube video titled “Happy New Year to you....IN JAIL!” “So much weight is off now,” Dakota Adams, who along with his mother and siblings has previously described attempting to escape an abusive life at home with Rhodes, added in another tweet.

A Peek Inside the FBI’s Unprecedented January 6 Geofence Dragnet. Google provided investigators with location data for more than 5,000 devices as part of the federal investigation into the attack on the US Capitol. The FBI’s biggest-ever investigation included the biggest-ever haul of phones from controversial geofence warrants, court records show. A filing in the case of one of the January 6 suspects, David Rhine, shows that Google initially identified 5,723 devices as being in or near the US Capitol during the riot. Only around 900 people have so far been charged with offenses relating to the siege. The filing suggests that dozens of phones that were in airplane mode during the riot, or otherwise out of cell service, were caught up in the trawl. Nor could users erase their digital trails later. In fact, 37 people who attempted to delete their location data following the attacks were singled out by the FBI for greater scrutiny.

Pence: ‘Congress has no right to my testimony’ about Jan. 6. Former Vice President Mike Pence said he was closing the door on appearing before the House Jan. 6 committee in a new interview, saying Congress “has no right” to his testimony. In an interview with CBS “Face the Nation” moderator Margaret Brennan, parts of which were aired on Wednesday, Pence said he was “concerned” about the members all being appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). “I am closing the door on that,” Pence told Brennan of testifying before the panel.

Jan. 6 sedition trial of Oath Keepers founder goes to jury. Jurors will begin weighing his words and actions on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, after nearly two months of testimony and argument in the criminal trial of Rhodes and four co-defendants. Final defense arguments wrapped up late Monday.

‘We Failed But F*** It’: Man Who Posed with Fox Hosts and Went on to Storm the Capitol in the Same Varsity Jacket Convicted of Felony Charges. A 28-year-old from Pennsylvania was found guilty of felony charges on Thursday following a stipulated trial before a federal judge. Brian Gundersen was found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding and assaulting, resisting, or impeding law enforcement officers, the Department of Justice announced. When Gundersen is sentenced on Jan. 27, 2023, if the hearing is not moved for reasons unforeseeable, he faces the prospect of up to 28 years in prison on the two charges. Any resulting sentence is likely to be substantially less severe than that maximum, but numerous other obstruction defendants have been sentenced to years behind bars.

Lawyers for Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes rested their case Wednesday in his Capitol riot trial after a man described as the far-right extremist group's “operations leader” for Jan. 6, 2021, told jurors that he never heard anyone discussing plans to storm the building. Michael Greene, who is also facing charges in the insurrection, waived his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination to testify in Rhodes' defense in the seditious conspiracy trial. He was the final witness for the defense before Rhodes' team rested its case, which included testimony from Rhodes himself. Greene, an Army veteran who served in Iraq, said he came to Washington to oversee the Oath Keepers' security services for right-wing figures such as Roger Stone, longtime Donald Trump confidant, at events before the siege.

‘People are gonna think you're stupid’: Trump warned Pence not to ‘wimp out’ before Jan. 6, Pence writes. In an excerpt adapted from Pence's book, the former vice president wrote about Trump repeatedly admonishing him in the last weeks of their administration.

Donald Trump’s attorneys saw a direct appeal to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as their best hope of derailing Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidential election, according to emails newly disclosed to congressional investigators. “We want to frame things so that Thomas could be the one to issue some sort of stay or other circuit justice opinion saying Georgia is in legitimate doubt,” Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro wrote in a Dec. 31, 2020, email to Trump’s legal team. Chesebro contended that Thomas would be “our only chance to get a favorable judicial opinion by Jan. 6, which might hold up the Georgia count in Congress.”

Key Updates From Week 3 Of The Oath Keepers Seditious Conspiracy Trial. Pity the jurors subjected to Elmer Stewart Rhodes' sexts.

Trump’s Official Response to Jan. 6 Subpoena Is as Unhinged as His Truth Social Posts. The former president isn't taking kindly to the panel's vote to ask him to testify and provide documents related to his role in the riot at the Capitol. THE JAN. 6 committee concluded its final hearing on Thursday by voting unanimously to subpoena Donald Trump, the man Vice Chair Liz Cheney described as the “central cause” of what happened that day. The former president responded with a furious Truth Social posting spree, calling the committee a “BUST” that is dividing the country while pinning the blame for the violence on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who, unlike Trump, spent the riot trying to marshall forces to stop it). Trump followed up his rantings on Truth Social with even more rantings beneath his office’s letterhead, sending a rambling, 14-page response to Chairman Bennie Thompson in which he does not indicate whether he will comply with the committee’s forthcoming request for testimony and documents. “Dear Chairman Thompson,” the letter begins. “THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2020 WAS RIGGED AND STOLEN!”

The Roger Stone Grift That Keeps on Giving. The dirty trickster was at a Florida gun show—selling copies of his pardon. “On December 23, 2020, President Donald J. Trump granted an unconditional Presidential pardon, an act of both mercy and Justice as the President determined that Stone had been framed by Robert Mueller’s now-discredited political witch hunt and had been railroaded in a corrupted trial in Washington DC. Now you can have a SIGNED AND PERSONALLY INSCRIBED copy of this official piece of history. The presidential pardon issued to Roger Stone hand SIGNED by Roger Stone.”

Text messages reveal what, exactly, the Jan. 6 crowd wanted Trump to do. “I have been so busy on back channel working groups trying to advise the President,” Stewart Rhodes, founder of the far-right Oath Keepers, said in a Dec. 30 text to allies, describing efforts to convince Trump to invoke the Civil War-era law known as the Insurrection Act in a bid to remain in office. Federal prosecutors revealed this message, and dozens of others, in court Friday as they argued that Rhodes and several other Oath Keepers should be convicted of seditious conspiracy — an armed plot to prevent Joe Biden from taking office. The texts read aloud and shown this week are an early part of the prosecution's case in a trial that is the first test of the government's ability to win convictions on the most serious charges leveled in connection with the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6. Central to prosecutors’ allegations is Rhodes and, more plainly, what his perceptions were of Trump in those critical moments. The Yale Law-educated Rhodes came to see political and courtroom paths as doomed for keeping Trump in power and the potential invocation of the Insurrection Act as the only viable way. So, the right-wing activist began promoting the Insurrection Act among fellow Oath Keepers, privately and publicly, urging them to also loudly call on Trump to take the extreme step of using the military and citizen militias to remain in office. But Rhodes also had a backup plan, according to the prosecution. If Trump failed to act, Rhodes said in the messages, the Oath Keepers would be ready to take matters into their own hands — even if it meant a “bloody” Civil War.

Former Leader of Proud Boys, Jeremy Bertino, Pleads Guilty To Seditious Conspiracy for Efforts to Stop Transfer of Power Following 2020 Presidential Election. Jeremy Bertino, 43, pleaded guilty in the District of Columbia to seditious conspiracy in connection with the Capitol breach. He also pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawful possession of a firearm, stemming from a court-authorized search of his residence in March 2022. As part of the plea agreement, Bertino has agreed to cooperate with the government’s ongoing investigation. According to court documents, the Proud Boys describe themselves as members of a “pro-Western fraternal organization for men who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world, aka Western Chauvinists.” Bertino joined the Proud Boys in approximately 2018 and was, for a time, the vice president of his local Proud Boys chapter in South Carolina. As stated in the court documents, on multiple occasions in 2020, Bertino traveled to Washington, D.C., for rallies as a member of the Proud Boys. During one trip, on Dec. 12, 2020, several individuals, including Bertino and other Proud Boys members, were involved in an altercation. During that altercation, Bertino, among others, was stabbed. Bertino was hospitalized, released, and was still recovering outside of the Washington D.C. area from his injuries as of Jan. 6, 2021. Otherwise, he would have traveled to Washington.

Jessica Watkins, An Oath Keeper Charged In The DC Attack, Fears Harsh Treatment Because She Is Transgender. Her attorney argues in a new court motion that she is no threat and should be allowed to go home with a monitoring device.

Trial: Regretful Oath Keeper Leader Said Having Rifles on Jan. 6 Would Have ‘Fixed It Right Then and There’. The trial of Stewart Rhodes and four other members of the militia group charged with seditious conspiracy began Monday in Washington, D.C. The militia members’ defense appears to largely center around the argument that they went to the Capitol “to do security on the 5th and 6th,” and “are not a violent group.” The assertion is unlikely to hold much water against evidence of weapons caches, planned “Quick Reaction Forces,” video, and a seemingly endless parade of recorded statements indicating the defendants desire to commit violence on Jan. 6. Nevertheless, “Even though it may look inflammatory,” the defense argued on Monday, “they did nothing illegal.”

Evidence: @January6thCmte The Select Committee has obtained a recording of communications over a walkie-talkie app among Oath Keepers who were inside the Capitol and others who were sharing intelligence from elsewhere. Listen to how they reacted to President Trump’s 2:38 tweet in real-time.

The Oath Keepers’ Jan. 6 Trial Is Here. And It’s Going to Be Weird. Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers, and four others are facing seditious conspiracy charges for their role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The Oath Keepers’ trial for their role in the Jan. 6 insurrection kicks off Tuesday. Rhodes’ alleged co-conspirators set to stand trial alongside him in the Washington federal courthouse are Thomas Caldwell, 68; Kelly Meggs, 53; Kenneth Harrelson, 41 and Jessica Watkins, 40. “[They] have greater criminal exposure because of the alleged agreement and plan from the leader of a national group on down to participate, allegedly acting as a larger cohesive unit,” Levin said. Lewis said it will be interesting to see how the three defendants who already pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy — Joshua James, Brian Ulrich and William Todd Wilson — will play into the government’s case at trial, if at all. According to Wilson’s plea agreement, he left the Capitol grounds around 5 p.m. and went to a private suite at the Phoenix Park Hotel where Rhodes gathered him and others and called an unnamed person on speaker phone. "Wilson heard ... Rhodes repeatedly implore the individual to tell President Trump to call upon groups like the Oath Keepers to forcibly oppose the transfer of power," according to his plea. The person reportedly denied Rhodes's request to speak directly with Trump and after the phone call ended, Rhodes told the group, "I just want to fight." According to the indictment, at one point during the evening on Jan. 6, Rhodes and others are said to have gone to an underground parking garage in Washington where they met for about 30 minutes with a group of people including Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the right-wing Proud Boys group who is also charged with seditious conspiracy in connection with the riot. Jury selection is slated to begin on Monday in the Oath Keepers case. A second jury trial for four of the accused Oath Keepers defendants is set for Nov. 27, roughly one month before the Proud Boys’ will be tried for Capitol riot-related seditious conspiracy. Three other Oath Keepers defendants - Joshua James, Brian Ulrich and William Todd Wilson - pleaded guilty this year to engaging in seditious conspiracy in connection with the attack. They are awaiting sentencing and could potentially be called as witnesses at the trial.

Three key questions Ginni Thomas must answer in January 6 panel interview. Was Mr Thomas involved, even tangentially through occaisional discussions, with his wife’s efforts? Did she seek to use her very personal connection to him as a means to convince lawmakers that their efforts would be upheld as lawful by the Supreme Court? Did Mr Thomas know anything about his wife’s activities before ruling on a case (or cases) related to White House communications on January 6?


A Capitol rioter who dressed up as Adolf Hitler, and whose case has been championed by former President Donald Trump, has been sentenced to four years in federal prison for participating in the attack. Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, 32, of New Jersey, is a former Army reservist who participated in the Capitol riot. He was convicted in May after trying — and failing — to convince a jury he was unaware that Congress was in session at the Capitol. He was facing a charge of obstruction of Congress. “I know this sounds idiotic, but I’m from New Jersey,” he told the jury. “I feel like an idiot, it sounds idiotic, and it is.” Hale-Cusanelli admitted that he someties says ‘ugly’ and "repugnant’ things. Despite Hale-Cusanelli's admission that he says things that offend the general population, he does have at least one fan — Mr Trump. At a recent rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, Hale-Cusanelli's aunt was invited on-stage to plead for sympathy for her nephew. “Tim went to the nation’s capitol to hear his president speak,” she said. “He dressed in a suit and tie and his favorite hat. Tim wanted to take part in what he thought was going to be a historical event. Instead, he witnessed a horror show.” She left out the detail that he was an active participant in the "horror show." It's unclear why Mr Trump chose to give time to this particular Capitol riot defendant.

A perennial political candidate from Montana who was once denied admission to the bar because of his criminal record and “connections to white supremacy groups” has been playing a behind the scenes role in the defense of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, one of the alleged organizers of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Lawyer Roger Roots, who has mounted long shot libertarian bids for office in Montana in every election since 2012, has been assisting a lawyer newly tapped by Rhodes to mount a last-ditch drive to postpone Rhodes’ looming trial for seditious conspiracy, slated to begin Sept. 26. U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta swiftly turned aside Rhodes’ effort and chastised the new attorney, Ed Tarpley of Louisiana, for appearing just weeks before trial and creating uncertainty around the complicated proceeding. Rhodes, in the same motion, attempted to fire his attorneys and replace them with Tarpley, but the Oath Keepers’ founder ultimately opted to maintain his legal team, which has handled his case for the last eight months. However, Roots’ involvement escaped mention during last week’s court hearing, during which Mehta attempted to keep the complex, five-defendant trial on track. POLITICO located Roots’ name in metadata associated with Tarpley’s initial court filing seeking a delay and change of counsel. In an interview, Tarpley acknowledged that Roots advised him in writing it.

Among the Insurrectionists. The Capitol was breached by Trump supporters who had been declaring, at rally after rally, that they would go to violent lengths to keep the President in power. A chronicle of an attack foretold. Luke Mogelson

A judge refused to delay the upcoming trial of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. Judge Amit Mehta said arguments for the delay were "incorrect" and "bewildering." Mehta also declined to allow Rhodes to fire his lawyers, creating a potentially awkward arrangement. But Mehta said that, until Tuesday's filing, he had not heard a "peep" from Rhodes about any "disenchantment" with his defense team. The judge said Rhodes' defense lawyers for the past nine months, James Lee Bright and Phillip Linder, have displayed not only competence but also leadership in helping other Oath Keepers and their lawyers ahead of the trial, which is expected to last several weeks. "Not once has he complained one iota about his lawyers," Mehta said.

A New Mexico state district court judge has disqualified county commissioner and Cowboys for Trump cofounder Couy Griffin from holding public office for engaging in insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. State District Court Judge Francis Mathew issued a ruling Tuesday that permanently prohibits Griffin from holding or seeking local or federal office. Griffin was previously convicted in federal court of a misdemeanor for entering Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, without going inside the building. He was sentenced to 14 days and given credit for time served.

Jan. 6 select panel asks Newt Gingrich to testify. Panel chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) cited an email Gingrich sent to senior advisers to Trump including Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller about an advertisement where he said the goal was to arouse anger among Americans about debunked claims of voter fraud. “The goal is to arouse the country’s anger through new verifiable information the American people have never seen before,” Gingrich wrote in a Dec. 8, 2020 email obtained by the select panel. “... If we inform the American people in a way they find convincing and it arouses their anger[,] they will then bring pressure on legislators and governors.” Gingrich sent one message on Nov. 12, 2020, to then-White House counsel Pat Cipollone and then-chief of staff Mark Meadows asking about the coordination of electors. “Is someone in charge of coordinating all the electors? Evans makes the point that all the contested electors must meet on [D]ecember 14 and send in ballots to force contests which the house would have to settle,” Gingrich wrote. And on the evening of Jan. 6, after the attack on the Capitol, Gingrich emailed Meadows and asked: “[a]re there letters from state legislators about decertifying electors[?]”

The House January 6 select committee on Thursday asked former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich to testify about his repeated contacts with White House aides in Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, even in the evening after the Capitol attack had taken place. The request to Gingrich was for voluntary cooperation – though the select committee showed it now appears to believe he was involved in a potential conspiracy planned ahead of time to lay the groundwork that would lead to reversing Trump’s defeat on January 6. Congressman Bennie Thompson, the committee chair, said in a letter to Gingrich that investigators were interested in him counseling Trump aides to make TV ads about debunked election fraud conspiracies to pressure state legislators into decertifying Biden electors. The letter detailed that it had communications that showed he tried to liaise with former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and former Trump White House counsel Pat Cipollone about the fake elector scheme, asking whether anyone was coordinating Trump slates to Congress so that he could be declared the winner.

Capitol Breach Cases. Below is a list of defendants charged in federal court in the District of Columbia related to crimes committed at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C, on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. Every case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Following arrests, or surrender, defendants must appear before district court magistrate/judge where the arrest takes place, in accordance with the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Ask the ‘Coupologists’: Just What Was Jan. 6 Anyway? Without a name for it, figuring out why it happened is that much harder.

Secret Service knew of threats against Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence for days before the Capitol riot: CREW. The Secret Service knew of threats made to Nancy Pelosi days before the Capitol attack. But Capitol Police weren't alerted of the threats until 5:55 p.m. on January 6, 2021. Documents obtained by CREW reveal that the Secret Service was aware of threats against Biden and Pence. A post on the Parler account had a list of "enemies," including Pelosi, that had been shared on December 31, 2020. "January 6 starts #1776 all over again…Fight for EVERYTHING," the post said. CREW also found accounts under the same name, which the organization didn't disclose, on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, MeWe, and Bichute. Posts included warnings and "tips" for the "brave and courageous patriots going to DC to force Congress to refuse Biden's rigged election." Rioters were also advised to hide their MAGA gear while checking in at hotels and to "be wary" of DC police officers, while Washington, DC, was decried as a "hotbed for ANTIFA/BLM."

GOP Rep. Scott Perry says FBI seized his cell phone. Perry has been the subject of scrutiny by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack at the Capitol. The committee issued a subpoena to Perry, but he has refused to cooperate with the panel. The committee’s subpoena said that Perry was “directly involved” with efforts to make Department of Justice attorney Jeffrey Clark the acting attorney general. Clark was a key figure in Trump’s election fraud probes that other administration officials balked at. The committee has also said that Perry was one of several House Republicans who sought a pardon from Trump, which he has denied.

@BeschlossDC If you have seven minutes available, please watch "A Night at the Garden" (2018), the Academy Award-nominated documentary by Marshall Curry on the chilling 1939 Nazi-organized rally in Madison Square Garden, attended by 22,000 people. Here's your link:

The U.S. Secret Service has given the House Jan. 6 committee a listing of agency-issued cell phone numbers belonging to agents based in Washington, D.C., for the period the panel is investigating, according to sources familiar with the matter. The committee can now determine which agents' call records they may want to review and, if they decide to do so, could either request them directly or conceivably issue subpoenas to their cell phone providers, an official familiar with the situation explained. At the same time, the inspector general responsible for the Secret Service has obtained a listing of personal cell phones as part of its own investigation connected to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The Jan. 6 panel is gathering evidence Trump may have broken these 5 federal laws

  1. Conspiracy to defraud the government
  2. Obstructing an official proceeding
  3. Wire Fraud: fund raising
  4. Witness tampering
  5. Inciting a rebellion

At least 884 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.

Steve Bannon Calls On '4,000 Shock Troops' To 'Deconstruct' The Government 'Brick By Brick'. He wants to see people “stepping forward, say[ing], ’Hey, I want to be one of those 4,000 shock troops,” Bannon said on his “War Room” podcast Monday. “This is taking on and defeating and deconstructing the administrative state,” he added. Bannon was responding to an Axios report last week that Trump and his allies are already plotting to replace all federal officials and civil service workers with those whose key qualification would be slavish devotion to Trump if he retakes the White House in the 2024 election. Bannon hailed the radical plot for Trump to take control of the nation. Former Trump campaign adviser Steve Cortes vowed on the podcast that Trump’s “next” term would be “far more consequential” than his last one. Both men were clearly familiar with the game plan.

Marc Short, a former chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, said during a Monday interview that he believed there would have been a "massacre" on January 6, 2021, if the rioters who breached the US Capitol that day had gotten closer to the vice president, according to ABC News. Short — who was with Pence when rioters broke into the Capitol complex and interrupted the counting of electoral votes — said he testified before a grand jury investigating the January 6 riot. "I think that having the Capitol ransacked the way that it was, I think, did present liability and danger," he told ABC News. "And I think the Secret Service did a phenomenal job that day."

He added: "I think that the bigger risk and despite the way perhaps it was characterized in the hearings last week, candidly, is that if the mob had gotten closer to the vice president, I do think there would have been a massacre in the Capitol that day."

Jan 6 mountain men rioters stalk Pence. Secret Service radio traffic reveals how perilously close rioters came to Mike Pence on Jan. 6

Jan. 6 rioters came within feet of Pence, new evidence shows | Jan. 6 hearings

Steve Bannon convicted of contempt of Congress for defying Capitol attack subpoena. Jury finds former Trump adviser guilty on two counts of criminal contempt for refusing to appear before House committee.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies, archived July 22,2022

What Was Trump Up to While His Superfans Stormed the Capitol? Here's a Timeline.

William J. Olson, a right-wing lawyer, sent a memo in December 2020 to President Donald J. Trump on how to seek to overturn the election.

Two New York men wept as a judge handed down prison time for their participation in the Capitol riot last year. Cody Mattice, 29, and James Mault, 30, both received 44 months of prison time on Friday, according to records from the Justice Department. In April, the two pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers during the Capitol riot, a Justice Department release says. After breaching the Capitol, Mattice "reached out to another rioter and grabbed a small object appearing to be a canister," the release says. "He then sprayed chemical spray at police officers." "Mault also got a second canister from the crowd and provided it to another rioter," the release says.

A Washington, DC, police officer has corroborated to the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021, details regarding a heated exchange former President Donald Trump had with his Secret Service detail when he was told he could not go to the US Capitol after his rally, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN. The officer with the Metropolitan Police Department was in the motorcade with the Secret Service for Trump on January 6 and recounted what was seen to committee investigators, according to the source.

Secret Service erased text messages from January 5 and 6, 2021 -- after oversight officials asked for them, watchdog says

'I'm the winner. Game over. Suck on that!' Leaked audio from October 2020 captures Steve Bannon touting Trump's plan to declare victory on election night even if he LOST Donald Trump's former adviser Steve Bannon was secretly recorded while hosting a meeting with associates of exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui Bannon accurately predicted that primarily Democratic mail-in ballots being counted after in-person votes would give Trump an early lead in the race Trump wound up declaring an early victory and making accusations of fraud in a speech from the White House in the early hours of November 4, 2020 Bannon had predicted in the audio tape: 'When you wake up on Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm' But Bannon said Trump would do 'some crazy s***' if Biden ended up being ahead of him on election night.

Leaked Audio: Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory. “That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.” "If Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o'clock at night, it's going to be even crazier. No, because he's gonna sit right there and say, ‘They stole it. I’m directing the attorney general to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states. He’s not going out easy. If Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy sh*t."

The Justice Department released new details Friday evening of the alleged extensive planning by the Oath Keepers to prepare for violence in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, including lessons to conduct "hasty ambushes," a "death list" of Georgia election officials and attempts to acquire homemade firearms. The details, many of which have not been alleged publicly before, were revealed in a court filing from the government, which includes a list of evidence that prosecutors intend to use against the Oath Keepers during their trial in September. Prosecutors will attempt to prove that nine Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy -- Stewart Rhodes, Kelly Meggs, Kenneth Harrelson, Jessica Watkins, Roberto Minuta, Joseph Hackett, David Moerschel, Thomas Caldwell, and Edward Vallejo -- extensively prepared for violence and plotted to stop Joe Biden from assuming the presidency. All nine have pleaded not guilty and have denied allegations of preparing for or participating in violence on January 6. CNN has reached out to their attorneys for comment. The Justice Department has also secured at least seven cooperation agreements from members of the Oath Keepers, three of whom pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy. A number of the cooperators are named in the new filing and had close contacts with the Oath Keepers heading to trial.

Trump’s possible ties to far-right militias examined by January 6 committee. Stone and Flynn. Stone has repeatedly denied he had anything to do with the Capitol attack, but he would have been a natural choice for Trump to try to reach on 5 January 2021 had he sought to get a sense of what extremist groups might have been planning for the next morning. The far-right political operative based in Florida, for instance, had close ties to the Proud Boys and its ex-national chairman, Enrique Tarrio, who lived in Miami before his arrest for seditious conspiracy, well before Trump lost the 2020 election to Biden. When Stone travelled to Washington DC before 6 January 2021, he was accompanied by a man named Jacob Engels, a member of the Proud Boys from Florida who served as something of a lieutenant for him on the day before and the day of the Capitol attack. Through Engels in particular, Stone appeared to maintain his ties to the Proud Boys, even though during his stay at the Willard hotel on those two days, it was a small group of the Oath Keepers who acted as his personal security detail, pictures and court records show. The people that guarded Stone included Joshua James, an Oath Keepers member indicted for seditious conspiracy and is cooperating with the government, and Michael Simmons, codenamed “Whip”, who served as the “operations leader” for the Oath Keepers for January 6. Meanwhile, Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn would have been another natural choice for the former president to try and reach in order to learn what extremist groups interested in stopping Joe Biden’s election win certification might be planning. Flynn was also connected to the Oath Keepers through his own security detail called the 1st Amendment Praetorian, after the two groups guarded him as early as 12 December 2020, when Flynn took part in a Women for America First-affiliated march and rally. The 1st Amendment Praetorian, though, appeared to serve both a security function and an intelligence-gathering function for Flynn – a former director for the Defense Intelligence Agency – according to multiple people who worked directly with the group. Flynn’s operatives were involved in election fraud conspiracies from the outset, 1AP’s leader Robert Patrick Lewis and others have said, including working to gather intelligence about the claims cited in lawsuits filed by former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell. The members of the 1st Amendment Praetorian do not appear to have stormed the Capitol like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, but at least one of its operatives, Geoffrey Flohr, circled the Capitol as the attack was underway talking covertly with an earpiece. While Flohr walked around the Capitol seemingly relaying information, another member of the 1st Amendment Praetorian, Philip Luelsdorff, was observing proceedings in the Trump “war room” led by Giuliani and then Trump lawyer John Eastman at the Willard hotel.

‘We Know Where You Live’: Jan. 6 Committee Member Shares Compilation of Threatening Voicemails. Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on the panel investigating the Capitol attack, has received a rash of vulgar messages from Trump supporters.

@RepKinzinger Threats of violence over politics has increased heavily in the last few years. But the darkness has reached new lows. My new interns made this compilation of recent calls they’ve received while serving in my DC office. WARNING: this video contains foul & graphic language.

Don Jr. says 'we'll make liberals cry again', Ivanka worries about her dress and Jared adjusts his tie in trailer for documentary from filmmaker subpoenaed by January 6 committee for Trump family interviews

Kinzinger: Hutchinson’s Bombshell Testimony Is ‘Inspiring’ Others to Come Forward. “Every day, we get new people that come forward,” the congressman said in an interview Sunday.

New details of Jan. 6 panel's mystery messages emerge. Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson told the committee she was contacted by an intermediary for Mark Meadows, according to a person familiar with her final deposition. Meadows is the person whose name was redacted in that slide. Contents of that final deposition were described to POLITICO, which could not independently corroborate the identity of the intermediary or that Meadows directed any message be delivered to Hutchinson before her second deposition. The other slide the Capitol riot committee unveiled at the end of its hearing with Hutchinson this week quoted an unnamed witness, now known to be the former Trump White House aide herself, describing multiple phone calls she received from allies of the former president. “What they said to me is as long as I continue to be a team player, they know I’m on the right team,” the slide said. “I’m doing the right thing. I’m protecting who I need to protect, you know, I’ll continue to stay in good graces in Trump World. And they have reminded me a couple of times that Trump does read transcripts.”

Jan. 6 committee may make criminal referral on witness tampering. Cheney on Tuesday displayed messages sent to an unidentified witness that said: “A person let me know you have your deposition tomorrow. He wants me to let you know that he’s thinking about you. He knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition.”

Oath Keepers will tell a jury they believed Donald Trump would turn them into his own personal militia on January 6. "Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021," Inauguration Day. "Strike now," the Oath Keepers leader and founder, Elmer Stewart Rhodes, urged in an open letter to Trump on December 14, 2020. "You must call us up and command us."

‘Take me up to the Capitol now’: How close Trump came to joining rioters. Trump’s demands to lead a march to Capitol Hill sheds new light on his mindset as the siege began.

@alexjholder The Trumps did not have editorial control. Full stop. [Trump staging shot]

Based on my interactions with him — I don’t claim to be a psychologist or psychiatrist, but in those moments, the position he gave to me is someone who was utterly irrational, someone living in an alternate reality, and that there was no way to have a coherent, rational conversation with him. It’s very scary when people start to believe in their own lies, and when you can’t have a rational conversation with them — that’s when things become very dangerous. And we’ve seen that play out in history, when very dangerous people start to believe in their own rhetoric and are able to get their supporters to believe.

On Dec. 8, 2020, a few weeks after Joseph R. Biden was elected president, “Q” — the anonymous online account that set off the QAnon conspiracy movement — posted a link to a video with scenes of cars burning on the streets, fighter jets over a stadium and Donald J. Trump with his hand on a Bible, being sworn in as president. The images played over a song by Twisted Sister, “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” The Q account has not posted since, and its major predictions have not come to pass.


A Single Text Exchange Tells Us Everything We Needed to Know About Melania Trump

Inside John Eastman’s California rise from GOP ‘happy warrior’ to Jan. 6 firebrand. He brought in high-profile conservatives such as Thomas, and invited his friend John Yoo, a former lawyer in George W. Bush’s administration and a tenured professor at UC Berkeley, to come teach, offering Yoo a break from blowback over his involvement with what came to be known as the torture memos. Eastman became a public face of the National Organization for Marriage, a group that promoted 2008’s Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California. He led the organization‘s years-long battle to keep its donor list private, which resulted in a string of court losses and fines for violating state disclosure laws. Fred Karger, a gay Republican activist who doggedly sought the group’s financial records, said he saw a pattern in Eastman’s actions then and in the current congressional investigation. “He has a history of lying and undermining our election laws as best he can,” Karger said. That cataclysmic viewpoint spilled into the Jan. 6 hearings, when former White House lawyer Eric Herschmann said in a deposition that he had warned Eastman his scheme to have the vice president invalidate the election would “cause riots in the streets.” “And [Eastman] said words to the effect of, ‘There has been violence in the history of our country, Eric, to protect the democracy or protect the republic,” Herschmann said. Eastman was so committed to this line of thinking that he continued to seek avenues to overturn Trump’s loss, even in the immediate aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. He unsuccessfully sought a pardon from Trump and now finds himself potentially in criminal jeopardy. “Unfortunately, he drank the Kool-Aid that President Trump was selling — that the election was a fraud,” Yoo said.

These 7 House Republicans aren't cooperating with the January 6 committee and here's how they've justified blowing off the investigation. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Judiciary Committee ranking member Jim Jordan of Ohio, have offered varying reasons for not participating — ranging from complaining about the committee's public outreach to assailing the "baseless witch hunt." Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona. Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama. Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas. Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia. Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania.

Key facts to know about the Jan. 6 insurrection. Rally organizers told the National Park Service that they anticipated 30,000 people would attend. Law enforcement said the crowd size ahead of the protest was possibly as much as 80,000, according to then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. The crowd size at the rally was at least 10,000, according to the Associated Press.

Donald Trump Called Mike Pence “The P-Word” For Not Illegally Overturning The Election, According To Jan. 6 Committee Testimony Both Ivanka Trump and a former Trump attorney described the conversation as “heated.”

How the Proud Boys Breached the Capitol on Jan. 6: Rile Up the Normies

Rep. Loudermilk whips up amusing excuses on why Capitol "tourists" took pictures of the stairwell (video).

January 6 committee releases video of Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk giving Capitol tour on January 5 to rioter who hours later warned AOC and Nancy Pelosi mob was 'coming' for them and would pull speaker 'out by your hairs' The House's select committee on January 6 released a video Wednesday of Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk giving a January 5 tour of the Capitol One of the men with the Georgia Republican was captured snapping pictures of tunnels, hallways and security checkpoints The committee said in the video's introduction that it was the same man who made 'detailed and disturbing threats against specific Members of Congress' 'There's no escape Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler - we're coming for you,' the individual is heard saying on January 6. 'We're coming to take you out' He also name-dropped AOC and suggested he would pull Pelosi out of the U.S. Capitol by her hair 'You may as well make yourself another appointment. When I get done with you. You're going to need a shine up on top of that bald head,' the man said

January 6 committee has footage that challenges Capitol Police findings over alleged role of GOP congressman.

Trump releases 12-page response to Jan. 6 hearing.

Documentarian who testified about Jan. 6 says crew was aware they had filmed ‘multiple crimes’ Nick Quested told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd that he saw crimes “on the steps of the Capitol” and “inside the Capitol.”

Jared Kushner Wasn’t Just Involved in Trump’s Push to Overturn 2020. He Helped Start It. “Jared helped create what then morphed into the Rudy clown show,” one source tells Rolling Stone. According to four people familiar with the matter, in the week following Election Day in early November of that year, Kushner took charge in overseeing the development of plans to keep Trump in office — Kushner just wasn’t publicly ostentatious about it in the way Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and others were. During that first week, Kushner repeatedly met with Trump and other high-ranking aides to the then-president to discuss and map out possible strategies for multi-pronged legal battles and a scorched-earth messaging war against the victorious Biden campaign, the knowledgeable sources tell Rolling Stone. “Jared was directly involved,” one of these sources, a former senior Trump aide who worked on the effort to nullify the election outcome, said. “There was a [brief] window…when it seemed like he was positioning himself to be the Jim Baker of this fight … It didn’t last long. He backed away from it, but he was there and got his hands dirty like everyone else did.” (Baker, a towering figure in the Republican Party, helmed the legal team for George W. Bush during the chaotic Florida recount that ultimately handed Bush the presidency.)

Pence team couldn't verify Trump campaign's election fraud claims, new memo shows. In a previously unseen memo obtained by POLITICO, the former vice president's legal team called most of the fraud allegations minor and unverifiable. The memo shows Pence’s legal team didn’t just track the barrage of wild legal arguments from former President Donald Trump’s lawyers and allies, but also meticulously monitored the allegations of election fraud and mismanagement. It specifically includes charges leveled by the Trump campaign itself in court.

Trump throws IVANKA under the bus after she told January 6 committee she didn't believe the 2020 election was stolen: Furious ex-president says his daughter had 'long-since checked out' and was not involved in looking at votes Donald Trump turned on his daughter Ivanka Trump on Friday morning Her testimony to House committee investigating January 6th attack showed she did not think the 2020 election was rigged 'Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out,' Trump posted on Truth Social Former president also attacked Bill Barr, his attorney general who said Trump's claims the election was rigged were 'bull****' 'The Democrats hit pay dirt with Barr, he was stupid,' Trump said Trump also denied he ever said his VP Mike Pence 'deserved' to be hanged Trump was furious with his vice president for his ceremonial role in overseeing the certification of the 2020 election results

FBI: Navarro called arresting agents 'Nazis'. Prosecutors dispute the former Trump trade adviser’s claims he was shackled and denied food and water following his arrest on a charge of defying a subpoena.

Five members of the Proud Boys street gang — including their leader, Enrique Tarrio — were indicted Monday on seditious conspiracy charges for their role in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. A federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned the rare indictment, which charges that Tarrio and four other members of the Proud Boys — Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola — played an outsize role in the planning and execution of the insurrection. A sixth Proud Boy, Charles Donohoe, wasn’t included because he’d already pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges in a plea deal that will force him to testify against his fellow gang members. Dozens of Proud Boys were among the thousands of people who stormed the U.S. Capitol that day in an effort to stop the certification of Joe Biden as president. Prosecutors say that Tarrio and his fellow defendants were instrumental in the planning stages of the attack; Tarrio allegedly looked over a document titled “1776 Returns” on Dec. 30, 2020, detailing plans to occupy several buildings in Washington on Jan. 6, including six House and Senate office buildings.

Former acting defense secretary testifies he was trying to avoid another Kent State on Jan. 6. He said he wanted to avoid fanning fears of a military coup or martial law. Former Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller testified Wednesday that he was concerned in the days before the Jan. 6 insurrection that sending troops to the Capitol would fan fears of a military coup or fuel conspiracies that advisers to the president were advocating martial law. He said doing so could cause a repeat of the deadly 1970 Kent State University shooting in which Ohio National Guard troops fired at demonstrators and killed four American civilians. "Historically military responses to domestic protests have resulted in violations of American civil rights, and even in the case of the Kent State protests of the Vietnam War tragic deaths," he said. "I fervently believe the military should not be utilized in such scenarios, other than as a last resort, and only when all other assets had been expended on January 6."

@WestWingReport Two days ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on your Capitol, the pro gun Trump administration issued orders - the net result of which was that the DC National Guard would not be allowed to properly defend itself or public property.

Before Jan. 6, Aide Warned Secret Service of Security Risk to Pence. New details flesh out how the pressure campaign by Donald J. Trump and his allies to block certification of the 2020 election left the vice president’s staff fearing for his safety. By Maggie Haberman The chief of staff, Marc Short, had a message for the agent, Tim Giebels: The president was going to turn publicly against the vice president, and there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it.

Committee provides timeline of Jim Jordan’s collaboration with Trump White House effort to question the 2020 presidential election results. The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol on Tuesday gave Champaign County’s Jim Jordan until June 11 to answer its questions about his role in former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. In doing so, it provided a timeline of Jordan’s “meetings, calls and communications” with Trump administration officials to pursue that goal. A May 31 letter from Committee Chair Bennie Thompson. a Mississippi Democrat, disputes Jordan’s claims that the committee lacks authority to subpoena him and lays out the most complete chronology supplied so far of Jordan’s collaboration with White House staffers and Trump campaign officials.

Read the Trump-world legal memo that a judge ruled was likely part of a criminal effort to overturn the election. An attorney sketched out a plan for then-Vice President Mike Pence to halt the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.


Jury finds alleged Nazi sympathizer guilty of 5 charges ranging from obstruction to disorderly conduct in Jan. 6 case. The former Army reservist was charged with obstructing an official proceeding. Thomas Hale-Cusanelli, an alleged Nazi sympathizer and Army reservist who prior to his arrest was working as a private contractor who lived on the base with security clearance at the Naval Weapons Station in New Jersey, was found guilty on five charges ranging from obstruction to disorderly conduct in the Capitol riot case. The jury in this case, however, did not see images of Hale-Cusanelli impersonating an Adolf Hitler-style mustache. However, they were shown video, audio and social media images, as well as text messages involving his actions on and before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Trump 'approved' of Capitol rioters' chants to hang Mike Pence and 'complained' that his VP was being taken to safety, according to January 6 committee testimony Leaked testimony on Wednesday revealed what Trump was doing on Jan 6 Mark Meadows, his chief of staff, left colleagues with the impression that the then president approved of the idea of hanging Vice President Mike Pence Meadows told other staff that Trump had complained that Pence was being rushed to safety Rioters called for Pence to hang for refusing to try to overturn the election. The newspaper said it was confirmed by Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Meadows.

Trump expressed support for hanging Pence during Capitol riot, Jan. 6 panel told. The Jan. 6 select committee has heard testimony indicating that then-President Donald Trump — after rioters who swarmed the Capitol began chanting “hang Mike Pence” — expressed support for hanging his vice president, according to three people familiar with the matter. The White House chief of staff at the time, Mark Meadows, was in the dining room off the Oval Office with Trump at one point during last year’s Capitol attack, the committee has been told. Meadows then left the dining room and informed other people nearby that Trump had signaled a positive view of the prospect of hanging the vice president, the panel heard. Meadows’ account as it was described to the committee came after some members of the mob converging on the Capitol had broken into chants of “Hang Mike Pence!” Those chants were a reaction to Pence's decision to accept electoral votes that indicated Joe Biden had won the presidency. POLITICO could not independently verify the veracity of the claim regarding Meadows’ comments. Two of the people who spoke for this story said the committee has heard testimony on this topic from more than one person. All three people spoke on condition of anonymity. Reached for comment, Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich blasted the committee.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies, archived May 25, 2022

Former thinker Naomi Wolf says WHO forces will occupy the US next week. The invasion of the body snatchers in Q-land has devoured yet another human mind. The once widely respected thinker Naomi Wolf is now sounding the alarm about a WHO takeover, which will be occupying the United States by next week. Yes, the Beauty Myth author and former campaign advisor to Bill Clinton warned YouTube's Charlie Kirk about the impending coup d'état with a straight face yesterday (see clip below). But she does have hope, thanks to the millions of gun owners who will be ready for the civil war that is about to break out. "A war is being waged on us, and we have to face the fact. … Thank god for the second amendment," she said. The only reason we are not "enslaved" the way Australia and Singapore are is "because we have millions of owners of guns. … it is harder to subjugate an armed population." "I really hope that it doesn't devolve into civil war, which is really what the next thing is in history when you have an occupying force," she said, "which is what the WHO will be, you know, by next week."

QAnon gains mainstream appeal with tens of millions in GOP funding. According to a new investigation by Grid, there are at least 78 QAnon candidates, backed by tens of millions of GOP dollars (20 million in this cycle, over 30 million since 2018), running for state or federal office — including governorships, secretaries of state, state legislature seats, and federal house and senate seats — in more than 26 states in this upcoming election cycle. Grid concludes, "QAnon appears to be a growing political movement with increasing clout and significant mainstream appeal."

Cheney warns of ‘threat we have never faced’ in jab at Trump during award speech. In a speech as a recipient of the JFK award, Cheney highlighted the contrasts between past presidents who honored the “sacred obligation” of the transfer of power after an election loss to what happened on Jan. 6, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol in a bid to overturn certification of the 2020 election. “This sacred obligation to defend the peaceful transfer of power has been honored by every American president except one,” Cheney said. “The question for every one of us is in this time of testing, will we do our duty, will we defend our constitution, will we stand for truth, will we put duty to our oath above partisan politics? “Or will we look away from danger, ignore the threat, embrace the lies and enable the liar?” Cheney continued. “As we face a threat we have never faced before — a former president attempting to unravel our constitutional republic — at this moment we must all summon the courage to stand against that.” In her Sunday speech, Cheney repeated that the honorable transfer of power was the cornerstone of democracy. She said after the U.S. won its independence from England after the revolutionary war, George Washington handed over the power of the continental army over to Congress. “With this noble act, George Washington set the indispensable example of the peaceful transfer of power in our country,” Cheney said. “In our Republic, some things have to matter.”

Oracle’s Larry Ellison joined Nov. 2020 call about contesting Trump’s loss. The Nov. 14 call included Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.); Fox News host Sean Hannity; Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump; and James Bopp Jr., an attorney for True the Vote, a Texas-based nonprofit that has promoted disputed claims of widespread voter fraud.

Ginni Thomas' emails deepen her involvement in 2020 election. Newly discovered emails show that Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, was more deeply involved in baseless efforts to overturn the 2020 election than previously known. Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a conservative political activist, urged Republican lawmakers in Arizona after the 2020 presidential election to choose their own slate of electors, arguing that results giving Joe Biden a victory in the state were marred by fraud. The revelations first published by The Washington Post on Friday show that Thomas was more involved than previously known in efforts, based on unsubstantiated claims of fraud, to overturn Biden's victory and keep then-President Donald Trump in office.

Group Chat Linked to Roger Stone Shows Ties Among Jan. 6 Figures. The roster of participants highlights how Mr. Stone, the pro-Trump political operative, was involved with a strikingly large number of people who sought to overturn the 2020 election. There were “Stop the Steal” organizers, right-wing influencers, Florida state legislative aides and more than one failed candidate loyal to former President Donald J. Trump. One participant ran a website that promoted disinformation about the Capitol attack. Another was an officer in the Army Reserve allied with Michael T. Flynn, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser. "Owen Shroyer, the right-hand man of the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones; Enrique Tarrio, the onetime chairman of the Proud Boys; and Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers militia." Pete Santilli, a veteran right-wing radio host. Named on the list are activists like Marsha Lessard and Christina Skaggs, leaders of a group called the Virginia Freedom Keepers who helped to organize an anti-vaccine rally scheduled for the east side of the Capitol on Jan. 6. Ms. Lessard and Ms. Skaggs worked with another anti-vaccine activist, Ty Bollinger, who was also on the list. Ali Alexander, one of the most prominent Stop the Steal organizers who planned his own event at the Capitol that day, was on the list as well. Bianca Gracia, the leader of a group called Latinos for Trump. At least one of Mr. Stone’s Oath Keeper bodyguards, Joshua James, has pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy charges in the Capitol attack and is cooperating with the government’s inquiry. Kellye SoRelle, a lawyer for the Oath Keepers, was part of the Friends of Stone chat as well and is also said to be cooperating with prosecutors in the riot investigation. Nayib Hassan, Mr. Tarrio’s lawyer, declined to comment on his client’s role in the chat. two other Florida Proud Boys whose names appear on the Friends of Stone membership list: Jacobs Engels and Tyler Ziolkowski. Ivan Raiklin, an Army Reserve lieutenant colonel who promoted a plan after the election to pressure Vice President Mike Pence not to certify electors from several disputed swing states. This plan, which Mr. Raiklin called the “Pence Card,” was ultimately taken up by Mr. Trump and some of his legal advisers, like the lawyer John Eastman.

President Donald Trump was so deeply involved in the desperate, last-ditch effort to overturn the 2020 election results that he hand-wrote strategy notes, hired at least ten lawyers to work on just one court case, and spoke regularly with one of his lead lawyers both directly and through six conduits. John Eastman, the law professor tapped by Trump to craft a legal strategy to keep him in power, detailed those extensive communications in a new court filing late Thursday as he argued it should all be shielded from the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection because of attorney-client privilege or attorney work product protections.

QAnon’s Chief Enabler Ran a Website Where He Brushed Off Concerns About Pedophilic Content. A little-known archive unveils a dark irony behind the right’s child protection conspiracy. 8chan’s proprietor is Jim Watkins—an American but often Philippines-based pornographer, pig farmer, and internet forum entrepreneur. Over the years, Watkins and his team took special steps to keep the Q posts coming and purportedly verify their provenance, ensuring the poster’s continued access to their followers. While 8chan’s historic association with child sexual abuse material is familiar to close observers of the QAnon conspiracy, Mother Jones has reviewed a little-known archive documenting conversations in the moderation channel of Pink, an earlier internet forum, that capture Watkins, the site’s administrator, pushing for a hands-off approach to the moderation of child porn-related content there. Entries in the archive, created between 2004 and 2018, show he was slow to address concerns about child pornography and sometimes dismissed advice from moderators seeking to stop the spread of potentially illegal content. They repeatedly record moderators of Watkins’ forum coming to him for advice on how to handle issues related to child sex abuse material and pedophilic content, and Watkins responding with blasé indifference. Fredrick Brennan, the original founder of 8chan, alerted Mother Jones to the logs’ existence and put me in touch with researchers at the QOrigins Project, who have made a more user-friendly backup of the archive. “Ali we probably need to talk,” Brennan, a former associate and now adversary of Watkins, first messaged me on Signal in March, explaining that he had been looking back at Pink records housed on the Internet Archive. “I was investigating Jim for something I thought was innocuous today, helping somebody who makes memes of him find more of his old photos. While doing that I discovered a few things…long conversations from circa 2009 and before between Jim Watkins and the Japanese users of BBSPINK. Almost all of the discussion keeps going back to child porn.” BBSPINK, or just “Pink,” is a text-only not-safe-for-work bulletin board system that started in 2001 as an offshoot of 2channel—the very popular Japanese precursor of both 4chan and 8chan. Pink was created as a place to divert 2channel users’ lewder content and presented as separate forum, but was run off the same servers as 2channel and managed by an overlapping team that included Watkins. He became the admin of the NSFW forum in 2002, and started hosting both Pink and 2channel on his servers in 2004. Brennan started working as the technical lead of 2channel in 2016, holding the position until departing in 2018.

John Eastman, Trump's former lawyer, asked Pennsylvania lawmakers to throw out absentee ballots to overturn Biden win. "For example, depending on how many ballots were counted that were received after the statutory deadline (say 10,000 for example's purpose), those 10,000 votes need to be discarded, and you can take the absentee ballot ratio for each candidate in the counties were late-received ballots were illegally counted and deduct the pro-rated amount from each candidate's total," Eastman wrote to Pennsylvania Republican state Rep. Russ Diamond on Dec. 4, 2020. "Then, having done that math, you'd be left with a significant Trump lead that would bolster the argument for the Legislature adopting a slate of Trump electors — perfectly within your authority to do anyway, but now bolstered by the untainted popular vote," he continued. "That would help provide some cover." The Colorado Ethics Institute obtained the Eastman emails via a Freedom of Information Act request for Eastman's communications while he was employed by the University of Colorado-Boulder from August 2020 until May 2021. The Denver Post first reported on the emails, which were later obtained by ABC News.

Evidence mounts of GOP involvement in Trump election schemes. In early December 2020, several lawmakers attended a meeting in the White House counsel’s office where attorneys for the president advised them that a plan to put up an alternate slate of electors declaring Trump the winner was not “legally sound.” One lawmaker, Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, pushed back on that position. So did GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida and Louie Gohmert of Texas, according to testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, a former special assistant in the Trump White House. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia testified in a hearing in April that she does not recall conversations she had with the White House or the texts she sent to Meadows about Trump invoking martial law. Gohmert told AP he also does not recall being involved and that he is not sure he could be helpful to the committee’s investigation. Rep. Jody Hice of Georgia played down his actions, saying it is routine for members of the president’s party to be going in and out of the White House to speak about a number of topics. Hice is now running for secretary of state in Georgia, a position responsible for the state’s elections. Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona didn’t deny his public efforts to challenge the election results but called recent reports about his deep involvement untrue. In a statement Saturday, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona reiterated his “serious” concerns about the 2020 election. “Discussions about the Electoral Count Act were appropriate, necessary and warranted,” he added. In another meeting about Pence’s potential role, Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis were joined again by Perry and Jordan as well as Greene and Lauren Boebert, a Republican who had also just been elected to the House from Colorado.

Watch this chilling 5-minute recap of Trump's coup attempt, and the ominous aftermath. Yale historian Timothy Snyder spelled out the GOP fascist takeover plan in July 2021: The scenario then goes like this. The Republicans win back the House and Senate in 2022, in part thanks to voter suppression. The Republican candidate in 2024 loses the popular vote by several million and the electoral vote by the margin of a few states. State legislatures, claiming fraud, alter the electoral count vote. The House and Senate accept that altered count. The losing candidate becomes the president. We no longer have "democratically elected government." And people are angry. No one is seeking to hide that this is the plan. It is right there out in the open. The prospective Republican candidates for 2024, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley, are all running on a big lie platform. If your platform is that elections do not work, you are saying that you intend to come to power some other way. The big lie is designed not to win an election, but to discredit one. Any candidate who tells it is alienating most Americans, and preparing a minority for a scenario where fraud is claimed. This is just what Trump tried in 2020, and it led to a coup attempt in January 2021. It will be worse in January 2025. @MeidasTouch There is only one party that has been hijacked by extremists.

Meadows's texts show Trump supporters workshopping January 6 lies during Capitol attack. Antifa didn’t show up, but Republicans got busy trying to blame them anyway. The right-wing echo chamber has spent nearly 17 months trying to reframe the January 6 attack on Congress as an inside job, the fault of Nancy Pelosi, the work of antifa, or really anything other than what it actually was — an attack on Congress incited by Trump, perpetrated by Trump supporters, and representing a last-ditch attempt to effectively end US democracy to install a racist former gameshow host as dictator. The most recent revelations from the House committee investigating the attack provide fascinating insight into the origins of Trumpworld’s campaign of lies. A new batch of texts shows Trump supporters brainstorming to rewrite history in real time, and planting the seeds for a year-plus of gaslighting. According to texts to and from Mark Meadows (published Monday by CNN and representing the entire tranche of messages Meadows turned over to the January 6 committee), on the same day Trump supporters ransacked the Capitol, Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Louie Gohmert, and Trump’s aide and son-in-law Jared Kusher all texted Meadows with evidence-free ideas about how blame could be shifted to antifa.

Kevin McCarthy, the senior Republican in the House of Representatives, privately accused one of his colleagues of “putting people in jeopardy” in the wake of the January 6 insurrection, according to a leaked audio recording. In a phone call with Republican leaders on 10 January 2021, McCarthy said that Matt Gaetz, a Florida congressman and ardent Trump supporter, was putting Americans at risk with his comments after the assault on the US Capitol that left five people dead. The New York Times obtained a recording of the call, in which McCarthy and Republicans including Steve Scalise, the No 2 House Republican, discussed an interview Gaetz had given where he attacked GOP members who had criticized Trump. “He’s putting people in jeopardy,” McCarthy said of Gaetz. “And he doesn’t need to be doing this. We saw what people would do in the Capitol, you know, and these people came prepared with rope, with everything else.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene discussed martial law to keep Trump in power, text messages show. "In our private chat with only Members, several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall law [sic]," Greene texted Trump's then-chief of staff, Mark Meadows, on Jan. 17, 2021, 11 days after a pro-Trump mob attacked the U.S. Capitol to try to stop the certification of the vote. The messages were revealed Monday by CNN, which said it obtained all 2,319 text messages that Meadows selectively handed over to the House select Jan. 6 committee in late 2021 before he decided not to cooperate with the panel. The authenticity of the messages was confirmed to ABC News by people who have seen them. MORE: Marjorie Taylor Greene testifies under oath about Jan. 6. "I don’t know on those things," Greene continued in her exchange with Meadows. "I just wanted you to tell him. They stole this election. We all know. They will destroy our country next. Please tell him to declassify as much as possible so we can go after Biden and anyone else!" Last Friday, Green became the first member of Congress to publicly testify under oath about the events surrounding the Capitol attack. When asked specifically about martial law and whether or not she discussed the idea of using it to keep Trump in power with either the former president, his chief of staff, or anyone else in the administration, Greene repeatedly said, "I don't recall."

An ‘exhilarated’ McConnell said Trump ‘totally discredited himself’ with Jan. 6: book. McConnell reportedly felt “exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself.” The exchange was reported by The Washington Post, The Independent and a number of other outlets who obtained excerpts of the book. The conversation reportedly took place early on Jan. 7, 2021, just hours after the Capitol was ransacked by a group of Trump’s supporters. “He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger,” McConnell said, according to the book. “Couldn’t have happened at a better time.” Martin and Burns also write that the Republican senator asked them “What do you hear about the Twenty-Fifth Amendment?” and said he was “eager for intelligence about whether his fellow Republicans were discussing removing Trump from office,” the Post added. They added in the book that the Kentucky politician “seemed almost buoyant” and that he said Trump was “pretty thoroughly discredited”.

The Strangest Exchanges From the Mark Meadows Text Dumps.

Pence Refusing to Get in Secret Service Car on Jan. 6 'Chilling': Raskin. This moment was previously reported during an interview for the book I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year, by Washington Post reporters Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig. According to Tim Giebels, the lead agent inside of Pence's security on January 6, Pence repeatedly refused to be evacuated from the Capitol until the election results were certified, The Washington Examiner reported. "I'm not getting in the car, Tim," Pence said, in response to Giebels' insistence that he enter the armored vehicle. "I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car. If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I'm not getting in the car."

Jan. 6 Committee Findings Are So Explosive They Will ‘Blow the Roof Off the House,’ Rep. Jamie Raskin Says. “This was not a coup directed at the president,” the panel member said on Thursday. “It was a coup directed by the president against the vice president and against the Congress.” Raskin, who serves on the committee, said hearings are expected in June, with a comprehensive report about the committee’s findings to be released by late summer or early fall. The timing and content of the report could aid Democrats in the run-up to the midterm elections.

Marjorie Taylor Greene forced to admit she called for Pelosi to get death penalty. ‘Oh no, wait, hold on now’.

GOP lawmakers were deeply involved in Trump plans to overturn election, new evidence suggests. Deposition excerpts filed by the Jan 6. select committee underscore the expansive cast of elected Republicans who had enlisted themselves in Trump’s effort to cling to power. Lawmakers who attended meetings, in person or by phone, included Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and numerous members of the House Freedom Caucus, according to Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to Meadows who provided key testimony about the conversations and meetings Meadows had in December 2020. The committee also indicated it has come to believe Trump did not attempt to contact any federal law enforcement agency amid the riot, pointing to testimony from former Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, former Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen and his deputy Richard Donoghue, who indicated he never connected with Trump that day. “I never spoke to the President that day,” Donoghue told the panel. “He was not on any calls that I was on.” The panel concluded: “It is also now clear that Mr. Trump never telephoned his Secretary of Defense that day to order deployment of National Guard, and never contacted any federal law enforcement agency to order security assistance to the Capitol Police.”

A day before the 2020 presidential election, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas mugged for the camera wearing a Trump baseball cap with her friend Connie Hair, chief of staff to GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, at an event supporting the then-President in pictures posted on Facebook at the time. A month later, in her now-infamous texts to Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, referred to Hair and claims about election fraud while urging Meadows to fight the election result. Around that same time, Hair’s boss, Gohmert, filed or supported two lawsuits challenging the election that eventually landed before the Supreme Court. Ginni Thomas’ years-long relationship with Hair, including social outings that Clarence Thomas attended, as well as her texting with Meadows add another dimension to an ongoing debate over whether her husband should recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election and the January 6 insurrection, especially when his wife is closely aligned to people who advocated overturning the election.

Text message trove shows Oath Keepers discussing security details for Trump associates. Top members of the Oath Keepers now facing seditious conspiracy charges chatted for days about providing security for some of the highest-profile figures associated with Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the election, according to a newly released trove of text messages. Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and top allies like Florida Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs discussed plans to provide security for figures like Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Ali Alexander and Michael Flynn on Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, describing potential partnerships with other groups and security details.

Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel who helped allies of Donald Trump promote false claims of election fraud, is suing to block the Jan. 6 select committee from obtaining his phone records from AT&T. Waldron initiated the lawsuit in Collin County, Texas, courts in late February, records show, but AT&T transferred the matter to federal court on Friday. In his filings, Waldron describes himself as a “consultant” hired by Texas-based attorneys “to assist in the investigation of matters related to the Election for clients of [the] Attorneys.” Waldron is represented in the lawsuit by William Bundren, who also served as the attorney for a handful of pro-Trump activists who tried to sue former Vice President Mike Pence and claimed to be the legitimate presidential electors from states Biden won. The select committee subpoenaed Waldron himself for testimony and documents in December but has revealed little about its interactions with him since. Bernard Kerik, an ally of Trump and Rudy Giuliani who also testified to the Jan. 6 select committee, told lawmakers that it was Waldron’s idea for Trump to sign an executive order to seize voting machines. Trump discussed the idea with advisers in mid-December but never approved the order. Waldron is represented in the lawsuit by William Bundren, who also served as the attorney for a handful of pro-Trump activists who tried to sue former Vice President Mike Pence and claimed to be the legitimate presidential electors from states Biden won.

QAnon, the ‘People’s Convoy,’ and Neo-Nazis Mingle at L.A. Anti-Vaxx Rally. It was billed as a rally against vaccine mandates. I witnessed something much darker, and much more frightening. As a journalist covering QAnon and fascism in Los Angeles, I’ve seen a lot in the past couple years. I’ve seen danger and violence, heard crazy conspiracies and angry confrontations, and tracked a movement as it spirals deeper and deeper into insanity. It has worn on me, and there are things I’ve seen that I’d like to forget, like people yelling “save our children,” a chant that drones on and on like an endless scream inside your mind. I went to see it all again last Sunday, April 10th, at a mass anti-vaxx rally in downtown L.A., where the movement faithful gathered for a “Defeat the Mandates” rally at Grand Park near City Hall. The rally, at least in its stated purpose, was a protest against city and county requirements that require most public workers to either get vaccinated against a disease that has killed 987,000 Americans. The rally had a full 6 hours worth of speakers — a mix of local anti-vaxxers with a few national figures — and I thought I was ready for it. But what I witnessed during those hours was one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen. I saw an unholy, dark alliance best described as “festival fascism” — where QAnon, the People’s Convoy, and Dr. Robert Malone can fuse together in ways which make them more powerful than they’ve ever been.

FBI Documents Expose Bureau‘s Big Jan. 6 ‘Lie‘. The bureau says it lacked the authority to monitor social media activity ahead of the pro-Trump insurrection, but it did exactly that during 2020 racial justice and police violence protests. The documents refer to teams of employees engaged in what law-enforcement agencies call “social-media exploitation,” or SOMEX. According to the documents, SOMEX teams gather reams of data from social media and distribute that information to special agents and other law-enforcement representatives. The documents show SOMEX data included in situation reports, or “sitreps,” distributed within the bureau.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies. archiver April 15 2022

In a D.C. jail, Jan. 6 defendants awaiting trial are forming bitter factions. Inside the Washington, D.C., jail, where a group of defendants charged in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol have been held for as long as a year or more, a bitter divide is growing, current and former inmates say. Some ended up scattered in jails close to their homes. But a few dozen (the precise number has fluctuated) were incarcerated in the city where the Jan. 6 attack took place, in Washington, D.C.'s Correctional Treatment Facility. The District's Department of Corrections decided for the inmates' "own safety and security" to detain all of the Jan. 6 defendants in just one part of the facility, a section known as C2B. The main driver of this conflict, according to C2B inmates, along with their attorneys and family members, is the growing pool of money donated in the name of the Jan. 6 defendants. An alphabet soup of groups has sprung up to support the Jan. 6 defendants — from A4J (Americans For Justice Inc.), to CAPP (Citizens Against Political Persecution), to PFP (Patriot Freedom Project) and PMP (Patriot Mail Project). As donations have grown, so have resentments. And the conflict that has built inside the jail has been amplified outside by a kind of power struggle over who speaks for the so-called political prisoners. When Brandon Fellows first arrived in C2B in the summer of 2021, he hoped to find camaraderie with his fellow "patriots," as he calls them. He said the government had made an "enemy" by prosecuting him and that he rejected a plea offer from the government that would have resulted in a sentence of time served — meaning, he would go free. "I just don't negotiate with terrorists," he said. But then Fellows said he found out the group, led by Cynthia Hughes of New Jersey, was going to pick and choose which defendants and families to support. "The people that gave to Patriot Freedom Project believed that they were giving to help with the legal and financial cause for the men and women themselves. It wasn't for [Cynthia Hughes] to select and choose," said Troy Smocks. Smocks' photo was also featured on the group's website until recently, even though he said the group has not given him any money. Hughes is personally close to one defendant, Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, whom she has described as an "adoptive nephew." Hale-Cusanelli's defense attorney is actually court-appointed, and so the government — not Patriot Freedom Project — pays for Hale-Cusanelli's defense. But other inmates said they were concerned they had to "suck up" to Hale-Cusanelli to get access to donations. Federal prosecutors have accused Hale-Cusanelli, a former Army reservist, of being a white supremacist and Holocaust denier. Hale-Cusanelli allegedly breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 but has not been accused of violence or property damage. He has pleaded not guilty but was detained before trial because a federal judge found that he posed a danger to the community.

Guilty: Jury quickly convicts Capitol rioter who blamed Trump for January 6. A judge ordered him behind bars before sentencing. A jury found Capitol rioter Dustin Thompson guilty Thursday on charges he obstructed a congressional proceeding and stole a coat tree from a Senate office on January 6, 2021, rejecting a defense argument that attempted to shift blame for the day's violence onto former President Donald Trump. After just a few hours of deliberations, the jury convicted Thompson, 38, on all six charges he faced in connection with January 6, including obstruction of an official proceeding, trespassing on restricted Capitol grounds, and theft of government property. On the obstruction charge alone, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, but he's likely to receive a lighter punishment. Judge Reggie Walton ordered Thompson detained ahead of his July 20 sentencing, in a decision that appeared to surprise the now-convicted Capitol rioter and his defense lawyer. Walton raised concerns that Thompson posed a flight risk and said that, if released before his sentencing, Americans would wonder, "Why is he still walking free?"

One week before an angry mob stormed the Capitol, a communications expert named Jason Sullivan, a onetime aide to Roger Stone, joined a conference call with a group of President Donald Trump’s supporters and made an urgent plea. After assuring his listeners that the 2020 election had been stolen, Sullivan told them that they had to go to Washington on Jan. 6, 2021 — the day that Congress was to meet to finalize the electoral count — and “descend on the Capitol,” according to a recording of the call obtained by The New York Times. While Sullivan claimed that he was “not inciting violence or any kind of riots,” he urged those on the call to make their presence felt at the Capitol in a way that would intimidate members of Congress, telling the group that they had to ensure that lawmakers inside the building “understand that people are breathing down their necks.” in the recording of the call, Sullivan can be heard telling his listeners that the lawmakers inside the Capitol “need to feel pressure.” “If we make the people inside that building sweat and they understand that they may not be able to walk in the streets any longer if they do the wrong thing, then maybe they’ll do the right thing,” he said. “We have to put that pressure there.” As the Justice Department widens its inquiry, federal prosecutors are using a grand jury in Washington to gather information on political organizers, speakers and so-called VIPs connected to a series of pro-Trump rallies after the 2020 election. One prominent planner of those rallies, Ali Alexander, received a subpoena from the grand jury and said last week that he intended to comply with its requests. In the run-up to Jan. 6, Alexander publicly discussed a pressure campaign against lawmakers that was meant to stop the final electoral count, saying he was working with Reps. Mo Brooks of Alabama and Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar of Arizona, all Republicans.

Trump Gives An Interview That Will Have Investigators Licking Their Chops. In an April 7 interview in the Washington Post, he said at least three things that investigators have already disproven or will look to quickly disprove. False stories are commonly cover-ups for truths we wish to hide. Even for someone like Trump, who lies gratuitously, false statements that one goes out of one’s way to publish—as by arranging an interview with the most prominent newspaper in Washington—are special cases.

  1. “I thought it was a shame. I hated seeing it. I hated seeing it.” Trump was speaking of the Capitol siege. But within two days of it, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt that he’d heard from White House aides that Trump was “delighted” by the attack.
  2. “I kept asking why isn’t . . . Nancy Pelosi doing something about it? And the mayor of D.C. also. The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge. And I said, ‘It’s got to be taken care of,’ and I assumed they were taking care of it.” Again, multiple Trump aides have testified before the select committee. You can bet that we would know about it if they had said that the former President “kept asking why Nancy Pelosi isn’t doing something about” the attack.
  3. “I don’t remember getting very many [telephone calls that day]. . . . Why would I care about who called me? If congressmen were calling me, what difference did it make?” Trump says he talked to “other people” besides the two men who have disclosed their calls, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH). But he says he “could not say exactly who he talked to that afternoon, or when.”

The Arizona Republican Party was jubilant at the news, delivered in Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s interim report on the findings of the Maricopa County election audit. There are the six felons who somehow allegedly managed to vote while in Pima County jail. And there are three women who returned their recently deceased mothers’ early ballots. Two of them live in Maricopa County, one in Cochise County. So. Nine cases of election fraud. Out of 3.4 million votes cast. State GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward was practically orgasmic.

Text From Donald Trump Jr. Set Out Strategies to Fight Election Outcome. Former President Donald Trump’s eldest son sent the White House chief of staff a text message two days after Election Day in 2020 that laid out strategies for declaring his father the winner regardless of the electoral outcome, people familiar with the exchange said Friday. The text, which was reported earlier by CNN, was sent two days before Joe Biden was declared the winner of the election. The recipient, Mark Meadows, turned a cache of his text messages over to the House committee investigating the events leading up to the deadly riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as the Electoral College results in Biden’s favor were being certified. “It’s very simple,” Donald Trump Jr. wrote to Meadows on Nov. 5, 2020. He wrote at another point, “We have multiple paths We control them all.” The message went on to lay out a variety of options that the elder Trump or his allies ultimately employed in trying to overturn the results of the election, from legal challenges to promoting alternative slates of electors to focusing efforts on the statutory date of Jan. 6 for certification of the Electoral College results. Trump and a number of his advisers pressured Vice President Mike Pence to use his ceremonial role in the Electoral College certification to upend the process, something Pence was adamant was beyond his authority. The text message that Donald Trump Jr. sent to Meadows acknowledged that scenario, which was championed by a lawyer advising the president, John C. Eastman. “We either have a vote WE control and WE win OR it gets kicked to Congress 6 January 2021,” the text message said.

Trump says Secret Service blocked him from joining Jan. 6 march to the Capitol. The “Secret Service said I couldn’t go. I would have gone there in a minute," the former president said. In a wide-ranging interview at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida with Post reporter Josh Dawsey, Trump spoke about the Jan. 6 insurrection, repeated claims of a stolen election and weighed in on the possibility of a 2024 presidential campaign. On at least a dozen occasions throughout their conversation, Dawsey wrote, Trump blamed the events of Jan. 6 on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “I thought it was a shame, and I kept asking why isn’t she doing something about it? Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi doing something about it?” Trump said. “And the mayor of D.C. also. The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge.” Trump repeatedly said in his Wednesday interview with The Post that he deserved more credit for the size of the crowd he drew to the “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse, just outside the White House. “The crowd was far bigger than I even thought. I believe it was the largest crowd I’ve ever spoken to,” Trump said. “I don’t know what that means, but you see very few pictures. They don’t want to show pictures, the fake news doesn’t want to show pictures. But this was a tremendous crowd.”

Documentary by Frontline and ProPublica Reveals Plot to Overturn the Election Origins of the Stolen Election Myth. Part of the Frontline and ProPublica project focuses on a group that gathered in the weeks after the 2020 election on a South Carolina plantation owned by conservative defamation attorney Lin Wood. Using the property as a temporary headquarters, a team of lawyers and cybersecurity experts gathered and synthesized what they claimed was evidence of election fraud. This group, which included Michael Flynn, the retired three-star Army general and former national security adviser to Trump, and Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of, became a key originator of the since-discredited idea that foreign communist governments had hacked voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems. The belief was central to justifying the efforts of Trump and his allies to reverse the results of the election. I noticed similarities between content that We_Have_Risen had posted and information that was included in an affidavit submitted by a firm in Texas called Allied Security Operations Group. Dallas-based company Allied Security Operations Group, or ASOG. A public face of the company is a retired Army colonel named Phil Waldron. ASOG’s report claimed that the voting machines in Antrim, made by a company called Dominion, were intentionally designed to produce fraud and to alter the election’s result. Doug Logan was Lin's "cybersecurity expert." Like Lin said, "This is my cybersecurity expert, Doug Logan," right? "From Cyber Ninjas," or whatever. Josh Merritt had been an early employee of ASOG, and Hancock tells me he was an important contributor to the Dominion conspiracy theory. In presenting their findings, Logan and his colleagues don’t dwell on the fact that based on their recount, Biden still won. Instead, Logan reels off a litany of misleading claims. An in-depth analysis of the audit produced by Maricopa County said that "nearly every finding included 'faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions and a lack of understanding of federal and state election law.'" Logan wouldn't go on camera for an interview, but in an email he stood by his work, saying it was the first “forensic election audit” ever conducted and that he had experts working alongside him. Bill Gates, a member of Maricopa’s board of supervisors and a lifelong Republican. Gates and his colleagues commissioned the 93-page analysis of the audit. This audit is a sham. They're sending out misinformation, half-truths, and then that is being seized upon by the president and others to perpetuate the "big lie." SEN. WENDY ROGERS (R), Arizona Senate

Trump’s 8-hour gap: Minute-by-minute during Jan. 6 riot. At 4:08 p.m. Trump went out to the Rose Garden. At 4:17 p.m. he released a scripted, pre-recorded video, which included a call for “peace” and “law and order” and finally told his supporters “you have to go home now.” But they didn’t. Things were still wildly out of control. In fact, the Capitol building was not secured until 5:34 p.m. At 6:01, Trump’s message was back to indignant: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long,” he wrote. “Remember this day forever!” At 6:27, he went back to the residence, and started calling his lawyers.

Inside Pence-world's preparation for a Jan. 6 legal showdown. The former vice president asked his top lawyer to draft a memo — first obtained by POLITICO — a month before the Jan. 6 Capitol attack that laid out the history of counting electoral votes.

Revealed: Trump used White House phone for call on January 6 that was not on official log. Trump’s call to Republican senator should have been reflected in presidential call log on day of Capitol attack but wasn’t. The former president called the phone of a Republican senator, Mike Lee, with a number recorded as 202-395-0000, a placeholder number that shows up when a call is incoming from a number of White House department phones, the sources said. The number corresponds to an official White House phone and the call was placed by Donald Trump himself, which means the call should have been recorded in the internal presidential call log that was turned over to the House select committee investigating the Capitol attack. Trump called Lee at 2.26pm on January 6 through the official 202-395-0000 White House number, according to call detail records reviewed by the Guardian and confirmation by the two sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters. The call was notable as Trump mistakenly dialed Lee thinking it was the number for Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville. Lee passed the phone to Tuberville, who told Trump Mike Pence had just been removed from the Senate chamber as rioters stormed the Capitol. But Trump’s call to Lee was not recorded in either the presidential daily diary or the presidential call log – a problem because even though entries in the daily diary are discretionary, according to several current and former White House officials, the call log is not. The presidential daily diary is a retrospective record of the president’s day produced by aides in the Oval Office, who have some sway to determine whether a particular event was significant enough to warrant its inclusion, the officials said. But the presidential call log, typically generated from data recorded when calls are placed by the White House operators, is supposed to be a comprehensive record of all incoming and outgoing calls involving the president through White House channels, the officials said.

Who Is Behind QAnon? Linguistic Detectives Find Fingerprints. Using machine learning, separate teams of computer scientists identified the same two men as likely authors of messages that fueled the viral movement. “Open your eyes,” the online post began, claiming, “Many in our govt worship Satan.” That warning, published on a freewheeling online message board in October 2017, was the beginning of the movement now known as QAnon. Paul Furber was its first apostle. The outlandish claim made perfect sense to Mr. Furber, a South African software developer and tech journalist long fascinated with American politics and conspiracy theories, he said in an interview. He still clung to “Pizzagate,” the debunked online lie that liberal Satanists were trafficking children from a Washington restaurant. He was also among the few who understood an obscure reference in the message to “Operation Mockingbird,” an alleged C.I.A. scheme to manipulate the news media. As the stream of messages, most signed only “Q,” grew into a sprawling conspiracy theory, the mystery surrounding their authorship became a central fascination for its followers — who was the anonymous Q? Now two teams of forensic linguists say their analysis of the Q texts shows that Mr. Furber, one of the first online commentators to call attention to the earliest messages, actually played the lead role in writing them. Sleuths hunting for the writer behind Q have increasingly overlooked Mr. Furber and focused their speculation on another QAnon booster: Ron Watkins, who operated a website where the Q messages began appearing in 2018 and is now running for Congress in Arizona. And the scientists say they found evidence to back up those suspicions as well. Mr. Watkins appears to have taken over from Mr. Furber at the beginning of 2018. Both deny writing as Q.

White House phone logs turned over to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot show an unexplained seven-hour gap, according to a bombshell report out Tuesday morning. Records obtained by Bob Woodward of The Washington Post and Robert Costa of CBS News show a gap in Donald Trump’s phone records from 11:17 a.m. to 6:54 p.m.—the period when thousands of his supporters were invading the Capitol in a violent bid to prevent a joint session of Congress certifying Joe Biden’s election victory. The 11 pages of notes obtained by the Post and CBS News included five pages with the header “THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP” that outlined some of his activities that day—although not in much detail. The diary notes Trump addressing supporters at a “Stop the Steal” rally at the Ellipse at midday and his return to the White House at 1:19 p.m. before meeting "with his Valet" at 1:21 p.m. The riot started shortly after 2 p.m. when as many as 2,500 Trump supporters, some of them armed, forced their way into the Capitol, but the next entry on the White House diary is not until 4:03 p.m., when Trump went to the Rose Garden to record a message for the mob.

Federal judge: President Trump likely violated two criminal statutes in connection w/Jan 6. If “President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution.” In the months following the election, numerous credible sources–from the President’s inner circle to agency leadership to statisticians–informed President Trump and Dr. Eastman that there was no evidence of election fraud. One week after the election, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency declared “[t]he November 3rd election [] the most secure in American history” and found “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”17 An internal Trump Campaign memo concluded in November that fraud claims related to Dominion voting machines were baseless.18 In early December, Attorney General Barr publicly stated there was no evidence of fraud, and on December 27, Deputy Attorney General Donoghue privately told President Trump that after “dozens of investigations, hundreds of interviews,” the Department of Justice had concluded that “the major allegations [of election fraud] are not supported by the evidence developed.”

Ginni Thomas pressed for GOP lawmakers to protest 2020 election results. The conservative activist and wife of a Supreme Court justice said in a November 2020 email that Republicans weren't doing enough to help Trump and needed to be "out in the streets." Ginni Thomas pressed for GOP lawmakers to protest 2020 election results The conservative activist and wife of a Supreme Court justice said in a November 2020 email that Republicans weren't doing enough to help Trump and needed to be "out in the streets."

QAnon's 'Great Awakening' failed to materialize. What's next could be worse. Believers who were stymied by Trump’s exit could turn to white nationalism and other extremist beliefs, experts say. hortly before Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States, Dave Hayes – a longtime QAnon influencer who goes by the name Praying Medic – posted a photo of dark storm clouds gathering over the US Capitol on the rightwing social media platform Gab. “What a beautiful black sky,” he wrote to his 92,000 followers, appending a thunderclap emoji. The message was clear to those well-versed in QAnon lore: “the Storm” – the day of reckoning when Donald Trump and his faithful allies in the military would declare martial law, round up all their many political enemies, and send them to Guantánamo Bay for execution by hanging – was finally here. 20 January 2021 wouldn’t mark the end of Trump’s presidency, but the beginning of “the Great Awakening”. Instead, Trump slunk off to Florida and Biden took the oath of office under a clear blue sky. Now QAnon adherents are left to figure out how to move forward in a world that, time and time again, has proven impervious to their fevered fantasies and fascistic predictions. And while some seem to be waking up to reality, others are doubling down, raising concerns among experts that the movement is ripe for even more extreme radicalization.

First on CNN: January 6 committee has text messages between Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows. The House Select Committee investigating the January 6 riot has in its possession more than two dozen text messages between former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, a conservative activist and the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, according to multiple sources familiar with the messages. These text messages, according to sources, took place between early November 2020 and mid-January 2021. Thomas recently revealed that she attended the pro-Trump rally that preceded the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, but says she "played no role" in planning the events of that day. The content of the text messages may be of interest to the committee's investigation, because it asked Meadows in a subpoena to turn over "both documents and your deposition testimony regarding these and other matters that are within the scope of the committee's activity."

A federal judge on Tuesday convicted an elected official from New Mexico of illegally entering restricted U.S. Capitol grounds but acquitted him of engaging in disorderly conduct during the riot that disrupted Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential election victory. U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden heard one day of testimony without a jury on Monday before handing down a verdict in the misdemeanor case against Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin, a 48-year-old former rodeo rider who helped found a group called Cowboys for Trump. McFadden, an appointee of then-President Donald Trump, said there was ample evidence that Griffin knew he was in a restricted area and didn’t leave. Griffin crossed over three walls, needing help from others or a ladder to get over them, the judge noted. “All of this would suggest to a normal person that perhaps you should not be entering the area,” McFadden said from the bench.

Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff and a national campaign spokesperson were involved in efforts to encourage the president’s supporters to march on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. That’s according to a person who says he overheard a key planning conversation between top Trump officials and the organizers of the Jan. 6 rally on the White House Ellipse — and has since testified to House investigators about the phone call. Trump and his allies have tried to minimize his role in calling his supporters to the Capitol and argue he was simply participating in a lawful, peaceful demonstration. Scott Johnston — who worked on the team that helped plan the Ellipse rally — says that’s just not so. He claims that leading figures in the Trump administration and campaign deliberately planned to have crowds converge on the Capitol, where the 2020 election was being certified — and “make it look like they went down there on their own.” Johnston, who says he described the phone call to House select committee investigators, detailed his allegations in a series of conversations with Rolling Stone. Johnston says he overheard Mark Meadows, then-former President Trump’s chief of staff, and Katrina Pierson, Trump’s national campaign spokeswoman, talking with Kylie Kremer, the executive director of Women for America First, about plans for a march to the Capitol. Johnston said the conversation was clearly audible to him since it took place on a speakerphone as he drove Kremer between the group’s rallies in the final three days of 2020. Johnston says that, in the key phone conversation he overheard, the group settled on ordering a march without an official permit. “Nobody wanted to do it because they didn’t want to pay for it,” Johnston says of obtaining a permit. “They didn’t want to have to provide security and all the other expenses.”

“1776 Returns,” a nine-page document federal prosecutors have obtained as part of its case against former Proud Boys head Enrique Tarrio, may give us a window into the group’s plans to storm government buildings on Jan. 6, 2021. Though it does not specifically mention the Capitol building, the document reportedly offers a five-point plan ahead of Jan. 6 for group members to appear “unsuspecting” and to “not look tactical” while occupying government buildings, and to chant “We the People” and “No Trump, No America” to blend in with protestors. According to the New York Times, it included a section that was apparently intended to instruct the public how to act. It shows a lot of forethought, that it’s deliberate, that this wasn’t just, as a lot of people claimed, something spontaneous that just happened. For some of the Capitol stormers, I think they were swept up in the moment. But for many people, especially the leaders of groups like the Proud Boys, this was premeditated. This was a very deliberate decision to go there and to cause real upheaval. That was the point, to dredge up some instability. If all things worked well, they would be able to turn the election. Because it failed, I hear a lot of people dismissing it, but the intentions were real. These people legitimately wanted to overthrow the government and overturn the election. We can’t forget that that was the overarching objective here, by any means necessary, frankly, even if that meant killing lawmakers.

The second trial stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol is shaping up to be a lot less of a slam dunk for the Justice Department than the first. The case of Couy Griffin, a New Mexico county commissioner and founder of Cowboys for Trump, looks to be among the most marginal of hundreds of prosecutions stemming from the unrest and violence that broke out as lawmakers were seeking to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. Unlike the vast majority of the nearly 800 people charged in connection with Jan. 6, Griffin didn’t go inside the building, nor is he accused of violence or property destruction. His trial is expected to last only about a day. Griffin, 48, faces just two misdemeanor charges: entering a restricted area at the Capitol and disruptive or disorderly conduct while in such a place. Both carry a one-year maximum sentence.

Using Facebook’s Own Data to Understand the Platform’s Role in Jan. 6 A team of reporters from ProPublica and The Washington Post have obtained a unique dataset on Facebook groups, providing the clearest evidence yet that the social platform was an important source of misinformation that led to the Jan. 6 attack.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies: archived March 21, 2022

How did a Proud Boys leader with a felony record get into the White House? Enrique Tarrio claims he visited the White House on Saturday, hours before a major pro-Trump rally. DECEMBER 15, 2020 Enrique Tarrio revealed that he visited the executive mansion on Saturday after receiving a "last-minute invite to an undisclosed location." The White House later said that Tarrio had not been invited, but had instead taken part in a holiday tour. "He was on a public White House Christmas tour," White House spokesperson Judd Deere said over the weekend. "He did not have a meeting with the president, nor did the White House invite him." White House public tours are self-guided, and anyone who wants one, including Christmas tours, must apply no fewer than 21 days ahead of their booking date because the application includes a security form and background check. Hopefuls with a felony are generally denied, a former Trump White House official told Salon, unless a senior member of the administration intervenes. In 2013, Tarrio, also known as Henry Tarrio Jr, was convicted of two class C, one class D and one class E felonies for stealing and reselling $1.2 million worth of diabetes test strips from Abbott Labs, and served 16 months in federal prison. Court records show that he was released in December 2014 with two years probation, and ordered to pay restitution for the full $1.2 million. On Saturday, Tarrio was accompanied to the executive mansion by other members of Latinos for Trump, including Bianca Garcia, the president of the group, and her son, Armani Garcia, a former intern for Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga. It is unclear if or when Latinos for Trump applied for its White House tour, and unclear why Tarrio received a security pass.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio jailed pending trial in Jan. 6 Capitol attack. U.S. Magistrate Judge Lauren F. Louis of Miami ordered Tarrio to be held after federal prosecutors argued that he and co-defendants “directed and encouraged” the actions of Proud Boys members who formed “the tip of the spear” in the breach of the U.S. Capitol. Tarrio poses a risk of flight and danger to the community, prosecutors said, citing his purported efforts to evade law enforcement and discourage witnesses from cooperating. “There is overwhelming evidence that Tarrio organized a plot to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede the certification of the electoral college vote, an offense that strikes at the heart of our democracy,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Jason McCullough argued in court filings. Even as Congress’s proceedings were still suspended Jan. 6, Tarrio posted to other members, “They’ll fear us doing it again,” prosecutors said. When a member asked, “So what do we do now?” he allegedly answered at 4:14 p.m., “Do it again.”

DOJ: Film crew was present at Jan. 5 meeting between leaders of Proud Boys, Oath Keepers. The details provide new evidence of the encounter between the two groups, whose leaders played a key role in the breach of the Capitol the following day.

Proud Boys leader had plans to ‘storm’ government buildings on 6 January. Enrique Tarrio possessed document titled ‘1776 Returns’, with details to invade and occupy seven buildings, New York Times says. Enrique Tarrio, the group’s former chairman who was arrested last week and charged with conspiracy over the deadly attack, had a nine-page document entitled “1776 Returns”, named for the year of American independence, the New York Times reported. The document, mentioned only in general terms in Tarrio’s indictment, contained details of a complex plan for supporters of Donald Trump to invade and occupy at least seven House and Senate office buildings on the afternoon Congress met to certify Joe Biden’s election victory, according to Times sources. The document features five sections, the Times reported: infiltrate, execution, distract, occupy and sit-in. The plan called for the recruiting of at least 50 Proud Boys and other Trump supporters to enter and occupy each building, “causing trouble” for security personnel who tried to stop them. Once inside, the instructions stated, the activists would be encouraged to chant slogans such as “We the People” and “No Trump, no America”. Supporters unable to gain access to the buildings would be encouraged to distract law enforcement and other authorities by “pulling fire alarms at nearby stores, hotels and museums”.

Another Jan. 6 mystery revealed: Pence's second script rewrite. The never-before-told backstory of why the then-vice president made a change not seen since Al Gore — as a rebuttal to Trump allies' fringe theories. Pence’s decision to craft and employ his own unprecedented language as he presided over the final step of the 2020 election reflected his resistance to a pressure campaign by then-President Donald Trump to subvert the process. Pence’s rewrite has since drawn the attention of congressional investigators. He also made a second, subtler, but no less significant change to the script on Jan. 6, 2021, according to newly released documents and testimony. This previously unreported adjustment, further illustrating his pushback to the Trump-led gambit, involved a simple question that he asked each time a state’s electoral vote results were introduced: “Are there any objections?”

How Pence used 43 words to shut down Trump allies' election subversion on Jan. 6. The then-vice president and his top aides rewrote the script long used to certify elections, making clear that false elector slates wouldn't fly.

"After ascertaining that the certificates are regular in form and authentic the tellers will announce the votes cast by the electors for each state, starting with Alabama that the parliamentarians have advised me is the only certificate of vote from that state, and purports to be a return from the state, and that has annexed to it a certificate from an authority of that state purporting to appoint or ascertain electors."

Under the Electoral Count Act, electors picked by the party of the winning candidate in each state are required to meet in mid-December to formally cast their ballots. In seven states won by Biden, however, the Trump campaign worked with state Republican parties to assemble their own elector meetings and cast ballots for Trump. Those false electors then signed certificates and mailed them to Washington.

New clues emerge about the money that might have helped fund the Jan. 6 insurrection. The committee's Feb. 23 subpoena of Salesforce emphasized its interest in the company's hosting of Trump emails asking for new donations that included false claims of election fraud. OpenSecrets has also identified these groups with financial ties to the so-called "March to Save America":

  • Rule of Law Defense Fund - a 501(c)(4) nonprofit affiliated with the 527 Republican Attorneys General Association
  • Black Conservatives Fund - a hybrid PAC
  • Moms for America - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
  • Peaceably Gather - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supported by First Liberty Institute
  • Phyllis Schlafly Eagles - a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

"There are powerful indications that have surfaced and every day that passes we get more testimony shedding light on what exactly was taking place," Raskin said. "We should not discount the financial motive and imperative in the events leading up to Jan. 6."

Trump lawyer knew plan to delay Biden certification was unlawful, emails show. John Eastman conceded that scheme represented violation of Electoral Count Act but urged Mike Pence to go ahead anyway. The admission that the scheme was unlawful undercuts arguments by Eastman and the Willard war room team that they believed there was no wrongdoing in seeking to have Pence delay the certification past 6 January – one of the strategies they sought to return Trump to power. It additionally raises the prospect that the other members of the Willard war room – including Trump’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani and Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon – were also aware that the scheme to delay or stop the certification was unlawful from the start.

The former chairman of the U.S. right-wing group the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, was arrested on Tuesday on a conspiracy charge for his alleged role in plotting the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol in a bid to block certification of President Joe Biden's election. Tarrio, 38, appeared in a virtual Miami-based federal court hearing from a cellblock in a nearby local jail, and prosecutors said they were seeking to have him detained pending trial because they believe he is a danger to the community and poses a risk of flight. Tarrio told the judge he has "absolutely" no savings, and that he only recently got a job printing T-shirts that earns him $400-500 per week.

The Defense In The First Jan. 6 Trial's Closing Argument: Maybe The Evidence Is Fake. The jury is set to begin deliberating in Guy Reffitt's case on Tuesday. After three and a half days of testimony and evidence from government witnesses in the trial of Guy Reffitt, the first person charged in the Jan. 6 insurrection to stand trial, the defense on Monday made a brief appeal to the jury: Key witnesses — Reffitt’s son and a former fellow militant group member — weren’t reliable. Video showing Reffitt at the Capitol couldn’t be trusted. And Reffitt himself was full of it. Monday’s proceedings featured the final government witnesses and the defense’s pushback to the overarching prosecution theory that Reffitt planned well in advance to storm the Capitol, brought guns and other equipment to carry out that plan, and tried to lead the mob in the initial breach of the Capitol and resisted a barrage of projectiles shot at his body by police officers before being finally thwarted by chemical spray. The jury is set to begin deliberating first thing Tuesday.

A Former Texas Militant Group Member Testified About Bringing Rifles And Handguns To DC For Jan. 6. Rocky Hardie received partial immunity to testify for the government against defendant Guy Reffitt. A former member of the Texas Three Percenters militant group testified Friday that both he and Guy Reffitt — the first Jan. 6 defendant to stand trial — traveled to Washington, DC, with rifles and handguns, carrying the latter with them as they made their way to the US Capitol during the insurrection. The jury heard Friday from Rocky Hardie, who signed an immunity agreement with the government for his testimony; the prosecutor had him explain that he understood he could still be prosecuted for his actions on Jan. 6, but the deal meant that any charges couldn’t be based on information he’d given the government or testified about as part of the agreement. Late in the day, the jury then saw the weapons that the FBI seized from Reffitt’s house and that Hardie said Reffitt brought to Washington: a Smith & Wesson .40-caliber handgun and an AR-15-style rifle. The prosecutor showed a zoomed-in image of Reffitt’s back while he was on a stairway in front of the Capitol, and an FBI agent identified a dark object near Reffitt’s waist as a matte black holster, with a “silvery metallic linear object” that the government has alleged was the handgun.

A Jan. 6 Defendant Texted And Recorded His Way Through Jan. 6. The Jury Got To See It All. “Multiple clay bullets and a battle cry like in Braveheart. The insurrection began immediately after,” Guy Reffitt wrote, according to the government’s evidence. The day ended with testimony from Reffitt's son, Jackson Reffitt, who bolstered the government's case with firsthand testimony about his father's messages and mindset around the time of the insurrection — and who described the emotional and familial fallout of his decision to cooperate with federal authorities. Reffitt cried when Jackson took the stand, according to a pool reporter in the room. The 19-year-old Jackson said he didn't regret his decision to share information with the FBI, but also spoke about the guilt and sadness he felt.

Court documents reveal Pence team's exasperation with Trump. “He came in and said, ‘I'm here asking you to reject the electors.’ That's how he opened at the meeting” on Jan. 5, Pence counsel Greg Jacob said of Eastman, according to his deposition before investigators for the House select committee. “I said, ‘If this case got to the Supreme Court, we'd lose 9-0, wouldn't we, if we actually took your position and it got up there?’ And he started out at 7 to 2. And I said, ‘Who are the two?’ And he said, ‘Well, I think maybe Clarence Thomas,’” Jacobs said, before Eastman eventually relented the case would be unlikely to get any votes. Jacobs and Eastman would go on to have a heated email exchange, with Jacobs criticizing him for forwarding legal advice that “functioned as a serpent in the ear of the President of the United States.” But the two men were able to end the discussion on a hopeful note. “When this is over, we should have a good bottle of wine over a nice dinner someplace,” Eastman responded later in the chain.

The ‘Overwhelming’ Evidence That Trump & Co. Committed Conspiracy. We talked to a prominent prosecutor who's laid out the way the DOJ could charge Trump and John Eastman for trying to overturn the election. “Conspiracy to defraud the United States” is when two or more people agree to obstruct or impede the proper functioning of government. Congress, by Constitution and statute, is supposed to show up at the Capitol on Jan. 6, count the votes, and certify the winner of the presidential election. Trump and others knowingly conspired to interfere with the peaceful transfer of presidential power, for reasons Trump knew to be false. That’s fraudulent. I also theorize that when Trump tried to get Mike Pence to abuse his authority as vice president, he and his co-conspirators were conspiring to obstruct a federal proceeding. That’s also a crime.

Roger Stone will have some serious explaining to do next time he sees Donald Trump. Stone, Trump’s most trusted adviser for decades, was reportedly caught talking trash about the former president, going so far as to call him the “greatest single mistake in American history.” The Washington Post has obtained extraordinary documentary footage of Stone as he worked to overturn the 2020 election. In one section, filmed on Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day, the Post reports that Stone can be seen in a car with the filmmakers when he lets rip on Trump. After describing his ally as America’s worst ever mistake, Stone said Trump would regret failing to pardon himself, saying: “A good, long sentence in prison will give [Trump] a chance to think about it, because the Southern District is coming for him, and he did nothing.” After his rant, Stone is reported to have turned to the filmmakers and said: “Obviously if you use any of that, I’ll murder you.” In an interview with The Daily Beast on Friday morning, Stone pushed back on the Post recounting of the documentary and said it contained several errors.

Roger Stone Distances Himself From ‘Stop the Steal’ and Insurrection After WaPo Documentary Bombshell. The Trump adviser pushed back as footage emerged showing him appearing to launch “the Big Lie” in the hours after the election and rushing to leave DC as the Capitol riot unfolded. “I really want to get out of here,” Stone told an aide, as they were filmed at the hotel by a Danish camera crew for a documentary on the veteran Republican operative. Stone said he feared prosecution by the incoming attorney general, Merrick Garland. “He is not a friend,” Stone said.

For most of his life, J. Michael Luttig has operated behind the scenes at the top of the conservative legal world. He started his career as a young aide at the U.S. Supreme Court, worked as an attorney in the Reagan White House, clerked for Judge Antonin Scalia before he was a legal icon, helped guide the appointment of two other Supreme Court justices and was appointed to a federal judgeship by former President George H.W. Bush.

@judgeluttig The only responsibility and power of the Vice President under the Constitution is to faithfully count the electoral college votes as they have been cast.

Pence: Trump is ‘wrong’ to say election could be overturned. Former Vice President Mike Pence on Friday directly rebutted Donald Trump’s false claims that Pence somehow could have overturned the results of the 2020 election, saying that the former president was simply “wrong.” In a speech to a gathering of the conservative Federalist Society in Florida, Pence addressed Trump’s intensifying efforts this week to advance the false narrative that, as vice president, he had the unilateral power to prevent Joe Biden from taking office. “President Trump is wrong,” Pence said. “I had no right to overturn the election.”

WHEREAS, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, and they are both utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes, therefore, be it

Republicans in Congress were in on Trump's coup plot. They knew that Donald Trump was plotting a coup and they said nothing. By HEATHER DIGBY PARTON PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 4, 2022

The New York Times' front-page profile of "defiant" Jan. 6 "marchers" is a taste of what comes next.

Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw fake electors plot in 7 states. Giuliani and his allies coordinated the nuts-and-bolts of the process on a state-by-state level, the sources told CNN. One source said there were multiple planning calls between Trump campaign officials and GOP state operatives, and that Giuliani participated in at least one call. The source also said the Trump campaign lined up supporters to fill elector slots, secured meeting rooms in statehouses for the fake electors to meet on December 14, 2020, and circulated drafts of fake certificates that were ultimately sent to the National Archives. Trump and some of his top advisers publicly encouraged the "alternate electors" scheme in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico. But behind the scenes, Giuliani and Trump campaign officials actively choreographed the process, the sources said. One fake elector from Michigan boasted at a recent event hosted by a local Republican organization that the Trump campaign directed the entire operation. "We fought to seat the electors. The Trump campaign asked us to do that," Meshawn Maddock, co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party, said at a public event last week that was organized by the conservative group Stand Up Michigan, according to a recording obtained by CNN.

Wife of Supreme Court justice who praised Capitol rioters wants Cheney and Kinzinger out of GOP for investigating it. Virginia ‘Ginny’ Thomas is a veteran conservative activist whose political activities have often concerned matters before the Supreme Court. The wife of one of the Supreme Court justices who could be charged with deciding whether the House January 6th select committee can view Trump administration White House records has signed on to an open letter calling for the committee’s two Republican members to be ousted from the House GOP conference. Virginia “Ginny” Thomas, a longtime conservative activist and the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, was one of more than 60 signatories to the open letter, which was organised by the pro-Trump Conservative Action Project and asks House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to “act immediately to remove” Reps Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the Republican conference “due to their egregious actions as part of the House of Representative’s January 6th Select Committee”.

Capitol rioters called Nancy Pelosi's office looking for a 'lost and found' for items they left behind on January 6, according to Rep. Jamie Raskin. Rioters were calling "asking whether there was a lost and found because they forgot their phone there, or they left their purse or what have you," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., told Insider on Friday in a Q&A. Police officers swiftly took down information from the callers, Raskin said. "The officers quickly got on the phone and said, yeah, just give us your name, your address, your social, you know, and we'll tie up those loose ends," Raskin said. "But what's so fascinating to me about that there really were people who felt as if they had been summoned to Washington by the president." "And when they were told that they were trespassing and invading the Capitol, they said the president invited them to be there," he said. "They didn't have any kind of subtle understanding of the separation of powers. They just thought that the number one person in the US government had invited them to be there, and therefore they had a right.

Yale law graduate founder of far-right Oath Keepers group is charged - along with ten others - with seditious conspiracy: Faces 20 years in prison for organizing Jan 6th riot and instructing his members from OUTSIDE Capitol building. Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, and 10 alleged accomplices charged with seditious conspiracy stemming from January 6 Capitol riots. Rhodes and more than a dozen members and associates of far-right militia are suspected of planning and carrying out attack to stop Biden's certification. Rhodes was in restricted area of Capitol grounds and directed the attack from there, indictment claims. Another eight suspects named in indictments charged with corruptly obstructing an official proceeding. It is largest conspiracy case brought by federal prosecutors as a consequence of the January 6 insurrection Seditious conspiracy charge carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Rhodes, a former US Army paratrooper and Yale Law School graduate, started the Oath Keepers in 2009. He is known for his eye patch: a former firearms instructor, he dropped a loaded handgun when he was 28 and it shot him in the face, blinding him in his left eye. Rhodes and Edward Vallejo, 63, of Phoenix, Arizona, were arrested on Thursday. The others who were charged were already facing criminal charges related to the attack. Those include Thomas Caldwell, 67, of Berryville, Virginia; Joseph Hackett, 51, of Sarasota, Florida; Kenneth Harrelson, 41, of Titusville, Florida; Joshua James, 34, of Arab, Alabama; Kelly Meggs, 52, of Dunnellon, Florida; Roberto Minuta, 37, of Prosper, Texas; David Moerschel, 44, of Punta Gorda, Florida; Brian Ulrich, 44, of Guyton, Georgia and Jessica Watkins, 39, of Woodstock, Ohio.

Congressional Staff Pressed Justice Department Officials For Safety Plans Before The Capitol Riot. “Soooo this has taken a turn for the worse,” one congressional staffer wrote to federal law enforcement agencies during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. At least two congressional staffers from House and Senate committees reached out to the FBI and the Justice Department concerned about security at the Capitol ahead of the Jan. 6 riots, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News. The inquiries support accusations that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies were not prepared for the pro-Trump mob that stormed the US Capitol despite direct warnings and calls for help. BuzzFeed News is publishing another cache of documents turned over by the Justice Department in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the agency and the FBI related to events around Jan. 6. Emails released last November revealed that top Justice Department officials were told there were “no credible threats” hours before the riot.

In prison interview, QAnon Shaman shares paranoid fantasies about the Deep State's "two-tiered slavery system". On Trump's legacy: "He was trying to create peace in the Middle East, you know, he released the JFK file, he created the space force. There was also during the Trump administration, there was a declassification of a zero-point energy engine and inertia propulsion or anti-gravity craft that the Navy put out there. Okay, I'll put it this way. Q is the only major movement in history, as far as I can tell, that is working to disclose the full truth about, say government Special Access Programs, top secret information and technologies, the truth about things like aliens are interdimensional beings and their role here on the planet.

The Jan. 6 Defendants Are Getting Off Easy. We reviewed all 733 criminal cases connected to the insurrection. Here is what we found.

Biden’s blistering speech on Trump praised by supporters, calling it his ‘best’. Speech described as ‘forceful’, ‘passionate’, ‘riveting’, and a ‘hinge moment in his presidency’.

Biden eviscerates Trump for holding a 'dagger to the throat of Democracy' by watching Jan 6 riot live on TV and doing nothing to stop it: Donald hits back and calls Joe's speech 'political theater'

Election Falsehoods Surged on Podcasts Before Capitol Riots, Researchers Find. Researchers at the Brookings Institution reviewed transcripts of nearly 1,500 episodes from 20 of the most popular political podcasts. Among episodes released between the election and the Jan. 6 riot, about half contained election misinformation, according to the analysis. In some weeks, 60% of episodes mentioned the election fraud conspiracy theories tracked by Brookings. Those included false claims that software glitches interfered with the count, that fake ballots were used, and that voting machines run by Dominion Voting Systems were rigged to help Democrats. Those kinds of theories gained currency in Republican circles and would later be leveraged to justify additional election audits across the country. The biggest offender in Brookings’ analysis was Steve Bannon, Trump’s former adviser. His podcast, “Bannon’s War Room,” was flagged 115 times for episodes using voter fraud terms included in Brookings’ analysis between the election and Jan. 6. “You know why they’re going to steal this election?” Bannon asked on Nov. 3. “Because they don’t think you’re going to do anything about it.”

A photographer’s helmet cam captured the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol.

More than 1,000 US public figures aided Trump’s effort to overturn election. Insurrection Index identifies those who acted as accomplices by participating in 6 January attack or spreading Trump’s ‘big lie’. Among them are 213 incumbents in elected office and 29 who are running as candidates for positions of power in upcoming elections. There are also 59 military veterans, 31 current or former law enforcement officials, and seven who sit on local school boards. When the index goes live on Thursday, it will contain a total of 1,404 records of those who played a role in trying to overturn the 2020 election. In addition to the 1,011 individuals, it lists 393 organizations deemed to have played a part in subverting democracy.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies. archived January 05, 2022

New Texts Show Sean Hannity Panicking About Trump’s State of Mind After Jan. 6. The committee investigating the attack on the Capitol is asking the Fox News host to answer questions about his communications with Trump and Mark Meadows. The Jan. 6 committee is requesting voluntary cooperation from Sean Hannity, Chair Bennie Thompson and Vice Chair Liz Cheney wrote in a letter released Tuesday. The letter cites previously unreleased text messages obtained by the committee, including one sent on Jan. 10 in which the Fox News host appears to express concern over what Trump might do ahead of Biden’s inauguration. “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days,” Hannity wrote to then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). “He can’t mention the election again. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

We Know Exactly Who the Capitol Rioters Were. A year later, a fuller picture of who really drove the riot is clear. The lessons for 2022 and beyond are sobering.We’ve now studied nearly 700 who have been arrested, and we’ve brought the study up to date as of early December. What we see is, over half of those who have been arrested are business owners, CEOs from white-collar occupations, doctors, lawyers, and architects. If you look at extremist group membership, again, 13 percent of those nearly 700 arrested as of early December are members of militia groups like the Oath Keepers or extremist groups like the Proud Boys. As I said, this is very different than about half that we normally find. If you look at their ages, two-thirds of those arrested for Jan. 6 are over the age of 34. They’re concentrated in their 40s and 50s. Normally for right-wing extremists, it’s two-thirds under the age of 34. Typically, only 10 percent have a college degree. Here, the Jan. 6 arrestees, 25 percent have a college degree, which is close to the national average of the U.S. electorate at 30 percent. About 15 percent of those on Jan. 6 had prior U.S. military service, but that compares with what we usually see in right-wing extremists at 40 percent. About 10 percent of the U.S. electorate has prior military service, so it’s a little higher than that, but much closer to the U.S. mainstream than to the usual right-wing extremists. What if we look at criminal history? Well, 30 percent of those arrested on Jan. 6 had prior criminal history, mostly for misdemeanors like marijuana charges, but with other right-wing extremists, it’s 64 percent have prior criminal history. The U.S. electorate overall has 20 percent with criminal history. When you look at this, it’s just one category after another after another that shouts out mainstream. The Jan. 6 insurrectionists really are best understood as a product of the mainstream.

Trump cancels Jan. 6 event amid GOP complaints. Republican senators said the press conference wasn't a "good idea" hours before the former president canceled it.

Secret commandos with the authority to 'shoot-to-kill' were at the Capitol on January 6 under Trump's orders over fears of a terrorist attack or a plot to attack Pence or a member of Congress, report claims. Ex-Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who ran Donald Trump's Justice Department at the time of the Capitol riot, reportedly acted alone in deciding to activate the elite units. FBI teams reportedly arrived on Capitol Hill early that day to collect evidence on explosives found near the Republican and Democrat national headquarters. The agency's snipers and other SWAT members provided cover to nearby Congressional buildings. And when violent Trump supporters breached the Capitol's parameters, members of the Hostage Rescue Team were among the first law enforcement officers in the building.

Ashli Babbitt a martyr? Her past tells a more complex story. The attack on Norris is an example of erratic and sometimes threatening behavior by Babbitt, who was shot by a police officer while at the vanguard of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Former President Donald Trump and his supporters have sought to portray her as a righteous martyr who was unjustly killed. In the months before her death, Babbitt had become consumed by pro-Trump conspiracy theories and posted angry screeds on social media. She also had a history of making violent threats. The Capitol Police officer who shot Babbitt, Lt. Michael Byrd, said in a televised interview in August that he fired as a “last resort.” When he pulled the trigger, he said, he had no idea whether the person jumping through the window was armed.

At time of Capitol prayer service Jan. 6, Trump will deliver remarks doubling down on the ‘Big Lie’. The riot at the Capitol briefly looked like it had broken Trump's hold on the GOP. Instead, he has reaffirmed his dominion over the party.

Retired General Steven M. Anderson blasts Trump supporters in the military, calling them a 'threat from within' and advising them to stop listening to 'The Pillow Guy' Mike Lindell.

Some Of The Biggest Lies Being Spread About The Jan. 6 Insurrection. The events from last Jan. 6 in Washington unfolded on live television but they've since been up for debate.

  1. Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Trump Supporters
  2. Claim: The Rioters Weren’t Violent
  3. Claim: Trump Did Not Encourage The Rioters
  4. Claim: Ashli Babbitt Was Killed By An Officer Working For Democrats
  5. Claim: The Jan. 6 Suspects Are Political Prisoners And Are Being Mistreated

Conspiracy theories paint fraudulent reality of Jan. 6 riot. Millions of Americans watched the events in Washington last Jan. 6 unfold on live television. Police officers testified to the violence and mayhem. Criminal proceedings in open court detailed what happened. Yet the hoaxes, conspiracy theories and attempts to rewrite history persist, muddying the public’s understanding of what actually occurred during the most sustained attack on the seat of American democracy since the War of 1812. By excusing former President Donald Trump of responsibility, minimizing the mob’s violence and casting the rioters as martyrs, falsehoods about the insurrection aim to deflect blame for Jan. 6 while sustaining Trump’s unfounded claims about the free and fair election in 2020 that he lost. Spread by politicians, broadcast by cable news pundits and amplified by social media, the falsehoods are a stark reminder of how many Americans may no longer trust their own institutions or their own eyes.

So You Admitted To Storming The Capitol. Now What? Judges are figuring out in real time what the consequences should be for storming the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Lays Out How He and Bannon Planned to Overturn Biden’s Electoral Win. A former Trump White House official says he and right-wing provocateur Steve Bannon were actually behind the last-ditch coordinated effort by rogue Republicans in Congress to halt certification of the 2020 election results and keep President Donald Trump in power earlier this year, in a plan dubbed the “Green Bay Sweep.” In his recently published memoir, Peter Navarro, then-President Donald Trump’s trade adviser, details how he stayed in close contact with Bannon as they put the Green Bay Sweep in motion with help from members of Congress loyal to the cause. But in an interview last week with The Daily Beast, Navarro shed additional light on his role in the operation and their coordination with politicians like Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

The clear and present danger of Trump's enduring 'Big Lie'

Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda. Scholars on the Nazis and anti-Semitism have seen this before.

New January 6 video shows three hours of violent and chaotic assault on police. The Justice Department this week released a three-hour video of a battle between rioters and the police at the US Capitol Building on January 6 where rioters brandished weapons, officers were viciously beaten, and a member of the mob died on Capitol steps. The assault on the Lower West Terrace was one of the most violent confrontations between Capitol Police and the crowd. Officers held the line until the building was cleared without letting rioters inside. Some officers have since said they did not know the Capitol had already been breached in other areas. The video, taken from a Capitol security camera, does not have sound. It starts as officers retreat, helping each other as they stumble inside and washing their eyes out with water from chemical spray. Rioters crowd in behind them, coordinate efforts to attack and push through in infamous moments that have haunted the public, and officers, ever since. The Justice Department released the videos after CNN and other outlets sued for access. It is the longest video from the riot released by the government thus far.

People Got Sick at a Conspiracy Conference. They’re Sure It’s Anthrax. The fact that the conference was likely a COVID outbreak and superspreader event has been almost entirely ignored. This far-right conspiracy claim began after a dozen people spent time together in a confined space at the ReAwaken America tour event in Dallas over the weekend of Dec. 10. And the fact that this was likely a COVID outbreak and superspreader event has been almost entirely ignored.

New York Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy and Obstruction Charges Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach. Wednesday, December 22, 2021 Defendant Planned Activities as Member of Proud Boys Chapter in Central New York. A New York man pleaded guilty today to crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, which disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election. According to court documents, Matthew Greene, 34, of Syracuse, conspired with fellow members of the Proud Boys, a self-described “pro-Western fraternal organization for men who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world; aka Western Chauvinists.” Greene pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy and one count of obstruction of an official proceeding this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Greene was arrested on April 21, 2021, following his indictment along with two other individuals in this case, Dominic Pezzola, 44, of Rochester, New York, and William Pepe, 32, of Beacon, New York; they have pleaded not guilty to charges. According to court documents, Greene officially joined the Central New York Proud Boys chapter in December 2020. In advance of Jan. 6, he and other members of the Proud Boys planned to come to Washington and coordinate their activities through various communication methods they had previously obtained, including programmable radios. On Jan. 6, they met up at the Washington Monument, intentionally dressed in clothing that concealed their membership as Proud Boys. Greene and other Proud Boys members then marched from the Washington Monument to the Capitol, where Greene witnessed the tearing down of barricades and advanced with others into the restricted area. Greene was among the first wave to cross a downed police line and advance into the West Plaza. He later advanced to a set of stairs that ran from the West Plaza to the Upper West Terrace. He witnessed rioters assault the police and overrun them. Greene followed others up the stairs moments after the police line was breached. Finally, after exiting the stairs, he participated with other rioters, including members of the Proud Boys, in moving additional police barricades.

Syracuse Proud Boy pleads guilty to conspiracy, will cooperate with prosecutors. On Monday, 34-year-old Syracuse man and accused Proud Boy Matthew Greene pleaded guilty to conspiracy and obstruction of official proceedings for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection on the Capitol; Greene also said he will cooperate with federal prosecutors.

What we've learned from the Meadows documents.

  1. Waldron could help fill in the gaps. Subpoenaed this week was a man otherwise not on the radar of many: a retired U.S. Army colonel and distillery owner who helped distribute a PowerPoint on plans for Jan. 6 and who briefed lawmakers on the plans for the day. The committee on Thursday demanded testimony from Phil Waldron, who was among those present at the Willard Hotel “war room” for the Trump campaign and appeared to play a key role in pushing forward the strategy to contest the election.
  2. Text messages show it was a two-way street. The committee this week also released numerous text messages sent to Meadows to suggest the plan laid out by the Trump campaign and those such as Eastman and Waldman not only resonated with Republicans but left them encouraging the White House to follow through. Numerous text messages sent to Meadows show ideas about how to block the election were flowing from Trump's inner circle to Capitol Hill and the GOP back to the White House as they mulled how to undermine Biden’s victory.
  3. GOP publicly downplayed attack while privately panicking. For the better part of a year, prominent conservative allies have followed Trump’s lead and downplayed the violent rioters who attacked police officers with bear spray, flag poles and baseball bats. They’ve been described as “peaceful patriots,” normal tourists and victims. But as mayhem and violence erupted that January day, text messages show a trio of popular Fox News personalities, GOP lawmakers and even Donald Trump Jr. were frantically trying to reach the president — through Meadows — to have him stop the attack and send his supporters home.

“He's got to condemn this shit ASAP,” the president’s eldest son texted Meadows as the attack unfolded on live TV. “It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.”

Meadows Jan. 5 email indicated Guard on standby to ‘protect pro Trump people,’ investigators say. The context for the message is unclear, but it comes amid scrutiny of the Guard’s slow response to the Jan. 6 violence at the Capitol.

‘He’s got to condemn this …’: Panel releases urgent Jan. 6 texts from Donald Trump Jr., lawmakers and Fox hosts. House investigators held Mark Meadows in criminal contempt after releasing a trove of messages aimed at getting President Donald Trump to take stronger action amid the Capitol riot.

  • “He’s got to condemn this [shit] Asap. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,” Donald Trump Jr. texted, one of a series of messages Meadows provided to the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the former president’s effort to overturn the election.
  • “Hey Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home … this is hurting all of us … he is destroying his legacy,” Laura Ingraham wrote.
  • “Please get him on tv. Destroying everything you have accomplished,” Brian Kilmeade wrote.
  • “Can he make a statement? … Ask people to leave the Capitol,” Sean Hannity urged.
  • “The president needs to stop this ASAP,” an unnamed lawmaker texted Meadows on Jan. 6
  • Another unidentified lawmaker told Meadows after the attack: “Yesterday was a terrible day. We tried everything we could in our objection to the 6 states. I’m sorry nothing worked.”

Retired Army colonel circulated proposal to challenge the 2020 election. A retired U.S. Army colonel who circulated a proposal to challenge the 2020 election, including by declaring a national security emergency and seizing paper ballots, said that he visited the White House on multiple occasions after the election, spoke with President Donald Trump's chief of staff "maybe eight to 10 times" and briefed several members of Congress on the eve of the Jan. 6 riot. Philip Waldron, the retired colonel, was working with Trump's outside lawyers and was part of a team that briefed the lawmakers on a PowerPoint presentation detailing "Options for 6 JAN," Waldron told The Washington Post. He said his contribution to the presentation focused on his claims of foreign interference in the vote, as did his discussions with the White House. A version of the presentation made its way to the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, on Jan. 5. That information surfaced publicly this week after the congressional committee investigating the insurrection released a letter that said Meadows had turned the document over to the committee. "The presentation was that there was significant foreign interference in the election, here's the proof," Waldron said. "These are constitutional, legal, feasible, acceptable and suitable courses of action." Waldron, 57, who is based in Dripping Springs, Texas, told The Post that before the election, he started working with the Texas company Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG). Russell J. Ramsland Jr., ASOG's leader, was also photographed at the Willard in the days before the riot, and Eastman told The Post that he met Ramsland around that time. Over the previous two years, the firm promoted claims about the dangers of electronic voting to a procession of conservative lawmakers, activists and donors, The Post has reported. The Arizona graph appeared, with the same design, text and font, in a Dec. 1 affidavit from Ramsland that pro-Trump lawyerSidney Powell included as purported evidence of fraud in a lawsuit seeking to "decertify" Arizona's election results. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann consulted Waldron in deciding to hire the Florida firm Cyber Ninjas to conduct that review, according to text messages that the nonprofit American Oversight obtained through a public records request. Waldron was named in a 2020 state corporate filing as the chief executive of PointStream Inc. of Dripping Springs, which bills itself as a discreet cybersecurity firm. Specialties that PointStream touts on its website include "deep access to the Internet of Things, Social Media, and Dark Web," conducting untraceable "cyber lurking," and providing data sets "virtually unknown" to either private industry or the U.S. government. PointStream was awarded a little over $60,000 in federal contracting in 2018. Spending records show the award was for "highly adaptive cybersecurity services" for the Defense Department's U.S. Southern Command. Waldron also has worked as a firearms instructor and owns a distillery, according to a company website and a state corporate filing.

Donald Trump attempted to spin his inflammatory speech ahead of the Jan. 6 insurrection into something much more mellow and measured on Friday night. The former president, during an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, claimed the incendiary address that whipped his supporters up into storming the U.S. Capitol in a bid to overturn the 2020 election was “extremely calming.” “Honestly, I have nothing to hide,” Trump told Ingraham during a conversation about a federal appeals court’s refusal to let him block the release of records to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 violence. “I wasn’t involved in that,” Trump declared. “And if you look at my words and what I said in the speech, they were extremely calming, actually.” Instead, Trump claimed, the insurrection took place on Election Day, and the attack on the Capitol was just a protest.

Kanye West publicist pressed Georgia election worker to confess to bogus fraud charges. Weeks after the 2020 election, a Chicago publicist for hip-hop artist Kanye West traveled to the suburban home of Ruby Freeman, a frightened Georgia election worker who was facing death threats after being falsely accused by former President Donald Trump of manipulating votes. The publicist knocked on the door and offered to help. The visitor, Trevian Kutti, gave her name but didn’t say she worked for West, a longtime billionaire friend of Trump. She said she was sent by a “high-profile individual,” whom she didn’t identify, to give Freeman an urgent message: confess to Trump’s voter-fraud allegations, or people would come to her home in 48 hours, and she’d go to jail.

Trump’s White House Passed Around a PowerPoint on How to End American Democracy. Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows handed over a trove of pre-Jan. 6 documentation. It’s damning stuff.

'Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6. In a 36-page memo to the Capitol riot committee, Col. Earl Matthews also slams the Pentagon's inspector general for what he calls an error-ridden report. Matthews' memo, sent to the Jan. 6 select committee this month and obtained by POLITICO, includes detailed recollections of the insurrection response as it calls two Army generals — Gen. Charles Flynn, who served as deputy chief of staff for operations on Jan. 6, and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, the director of Army staff — “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their characterization of the events of that day. Matthews has never publicly discussed the chaos of the Capitol siege. Matthews' memo levels major accusations: that Flynn and Piatt lied to Congress about their response to pleas for the D.C. Guard to quickly be deployed on Jan. 6; that the Pentagon inspector general’s November report on Army leadership’s response to the attack was “replete with factual inaccuracies”; and that the Army has created its own closely held revisionist document about the Capitol riot that’s “worthy of the best Stalinist or North Korea propagandist.”

‘Handful of fanatics’ to blame for Capitol riot, Trump ally Meadows says in book. Ex-chief of staff downplays Trump involvement in insurrection and says mob had ‘absolutely no urging’ from the president. Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows claims in his new book that a “handful of fanatics” is to blame for the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot, accusing Donald Trump’s critics of selectively focusing on what he described as a few bad apples. “No one would [focus] on the actions of… those supporters of President Trump who came [to Washington on January 6] without hate in their hearts or any bad intentions,” he writes in the upcoming book The Chief’s Chief, per The Guardian. “Instead, they would laser in on the actions of a handful of fanatics across town.” More than 700 people have so far been charged in connection with the attempted insurrection, which left five people dead. While Trump called on his supporters to “fight like hell” and “take back our country” just before the mob stormed the Capitol building, Meadows insisted that the rioters had “absolutely no urging from President Trump.” Meadows recently became the highest-ranking former White House official to cooperate with congressional investigators in a probe of the Jan. 6 attack. The move came after he faced the threat of a contempt of Congress charge for defying a subpoena.

New FBI video shows interrogation of Jan. 6th defendant accused of tasing officer. A federal judge ordered the release of the interrogation video of Jan. 6th defendant Danny Rodriguez accused of tasing Officer Fanone. Ryan Reilly joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss his behavior during his interrogation, including what Reilly describes as an “ongoing theme” in which these defendants espouse “machismo heated rhetoric” until they face consequences and “suddenly we see them break down and that veil falls.”

Trump fan accused of tasing police officer at Capitol riot cries and calls himself ‘piece of s***’ in FBI interview. Daniel Rodriguez told agents he was radicalised by InfoWars and online right-wing pundits and comedians.

Roger Stone, an ally of former President Donald Trump, claimed this week that former Trump aide Katrina Pierson was "deeply involved" with the violence of the January 6 attack targeting the U.S. Capitol. Posting to Telegram early Thursday morning, Stone appeared to suggest that Pierson deserved a great deal of blame for the pro-Trump attack against the legislative branch of government. Stone also seemed to be unaware that Pierson—like himself—has been subpoenaed by the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack. "Given what I know, I am perplexed as to why the January 6 committee has not issued a subpoena to Katrina Pierson, in other words, someone deeply involved in the violent and unlawful acts of January 6, rather than me, given that I was not there and have no advance knowledge or involvement whatsoever in the events at the Capitol That day #Jan6Cmte," Stone wrote in a message to his Telegram channel subscribers. Pierson served as a national spokesperson for Trump's 2016 presidential campaign. The longtime Trump ally was brought in to arrange with the White House who would share the stage with the then-president during the January 6 rally event just ahead of the Capitol attack. FEC records show that the Trump campaign paid Pierson $10,000 every two weeks for her work from September 2019 to December 2020, the Associated Press previously reported. Although Trump and his allies continue to claim that the November 2020 election was "rigged" or "stolen" in favor of Biden, they have not brought forward evidence substantiating this extraordinary allegation. Dozens of election challenge lawsuits have failed in state and federal courts. Even judges appointed by Trump and other Republicans have rejected the claims. Meanwhile, audits and recounts across the country have consistently reaffirmed Biden's victory.

Texts Show Kimberly Guilfoyle Bragged About Raising Millions for Rally That Fueled Capitol Riot. Text messages reviewed by ProPublica represent the strongest indication yet that members of the Trump family inner circle were involved in financing and organizing the Jan. 6 “Save America” rally, which immediately preceded the Capitol riot. In a series of text messages sent on Jan. 4 to Katrina Pierson, the White House liaison to the event, Guilfoyle detailed her fundraising efforts and supported a push to get far-right speakers on the stage alongside Trump for the rally, which sought to overturn the election of President Joe Biden. A House select committee investigating the events of Jan. 6 has subpoenaed more than 30 Trump allies for testimony and documents, including Pierson and Caroline Wren, a former deputy to Guilfoyle. But Guilfoyle herself has so far not received any official scrutiny from Congress. "Literally one of my donors Julie at 3 million,” she added. Guilfoyle was referring to Julie Jenkins Fancelli, a Publix supermarket heir who Guilfoyle had developed a professional relationship with during the campaign. Until now, Wren has been the only person identified as having worked with Fancelli. As ProPublica reported last month, Wren also boasted in private conversations with colleagues of raising $3 million for the events of Jan. 6.

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies. archived November 18, 2021

WASHINGTON, Nov 17 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced the U.S. Capitol rioter nicknamed the "QAnon Shaman" for his horned headdress to 41 months in prison for his role in the deadly Jan. 6 attack by former President Donald Trump's followers. Prosecutors had asked U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth to impose a longer 51-month sentence on Jacob Chansley, who pleaded guilty in September to obstructing an official proceeding when he and thousands of others stormed the building in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's election.

Trump cannot shield White House records from Jan. 6 committee, judge rules. “Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President,” Judge Tanya Chutkan wrote.

House Jan. 6 panel subpoenas 10 former White House aides. The 10 former officials who were subpoenaed Tuesday either could not be reached or did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The panel said Tuesday that it had issued subpoenas for Miller, who Thompson said had “participated in efforts to spread false information about alleged voter fraud” and McEnany, who the committee said was present at times with Trump as he watched the insurrection and spoke at a rally that morning. The panel is also demanding documents and testimony from Keith Kellogg, former Vice President Mike Pence’s national security adviser, writing in the subpoena that it wants to hear from him because “you were with President Trump as the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol unfolded and have direct information about the former president’s statements about, and reactions to, the Capitol insurrection.” His subpoena says that according to several accounts, Kellogg urged Trump to send out a tweet aimed at helping to control the crowd. Other former Trump White House aides subpoenaed Tuesday include personal assistant Nicholas Luna, who the panel said may have witnessed a phone call from Trump to Pence pressuring him not to certify Biden’s win; special assistant Molly Michael, who the committee said sent information about election fraud to “various individuals at the direction of President Trump”; deputy assistant Ben Williamson, a senior adviser to Meadows; deputy chief of staff Christopher Liddell, who was in the White House on Jan. 6 and considered resigning, according to reports; and personnel director John McEntee and special assistant Cassidy Hutchinson, who the committee said were also in the White House that day and at the rally. The panel also subpoenaed Justice Department official Kenneth Klukowski, who Thompson said communicated with former senior Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark about a letter Clark sent to Georgia election officials urging them to delay certification of the voting results in that state because of purported fraud. The letter said Clark and Klukowski spoke before a Jan. 3 meeting at the White House in which Trump contemplated replacing acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen with Clark. Rosen and other leaders at the department had pushed back on the false fraud claims. The committee has also subpoenaed Clark, who appeared for a deposition last week but declined to testify, partly based on Trump’s claims that documents the committee is trying to obtain from the National Archives are privileged. Trump has sued to shield the documents from the panel but Biden has so far said he will allow the release of most of them. On Monday, the panel issued subpoenas to Bill Stepien, manager of Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign; Jason Miller, a senior adviser to the campaign; Angela McCallum, national executive assistant to the campaign; John Eastman, a lawyer who advised the former president; Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser to Trump who talked with Trump ahead of the insurrection; and Bernard Kerik, who the committee says paid for hotel rooms that served as command centers ahead of Jan. 6.

Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda. Scholars on the Nazis and anti-Semitism have seen this before. On January 6, Trump supporters gathered at a rally at Washington DC’s Ellipse Park, regaled by various figures from Trump world, including Donald Trump Jr. and Rudy Giuliani. Directly following Giuliani’s speech, the organizers played a video. To a scholar of fascist propaganda, well-versed in the history of the National Socialist’s pioneering use of videos in political propaganda, it was clear, watching it, what dangers it portended. In it, we see themes and tactics that history warns pose a violent threat to liberal democracy. Given the aims of fascist propaganda – to incite and mobilize – the events that followed were predictable. Before decoding what the video presents, it is important to take a step back and discuss the structure of fascist ideology and how it can mobilize its most strident supporters to take violent actions.

'Off the rails': New Tucker Carlson project for Fox embraces conspiracy theories. The network's top host is now leading them to an examination of the violent Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol in a three-part series called Patriot Purge, which was released this week on the network's right-wing streaming service Fox Nation. In the series, Carlson strongly suggests that the insurrection was not orchestrated by former President Donald Trump's fans but by his foes, including violent leftist antifa groups and even the FBI and other national security divisions. He plants the idea that the siege was a "false flag" operation to discredit Trump supporters. Carlson is promoting the series on his own prime-time show on Fox News — which is the top-rated program in all of cable news — and on the popular Fox & Friends morning show. "These kinds of conspiracy theories about Jan. 6 used to be relegated to weird blogs and known conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones," says Jared Holt, who monitors extremism on social media for the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab.

Key findings of The Post’s Jan. 6 investigation:

CONTAGION: Threats and disinformation spread across the country in the wake of the Capitol siege, shaking the underpinnings of American democracy.

BLOODSHED: For 187 harrowing minutes, the president watched his supporters attack the Capitol — and resisted pleas to stop them.

RED FLAGS: As Trump propelled his supporters to Washington, law enforcement agencies failed to heed mounting warnings about violence on Jan. 6.

The FBI Received Highly Specific Tips About Violence Set for Jan. 6—But Declined to Act. A blockbuster new investigation by the Washington Post details previously unreported “red flags.”

Lindsey Graham urged police to use their guns during the Capitol riot, report says. The Post described Graham as "irate that senators were forced to flee their own chamber." "He yelled at the Senate sergeant-at-arms. 'What are you doing? Take back the Senate! You've got guns. Use them,'" the report said, citing a Republican senator with knowledge of the exchange. The report said Graham repeated himself. "We give you guns for a reason," he said. "Use them." The report also said Graham and other Republican senators tried to contact President Donald Trump and urge him to call off his supporters.

WaPost won't publish full Trump response due to 'unrelated, inflammatory claims'.

On Oct. 31, The Washington Post published a three-part investigation that found that law enforcement officials failed to heed mounting red flags that there would be violence when Congress formalized the electoral college vote on Jan. 6. The project documented the consequences of President Donald Trump’s inaction during the Capitol siege and examined how his false claims of election fraud helped incite the attack and, in the ensuing months, fostered a deep distrust of the voting process across the country. The Post investigation was based on interviews with 230 people and thousands of pages of court documents and internal law enforcement reports, along with hundreds of videos, photographs and audio recordings. The Post provided Trump a list of 37 findings reported as part of its investigation. His spokesman Taylor Budowich provided a lengthy written response that included series of unrelated, inflammatory claims that The Post is not publishing in full. In response to the investigation’s findings, Budowich said that the former president “greatly objected” to all of them. He disputed The Post’s investigation as “fake news” and falsely cast people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 as “agitators not associated with President Trump.” The statement repeated Trump’s false claim that the 2020 election was rigged.

GOP candidate: Michael Flynn trying to run extortion plot on U.S. officials to reinstall Trump. Pennsylvania Senate candidate Everett Stern made the bombshell accusation in a press conference Saturday. Because of his intelligence background, Stern claims at least two people representing a Flynn-linked group called "Patriot Caucus" approached him earlier this year after a speech with an offer to hire his firm to gather "dirt" on officials and recruit others to assist in the plot. At one point, one of the men allegedly told Stern that they had retained the services of active intelligence officials "both domestic and foreign."

‘A roadmap for a coup’: inside Trump’s plot to steal the presidency. A startling memo, a surreal Oval Office encounter – just some of the twists in the unfolding story of Trump’s bid to cling to power, which critics say was no less than an attempted coup. The 2020 presidential election was the largest in US history, with a record 156 million votes cast and the highest turnout of eligible voters since 1900. By all official accounts, it was also among the most secure and well-conducted in US history.

EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff. Two sources are communicating with House investigators and detailed a stunning series of allegations to Rolling Stone, including a promise of a “blanket pardon” from the Oval Office.

All Democrats and 9 Republicans vote to hold Steve Bannon in CONTEMPT of Congress for defying January 6 subpoena: Biden's DOJ will now decide whether to criminally charge Trump adviser

What is Tommy Tuberville doing here? The college football coach-turned-U.S. Senator objected to Biden’s victory on Jan. 6. He’s not looking back. “I have no regrets,” he says. Tommy Tuberville had a decision to make. So did the other Republican senators huddling with him in the storage closet. It was Jan. 6, right-wing rioters were ransacking the U.S. Capitol, but these lawmakers were already in a secured part of the complex and had been milling about a hearing room with a larger group of senators. They weren’t hiding from the mob. They were hiding from their colleagues. The group, led by Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), had planned to object to the certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential campaign — a gesture of solidarity with President Donald Trump, who had spent months trying to overturn his loss. The siege of the Capitol by Trump’s supporters, however, had some lawmakers thinking that formally objecting to Biden’s victory might be a bad look. So into the closet they went, for privacy’s sake — around a dozen Republicans, including the Alabama newbie known as “Coach.”

Jan. 6 Committee To Seek Criminal Charges Against Steve Bannon. The select committee will vote next week on "adopting a contempt report," triggering a process that could end with Bannon paying a fine or behind bars.

Black flag: Understanding the Trumpists' latest threatening symbol. Trump zealots have begun flying black U.S. flags, which signal no quarter for enemies. It's a threat of violence. My neighbor has one of these. OCTOBER 12, 2021

Trump enjoyed watching Capitol riot and boasted of crowd size, new book claims. Ex-president reportedly argued with aides who wanted him to put out a message calling off his supporters. Former President Donald Trump boasted about the size of the crowd on 6 January as rioters attacked the US Capitol, a new book claims. Mr Trump watched on a television in the White House private dining room as a mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol and chanted “hang Mike Pence”, writes ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl in his new book Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show. He reportedly enjoyed what he saw and argued with aides who wanted him to put out a message to his supporters to stop rioting. “Trump had to tape the message several times before they thought he got it right,” an aide who was present said. Republican House leader Kevin McCarthy allegedly spoke to Mr Trump spoke during the riot, and told him: “I just got evacuated from the Capitol! There were shots fired right off the House floor. You need to make this stop.” According to a source familiar with the call, Mr Trump responded by saying, “They are just more upset than you because they believe it more than you, Kevin,” referring to the “Big Lie” that the presidential election had been stolen.

In a video, Trump wished Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt a happy birthday and called for a 'fair and nonpartisan' investigation into her death. Babbitt, an Air Force veteran and endorser of QAnon conspiracy theories, was shot by a US Capitol Police officer when she and other rioters tried to enter a door that led to the House of Representatives on January 6, which Trump described in the video as a "horrible day." "Together, we grieve her terrible loss," Trump said. "There was no reason Ashli should've lost her life that day. We must all demand justice for Ashli and her family. So on this solemn occasion, as we celebrate her life, we renew our call for a fair and nonpartisan investigation into the death of Ashli Babbitt."

GOP leader won't say if election was stolen under questioning from Fox's Chris Wallace. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) on Sunday repeatedly avoided answering whether or not believes the 2020 presidential election was "stolen," after Fox News' Chris Wallace pressed him on the matter. Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Scalise blasted the Biden administration's handling of the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic and the two major bills that have stalled in Congress. After Scalise's numerous condemnations of the White House, Wallace specifically asked the GOP leader if he believed the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump and whether such claims undermines American democracy. "Well Chris, I've been very clear from the beginning. If you look at a number of states, they didn't follow their state passed laws that govern the election for president. That is what the United States Constitution says. They don't say that the states determine what the rules are, they say the state legislature determined that," said Scalise.

‘Can you believe this?’: key takeaways from the report on Trump’s attempt to steal the election. The former president and his chief of staff pressed top department of justice deputies to investigate allegations of fraud in the 2020 election. For weeks after the November election, Trump and Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, pressed acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen and top Department of Justice deputies to pursue fanciful allegations of election fraud, according to the report. Jeffrey Clark was willing to carry out Trump’s wishes and tried to pressure the acting attorney general. Jeffrey Clark was willing to carry out Trump’s wishes and tried to pressure the acting attorney general.

Jan. 6 rioters exploited little-known Capitol weak spots: A handful of unreinforced windows. Four major access points that Jan. 6 rioters used to break into and overtake the U.S. Capitol had something unusual in common: They were among a dozen or so ground-floor windows and glass-paned doors that had not been recently reinforced. The majority of the Capitol’s 658 single-pane windows were quietly upgraded during a 2017-19 renovation of the historic building. The original wooden frames and glass were covered with a second metal frame containing bomb-resistant glass. But planners skipped about a dozen ground-floor windows, including some located in doors, because they were deemed to be low risk in the event of implosion, largely due to their discreet or shielded location, or because the building couldn’t structurally handle the load of the heavier frames. And whether by sheer luck, real-time trial and error, or advance knowledge by rioters, several of those vulnerable windows and two glass-paned doors — protected with only a thin Kevlar film added after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks — became easy entry points for hundreds of Trump supporters who overran and ransacked the building on Jan. 6. Video shows some of the first rioters to break through the police line running past 15 reinforced windows, making a beeline for a recessed area on the Senate side of the building, where two unreinforced windows and two doors with unreinforced glass were all that stood between them and hallways leading to lawmakers inside who had not begun to evacuate.

Police Radio Calls Reveal Pro-Trump Mob Overwhelmed Cops Hours Before Capitol Riot. U.S. Park Police radio recordings raise new questions about why law enforcement was so unprepared for Jan. 6 violence. One call announced the beginning of the day’s true nightmare: “The Capitol has been breached. Protestors have entered the building.” Officers were so outnumbered by then that police couldn’t even risk making arrests when an officer was attacked with a pipe. “We cannot afford to lose the personnel up here,” said a person on one of the calls.

Jan. 6 investigators subpoena organizers of rallies that preceded Capitol attack. The subpoenas come as the panel accelerates its investigation into the insurrection. The Jan. 6 select committee has subpoenaed Katrina Pierson, a veteran Trump campaign operative who helped organize the Jan. 6 rally that preceded the insurrection at the Capitol. The subpoena was one of 11 issued to organizers of the events of Jan. 5 and Jan. 6, which drew thousands of Trump supporters — including those who turned violent at the Capitol — to Washington. Targets also included top organizers Amy Kremer and Caroline Wren, as well as Maggie Mulvaney — the niece of former Trump chief of staff Mick Mulvaney — who was described in official paperwork as the “VIP Lead” for the rally. The panel specifically is asking Pierson about a reported Jan. 4 meeting she had with then-President Donald Trump at which he asked about a separate event featuring speakers like Ali Alexander and Roger Stone. Pierson reportedly informed Trump about a Jan. 5 rally organized by a group called the Eighty Percent Coalition, whose leader Cindy Chafian also received one of the 11 subpoenas. Other subpoena targets include Tim Unes, the leader of a company called Event Strategies, which was affiliated with the Jan. 6 event; Unes’ associate Justin Caporale, who is listed as a “project manager” for the event; Megan Powers, listed on paperwork as an “operations manager” for the event; Kylie Jane Kremer, who is listed as a point of contact for the event; Hannah Salem Stone, who is listed as an operations manager for the event; and Lyndon Brentnall, listed as an “on-site supervisor” for the event.

Jan. 6 panel subpoenas four ex-Trump aides Bannon, Meadows. The special committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol on Thursday sent subpoenas to four former advisers to President Trump, including Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and strategist Steve Bannon. The letters were also sent to Dan Scavino, Trump’s deputy chief of staff for communications, and Kashyap Patel, chief of staff to then-acting Secretary of Defense Chrishoper Miller. All four have all been asked to appear for a deposition in mid-October.

Bannon says he discussed how to 'kill this administration in the crib' with Trump before Jan. 6. "We said and told President Trump. 'you need to kill this administration in the crib early on just by its own incompetence and its illegitimacy,'" Bannon said on Wednesday's episode of his podcast. "It killed itself," Bannon continued. "Just let this go with what this illegitimate regime is doing. It killed itself. We told you from the very beginning. Just expose it. Just expose it. Never back down. Never give up. This thing will implode.” Bannon's comments follow reporting from the new book "Peril," by Watergate journalist Bob Woodward and The Washington Post's Robert Costa, in which Bannon expresses similar sentiment to then-President Trump ahead of the Jan. 6 insurrection. "He's also someone who we realized was talking to President Trump in the final days of the Trump presidency," Costa said on MSNBC, speaking of Bannon. "Talking to President Trump even on Jan. 5, the eve of the insurrection and saying to president Trump, based on our reporting, to kill the Biden presidency in the crib."

Memo shows Trump lawyer's six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election. Under Eastman's scheme, Pence would have declared Trump the winner with more Electoral College votes after the seven states were thrown out, at 232 votes to 222. Anticipating "howls" from Democrats protesting the overturning of the election, the memo proposes, Pence would instead say that no candidate had reached 270 votes in the Electoral College. That would throw the election to the House of Representatives, where each state would get one vote. Since Republicans controlled 26 state delegations, a majority could vote for Trump to win the election. The plan was first proposed to Pence when Eastman was with Trump in the Oval Office on January 4, during one of Trump's attempts to convince Pence that he had the authority to stop the certification of the election. "You really need to listen to John. He's a respected constitutional scholar. Hear him out," Trump said to Pence at that meeting, Woodward and Costa write in "Peril." In the memo, Eastman went so far as to suggest Pence should take action without warning. "The main thing here is that Pence should do this without asking for permission -- either from a vote of the joint session or from the Court," Eastman wrote. "The fact is that the Constitution assigns this power to the Vice President as the ultimate arbiter. We should take all of our actions with that in mind."

A brief guide of spotting militia members in your area

The Capitol Police Granted Permits For Jan. 6 Protests Despite Signs That Organizers Weren’t Who They Said They Were. The chief of the Capitol Police and its top intelligence officer personally approved permits for six demonstrations to be held on Jan. 6, 2021, despite signs that one of the applications was filed for an organization that didn't exist and that five of them were a proxy for a group staging large, violent protests across the country. Capitol Police documented concerns that organizers had attempted to conceal their affiliation with Ali Alexander, the right-wing activist behind the group Stop the Steal, in a secret effort to coordinate their protests against the results of the 2020 presidential election. Despite those concerns, and COVID-19 policies that capped demonstrations at 50 people each, the Capitol Police force’s intelligence assessment said there were “no plans for participants to enter the buildings” and noted “no adverse intelligence related to the upcoming event.” It assessed “the Level of Probability of acts of civil disobedience/arrests to occur” during the demonstration “as Highly Improbable.”

6 Capitol Police officers facing discipline for Jan. 6 actions, dozens absolved. Three of those six officers, who the department did not identify, were flagged for "conduct unbecoming."

Judge Refuses to Let Jacob Chansley Out of Jail Ahead of Sentencing, Calls Him a ‘Mascot’ for QAnon and ‘Hopes’ He’s Really Had a Change of Heart.

January 5 Pipe Bomb Investigation: Route and Video of Suspect. Sep 8, 2021 This virtual map depicts the approximate route an unknown suspect walked on January 5, 2021, while placing two pipe bombs in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The map also features video of the suspect at various points along the route. More at

@thehill Rep. Kevin McCarthy: "You can't put politics before people."

Rep. McCarthy threatens tech and telecom firms that comply with Jan.6 committee’s request. “If these companies comply with the Democrat order to turn over private information, they are in violation of federal law and subject to losing their ability to operate in the United States,” McCarthy said. “If companies still choose to violate federal law, a Republican majority will not forget and will stand with Americans to hold them fully accountable under the law.” It is not clear what law McCarthy is asserting the companies would be breaking if they comply with the panel’s request. McCarthy’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday.

Trump’s political operation paid more than $4.3 million to Jan. 6 organizers but questions remain about the full extent of its involvement. The House subpoena names Caroline Wren, a veteran GOP fundraiser who received at least $170,000 from the Trump political operation as the campaign’s national finance consultant with the joint fundraising committee. Wren was listed as a “VIP Advisor” on the permit granted by the National Park Service for the Jan. 6 rally. Megan Powers, one of two operations managers listed on the rally permit, is not listed in the House request but was paid around $300,000 as the Trump campaign’s director of operations. And Make America Great Again PAC paid around $20,000 more to Powers for “recount administrative consulting” in 2021.

GOP Congressman Says He Wants to Bust Out Jan. 6 ‘Political Prisoners’ “The reason why they have taken these political prisoners is they’re trying to make an example,” said Rep. Madison Cawthorn. “The big problem is we don’t actually know who all the political prisoners are, and so if we were actually to go and try to bust them out—and let me tell you, the reason why they have taken these political prisoners is they’re trying to make an example, because they don’t want to see the mass protest going on in Washington,” he said at a Macon County Republican Party event on Sunday. Someone in the audience then asked, “When will you call us to Washington again?” “We are actively working on this,” Cawthorn responded. “We have a few plans in motion I can’t make public right now,” he said, before calling those facing charges for their role in the January 6 insurrection “political hostages”—for the second time. The speech was streamed live on Facebook by the Macon County Republican Party on Sunday. His comments were first noticed by a local anti-Cawthorn activist:

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies. archived August 31, 2021

Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of Jan. 6 rioters. Some people charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and their Republican allies claim the Justice Department is treating them harshly because of their political views. An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison. The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who've been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more. The dissonance between the rhetoric of Capitol rioters and their supporters and the record established by courts highlights both the racial tension inherent in their arguments — the pro-Donald Trump rioters were largely white and last summer’s protesters were more diverse — and the flawed assessment at the heart of their claims.

A lawsuit was filed today by Capitol Police Officers against Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Ali Alexander, Brandon Straka, Proud Boys Inc, and several other insurrectionists.

The leader of the Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced to more than five months in jail on Monday for burning a Black Lives Matter banner that was torn down from a historic Black church in downtown Washington and bringing two high-capacity firearm magazines into the nation's capital days shortly before the Jan. 6 riot. Enrique Tarrio told the court he was "profusely" sorry for his actions, calling them a "grave mistake."

Timeline: Rep. Jim Jordan, a Systematic Disinformation Campaign, and January 6.

Floor staffers were a quiet force on Jan. 6. Now they’re getting an award. ‘Democracy Awards’ recognize staffers who toiled behind the scenes.

A bodybuilding Trump fan photographed dragging a police officer during the Capitol riot has been arrested after a months long hunt by internet sleuths. Logan Barnhart, a 40-year-old Michigan bodybuilder, faces multiple charges, including assaulting federal officers with a dangerous weapon, the FBI said.

The Four Tortured, Pathetic Arguments Republicans Use to Downplay January 6th. GOP pols went from holding Trump “responsible” for the insurrection to blaming… Nancy Pelosi? It Wasn’t That Bad! The Insurgents Weren’t Trump Supporters! Black Lives Matter Demonstrations Were Worse! It Was Nancy Pelosi’s Fault!

GAO today released 28-page report on the January 6th attacks on the US Capitol: "Special event designations could have been requested for January 6, 2021, but not all DHS is clear," requested by House Democrats.

DHS concerned about violence tied to Trump reinstatement conspiracy theory. "[D]HS is providing awareness of reports regarding an increasing but modest level of activity online calling for violence in response to unsubstantiated claims of fraud related to the 2020 election and the alleged 'reinstatement' of former President Trump," the notice said, according to CNN, which cited a source. "As public visibility of the narratives increases, we are concerned about more calls to violence. Reporting indicates that the timing of these activities may occur during August 2021, although we lack information on specific plots or planned actions," the notice added, according to CNN.

Why did Lauren Boebert lead a late-night Capitol tour three weeks before Jan. 6? Before she became a member of Congress, Boebert led a family tour that appeared to break all the Capitol's rules.

Trump Administration Brings Federal Charges Against Portland Protesters. September 30, 2020 5:08 AM ET

Justice Dept.: Sedition charge may apply to protest violence. September 17, 2020 Attorney General William Barr has been pushing his U.S. attorneys to bring federal charges in protest-related violence whenever they can, keeping a grip on cases even if a defendant could be tried instead in state court. Federal convictions often result in longer prison sentences; sedition alone could lead to up to 20 years behind bars. The memo cited as a hypothetical example “a group has conspired to take a federal courthouse or other federal property by force,” but the real thing took place in Portland, Oregon, during clashes that erupted night after night between law enforcement and demonstrators.

READ: Notes From Top DOJ Official On Trump’s Conspiracy To Overturn 2020 Election. The House Oversight Committee released handwritten notes on Friday authored by former Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, who recorded two late-December meetings in which former president Trump tried to use the DOJ to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The notes also show that Trump praised both Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) as a “fighter” and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) for having “done a great job getting to the bottom of things.”

GOP lawmaker Mo Brooks says he wore body armor at the January 6 Trump rally and was tipped off to 'risks'. Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama said he wore body armor to Donald Trump's January 6 rally in Washington, DC, after being tipped off about "risks" in the days leading up to the event, Slate reported. "I was warned on Monday" — January 4 — "that there might be risks associated with the next few days," Brooks told the Slate politics writer Jim Newell. "And as a consequence of those warnings, I did not go to my condo," he added. "Instead, I slept on the floor of my office. And when I gave my speech at the Ellipse, I was wearing body armor. "That's why I was wearing that nice little windbreaker. To cover up the body armor."

The DOJ Won't Defend Rep. Mo Brooks In Court Against Claims He Incited The Jan. 6 Riot. The Justice Department says Brooks was engaged in campaign activity when he participated in the rally. That is not within the scope of his duties as a member of Congress, so he doesn't qualify for legal immunity for his actions, the department said.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz abandon their own Capitol riots presser as it descends into chaos. Republicans were complaining about treatment of Capitol riot suspects as committee hearings into 6 January insurrection were beginning near by. Rep Louie Gohmert, one of the members of Congress to speak at the news conference, briefly returned to speak to reporters after the news conference dissolved into chaos but was drowned out by a large brass band, DC Critical Condition, which was apparently contracted by demonstrators to show up and drown out the news conference with music. The band could still be heard playing a while after the presser ended, as demonstrators celebrated and danced outside of the Justice Department building while still waving their signs and the Trump effigy.

What did Jim Jordan know about the insurrection and when did he know it? Sidney Blumenthal I have some questions for the Republican congressman about events at the US Capitol on 6 January. Jim Jordan is a wiry, hyperactive bundle of nerves who tosses off his suit jacket, coiled to leap into the ring and twist the arms of his opponents. The former college wrestling champion in the 134lb class represents the locker-room jock culture in the House of Representatives, snapping his towel in committee hearings to show off his primacy as an alpha big man on campus. Jordan’s political moves are drawn from his wrestling repertoire: the leg shot, the half-nelson and the slam. From 1987 to 1995, Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at the Ohio State University, where many athletes claim he knew about and turned a blind eye to Dr Richard Strauss’s sexual abuse of at least 177 students. Jordan has denied that he engaged in a cover-up. One of the abused wrestlers, Mark Coleman, who was a close friend and roommate of Jordan and became an Ultimate Fighting Champion, told the Wall Street Journal (in comments he would later retract): “There’s no way unless he’s got dementia or something that he’s got no recollection of what was going on at Ohio State.” Another abused wrestler, Dunyasha Yetts, said: “If Jordan says he didn’t know about it then he’s lying.” Jordan refused to cooperate with the university’s investigation: goodbye, Columbus. On 11 January, the same day an article of impeachment was filed in the House against Donald Trump for “incitement of insurrection”, Trump awarded Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom in a closed ceremony at the White House.

Jim Jordan: It’s Pelosi Who Needs To Answer Questions About Jan. 6. Accuses Democrats of normalizing anarchy. That’s when hundreds of people, many of whom had been at a rally led by President Trump, went to the building. Evidence suggests Trump’s opponents also were embedded in the crowd. There were dozens who broke windows or doors to get in and then vandalized parts of the building. Hundreds of others simply walked into the building, sometimes as security officers held the doors open for them. “The fundamental question is why wasn’t there a proper security posture that day? It wasn’t like we didn’t know there was a rally in town. It wasn’t like we didn’t know it would be a big rally, after all it was a President Trump rally,” he explained. “Why wasn’t there a proper security presence? That is a question that only the speaker of the United States House of Representatives can answer,” he said. “My guess is the reason she didn’t have the proper presence there is because – think about what happened last year. The Democrats normalized anarchy. They said ‘Oh, if you are a rioter or a looter, you are attacking police that we are defunding and you are destroying small business we are going to raise money to bail you out of jail.’ So with that background, she couldn’t have the presence that you need that day.” Jenna Ellis, who served as an attorney for Trump, slammed Pelosi’s rejection of Jordan and Banks. “This is NOT about getting to the truth,” she wrote on Twitter. “It’s political persecution from Democrats. “They will stop at nothing to take down Trump.”

Rep. Jim Banks unloads on Pelosi, vows to get Jan. 6 answers via GOP panel. Banks alleged that Pelosi and Democrats on the committee are hesitant to look into potential shortcomings that could reflect poorly on the speaker, with Republicans questioning whether she played a role in delaying the deployment of the National Guard that day. “If you want to study what happened at the Capitol, you’ve got to study the political violence that happened in big cities around the country. And I think you’ve got what happened on Good Friday with the Capitol Police officer that was killed by a left-wing extremist,” he said. “I think all of it deserves attention, because again it gets back to leadership and it gets back to protocols. And I’ll tell you what the leader of the Capitol Police union told us today said, on Jan. 6, the leadership of the Capitol Police didn’t prepare them for what was going to happen even though they had three weeks to prepare with legitimate intelligence,” Banks said. “They didn’t train them for what was going to happen on Jan. 6. They didn’t equip them for what was going to happen on Jan. 6, so why aren’t we talking about that? It’s serious.”

Jim Jordan among McCarthy picks for Jan. 6 panel. The others , sources said, are Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee and the co-founder of the far-right Freedom Caucus; Rep. Rodney Davis (Ill.), the top Republican on the Administration Committee; and Reps. Kelly Armstrong (N.D.) and Troy Nehls (Texas), a former county sheriff.

In addition to Cheney, Pelosi's other picks include Democratic Representatives Bennie Thompson, Elaine Luria, Jamie Raskin, Stephanie Murphy, Pete Aguilar, Adam Schiff and Zoe Lofgren. Thompson, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, will chair the January 6 panel.

Pence refused to leave the Capitol during the January 6 riot despite Secret Service agents urging him to evacuate, saying, 'I'm not getting in the car': book. The protective detail then ushered Pence, along with his wife, Karen, daughter Charlotte, and his brother Rep. Greg Pence of Indiana, down a staircase to his armored limousine, the book says. Pence refused to get in the car. "I trust you, Tim, but you're not driving the car," Pence told Giebels, the book says. "If I get in that vehicle, you guys are taking off. I'm not getting in the car." Pence and his family then waited out the riot from an underground but undisclosed location inside the Capitol, the authors write. He was adamant that Congress finish its work that same night, the book says. "We need to get back tonight," Pence told top lawmakers and defense officials on a call, according to the book. "We can't let the world see that our process of confirming the next president can be delayed." "We're going back to the Capitol," Pelosi said on a call, according to the book. "You just tell us how long it will take to get rid of these people." "I want it cleared out now. The Senate needs to get its business done," McConnell said, according to the book. Congress reconvened, and Pence returned to the chamber at 8:06 p.m., the authors write. The lawmakers certified President Joe Biden's 2020 victory at 3:24 a.m. on January 7. Trump did not personally check in on Pence at any point during the riot, the book says.

Trump on Jan. 6 insurrection: 'These were great people'. The former president described the participants as loving and patriotic, and said Democrats could be blamed for any violence. Echoing his rhetoric about the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Trump said, “These were peaceful people, these were great people.” He added: “Too much spirit and faith and love, there was such love at that rally, you had over a million people,” inflating the size of his rally crowd. After Trump’s speech, the Capitol was invaded by backers of his seeking to disrupt the Electoral College count. On the way in, they battled with police officers; according to the Department of Justice, approximately 140 police officers were assaulted. Hundreds of those who entered the Capitol have been charged with various crimes, including more than 50 who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer. Referring to his remarks to the crowd before they stormed the Capitol as “a very mild-mannered speech,” Trump also suggested that the blame for any violence that day could be placed on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats because they didn’t take the potential for violence seriously. “They are the ones that were responsible,” he said.

Rep. Andy Kim bought a blue wool suit off the rack during post-holiday sales. J.Crew, cobalt blue, standard cut. He looked forward to wearing the suit to President Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20. But first Kim, a Democrat who represents New Jersey's 3rd District, wore his new suit to work in the halls of Congress on Jan. 6, to count and certify the ballots from the Electoral College. He was on his way to the House chamber around 1 p.m. that day when the U.S. Capitol was invaded by a mob trying to overturn the election by force. Kim made it back to his office, where he and his staff barricaded their doors. They stayed there for 8 hours, until the Capitol had been secured, and Congress resumed its constitutional duties after a foiled insurrection. "It was the most emotional experience I've ever had on any job," he told us, and before being elected to Congress, Kim worked under both Republican and Democratic administrations at the Pentagon, State Department and National Security Council. "There was broken glass when I got to the Rotunda," he remembers. "Garbage, litter, bottles and cigarette butts people put out on statues. I felt heartbroken. The Capitol is the physical form of Article 1 of the Constitution," he told us. "'All legislative powers ... vested in a Congress...' So I found a roll of trash bags, got down on my knees, and just started trying to clean up a place I love." AP photographer Andrew Harnik came across him, and pictures of Rep. Kim on his knees, cleaning up after a mob that tried to disrupt democracy, were seen around the world. Perhaps because he wore a face mask, he became known as "the blue suit" on social media. Rep. Kim got tweets, cards and letters from people who said his pointed, simple response gave them hope. He wore the suit once more, a week later, to vote for the impeachment of Donald Trump. "The dust of cleaning up was still on my knees," he told us. "Then I put the suit in the back of my closet. I didn't want to see it again." But when the Smithsonian National Museum of American History called to ask for his blue suit, as an artifact of what happened on Jan. 6, Kim said he was glad to hand it over for display. He hopes his sons, August and Austin, now 3 and 5, will see it there one day. He says he'll tell them, "When something you love is broken, you fix it."

The Rise and Fall of the Proud Boys. The far-right extremist group helped mount an insurrection. Then it began to splinter. By EJ DICKSON JUNE 15, 2021

‘So, So Angry’: Reporters Who Survived the Capitol Riot Are Still Struggling. The reporters who survived the insurrection are still covering Congress. But things don’t feel normal.

Videos show ally of Marjorie Taylor Greene among mob inside Capitol during January 6 riot. By Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck, CNN Updated 12:08 AM ET, Thu March 25, 2021 Footage from the January 6 riot at the US Capitol shows a close ally of Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene inside the building. CNN previously reported that Anthony Aguero, a conservative live-streamer, activist and associate of Greene, said on video following the riot that he had been among those who entered the building.

The FBI’s Washington Field Office has released 11 new videos of suspects in violent assaults on federal officers during the riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and is seeking the public’s help to identify them. The 11 new videos depict suspects seen forcefully attacking law enforcement officers.

Nancy Pelosi Announces Liz Cheney Will Serve On Jan. 6 Committee. Cheney was ousted from her leadership role in the Republican Party for supporting Trump’s impeachment after the Capitol riot.

Online activism is spilling into the streets of Southern California, sparking a post-Trump movement. "A year from now, I don't want to be back at this board demanding they repeal a requirement to donate a kidney," local activist Peggy Hall said into a microphone at the passport protest in May. "What's next? You're going to be sterilized for the common good?" "This is a humanitarian issue," said Jason Lefkowitz, a Los Angeles-based organizer behind the Dodger Stadium anti-vaccine protest and others. Like others here interviewed by The Post, he said he was motivated to became an activist during the pandemic, after losing his job and other freedoms. "It is about our civil liberties being taken away over a made-up pandemic. It is a global war over everything." Alan Hostetter, a former local police chief and yoga teacher as well as a speaker at the June rally attended by The Post, was indicted on a charge of his alleged role in the insurrection June 10. Shortly after, he went back on Facebook Live, YouTube, Spotify, Rumble and several other services, filming himself walking on the beach in San Clemente in a "Free Man" baseball cap. He decried the Jan. 6 riot as a "false flag staged event" and a "fakesurrection" because he believed infiltrators were in the crowd.

NEWS: House Democrats introduce a resolution to create a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Speaker shall appoint 13 Members to the Select Committee, 5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.

New Capitol Riot Bodycam Footage Shows What An Hour Looked Like For Police On Jan. 6. The video begins with a view from the back of a moving van. It’s timestamped in the corner Jan. 6, 2021, 1:53 p.m. There are at least three police officers seated up front; two are wearing helmets. There’s no sound. From the vantage point of a camera attached to the uniform of an officer in the back, the viewer can see his hands as he adjusts his gear and straps on gloves. Two minutes in, after the officers have exited the van at a trot and clustered with other police on the street with the Capitol in the background, the sound suddenly turns on. Another officer is yelling at the group to make sure their cameras are working. The camera picks up the sound of sirens and the low roar of a crowd in the distance. The 52-minute video is one of a series of clips of police body camera footage that depict the frontline experience of officers who responded to the riots on Jan. 6 and were released over the past week. These videos had been referenced in court filings and played in court in some of the cases brought in connection with the assault on the Capitol, but they hadn’t been available to the public. They were finally released after a coalition of media organizations, including BuzzFeed News, petitioned judges. The latest cache offers new, up-close perspectives of the situation outside the Capitol as an angry mob surged forward to try to break through police lines, hurling flag poles and other projectiles; deploying pepper spray; and lobbing insults, obscenities, and threats at the officers. The clips were cited by prosecutors and defense lawyers in different cases, but they all fell within the same one-hour window, starting just before 2 p.m. — minutes before the first rioters broke into the Capitol. This is what officers saw:

New Details Suggest Senior Trump Aides Knew Jan. 6 Rally Could Get Chaotic. Text messages and interviews show that Stop the Steal leaders fooled the Capitol police and welcomed racists to increase their crowd sizes, while White House officials worked to both contain and appease them. Women for America First, led by Amy Kremer, a Republican operative who helped found the tea party movement. The group initially wanted to hold a kind of extended oral argument, with multiple speakers making their case for how the election had been stolen. On the other was Stop the Steal, a new, more radical group that had recruited avowed racists to swell its ranks and wanted the President to share the podium with Alex Jones, the radio host banned from the world’s major social media platforms for hate speech, misinformation and glorifying violence. Stop the Steal organizers say their plan was to march on the Capitol and demand that lawmakers give Trump a second term.

DHS official told lawmakers there's concern about Trump August reinstatement conspiracy theory. Sources familiar with the exchange said top DHS counterterrorism official John Cohen shared these concerns while speaking in a members only briefing with the House Homeland Security Committee. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) reportedly asked Cohen how DHS is monitoring the spread of disinformation and conspiracy as well as how they fuel violence, specifically pointing to the Trump reinstatement conspiracy theory that has become popular among QAnon followers. According to Politico's sources, Cohen said that DHS had not found anything linking violence to the conspiracy theory that Trump will be reinstated, though he did say the department was following online discussions in extremist communities. Cohen said that DHS was highly concerned about the conspiracy theory, however, as it fuels the narrative that the election was rigged, which could in turn spark violence among extremists.

Famous QAnon Couple Featured In Documentaries Arrested In Capitol Attack. Jamie and Jennifer Buteau face charges in connection with the Jan. 6 attack. The feds say Jamie Buteau threw a chair at officers.

Capitol rioter allowed to go on vacation after making "divine special appearance" in court.

No jail time in 1st riot sentence; Oath Keeper pleads guilty. Graydon Young, who was accused alongside 15 other members and associates of the Oath Keepers of conspiring to block the congressional certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory, pleaded guilty to two counts: conspiracy and obstruction of an official proceeding. It was the first guilty plea in the major conspiracy case brought against members of the group. Another Oath Keepers member, Jon Ryan Schaffer, has also pleaded guilty in the riot, but was not charged in the conspiracy case. Schaffer has agreed to cooperate with investigators and potentially testify against other defendants. Anna Morgan Lloyd, 49, of Indiana, was ordered by a federal judge to serve three years of probation, perform 120 hours of community service and pay $500 in restitution after admitting to unlawfully entering the Capitol. She pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor charge under a deal with prosecutors. After the riot, Lloyd described Jan. 6 on Facebook as the “best day ever.” Robert Maurice Reeder of Maryland, admitted to entering the Capitol, but his lawyer said he didn’t force his way inside and didn’t damage any property or hurt anyone. Tennessee resident Brian Wayne Ivey, who pleaded guilty on Tuesday, entered the Capitol through a window that somebody else broke with a riot shield and spent roughly 30 minutes inside the building. Joshua Bustle of Virginia, who pleaded guilty alongside his wife, will also be seeking probation, his lawyer said. Jessica Bustle’s attorney described them as “good, decent, hardworking people,” who were urged to come to Washington by “very powerful people and groups.” “They are not criminals or insurrectionists or rioters. They were not looking to break laws when they came to DC on the 6th. They violated minor laws on the 6th and they have accepted responsibility and accountability for doing so,” Jessica Bustle’s attorney, Nabeel Kibria, wrote in an email.

Ex-Florida GOP Governor Urges DeSantis to Probe Ties to Capitol Riot As State Leads in Arrests. Former Republican Florida Governor Charlie Crist has called for Governor Ron DeSantis to investigate the state's ties to the Capitol riot after numerous Floridians were arrested in connection to the incident. Crist, a Democratic Florida representative who's running for governor in 2022, made the remarks during a press conference at the Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg on Friday. Crist previously served as the 44th governor of Florida from 2007 to 2011 as a Republican. "The unprecedented attack on our nation's Capitol on January 6th was an assault on our very democracy, our Constitution, and our fundamental right to vote," he said. "And we've recently learned that, unfortunately, Florida leads the nation in people facing criminal charges related to that insurrection."

Trump incited Insurrection January 06, 2021, Qanon, MAGA Zombies, archived June 20, 2021

DOJ Releases Graphic New Video While Republicans Try to Gaslight America About the Insurrection. “We see what I would describe as a look of pure rage,” one U.S. attorney said describing footage of a rioter. “His teeth are gritted. This is a man about to unleash some kind of violence”.

Mike Pence is called a 'TRAITOR' at faith conference: Hecklers drown out VP with boos at Faith & Freedom Coalition event where Ted Cruz called critical race theory 'as racist as the Klansmen'.

Tucker Carlson hosts guest who attended a white supremacist conference to rewrite the events of January 6. On the June 15 broadcast of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Carlson hosted Darren Beattie, who left Donald Trump’s White House after reporting emerged that he attended a white nationalist conference, to discuss a “report” published on far-right outfit Revolver that suggests the January 6 attack on the Capitol may have been orchestrated by FBI operatives. During the episode, Carlson claimed, without presenting any tangible proof, that “in potentially every single case,” unindicted co-conspirators referenced in legal cases related to January 6 “were FBI operatives.”

@MacFarlaneNews ALERT: Court orders release of more video in Jan 6 case of Patrick McCaughey, who's accused of assaulting police on frontline I'm sharing *some* ... just listen to the audio in this clip... as the mob coordinates its attack on the police line ==>

US intel report warns of more violence by QAnon followers.

Diamond and Sulk: A Weekend With Mike Lindell and the MAGA Zombies. In a small Wisconsin town, the gang reunited to keep the MAGA 2020 dream alive. There were … some hiccups. “The park where we’re going to be once had 40,000 for a concert, and we’re going to try and break that record. I’ll see you there. All I ask is you watch my videos.” He pauses a moment. “And visit my freedom-of-speech website:”

O.C. Stop the Steal organizer Alan Hostetter indicted on Capitol riot conspiracy charges. Two Orange County extremists — a former police chief and his partner in organizing Stop the Steal rallies — have been indicted along with members of the Three Percenters militia for their roles in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Alan Hostetter, the former chief of the La Habra police department, was indicted along with fellow Californians Russell Taylor, Erik Scott Warner, Felipe Antonio “Tony” Martinez, Derek Kinnison and Ronald Mele on multiple charges. Though all are charged with being in restricted areas of the Capitol, Warner is the sole indictee to be accused of entering the building, via a broken window. Kinnison and Warner are charged with destroying evidence, while Taylor also faces a weapons count for carrying a knife with a blade longer than 3 inches. The grand jury indictment, unsealed Thursday, alleges the men conspired on social media prior to the riot — including on a Telegram channel dubbed Answer the Call and via text messages — creating travel plans that included discussion of bringing weapons to the Capitol. On the day of the riot, they breached the Capitol and encouraged others to do so as well, posting videos and pictures as they went, the indictment says.

Mike Pence Saved The Republic On Jan. 6 – And No One Is Talking About It, Not Even Him. His refusal to carry out Donald Trump’s demands staved off a constitutional crisis at the very least, and possibly national violence unseen since the Civil War.

In Exclusive Jailhouse Letter, Capitol Riot Defendant Explains Motives, Remains Boastful. The material obtained by ProPublica sheds light on the radicalization of a Jan. 6 defendant whom prosecutors have characterized as a “serious danger ... not only to his family and Congress, but to the entire system of justice.” The letter is signed “the 1/6ers” and expresses no remorse for the assault on the Capitol, in which five people died. While no names appeared on it, ProPublica was able to determine, through interviews with his family and a review of his correspondence from jail, that it was penned by Guy Reffitt, a member of the Three Percenter right-wing militant group accused of participating in the riot. The letter said the inmates arrested for their role in the attack regularly recite the Pledge of Allegiance inside the Washington, D.C. jail and sing the national anthem “all in unison, loud and proud most everyday.” “January 6th was nothing short of a satirical way to overthrow a government,” said the letter, written by hand on yellow lined paper. “If overthrow was the quest, it would have no doubt been overthrown.”

Facebook first suspended Trump’s account for 24 hours on Jan. 6 in response to two posts he sent out during the Capitol Riot. One was a post reading, “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love in peace. Remember this day forever!” The other was a video addressed to the rioters in which he said, “We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special.” The next day, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the suspension would continue until at least after Inauguration Day due to his belief that Trump was intent on undermining “the peaceful and lawful transition of power.”


January 6 Conspiracy Case Deepens Against Oath Keepers. Sixteen are now charged, and the feds appear to be closing in on the group’s founder. The cadre of accused Oath Keepers connects in multiple ways to longtime Trump ally Roger Stone. At least eight people charged in the conspiracy acted as “security” for Stone at events in Washington, DC, on January 5 and 6, or did so previously at “stop the steal” events in Florida where Stone promoted Trump’s lies about election fraud, according to videos and other documentation. One of the four men newly charged on Sunday, Paul Hackett, 51, whom the Washington Post identified as a Florida chiropractor, appeared in video footage from a December “stop the steal” rally in Miami, where he could be seen guarding Stone.

QAnon's cowboy-themed "Patriot Roundup" sure sounds like it was full of horseshit.

Four additional members of the Oath Keepers, a far-right militia group that took part in the storming of the US Capitol on 6 January, have been indicted for participating in the event. Court documents unsealed on Sunday named three individuals living in Florida – Joseph Hackett, 51, of Sarasota, Jason Dolan, 44, of Wellington, and William Isaacs, 21, of Kissimmee. The three appeared last Thursday before US magistrates in Tampa, West Palm Beach and Orlando. A fourth person’s name was hidden. The four new defendants are charged with conspiring to obstruct Congress’s confirmation of the 2020 presidential election results in a joint session of Congress that was interrupted by the attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. Five deaths were ultimately linked to the attack. The four Oath Keepers are each accused of forcing entry through the Capitol’s East Rotunda doors after marching up the steps wearing combat uniforms, tactical vests, helmets and Oath Keepers insignia. The new indictment is part of a larger criminal conspiracy case that now includes 19 members of the far-right group. Members previously charged in the government’s case have pleaded not guilty. According to prosecutors, members of the group attended a 9 November meeting during which the Oath Keeper’s founder Stewart Rhodes, referred to in government documents as Person One, described the attack as an insurrection. “We’re gonna be posted outside DC, awaiting the president’s orders. … We want him to declare an insurrection,” according to documents.

Senate Republicans KILL bill to create a Capitol riot commission despite SIX GOP rebels voting in favor with the Democrats. Senate Republicans tanked the House-passed bill that would create a 9/11-style commission to investigate the January 6 Capitol attack. Democrats were unable to override a Republican filibuster placed on the bill during a Friday vote of 54 to 35, with 60 votes needed. Republican Sens. Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman and Ben Sasse joined the Democrats. 'Shame on the Republican Party for trying to sweep the horrors of that day under the rug because they're afraid of Donald Trump,' Sen. Chuck Schumer said Chaos in the Senate prevented the bill from getting a vote Thursday, when it was expected .

Here Are The Big Questions A Capitol Riot Commission Could Answer. The House approved a plan for a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. What could it uncover? What did, or didn’t, Trump do to stop the riot? How did Republicans respond? How did the attack come together, and who planned it? What did Capitol police and the National Guard do to prepare? Republicans have questions, too.

Rep. Issa Votes Against Jan. 6 Probe, Says Questions Were ‘Asked and Answered’. East County Rep. Darrell Issa said: “Over the last four months, essential inquiry and important questions regarding the events of January 6th have been asked and answered, while individuals responsible for breaking the law have been held to account.” In a statement, he continued: “I believe the essential and ongoing bipartisan oversight work of Congress should be allowed to continue, and there is no reason that the current framework is insufficient to answering any legitimate questions that may remain.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene defends ‘abused’ Capitol rioters and Ashli Babbitt in House floor speech. Republican congresswoman demands investigation into Black Lives Matter protests as GOP rejects bipartisan investigation into pro-Trump assault.

Watch GOP reps claim Capitol riot was a "normal tourist visit" CNN showed footage of the January 6 domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol side-by-side with Big Lie GQP representatives telling whoppers that would make a cow laugh. Of course, Reps. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) don't expect anyone to believe their lies about "people in an orderly fashion staying in between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures" like a "normal tourist visit" when they were actually pepper spraying police, breaking windows and doors, assaulting police, and hunting for "traitors" like Pence and Pelosi to hang them on the gallows they erected outside. No, Clyde and Norman are telling these obvious lies to demonstrate their fealty to their god-emperor-in-exile at Mar-a-Lago, because it will get them re-elected. When Clylde was later asked to explain his comments that the rights looked like a "normal tourist visit," Clyde said "you didn't take what I said in context," then got into a pickup truck in a hideous shade of maroon.

In a letter sent from behind bars, a key defendant in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol said he and fellow inmates have bonded in jail, and boasted that those attacking the building could have overthrown the government if they had wanted. The letter is signed “the 1/6ers” and expresses no remorse for the assault on the Capitol, in which five people died. While no names appeared on it, ProPublica was able to determine, through interviews with his family and a review of his correspondence from jail, that it was penned by Guy Reffitt, a member of the Three Percenter right-wing militant group accused of participating in the riot. The letter said the inmates arrested for their role in the attack regularly recite the Pledge of Allegiance inside the Washington, D.C. jail and sing the national anthem “all in unison, loud and proud most everyday.” The family shared group text message chats from the past year and some of their correspondence with Guy Reffitt during his more than three months in jail. The material sheds light on the radicalization of Reffitt, whom federal prosecutors characterized in a court filing as a “serious danger ... not only to his family and Congress, but to the entire system of justice.”

Interesting raw data on who stormed the capitol.

The Capitol Rioters Aren’t Like Other Extremists. We analyzed 193 people arrested in connection with the January 6 riot—and found a new kind of American radicalism. First, the attack on the Capitol was unmistakably an act of political violence, not merely an exercise in vandalism or trespassing amid a disorderly protest that had spiraled out of control. The overwhelming reason for action, cited again and again in court documents, was that arrestees were following Trump’s orders to keep Congress from certifying Joe Biden as the presidential-election winner. Dozens of arrestees, court records indicate, made statements explaining their intentions in detail on social media or in interviews with the FBI. “I am incredibly proud to be a patriot today,” wrote a 37-year-old man from Beverly Hills, California, “to stand up tall in defense of liberty & the Constitution, to support Trump & #MAGAforever, & to send the message: WE ARE NEVER CONCEDING A STOLEN ELECTION.”

The Secrets of QAnon's Appeal. Here's what QAnon documentaries reveal about how conspiracies flourish.

What We Know About The Suspect Who Planted Bombs Before The Capitol Riot April 14, 2021 Here's what is known: The suspect was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, a COVID-19 mask and expensive sneakers — Nike Air Max Speed Turf with a distinctive yellow logo. Sometime between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., the suspect placed one pipe bomb on a park bench near the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and another behind the Republican National Committee headquarters.

Capitol Riot Suspect Wore ‘I Was There' Shirt When Arrested. On Feb. 12, a grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Miller on 12 counts, including civil disorder. Garret Miller didn't speak to the law enforcement officers who arrested him on charges he stormed the U.S. Capitol in January, but the T-shirt he was wearing at his Dallas home that day sent a clear and possibly incriminating message. On a recorded call immediately after his arrest, Miller told his mother, “I don’t feel that I’ve done anything wrong and now I’m being locked up,” according to prosecutors.

New Proud Boys Busted for Capitol Riot Have Wild Police Ties. From an allegedly violent North Carolina Proud Boy appearing in a disturbing photo op with a D.C. cop to the son of a Philly officer, the connections keep getting worse. In late September 2019, Charles Donohoe took to the encrypted messaging app Telegram with a call to arms. “We need to stop fighting antifa in the streets where the cops are and start fighting them in bars and alleys,” Donohoe, a member of the far-right streetfighting group the Proud Boys, wrote. “We need to stomp them. We need to ruin their lives physically like they have ruined ours financially with doxxing. We need to rack up their hospital bills. We need to use special operations tactics and lightning strike them.” During a July 2019 Proud Boys demonstration in Washington, D.C., Donohoe ran into Collin Cole, a Metropolitan Police Officer with whom he had previously served in the Marines. The pair shook hands and the image soon circulated in Proud Boys circles as evidence that the group was not racist. (Cole is Black.)

@page88 In late 07, I wrote abt Ron Paul’s neo-Nazi ties. His supporters hit me w/a vast & vicious trolling campaign. Stewart Rhodes, a Paul aide, then smeared Paul’s enemies on his blog. Then he founded the Oath Keepers. Online & offline terrorism are linked.

Prosecutors Are Accusing A Member Of The Oath Keepers Of Lying About His Paramilitary Training. Kelly Meggs had a 97-second phone call with the Oath Keepers' founder, Stewart Rhodes, on the day of the Capitol insurrection, prosecutors said.

FBI Washington Field Office Releases Videos of Assaults on Officers at U.S. Capitol, Seeks Public’s Help to Identify Suspects. March 18, 2021

F.B.I. agents have arrested two organizers for the Proud Boys in Philadelphia and North Carolina, and prosecutors filed new charges against two other prominent members of the far-right group in Florida and Washington State as federal authorities continued their crackdown on its leadership ranks, three law enforcement officials said on Wednesday. With the new conspiracy indictment, prosecutors have now brought charges against a total of 13 people identified in court papers as members of the Proud Boys. Federal investigators have described the group, which appeared in force in Washington on Jan. 6, as one of the chief instigators of the riot at the Capitol that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. In the indictment, prosecutors accused Charles Donohoe, a Proud Boys leader from North Carolina, and Zach Rehl, the president of the group’s chapter in Philadelphia, of conspiring to interfere with law enforcement officers at the Capitol and obstruct the certification of President Biden’s electoral victory. Two other high-ranking Proud Boys who were already facing similar charges — Ethan Nordean of Auburn, Wash., and Joseph Biggs of Ormond Beach, Fla. — were also implicated as part of the conspiracy.

Two men who allegedly assaulted Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick with bear spray as thousands of MAGA rioters breached the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 have been arrested. Julian Elie Khater, a 32-year-old resident of Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, a 39-year-old from West Virginia, were arrested Sunday for their roles in the siege, The Washington Post first reported. Both men are expected to appear in federal court Monday. Authorities allege the pair is seen in videos discharging a canister of bear spray into the face of Sicknick and two other officers. Sicknick died two days after defending the building during the siege.

6 Questions Officials Still Haven’t Answered After Weeks of Hearings on the Capitol Attack. More than 15 hours of testimony failed to answer fundamental questions about the Capitol attack. Among them: Why national security officials responded differently to BLM protesters than to Trump supporters.

Officers maced, trampled: Docs expose depth of Jan. 6 chaos

Threats to Capitol prompt House to cancel Thursday votes

QAnon believers think Trump will be inaugurated again on March 4. Law enforcement is preparing for potential threats, but there’s no evidence of mass mobilization yet.

A close ally of Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took part in the January 6 mob at the Capitol and said he was among those who eventually made their way into the building. Greene, a freshman congresswoman with a history of promoting dangerous and violent conspiracies and comments, encouraged the big lie that the election was stolen from former President Donald Trump by voting to object to the election certification and fanned the flames of the insurrection by telling her supporters to "fight for Trump." In tweets after the Capitol insurrection, Greene falsely suggested that those who had broken into the Capitol were not Republicans and instead falsely implied so-called "Antifa" dressed as Trump supporters were to blame. In fact, Anthony Aguero, a conservative livestreamer, activist and associate of Greene, said on video following the January 6 assault on the Capitol that he had been among those who entered and attacked those who falsely claimed it was done by "Antifa." "We were all there. It was not Antifa and it was not BLM. It was Trump supporters that did that yesterday. I'm the first to admit it, being one myself," said Aguero in a video posted on January 7. "I walked amongst all those people," he added, later defending entering the Capitol.

9 Oath Keepers charged with sweeping conspiracy for role in Capitol insurrection. The Justice Department accused the nine militia members of coordinating efforts to storm Congress. In addition to Caldwell, Meggs and Watkins, prosecutors indicted Donovan Crowl, 50, of Champaign County, Ohio, Sandra Parker, 60, and Bennie Parker, 70, of Warren County, Ohio; Graydon Young, 54, of Englewood, Fla.; Laura Steele, 52, of Thomasville, N.C.; and Meggs’ wife Connie, 59, of Dunnellon, Fla.

Guns, knives, bombs and bear spray: Here are the weapons Trump supporters brought to DC on the day of the Capitol attack

‘I’m running for my life. I cannot talk to you right now’: 23 women in Congress recall the Capitol riot.

Trump's 5 Hours at the White House on Jan. 6: What We Know So Far. Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Martin

Large bitcoin payment made to far-right individuals before U.S. Capitol attack: report. Nick Fuentes, who was permanently suspended from YouTube last year for hate speech, received 13.5 bitcoins, worth about $250,000 at the time of the transfer, making him by far the biggest beneficiary of the donation, according to the blog post.

Inside the Capitol Riot: What the Parler Videos Reveal. The trove of more than 500 videos recovered from a largely pro-Trump social platform provides a uniquely immersive account of the violence and confusion as seen from inside the insurrection.

“I Don’t Trust the People Above Me”: Riot Squad Cops Open Up About Disastrous Response to Capitol Insurrection. Interviews with 19 current and former officers show how failures of leadership and communication put hundreds of Capitol cops at risk and allowed rioters to get dangerously close to members of Congress. It was only through Pittman’s testimony at a closed Congressional briefing on Jan. 26 that most Capitol Police officers learned that the force did in fact have intelligence warnings of possible violence. She admitted that the department failed to adequately act on it. The officers said they are still waiting for an apology. Many are looking for new jobs. “Let’s face it. Now the whole world knows where the vulnerabilities of the Capitol are,” said one officer. “I don’t trust the people above me to make decisions to bring me home safe.”

An Oath Keeper Extremist Who Stormed The Capitol Kept A ‘Death List’ Prosecutors say Thomas Caldwell researched weapons, kept a “death list” of his enemies, and talked about mutilating the corpses of his political opponents.“ Caldwell also discussed and organized plans to attend the Jan. 6 rally with other extremists who would later storm the Capitol. Messages between Caldwell and militia members Donovan Crowl and Jessica Watkins include discussions of logistics for attending the rally and talk of other Oath Keepers who would attend. Watkins, a military veteran and member of the Oath Keepers, also texted Caldwell about how they could sneak weapons into Washington, D.C., and discussed having Oath Keepers waiting outside the city to deliver them guns. Trump wants all able bodied patriots to come,” Watkins messaged, adding that she would “hate to miss it” if Trump invoked the insurrection act ― a reference to a QAnon conspiracy theory claiming that Trump was planning to authorize a military takeover of the government at the time. Prosecutors charged Caldwell, Watkins and Crowl last month with a series of offenses that include conspiracy to injure or impede an officer, violent entry or disorderly conduct, and obstruction of an official government proceeding. They are part of a growing number of rioters associated with far-right groups and anti-government militias who have been charged in connection with the insurrection.

Trump impeachment: What the Proud Boys did before president's speech

The Plan: Another theory posited that Trump’s comments on Thursday about a “smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power” were not about an incoming Biden administration but about imminent military rule led by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, whose Twitter account was suspended last week as part of the platform’s widening ban on QAnon content. Most theories converged on a key point for QAnon, which over years of missed deadlines for an impending conquest by Trump has hinged on promoting and anticipating some new blockbuster event: that Trump was going to drop reality-shifting intelligence in the days and weeks ahead. “The reason we had to go through all this drama,” one user posted on Telegram, “was for people to become aware, angry and ready to look at the evidence and demand justice.”

The January 6, 2020 siege on the US Capitol should not come as a surprise. Rather, it was preceded by a month-long frenzy of incitements, strategizing, and embrace of violence against lawmakers—fueled by Trump’s December 19 tweet promising that the event "will be wild." Many of the president’s supporters interpreted his words as "marching orders," declaring, “[Trump] can’t exactly openly tell you to revolt…This is the closest he’ll ever get.” The movement behind the siege on the Capitol building has only become more emboldened in the event’s aftermath. Trump-supporting extremists have already praised the siege as a “stunning success” and announced further armed protests, including the day of Biden’s inauguration. As a member on TheDonald threatened: “No matter how all this plays out, its only the beginning.”

Trumpism Coup, archived February 10, 2021

Wren was no ordinary event planner. She served as deputy to Don Jr.’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle at Trump Victory. In a text about the budget of the Jan. 6 event, she mentions Justin Caporale, a former top aide to Melania Trump. Text Messages Show Top Trump Campaign Fundraiser’s Key Role Planning the Rally That Preceded the Siege. Caroline Wren, a Trump fundraiser, is listed as a “VIP Advisor” in a National Park Service permit for the Jan. 6th rally at the Ellipse. Text messages and a planning memo show the title downplays the active role she played in organizing the event.

Liz Cheney: Trump's Pence Tweet During Riot Could Be 'Premeditated Effort to Provoke Violence'. Cheney also said that Republicans “are mistaken” to believe that BLM and antifa were responsible for the violence at the Capitol riot. The tweet in question, sent by Trump as the insurrection raged out of control, said: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Congress launches investigation into movements of Trump allies the day of the Capitol siege as new video emerges of Roger Stone surrounded by Oath Keeper militia members hours before the riot

We’re Not Saying This MAGA Video Is Identical to Nazi Propaganda, but Look for Yourself.

How one billionaire family bankrolled election lies, white nationalism — and the Capitol riot. Rebekah Mercer is “one of the chief financiers of the fascist movement,” says longtime GOP insider Steve Schmidt.

REVEALED: Heir to Publix Super Markets chain bankrolled MAGA rally before Capitol riot with $300,000 donation alongside Alex Jones who gave $50,000 to event that was organized by Trump supporter who charged $730,000. Julie Jenkins Fancelli, heiress to the Publix Super Markets Inc. chain, has been revealed as the top donor to the January 6 MAGA rally in D.C.

  • She gave $300,000 in a deal orchestrated by Alex Jones.
  • The money was donated through Trump fundraising official Caroline Wren
  • Wren and her firm were paid $730,000 by the Trump campaign and a joint GOP committee in the 2020 election cycle
  • Jones himself gave $50,000 in seed money to the event in exchange for a top speaking slot, which was eventually used for another rally

Fancelli's donation funded most of the event, which cost $500,000 in total to run. Fancelli previously donated more than $980,000 to the Trump campaign and Republican Party during the last election cycle. She is a heir to Florida-based Publix Super Markets, established by her father in 1930, making her a member of one of the richest families in America. Several pro-Trump groups had organized various events around D.C. that day with the main Ellipse event led by Women for America First. None of the groups involved had received a permit to march. Wren has now been identified among the main organizers, alongside Ali Alexander, a far-right activist and leader of the 'Stop the Steal' movement. Women for America First had applied for the permit to hold the rally, listing Wren as 'VIP coordinator'. According to the permit and Federal Election Commission records acquired by the Wall Street Journal, Wren and at least five former Trump campaign staffers were involved in the organization of the Ellipse rally. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign told the publication that it had no involvement in fundraising for the event.

After being harassed by Marjorie Taylor Green, Cori Bush moves her office out of safety concerns.

Publix heiress paid for Trump rally preceding Capitol riots, WSJ reports. Julie Jenkins Fancelli, daughter of Publix founder George W. Jenkins, contributed $300,000 to the Jan. 6 rally, just the latest far-right cause financed by Publix heirs or the chain itself. Publix heiress Julie Jenkins Fancelli provided the “lion’s share” of funding for the Washington Ellipse rally preceding the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. It’s only the latest in a series of major contributions to far-right causes by Publix heirs or the popular supermarket chain itself. The Wall Street Journal also reported that Fancelli picked Trump campaign fundraiser Caroline Wren to coordinate funding for the Jan. 6 rally. Wren was listed as “VIP Coordinator” in the event’s permit and played a major role in organizing it. Fancelli is the daughter of Publix founder George W. Jenkins, who died in 1996.

Alex Jones claims he paid for rally that preceded Capitol riot. Jones also said he paid close to $500,000 to book the Ellipse, the park where Trump's supporters initially gathered, and other areas near the Capitol. He said 80% of the money came from an unnamed donor. "By the time I got out there 20 minutes, 30 minutes before Trump finished his speech, there were already hundreds of thousands of people ahead of me marching.

Woman charged in Capitol riot said she wanted to shoot Pelosi ‘in the friggin’ brain,' FBI says. Dawn Bancroft and Diana Santos-Smith were identified by law enforcement after the FBI said it received a tip on Jan. 12 with a video purportedly capturing the two women as they left the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 amid a large mob of people, according to a criminal complaint. “We broke into the Capitol. . . . We got inside, we did our part,” Bancroft said in the video she sent to her children, according to the FBI. “We were looking for Nancy to shoot her in the friggin’ brain, but we didn’t find her.”

The two pipe bombs that were discovered on Jan. 6 near the U.S. Capitol shortly before a mob stormed the building are believed to have been planted the night before, according to a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation and video footage obtained by The Washington Post. The explosive devices, which were placed blocks from one another at the headquarters of the Republican and Democratic national committees, have been largely overshadowed by the violent attempted insurrection at the Capitol. But finding the person suspected of planting both bombs remains a priority for federal authorities, who last week boosted the reward for tips leading to the person’s arrest from $50,000 to $75,000.

Christianity on display at Capitol riot sparks new debate. The rioters who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6, leading to federal charges against more than 130 people so far, included several people carrying signs with Christian messages, and video showed one man in a fur hat and horns leading others in a prayer inside the Senate chamber. They also included multiple current or former members of the U.S. military or law enforcement, as well as a West Virginia state lawmaker.

Roger Stone Did Something Wrong. Stone raised funds for “security” for January 6 events, mingled with Oath Keepers, and urged “an epic struggle” for Trump.

Democrats stunned by briefing on Capitol's security before insurrection: 'It was only by pure dumb luck' more weren't killed.

Proud Boys leader was ‘prolific’ informer for law enforcement. Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding obtained by Reuters. Law-enforcement officials and the court transcript contradict Tarrio’s denial. In a statement to Reuters, the former federal prosecutor in Tarrio’s case, Vanessa Singh Johannes, confirmed that “he cooperated with local and federal law enforcement, to aid in the prosecution of those running other, separate criminal enterprises, ranging from running marijuana grow houses in Miami to operating pharmaceutical fraud schemes.” In November and December, Tarrio led the Proud Boys through the streets of D.C. after Trump’s loss. Video shows him on December 11 with a bullhorn in front of a large crowd. “To the parasites both in Congress, and in that stolen White House,” he said. “You want a war, you got one!” The crowd roared. The next day Tarrio burned the BLM banner. Former prosecutor Johannes said she was surprised that the defendant she prosecuted for fraud is now a key player in the violent movement that sought to halt the certification of President Joe Biden. “I knew that he was a fraudster – but had no reason to know that he was also a domestic terrorist,” she said.

Sacramento Republican leader Jorge Riley forced to resign after involvement in US Capitol siege. Jorge Riley, corresponding secretary of the California Republican Assembly and president of the Sacramento Republican Assembly, resigned from both positions Thursday afternoon. Photos and posts on his personal Facebook page document his participation in the siege.

Oath Keeper Leader Charged With Conspiracy in Capitol Riots. Prosecutors allege Thomas Caldwell helped organize a group of at least eight people who were at the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riots. According to a criminal complaint first obtained by The Washington Post, prosecutors allege Caldwell helped organize a group of at least eight people, who were seen “aggressively approaching an entrance to the Capitol.” The group was seen wearing military-style gear and helmets as they moved “in an organized and practiced fashion and force[d] their way to the ground of the crowd gathered around a door to the U.S. Capitol.” Prosecutors allege Caldwell began plotting with other Oath Keepers at least five days before the insurrection, citing a Jan. 1 message on Facebook in which he admitted he was looking for housing for several individuals at a Comfort Inn in Ballston, Virginia. The hotel, which is eight miles from the Capitol, “would allow us to go hunting at night if we wanted to,” Caldwell said in a Facebook message to Oath Keepers member Jessica Watkins, according to the affidavit. “I don’t know if Stewie has even gotten out his call to arms, but it’s a little friggin late. This is one we are doing on our own. We will link up with the north carolina [sic] crew,” Caldwell continues in the Jan. 1 post, apparently referring to Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.

Ohio Bartender and Her ‘Militia’ Drove to D.C. to Join the Capitol Breach. A Champaign County bartender who runs a self-identified militia, joined by three others in her unit, drove to Washington D.C. last week to join what descended into a seditious mob invasion of the U.S. Capitol. A still from footage of the riots in Washington D.C. captures Jessica Watkins, 38, seen with several people in Oathkeepers regalia, heading up the Capitol stairs. Footage shows Watkins and several members of the Oathkeepers forming a line with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them, slicing through the crowd to get up the Capitol stairs.

Violent words in St. Paul: When does free speech become terroristic threat? Alley Waterbury cheered on the violent insurrection in Washington as she warned Gov. Tim Walz that there would be consequences if he did not meet with her and other protesters at the Minnesota Capitol. Within hours, she was outside the governor's residence shouting through a bullhorn. "Do not underestimate us, because we will cross the line!" the Woodbury activist yelled across the front gate. State officials probing this month's Storm the Capitol rally in St. Paul are confronting a legal challenge that has divided scholars and jurists alike for decades: What is protected speech, and what words should be treated as criminal threats?

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege.

Among the Insurrectionists. The Capitol was breached by Trump supporters who had been declaring, at rally after rally, that they would go to violent lengths to keep the President in power. A chronicle of an attack foretold.

Episode 1: A premeditated lie lit the fire. Trump had planned for Americans to go to bed on Nov. 3 celebrating — or resigned to — his re-election. The maps they saw on TV should be bathed in red. But at 11:20 p.m. that vision fell apart, as the nation’s leading news channel among conservatives became the first outlet to call Arizona for Joe Biden. Inside the White House, Trump's inner circle erupted in horror.

Democrats point fingers on whether Capitol rioters had inside help. on Dec. 30, Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) spoke on the phone with a Capitol Police captain, warning that the online and social media chatter she was seeing was so violent that she feared Trump supporters would try to storm the Capitol and “kill half of Congress” along with Vice President Pence. She urged police to harden security around the building, as did Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) in a phone call a day later with then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund. Rep. Norma Torres (D-Calif.), who signed on to the Sherrill letter, said that on Jan. 5 she saw two groups of Trump supporters in the Rayburn building. That legislative office building, located next to the Capitol, houses nearly 170 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Longtime Trump advisers connected to groups behind rally that led to Capitol attack. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn all promoted the Jan. 6 rally.

Capitol rioters communicated using military hand signals, law enforcement official says. The identification of individuals using military, small unit tactics is among the "highest priorities" for a Sedition Task Force being run by the D.C. U.S. Attorney's office. The apparent use of "small unit tactics," trained to military and law enforcement, drew immediate scrutiny from investigators. These tactics were witnessed both outside and inside the Capitol Building, CBS News has learned. Federal authorities have charged more than 40 people in connection with the Capitol riot. Among them were two off-duty Rocky Mount, Virginia, police officers, Jacob Fracker and Thomas Robertson, who are each facing one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority and one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Fracker is a corporal in the Virginia National Guard, and he is not currently on duty with Virginia National Guard troops in Washington, D.C. The Virginia National Guard will be conducting an investigation. Prosecutors wrote in a complaint that Robertson wrote in a social media post, "CNN and the Left are just mad because we actually attacked the government who is the problem and not some random small business ... The right IN ONE DAY took the f***** U.S. Capitol. Keep poking us." Fracker posted a since-deleted comment on Facebook that read, "Lol to anyone who's possibly concerned about the picture of me going around... Sorry I hate freedom? …Not like I did anything illegal…y'all do what you feel you need to," according to the complaint.

Identifying far-right symbols that appeared at the U.S. Capitol riot

PELOSI’S PURGE: Speaker Threatens to Prosecute Any Lawmaker Who ‘Aided’ Capitol Hill Rioters “If, in fact, it is found that members of Congress were accomplices to this insurrection — if they aided and abetted the crime, there may have to be actions taken beyond the Congress in terms of prosecution for that,” Pelosi said Friday at a news conference at the Capitol. “Right now, our managers are solemnly and prayerfully preparing for the trial, which they will take to the Senate,” Pelosi added.

Chilling Supercut Exposes Violent Pre-Riot Rhetoric From Donald Trump And His Enablers. Shocking and divisive comments from the president and his allies are laid bare in the “Daily Show” montage. Saluting the Heroes of the Insurrection | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Carlsbad Chiropractor Among Those in D.C. During Capitol Riot. Cordie Williams, a chiropractor from Carlsbad, isn’t shy about posting his views on social media. Known online as the Megaphone Marine and the founder 1776 Forever Free, Williams has Instagram and Twitter accounts with thousands of followers. He encouraged people to join him by going to Washinton, D.C., on Jan. 6 -- the day that pro-Trump rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol -- and since then, his publicly posted videos urge folks to attend weekly Constitution classes, attend protests, run for office and arm themselves. “We’re all about freedom for all,” Williams told NBC 7 in a sit-down interview Tuesday morning. "You want to wear a mask? Great, just don’t tell me I have to. You want to vaccinate your kids? Great, just don’t tell me I have to. You want to get the COVID vaccine? Great, just don’t tell me I have to. And that’s really what this organization is about.” “I think it’s incredibly harmful,” Benavidez said of the language in William’s posts. “It’s misleading and harmful. I think the concern is: What will this inspire people to do?" Williams goes on to say, “We are at war.”

Sponsors of the Pre-Attack Rally Have Taken Down Their Websites. Don’t Forget Who They Were. Here are the organizers of the event that led to the assault on the Capitol.

FBI, NYPD told Capitol Police about possibility of violence before riot, senior officials say. The FBI visited more than a dozen extremists before the rally last week to urge them not to travel to D.C., senior law enforcement officials said.

Alex Jones says he paid $500,000 for rally that led to Capitol riot. Mr Jones pushed the conspiracy theory that antifa was responsible for Trump supporters attacking the US Capitol. “And so, by the time I got out there 20 minutes, 30 minutes before Trump finished his speech there were already hundreds of thousands of people ahead of me marching. And before Trump ever took the stage, antifa, dressed up - over a hundred of them - as patriots, was there,” he said. Mr Jones was reportedly seen later in the day, standing on top of a car near the Capitol building and shouting into a bullhorn.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), a gun-toting supporter of the QAnon movement, is facing backlash after she was accused of live-tweeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) location during the attack on Capitol Hill last week. Boebert shared the tweet soon after President Donald Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol with deadly results. "The Speaker has been removed from the chambers," Boebert wrote.

Another U.S Capitol Police Officer Has Died After Trump Supporters’ Riot. Officer Howard Liebengood died on Saturday, the department announced. He is the second officer to die since Wednesday’s violent siege of the Capitol. video of chasing cop up stairs

The Capitol siege was far from San Diego. Its fringe ideologies were right at home. DEC’s founder, Justin Haskins, was among those who traveled to Washington for the vote certification. At the same time, some local vocal Republicans and political conservatives doubled down, if anything turning up the heat. “This is Lexington and Concord. First shots fired against tyranny,” said California Assemblyman Randy Voepel, a former Santee mayor who at one point left the Republican party for the tea party movement because he deemed the GOP too “liberal.” “Tyranny will follow in the aftermath of the Biden swear in on January 20th.”

Now it's sinking in: Wednesday's Capitol Hill riot was even more violent than it first appeared. Only later did it become clear that lawmakers feared for their lives; that some of the attackers were hunting for congressional leaders; that there could have been a massacre.

NEW FOOTAGE: a long, disciplined line of men in body armor moves as a unit up the #CapitolBuilding steps. We need to identify this group. Grateful to @lehudgins for the find. Source:

Jake Angeli, who wore fur hat and horns as mob raided U.S. Capitol, arrested and charged. Angeli told the FBI he came to D.C. “as part of a group effort, with other ‘patriots’ from Arizona, at the request of the President that all ‘patriots’ come to D.C. on January 6, 2021,” the statement of facts reads.

‘I have guns and ammo’: Virtual trail left behind by Trump supporters killed during Capitol riot. Social media posts left behind by Benjamin Phillips, 50; Rosanne Boyland, 34; Ashli Babbit, 35; and Kevin Greeson, 55; give clues as to the supporters’ mindsets ahead of the riot that would end their lives.

US Capitol riot: 'It was like a zombie movie'

Baked Alaska, the QAnon Shaman … who led the storming of the Capitol? Collection of far-right activists and groups came to Washington DC to enact a familiar playbook.

Members of Several Well-Known Hate Groups Identified at Capitol Riot

Three Men Charged in Connection with Events at U.S. Capitol. Jacob Anthony Chansley, a.k.a. Jake Angeli, of Arizona. Adam Johnson, 36, of Florida. Derrick Evans, 35, of West Virginia a recently elected member of the West Virginia House of Delegates.

Neo-Nazis, QAnon and Camp Auschwitz: A guide to the hate symbols and signs on display at the Capitol riots.

Do You Know Them? FBI Releases Another ‘Most Wanted’ Poster of Capitol Goons

Video shows fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt in the Capitol. Timothy McEntee, Babbitt’s ex-husband, told The Post that his ex-wife owned a pool-cleaning business. “She’s a small business owner in California and felt (much like others) that she was being wronged,” McEntee wrote in a text message.

Babbitt — who spent four years on active duty in the Air Force and another 10 years in military reserves, and who had at least eight overseas deployments — was among pro-Trump extremists who stormed the U.S. Capitol. Babbitt’s husband, Aaron Babbitt, told Fox 5 San Diego, that he sent his wife a message about 30 minutes before the shooting, but did not hear back. In recent months, her Twitter account included a photo of her at a Trump boat parade in a shirt reading “We are Q,” and the phrase WWG1WGA — QAnon’s acronym for “Where we go one, we go all.” In one post last year, she referred to COVID-19 as the “controla virus.” “We are being hoodwinked. The sheep need to wake up,” she wrote. In another, she wrote, “TRUMP IS TELLING THE TRUTH. MSM (mainstream media) are liars.” Babbitt spent 14 years in military service. The first four were in the Air Force, from 2004 to 2008, where she achieved the rank of senior airman, and her last job was as a security forces controller at a base in Texas, according to the Air Force press office. Babbitt — whose service records are under Ashli McEntee, the last name of her first husband — went on to serve in the Air Force Reserve for two years and then the Air National Guard for six years. A sign against wearing masks to slow the spread of COVID-19 covers the office door of Fowler’s Pool Services and Supply Inc, in Spring Valley on Thursday. Court records show the business was sued twice, in San Diego and New York, in the past several years over breach of contract issues. In San Diego she was a defendant in a suit filed by EBF Partners over a merchant cash advance agreement. EBF alleged that after buying $65,250 in future business, the company stopped payments.

Police identify woman fatally shot in U.S. Capitol as Ocean Beach resident

Pro-Trump rioters smeared poop in U.S. Capitol hallways during belligerent attack.

On Far-Right Websites, Plans To Storm Capitol Were Made In Plain Sight.

Six Republican lawmakers among rioters as police release photos of wanted. Suspects include Holocaust deniers, White supremacists, and conspiracy theorists.

Violence at U.S. Capitol is only the beginning of ‘Trumpism,’ says California Republican. “It is the Republican Party that stands as the most immediate threat to our institutions.” Mike Madrid, a longtime California Republican operative, wrote these words in an op-ed about “defeating Trumpism” that he submitted to The Sacramento Bee over the holidays. His words proved prescient.


‘An incredible day’ as Lee statue removed in Charlottesville

Charlottesville Removes Robert E. Lee Statue That Sparked A Deadly Rally Updated July 10, 2021

Probe: Protest not broken up because of Trump photo op. The report said that the protesters were cleared by US Park Police last June 1 so that a contractor could get started installing new fencing.

100 photos of protests in Portland in 2020. Taken by Doug Brown in Portland, Oregon, between May 31 - Nov. 4 on behalf of the ACLU of Oregon and in a personal capacity.

Mayor Gloria reacts to Pacific Beach protest, violence. “Stay home," said Gloria. "You don’t need to do this." “After seeing what happened in Washington on Wednesday, what are you doing out on our streets supporting that mess? Racism, fascism, anti-democracy - why would you choose to be out there?” Gloria said.

Unlawful assembly declared as Trump supporters, counter protesters clash in San Diego.

#breaking trump supporters clash with BLM and antifa on the boardwalk in PB. Heavy police presence some fights and scuffles. Pepper spray etc (not from pd). @fox5sandiego

combatting online extremism

Working to end online harms, applying evidence, ethics, and human rights

Polarization and Extremism and Research Innovation Lab (PERIL)

White supremacist threat remains, but experts see hope in combatting online extremism.

Oath Keepers, Militiamen, Vigilantes, Terrorists, Proud Boys

Oath Keepers, Militiamen, Vigilantes, Terrorists, Proud Boys

A lawsuit can proceed against Kyle Rittenhouse, who became a MAGA hero for shooting to death two people during a 2020 protest, ruled a federal judge in Wisconsin. John Huber, the father of Anthony Huber, who Rittenhouse shot and killed when he was 17, filed the civil rights lawsuit. Rittenhouse first killed [Joseph] Rosenbaum, 36, in the parking lot of an auto dealership and as Rittenhouse ran from the scene he stumbled and fell. Anthony Huber, 26, struck Rittenhouse with his skateboard and tried to disarm him. Rittenhouse fell to the ground and shot Anthony Huber to death and wounded demonstrator Gaige Grosskreutz, 27. This case is one of several ongoing civil lawsuits filed in the wake of the shootings. Grosskreutz last year filed a similar lawsuit against Rittenhouse.

Kyle Rittenhouse broods after venues — including tonight's — keep canceling on him. The latest was scheduled for 6pm–8pm tonight WED JAN 17, 2023 — a private reception in the Oak Room at the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas in connection with the ShotShow convention — but after Rittenhouse tweeted "You guys aren't going to want to miss out on this one!" the resort decided they actually did want to miss it. When asked by Gorka about the Texas rally being nixed, Rittenhouse said: "I was supposed to be giving a speech at Southern Star Brewery with Defiance Press, and they booted us because the woke mob found out I posted about it. "I tried to promote it to get people to come and hear about censorship and the Second Amendment and they didn't like that," Rittenhouse said, adding the event has now been moved to the Lone Star Convention Center in Conroe.

‘It’s Going to Be Scary’: Extremism Expert Predicts Violence for 2022 Midterms. We talked with author Andy Campbell about Roger Stone, right-wing goons, and what messages they’re getting from Donald Trump. “Let’s get right to the violence,” Trump confidant and GOP ratfucker Roger Stone says in documentary footage from Danish filmmakers, which is now in the January 6 committee’s possession. Opening statements in the seditious conspiracy trial of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and four other co-conspirators from the group are due to start Monday morning. The group is accused of amassing weapons and planning to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6. Oath Keepers were also seen guarding Stone in Washington on Jan. 5 and 6. More than anyone, Stone is at a nexus between Trump, the Oath Keepers, and the Proud Boys. Members of that group, including longtime leader Enrique Tarrio, are set to have their own sedition trial in November. I called up Andy Campbell, a senior editor at HuffPost and author of the new book “We Are Proud Boys: How a Right-Wing Street Gang Ushered in a New Era of American Extremism.” We talked about the trials, the group’s plans, and what messages they’re getting from Donald Trump.

Will Sommer on Trump's increasingly shameless QAnon outreach. "The conspiratorial thinking that QAnon represents has become mainstreamed in the party." What does it say about American politics that the Republican presidential frontrunner is comfortable publicly embracing a deranged conspiracy theory/belief system holding that prominent Democrats are part of a satan-worshiping, child-trafficking cabal that he’ll ultimately vanquish with violence?


Kyle Rittenhouse’s Online Fundraiser Is Floundering With Few Donations. People are treating this man like he killed somebody. Oh, wait.

One thing you won’t see at this trial—Right wing darling Kyle #Rittenhouse punching a girl in the head weeks before he killed people at a protest. @TheTNHoller

Kyle Rittenhouse has been added as a defendant to a civil lawsuit filed by the parents of Anthony Huber, a Wisconsin man Rittenhouse fatally shot in Kenosha during street protests in August 2020. In a criminal trial last November, Rittenhouse was found not guilty of five charges related to killing Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum and injuring Gaige Grosskreutz with an AR-15-style rifle. A civil trial could replay evidence against the 18-year-old before a jury, in addition to statements he has made in right-wing media since going free. The suit does not specify any monetary damages, but attorneys for the parents filed a $10 million claim notice in December.

Proud Boys memo reveals meticulous planning for ‘street-level violence’. Document of 23 pages shows the lengths to which the far-right group goes to prepare for potentially violent encounters and exposes the militaristic structure and language it has adopted. What goes unsaid on the cover and is barely mentioned throughout the 23 pages is that this is the work of one of the most violent political gangs in America, the far-right street fighters told by Donald Trump to “stand back and stand by”: the Proud Boys. The document, published by the Guardian for the first time, gives a very rare insight into the meticulous planning that goes into events staged by the far-right club. If any Proud Boy engages with any potential threat – BLM or Antifa or agitator – ALWAYS watch hands for weapons - especially skateboards, pipes, bats, knives, bottles of urine, and mace! CALL OUT IMMEDIATELY if any weapons are seen, to alert your Brothers!! Recognizing these weapons fast and having time to react could be the difference between having the time necessary to eliminate that threat…or getting seriously hurt!

Extremist militia group linked to Nevada public officials and candidates.

Watch: CNN's 10-minute explainer of the Proud Boys. "The Proud Boys have emerged as both a manifestation of and driver for polarization and political violence in the United States since their inception in 2016… The evolution of the Proud Boys has seemingly culminated in the central role members of the group allegedly played in the storming of the U.S. Capitol… Accelerationist factions of the Proud Boys have been pushing violence within the organization, as well as networking with neo-Nazi terrorist organizations… Emboldened by the relative impunity with which they seemingly continue to operate, the group appears to be using the flashpoint of January 6 as an opportunity to further position themselves as the tip of the spear for extreme far-right political mobilization"

Neo-Nazi Marine Plotted Mass Murder, Rape Campaigns with Group, Feds Say. While tasked with protecting the nation, Matthew Belanger was plotting a killing spree against minorities and to rape “white women to increase the production of white children,” according to federal prosecutors. Federal prosecutors say a former U.S. Marine plotted mass murder and sexual assault to “decrease the number of minority residents” in the United States as part of his membership in a far-right neo-Nazi group, “Rapekrieg.” Matthew Belanger was arrested on June 10 in New York and charged with making false statements to a federal firearms licensee in order to make straw purchases of an assault rifle and handgun. Belanger pleaded not guilty to the firearms charges during an arraignment hearing on Monday. Efforts to investigate far-right extremism within the military increased in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection, when a number of veterans were charged with attacking the Capitol. But efforts to root out extremism faced stiff opposition this month. Every House Republican voted down an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act tasking the Departments of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security to produce a report about extremism within the services. In the Senate, the Armed Services committee demanded that the Pentagon “immediately” stop its Countering Extremist Activity Working Group, as it believes extremism within the military is “exceptionally rare” and the working group’s efforts are “ an inappropriate use of taxpayer funds.”

Antifa Declares War On Oregon Motorcycle Clubs. This isn’t going to end well. Saturday, July 16 members of Antifa followed through on vows to try disrupting a gathering at the HonkyTonk Bar in Salem, Oregon. Antifa groups began rallying members and supporters to join a “counter demonstration” for the “Take Action Tour” event being held at the HonkyTonk Bar. They characterized the venue’s gathering as “racist” and catering to both “fascists” as well as “white supremacists.” That event was marketed by the bar as “Hero Appreciation Day” complete with a dunk tank, bike show, eating contest, live music, bouncy house, family-friendly karaoke, free hot dogs, etc.


Neo-Nazi group outside the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit at day two of the the Tampa Convention Center on July 23, 2022.

‘I mean you no harm’: From troubled teen to neo-Nazi foot soldier. How a global white supremacist movement is recruiting American teenagers. Conor Climo during an interview while walking a Las Vegas neighborhood, heavily armed. Climo, accused of assembling materials to bomb and shoot people at a synagogue, a bar catering to LGBTQ customers or a fast-food restaurant has been indicted on a federal firearm charge. Climo was drawn to The Feuerkrieg Division, which translates into “fire war,” a moniker inspired by the torchlight marches at Nazi rallies in 1930s Germany. FKD is believed to have been established in 2018 in Estonia.

What we know about the Patriot Front march through Boston. Among them were U.S. flags, with some being flown upside down and others showing just the 13 stars of the original U.S. colonies. Other flags displayed versions of the symbol used by Benito Mussolini's National Fascist Party, per the Herald. Patriot Front flags were also flown, per CNN.

Cops in Woodland, Ca., stand by as "Proud Boys" try to force their way into drag show.

The Far-Right’s Assault On An Idaho Pride Event Was Meticulously Planned. Details that emerged after the arrest of 31 white supremacists in Coeur D'Alene show how GOP rhetoric is signaling extremists to attack LGBTQ people. At a Republican fundraiser in Stateline, Idaho, a local GOP official named Dan Bell was excited to introduce the next speaker. “He’s definitely not OK with trans or any of that gay shit,” Bell, youth chair of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee, said into the microphone as the crowd laughed. “Please give it up for Dave Reilly!” Reilly took the stage that day, April 16, to cheers. “A big round of applause for our Sheriff Norris, who keeps us safe!” Reilly said, pointing to Kootenai County Sheriff Bob Norris in the crowd, according to video footage obtained by HuffPost. Reilly is a white nationalist who recently moved to Idaho and aims to take over the state political system from the ground up.

CNN on the origins of the white nationalist gang, Patriot Front. Booking photo montage: Top row, from left, are Jared Boyce, Nathan Brenner, Colton Brown, Josiah Buster, Mishael Buster, Devin Center, Dylan Corio, and Winston Durham. Second row, from left, are Garret Garland, Branden Haney, Richard Jessop, James Julius Johnson, James Michael Johnson, Connor Moran, Kieran Morris and Lawrence Norman. Third row, from left, are Justin O'leary, Cameron Pruitt, Forrest Rankin, Thomas Rousseau, Conor Ryan, Spencer Simpson, Alexander Sisenstein and Derek Smith. Bottom row, from left, are Dakota Tabler, Steven Tucker, Wesley Van Horn, Mitchell Wagner, Nathaniel Whitfield, Graham Whitsom and Robert Whitted. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports on the origins of the new gang.

Your Handy Guide to the Absolute Worst People in American Politics. With an array of hate groups forming in recent years, the threat of far-right violence has never been greater. But not all share the same goals and methods.


It's No Coincidence That Right-Wing Extremists Are Ramping Up Attacks During Pride Month. Over the weekend, several white nationalists were arrested in incidents across the nation.

The 31 Patriot Front members were arrested with riot gear after a tipster reported seeing people loading up into a U-Haul like “a little army” at a hotel parking lot in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, police said. Among those booked into jail on misdemeanor charges of conspiracy to riot was Thomas Ryan Rousseau of Grapevine, Texas, who has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as the 23-year-old who founded the group after the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. No attorney was immediately listed for him and phone numbers associated with him went unanswered Sunday. Also among the arrestees was Mitchell F. Wagner, 24, of Florissant, Missouri, who was previously charged with defacing a mural of famous Black Americans on a college campus in St. Louis last year.

31 Patriot Front Extremists Aiming To 'Riot' At Idaho Pride Event Arrested: Officials. The white supremacists, who were dressed in nearly identical uniforms and masks, "did not come here to engage in peaceful events," said the local sheriff.


'Losers!’: Mob of White Supremacists Busted Near Idaho Pride Event. Police say they foiled Patriot Front’s plans for a riot after a “concerned citizen” reported seeing a bunch of masked men in a U-Haul that “looked like a little army.”

Proud Boys storm drag queen story hour for kindergarteners at a San Francisco library: Right-wing extremists scream homophobic and transphobic threats at host Proud Boys barged into the San Lorenzo Library near San Francisco around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday The right-wing extremist group yelled homophobic and transphobic threats at the children's story host, Bay Area drag queen Panda Dulce, who was reading to preschoolers and kindergarteners for story hour The disturbance happened during Drag Queen Story Hour in celebration of Pride Month No arrests have been made, no one was physically harmed, authorities say Deputies will be at future story hours at the library 'to deal with any disruptors'

A U.S. service member has been identified as a possible suspect in an April explosion that injured several U.S. troops at a base in eastern Syria. Patrick Barnes, a spokesman for the Army Criminal Investigation Division, said in a statement that the potential suspect is back in the United States, and the investigation by Army CID and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations is ongoing. Barnes did not release the suspect's name. The U.S. military initially reported that the injuries were caused by artillery or another form of indirect fire. But it later said the April 7 attack was carried out by the "deliberate placement of explosive charges" by one or more individuals at an ammunition holding area and shower facility on the base, known as Green Village. The blasts hit two support buildings and four service members were evaluated for minor injuries and possible traumatic brain injuries. The U.S. has several hundred troops in eastern Syria as part of its effort to counter the Islamic State group. No charges have been filed.

The Satanist Neo-Nazi Plot to Murder U.S. Soldiers. A rogue G.I.’s trial exposes the depths of a murderous far-right ideology — and the FBI’s complicity in spreading hate. Ethan Phelan Melzer’s secret life of hate ran deep. The 24-year-old private in the 173rd Airborne Brigade appeared to be just another young soldier, trying to find his way through military life at Fort Benning, Georgia. However, in his private time, prosecutors allege, Melzer had another, sinister side: He said he liked to perform macabre blood rituals; read obscure, gruesome tracts about torture and child abuse; collected violent iconography; and found like minds in the depths of Telegram, an encrypted messaging app so favored by extremists of all stripes that it is often referred to as “Terrorgram.” His handle was “Etil Reggad” — a near anadrome for “Elite Dagger.” By Melzer’s own account, enlisting in the Army was a ruse — on the encrypted app, he wrote that he had joined up solely to gain knowledge of military weaponry and tactics. “It’s great for training,” he wrote, adding a cryptic remark about his base. “All of these places the vast majority deserve to be burned.”

@UR_Ninja Patriot Front wrecked the Olympia pride mural, as planned, in the early a.m. of Oct. 16. The next day, they discussed it in a post-mission debrief held on their self-hosted voice chat server. Full mp3 recording:… Transcript (pdf):

The ‘People’s Convoy’ Has a New Enemy: Kids with Eggs. The group of conservative truckers did not receive a warm reception in California. The “People’s Convoy” (yes, that is still a thing) has reached the West Coast, where they have been greeted with a less than friendly reception: Bay Area youth tossing raw eggs at the passing vehicles. The incident occurred when the caravan was driving away from the home of Democratic Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, where they were protesting her support of an abortion-related bill. According to The San Francisco Examiner, the convoy departed Wicks’ residence after police arrived. While driving away from the house through her residential neighborhood, the convoy passed a Safeway grocery store where a group of kids were gathered, equipped with eggs. Videos of the confrontation show the youth unleashing a flurry of raw egg projectiles at the vehicles in the convoy as they drove by. “We’re fighting for your freedoms, too,” one convoy member can be heard shouting at the kids.

A U.S. intelligence community assessment obtained by Yahoo News concluded that the Russian government is providing “indirect and passive support” to neofascist groups operating in the U.S. and elsewhere, but stops short of accusing the Kremlin of supplying financial or material assistance to Western extremist groups. The Kremlin “probably tolerates some private Russian entities’ support” for U.S. and European white nationalist groups “because it aligns with Kremlin efforts to aggravate societal fissures in the West,” states the report.

Cyclist pedaling slowly holds up People's Convoy as it continues to make daily loops of DC Beltway demanding end to all COVID restrictions and the removal of BLM mural on road leading to White House The convoy now consists of about 100 trucks with some pickups and vans The roving protest against COVID-19 restrictions is still affecting traffic in DC On Friday, organizers called on the crowd to remove the large Black Lives Matter sign painted on a street near the White House One said the protest wouldn't end until the Biden administration does, as organizers face accusations that their list of demands has become bloated COVID rules continue to disappear, with LA lifting its mask mandate for students and Hawaii the only state with an indoor mask mandate

The Pro-Trucker-Convoy Rally Is Another Failure for Far-Right Demonstrators in DC. But after January 6, authorities have little choice but to take these things seriously. Much of the media professionals at these rallies appeared to represent outlets based outside the US, but even domestic outlets face the same conundrum regarding these events that local law enforcement does: how seriously to take them after January 6, 2021. MAGA voices had touted the idea of invading the Capitol before former President Trump encouraged them to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to Congress, which was scheduled to certify Joe Biden’s victory over Trump that day. Still, very few in law enforcement foresaw the at-times medieval fighting that would ensue as several thousand people invaded the Capitol. Indeed, in a city that has seen increasingly organized incursions by far-right people going back to “Pizzagate,” there’s little choice but to take treat these events as possible threats to everyday life until they prove otherwise. Today’s rally may have been a bust, but who knows what will happen next?

Trucker convoy protest in Washington DC flops as no-one shows up. Organisers had expected thousands of people to attend Freedom Convoy event. “Where are the trucks?” organiser Kyle Sefcik asked during his speech. Mr Sefcik is an MMA fighter and independent candidate for governor in Maryland, and also the organiser of Freedom Convoy USA 2022, which was due to arrive in DC on Tuesday but was scrapped when just five trucks showed up in Las Vegas.

A Porno-Metal Song About Gay Cowboys Is Disrupting the Anti-Vaxx Trucker Convoy. “Ram Ranch” has become the unofficial anthem of leftist trolling the far-right protests in Ottawa.

They're Burning Books in Tennessee. Greg Locke's zealots set fire to sacred millennial texts like Harry Potter and Twilight.

Roughly one in five applicants to the white supremacist group Patriot Front claimed to hold current or former military status, according to leaked documents reviewed by Hatewatch. The journalist collective Unicorn Riot leaked archives of Patriot Front’s private chats on Jan. 21. Patriot Front held these conversations on Rocket Chat, an open-source chat program, where they published 87 different applications for membership. The applications show that 18 of those 87 applicants (21%) claimed to be current or former members of the U.S. military. One of the applicants, who claimed to be a former Marine, also stated in his application that he currently works for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

‘We are desperate for new people’: inside a hate group’s leaked online chats. Chat logs depict Patriot Front as a tiny group reliant on vandalism and fake social accounts to promote its message. Chats indicate the white supremacist group has about 200 members. The messages show a coordinated effort to commit vandalism and intimidate people of color nationwide. The group requires members to deface racial justice murals and monuments to Black Lives Matter in their communities, much like a street gang that requires initiates to “tag” buildings as a form of vandalism and intimidation. Chats show that the group’s leaders regularly reprimand members for failing to meet exercise or participation requirements. It also shows a group fixated on getting more members, a task it has found difficult. “We are absolutely desperate for new people. We’ve been in the 220’s to 230’s membership rut for nearly a full year,” wrote Thomas Rousseau, the founder of Patriot Front.

The FBI Said It Busted A Plot To Kidnap Michigan’s Governor. Then Things Got Complicated. The case seemed like a lock — until an informant and one FBI agent were charged with crimes, another was accused of perjury, and a third was found promoting a private security firm. And that wasn’t all.

Oath Keepers, Militiamen, Vigilantes, Terrorists. archived December 18, 2021

Flynn’s Fave Paramilitary Rebrands as Private Security Firm. “The Shepherd Group,” a venture of 1st Amendment Praetorian, went live days before the right-wing group’s leader, Robert Patrick Lewis, was subpoenaed in a Jan. 6 probe. Between Nov. 1 and Nov. 19, multiple social-media accounts associated with a California-based company calling itself “The Shepherd Group” went live, as did a website hawking its “holistic, boutique approach” to digital forensics, physical security, surveillance/counter-surveillance, and corporate intelligence. “Our clients include private individuals and corporations, law-enforcement agencies and the U.S. Government with a focus on missions that strive toward the betterment of the Republic and humanity,” the page reads, although it provides no list of past jobs or customers. But a little digging reveals that the Shepherd Group is not entirely new: rather, it appears to be a front for the militant group 1st Amendment Praetorian, previously a volunteer outfit that has deployed its self-described force of former armed forces and police personnel as security for right-wing leaders and events. The group’s name derives from the elite cadre of Roman soldiers who served as the emperor’s personal retinue. Most prominently, the modern outfit chaperoned the conservative star-studded rally on D.C.’s Freedom Plaza on the eve of the Capitol riot. Experts suggested the pivot to a for-profit business model might represent a bid for legitimacy in the face of public scrutiny. After all, the shift came just weeks ahead of the order for its founder to appear before Congress, though it is unclear whether this timing was deliberate or fortuitous. The address that the Shepherd Group—which also purports to consist entirely of ex-police and service members—lists on its website is the same UPS mailbox in the Los Angeles suburb of Calabasas that 1st Amendment Praetorian LLC used when it filed to become a federal vendor last year. Those same filings identified “The Shepherd Group,” which appears to have never received a government contract, as a trade name for 1st Amendment Praetorian. 1st Amendment Praetorian head Robert Patrick Lewis, a decorated former Green Beret, identifies himself as CEO of the Shepherd Group on his LinkedIn, and his initials adorn posts on the Shepherd Group’s blog.

A white supremacist march in D.C. was pushed by a fake Twitter account, experts say.

Bystanders booed as the far-right Patriot Front staged a rally in Washington DC to 'reclaim America'. The group's leader Thomas Rousseau gave a speech near the Capitol reflecting pool while bystanders booed, The Daily Beast said. "Our demonstrations are an exhibition of our unified capability to organize, to show our strength," Rousseau said, according to the outlet. "Not as brawlers or public nuisances, but as men capable of illustrating a message and seeking an America that more closely resembles the interests of its true people."

White Supremacists Stage Bizarro Rally in Downtown D.C., Find Themselves Stranded. Though they intended to “reclaim America,” members of Patriot Front had more than enough trouble reclaiming their own ride. The rally by more than 100 members of the “Patriot Front” group, held just blocks from the White House, sparked fear among many bystanders and immediately attracted the attention of law enforcement, who shadowed the group to forestall any conflict. Members wore a uniform: white gaiters, sunglasses, blue jackets, khaki pants, and brown boots and hats. Some donned plastic shinguards, seeming to anticipate violence. As Patriot Front’s leader Thomas Rousseau spoke beside the Capitol reflecting pool, bystanders booed. Asked about the reason for the march, Rousseau said, “Our demonstrations are an exhibition of our unified capability to organize, to show our strength—not as brawlers or public nuisances, but as men capable of illustrating a message and seeking an America that more closely resembles the interests of its true people.”

Veteran who infiltrated Three Percenters says leaders asked if he was ready to kill.

A close reading of the QAnon Shaman's self-published manifesto. My friend Mark Dery, one of the finest cultural critics alive, read a copy of the QAnon Shaman's self-published polemical new age fascist screed, One Mind at a Time: A Deep State of Illusion. Mark survived to write about it, and how closely the QAnon Shaman's paranoid worldview aligns with today's Republican standard-bearers, on Lit Hub: How RFK Jr., Naomi Wolf, and an NYU Professor Ended Up on the Same Page as QAnon Cultist Jacob Chanley

Newly released FBI tapes show white supremacist members of 'The Base' plotting terror attacks. The two men were sentenced last month to nine years in federal prison. Patrik Mathews, a former Canadian Army reservist illegally in the U.S., and Brian Lemley, a Maryland resident and self-described white nationalist, fantasized about the brutal murders they'd soon carry out against law enforcement and Black people, all with the goal of bringing about the "Boogaloo," or the collapse of the U.S. government in order to prop up a white ethno-state, according to recordings of the pair's discussions. "We need to go back to the days of ... decimating Blacks and getting rid of them where they stand," Mathews said in one recording. "If you see a bunch of Blacks sitting on some corner you f***ing shoot them."


How a Small-Town Sheriff Ended Up on a Crusade to Radicalize American Law Enforcement. Richard Mack is the leader of a growing “Constitutional Sheriffs” movement, which claims sheriffs hold ultimate authority over the federal government.

Joe Biggs: Today is my 3 month anniversary being locked up, Not allowed to work out. My body feels as of it's aged so much. Can hardly move. Walking has become very difficult. I sleep on a piece of steel welded to a wall with a thin mattress. l now have major lower back issues and shoulder pain from the "bed". l've gotten maybe 10hrs outside all together since being here. I get to go outside maybe 3 times a month. The food here is all soy based. So its weakening our bodies. Hardly any protein. Mostly processed foods and some kind of gelatin dog food looking stuff. No privacy allowed when shitting allowed. You have to be in view of everyone. Each cell has a shelf. You are not allowed to use it. Nothing can be placed on it. Lights go out at 11:45 pm and back on @ 4am for "breakfast". Luckily the showers are only one person allowed at a time. Every cell has a Small window that has been sand blasted so you can never see outside. Breaking any rules can result In losing ability to talk to family or a trip the hole for a few weeks where you are stripped naked a left in a bright freezing room. I have anxiety bad now. Panic attacks so bad I black out. There are actual white supremacist gang members here who hate the fact the media call proud boys white supremacist. They tested me on what it means to be one of them a I failed miserably. Good. I have a

Two Californians charged in plot to blow up Democratic headquarters in Sacramento. Ian Benjamin Rogers, 45, of Napa and Jarrod Copeland, 37, of Vallejo, allegedly unhappy with the outcome of the November presidential election, plotted the attack in the hopes of sparking a “movement” of broader violence, federal prosecutors allege. Days after the election, the two men began discussing attacks on targets they associated with Democrats, including the governor’s mansion and the Bay Area headquarters of Twitter and Facebook, according to an earlier court filing. By the end of November, they had picked their first target: the John L. Burton Democratic Headquarters in a tree-lined residential area of Sacramento, just blocks from the Capitol, according to the indictment.

UK bans fifth neo-Nazi group under terror laws. An American neo-Nazi group which is led from Russia is to be banned as a terrorist organisation, the Home Secretary has said. Priti Patel condemned "evil white supremacist groups, who target vulnerable people across the world". The Base will be the fifth extreme right-wing group to be proscribed in the UK under anti-terror laws. Last year BBC Panorama exposed the organisation's recruitments efforts in the UK. A BBC investigation also exposed the group's American founder Rinaldo Nazzaro and revealed how he was directing The Base from his St Petersburg home. The Base, formed in 2018, seeks to create terrorist cells in the US and other countries in an attempt to establish fascist, white ethno-states through a "race war". The Home Office said the group shared aims and ideologies with Atomwaffen Division, and its alias National Socialist Order, which was banned earlier this year. The other right-wing extremist groups proscribed as terror organisations are National Action and Sonnenkrieg Division - both created in the UK - as well as Feuerkrieg Division, founded in Estonia.

“I Felt Hate More Than Anything”: How an Active Duty Airman Tried to Start a Civil War. Steven Carrillo’s path to the Boogaloo Bois shows the hate group is far more organized and dangerous than previously known. When Carrillo was finally subdued on June 6, cellphone footage captured him shouting at deputies as they led him away, “This is what I came to fight — I’m sick of these goddamn police.”

Terrified White Supremacists Run Away After Philadelphia March Goes Awry. A Patriot Front march in Philly didn’t go the way the group hoped when they had to flee angry counter-protesters.

Kyle Rittenhouse, American Vigilante. After he killed two people in Kenosha, opportunists turned his case into a polarizing spectacle.

Revealed: neo-Confederate group includes military officers and politicians. Leaked data shows other high-profile members have overlapping membership in more explicitly racist or violent groups. Leaked membership data from the neo-Confederate Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) organization has revealed that the organization’s members include serving military officers, elected officials, public employees, and a national security expert whose CV boasts of “Department of Defense Secret Security Clearance”. But alongside these members are others who participated in and committed acts of violence at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and others who hold overlapping membership in violent neo-Confederate groups such as the League of the South (LoS). The national membership data was provided to the Guardian by a self-described hacktivist whose identity has been withheld for their safety. The data reveals the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of almost 59,000 past and present members of the organization, including 91 who used addresses associated with government agencies for their contact email, and 74 who used addresses associated with various branches of the armed forces.

Three Percenters, neo-Nazi group added to Canada's terrorist list. Banks can now freeze assets and police can charge anyone who financially supports them. There are now 77 terrorist entities listed under the Criminal Code — including the Proud Boys, who were added in February after the storming of Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 6.

This Militia-Fighting GOP Sheriff Thinks Jan. 6 Was Just the Start. Knezovich’s office is in Spokane, a city of about 220,000 people dotted with turn-of-the-century brick buildings. But he and his deputies enforce the law in the surrounding rural areas, including swaths of rugged, forested mountains that are part of the so-called American Redoubt, where adherents to far-right ideologies and militia members move to get off the grid and away from the government. Knezovich has been especially critical of these movements, which have flourished in Washington and Idaho for decades, and which he accuses of trying to spark a civil war. “These are tyrants, these are true dictators that want to pull our country apart,” he said of paramilitary groups and their supporters. “And they want to hide behind, ‘Well, America was born out of revolution.’” Knezovich doesn’t seem bothered by the criticism. He says what’s keeping him up is what he sees as an existential threat to American democracy. “What happened on January 6 was the worst thing that I think I’ve ever seen happen in my nation, because that threatened the entire stability of this nation,” he said. He says unless moderate voters start showing up to primary elections, we’re only going to see more and more extremists take office, entrenching their once-fringe views deeper into the mainstream. In other words, the sheriff who has had a front-row seat to the resurgence of far-right movements doesn’t have a rosy outlook about the future of extremist-driven instability in America. “We will live through about 10 years of hard times, because that’s the cycle of these things,” he said. “And we’re in at the very beginning of this.”

Kelly Meggs, Connie Meggs, Zack Meggs, Ashley Cain, Andrew Smrecek, an unidentified man, Harrelson’s wife, Kenneth Harrelson

Exclusive Video: Watch Roger Stone’s Oath Keeper Bodyguards Practice Headshots to “#Stopantifa”. Prosecutors are scrutinizing training that the Capitol attackers performed at Florida shooting ranges. These sessions, held on September 20 and October 25, are notable. In the first, an instructor coached the three militia members and others on how to “drop” adversaries by shooting them in the heart, lungs, or head. The instructor, a Florida resident named Andrew Smrecek, who describes himself as a former Marine Corps rifleman, posted the video and images from this training online with hashtags that include “#stopantifa,” “#stopcommunism,” and “#giveviolenceachance.” Members of the group at the training, including Smrecek, later acted as security guards for Roger Stone at “stop the steal” events where the longtime Trump adviser claimed Donald Trump had been cheated out of an election win in November and urged Americans to fight to keep Trump in office. The material shows that Kelly Meggs, who later claimed to have been named the head of the Oath Keeper’s Florida chapter, and his wife, Connie, as well as Kenneth Harrelson, all of whom were later charged with plotting to storm the Capitol, attended the September 20 training. Prosecutors say that on January 6, the trio were part of a squad of combat fatigue–clad Oath Keepers who formed a tactical formation called a “stack,” a line in which members place their hands on the person in front of them, to push through the crowd outside the Capitol and enter the building. Another man who was at the training also appears to have been among the Oath Keepers who breached the Capitol, according to images published by the New York Times. He has not yet been identified. The training also included the Meggs’ son Zack, who since his parents’ February arrest has been raising money to cover his family’s living expenses. “My parents are good people who love their country and wanted to support their president, Donald Trump, and did nothing wrong,” he wrote in one solicitation. Kelly Meggs and the unidentified man from the training session appear in a video from December 12 guarding Stone at a “stop the steal” rally in Miami. And Meggs is pictured in a photo with Stone taken outside Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home and posted to Facebook on December 13, according to the Washington Post. Meggs was also part of a security detail of Oath Keepers around Stone after he spoke outside the Supreme Court on January 5, Mother Jones previously reported.

Burt Colucci, commander of one of the United States' oldest white supremacist groups, was arrested on Monday in a Phoenix suburb for pointing a loaded handgun at a Black man and threatening to kill him and his friends, according to police records. The altercation began outside a hotel in Chandler, Arizona, after Colucci placed trash on the car of the African Americans and used racial slurs against them, according to statements police collected from Colucci, the Black people and an independent witness. Only Colucci was identified in the police report that was made public.

In a recent indictment of nine people who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, federal prosecutors went to great lengths to describe the magnitude of the day’s events, the alarming threat to democracy their actions posed, and the powerful influence that one charismatic leader had in shaping their beliefs. They took care, however, not to refer to that man by name. Instead, they refer to him as “Person One.” Elmer Stewart Rhodes III — a one-time Army paratrooper, disbarred Yale lawyer, constitutionalist, gun enthusiast, and far-right media star — founded the group called the Oath Keepers in 2009. Since then, he has ridden crosscurrents of American anger and strife that ran from scrubby Western deserts to angry urban protests right into the Capitol rotunda.

Feds now say right-wing extremists responsible for majority of deadly terrorist attacks last year.

Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat. August 1, 2019

Exclusive: Large bitcoin payments to right-wing activists a month before Capitol riot linked to foreign account. “These extremist groups are probably more well organized and well funded than what was previously believed,” she said. Chainalysis maintains a database of “domestic extremists” who have cryptocurrency accounts, and while the company has traced donations to right-wing groups over the years, the December deposit was “the single biggest month we’ve ever observed” directed toward these causes, the researchers wrote. “This is evidence to show they’re raising money,” Kennedy said. Additionally, the fact that the donor was outside the United States suggests “this has international scope,” she continued, a fact that “law enforcement should be paying attention to.”

Black woman describes terrifying attack by Trump mob in L.A.: ‘I’m thinking I’m dead’. They were hurling racial slurs at her and pouring pepper spray, hot like habaneros, into her eyes and ear. Someone or something — perhaps the butt of a metal flagpole carrying a “Don’t tread on me” banner — pummeled her shoulder, leaving a circle-shaped bruise. Another person snatched her wig off. As a violent mob of President Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, a crowd of at least 20 pro-Trump demonstrators, many clad in “Make America Great Again” hats, surrounded 25-year-old Berlinda Nibo on a busy downtown Los Angeles street, she said, feet away from a gaggle of police officers. “It seemed like these people were trying to kill me,” said Nibo, 25. “To use me to make some kind of statement or something.”

Reports identify make of gun recovered from Michael Reinoehl in WA; tests continue to see if same gun used in Portland homicide. The gun found in the pants pocket of self-described antifa activist Michael Reinoehl after he was killed by police in Washington fits the make of the gun likely used to kill a man after a pro-Trump rally in Portland last summer, new reports indicate. Portland police records released this week show that the gun recovered from Reinoehl in Washington was an Inter Ordnance Hellcat .380-caliber pistol – one of three types of .380-caliber guns that ballistics tests indicate likely killed Aaron “Jay” Danielson, an Oregon States Police forensic scientist reported. Yet a full forensic examination of the gun hasn’t been completed yet, Thurston County Sheriff’s Lt. Ray Brady said this week.

FOX 5 has learned that Proud Boys' leader Enrique Tarrio has been arrested in D.C. FOX 5 's Evan Lambert reports Tarrio is facing misdemeanor destruction of property charges in relation to him saying he burned a Black Lives Matter flag that was stolen from a Black church in December during a protest in the District.

American Legion removes Escondido post commander from national leadership role over Proud Boys affiliation. Photos shared on two social media accounts show J.B. Clark Post 149 Commander Michael Sobczak, 56, wearing a Proud Boys jacket and marching along with other Proud Boys during a Dec. 12 pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C. that eventually turned violent. In a video shared on a personal Facebook account under the name “Mick Florio,” Sobczak describes a beating he says he gave an anti-Trump activist in self defense during an earlier protest in Yorba Linda in Orange County. Sobczak, an admitted member of the Proud Boys, wears a Defend East County tank top.

After pardon, Blackwater guard defiant: ‘I acted correctly’. The Blackwater rampage marked one of the darkest chapters of the Iraq war, staining the U.S. government reputation and prompting an international outcry about the role of contractors in military zones. The guards have long maintained they were targeted by insurgent gunfire at the traffic circle where the shooting occurred. Prosecutors argued there was no evidence to support that claim, noting that many victims were shot while in their cars or while taking shelter or trying to flee. After a monthslong trial in 2014, a jury convicted the men in the deaths of 14 civilians and of injuring even more. A judge called the shootings an “overall wild thing” that cannot be condoned.

Proud Boys to attend Jan. 6 DC rallies 'incognito'. Members of the far-right group the Proud Boys will attend Washington, D.C., rallies for President Trump on Jan. 6 "incognito," with leaders of the group saying they will dress in "all BLACK" to mimic the attire of anti-fascist groups and counterprotesters. The group is known for its signature black and yellow clothing during rallies and protests, where they typically appear in large groups. The group's chairman, Enrique Tarrio, announced on social media that group members "might dress in all BLACK for the occasion." Additionally, members of the group will likely branch off into smaller formations to remain "incognito."

Proud Boys' Hotel Hangout Shutting Down On Jan. 6 'Wild Protest' Day. The Washington, D.C., hotel and bar where the white nationalist Proud Boys hang out when they’re in town for protests has announced it will be closed Jan. 6, the day Congress is scheduled to certify the Electoral College vote for President-elect Joe Biden. It’s also the day of a planned “Wild Protest” in Washington to rail against Donald Trump’s reelection loss. The president is urging his followers to turn out that day in his desperate, last-ditch effort to stay in the White House. A number of people were stabbed, four critically, near the Hotel Harrington in clashes Dec. 12 between the Proud Boys and counterprotesters at the last demonstration in support of Trump. The Proud Boys are known to stay at the hotel and congregate in Harry’s, the hotel bar. The 106-year-old hotel, the city’s oldest, issued a statement Sunday saying it will be closed Jan. 4, 5 and 6 for the “safety of visitors and employees.”

Nashville Suicide Bomber Anthony Quinn Warner’s Cop-Hating ‘Hippie’ Past. “He was kind of a hippie. Had long hair, a Magnum, P.I. mustache... He was a smart, cocky kind of guy.”

Nashville blast suspect died in explosion, police say.

Anthony Quinn Warner Named as Nashville Bombing Person of Interest.

As lawmakers meet, protesters attempt to storm Capitol building. Roughly 200 protesters gathered outside of the Capitol as lawmakers convened for the year’s third special session to address issues created by the Covid pandemic. A group attempted to forcibly disrupt the session, smashing windows, blocking streets, assaulting journalists and spraying unidentified chemicals on police.

How a Trump booster group helped the head of extremist Proud Boys gain access to the White House. Several hours before members of the extremist group the Proud Boys clashed with police and opponents on the streets of Washington, D.C., last weekend, the head of the group was strolling the halls of power. "Last minute invite to an undisclosed location," Enrique Tarrio wrote on the social media site Parler, posting photos on the steps of the White House. Latinos for Trump president Bianca Gracia's Facebook page shows her attending White House events in August 2019, October 2019 and April 2020. A photo from November 2019 shows Tarrio standing, grinning, next to Donald Trump Jr.

MAGA protesters damage historic Black church in DC.

After pro-Trump rallies, Proud Boys roam D.C. terrorizing people in mob violence, stabbings reported. XENI JARDIN 6:43 PM SAT DEC 12, 2020.

Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse’s MAGA-Loving Defense Team Implodes. Two of Rittenhouse’s defense attorneys withdrew after complaints from prosecutors. Another Rittenhouse ally has turned his focus to election lawsuits. From the start of the high-profile case, Rittenhouse’s lawyers have attracted nearly as much attention as he has. Now, the 17-year-old’s main lawyer, John Pierce, is off the case, after prosecutors argued that fundraisers for Rittenhouse could act as a “slush fund” for the embattled attorney. Another prominent attorney who has associated himself with Rittenhouse, Lin Wood, also appears to have pivoted away from the case in order to focus his efforts on overturning President Donald Trump’s 2020 election loss.

Video shows Fairfax resident confronting man pasting swastika stickers around town. An out-of-town visitor wandered through town putting up stickers of swastikas Tuesday until a local, 21 year-old Noah Mohan, confronted him. A video of the encounter has spread on social media. "Let me see your stickers? Why you putting that up in my f---ing town, bro?" he asks in the video. "Putting up Nazi stickers in Fairfax? Let me see your face, bro. You keep putting them up and I will keep ripping them off." Fairfax police confirm the man in the photos and the video is a 19-year-old from Livermore. Despite detaining him, they will not yet release his identity. On Wednesday, the police forwarded charges to the Marin County District Attorney for hate crimes and vandalism.

The QAnon Congresswomen, Who've Threatened the Squad With Physical Violence, Want to Carry Guns At the Capitol. Newly elected members of Congress haven’t even started yet, but that hasn’t stopped QAnon fans Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene from pulling a bit of a stunt—one that’s a good preview of what their wild and, god willing, brief time in Congress may look like. As the Associated Press reported, Boebert—whose successful campaign was built heavily around her outsized love of guns and who owns a gimmicky restaurant in Colorado where staff famously openly carry firearms—has asked officials if she can carry her beloved Glock on Capitol Hill.

Kyle Rittenhouse says he used coronavirus stimulus check to buy AR-15 used in fatal shooting. "No, I don’t regret it," Rittenhouse told the Washington Post of the deadly incident in Kenosha. "I feel like I had to protect myself."

Disturbing new details in alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. New filings claim there was a Plan B the militiamen had drawn up, that involved a takeover of the Michigan capitol building by 200 combatants who would stage a week-long series of televised executions of public officials. And, according to government documents now on file in lower Michigan court, there was also a Plan C -- burning down the state house, leaving no survivors.

Police riots and violence, collaboration, disinformation, propaganda, and lies

New DHS reports reveals terrifying scope of the Department's manufactured Antifa scare. The report describes attempts by top officials to link protesters to an imaginary terrorist plot in an apparent effort to boost Trump's reelection odds, raising concerns now about the ability of a sitting president to co-opt billions of dollars' worth of domestic intelligence assets for their own political gain. DHS analysts recounted orders to generate evidence of financial ties between protesters in custody; an effort that, had they not failed, would have seemingly served to legitimize President Trump's false claims about "Antifa," an "organization" that even his most loyal intelligence officers failed to drum up proof ever existed.

"I'm a Cop" is a classic horror comic using real-life quotes from police departments. @crimemann characterizes this really well in his book The Horror of Police. Police union leaders characterize vast segments of the U.S. public as "monsters." The police, in this scenario, are the "monster killers." Text from a tweet by the National Fraternal Order of Police.

A 15-part investigative series by Cerise Castle. The first-ever public, searchable database of gang-affiliated LASD employees.

Last November, the Claremont Institute hosted its inaugural class of “Sheriff Fellows.” Over the course of a week, eight sheriffs—all white men—chosen from the more than 3,000 in the country stayed at the Waterfront Beach Resort in Huntington Beach, California, attending a series of discussions, lectures, and fireside chats steeped in the far-right-wing think tank’s heady intellectualism and radical ideology. While the Claremont Institute restricted public access to the fellowship, a review of the fellowship’s previously unreported curriculum reveals a program that presented for the sheriffs two sets of people in America: those communities sheriffs should police as freely and brutally as they see fit, and those “real” Americans who should be considered virtually above the law. Sheriff Kim Cole of Mason County, Michigan, was recruited through Hillsdale College, whose chairman, Pat Sajak, took controversial positions against stay-at-home orders early in the pandemic and was recently photographed with anti-vaxxer Marjorie Taylor Greene. A Claremont program director explained the reason for the invitation in an email to Cole: “In our research on who to extend invitations to we took recommendations from friend [sic] of the institute and organizations but one thing that I know stood out to us about your leadership in these times has been how you courageously stood up to unconstitutional covid mandates.” During the peak of COVID deaths, Cole appeared regularly on Fox News to critique Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home orders and signed a letter promising not to enforce COVID protections that said, in part, “We believe that we are the last line of defense in protecting your civil liberties.”

Police riots and violence, collaboration, disinformation, propaganda, and lies. Archived September 22, 2022

Intervening bystander in Karen Garner arrest recognized as only one who 'did the right thing'. On June 26, 2020 — the day 73-year-old Karen Garner was forcibly arrested by Loveland police officers — Reidesel Mendoza was “the sole person that did the right thing.” Garner was walking home when officer Austin Hopp stopped her. About 30 seconds after Hopp got out of his car, he forced Garner to the ground and tried to arrest her. Another officer — Daria Jalali — arrived shortly after to help Hopp restrain Garner. Sgt. Philip Metzler arrived after the two officers got Garner in one of their patrol cars. Mendoza saw how the officers were treating Garner and decided he needed to intervene. “Do you have to use that much aggression,” Mendoza could be heard saying to Hopp in Hopp’s body camera footage, released to the public by an attorney who represented Garner's family in a civil lawsuit filed against the city. Hopp then told him to “get out of here, this is not your business,” and further explained, “this is what happens when you fight the police.” Later, in a conversation between Mendoza and Metzler on the scene captured on Metzler's body camera footage, Mendoza said, ““when you see a person walking and the next thing you see is a cop throwing them to the ground without her using force or nothing, what’s going to be your reaction?” “I’m not sure but usually I would think that the police have a reason to arrest her,” Metzler replied, and repeatedly told Mendoza he didn’t have all the information so he can’t judge the officers’ actions.

Moment off-duty Chicago cop kneels on 14-year-old boy's back after mistakenly accusing him of stealing a bike The incident saw the unnamed officer press his knee on the kid's back while outstretched on the floor, was caught on film - and has since sparked outrage

The Police Are Not Here to Save You. A number of horrifying recent incidents across the U.S. are a grim reminder that cops do not have a constitutional duty to protect people. Three Tempe, Arizona, police officers are on paid leave after body camera footage and a transcript were released showing them standing by as a man drowned in front of them. The police had been responding to a call on May 28 about a dispute between the man, Sean Bickings, who was Black and unhoused, and his wife. Bickings climbed into the lake and began to say he was drowning, to which one cop replied, “​​OK, I’m not jumping in after you.”


MPD Political Extremism Powerpoint Spotlights Antifa and Boogaloo. Unicorn Riot has obtained documents used to train Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) staff on political extremism. The training presentation is entitled “Political Extremists / Anarchists, a brief summary of groups that border the line between protest and domestic terrorism.” The MPD documents discuss the so-called Boogaloo movement as well as the anti-fascist movement known commonly as Antifa. The training materials prepared by an MPD intelligence analyst reveal their targeting of individuals for expressing political speech. Additionally, the MPD demonstrates a misunderstanding of Antifa as well as the threat posed by Boogaloo members.

Bias, far-right sympathies among California law enforcement going unchecked, audit finds. A state audit of five law enforcement agencies in California found bias among officers toward people of color, immigrants, women and LGBTQ people, as well as a smattering of support for far-right extremist organizations such as the Proud Boys and Three Percenters. The audit also found the agencies had insufficient policies in place to safeguard against such attitudes within their ranks, to investigate them when they are alleged or to address them once identified, according to a report issued by the state auditor’s office this week. “As a result, these departments are at a higher risk of being unaware of and unable to effectively address the ways in which their officers exhibit bias,” the audit found.

A cop thought he could intimidate a bike rider. Big mistake

Police shot dead a record 1,055 people last year - the highest number in SEVEN years: Black people killed at twice the rate as white The Washington Post on Thursday released the latest analysis from its database of fatal police shootings in the United States The number of people killed by officers was the highest since they began keeping records seven years ago, with 1,055 dying in 2021 In 2020 the figure was 1,021, which criminologists say is not a statistically significantly change with 2021 The most affected people were young black men, and 14 percent had known mental health struggles Three quarters of those killed were armed with a gun or a knife - 632 had a firearm, and 154 had a knife California had the most fatal police shootings, with 141, while Rhode Island only had one

Portland police training material included far-right meme. The text on the image known as the “Prayer of the Alt Knight” references violence against a “dirty hippy” and is attributed to “Based Stickman,” an alias of far-right activist Kyle Chapman, who founded a subset of the far-right Proud Boys group, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported. The meme “is only coming to light because plaintiffs stood up to the City and sued them,” said attorney Juan Chavez, one of the lawyers representing Don’t Shoot Portland.

The U.S. Cops Suckered by Foreign Spies With Honeytraps, Blackmail and Luxury Vacations. Foreign intelligence agencies around the world are itching to recruit U.S. police officers to do their bidding in America—and they’ve had success doing so in the past. The FBI has spent “two decades trying to warn state local law enforcement,” Evanina said, with the help of national law enforcement organizations. But it’s been an uphill battle, with some 18,000 police departments across the country, most with little clue to the designs of foreign adversaries or the resources to vet them. They’re easy prey for foreign agents pretending to be regular, friendly police officers. “I can no longer count the number of chiefs of police or assistant chiefs in this country I've run into who tell me they've been to Turkey and it's a beautiful place,” Figliuzzi said, ruefully.

To veteran attorneys, Potter verdict comes as a surprise, hints of change. Lawyers surprised jury convicted Potter on both counts, wonder about possible turning point in policing standards. The convictions will be appealed, but Brown and Gaertner didn't point to any obvious issues that would allow the case to be overturned. Also, Gaertner noted that by law, appellate judges "give great deference to juries with front row seats to the facts." Orput said of the appellate court: "They're going to carefully look at the elements of the crime without a lot of drama imposed." The lawyers agreed the verdict sent a message. "Now cops know if they screw up — and it doesn't have to be death — they can go to prison," Brown said. "It's called the rule of law."

‘Oh My God, I’m Scared’: New York Man’s Request for Supervisor Quickly Turned Into Violent Traffic Stop Caught on Video, Now He’s Suing Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. things soon turn took a violent turn when he could not find the registration and the deputies asked him step out of the vehicle. Olivas said in the interview that when he responded by asking to speak to a supervisor the deputies attacked him. His suit says he was hit several times and restrained him to the point that he couldn’t breathe. “After slamming me on the hood of his vehicle, he started to Mace me near my face.” Olivas said, noting that at times he almost lost consciousness. “Oh my God, I’m scared.’ I’m just trying not to do anything to make them think I’m trying to struggle or fight,” he recalled of the incident. The man claims the incident left him with permanent brain and emotional trauma.

Prosecutor Going After Antifa Peddled Antisemitic George Soros Conspiracies. San Diego DA Summer Stephan, who is bringing a conspiracy case against leftist protesters, once paid for a website that accused George Soros of funding anti-fascists. San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan has brought a sweeping new conspiracy case against left-wing protesters who counter-demonstrated at a pro-Trump rally in San Diego on Jan. 9. The result was a beachside brawl, during which rallygoers on the right flashed a knife and a BB gun and protesters on the left fired pepper spray. But rather than result in simple assault charges, Stephan is pressing conspiracy charges—and only against demonstrators on the left.

A 29-year-old man who was charged in connection with a heated skirmish with San Diego police officers during a protest last year was acquitted of all charges Thursday. A San Diego Superior Court jury found Denzel Draughn not guilty of eight felonies: two counts of using tear gas on officers and six counts of resisting officers. Prosecutors contented that Draughn pepper sprayed 11 officers during the protest against police violence in downtown San Diego on Aug. 28, 2020. One officer was blinded for roughly 40 minutes. Deputy Public Defender Damian Lowe told jurors Draughn sprayed the officers because he saw a group of them tackling a man to the ground, then punching and kicking him. District Attorney Summer Stephan’s office declined to comment Thursday on the acquittal. In early September, after Draughn was charged, Stephan issued a statement that said, in part: “Protesting is an inalienable right recognized by the U.S. Constitution. Rioting, burning down businesses and assaulting peace officers are crimes that will be prosecuted.

“I join community leaders in calling for unity and peace, not violence and chaos, while we work together to build racial equity and destroy hate.”

A U.S. Capitol Police officer has been indicted on obstruction of justice charges after prosecutors say he helped to hide evidence of a rioter’s involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection. The officer, Michael A. Riley, is accused of tipping off someone who participated in the riot by telling them to remove posts from Facebook that had showed the person inside the Capitol during the Jan. 6 attack, according to court documents.

Between now and November 2022, you will likely hear a lot about an alleged crime wave that is sweeping the country. Many Republicans are already keying in on the issue, including Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), who authored a piece about crime for Breitbart. The article is accompanied by pictures of people committing various property crimes. You might be surprised to learn that, according to FBI data cited by Cotton, property crime declined significantly in 2020. It continues a decades-long trend of fewer property crimes. The same FBI data shows that, overall, crime decreased. But violent crime did go up about 5%. Is that a "crime wave"? Let's put last year's increase in violent crime in context.

Hacked Oath Keepers Records Show Active Members Of Law Enforcement And The Military Tried To Join The Group After Jan. 6. The records from 2020 and 2021 also reveal a chaotic organization with hundreds of people demanding to cancel their memberships.

Fatal police violence by race and state in the USA, 1980–2019: a network meta-regression. Across all races and states in the USA, we estimate 30,800 deaths (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 30,300–31,300) from police violence between 1980 and 2018; this represents 17,100 more deaths (16 600–17 600) than reported by the NVSS. Over this time period, the age-standardised mortality rate due to police violence was highest in non-Hispanic Black people (0·69 [95% UI 0·67–0·71] per 100,000), followed by Hispanic people of any race (0·35 [0·34–0·36]), non-Hispanic White people (0·20 [0·19–0·20]), and non-Hispanic people of other races (0·15 [0·14– 0·16]). This variation is further affected by the decedent's sex and shows large discrepancies between states. Between 1980 and 2018, the NVSS did not report 55·5% (54·8–56·2) of all deaths attributable to police violence. When aggregating all races, the age-standardised mortality rate due to police violence was 0·25 (0·24–0·26) per 100 000 in the 1980s and 0·34 (0·34–0·35) per 100,000 in the 2010s, an increase of 38·4% (32·4–45·1) over the period of study. We found that more than half of all deaths due to police violence that we estimated in the USA from 1980 to 2018 were unreported in the NVSS. Compounding this, we found substantial differences in the age-standardised mortality rate due to police violence over time and by racial and ethnic groups within the USA. Proven public health intervention strategies are needed to address these systematic biases. State-level estimates allow for appropriate targeting of these strategies to address police violence and improve its reporting.

What Black People Saw When Border Patrol Whipped Haitians on Horseback. For many Black Americans, images of Border Patrol agents on horseback chasing down Haitian migrants reopened old but familiar wounds.

Capitol Police officers face discipline for selfies with rioters, internal documents show. A Capitol Police officer facing disciplinary action told investigators that he posed for a photo with a suspect during the Jan. 6 riot in order to identify him later. But the officer never shared that plan with his supervisor, the Capitol Police’s investigations unit or the FBI. It was only when the FBI contacted the Capitol Police about the officer’s photo in Facebook posts they were using to obtain an arrest warrant that the officer filled in his supervisors, according to internal investigation documents obtained by McClatchy. In addition to the cases of unbecoming conduct, a special agent in the department’s Protective Services Bureau faces disciplinary action on an allegation of improper dissemination of information. The allegation stems from a conversation the officer had with a friend the week after the riot in which he allegedly revealed information about the secure location he helped evacuate lawmakers to during the riot. The friend, who is referred to as “ANONYMOUS” in the documents, called the FBI tip line to report the conversation and expressed concerns that the agent subscribed to Trump’s election conspiracy theories. “I don’t want to report a friend of forty years but he’s says enough concerning statements that I feel like I need to do this... he’s just fallen into this cult and these beliefs,” the documents quote the anonymous friend as saying in a subsequent interview with Capitol Police. The agent denied that he was sympathetic to the cause of the rioters, but he acknowledged that he may have inadvertently shared information about the secure location.

Philadelphia to pay $2M to Black woman beaten by officers, separated from toddler during unrest. Officers smashed Rickia Young's windows with batons when she unknowingly drove into a protest. The union later claimed on social media that officers rescued her "lost" toddler.

A $3 Million Deal Is Reached In The Rough Arrest Of A 73-Year-Old Woman With Dementia. Then-Officer Austin Hopp arrested Karen Garner after she left a store without paying for about $14 worth of items in Loveland, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of Denver. Police body camera video shows that after she turned away from him, he grabbed her arm and pushed her to the ground. A federal lawsuit that Garner filed claimed he dislocated her shoulder by shoving her handcuffed left arm forward onto the hood of a patrol car. City Manager Steve Adams apologized to Garner and her family in the announcement of the proposed settlement, which was confirmed by Garner's lawyer, Sarah Schielke. "The settlement with Karen Garner will help bring some closure to an unfortunate event in our community but does not upend the work we have left to do," Adams said.

Revealed: how California police chased a nonexistent ‘antifa bus’. Authorities in rural northern counties spread misinformation and launched aircraft surveillance in response to false rumors about antifa ‘infiltrators’, according to records obtained by the Guardian.

San Diego Sheriff Releases Details On Disputed Fentanyl Video, But Questions Remain.

Emails Reveal Cops Fanned Flames as FBI Debunked Antifa Hoax. On Sept. 11, 2020, the same day the Federal Bureau of Investigation released a statement dismissing rumors that leftist activists were starting wildfires in Oregon, a sheriff in Washington state sent a very different message to other members of law enforcement. “One of the methods Antifa is using to start fire’s,is to take a mason jar with tinder placed inside the jar, put it in brush with the lid open, so the hot sun light will create a slow start which allows them to be out of the area before the smoke appears [sic],” Klickitat County Sheriff Bob Songer wrote in an email to officials throughout the state. The white bus being driven by suspected Antifa/BLM has been spotted at events in Sequim, Seattle, Coeur d'Alene, Spokane and now Moses Lake. September 2020 email from Sheriff Bob Songer. To his knowledge, he told The Daily Beast in an interview, his department has done nothing to correct the record.

Two state legislators sue NYPD over being pepper sprayed, detained during George Floyd protests. State Senator Zellnor Myrie and State Assemblywoman Diana Richardson filed the suit in Brooklyn Federal Court Monday over a May 29, 2020, incident during which the two were pepper sprayed and Myrie was handcuffed and detained during a clash between protesters and cops in Brooklyn. The suit was filed against the city, the mayor, police brass, and five NYPD officers who allegedly took part in the pepper spraying and arrests. Myrie even texted then Commanding Officer of Brooklyn North Jeffrey Maddrey, to give his contact info and say he would be at the protest, the suit says. After Myrie was cuffed, he was not released until an NYPD officer recognized him. Then, Maddrey came over to him and ordered the officers to undo the zip ties that were restraining him, the suit says.

Cop Flips Pregnant Woman's Car While She Tries To Pull Over Safely. An Arkansas State Police trooper used a PIT maneuver on a woman who had allegedly been speeding. Dunn says she fled, Harper clams she was trying to find a safe place to stop on a section of interstate that has a reduced shoulder. Dash camera video from Dunn’s patrol car showed Harper pulled into the right lane, slowed down, and turned on hazards. Less than two minutes after turning on his blue lights, Dunn performed a PIT maneuver, which caused Harper’s car to crash into the concrete median and flip.

A new investigation from the Trace shows that the ATF rarely enforces the law.

MPD attorney: Department used tear gas on Lafayette Park protesters in June 2020. Attorney Richard Sobiecki explained for the first time why MPD used tear gas against protesters fleeing federal police, though he did not say what exactly was used. In a federal court hearing Friday, MPD’s attorney gave reasons for why the department used tear gas and other chemical irritants on protesters “The curfew, violence of past nights, chaos created by federal defendants, discharge of tear gas in that direction was not unreasonable," attorney Richard Sobiecki, representing MPD, said. Sobiecki added that because its officers “did not target specific protesters,” their constitutional rights were not violated. "They suggested at various points they were encouraging people to move south on 17th street," Scott Michelman, DC ACLU's lead attorney for the protesters, said. "And that was encouraging via tear gas. That day was scarring in multiple ways, just in terms of the unexpected nature of the attack, the brutality of it, and the betrayal that many of them felt."

Chauvin guilty of murder and manslaughter in Floyd’s death. Chauvin, 45, was immediately led away with his hands cuffed behind his back and could be sent to prison for decades.

‘It stood out to me as egregious’: Protesters, others allege LAPD violence at Echo Park sweep.

Latino Man Who Escaped Atlanta Spa Shooting Handcuffed for Two Hours While Wife Died Inside. “He kept asking, ‘Where’s my wife? Where’s my wife?’ and nobody would give him an answer,” the niece said. “He didn’t get any answers until a couple hours later.” Others tried to tell the officers that González wasn’t lying about his identity but the cops didn’t seem to care. Someone who worked next door even recognized Mario González. “I know,” is all a police officer said when he was told that González’s wife was inside.

Police Shrugged Off the Proud Boys, Until They Attacked the Capitol. Two Proud Boys accused of leading a mob to Congress followed a bloody path to get there. Law enforcement did little to stop them. A protester was burning an American flag outside the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland when Joseph Biggs rushed to attack. Jumping a police line, he ripped the man’s shirt off and “started pounding,” he boasted that night in an online video. But the local police charged the flag burner with assaulting Mr. Biggs. The city later paid $225,000 to settle accusations that the police had falsified their reports out of sympathy with Mr. Biggs, who went on to become a leader of the far-right Proud Boys. Two years later, in Portland, Ore., something similar occurred. A Proud Boy named Ethan Nordean was caught on video pushing his way through a crowd of counterprotesters, punching one of them, then slamming him to the ground, unconscious. Once again, the police charged only the other man in the skirmish, accusing him of swinging a baton at Mr. Nordean. Now, Mr. Biggs, 37, and Mr. Nordean, 30, are major targets in a federal investigation that prosecutors on Thursday said could be “one of the largest in American history.” They face some of the most serious charges stemming from the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January: leading a mob of about 100 Proud Boys in a coordinated plan to disrupt the certification of President Donald J. Trump’s electoral defeat.

The police officer whose head was smashed in a doorway by pro-Trump mob at US Capitol was injured and will be out of work 'for a while'. Video from the riots on Wednesday shows a crazed pro-Trump mob barking as they crushed the head of a law enforcement officer between doors at the US Capitol. The rioters pulled on the officer's gas mask, push him, and hit him in the face. The video was filmed by Jon Farina for the outlet Status Coup.

Rampage Weighs on Congressional Staff Members and Capitol Workers. The violence caused by a pro-Trump mob on Wednesday has shaken many who work at the Capitol. And some people of color say the law enforcement response reopened old wounds. on Sept. 11, 2001, when, he said, the police did not even inform kitchen workers of the terrorist threat to the Capitol, let alone evacuate them.

The Collectible Coins That Celebrate the Dark Side of American Policing. Challenge coins have become the dirty currency of the warrior cop.

Lawsuits: Police beat and falsely arrested marcher and photographer during protests. Denver Foote and Mark 'Ted' Nieters, both of Des Moines, are suing the city and individual officers involved in their arrests, which took place May 31 and June 1 amid widespread protests that in some cases broke into looting and vandalism. Both lawsuits were filed Wednesday in state court by Des Moines attorney Gina Messamer, who has been involved in a number of civil and criminal cases alleging misconduct by local law enforcement officers. Nieters and Foote are seeking compensation for injuries and other losses as well as damages for libel and violations of their constitutional rights. Both were charged with crimes related to the protests that later were dismissed for lack of evidence, according to court records. In an interview, Foote told the Des Moines Register that the attack by the officers left her in fear for her life. "I just remember saying ‘I'm not resisting,’ and they kept hitting me," she said. "I literally thought I was going to be another person who died at the hands of the police, which was really terrifying."

How Cities Lost Control of Police Discipline. In the chaos of 1960s Detroit, a fledgling police union laid the groundwork for a system that, to this day, constrains discipline for officers accused of misconduct.

US Police have stolen $68 billion in the past 20 years from American citizens without due process. The nonprofit Institute for Justice has just released the 3rd edition of its Policing For Profit report, examining the abuses of civil asset forfeiture by local police across the United States. According to their data, local police departments have seized more than $68 billion dollars worth of personal property without due process over the last 20 years. In fact, since 2014, police have been stealing more than actual burglars—and most of that came from people who hadn't been convicted of a crime.

BODYCAM VIDEO SHOWS ‘MOB MENTALITY’ OF BOSTON POLICE WHO RESPONDED TO GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS, LAWYER SAYS. Hours of video given exclusively to The Appeal show police officers bragging about attacking protesters and multiple instances of excessive force and the liberal use of pepper spray. Many officers wore body cameras. During the unrest, the cameras recorded hours of footage that the department subsequently stored. That footage was given to attorney Carl Williams, who is representing some protesters arrested that night, as part of a discovery file encompassing 44 videos and over 66 hours of footage. Williams assembled a team of volunteer lawyers and law students to pore over the videos to find exculpatory evidence for his clients. What they found, however, was something more. The hours of video, given exclusively to The Appeal by Williams, show police officers bragging about attacking protesters, targeting nonviolent demonstrators for violence and possible arrest, discussing arrest quotas and the use of cars as weapons, and multiple instances of excessive force and liberal use of pepper spray. “It’s this mob mentality,” Williams said of the police behavior. “And I use ‘mob’ as a sort of a double entendre—mob like the mafia and mob like a group of a pack of wild people roaming the streets looking to attack people.”

Woman shot with police beanbag round during La Mesa protest sues the officer who shot her. A woman partially blinded by a police beanbag round during a protest in La Mesa in late May has sued the officer who fired the round, accusing him of battery. In a lawsuit filed in San Diego Superior Court last week, Leslie Furcron also claims Detective Eric Knudson inflicted emotional distress and violated her First Amendment right to protest. Among other allegations, the lawsuit contends Knudson violated the Police Department’s policies and standard law enforcement practices, alleging he fired a beanbag round into a large crowd at a long distance and aimed at Furcron’s head instead of her arms or legs. The city, also named as a defendant, declined to comment on the allegations. City Manager Greg Humora said Knudson, a 12-year-veteran of the police force, remained on administrative leave as of Monday.

Addressing Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue

★ Religion, Christofascism, Tax fraud, Anti Choice American Morality Police

The United States Constitution makes no mention of God, Jesus, or the Bible. Article 6 of the Constitution states that "no religious Test shall ever be Required as a Qualification To any Office or public Trust under the United States." And the Treaty of Tripoli, which was unanimously ratified in 1797, says. "the Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." None of this has stopped the GOP from hallucinating the belief that the U.S. is a Christian Nation. According to a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institute, more than half of Republicans believe the United States should be a strictly Christian nation. The survey also found "five core attitudes" associated with Christian nationalist beliefs: anti-Black racism, anti-immigrant views, antisemitic views, anti-Muslim views, and patriarchal understandings of traditional gender roles.

SEC Reportedly Probes Mormon Church Over $100 Billion Investment Portfolio Allegedly Saved For ‘Second Coming Of Christ’. The SEC’s probe—which the Journal reports has reached an advanced stage—specifically looks into whether an investment arm of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called Ensign Peak Advisors broke the SEC’s requirements that large portfolio managers disclose certain holdings.

2022 Student Essay Winners

Family of 3 found dead in apparent suicide pact were 'hell-bent' on Trump winning, thought it could be 'the end' if he lost: reports. According to those who knew the family, and who spoke to NBC News, they were Christian conservatives who were outspoken in their political beliefs. Deborah Daub and her daughter were "huge" supporters of former President Donald Trump, said Bret Stabley, who knew the family as they frequented his store, per NBC News. The family "was never shy about letting anybody know what their beliefs were," Stabley said, according to NBC News. A neighbor, who asked to remain anonymous, told the media outlet that the family's front yard was "littered" with pro-Trump banners and, later, anti-abortion signs. Stabley told NBC News that Deborah Daub and her daughter were "hell-bent on Trump winning" the 2020 election, adding: "Like this could be the end if he doesn't."

The language used by contemporary Christian warriors. Warriors, demons, baby killers, groomers, and diabolical policies are the language used by contemporary Christian warriors. This New Republic article by Katherine Stewart, "The Rise of Spirit Warriors on the Christian Right," explains the transformation in American society.

Watch: Michele Bachmann said she spent Christmas telling her 3- and 6-year-old grandkids that the "eternal fires" of Hell await them.

A great primer on the rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States. Newly revealed texts between [Rep. Rick (R-Ga.)] Allen and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows…dramatically show how deeply Christian nationalist ideology runs through the Republican Party, and how it continues to underlie Republicans' ongoing denial that Jan. 6 was a violent attempt to overthrow the government. Even after Jan. 6, Allen continued to insist that Trump and his supporters should not give up because God was on their side. On Jan. 8, Allen sent Meadows a message lamenting that Trump's attempted power grab had failed. "Our Nation is at war, it is a Spiritual War at the highest level," Allen wrote. "This is not a war that can be fought conventionally, this is God's battle and He has used President Trump in a powerful way to expose the deceit, lies and hypocrisy of the enemy." Allen was invoking a core element of Christian right ideology: that patriotic Christians are engaged in a "spiritual" battle with evil forces, which include the Democratic Party, the left more broadly, or any other political adversary they say undermine America as a "Christian nation." They claim Trump was anointed by God to save the Christian nation from attacks by its enemies. So how did we get here? If you want a primer on the rise of Christian Nationalism, check out this brilliant book by Kristin Du Mez, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation. It's a detailed account of the past 75 years of American history. It chronicles how the Christian Right has been playing the long game in their efforts to overtake the United States government. It also traces how American Christians came to embrace rugged masculinity and how they infused that construction of "what it means to be a man" into their faith to create a particular version of militant Christianity. Published in 2020, this book takes you on a wild ride that feels destined to end in a violent insurrection on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Somehow Du Mez seems to have basically predicted January 6, 2021, even though she wrote the book before the insurrection happened. Perhaps DuMez and others like her are modern-day Cassandras?

The Vatican has cut its canonical ties with Priests for Life head Frank Pavone, following years of virulent and aggressive anti-abortion work and his support of former President Donald Trump, according to a letter made public over the weekend. A representative for Pope Francis wrote that Pavone was “found guilty in canonical proceedings of blasphemous communications on social media, and of persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.” Spicy! The letter does not explicitly mention which posts were the “blasphemous communications” in question, but I can make an educated guess: In 2020, Pavone condemned “supporters of this goddamn loser Biden and his morally corrupt, America-hating, God hating Democrat party.” Pavone also threatened to withhold absolution from Democratic voters. (In Catholicism, absolution is given from God, via a priest, in the confessional. Pavone’s diocese condemned those actions and urged members to pray for him.)

Anti-Abortion Christian Group Compares Its Canceled Restaurant Reservation to Segregation. The Family Foundation said progressives were "recreat[ing] an environment from the 1950s and early 60s, when people were denied food service due to their race." On November 30, Metzger Bar and Butchery in Richmond, Virginia, accepted a group reservation but then canceled it once they learned it was for The Family Foundation, a non-profit that “advocate[s] for policies based on Biblical principles.” The restaurant wrote in an Instagram post that the reservation was for “a group of donors to a political organization that seeks to deprive women and LGBTQ+ persons of their basic human rights in Virginia.” The post continues: “We have always refused service to anyone for making our staff uncomfortable or unsafe and this was the driving force behind our decision...All of our staff are people with rights who deserve dignity and a safe work environment.” In a subsequent post, Metzger said it would donate proceeds of a cocktail to the LGBTQ+ advocacy organization Equality Virginia.

‘He was chosen’: the rightwing Christian roadshow spreading the gospel of Trump. Part Trump rally, part religious service, and much conspiracy theory thrown in – on the eve of the midterms, Ed Pilkington visits the ReAwaken America tour. They will hear the former president’s first national security adviser Michael Flynn, who is revered in this setting as “America’s general”, warning that a new world tyranny is approaching. They will listen as Mike Lindell, the so-called My Pillow Guy, launches an incoherent rant about how foreign forces are infiltrating voting machines and using them to subvert US elections. They will give a standing ovation to the beloved leader’s son, Eric Trump, who will fire them up almost to the point of ecstasy with talk of “doing it all again”. And at the end of the day more than 200 of them will line up by a swimming pool for a full-body immersive baptism in the name of the lord, spiritual and political. The show is part Trump Stop the Steal rally, part charismatic religious service, part QAnon and anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory all rolled into one. It also subscribes heavily to the church of merchandising – there is a large vendors’ tent with several stalls devoted to the peddling of snake oil (“Redox Worx: patented cell-signalling technology. Improve health on a cellular level”). This heady brew is the creation of Clay Clark, a former wedding reception DJ from Oklahoma turned ThriveTimeShow podcaster who came to prominence protesting Covid lockdowns. Together with Flynn, he launched the ReAwaken America tour in April last year, just weeks after Trump supporters staged the January 6 attack on the US Capitol in a desperate yet unsuccessful attempt to keep Joe Biden out of the Oval Office.

How a Secretive Far-Right Network Attacks Abortion Rights Across the Globe. An unlikely alliance of the U.S. Christian right, militant European Catholics, and even sanctioned Russian oligarchs are working to undermine reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights around the world. CitizenGO is an online community that claims to “promote life, family, and liberty.” It is also the main online outlet for an unlikely coalition of the U.S. Christian right, militant European Catholics, Russian orthodox hardliners and even sanctioned oligarchs, all working in a concerted campaign to undermine reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights around the world. The group was founded in 2013 by Ignacio Arsuaga, a far-right Madrid lawyer. He had previously established HazteOir to promote a hardline Christian agenda in Spain, but CitizenGO was built for a global crusade. The organisation’s key link to Russian oligarchs is Alexey Komov, who has served as a board member and is a leading campaigner against abortion and LGBTQ+ rights in Russia. He has made no secret of his aims, or where his support comes from.

A Pennsylvania anti-abortion protester was arrested Friday for allegedly shoving a 72-year-old volunteer patient escort to the ground, according to an indictment unsealed in Philadelphia federal court. Prosecutors say Mark Houck, 47, was picketing outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philly last October when he attacked the senior, who was helping two patients into the facility. The extent of the victim’s injuries are not specified, but the indictment states the person “required medical attention.” Houck, whose website describes him as “an author, lecturer, radio host, activist and passionate Catholic” who previously worked as a “full-time chastity educator,” now faces felony charges. He does not have a lawyer listed in court records.

A well-known forced-birth author and sidewalk counselor was arrested in front of his children after the Department of Justice ordered a SWAT raid on his house for alleged violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, according to a report from LifeSiteNews. Mark Houck, a father of seven, drove two hours to Philadelphia every Wednesday to speak outside of abortion clinics for six to eight hours at a time, his wife, Ryan-Marie Houck, told the outlet.

Pagan and witchcraft festivals confront growing Christian harassment. “There were about 30 [evangelists] this year,” said Starr RavenHawk, an elder and priestess of the New York City Wiccan Family Temple and organizer of WitchsFest USA, a street fair held in the city’s West Village in mid-July. The Christian group took up a prominent position on one street corner as the festival began at 10 a.m. and began talking to attendees and preaching into amplification devices. Among them, RavenHawk said she recognized members of the New York City chapter of Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries, a Toronto organization that had sent visitors before. After her security team asked the preachers to leave, RavenHawk called the police as she has done in past years. But, for the first time, the cops did nothing, she said. “The Christians say nobody is being bothered,” RavenHawk was reportedly told by the officers. In past years, officers would relocate the preachers to the far side of Astor Place, where they would continue without the use of speakers, which require a permit. This year, the Christian groups were allowed to remain at the festival with their sound amplification. According to RavenHawk, the officers called the preaching “freedom of speech.” It is unclear whether the groups had permits. One attendee, Soror Da Glorium Deo, said, “When the police had the opportunity to downgrade things by possibly escorting the troublemakers off the area, they chose not to de-escalate.” “[The officers] treated us as if we were invading the Christians’ space, as if they had more rights than we do,” RavenHawk said. “[The preachers] were loud, and they were carrying on. Of course it was disruptive.”

“I am being attacked by the godless left because I said I’m a proud Christian nationalist,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote in a recent tweet. Two days later, she was hawking merch—a “Proud Christian Nationalist” T-shirt, for sale on her Instagram. “Share your love for our great nation with this shirt, available EXCLUSIVELY at the Official MTG Shop,” the caption said.

Kenneth Copeland's Christofacist "Watchman Decree" is straight out of The Handmaid's Tale.

Archbishop Cordileone bars Nancy Pelosi from Communion until she ends abortion support. Cordileone said on May 20 that the step was “purely pastoral, not political” and came after Pelosi, D-Calif., who has described herself as a “devout Catholic,” repeatedly rebuffed his efforts to reach out to her to discuss her abortion advocacy. Cordileone said that he sent the notification to Pelosi, “a member of our archdiocese,” on May 19. The Democratic leader did not immediately respond publicly to Cordileone’s announcement after it was released to the media Friday afternoon. In a 2008 interview with C-SPAN, Pelosi said being denied Communion would be “a severe blow,” describing herself at the time as a “regular communicant.”

How a San Diego Church Became a Nexus of Anti-Vaccine, Anti-COVID Lockdown and Right-wing Political Organizing. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Awaken has been at the center of a new movement of conservative activists. Some of the church’s leaders and supporters have become regulars at public meetings and the church itself has allied with political groups looking to recruit like-minded conservatives to run for office. Jurgen Matthesius, the lead pastor of Awaken Church, and his family flew into San Diego on July 4, 2005. As they looked out of the plane’s window they saw fireworks, and Matthesius joked with his sons that the explosions were meant to welcome their arrival. “They want (the United States) to be subject to a new world order,” Matthesius said in his thick Australian accent, but the tide was turning. “God said to me, ‘Do you see what’s happening in America?’” Matthesius claimed, the urgency of his words increasing with each utterance. “Do you see the patriots? Do you see the Trump flags? Do you see the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ flags? Do you see the school boards?”

Statement of Faith. In order to preserve the function and integrity of the Answers in Genesis (AiG) ministry (and its various attractions and outreaches, both domestic and international) in its mission to proclaim the absolute truth and authority of Scripture and to provide a biblical role model to our employees and to the global body of Christ, the community, and society at large, it is imperative that all persons employed by the AiG ministry in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, should abide by and agree to our Statement of Faith and conduct themselves accordingly.

“Most non-evangelicals are not aware of the culture of evangelicalism and just how influential it is on ordinary evangelicals,” said Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of “Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation,” a New York Times bestseller released in 2020. The evangelical world remains confusing to many because it is 'invisible' to them, author says. “There's a whole universe out there that really forms the faith of ordinary evangelicals. And it is largely invisible to people outside this community,” Du Mez said in an interview on “The Long Game,” a Yahoo News podcast. “These sources are really formative for shaping their understanding of what is good and true.” One of the arguments in Du Mez’s book is that evangelical Christians believe that their worldview derives from the Bible, when it has in fact been shaped more by American popular culture. “They primarily identify as Bible-believing Christians. … That’s their brand,” she said, arguing that instead, it is “cultural and political allegiances [that] actually shape the ways in which they understand what is biblical.”

The Impatience of Job. The Torah story is perfect for our harrowing times. But we’ve been reading it all wrong. Job then utters a few enigmatic lines of Hebrew that scholars have struggled to translate for millennia: “al kayn em’as / v’nikham’ti al afar v’eyfer.” The King James Version gives those lines as “Wherefore I abhor myself / and repent in dust and ashes.” Historically, most other versions stab at something similar—though, as we will see, modern scholarship suggests some very different alternatives. So, Greenstein says, Job’s final words to God should be read as follows: That is why I am fed up: I take pity on “dust and ashes” [humanity]! Remember, for this statement, God praises Job’s honesty. Absent the book’s likely tacked-on epilogue, the Book of Job teaches that there is no final victory, no ultimate divine deliverance. As I think about how to respond to the concurrent cataclysms threatening the nation and the globe, I at least want to be Job—not a person with divine patience, but one who cares so much for his fellow mortals that he will spit acidic truth into the face of the Lord to the very end. What’s the alternative? Giving up? Waiting for oblivion? Such an attitude is its own kind of submissive patience. It’s understandable—but when things inevitably get even darker than they are today, it will be about as useful as waiting for God to save the day. What Job has given me is not exactly hope. But it’s something.

Eric Trump, Flynn and other right-wing figures headline conference at San Marcos church. The national ReAwaken tour combines politics, religion and showmanship, prompting protest by other local faith leaders. Eric Trump, Roger Stone, retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and other right-wing figures spoke at a conservative conference held at a San Marcos church this weekend, while other local faith leaders protested the event, calling it an anti-democratic movement that distorts Christianity. The Reawaken America conference, organized by Flynn and Thrivetime Show podcast host Clay Clark, was held at Awaken Church in San Marcos as part of a national tour. Other Awaken church locations made headlines during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when the county issued cease-and-desist notices ordering them to stop holding unmasked indoor services.

The Unmaking of the White Christian Worldview. Recent surveys by PRRI, an organization I lead, reveal disturbing realities among white evangelical Protestants today: 61% believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. And the idea of patriotism has taken a troubling turn: 68% believe Trump is a “true patriot,” and one in three believe that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” More than seven in ten deny that the history of slavery and discrimination in the U.S. has any bearing on economic inequalities between white and Black Americans today. White evangelicals are the religious group most likely to refuse COVID-19 vaccines and object to mask mandates. One in four are QAnon conspiracy believers.

A Pro-Trump Billboard with a Bible Verse Didn’t Even Get the Bible Verse Right. The verse on the billboard? That’s Isaiah 9:6.

Christian prayer group and Native Americans face off at Ohio's Serpent Mound. Deputies were called Sunday when a Christian prayer group and Native Americans faced off Sunday at the Great Serpent Mound, the Native American national historic site in southern Ohio. The Native American leader who was there says they were trying to protect a sacred site that belonged to their ancestors. The leader of the prayer group says the mound is a place where dark energy is released into the world. "I'm not calling the Indians dark," Dave Daubenmire told The Enquirer. "This has nothing to do with the Indians." Led by Daubenmire, the group was there on the Winter Solstice "praying down (the) Satanic serpent mounds," according to the group's YouTube video recording the event titled "PAGANS TRY TO PREVENT PRAYER."

Secular Agenda for the 117th Congress & Biden Administration.

Judiciary, SCOTUS, abortion, vote fraud

Judiciary, SCOTUS, abortion, vote fraud

Mike Pence Says 'We Need to' Ban Abortion Pills Nationwide in New Leaked Audio. The former Vice President and likely 2024 presidential contender has been on a crusade against abortion his entire career and has more big plans for it. Former Vice President and rumored 2024 presidential contender Mike Pence said “we need to” ban abortion pills in audio obtained by Jezebel. The comments came during a book signing event on Monday in Houston, Texas.

Supreme Court seeks U.S. government view on charter school's skirt requirement. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday asked President Joe Biden's administration to weigh in on whether the justices should decide whether a publicly funded charter school in North Carolina may have violated the rights of female students - deemed "fragile vessels" by the school's founder - by requiring girls to wear skirts. The justices are considering whether to hear an appeal by Charter Day School, located in the southeastern North Carolina town of Leland and operated by a private educational management company, of a lower court's ruling that found that the dress code ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment guarantee of equal protection under the law. The court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, asked U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar to file a brief expressing the Biden administration's view on the litigation and whether the Supreme Court should take up the matter. Aaron Streett, a lawyer for the school, called the Supreme Court's decision to seek the solicitor general's input rather than reject its appeal a "positive sign" that "indicates that the court views this as an important case that may merit further review." Charter Day School argued that the 14th Amendment does not apply to it because it is a private entity, not a "state actor" like public schools operated directly by North Carolina school districts. The 4th Circuit on a 10-6 vote decided that it was a "state actor" because North Carolina delegated to the school its duty to provide free, universal education to students.

Ultra-conservative gala welcomes supreme court justices who ended Roe v Wade. Four of the five US supreme court justices who overturned the constitutional right to abortion in America showed up at the ultra-conservative Federalist Society’s black-tie dinner marking its 40th anniversary. Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the opinion in the shock decision, got a long, loud ovation at the event on Thursday night from a crowd of 2,000 people, most in tuxedos and gowns, when another speaker praised him on the overturning of Roe v Wade in June. The Federalist Society has no partisan affiliation and takes no position in election campaigns, but it is closely aligned with Republican priorities, including the drive to overturn Roe. Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Alito offered brief remarks that steered well clear of the court’s work, though Alito praised the Federalist Society for its success in the Trump years and hoped it would continue. “Boy, is your work needed today,” he said. Barrett’s only allusion to the abortion case came when she responded to the crowd’s roar of approval when she was introduced. “It’s really nice to have a lot of noise made not by protesters outside my house,” she said, referring to the protests in the spring between the time the draft opinion of the court was leaked and the final decision. Amid heavy security, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh also were in attendance in the main hall at Washington’s Union Station, where the silhouette of James Madison, the group’s logo, was projected on the walls. Justice Clarence Thomas, the other member of the abortion case majority, was not at the dinner.

Pictured: What fetus cell tissue looks like in its first nine weeks - a period where abortion is banned in 14 states At four weeks, the developing baby is a smattering of cells absent a heartbeat or discernible human features At six weeks the embryo is no wider than an inch in diameter and exhibits some cardiac activity Fourteen states have banned abortion before 9 weeks at which point the fetus is unrecognizable

It’s Time to Release Our Own Kraken! There’s No Room in American Jurisprudence for Activist Judges. Isn’t That What Conservatives Say?

Supreme Court is about to have 3 Bush v. Gore alumni sitting on the bench. Of the original nine who decided the case two decades ago, only two remain, Justices Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer. And they were on opposite sides. Chief Justice John Roberts Roberts flew to Florida in November 2000 to assist Bush’s legal team. He helped prepare the lawyer who presented Bush’s case to the Florida state Supreme Court and offered advice throughout. Justice Brett Kavanaugh He was also in private practice in 2000 and helped the Bush legal team. He wrote on a 2018 Senate questionnaire that his work related to recounts in Volusia County, Florida. After the election, Bush hired Kavanaugh to be a counsel and then staff secretary. In the West Wing, Kavanaugh met his future wife, Ashley, who was Bush’s personal secretary. Bush appointed Kavanaugh to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, where Roberts had first served. In 2018, Trump elevated Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Judge Amy Coney Barrett Barrett wrote on the questionnaire she submitted to the Senate for her Supreme Court confirmation review, “One significant case on which I provided research and briefing assistance was Bush v. Gore.” She said the law firm where she was working at the time represented Bush and that she had gone down to Florida “for about a week at the outset of the litigation” when the dispute was in the Florida courts. She said she had not continued on the case after she returned to Washington.

Revealed: leaked video shows Amy Coney Barrett’s secretive faith group drove women to tears. Wife of founder of People of Praise says members ‘were always crying’ during discussions about women’s subservience to men. Barrett has never addressed how the reversal of Roe might affect a woman’s life. But during oral argument in Dobbs v Jackson, the supreme court case that ultimately overturned Roe, Barrett referred specifically in questions to the availability of so-called “safe haven” laws across the US, which allow mothers to abandon newborns in designated locations without the risk of punishment. Barrett suggested that the availability of such legal protections for new mothers meant that while women might be forced to give birth if Roe were overturned, they would not necessarily be forced to become parents, or be burdened by parenthood. The line of reasoning was decried as “cruel and dangerous” by pro-choice activists and writers, who said that seeing safe haven laws as a viable replacement for reproductive choice ignored real health risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and ignored women’s rights to bodily autonomy.

4,500 Tips About Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Were Punted to Trump White House, FBI Director Admits. Christopher Wray confirmed Thursday that the FBI sent thousands of tips to Trump's team, who then decided whom the FBI could interview in their probe. Whitehouse previously said in June, when it was first revealed how many tips the FBI actually received about Kavanaugh from its tip line, that it was obvious the investigation into Kavanaugh was fully rigged by Trump. “This long-delayed answer confirms how badly we were spun by Director Wray and the FBI in the Kavanaugh background investigation and hearing,”

Alito’s Speech Mocking Foreign Leaders Has a Deeper, Darker Message. To the justice, “secular society” poses a threat to religious freedom—and state-sponsored indoctrination is the only solution. Last Thursday, Justice Samuel Alito gave a talk in Rome sponsored by the University of Notre Dame Law School’s Religious Liberty Initiative. His remarks, which can be viewed here, were ostensibly about religious liberty, but Alito also used them to showcase his comedy stylings. After a ten-year-old rape victim crossed state lines to terminate her pregnancy, and while miscarrying patients are bleeding out in Texas before being allowed to receive life-saving medical treatment, Alito thought the Rome speech was the right time and place to mock international criticism of his opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. It speaks volumes about Samuel Alito that, in the face of international outrage over the impact of this ruling on the lives of millions of women, he centered himself and his own feelings. His snarky little potshots at Prince Harry and Boris Johnson were not so much “jokes” about world leaders as personal petulance over international criticism, cloaked in the insistence that Alito doesn’t care what these world leaders think of him.

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan deletes tweet calling the story of a 10-year-old girl being raped 'another lie' after Ohio authorities charged a man in the case. On Wednesday, authorities charged Gershon Fuentes, 27, with rape, news that was first reported by The Columbus Post Dispatch. Law enforcement said that Fuentes admitted to raping the child on two occasions. DNA from the aborted fetus is also being tested to confirm if Fuentes forcibly impregnated the girl. The girl reportedly traveled to Indiana to receive the abortion at six weeks of pregnancy because of Ohio's new abortion laws.

‘Operation Higher Court’: Inside the religious right’s efforts to wine and dine Supreme Court justices. A former evangelical leader details his group’s extensive program to influence Justices Thomas, Alito and Scalia through meals and entertainment. Rob Schenck, an evangelical minister who headed the Faith and Action group headquartered near the Supreme Court from 1995 to 2018, said he arranged over the years for about 20 couples to fly to Washington to visit with and entertain Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and the late Antonin Scalia.

SCOTUS Justices ‘Prayed With’ Her — Then Cited Her Bosses to End Roe. A right-wing evangelical activist was caught on tape bragging that she prayed with Supreme Court justices. The court’s majority cited a legal brief that her group filed while overturning Roe v. Wade. Peggy Nienaber, left, the vice president of the Faith & Liberty evangelical group, prays outside the Supreme Court in 2009. Next to her is the Rev. Rob Schenck, who led the group's predecessor organization, Faith and Action, for years before leaving in 2018.

The Originalism of White Supremacy and Judicial Review. For originalists, the Constitution itself ratified by "the people" is the ultimate argument for judicial review being a democratic mandate. Yet, as is often forgotten, ignored, and/or dismissed by the rabid proponents of "American Exceptionalism," is that it is "factually wrong to say that 'the people' consented to the Constitution because less than 5 percent of the population at the time participated in ratification. No women and no people of color participated, and only a small fraction of white men did [author's emphasis]… If originalists consider it undemocratic that our laws are subject to the approval of unelected judges—who at least die or retire someday and whose replacements are appointed by elected officials—how much more undemocratic is it if society is governed by past majorities who cannot be overruled and are never replaced?"

Judiciary, SCOTUS, abortion. archived September 29, 2022

The Federalist Society: Architects of the American dystopia. The US Supreme Court has become nothing but an enforcer of the current conservative agenda – but how did we get here? The Federalist Society, as it is commonly known by the people who are even aware of its existence, started out in the 1980s as a debating society for conservative students at a handful of elite American law schools such as Yale and the University of Chicago. Initially, the main purpose of the organisation was to provide space for conservatives on university campuses to develop arguments against what they saw as domineering liberal interpretations of the law. The Federalist Society instead promoted an approach called “textualism” or “originalism”, which its proponents say interprets laws based on the plain meaning of their wording and the ways in which they were understood at the time they were passed. But as many other groups and societies started in the Reagan era, the Federalist Society quickly grew beyond its original role as a campus-based conservative discussion group. In a matter of a few decades, alongside the NRA, Family Research Council, the Heritage Foundation, and others, the Federalist Society became an expansive and extremely politically influential network counting among its members countless influential judges, attorneys and scholars.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told his law clerks in the '90s that he wanted to serve for 43 years to make liberals' lives 'miserable'. In a conversation with his law clerks two years following his confirmation, The New York Times reported Thomas expressed his desire to serve on the court until the year 2034. "The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk remembered Thomas – who was 43 years old when confirmed – saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."

Legal claims shed light on founder of faith group tied to Amy Coney Barrett. Examination of People of Praise comes as supreme court seems poised to reverse Roe v Wade. The founder of the People of Praise, a secretive charismatic Christian group that counts the supreme court justice Amy Coney Barrett as a member, was described in a sworn affidavit filed in the 1990s as exerting almost total control over one of the group’s female members, including making all decisions about her finances and dating relationships. The court documents also described alleged instances of a sexualized atmosphere in the home of the founder, Kevin Ranaghan, and his wife, Dorothy Ranaghan. The description of the Ranaghans and accusations involving their intimate behavior were contained in a 1993 proceeding in which a woman, Cynthia Carnick, said that she did not want her five minor children to have visitations with their father, John Roger Carnick, who was then a member of the People of Praise, in the Ranaghan household or in their presence, because she believed it was not in her children’s “best interest”. Cynthia Carnick also described inappropriate incidents involving the couple and the Ranaghan children. The matter was eventually settled between the parties. Barrett, 50, lived with Dorothy and Kevin Ranaghan in their nine-bedroom South Bend, Indiana, home while she attended law school, according to public records. The justice – who was then known as Amy Coney – graduated from Notre Dame Law School in 1997 and two years later married her husband, Jesse Barrett, who also appears to have lived in the Ranaghan household. There is no indication that Amy Coney Barrett lived in the house at the time when the Carnick children were visiting or witnessed any of the alleged behavior described in the court documents.

Justice Clarence Thomas on Racial Inequality and the Supreme Court “What happened at the Court is tremendously bad,” remarked Justice Clarence Thomas about the recently-leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion that would strike down Roe v. Wade. Justice Thomas elaborated, saying that the leak does damage to the rule of law and institutions in general. “You can’t have a civil society--a free society--without a stable legal system,” he added. His remarks came during an interview at the Old Parkland Conference in Dallas. He also discussed other issues including free speech at colleges and universities, the influence that his mentor Thomas Sowell had on him, his disagreement on always abiding by legal precedent, and his disapproval of protests that happen near public officials' homes.

A landmark study tracks the lasting effect of having an abortion — or being denied one. For over 10 years, Dr. Foster and her team of researchers tracked the experiences of women who'd received abortions or who had been denied them because of clinic policies on gestational age limits. The research team regularly interviewed each of nearly 1,000 women for five years and found those who'd been denied abortion experienced worse economic and mental health outcomes than the cohort that received care. And 95% of study participants who received an abortion said they made the right decision. We see a couple of areas where their lives dramatically diverge in outcomes [from women who got abortions]. The first is health. Consistent with the medical literature, carrying a pregnancy to term and delivering a child is much more physically risky than having an abortion, even a later abortion. We see much more severe physical health complications from birth, including most tragically, two women who died after delivery — one died of an infection and one died of a very common pregnancy complication.

'I wonder how long we're going to have these institutions': Justice Thomas warns that leak of abortion draft judgment could herald the END of the Supreme Court as he suggests leak came from clerk and takes dig at recent appointees Justice Clarence Thomas told conference for black conservatives that the leak of the Roe v Wade draft opinion was 'tremendously bad' The conservative judge said that despite being at odds politically with the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg: 'She was actually an easy colleague to deal with' Thomas also told the audience that conservatives wouldn't show up to protest at justice's homes Thomas went on to say that he always felt that leaking of opinions was 'verboten' Protests are expected across the country on Saturday, including a rally in DC

Ted Cruz Said Jan. 6 Wasn’t a ‘Violent Insurrection.’ Now He Labels Peaceful Pro-Choice Protesters ‘Mob Violence’ Can someone get the senator a dictionary? He seems confused about the definition of violence.

Samuel Alito: the abrasive justice taking abortion rights back to the 17th century. Samuel Alito, a conservative Catholic from New Jersey, delivered an abrasively aggressive demolition of Roe v Wade that came as no surprise to those familiar with his work. The man who wrote the draft supreme court opinion overturning Roe v Wade is known for his quick temper and ‘traditional’ values.

Pence hits Harris over abortion remarks: ‘How dare you?’. Pence, at a gala for the Carolina Pregnancy Center, responded to Harris’s comments saying “62 million unborn boys and girls ended in abortion” since Roe v. Wade was decided. “Since 1973, generations of mothers enduring heartbreaking and loss that can last a lifetime. Madame Vice President, how dare you?” Pence, like multiple other conservatives, speculated the document was leaked in order to try to change the majority opinion. “The Supreme Court of the United States will not be intimidated, and we will never stop fighting for the sanctity of life,” Pence said. “More than 62 million unborn children in the United States … lives of incalculable promise were ended before they were ever begun and countless young women have experienced sorrow and regret that can last a lifetime.”

Following protests sparked by the leak of a draft U.S. Supreme Court decision indicating the justices are poised to overturn the constitutional right to abortion, Justice Clarence Thomas said on Friday that the court cannot be "bullied." Thomas, one of the most conservative justices on the nine-member court, made only a few passing references to the protests over the leaked draft opinion as he spoke at a judicial conference in Atlanta. As a society, "we are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don't like," Thomas said. "We can't be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that."

@TheDailyShow These judges make lying fun. It's the Black Robe Comedy Tour!

We Read Alito’s 98-Page Leaked Opinion. Here Are the Most Shocking Lines. In several passages, the justice adopts the most radical rhetoric of the anti-abortion movement.

Watch: In 1996, George Carlin outed the "pro-life" GOP for what they really are. George Carlin nailed it 26 years ago when talking about the GOP's so-called pro-lifers. "These people aren't pro life," he said in his 1996 HBO special, Back In Town. "They're anti-woman." "Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't wanna know about you. They don't wanna hear from you," the comedian said in a video that has resurfaced since the Supreme Court's draft opinion that overturns Roe V. Wade was leaked and obtained by Politico. "No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked."

One of the most effective rhetorical weapons that liberals have in their arsenal is the simple and clear statement of “what happens next.” Conservatives have a hard time explaining, for instance, why their abortion ban will kill women, and that’s why they’d much rather spend everyone’s time talking about how a document was leaked rather than the core of the issue. In 1987, Ronald Reagan suffered one of the biggest political defeats of his eight-year presidency. The failed nomination of Robert Bork to the Supreme Court left such a bad taste in the mouths of the right that now, nearly 40 years after Bork’s rejection, the right still waves this failure as a bloody shirt example of the purported perniciousness of liberalism. The blocking of Bork was good for America, as it prevented a radical from obtaining one of the most important jobs in American government. One key element in “Borking,” as it came to be known, is instructive going forward on how conservative ideas and leaders can effectively be defeated. Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy. America is a better and freer nation than Robert Bork thinks. Yet in the current delicate balance of the Supreme Court, his rigid ideology will tip the scales of justice against the kind of country America is and ought to be.

'She is a favorite of the radical left': Lindsey Graham will vote AGAINST Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court because of 'judicial activism', record on child porn and her being 'evasive' during their Senate hearing showdown Graham is one of three Senate Republicans who voted to confirm Jackson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit He said she is a person of 'exceptionally good character' But he accused her of 'judicial activism' and 'flawed sentencing' Graham voted for both Barack Obama nominees and all three of Donald Trump's Jackson is likely to be confirmed next week in the 50-50 Senate Graham quizzed Jackson on her faith during her Senate confirmation hearings He also got into tense exchanges with her over child porn and her representation of Guantanamo Bay detainees

Clarence Thomas' wife told Mark Meadows that 'the Biden crime family' and 'ballot fraud co-conspirators' would be 'living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition,' texts show. "Biden crime family & ballot fraud co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc) are being arrested & detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days, & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition," Thomas wrote in a message on November 5, 2020, two days after the presidential election, according to the Post. Adherents of the Q-Anon conspiracy movement spread those and similar conspiracy theories throughout late 2020 and early 2021, falsely claiming online that officials including Hillary Clinton and Rep. Adam Schiff had been rounded up in mass arrests, sent to Guantánamo, and executed for treason.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said he’s concerned efforts to politicize the court or add additional justices may erode the institution’s credibility, speaking Friday in Utah at an event hosted by former Republican U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch’s foundation. Thomas, the most senior justice on the nine-member court, said he often worries about the long-term repercussions of trends such as “cancel culture” and a lack of civil debate. “You can cavalierly talk about packing or stacking the court. You can cavalierly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point the institution is going to be compromised,” he told an audience of about 500 people at an upscale hotel in Salt Lake City. “By doing this, you continue to chip away at the respect of the institutions that the next generation is going to need if they’re going to have civil society,” Thomas said. Rulings this year will set laws on hot-button political issues, including abortion, guns and voting rights.

Kavanaugh angry, chokes up during testimony

Cursing senators, judicial philosophy and document demands: 5 takeaways from Jackson hearing. The Supreme Court nominee's confidence grew as GOP attacks continued on day three.

Sen. Lindsey Graham interrupted SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson so many times that Sen. Dick Durbin intervened to let her speak.

Lindsey Graham mocked for storming off after ranting at Ketanji Brown Jackson. Senator is irate that Judge Jackson has liberal defenders. “Here's what I would say: Every group that wants to pack the court, that believes this court is a bunch of right wing nuts who are going to destroy America, that consider the Constitution trash, all wanted you pick,” he said. “And … all I can say is the fact that so many of these left wing radical groups that would destroy the law as we know it declared war on Michelle Childs and supported you is problematic for me”.

Lindsey Graham walked out of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation hearing Tuesday after arguing with Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin over the release of Guantanamo Bay detainees following his line of questioning of the Supreme Court nominee. Durbin, who was trying to defend President Joe Biden's nominee against Graham following his 30 minutes of questioning, spoke to the recidivism rate of those released. 'If you're going to talk about what I said, I'm going to respond to what you said,' Graham shot back, turning his microphone on. 'If we close Gitmo and move them to Colorado, do you support indefinite detention under the law of war for these detainees?' Durbin said the 31 percent Graham referenced of Guantanamo Bay detainees who were released and then were reoffenders dates back to 2005. 'What does it matter when it goes back to? We had them, and they got loose and they started killing people. If you're one of the people killed in 2005, does it matter to you when we released them? 'I'm suggesting the system has failed miserably and advocates to change the system, like she was advocating, would destroy our ability to protect this country. We;re at war, we're not fighting a crime. This is not some passage of time event. 'As long as they're dangerous, I hope they all die in jail if they're going to go back and kill Americans,' Graham said, starting to raise his voice. 'It won't bother me one bit if 39 of them die in prison,' he continued. 'That's a better outcome than letting them go.' 'And if it costs $500 million to keep them in jail, keep them in jail. Because they're going to go back to the fight. Look at the fricken Afghan government that's made up of former detainees at Gitmo. This whole thing by the left about this war ain't working.' At this point, Graham turned off his microphone, grabbed his water bottle and stormed out of the room.

Marsha Blackburn Lectures First Black Woman Nominated to Supreme Court on ‘So-Called’ White Privilege. The Republican from Tennessee suggested to Ketanji Brown Jackson that it’s merely a coincidence that only 2 of America’s 114 Supreme Court justices have been Black Blackburn continued to drill down on critical race theory, the GOP’s culture-war topic du jour. “You have praised the 1619 Project, which argues the U.S. is a fundamentally racist country, and you have made clear that you believe judges must consider critical race theory when deciding how to sentence criminal defendants,” she said. “Is it your personal hidden agenda to incorporate critical race theory into our legal system?” if confirmed, Jackson would be the only active Supreme Court justice to have attended an Ivy League law school, clerked for a Supreme Court justice, served as a public defender, served on the sentencing commission, served as a U.S. District Court judge, and served as a U.S. Court of Appeals judge. She seems to be qualified.

Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court? Behind closed doors, Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife is working with many groups directly involved in controversial cases before the Court. The claim that the Justices’ opinions are politically neutral is becoming increasingly hard to accept, especially from Thomas, whose wife, Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, is a vocal right-wing activist. She has declared that America is in existential danger because of the “deep state” and the “fascist left,” which includes “transsexual fascists.” Thomas, a lawyer who runs a small political-lobbying firm, Liberty Consulting, has become a prominent member of various hard-line groups. Her political activism has caused controversy for years. For the most part, it has been dismissed as the harmless action of an independent spouse. But now the Court appears likely to secure victories for her allies in a number of highly polarizing cases—on abortion, affirmative action, and gun rights. Many Americans first became aware of Ginni Thomas’s activism on January 6, 2021. That morning, before the Stop the Steal rally in Washington, D.C., turned into an assault on the Capitol resulting in the deaths of at least five people, she cheered on the supporters of President Donald Trump who had gathered to overturn Biden’s election. In a Facebook post that went viral, she linked to a news item about the protest, writing, “love maga people!!!!” Shortly afterward, she posted about Ronald Reagan’s famous “A Time for Choosing” speech. Her next status update said, “god bless each of you standing up or praying.” Two days after the insurrection, she added a disclaimer to her feed, noting that she’d written the posts “before violence in US Capitol.” (The posts are no longer public.)

Clarence Thomas, Whose Wife Fought Election Results, Warns Of Political Influence In Supreme Court. Thomas griped about politics in the Supreme Court — but his wife battled to upend the 2020 election and works with groups that have presented cases to the court. “You can cavalierly talk about packing or stacking the court,” Thomas told an audience Friday at a Salt Lake City hotel, the Guardian reported. “You can cavalierly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point the institution is going to be compromised.” “By doing this, you continue to chip away at the respect of the institutions that the next generation is going to need if they’re going to have civil society,” he added, according to the Associated Press. Thomas is one of six conservative justices on the court. His wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, has come under heavy criticism for her involvement in activities leading up to last year’s Jan. 6 insurrection. She has also been criticized for her participation in the battle to throw out results of the presidential election because Donald Trump lost — a fight foes have labeled unconstitutional and one that could have ended up in her husband’s court.

Justice Thomas slams cancel culture for not allowing people to make mistakes when they're young and calls out efforts to stack the Supreme Court because it will 'compromise' the institution Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, 73, condemned the idea of 'packing or stacking' the Court at Senator Orrin Hatch's foundation event on Friday 'You continue to chip away at the respect of the institutions that the next generation is going to need if they're going to have civil society,' he said He also insinuated that Democrats were unhappy with the conservative Court and wanted to 'pack or stack' to get their way Democrats believe in and support the Constitution and the Rule of Law and we don't. 'Let’s be honest. This is really about the results they want. They haven’t been able to make the institutions do what they want, to give them what they want,' he said He also blasted the media and cancel culture and said people needed to 'learn to engage like we did when I grew up' He briefly discussed his wife Ginni, who has faced scrutiny recently for her political involvement, but the Justice simply said she was a 'good person' He also did not discuss the upcoming Supreme Court cases, such as the case that could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade or gun rights at the event

An ex-Trump aide said a White House gathering with Justice Clarence Thomas' wife, Ginni Thomas, was 'the craziest meeting I've ever been to'. Leonard Leo, the former executive vice president of the conservative Federalist Society, told the magazine that Trump sought to cultivate a relationship with Justice Thomas once he realized the immense popularity of the jurist among the Republican base, creating an opening for Ginni Thomas with the then-president. The magazine also detailed newly-reported ties between Ginni Thomas and organizers of a January 6, 2021 rally in support of Trump, along with efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, in which Joe Biden oust the former president in a decisive 306-232 Electoral College victory. In January 2019, Ginni Thomas met with Trump at the White House alongside select members of her conservative group, Groundswell, where a Trump aide described the nature of the conversation in unflattering terms. "It was the craziest meeting I've ever been to," he told the magazine. "She started by leading the prayer."

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has a "position on, you know, Jews, right?". She asked, "Is there any kind of — I mean, how would you even know if a — if a school taught all religions are bigoted and biased or, you know, Catholics are bigoted or, you know — or we take a position on the Jewish-Palestinian conflict because of our position on, you know, Jews, right?"

Details on F.B.I. Inquiry Into Kavanaugh Draw Fire From Democrats. The F.B.I. said some of the 4,500 tips it received about Justice Brett Kavanaugh were given to the Trump White House, leading some Democrats to call the process a sham. In a recent interview with the author Michael Wolff, Mr. Trump put his handling of Justice Kavanaugh into stark terms, asking “Where would he be without me? I saved his life.” But in addition to offering shows of support, the Trump White House carefully controlled the investigations into Mr. Kavanaugh’s past. After Dr. Ford came forward, Mr. Trump’s staff tried to limit the number of people the F.B.I. interviewed as part of that probe. Only after an outcry from Democrats over the president’s approach did the administration say the agency could conduct a more open investigation. Ultimately, 10 witnesses were interviewed by the F.B.I., according to the F.B.I.’s recent letter. Dr. Ford and Mr. Kavanaugh themselves were never interviewed by the F.B.I.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Rise Continues To Fascinate In 'Dissent'. Donald Trump's administration was marked by unprecedented chaos and drama, with major stories crowding one another out of the news on a daily basis. But one major event — the confirmation hearings of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — still sticks in the minds of Americans all along the political spectrum. Kavanaugh's ascension to the nation's highest court is the subject of Dissent, the new book from Los Angeles Times White House editor Jackie Calmes. It's not the first book to tackle the rise of the controversial justice — Ruth Marcus did so in Supreme Ambition, as did Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly in The Education of Brett Kavanaugh — but it's a fascinating look not only into the life and career of Kavanaugh, but also into the American conservative movement's successful long-term plan to move the Supreme Court rightward. As Calmes describes it, this was "a forty-year dream, taking control of the nation's highest court with an unquestionably conservative majority." Kavanaugh went on to earn his undergraduate and law degrees at Yale and earned his conservative bona fides early in his career as a lawyer, interning for Ken Starr, then President George H.W. Bush's solicitor general. He would later co-author Starr's famed government report on President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, which would lead to the Democrat's impeachment.

Behind the dark-money web that put Barrett (and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch) on the Supreme Court. Neil and Ann Corkery have a mission: Load up the judicial branch with right-wing Catholics. It's definitely working.

Ginni Thomas apologizes to husband’s Supreme Court clerks after Capitol riot fallout. “I owe you all an apology. I have likely imposed on you my lifetime passions,” Thomas, who goes by Ginni, recently wrote to a private Thomas Clerk World email list of her husband’s staff over his three decades on the bench. “My passions and beliefs are likely shared with the bulk of you, but certainly not all. And sometimes the smallest matters can divide loved ones for too long. Let’s pledge to not let politics divide THIS family, and learn to speak more gently and knowingly across the divide.” Besides the friction there, Thomas has drawn outrage among liberals for public political commentary on her “Ginni Thomas” Facebook page. Her comments there celebrated Trump’s supporters who assembled in D.C. on Jan. 6, hundreds of whom stormed the Capitol, resulting in the deaths of five people. In the early morning post, Thomas encouraged her Facebook followers to watch the day’s events unfold on conservative news media, writing, “LOVE MAGA people!!!!” Thomas seemed to be seeking a peacemaking role in her Jan. 18 message to clerks. “I would ask those of you on the contrary side to have grace and mercy on those on my side of the polarized world, and feel free to call and talk to me individually about where I failed you as a friend here. I probably need more tutoring,” she wrote.

Supreme Court blocks NY from enforcing Covid limits on churches. The court said the restrictions violate religious freedom and are not neutral because they “single out houses of worship." The Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and a coalition of synagogues, individuals, and other Jewish organizations brought the complaints that led to the decision.


Proof the IRS targets the poor for tax audits while leaving millionaires alone. The figures show that the lowest-income wage earners, defined as those eligible for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, were audited at a rate of 13 per 1,000 returns in 2021. For everyone else, the rate was 2.6 per 1,000 returns.

The IRS Is Targeting the Poorest Americans. The agency doesn’t track the race of those it audits, but predominantly Black counties have higher audit rates than predominantly white ones. By Dorothy A. Brown

The Number of People With IRAs Worth $5 Million or More Has Tripled, Congress Says. After ProPublica revealed that some wealthy Americans hold Roth IRAs worth hundreds of millions — compared to $39,000 for the average account holder — Democrats requested data. It shows more than 28,000 people with IRAs worth $5 million or more.

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

Lord of the Roths: How Tech Mogul Peter Thiel Turned a Retirement Account for the Middle Class Into a $5 Billion Tax-Free Piggy Bank Yet, from the start, a small number of entrepreneurs, like Thiel, made an end run around the rules: Open a Roth with $2,000 or less. Get a sweetheart deal to buy a stake in a startup that has a good chance of one day exploding in value. Pay just fractions of a penny per share, a price low enough to buy huge numbers of shares. Watch as all the gains on that stock — no matter how giant — are shielded from taxes forever, as long as the IRA remains untouched until age 59 and a half. Then use the proceeds, still inside the Roth, to make other investments.


Former Vice President Mike Pence has been subpoenaed by the special counsel overseeing probes into former President Donald Trump, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. Sources told ABC News that the subpoena from special counsel Jack Smith requests documents and testimony related to the failed attempt by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election, which culminated in the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

A "sizable percentage" of FBI employees felt sympathy towards the Jan. 6 insurrectionists, and considered the riot at the U.S. Capitol "no different than the BLM protests," according to a warning email sent to a top FBI official by someone with apparent connections to the bureau. In the email, which is included in a trove of documents released by the bureau this week, the sender's name is redacted. The documents indicate the message came from an email address outside the bureau, though the subject line is "Internal concerns." The email was sent to Paul Abbate, now the second highest official at the FBI, who responded an hour later, thanking the sender for the message. The Jan. 13, 2021, email contained a stark warning about attitudes toward the insurrection within the bureau: “I literally had to explain to an agent from a ‘blue state’ office the difference between opportunists burning and looting during protests that stemmed legitimate grievance to police brutality vs. an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of a sitting president,” the email states. “One is a smattering of criminals, the other is an organized group of domestic terrorists.”

Barr: Trump using 'extortion' to control GOP. “The tactic that Trump is using to exert this control over the Republican Party is extortion,” Barr said of his former boss. “What other great leader has done this? Telling the party, ‘If it’s not me, I’m going to ruin your election chances by telling my base to sit home. And I’ll sabotage whoever you nominate other than me.’ It shows what he’s all about. He’s all about himself.” Weiss asked Barr, who also served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, whether he underestimated “Trump’s disregard for the truth and disregard for the results of the election.” “I underestimated how far he would take it. I thought on Dec. 14, when I tendered my resignation, the states had all certified the votes. To me, that was it. That was the last stop,” Barr said. “There was no process beyond that which would allow him to challenge the election. I thought it was safe to leave at that point. I was wrong. I did not expect him to take it as far as he did with these very wacky legal theories that no one gave any credence to.” Barr told Weiss that he felt Trump had been a victim of a conspiracy theory that posited he was a possible Russian agent during the 2016 presidential campaign, a claim that Barr said was unfairly used as the basis for special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. This week, the Justice Department released the full memo written for Barr that advised him not to charge Trump with any crime in relation to the 2016 election, including firing of the FBI Director James Comey.

The Humiliation of John Durham. Hired by Bill Barr to investigate the Trump investigators, the prosecutor had little to show for his work even before his defeat in court yesterday.

Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann found NOT GUILTY for lying to the FBI in the Trump-Russia probe in John Durham's first prosecution The lawyer was accused of misrepresenting himself to the FBI in a meeting with a federal agent, not disclosing that he was working with Hillary Clinton He was employed by her campaign when presenting purported links between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank to a federal agent in 2016 It's the only case in Durham's three-year probe to have gone to trial so far

Former Attorney General William Barr says people have the wrong idea of his service under former President Trump. WILLIAM BARR: The media chose to weave a narrative that I was a toady to the president, and that was false from the beginning because I felt I could be independent, and I was.

'I would imagine that if the book is anything like him, it will be long, slow, and very boring': Trump's full three-page letter to NBC's Lester Holt tearing into Bill Barr and saying he fired him because he had 'no backbone' Former Attorney General Bill Barr has appeared on NBC News multiple times over the last week to promote his new White House memoir In both the interviews and book excerpts, Barr shreds Trump's election fraud claims and said the ex-president is 'morally responsible' for the Capitol riot It appears NBC News reached out to Trump for comment, to which he sent back a three-page letter with detailed answers to several questions Trump claims his Democrat rivals 'broke' Barr like 'a trainer breaks his horse' He said Barr was now 'groveling to the media, hoping to gain acceptance' Barr dismissed the letter as 'childish' in a Monday morning interview

House investigators have interviewed a former Justice Department official who drafted -- but never sent -- a resignation letter over what he said were former President Donald Trump's "direct instructions" to use the department to support his false election fraud claims. Patrick Hovakimian, chief of staff to then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, wrote the resignation letter January 3 in anticipation that Rosen would be fired at an extraordinary meeting that day with the former President at the White House, according to people briefed on the matter. It's among a trove of Justice Department documents turned over to House and Senate committees investigating events that led up to the January 6 US Capitol attack by Trump supporters who believed Trump's false fraud claims.

Bill Barr told Trump that ‘clownish’ legal team was lying to him about ‘bull***’ voter fraud claims, reports say. Relationship between Barr and Trump fell apart after Trump’s attention overtaken by election fraud conspiracy theories. This was during a December meeting in the White House that Mr Trump had asked Mr Barr to attend after seeing a story by the Associated Press that quoted Mr Barr as saying "we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election". The Washington Post reported in October that over 96 per cent of last summer's Black Lives Matter events were peaceful, involving no property damage or injuries to police officers. Mr Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act and send troops into the street. Mr Barr was the one who ended up having to push back on the president's instincts. Both the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Mark Esper did not want the military involved. During a meeting in the Oval Office in the middle of August, Mr Trump told Mr Barr to facilitate a show of strength in Portland where protests raged. Mr Barr didn't budge. Slamming his fist on his desk, Mr Trump yelled "No one supports me. No one gives me any f****** support," Axios writes. Mr Barr looked at chief of staff Mark Meadows, and said: "Well that went well." Mr Barr said: "These things aren't panning out. The stuff that these people are filling your ear with just isn’t true.” Mr Barr told Mr Trump that the Department of Justice was looking at the claims of his legal team. "It's just bull****," Mr Barr said. Mr Barr said that Mr Trump's legal team was doing an awful job, adding: "I'm a pretty informed legal observer and I can't f****** figure out what the theory is here. It's just scattershot. It's all over the hill and gone." "Maybe," Mr Trump said in response.

‘I’m Haunted by What I Did’ as a Lawyer in the Trump Justice Department. No matter our intentions, lawyers like me were complicit. We owe the country our honesty about what we saw — and should do in the future.

‘Under the rug:’ Sexual misconduct shakes FBI’s senior ranks

CBP, Immigration, Border, Wall

Migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard file class-action suit against DeSantis. The group of Venezuelan migrants flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., last week by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) filed a class-action suit against the governor and the state’s transportation secretary on Tuesday. The suit provides a detailed account of how the migrants came to board the two planes allegedly under false pretenses, arguing the relocations violated their Fourth and 14th Amendment rights and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. “These immigrants, who are pursuing the proper channels for lawful immigration status in the United States, experienced cruelty akin to what they fled in their home country,” the suit alleges. “Defendants manipulated them, stripped them of their dignity, deprived them of their liberty, bodily autonomy, due process and equal protection under law, and impermissibly interfered with the Federal Government’s exclusive control over immigration in furtherance of an unlawful goal and a personal political agenda,” it continues. The suit, filed in a federal trial court in Massachusetts, asks a judge to declare DeSantis’s relocations illegal under the Constitution as well as federal and state laws. It also asks the judge to prevent Florida from inducing immigrants to travel across state laws by fraud and misrepresentation.

After Texas Sent Him to Washington, One Migrant Launches a New Life. “I have nothing,” Alejos, 29, said on his third day in the city, “but I have the will to work and succeed.” Two months later, Alejos is making between $600 to $700 a week, saving up to buy a used car and planning to move out of the shelter.

Popular Information has obtained documentary evidence that migrants from Venezuela were provided with false information to convince them to board flights chartered by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R). The documents suggest that the flights were not just a callous political stunt but potentially a crime. Last Wednesday, two planes landed in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, and dropped off about 50 migrants from Venezuela. DeSantis quickly took credit. The migrants were used as political pawns in the hopes of provoking a negative reaction from a liberal community. "When people are brought to their front door, they go berserk," DeSantis said. "Their virtue signaling is a fraud." But the people in Martha's Vineyard did not go berserk. Instead, they rallied together to provide shelter, food, clothing, and other necessities for the group. On Friday, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) facilitated their voluntary relocation to Joint Base Cape Cod, which is "a safe temporary accommodation appropriate for the specific needs of families and individuals."

Lawyer Says The Martha's Vineyard Migrants Were Told To Give Falsified Documents. Officials likely had errors put on the paperwork of those sent to Massachusetts by Florida's governor to ensure their stay would be illegal, the attorney said. They’d been given falsified U.S. addresses by immigration officials, perhaps ensuring that they’d be deemed in the country illegally.

'Fox & Friends' hosts discuss the bussing of migrants around the country as the crisis at the border remains unmitigated

DeSantis Flying Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard May Have Violated Federal Law, Experts Say. The Florida governor's anti-immigrant PR stunt was needlessly cruel. It may have also been illegal — especially if reports that migrants were misled are true. While the migrant transportation stunt popularized earlier this year by Abbott is predicated on a belief that local residents would undoubtedly be furious at the notion of having migrants in their neighborhood, the reality is quite different. “I’m very proud of our community,” says Father Seadale. Residents of the area have mobilized to provide food, shelter, medical care and support services to the migrants, and are prepared to help them recover from the unexpected relocation. Carla Cooper, head of the Democratic Council of Martha’s Vineyard, told the Cape Cod Times that by the time the migrants arrived in the afternoon, some had not eaten since 6 a.m. “It is disgusting and repulsive that these people were herded like cattle onto a plane,” Cooper said. Another resident of the area posted in a private Facebook group that “on Martha’s Vineyard, we won’t turn our backs on people in need who are being abused by extremist Republican governors for some cheap soundbite on Fox News.” The primary concern right now for those on Martha’s Vineyard, however, is ensuring that the migrants who arrived unexpectedly on Wednesday are able to secure aid and representation. Father Chip Seadale of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, which is assisting in the effort to aid the migrants, tells Rolling Stone that efforts are being made to secure legal aid. “I’ve got lawyers coming from Boston and some on the island who are well versed in this situation with respect to the legal ramifications of being an undocemented refugee in the United States.” Seadale says all of the migrants are meeting with lawyers on an individual basis to ensure “their rights are preserved as best as possible.”

The secret history of the U.S. government’s family-separation policy.

A Biden administration task force has reunited 400 migrant children separated under Donald Trump with their families, but advocates say more than 1,000 still remain apart. The youngsters were from around 5,000 families separated during the Trump administration as migrants crossing into the United States at the southern border with Mexico. Critics say that the Trump White House did not keep records of which children were separated and where they were sent, which has caused difficulty in identifying families. Now, parents have the chance to return to the US with other dependent members of their family and live and work legally for three years.

CBP Officer Who Asked Mexico to Deny Entry to Some US Citizens Speaks Under Oath. An Inspector General’s report found the request to deny entry was without “genuine basis”. Depositions taken in the lawsuit filed by Pastor Kaji Douša are allowing us, for the first time, to hear directly from a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officer directly involved in those controversial tactics. CBP Officer Saro Oliveri testified he is the one who sent an email to the Mexican government in December 2018, asking them to deny entry to 24 people, including Pastor Douša and 13 other Americans. He called the request “unusual.” “We were requesting for them to deny entry so that once they turned around we would be able to interview them,” Oliveri said during his deposition.

On the evening of Sept. 10, a soldier deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border slid a manifesto under each door in his brigade headquarters and then slipped away. The frustrated Army National Guardsman assigned to the 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade headquarters had seen enough. Three soldiers had died in three months, the most recent in an alleged DUI just five days earlier, and more than a dozen troops from the mission had been arrested or confined for drugs, sexual assault and manslaughter. “Someone please wave the white flag and send us all home,” the letter pleaded. “I would like to jump off a bridge headfirst into a pile of rocks after seeing the good ol’ boy system and fucked up leadership I have witnessed here.”

I'm an evangelical pastor, and I biked 1,600 miles along the US-Mexico border. The only border crisis is America's disgusting treatment of migrants.

Border Patrol has a ‘shadow police unit’ that protects agents when they kill, groups say. The letter, written by the Southern Border Communities Coalition and Alliance San Diego, condemns the use of these units, which documentation shows have different names depending on their location, and suggests that the agents who worked for them could even be charged criminally with obstruction of justice. The units “have allowed border agents to get away with nearly everything, including murder,” the letter says. It was sent to leaders of Senate and House judiciary, homeland security and oversight committees.

Trump's Border Wall Torn Apart by Arizona Monsoon Rains. Record monsoon rains have blown floodgates off their hinges as Trump's border wall breaks down.

Kamala snaps at reporter, blames Trump, faces down protesters and is slammed for landing 800 miles AWAY from the real crisis during her first trip to the border as VP - 93 days after she was named immigration 'czar'


Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump. The report describes the attempts of top intelligence officials to connect protesters to a fabricated anti-fascist terrorist plot in hopes of boosting Trump’s reelection odds, raising concerns about the ability of a sitting president to co-opt billions of dollars’ worth of domestic intelligence assets for their own political gain. DHS analysts recounted orders to create organizational charts that could be used to establish links between the arrested protesters; an effort that would seemingly legitimize President Trump’s erroneous tweets about “Antifa,” an organization DHS tried but failed to prove shared a central source of funding. Funded to the tune of $1.5 billion, the Federal Protective Service (FPS) is comprised of thousands of security officers drawn from private contractors such as Triple Canopy, a firm merged in 2014 with another contractor called Academi, previously known as Blackwater. Its staff notoriously included elite warfighters recruited from among the Navy SEALS, the Army Rangers, and the Marines expeditionary force MARSOC. Nothing could dissuade Trump from continuing to propagate the claims, which his supporters — most to this day — continue to blindly believe. “In my book it’s virtually a part of their campaign, Antifa,” Trump said in the final months before the election. “The Democrats act like, gee, I don’t know exactly what that is.” Trump’s highest ranking intelligence crony, John Ratcliffe, meanwhile, would go on to play the only card left with a little help from Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Shocking and alarming career intelligence officials, Graham posted a letter online ahead of the election’s final debate. It contained a batch of Russian disinformation that a Republican-led committee had disregarded as bogus four years earlier. Apparently, it focused on the only Democratic left on whom they could find any material with which to smear: Hillary Clinton, who had no election to lose.

All but one GOP House member voted against Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act. The House voted 222-203 to pass the bill, sponsored by Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL), which would create new offices within the Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, and Federal Bureau of Investigation to "monitor, analyze, investigate, and prosecute domestic terrorism." "This bill glaringly ignores the persistent domestic terrorism threat from the radical left in this country and instead makes the assumption that it is all on the white and the right," Rep. Darrell Issa of California said on the House floor. A study conducted by the Anti-Defamation League shows, however, that right-wing extremists have committed the majority of extremism-related killings over the past decade in all years but one, 2016, the year of the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, by an adherent of Islamic extremism. Right-wing extremists committed 75% of the 443 killings from 2021 through 2021 documented by the ADL, and 55% were specifically tied to white supremacists.

Internal investigation of domestic violent extremism reveals four sympathizers inside DHS. March 11, 2022 "I was troubled by the findings, because the findings disclosed significant gaps in this department's ability to detect and respond to domestic violent extremism," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS News in an exclusive interview Friday.

  • Chad Wolf acting DHS secretary
  • Kenneth Cuccinelli, acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security

Senior Homeland Security leaders pushed unfounded antifa conspiracy at 2020 Portland protests, report states. “The report documents shocking, coordinated efforts by our government to abuse its power and to invade liberty in violation of the Constitution,” said Lisa Hay, Oregon’s federal public defender whose office represents protesters charged by the U.S. Justice Department. “In Portland, we were concerned that the government unconstitutionally collected information, including through the illegal search of protestors’ cellphones last summer. This report confirms that was their intent.” The report shows DHS senior leaders’ attempts at the time to connect the racial justice protests to a centrally organized effort by antifa to commit violence against government institutions — a shocking admission of organizational overreach. “[REDACTED NAME] did make other attempts to controvert the collection-analysis process,” the report states. It goes on to criticize how leadership pushed staffers to describe protests as “Violent Antifa Anarchist Inspired,” or VAAI, actions. Despite those efforts and Trump administration claims, the report says DHS intelligence analysts were unable to prove an ideological conspiracy. “This may have made sense to [REDACTED NAME] based on his own beliefs but (the Office of Intelligence and Analysis) did not have collections evidence to show it,” the report states. For more than a year, Wyden and other members of the Oregon Congressional Delegation have pressed DHS and the Justice Department for details about the Trump administration’s response to Portland’s protests. Wyden said under Trump, DHS officials sought to “politicize and inflame the conflict in Portland.” Oregon’s senior senator called for an overhaul of the agency’s intelligence office. “Independent investigators confirmed that DHS intelligence officials lacked basic knowledge of their authority, what constituted real threats, and when it was appropriate to investigate Americans who were suspected of no crime at all,” Wyden said in a statement Friday. “It documents how untrained analysts investigated journalists. And there is more information that I believe the public deserves to know, but has been redacted. I’ll continue working to make those items public.”

DHS Whistleblower: Trump Team Wanted Us to Lie About Russia, the Border, and White Supremacy. “They did not want the public to know that the Russians were supporting Trump,” the whistleblower says. Brian Murphy, the former principal deputy undersecretary in DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, filed a whistleblower complaint last year — as well as a handful of internal complaints and reports — that all painted a frightening picture of how things were running in the department tasked with keeping Americans safe. “From the outset, there were three things that I was told that we would look to manipulate intelligence on and bend the truth about,” Murphy told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week. “And I told them upfront that I wasn’t going to do it.” On Russia, the border, and white supremacy, Murphy said he felt “intense pressure to try to take intelligence and fit a political narrative” — accusing administration officials of demanding information be manipulated to burnish Trump’s image and help his messaging. In his whistleblower complaint, Murphy wrote that senior official Ken Cuccinelli demanded that he “modify the section on White Supremacy in a manner that made the threat appear less severe.” But Murphy says he refused, because doing so “would constitute censorship of analysis and the improper administration of an intelligence program.” Murphy’s reluctance to play along gave him a “target on his back,” he recalled. Former DHS director Chad Wolf accused him of having a credibility problem, and removed him from his position last August, citing claims that he violated legal requirements regarding the collection of information about journalists during riots in Portland, Oregon. Murphy denied those claims.

A former acting chief of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence office has told Congress that DHS leaders pressed him to overstate illegal border crossings from Mexico and overplay the role of far left groups in violence during anti-government protests last summer, his lawyer said. In testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, former intelligence chief Brian Murphy accused department leadership of urging him to “blame Far Left groups in an exaggerated fashion” for violence during summer protests in Portland, Oregon, according to lawyer Mark Zaid. In closed-door committee hearings last Friday and Monday, Murphy acknowledged that Far Left protesters were responsible for some of the violence, Zaid said. In a Sept. 8 whistleblower complaint, Murphy accused President Donald Trump’s acting DHS chief, Chad Wolf, of having told him to hold back on circulating assessments of the threat of Russian interference in the approaching Nov. 3 election in part because it “made the President look bad.” Wolf also asked Murphy to play down U.S. white supremacist activity, the complaint said.

DOD, NSA, US Military, Afghanistan, VA

DOD, NSA, US Military, Afghanistan, VA

Trump wanted Pentagon generals to be like second world war Nazis, book says. Ex-president complained to John Kelly ‘why can’t you be like the German generals?’ according to excerpt from the New Yorker.

Many’ Spy Agency Staffers Think Capitol Riot Was ‘Justified,’ Ex-NSA Veteran Says. “Hate speech was running rampant on our applications,” wrote Gilmore, whose identity and credentials have been vouched for by another Pentagon contractor. “I’m not being hyperbolic. Racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic [sic], and misogynistic speech was being posted in many of our applications.” Even more startling, Gilmore alleges, “there were many employees at CIA, DIA, NSA, and other IC agencies that openly stated that the January 6th terrorist attack on our Capitol was justified.”

Marines investigate reservist for alleged link to White supremacist group. Cpl. Victor Krvaric, son of former county GOP chairman Tony Krvaric, was identified by activists after a leak of a hate-group membership interview.

@TheActivatedPod ICYMI: Yesterday we identified a Patriot Front prospect as San Diego local Victor Krvaric. Victor is corporal in the Marine Corps Reserve, and he also works as a contracted security guard for the Department of Homeland Security. ?s=20&t=xVNoh8z0wVNaCr8BYErxiQ

One year after a few dozen military veterans took part in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon has responded by tightening regulations to combat extremism in the ranks. But the war has only just begun, according to Defense Department officials, lawmakers and experts on extremist movements.

The Plot Against American Democracy That Isn’t Taught in Schools. In an excerpt from Gangsters of Capitalism, Jonathan M. Katz details how the authors of the Depression-era “Business Plot” aimed to take power away from FDR and stop his “socialist” New Deal. As I looked through history to find the origins of the patterns of self-dealing and imperiousness that mark so much of American policy, I kept running into the Quaker Marine with the funny name. Smedley Butler’s military career started in the place where the United States’ overseas empire truly began, and the place that continues to symbolize the most egregious abuses of American power: Guantánamo Bay. His last overseas deployment, in China from 1927 to 1929, gave him a front-row seat to both the start of the civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists and the slowly materializing Japanese invasion that would ultimately open World War II. A few weeks after the siege, I talked to Butler’s 85-year-old granddaughter, Philippa Wehle. I asked her over Skype what her grandfather would have thought of the events of Jan. 6. Her hazel eyes narrowed as she pondered: “I think he would have been in there. He would have been in the fray somehow.” “Do you think he would have been with the people storming the Capitol?” I asked Philippa, tentatively. This time she answered immediately. “No! Heavens no. He would have been trying to do something about it.” He might have been killed, she added, given that the police were so unprepared. “Which is so disturbing, because of course they should have known. They would have known. They only had to read the papers.”

Decades of DOD efforts fail to stamp out bias, extremism.

3 Trump associates, including a Marvel exec, tried to get the Department of Veterans Affairs to sell vets' medical records for profit, docs say. The team, which was based at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, included Ike Perlmutter, a major Trump donor, Mar-a-Lago member, and a Marvel executive; Marc Sherman, a Washington, DC, lawyer; and Dr. Bruce Moskowitz, a West Palm Beach, Florida, physician, according to ProPublica. The trio started advising the VA on budgeting and contracting issues, ProPublica reported, but they soon began to advance the idea of selling veterans' medical data.

Wikileaks reveals video showing US air crew shooting down Iraqi civilians. This article is more than 11 years old. Footage of July 2007 attack made public as Pentagon identifies website as threat to national security.

Afghanistan: US admits Kabul drone strike killed civilians. The US has admitted that a drone strike in Kabul days before its military pullout killed 10 innocent people. A US Central Command investigation found that an aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children, died in the 29 August strike. The youngest child, Sumaya, was just two years old.

Times Investigation: In U.S. Drone Strike, Evidence Suggests No ISIS Bomb. U.S. officials said a Reaper drone followed a car for hours and then fired based on evidence it was carrying explosives. But in-depth video analysis and interviews at the site cast doubt on that account. Times reporting has identified the driver as Zemari Ahmadi, a longtime worker for a U.S. aid group. The evidence suggests that his travels that day actually involved transporting colleagues to and from work. And an analysis of video feeds showed that what the military may have seen was Mr. Ahmadi and a colleague loading canisters of water into his trunk to bring home to his family. While the U.S. military said the drone strike might have killed three civilians, Times reporting shows that it killed 10, including seven children, in a dense residential block.


The CIA Captured Him and Trump Let Him Out. Now He’s Set to Lead Afghanistan. Abdul Ghani Baradar was captured by the CIA and spent years in prison before being freed by the Trump administration. He's likely to be the Taliban's new head of government. Once a close friend of the Taliban’s first leader, Mohammed Omar, Baradar spent years leading Taliban forces and managing its shadow governments in multiple provinces before being captured in a 2010 CIA operation in Pakistan. He was imprisoned until 2018 when he was released at the request of the Trump administration.

The Old Cliché About Afghanistan That Won’t Die. ‘Graveyard of Empires’ is an old epitaph that doesn’t reflect historical reality — or the real victims of foreign invasions over the centuries. Eventually, all the empires that made their way to Afghanistan found good reason to move on, or to limit their costs and expectations — as President Joe Biden finally has done, a gutsy decision, however chaotic its execution has been. Unlike nearly all the great powers that have trampled Afghanistan for millennia, the U.S. actually had a good reason to be there. We just didn’t have a good reason to stay. A terrorist attack on America’s capital and its greatest city, one that killed thousands and was launched from Afghan soil with the approval and assistance of the Taliban — of course this necessitated a powerful response. But for all that President George W. Bush believed that America took on an obligation to “nation-build” in Afghanistan after going in to destroy al Qaeda, we did not. That was an impossible expansion of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan, one that can be measured in the tragic loss of American lives, treasure and goodwill the United States has suffered there since 2001 — losses that have continued right to the bitter end of the U.S. withdrawal.

Former Navy SEAL says US policy in Afghanistan has been 'like a Star Trek cosplay convention' since 2002. The Blackwater founder blamed 'half-baked politicians in Washington' for the potential collapse. Published August 13

I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences. One: For 20 years, politicians, elites and D.C. military leaders lied to us about Afghanistan. Two: What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you.

Trump’s Pledge to Exit Afghanistan Was a Ruse, His Final SecDef Says. Chris Miller now says talk of a full withdrawal was a “play” to convince a Taliban-led government to keep U.S. counterterrorism forces. President Donald Trump’s top national security officials never intended to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, according to new statements by Chris Miller, Trump’s last acting defense secretary. Miller said the president’s public promise to finish withdrawing U.S. forces by May 1, as negotiated with the Taliban, was actually a “play” that masked the Trump administration’s true intentions: to convince Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to quit or accept a bitter power-sharing agreement with the Taliban, and to keep some U.S. troops in Afghanistan for counterrorism missions.

“You’re Gonna Have a Fucking War”: Mark Milley’s Fight to Stop Trump from Striking Iran. Inside the extraordinary final-days conflict between the former President and his chairman of the Joint Chiefs. The last time that General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke with President Donald Trump was on January 3, 2021. The subject of the Sunday-afternoon meeting, at the White House, was Iran’s nuclear program. For the past several months, Milley had been engaged in an alarmed effort to insure that Trump did not embark on a military conflict with Iran as part of his quixotic campaign to overturn the results of the 2020 election and remain in power. The chairman secretly feared that Trump would insist on launching a strike on Iranian interests that could set off a full-blown war. There were two “nightmare scenarios,” Milley told associates, for the period after the November 3rd election, which resulted in Trump’s defeat but not his concession: one was that Trump would try “to use the military on the streets of America to prevent the legitimate, peaceful transfer of power.” The other was an external crisis involving Iran. It was not public at the time, but Milley believed that the nation had come close—“very close”—to conflict with the Islamic Republic. This dangerous post-election period, Milley said, was all because of Trump’s “Hitler”-like embrace of the “Big Lie” that the election had been stolen from him; Milley feared it was Trump’s “Reichstag moment,” in which, like Adolf Hitler in 1933, he would manufacture a crisis in order to swoop in and rescue the nation from it. To prevent such an outcome, Milley had, since late in 2020, been having morning phone meetings, at 8 a.m. on most days, with the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in the hopes of getting the country safely through to Joe Biden’s Inauguration. The chairman, a burly four-star Army general who had been appointed to the post by Trump in 2019, referred to these meetings with his staff as the “land the plane” calls—as in, “both engines are out, the landing gear are stuck, we’re in an emergency situation. Our job is to land this plane safely and to do a peaceful transfer of power the 20th of January.”

Bush Wars: George W. Bush: Afghanistan withdrawal consequences will be 'unbelievably bad'.

Booze, a strip club and a major gone missing: How a 101st Airborne unit went off the rails in Poland.

The Military Says It’s Confronting Extremism. A Prominent White Nationalist Just Finished Boot Camp. As the secretary of defense issued an order to address extremism in the ranks, a well-known white nationalist was receiving combat training courtesy of Uncle Sam, according to an exclusive HuffPost investigation. Airman 1st Class Shawn McCaffrey, 28, is a well-known white nationalist who for years has hosted a racist and anti-Semitic podcast featuring friendly interviews with some of the most infamous fascists in America. He was also, at one time, a key member of the white nationalist group Identity Evropa. Evidence of his life as a white nationalist was only a Google search away, and he even got thrown off volunteering duties for Andrew Yang’s presidential campaign in 2019 due to his affiliations. The FBI was also aware of McCaffrey’s involvement in the far right, HuffPost has found. Yet a video from late January, posted to Facebook by the Air Force’s Detroit recruitment center, appears to show McCaffrey solemnly swearing to “support and defend the Constitution” of the U.S. “against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” before shipping off to basic military training. Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek said the military branch was not “aware of the allegations” that McCaffrey was a white nationalist before HuffPost reached out for this story. “Air Force officials are looking into it,” she said. The officials will likely now determine whether McCaffrey violated military rules regarding extremist activity and discrimination.

Tarnished by Trump: National security officials struggle to find new jobs. They have been snubbed by potential employers, told they would be a “liability” and in one instance were even compared to the "Hitler Youth." This is the job market many experienced national security officials who work for President Donald Trump are facing just days before a new president takes office and they will be out of work.

Trump team removes members of Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, including Kissinger, Albright. The purge was done quietly earlier this week, on the eve of Thanksgiving. Foreign Policy, which first reported the removals, said 11 high-profile advisers were ousted from the board, including Kissinger and Albright, as well as former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. The purge was done quietly earlier this week, on the eve of Thanksgiving. Also removed include former Treasury undersecretary David McCormick, who served during the George W. Bush administration, and Rudy De Leon, a former chief operating officer at the Pentagon. Foreign Policy reported that members of the Trump administration had tried to remake the board with figures more sympathetic to the president and outside of the D.C. establishment -- including former Air Force fighter pilot Scott O’Grady and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. However, the outlet reports that that move received pushback from then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper and acting Undersecretary James Anderson. Esper was fired earlier this month and replaced with Christopher Miller, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Anderson resigned a day later


Why the world needs Ukrainian victory. Fifteen reasons.

Fiona Hill: "It's very clear that Elon Musk is transmitting a message for Putin". Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States specializing in Russian and European affairs, Fiona Hill describes how Russian President Vladimir Putin is using Elon "Pedo Guy" Musk to spread his message and put forward proposals that advance his unjust war in Ukraine. Now, there are several reasons why Musk's intervention is interesting and significant. First of all, Putin does this frequently. He uses prominent people as intermediaries to feel out the general political environment, to basically test how people are going to react to ideas. Henry Kissinger, for example, has had interactions with Putin directly and relayed messages. Putin often uses various trusted intermediaries including all kinds of businesspeople. I had intermediaries sent to discuss things with me while I was in government.

From bare-chested brute to Bond-villain wannabe: The images that show Vladimir Putin's unpredictable nature across 70 years... as the Russian leader takes the world to the brink of Armageddon Russian President Vladimir Putin turned 70 on Friday amid his on-going invasion of neighbouring Ukraine Putin has dominated Russia for nearly 23 years since being picked by President Boris Yeltsin as his successor He cultivated an image at home as a strongman with adventure stunts, such as riding, fishing and shooting But despite trying to show off his fun side, he has also dragged Russia back into isolation, and has grown increasingly occupied with his legacy. Many fear he could resort to using nuclear weapons to secure it

Russia’s unsustainable equipment losses in Ukraine. According to the open-source database Oryx, Russia has lost 1,183 tanks and 1,304 infantry fighting vehicles since its invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. Even more extraordinary is that Ukraine has captured a good percentage of them: 389 tanks and 415 infantry fighting vehicles, many of which, in both categories, have already been repurposed for combat against their former owners. These numbers are just the Russian losses that have been visually confirmed; the actual figures are probably much higher.

2022 Russian businessmen mystery deaths

Lukashenko admits that Belarus will fight for west of Ukraine. "They (the West) have not yet abandoned the goal of aligning the front so that it passes from Smolensk-Pskov, Smolensk-Bryansk-Kursk and from there to Rostov. They need to align the front. And we are this thousand-kilometre balcony, so it must be cut off", assumes Lukashenko. Lukashenko added that "they (the West) will not stop there." "They will come from Western Ukraine or somewhere else. Maybe we will have to fight for Western Ukraine so that it is not chopped off. Because this is death for us, not only for Ukrainians. Terrible processes are under way," the self-proclaimed president added.

Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory.

Ukraine funding bill: These 11 Republican senators split from party leadership, opposed $40 billion in aid. Ukraine military funding headed to Biden's desk, after weeklong delay due to some GOP opposition. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., led the opposition to the bill, demanding an inspector general be appointed to oversee the spending. The U.S. total financial commitment to the Russian war on Ukraine will now total nearly $54 billion. Paul was joined voting against the bill Thursday by Sens. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., John Boozman, R-Ark., Mike Braun, R-Ind., Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., Josh Hawley, R-Mo., Mike Lee, R-Utah, Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., Roger Marshall, R-Kan., and Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala. All of those Republicans voted "no" in previous procedural votes to advance the bill. No Democrats voted against the legislation.

@sahilkapur Former President George W. Bush: “The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine.”

Senate advances $40 billion Ukraine aid package 05/16/22 7:16 PM ET The Senate on Monday overwhelmingly advanced a $40 billion Ukraine aid package that easily passed the House last week but had stalled in the upper chamber because of an objection from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Senators voted 81 to 11 to end debate on a motion to proceed to the legislation, setting up a final vote on the bill for later in the week.

About a Boy: The Roots of Putin’s Evil. Putin’s childhood taught him many lessons that shape his thinking and actions to this day: that might makes right, that existing hierarchies can only be changed through violence, that force is the only language that matters, that power is always a zero-sum game.

John McCain Warning on Rand Paul and Putin Resurfaces After Ukraine Vote. In the clip, McCain was discussing NATO membership for the Balkan nation of Montenegro. Paul had blocked a vote to ratify a treaty that would have allowed Montenegro to join the U.S.-led military alliance by refusing to agree to unanimous consent. The Senate went on to ratify the treaty by a vote of 98 to 2, with Paul and Republican Senator Mike Lee voting against it. McCain passed away in 2018.

Rand Paul objection delays $40 billion Ukraine aid package. “Ukraine is not asking us to fight this war. They’re only asking for the resources they need to defend themselves against this deranged invasion, and they need help right now,” McConnell said. Paul, however, warned about the pace of spending, arguing that “we cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy.” “Americans are feeling the pain [from inflation] and Congress seems intent only on adding to that pain by shoveling more money out the door as fast as they can,” Paul said.

Love letter, ID card point to Russian units that terrorised Bucha

Russia’s Chernobyl seizure seen as nuclear risk ‘nightmare’

Russian military’s damaged Black Sea flagship sinks. Ukrainian officials said their forces hit the vessel with missiles, while Russia acknowledged a fire aboard the Moskva but no attack. U.S. and other Western officials could not confirm what caused the blaze. The Russian Defense Ministry said the ship sank in a storm while being towed to a port. Russia earlier said the flames on the ship, which would typically have 500 sailors on board, forced the entire crew to evacuate. It later said the blaze had been contained and that the ship would be towed to port with its missile launchers intact.

Supervisor Anderson Requests Federal Funds to Help Settle Ukrainian, Afghan Refugees. “As the number of people fleeing Ukraine continues to increase, coupled with your recent decision to admit 100,000 refugees into the U.S., the citizens of San Diego are once again willing to welcome the displaced with open arms,” Anderson wrote to the president. “However, to do so successfully will require additional funding from the administration to support this population.” A statement from his office said this influx of people “will likely burden the already overwhelmed resettlement agencies and community organizations working to welcome both immigrants and refugees into our nation.”

Americans may be greatly underestimating the impact of 10 years of Putin’s propaganda. Few Americans have parsed Russian propaganda on its various platforms like Maxim Pozdorovkin. Far from just an attempt to negate discontent over its Ukraine invasion, Russia’s current state-media approach is, in Pozdorovkin’s view, a continuation of a decade-long campaign to warp Russian citizens’ view of the West. He argues the country’s population has been long primed for this moment -- seriously lowering the odds for any tech company or foreign outlet hoping to poke through the veil.

Putin's invasion grinds to a halt: Kyiv claims to have destroyed dozens of Russian helicopters overnight, retaken a city, and killed 11,000 troops while Russians have captured no significant territory sparking hopes Ukraine could win the war Ukraine claims to have destroyed dozens of Russian helicopters at an airfield near Kherson overnight Military also said it had recaptured Chuhuiv, near Kharkiv, and killed two commanders in the process Meanwhile units in Odessa claimed to have hit and destroyed a Russian patrol ship off the coast Experts say Russian losses becoming 'unsustainable' with no significant territory captured in recent days

International Terrorism

Secret 9/11 memo reveals Bush rewriting the history of the 9/11 attacks and the warnings he'd tuned out. "If only Osama had faxed an X-marks-the-spot map to the Crawford ranch showing the Pentagon, the Capitol, the twin towers and the word 'BOOM!' scrawled in Arabic," wrote Maureen Dowd, the New York Times opinion columnist, at the time. "That might have sparked sluggish imaginations. Or maybe not."

TIMELINE - Major attacks by al Qaeda. Last entry: April 28, 2011 - A bomb kills 15 people including 10 foreigners in Marrakesh, Morocco, in an attack that bore the hallmark of Islamist militants. The previous week, men claiming to be Moroccan members of AQIM appeared on the Internet threatening to attack Moroccan interests.

Osama bin Laden, the founder and first leader of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, shortly after 1:00 a.m.

SOS, Foreign Policy, Ukraine

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says US 'should do everything Ukraine is asking' to help defeat Russia - as White House prepares to send dozens of M1 Abrams battle tanks Pompeo said ongoing military support for Ukraine is 'in America's best interest' He spoke as the US prepares to send dozens of tanks to aid Ukraine's war effort Germany has also agreed to send a unit of armored vehicles after fierce debate in Europe around military support for the war

Former National Security Council director under President Trump was investigated for 'espionage, diverting official trips and buying Jewish girlfriend a swastika pendant' Details of a 2019 investigation into Trump's former National Security Council director for Russian affairs Andrew Peek has been kept under wraps can reveal the probe involved suspicious activity that allegedly included favors from State Department staffers he dated He also allegedly diverted official trips to unrelated destinations in the Czech Republic and Qatar – where he once bought a 'swastika pendant' for a girlfriend Peek, who was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq and Iran at the time, is said to have dated a Czech model with whom he'd discuss foreign policy

CONDOLEEZZA RICE AND MADELEINE ALBRIGHT CONDUCT A MASTERCLASS ON THE BANAL HORROR OF U.S. FOREIGN POLICY. Watching the 3.5 hour video is like being forced to eat gallons of stale banana pudding. Also, the pudding contains a small amount of botulism. This is really good!

Marie Yovanovitch says it will take a 'concentrated effort over a number of years' to undo the 'damage' that Mike Pompeo did to the State Department. The former ambassador said Pompeo "presided over the hollowing out of a great institution." She wondered in her memoir whether the department would "survive the betrayals of the Pompeo years."

Nevada police allege woman stabbed date in revenge for 2020 killing of Iranian general. The woman told police she attacked the man in retaliation for the US drone strike that killed senior Revolutionary Guards leader Qassem Suleimani. Nika Nikoubin, 21, has been charged with attempted murder, battery with a deadly weapon and burglary, KLAS-TV reported. Nikoubin and the man met online on a dating website, Henderson police alleged in an arrest report. The pair then agreed to meet at Sunset Station hotel on 5 March, renting a room together.

While in the room, the pair began having sex when Nikoubin put a blindfold on the man, according to the police report. Nikoubin then turned off the lights, and several minutes later, the man “felt a pain on the side of his neck”, KLAS reported.

US pays $2M a month to protect Pompeo, aide from Iran threat. Current U.S. officials say the threats have been discusses in the nuclear talks in Vienna, where Iran is demanding the removal of all Trump-era sanctions. Those sanctions include a “foreign terrorist organization” designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that Pompeo and Hook were instrumental in approving.

Ukraine crisis: Vladimir Putin address fact-checked

Biden and Putin hold high-stakes two-hour call over Ukraine.

Biden warns Putin the US and its allies will respond with 'strong economic sanctions' if he invades Ukraine: Joe started off two-hour call on the wrong foot by WAVING at his Russian counterpart after forgetting to turn on his mic.

Reimagining Safety. Today’s guests on Black Diplomats are Pam Campos-Palma and Melissa Bryant, two women who have complicated relationships with America. Both women are military vets, one the daughter of immigrants, one a fourth-generation service member. Both were taught that the military is a pathway to prosperity. Both experienced the racism and misogyny that are defining parts of living in America, and both persevered. They know what it’s like to love this country, even when it doesn’t love you back. Host Terrell J. Starr asks Campos-Palma and Bryant what patriotism means to them, and talks about the way that word has been bound up with whiteness in the US. Is it possible for Americans be truly patriotic without also being white?

Trump Russia collusion

Russian man spent years as puppeteer behind US political groups, officials say. Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov charged over accusations he sought to spread division and propaganda and meddle in elections. A Russian man orchestrated a yearslong effort to puppeteer political groups in Florida, Georgia and California to sow discord in the US, spread pro-Russia propaganda and meddle in American elections, justice department officials alleged on Friday. Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov of Moscow was charged with conspiring to have US citizens act as illegal agents of the Russian government, according to a justice department statement. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison.

Trump Lauds Putin’s ‘Genius’ Invasion of Ukraine: He’s ‘Very Savvy’. Trump just can’t stop praising the Russian authoritarian leader—this time expressing admiration for how he labeled his invasion a “peacekeeping” mission. The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.

FBI warned Giuliani, key Trump ally in Senate of Russian disinformation campaign targeting Biden. The FBI warned Rudolph W. Giuliani in late 2019 that he was the target of a Russian influence operation aimed at circulating falsehoods intended to damage President Biden politically ahead of last year’s election, according to people familiar with the matter. The warning was part of an extensive effort by the bureau to alert members of Congress and at least one conservative media outlet, One America News, that they faced a risk of being used to further Russia’s attempt to influence the election’s outcome, said several current and former U.S. officials. All spoke on the condition of anonymity because the matter remains highly sensitive.

Veselnitskaya’s Trump Tower Coverup Linked to Secret Russian Chemical Weapons Program. Documents obtained by The Daily Beast link the $230 million fraud discussed at the Trump Tower meeting in 2016 to Russia’s black-market weapons of mass destruction program. A company newly sanctioned by the U.S. over Alexei Navalny’s poisoning attack is tied to the money-laundering network that Natalia Veselnitskaya tried to cover up at the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, according to financial records obtained by The Daily Beast. One of the entities singled out by the U.S. government as a cog in Russia’s weapons of mass destruction program was Riol-Chemie. Investigative files compiled by the authorities in Lithuania—and reviewed by The Daily Beast—show that Riol-Chemie received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a British Virgin Islands-registered company accused of laundering some of the stolen money that was uncovered by Magnitsky. According to sources close to a separate investigation by French authorities, financial records show that two New Zealand-registered companies, which also received funds from the $230 million fraud, wired over $1 million to Riol-Chemie.

★ Trump Crime Family, Rape, Racism, Election Lies, Grifters gotta Grift

Trump Crime Family, Rape, Racism, Election Lies, Grifters gotta Grift, Tax cheat, incompetence

‘Don Jr is on coke’: Trump’s son mocks accusations of drug use over his ‘impassioned’ speeches. Former president’s eldest son feels that people should focus on Hunter Biden instead of him. Mr Trump made his comments on the Triggered podcast, where he appeared in conversation with the former chief of staff to the to the Acting Secretary of Defense, Kash Patel. “I got thrown into politics in my late 30s and all of the sudden it’s like, ‘Hey, I just actually believe this stuff,’” Mr Trump said. “I will more than happily fight for it. There’s a consequence to that, I will say. It’d have been a lot easier to shut the hell up and be a real estate developer from New York and not get into that. But I actually do believe in this stuff, I want to leave my kids a country they will recognise. So it’s so important to be in that fight.” “I look at what they called me: a traitor,” Mr Trump said. “Adam Schiff wanted to try me for treason, a crime punishable by death, but Hunter Biden can take a billion from China, work for Ukraine oligarchs, work for Russian oligarchs, money launder, be paid in diamonds off the books, not declare anything in taxes, drop guns in dumpsters across from high schools, and it’s like, ‘He’s an upstanding human being. And then I give an impassioned speech, and it’s ‘Don Jr is on coke.’”

The Misogynist Things Trump Has Said That His Lawyers Don’t Want Jurors to Hear. The E. Jean Carroll case has put Trump’s lawyers in the awkward position of enumerating all the things Trump has said that they know would be an issue if jurors heard. Demeaning a beauty queen, boasting about forcing himself on women, then having the gall to deny he’s ever sexually harassed anyone—that’s the side of Donald Trump the former president’s lawyers don’t want New York City jurors to see as they consider whether or not he raped a magazine columnist decades ago. On Monday, a federal judge finalized some key issues in the Bill Cosby-type civil trial where Trump is accused of raping the magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll in a dressing room at a high-end Manhattan department store. Among them is the evidence that’ll be shown. Trump’s lawyers are trying to stop a long list of video clips and photos from being presented at trial, labeling them “irrelevant and unduly prejudicial.” The judge still has not made a final determination about what he will allow at trial. For now, Trump’s lawyers dog-earing all the clips they don’t want jurors to see could have the opposite effect, like when Barbra Streisand turned to the courts in 2003 to suppress a photo of her Malibu home. And you can watch all the clips in the above video.

Trump Plans to Bring Back Firing Squads, Group Executions if He Retakes White House. The former president wants to expand the use of the death penalty, and expand the federal government's options for carrying out death sentences. “WHAT DO YOU think of firing squads?” That’s the question Donald Trump repeatedly asked some close associates in the run-up to the 2024 presidential campaign, three people familiar with the situation tell Rolling Stone. It’s not an idle inquiry: The former president, if re-elected, is still committed to expanding the use of the federal death penalty and bringing back banned methods of execution, the sources say. He has even, one of the sources recounts, mused about televising footage of executions, including showing condemned prisoners in the final moments of their lives. Specifically, Trump has talked about bringing back death by firing squad, by hanging, and, according to two of the sources, possibly even by guillotine. He has also, sources say, discussed group executions. Trump has floated these ideas while discussing planned campaign rhetoric and policy desires, as well as his disdain for President Biden’s approach to crime. In at least one instance late last year, according to the third source, who has direct knowledge of the matter, Trump privately mused about the possibility of creating a flashy, government-backed video-ad campaign that would accompany a federal revival of these execution methods. In Trump’s vision, these videos would include footage from these new executions, if not from the exact moments of death. “The [former] president believes this would help put the fear of God into violent criminals,” this source says. “He wanted to do some of these [things] when he was in office, but for whatever reasons didn’t have the chance.”

Trump and Kushner Slammed for Benefitting From Saudi Funds. A Saturday report by The Washington Post detailed new information about Trump's and Kushner's ties with Saudi Arabia, citing recently published memoirs, accounts in congressional testimony, and interviews with former senior White House officials. The newspaper highlighted new details that raised concern that the former president and his son-in-law used their positions in the past to set themselves up to profit from their ties with Saudi Arabia even after Trump left office. The report cited Kushner's written account of convincing Trump to make Saudi Arabia a priority despite objections from top advisers, according to the Post. "I think it was an obvious opportunity for them to build their Rolodexes," John Bolton, who served as Trump's national security adviser, told the newspaper. "And I think they were probably hard at work at it, particularly Jared." Meanwhile, it was revealed last month during court proceedings that the Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund (PIF), a sovereign wealth fund led by Salman, owns 93 percent of LIV Golf and pays 100 percent of the costs associated with its events. A year after he left office, Trump's golf courses began hosting tournaments for LIV. Agreements between Salman and the Trump family included providing Kushner's Affinity Fund with a $2 billion investment and $1 billion for Trump's former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's Liberty Strategic Capital firm. Those were deals that the Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) called "favors" between Trump, Kushner, and Saudi Arabia. "This merits much more attention especially the LIV Saudi Golf connection w/ Trump for which he is likely to be receiving many millions every year. Also, the $2B to Jared," Richard Signorelli, former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, tweeted on Sunday.

Trump Administration Accomplishments

While Trump often boasts of being a billionaire—which, in terms of assets, he is—two of the experts who reviewed his returns for this article said that as his presidency came to its tumultuous end, it appears Trump, depending on interest rates, may have had immediate access to anywhere between $30 million and $100 million, with that amount itself scattered across hundreds of entities. That bottom line was reflected in new documents filed last week by New York Attorney General Letitia James in her $250 million fraud lawsuit against Trump, three of his adult children, and his businesses. Those documents show that Trump—a billionaire on paper—only had control over about $65 million in liquid assets as he prepared to depart the White House. The cash flow discrepancy, according to three accounting experts who reviewed Trump’s 2020 tax returns, is significant, and can be chalked up to one simple fact: The vast majority of Trump’s ordinary income is reported as interest income and derived from pass-through entities. His tax returns are not intended to report if this income was actually distributed to him—they only indicate what income is attributed to him as an owner or investor. That fact is central to James’ lawsuit, which argues that these funds may not actually equate to liquidity—and that when Trump applied for loans, he played up those “restricted funds” as his own money in order to help secure the loans. In reality, the suit says, a significant portion of what Trump called “his” cash was wholly controlled by another entity—the real estate behemoth Vornado—which Trump could not unilaterally access if he, or his businesses, needed to find some funds. “Internal Trump Organization records acknowledge that cash residing in the Vornado Partnership Interests was not Mr. Trump’s to access at his whim,” the new filing reads.

Trump hired one of the most famous criminal defense attorneys to represent him against E. Jean Carroll. Joe Tacopina's former clients include the rapper Meek Mill and Natalee Holloway's suspected killer. Carroll has accused Trump of sexual battery and defamation. Former President Donald Trump has hired a lawyer famous for defending accused murderers, rapists, and fraudsters to represent him as he gears up to face his rape accuser in court. Tacopina once said that high-profile cases drive him to do some of his best work. In 2005, he told The New York Times that he has a "knack of getting these cases that seem to be in the limelight and I've got to tell you I didn't dislike it." "I get a certain adrenaline rush knowing your every move is going to be evaluated. I like the high stakes," Tacopina told the Times.

Alina Habba is withdrawing as Trump's lead attorney for E. Jean Carroll's rape claim. Last month, a federal judge sanctioned her $1 million for bad lawyering. Alina Habba is stepping down as lead counsel representing Donald Trump in E. Jean Carroll's rape lawsuit. Joe Tacopina, who has represented the Washington Commanders NFL team and Meek Mill, will lead Trump's team. Carroll's lawyer said in a court filing that Habba would withdraw entirely — which Habba and Tacopina denied.

Watch Trump Give Deposition In New York Civil Fraud Investigation. The ex-president repeatedly pleaded the Fifth Amendment despite chastising others for doing the same.

Trump Crime Family, Rape, Racism, Election Lies, Grifters gotta Grift, Tax cheat, incompetence. archived January 31, 2023

Trump in Even More Legal Hot Water After Lying to Judge. Former President Donald Trump appears to have lied in sworn court records, opening him up to severe sanctions by a New York judge who has already lost his patience and threatened to punish him before. Trump claimed he wasn’t the president of the Trump Organization during his four years at the White House, despite previously testifying that he was an “inactive president.” And he claimed that he didn’t have a financial stake in a partnership with the real estate company Vornado, even though he previously testified that he did. On Tuesday, the New York Attorney General’s Office asked Justice Arthur F. Engoron to intervene quickly to ensure that the former president still faces a trial later this year that could bankrupt his company. New York AG Letitia James sued the Trump family and their real estate empire for at least $250 million last year, the end result of a three-year investigation that documented how the Trumps have routinely faked property values to score better bank loans and cheat taxes. The civil lawsuit threatens to yank the company’s credentials, seize its bank accounts, and choke off its access to any banks in New York City—the global finance capital. The Trumps, desperate to avoid the collapse of their company, initially tried to disqualify the AG and stop her from accessing company records. But when Judge Engoron threatened to sanction lawyers for incessantly making “frivolous” legal arguments, the Trumps last week were finally forced to answer James’ lawsuit with actual defenses. The result was a legal document that read like a joke, with Trump attorney Alina Habba going as far as claiming there is formally no such thing as the “Trump Organization’—a ridiculous position, given that it’s a billion-dollar company Trump used to build his reputation over decades. On Tuesday, the AG’s office called her out on that too, noting that in November she began a court hearing before this very judge by introducing herself as an attorney for that company. “Good morning, Your Honor. Alina Habba for Trump Organization, Donald Trump, et cetera,” she said on Nov. 22 in a New York City courtroom. The AG’s office also pointed out how Trump, in a separate case involving how his security guards beat up protesters in Manhattan, testified behind closed doors that while at the White House he “was an inactive president and now I’m active again.” The testimony shows that he remained atop the Trump Organization.

When former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman wrote a tell-all book last year about the drama inside the powerful Manhattan federal prosecutor’s office, many people were irked that he waited two years to reveal how the Trump administration secretly pressured him to protect the president from criminal investigations. But Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s consigliere-turned-fall guy, had more reason than anyone to be pissed off. According to Berman’s book, Justice Department top brass tried to shield Trump, demanding that Berman’s team of prosecutors scrub any reference to him in public law enforcement documents. And the attorney general at the time, Bill Barr, even tried to unravel Cohen’s prosecution by shopping around an alternative legal “theory” that, in fact, Trump’s right-hand man hadn’t broken campaign finance laws. But all the details remained secret until Berman landed a book deal with Penguin Press and published Holding the Line in September. “He says nothing about the communications until he’s out of office, in private practice, and decides to write about it in a for-profit book. How is this not unethical?” Cohen asked The Daily Beast on Thursday afternoon.

Donald Trump mistook E Jean Carroll, the writer who accuses him of rape, for his ex-wife Marla Maples during a deposition in the case last year, excerpts released in US district court on Wednesday showed. “That’s Marla, yeah,” Trump said, when shown a photograph. “That’s my wife.” In a newly unsealed excerpt from an October 2022 deposition, former president Donald Trump mistook journalist E. Jean Carroll, a woman who he once claimed he couldn’t have sexually assaulted because she’s not his “type,” with his ex-wife, Marla Maples. The mistake was corrected by a lawyer for the 76-year-old former president. But observers said it could undermine Trump’s claim he could not have attacked Carroll because she is not his “type”.

human rights organization founded by slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi is calling on Congress and the Justice Department to investigate former President Donald Trump's business deals with a controversial golf company owned by the Saudi Arabian government and controlled by Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman. Nonprofit Democracy for the Arab World Now said LIV Golf, a tournament franchise and PGA Golf rival, paid Trump-owned golf resorts "unknown millions of dollars" to host events. Recent court proceedings revealed that Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund -- chaired by bin Salman -- owns 93% of LIV Golf, and pays "100 percent of the costs associated with the events."

Trump lost out on MILLIONS after selling sharing Apple and Microsoft stocks too early, tax return documents show Trump sold his shares of Apple and Microsoft in 2017 after purchasing them only four years earlier If he held onto the shares, they would be worth more than $5million today If he sold at their peaks, he could have earned over $7million Trump's losses was just one of many revelations gleaned from his newly-released tax return documents

Trump’s political fate may have been decided – by a Georgia grand jury. Panel that considered whether ex-president committed crimes in trying to overturn 2020 election defeat could recommend prosecution. The 23-member panel, convened to consider whether Trump and others committed crimes in trying to overturn his defeat in Georgia when it appeared the state might decide the outcome of the entire 2020 presidential election, was dissolved on Monday after submitting its conclusions and asking that they be made public. If the grand jury’s report recommends prosecution, a county district attorney in Atlanta, Fani Willis, will face the most consequential decision of her career – whether, for the first time in American history, to charge a former president with a criminal offence. That could result in Trump sitting behind bars in Georgia when he expects to be out on the campaign trail. Provided he is not already serving time as the result of a federal investigation into his attempts to pressure election officials in several other states to rig the vote and his part in the 6 January 2021 storming of the Capitol. A judge has scheduled a hearing later this month January to consider arguments over whether the grand jury’s report should be made public while Willis, the Fulton county district attorney, scrutinises its findings.

Trump tried to fight E. Jean Carroll's defamation lawsuit in court on Tuesday. Here's a rundown of where all the litigation stands. Carroll described running into Trump at the Bergdorf Goodman department store sometime in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996. She described her and Trump getting into a lighthearted exchange in the lingerie section before Trump got Carroll into a dressing room, pinned her against a wall, and proceeded to assault her, she wrote. While Carroll didn't actually use the word "rape" in her essay, she later said that accurately described what happened to her. Carroll never reported the incident to the police but said she told two friends about the alleged assault afterward. She also said she kept the dress she wore that day, which has been analyzed for DNA. Carroll's legal team has requested a sample of Trump's DNA to compare with the analysis of Carroll's dress, but it's unclear from court documents if they've obtained a sample yet.

Donald Trump Jr. is selling Bibles on social media. The eldest son of Donald Trump was accused of “peak grift” over a video promoting a “We The People” Bible. The Trump scion said the book defended America’s “Judeo-Christian” values, which he claimed are under attack. It comes as key evangelical figures turn their backs on the former president, who has launched a third run for the White House amid a slew of criminal investigations into his conduct.

Any way you slice it, 2022 was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year for Donald Trump. And there’s little reason to think 2023 will be any better.

Trump Issues 'Dangerous' Warning After Tax Returns Released. On Friday, Trump said the thousands of pages of documents show "how proudly successful I have been and how I have been able to use depreciation and various other tax deductions as an incentive for creating thousands of jobs and magnificent structures and enterprises."

Trump's biggest accomplishments and failures from his 1-term presidency. Former President Donald Trump was among the most controversial presidents in US history. He's the only American president to be impeached twice. Trump's legacy will be defined by his disastrous handling of COVID-19.

Donald Trump's 'Merry Christmas' Message Is A Grievance-Filled Lump Of Coal. “Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump,” the former president wrote.

Trump NFTs Tanking as Hype Dies, Floor Price Down 70%. Beyond it being a pairing of already-divisive subjects (Trump and NFTs), the project has also been criticized for apparently using stolen artwork for some of its cards. Furthermore, the 1,000 NFTs kept by the project’s creators appear to contain a disproportionate amount of the “rare” collectibles, prompting further skepticism from NFT observers.

Trump didn't disclose a $19.8 MILLION loan from company with ties to North Korea when he was running for president in 2016, damning report claims Former President Donald Trump didn't disclose a $19.8 million loan from a company linked to North Korea as a candidate in 2016, Forbes reported Documents compiled by the Trump Organization and obtained by New York's attorney general show an unreported liability to the South Korean firm Daewoo In the mid 1990s, Daewoo was the only South Korean firm able to do business inside North Korea, Forbes pointed out Daewoo and Trump got into business together in 1997, when the Korean firm signed on as a partner in the construction of Trump World Tower At some point in the business relationship, Daewoo became a creditor for the Trump Organization, with Trump's company borrowing $25 million The government only requires the listing of personal debt - and loans to an individual's company if they're personally liable for them It's unclear if the Daewoo debt fell into the second category Trump was vocal about wanting to get along with the rogue nation of North Korea, meeting thrice with Kim Jong Un during his administration

Trump faces peril in docs probe after decades of scrutiny. As a businessman and president, Donald Trump faced a litany of lawsuits and criminal investigations yet emerged from the legal scrutiny time and again with his public and political standing largely intact. But he's perhaps never confronted a probe as perilous as the Mar-a-Lago investigation, an inquiry focused on the potential mishandling of top-secret documents. The sense of vulnerability has been heightened in recent weeks not only by the Justice Department's appointment of a special counsel with a reputation for aggressiveness but also by the removal of a Trump-requested independent arbiter in the case and by judges' unequivocal rejection of his lawyers' arguments.

Appeals court says FBI can use all documents seized in Mar-a-Lago search and ends special master review. The ruling means the criminal investigation into whether Mr Trump unlawfully possessed national defence information can proceed without further hinderance. While Mr Trump could appeal the panel’s ruling by asking for the entire 11th Circuit to hear the case or go directly to the Supreme Court, it’s unlikely that either course would be successful. When the ex-president appealed the prior 11th Circuit decision allowing the FBI to use the classified documents seized from his property, the high court denied the appeal without comment.

Former surgeon general faces his wife's cancer - and the 'Trump Effect'. Former surgeon general Jerome Adams and his wife, Lacey, often find themselves talking about what they have named the "Trump Effect." It followed them from Washington to their home in the Indianapolis suburbs. They felt it when he was exploring jobs in academia, where he would receive polite rejections from university officials who worried that someone who served in the administration of the former president would be badly received by their left-leaning student bodies. They felt it when corporations decided he was too tainted to employ. The former surgeon general's predicament underscores one of the givens of today's political environment: Association with Trump becomes a permanent tarnish, a kind of reverse Midas touch. Whether indicted or shunned or marginalized, a cavalcade of former Trump World figures have foundered in the aftermath of one of the more chaotic presidencies in modern American history. A scan showed a tumor somewhere between the size of a pea and a grape. She needed to have surgery. Doctors eventually removed 12 lymph nodes, some of which were cancerous. While she was recovering from surgery, still groggy from the anesthesia, her husband came into the room with a request that was hard for her to comprehend through the fog of the drugs: He wanted her Facebook password. She had taken a selfie at the medical center and posted it to her Facebook page, and she also took a little dig at the administration. The White House was not happy, he told her. They wanted it taken down.

'Not Happy' Melania Could Be Drag On Trump's Comeback Plans: Biographer. “She doesn’t like being in the news. She certainly doesn’t like her name being attached to the rants and ravings of her husband,” said CNN's Kate Bennett. “I don’ think she has any intention of being on the campaign trail,” Bennett said. In even more bad news for the former president, Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner have “zero interest” in helping with campaigning, in sharp contrast to their enthusiastic support last time around, said Bennett.

Trump Fundraising Overhead Soaks Up 91 Cents Of Each Donor Dollar: Report. The former president is hauling in record donations, but he's spending most of it on expenses as his troubles mount.

Trump news – live: Trump chides US Jews for lack of support, as whistleblower says Don Jr wanted ‘handout’. Latest developments in former president’s ongoing legal woes. Donald Trump has criticised American Jewish people for not being supportive enough of him and Israel. “No President has done more for Israel than I have,” Mr Trump claimed on Truth Social on Sunday morning. “Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.” “Those living in Israel, though, are a different story - Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.! U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel - Before it is too late!” Mr Trump added. Meanwhile, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump wanted a stake in the former president’s media company despite little to no involvement, a co-founder of Trump Media & Technology Group has said. Speaking to The Washington Post, Will Wilkerson outlined infighting and possibly illegal actions at the company. “They were coming in and asking for a handout,” he said regarding the president’s sons. “They had no bearing in this company … and they were taking equity away from hard-working individuals.”

How Trump Deflected Demands for Documents, Enmeshing Aides. That pattern was strikingly similar to how Trump confronted inquiries into his conduct while in office: entertain or promote outlandish ideas, eschew the advice of lawyers and mislead them, then push lawyers and aides to impede investigators. In the process, some of his lawyers have increased their own legal exposure and had to hire lawyers themselves. And Trump has ended up in the middle of an investigation into his handling of the documents that has led the Justice Department to seek evidence of obstruction. Trump floated the idea of offering the deal to return the boxes in exchange for documents he believed would expose the Russia investigation as a “hoax” cooked up by the FBI. Trump did not appear to know specifically what he thought the archives had — only that there were items he wanted.

Confidence Man review: Maggie Haberman takes down Trump. The New York Times reporter presents a forensic account of the damage he has done to America.

Trump's self-described 'love letters' to Kim Jong-un seized from Mar-a-lago have been published.

Special master in the Mar-a-Lago case is testing Trump's lawyers to see if they will lie in court, analyst says. In an appearance on CNN Thursday, legal analyst Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor, said that Dearie was seeking to expose Trump's falsehoods. "The power of our courts is they have a way of bringing out truth. Perhaps a person can get away with fudging the truth in their public statements, in the media, in their private life, in their business. But when you step into a court, ultimately, the judge or the jury will say, fine, that's your allegation, now prove it," said Honig. "And you can see the tension in Donald Trump's legal team because they will not say the things in court about declassification and planting that he is saying because lawyers have an ethical obligation." "You cannot make a false statement to a court. You can argue aggressively for your client, you could try to poke holes in what the other side is doing, but you cannot lie. This is really a test for Donald Trump."

Judge asks Trump’s team for proof that FBI planted documents at Mar-a-Lago. Special master also asked for a certified list of property seized by the FBI from the ‘winter White House’. Dearie asked Trump’s lawyers to submit by 30 September a list of specific items in that inventory “that plaintiff asserts were not seized from the premises”. Dearie also asked them to submit any corrections to the government’s list by that date, including items they believe were seized at Mar-a-Lago but not listed in the inventory. “This submission shall be [Trump’s] final opportunity to raise any factual dispute as to the completeness and accuracy of the detailed property inventory,” wrote Dearie, serving as an independent arbiter known as a special master.

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez inadvertently sparked the New York attorney general’s Trump lawsuit. ‘This investigation only started after Michael Cohen ... testified before Congress shed light on this misconduct,’ Letitia James says. In 2019, Mr Cohen testified against his former before the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. At the time, Ms Ocasio-Cortez, who the previous year had beaten former House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley in a primary in New York’s 14th District, asked questions about whether Mr Trump ever provided inflated assets to an insurance company. “Yes,” Mr Cohen said in response. When Ms Ocasio-Cortez asked who else knew that Mr Trump did this, he said “Allen Weisselberg, Ron Lieberman and Matthew Calamari.”

DOJ can resume criminal probe of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago, appeals court says. "It is self-evident that the public has a strong interest in ensuring that the storage of the classified records did not result in 'exceptionally grave damage to the national security,'" the three-judge panel from the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals stated. "Ascertaining that necessarily involves reviewing the documents, determining who had access to them and when, and deciding which (if any) sources or methods are compromised." Wednesday night, the appeals court panel called Trump's legal team out. "Plaintiff suggests that he may have declassified these documents when he was President," the court wrote. "But the record contains no evidence that any of these records were declassified. And before the special master, Plaintiff resisted providing any evidence that he had declassified any of these documents." The 11th Circuit resoundingly rejected Trump's arguments that he may have an interest in classified records that could keep them from federal criminal investigators. Trump "does not have a possessory interest in the documents at issue, so he does not suffer a cognizable harm if the United States reviews documents he neither owns nor has a personal interest in. Second, we find unpersuasive Plaintiff's insistence that he would be harmed by a criminal investigation," they wrote. "Because of the nature of the classified materials at issue here and based on the record, we have no reason to expect that the United States' use of these records imposes the risk of disclosure to the United States of Plaintiff's privileged information," they wrote.

Mar-a-Lago at $730M when it should be $75M, apartments inflated by 65 times and $127 M for a golf course losing money: The breakdown of properties New York AG claims Trump inflated and how he did it - as he claims SHE is the fraud Trump claimed his penthouse in Trump Tower in Manhattan was 30,000 square feet when in reality the place was only a third of that size - 11,000 He valued the apartment at $327 million, a price which James called 'absurd' The former president valued Mar-a-Lago at $739 million, while James' office claims it should have been valued at a little over one-tenth of that cost, $75 million

U.S. urges appeals court to block Trump from reviewing classified records. "Plaintiff again implies that he could have declassified the records before leaving office. As before, however, Plaintiff conspicuously fails to represent, much less show, that he actually took that step," the Justice Department's attorneys wrote in a filing late Tuesday, referring to the former Republican president, who sued the department after the FBI carried out the search at his Florida home and country club. The government's latest filing came just hours after U.S. Judge Raymond Dearie, who was appointed by Cannon as special master, pressed Trump's attorneys at a hearing in Brooklyn to provide him with evidence that Trump had actually declassified some of the seized materials. "If the government gives me prima facie evidence (a legal term meaning a fact is presumed to be true unless disproved) that this is classified, and you decide not to advance a claim of declassification ... as far as I'm concerned that's the end of it," Dearie told them. "You can't have your cake and eat it."

Letitia James responds in real time as Donald Trump Jr dubs accusation ‘bulls*** Dem witch hunt’ Ms James announced a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump on Wednesday. “Today, I filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump for engaging in years of financial fraud to enrich himself, his family, and the Trump Organization. There aren’t two sets of laws for people in this nation: former presidents must be held to the same standards as everyday Americans,” Ms James tweeted. “With the help of Donald Jr, Eric, Ivanka, and other defendants, Trump variously unlawfully inflated and deflated his net worth by billions to obtain and satisfy loans, get insurance benefits, and pay lower taxes. In short, he lied to gain massive financial benefits for himself,” Ms James added. “Two judges have dismissed those claims that this was a political witchhunt,” she said. “So I give no credence to those names that he has referred to me.” “Mr Trump, the Trump Organization, as well as his family, will still have to deal with this complaint, they will still have to respond ... to the allegations they are in,” she added. “If in fact, he decided to move to Florida, the reality is that he still has to deal with the great state of New York and respond to the complaint,” Ms James said.


Mar-a-Lago: the lax security of Trump’s alternative ‘White House’ – visualized. The ex-president’s Florida estate has a history of security breaches, from US military plans viewed in front of paying guests to a makeshift ‘situation room’

Is Truth Social another of Trump’s bungled businesses? Dogged by an SEC investigation, the platform may be more of a campaign tool than a sound investment, analysts say. It takes a brave investor to go into business with Donald Trump. The former president’s hotels and casinos have declared bankruptcy six times. Trump’s short-lived airline crashed. He paid out millions of dollars to settle multiple lawsuits for running an unlicensed “university” that the conservative National Review called a “massive scam”. And then there is the Trump Organization’s looming criminal trial for tax fraud. For all that, a business built around Trump’s famed ability to rile up millions of people online must have seemed a good bet to those who poured money into backing the company behind his rival to Twitter, Truth Social. Now that too has run into trouble as more than a billion dollars in investment has stalled amid shareholder hesitation and a federal investigation into whether Trump Media and Technology Group broke the law in its dealings with a company set up to provide the money. “One of the tremendous assets for Trump has always been his name. Because of his brand he gets an instant base of people that Truth Social can start to expand from. But then it has to expand past that, because that’s probably not enough to keep this enterprise going. I don’t see how Truth Social expands beyond that very, relatively narrow, hardcore base that is Trump’s bread and butter constituency,” said Stromer-Galley. “If I were an investor of communications, media, and technology companies, I would be sceptical of what is the actual business that Truth Social is in. When the head of the company can’t put together a coherent business case or legal arguments for what they’re doing, is this really someplace you want to put your money?”

After winking at QAnon for years, Donald Trump is overtly embracing the baseless conspiracy theory, even as the number of frightening real-world events linked to it grows. On Tuesday, using his Truth Social platform, the Republican former president reposted an image of himself wearing a Q lapel pin overlaid with the words “The Storm is Coming.” In QAnon lore, the “storm” refers to Trump’s final victory, when supposedly he will regain power and his opponents will be tried, and potentially executed, on live television.

Trump says he declassified EVERY official document found at Mar-a-Lago and claims charging him with a crime would 'tear this country apart' Trump told Hugh Hewitt on his radio show he did no wrong and the Department of Justice would have absolutely no reason to indict him 'There is no reason that they can be other than if they are just sick and deranged, which is always possible,' he said The former president warned of unrest if he were to be indicted: 'The people would not stand for it'

Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted. The former president said an indictment wouldn’t stop him from running for the White House again and repeatedly said Americans “would not stand” for his prosecution. “If a thing like that happened, I would have no prohibition against running,” Trump said in an interview with conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt. “I think if it happened, I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it.” Hewitt asked Trump what he meant by “problems.” “I think they’d have big problems. Big problems. I just don’t think they’d stand for it. They will not sit still and stand for this ultimate of hoaxes,” Trump said.

For Donald Trump, Information Has Always Been Power. People have wondered why the former president collected classified intel, speculating that he is just a packrat. But he has a long history of gathering and wielding sensitive info to help himself. I’ve covered Trump and his business for decades, and there’s something else people around him have told me over and over again: Trump knows the value of hoarding sensitive, secret information and wielding it regularly and precisely for his own ends. The 76-year-old former host of “The Apprentice” came up in the world of New York tabloids, where trading gossip was the coin of the realm. Certainly sometimes he just wanted to show off that he knew things about important people. But he also has used compromising information to pressure elected officials, seek a commercial advantage or blunt accountability and oversight.

Trump Crime Family, Rape, Racism, Election Lies, Grifters gotta Grift, archived September 14, 2022

Making a martyr: Steve Bannon is paraded through New York court in CUFFS and says 'they will never shut me up, they'll have to kill me first' as he pleads not guilty to 'We Build The Wall' fraud charges. Bannon is expected to be released on no cash bail and surrender his passport. Bannon has handed himself over to authorities in New York State where he is expected to face fraud charges over his 'We Build the Wall' charity scheme. David Schoen, who represented Trump in his second impeachment trial, will represent Bannon in court. Bannon was arraigned Thursday before State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan in Manhattan at 2:15 p.m. and pleaded not guilty. The shackled Bannon grumbled as he was dragged into the courtroom: 'They will never shut me up, they'll have to kill me first.'

How Trump Taught Everybody to Be Obnoxious and Cruel. Trump's instinct for casual savagery used to be abnormal. Now it's part of the everyday diet of American political life, replicated by both Democrats and Republicans. The implications are significant, even as the insults themselves are likely too lacking in impact, or wit, to linger in mind for long. Here is another part of Trump’s legacy: Other political actors are mimicking his instinct for casual savagery. It is now part of the everyday diet of American political life.

Bill Barr Blows Up Every Trumpy Defense of the Mar-a-Lago Docs in Brutal Fox News Interview. Bill Barr, the one-time attorney general under former President Donald Trump, told Fox News on Friday that the ex-president had no “legitimate reason” to hoard classified material at his Florida resort. Furthermore, he defended the Justice Department’s decision to raid Mar-a-Lago, arguing that the DOJ was “being jerked around” by Team Trump. Appearing on Fox News’ America Reports on Friday afternoon, Barr—who has distanced himself from Trump over the ex-president’s election lies—was immediately dismissive of Team Trump’s attempts to appoint a special master. “Well, I think the whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red herring,” he flatly stated. He went on to say that Trump’s attorneys haven’t identified any private lawyer communications that should be insulated from government review, adding that everything else appears to be “seizable” by the feds. Co-anchor John Roberts noted that Trump and his allies have claimed the ex-president had a “standing order” to declassify any documents he removed from the White House when he left office. “Is there any legitimate reason for those materials to be in the former president’s possession?” Roberts asked. “No. I can’t think of a legitimate reason why they should have been—could be taken out of the government, away from the government if they are classified,” Barr replied. “I frankly am skeptical of the claim that he declassified everything.” The former AG continued: “You know, because frankly, I think it’s highly improbable, and second, if in fact he sort of stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them, and said, ‘I hereby declassify everything in here,’ that would be such an abuse and that shows such recklessness it’s almost worse than taking the documents.”

Trump legal team says classified records ‘no cause for alarm’ in bizarre filing. Attorneys for former president Donald Trump on Wednesday told a federal judge that the presence of highly classified records at the ex-president’s Palm Beach, Florida social club and residence “should have never been cause for alarm” because such records should be expected to be found among presidential records. The ex-president’s lawyers’ assertion, which flies in the face of every regulation and law concerning the care and handling of national defence information, came in a court filing made in response to the Department of Justice’s arguments against the appointment of a third-party special master to review the hundreds of documents seized from Mr Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property during an 8 August search. Throughout the 19-page document, the Trump legal team repeatedly argues that the search of his home was somehow an attempt to enforce the Presidential Records Act — a law which has no criminal enforcement mechanism — rather than the numerous criminal laws cited by the Department of Justice when applying for a warrant to search Mr Trump’s home and office. Legal experts contacted by The Independent had universally dim views of the Trump attorneys’ arguments. Nick Akerman, a former federal prosecutor who served on the Watergate special prosecution team in the 1970s, said in a text message that the filing was “Total bulls***, as [former Attorney General] Barr would say”. Another prominent national security law expert, attorney Bradley Moss, told The Independent that the filing was “terrible”. “If [Judge Aileen] Cannon agrees to this crap, it will be amazing,” he said. He also noted on his Twitter account that the Trump team’s latest work was, in his estimation, “garbage,” “gibberish,” and “all over the place”. Former Wachtell, Lipton attorney and prominent Trump critic George Conway also weighed in via text message, telling The Independent that he skimmed the brief while waiting for a television appearance and “saw nothing coherent” therein.


Photo of secret documents taken by Trump reveals Mar-a-Lago's disgusting carpet.

What’s Behind Trump’s Private War With the Intelligence Community? The former president is serially criminal, loves dictators, and hates being held accountable. No wonder he despises the U.S. intelligence community. When you are at war with the truth, you attack the truth tellers. When you are a threat to U.S. national security, you attack those who seek to defend it. When you are conscious of your own guilt, you target those who can confirm your crimes. These are the reasons that Donald Trump has been engaged in a one-man war against the U.S. intelligence community since even before he became president. These are the reasons we must see Trump’s theft of vital national secrets as more than just a story about documents. We now know that Trump and his closest advisers were told many times, even before they left office, that the law required them to return all documents to the U.S. government. We know they were informed repeatedly about their legal obligations with regard to the treatment of classified material. We know they ignored that guidance and removed documents illegally. We know they then were asked to return them. Multiple times.

Former president Donald Trump on Monday issued a bizarre demand that he be declared the winner of the 2020 election nearly two years after he lost his re-election bid to Joe Biden, or a new election be held in the alternative. “So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, ‘Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election,’” he wrote, referring to a oft-invoked grievance he holds regarding the Federal Bureau of Investigation not disclosing an ongoing investigation into the younger Mr Biden in the run-up to the last presidential election. Mr Trump called his unsubstantiated allegations against the FBI “massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country,” and suggested a “remedy” would be to “declare the rightful winner,” meaning him. He added that a different “minimal solution” would be to “declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!” The ex-president’s come as he faces intensified legal peril from the FBI’s probe into whether he violated US laws against unauthorised possession of national defence information and obstruction of justice by keeping boxes of highly classified documents at his Palm Beach, Florida home after his term as president had ended.

Stiffed vendors, huge financial losses, and a trademark denial: Truth Social faces an uncertain future amid concerns over Trump's dwindling popularity and continued controversies. A company seeking to merge with Truth Social cited Trump's reputation as an "important factor" to its financial success in an SEC filing. As Trump contends with ongoing legal battles, Digital World said its financial footing "could be adversely affected." Truth Social is accused of stiffing a vendor out of more than $1 million in contractually obligated payments. A planned merger between the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), the business that created the Truth Social platform, and the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) Digital World Acquisition Corp, has been postponed indefinitely as the Securities and Exchange Commission investigates the platform's business dealings.

Intel officials to assess national security fallout from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago documents. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines confirmed the review in a letter to top lawmakers.

Trump search: What may come next in inquiry with legal peril. A newly released FBI document helps flesh out the contours of an investigation into classified material at former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate. But plenty of questions remain, especially because half the affidavit, which spelled out the FBI’s rationale for searching the property, was blacked out. That document, which the FBI submitted so it could get a warrant to search Trump’s winter home, provides new details about the volume and top secret nature of what was retrieved from Mar-a-Lago in January. It shows how Justice Department officials had raised concerns months before the search that closely held government secrets were being illegally stored — and then returned in August with a court-approved warrant and located even more classified records at the property.

Former president Donald Trump declared himself “as innocent as a person can be” in a Thursday rant after the FBI raided his home earlier this month. Mr Trump made the remarks on his networking platform Truth Social on Thursday, where he spouted off many tidbits of right-wing talking points and outright misinformation. “Even though I am as innocent as a person can be, and despite MY campaign being spied on by the Radical Left, the FISA COURT being lied to and defrauded, all of the many Hoaxes and Scams that were illegally placed on my by very sick & demented people, and without even mentioning the many crimes of Joe and Hunter Biden, all revealed in great detail in the Laptop From Hell, it looks more and more like the Fake News Media is pushing hard for the Sleaze to do something that should not be done,” he said.

An ally of former President Donald Trump triumphantly published a letter to Trump about his storage of government secrets at Mar-a-Lago on Monday. John Solomon, a conservative journalist with links to Trump, highlighted the letter for showing the arms-length involvement of President Joe Biden in the investigation that later led to the raid at Trump's home. But the document also revealed the previously-unknown scale of secret information contained in documents there, and how damaging officials thought it was to national security. The May 10 letter was from the National Archivist, a senior official at the agency that handles presidential records. Solomon was one of Trump's authorized liaisons to the National Archives. It was addressed from National Archivist Debra Wall to Trump's attorney, Evan Corcoran, and discussed 15 boxes of materials Trump's handed over in January, which it says contained 700 pages of classified material. "In its initial review of materials within those boxes, NARA identified items marked as classified national security information, up to the level of Top Secret and including Sensitive Compartmented Information and Special Access Program materials," Wall wrote.

Trump sues the federal government over the Mar-a-Lago raid, says his Fourth Amendment rights have been violated and asks for a special master to oversee the probe Filing calls the FBI raid a 'shockingly aggressive move' Suit seeks judicial relief an a Special Master to oversee materials Wants a detailed list of property seized by FBI agents in raid this month Demands return of any documbnts 'not within the scope' of search warrant Federal judge in Florida ordered DOJ to offer redactions for affidavit that buttressed search warrant Raid came after Trump removed 15 boxes of material Trump's suit describes back-and-forth between DOJ and president's staff It says documents were held in storage area with clothes and other items Trump called it an 'unnecessary, unwarranted, and unAmerican Break-In' Filing comes two weeks after the raid Trump said he is taking all actions to get them back so that he can return them to the Archives for a Trump presidential library

Understanding all the investigations former President Trump faces. The former president continues to face inquiries in several states.

Alan Dershowitz says every reputable attorney he's spoken with has told him their firms 'won't let them go anywhere near' Trump.

Trump hints he'll raid Clinton and Obama if he retakes the White House, shares post calling the FBI 'fascist' and an op-ed saying the Mar-a-Lago raid will get him re-elected after victorious night in Wyoming Former president shared an op-ed predicting 'he would be even more unrestrained as the 47th president than he was as the 45th' It warns of the 'boomerang' of history Suggests future Republican AG may raid homes of Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Comey Trump also tweeted an article in the American Spector that referenced the 'Fascist Bureau of Investigation' 'The Payback for Mar-a-Lago Will Be Brutal'

Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg will testify AGAINST company he's worked at for 42 years as part of deal to serve up to 100 days in jail for dodging $1.42 million in taxes and illegally giving employees perks Allen Weisselberg, Trump 's longtime financial chief, is expected to plead guilty Deal will require him to testify against the former president's company It does not require Weisselberg to turn on Trump himself His testimony could help prosecutors in their effort against Trump Organization Charged with evading taxes on income, rent for a Manhattan apartment, lease payments for two Mercedes-Benz vehicles and tuition for family members

Former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas outlined the branches of the 'Trump Crime Family' on Twitter. Trump Family soldiers @RepBoebert @RepMTG @RepMattGaetz @DrJohnEastman @RealCandaceO @charliekirk11 @JeffClarkUS @JennaEllisEsq @RepScottPerry @HawleyMO @VicToensing Michael Flynn Sidney Powell Steve Bannon Roger stone

Jared Kushner, Melania Trump, and many others have been pointed to as possible FBI informants following the raid on Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump’s private club in Southern Florida. The raid is reported to have been aimed at recovering documents containing classified information that was brought to the home after Mr Trump left the White House in January 2021. Fifteen boxes of documents were taken from the club by the National Archives earlier this year. The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that after a meeting in June with the FBI at Mar-a-Lago, someone with knowledge of the stored files told the authorities that there could be further classified documents stored at the club.

U.S. federal agents were looking for documents relating to nuclear weapons when they raided former President Donald Trump's home in Florida this week, the Washington Post reported on Thursday. It was not clear if such documents were recovered at the former president's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, the Post said. Reuters could not immediately confirm the report. The U.S. Justice Department asked a judge on Thursday to make public the warrant that authorized the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, after Trump, a Republican, portrayed it as political retribution.

EXCLUSIVE: 'I did nothing wrong': Trump says he will plead the FIFTH under oath this morning as he tears into New York AG Letitia James for her 'political attack and vendetta' while real criminals 'run rampant' Donald Trump has criticized New York Attorney General Letitia James' 'political attack on me, my family, and my great company' as he arrived to be grilled under oath in the investigation into his business practices In a statement exclusively obtained by, the former President says James campaigned on the policy of 'Get and Destroy Trump' and her probe is nothing more than a witch hunt He also confirmed he would plead the fifth under questioning and insists: 'I did nothing wrong' Trump called her 'a failed politician who has intentionally colluded with others to carry out this phony years-long crusade that has wasted countless taxpayer dollars, all in an effort to prop up her political career' He also tore into her focus on him, while 'New York is suffering its worst murder, drug, and overall crime rate in many decades' Eric Trump also slammed James' ploy to investigate the Trump family as a 'coordinated attack' The former president is facing a deposition from the New York Attorney General as part of a probe into his family's real estate business

ormer President Donald Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba referred to New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) — who has been investigating her client for years for evidence of suspected tax offenses — as a “Black bitch,” according to a lawsuit filed by Habba’s ex-legal assistant. Busiest of all may be Alina Habba and her law partner, Michael Madaio. They are Trump's attorneys for the Trump Tower-protester trial and two separate, labor-intensive legal battles with the attorney general's office. One is over James' demand for Trump's personal business documents, a matter for which Trump conditionally remains in contempt of court.

Eric Trump tells what REALLY happened in FBI raid: President's son says 30 agents REFUSED to hand over warrant, kicked lawyer off property, rifled through clothes - and how Mar-a-Lago staff refused to turn off security cameras Eric Trump recounted the Monday raid of his father's Mar-a-Lago residence in an exclusive interview with He said that they kicked Donald Trump's lawyer Christina Bobb off the property and made her wait at the end of a driveway during the raid Also said that FBI agents refused to provide a copy of the search warrant The former president's son said contrary to FBI direction, they refused to turn off security cameras at the Palm Beach estate

Federal agents took about a dozen boxes from Mar-a-Lago, Trump lawyer says. Christina Bobb also said that Florida magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart signed off on the warrant that allowed FBI agents to search the former president's Florida residence. Lindsey Halligan, another Trump attorney, also confirmed to POLITICO she was present at Mar-a-Lago for the search. Evan Corcoran, a lawyer who is also representing Trump in matters related to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and represents Trump ally Steve Bannon, is the lead attorney for the former president’s team. Corcoran did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

What We Know About the Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid. AUG 08, 20228:17 PM The full statement from Trump was: These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe! What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democrat National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States. The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, it just never ends. It is political targeting at the highest level! Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress. Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House. I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before. The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance in all polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped. I will continue to fight for the Great American People!

FBI executes search warrant at Trump's Mar-a-Lago, former President says. Updated 7:40 PM ET, Mon August 8, 2022 Trump declined to say why the FBI agents were at Mar-a-Lago, but the former President said the raid was unannounced and "they even broke into my safe." "My beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents," he said in a statement. The raid began early Monday morning and law enforcement personnel appeared to be focused on the area of the club where Trump's offices and personal quarters are, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Trump and Tucker Carlson laugh along as chants of 'Let's go Brandon' ring out across Bedminster golf club on third and final day of Donald's Saudi-backed LIV tournament Former President Trump was seen signing autographs and chatting with golfers on Sunday at the third day of the Saudi-funded golf tournament he is hosting He tossed his signature red caps up to fans in the stands and posed for pictures It's the same day he took to Truth Social to mock President Joe Biden for testing positive for COVID-19 again after testing negative for four days Trump, 76, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, 48, seemed to have a jovial conversation as they laughed and waved to the cameras at the tournament on Saturday The former president was also joined by his son, Eric, and his wife, Lara LIV has divided the world of sport and sparked protests from 9/11 families Some athletes refused to take part in protest against Saudi Arabia's track record of human rights abuses

Hungry Trump enjoys a burger and Diet Coke while relaxing with Jared Kushner and Caitlyn Jenner at his Bedminster golf club during controversial Saudi-backed LIV tournament Trump returned to his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Friday to the delight of fans They chanted 'four more years' as he emerged all smiles to greet golfers and mingle with supporters Trump watched the golfing while chowing down on one of his signature favorites - cheeseburgers and soda He did some mingling with guests, such as Caitlyn Jenner and Charles Barkley; the former NBA star was reportedly offered a broadcast contract with LIV At 1pm, a parachutist descended from a small plane over the course with a US flag and a LIV Golf flag But in the nearby town, heartbroken families of 9/11 victims protested Trump's business with the Saudis 'We’re standing in the backyard of where people were turned to dust,' Brett Eagleson said on Friday His father was killed in the attack that took place just 50 miles from where Trump's tournament was held

Donald Trump left the White House in January 2021 and is still using the presidential seal at his New Jersey golf club. At the LIV Golf Invitational tournament at Trump’s Bedminster, N.J., course, the seal has been widely visible, according to the Washington Post. And that could be a violation of federal law.

Ivana Trump spent a stint in Malibu rehab where she insisted her name was 'Maria', was accompanied by a young man called Roberto and treated rehabbers to a CHAMPAGNE lunch to celebrate the end of the program, Guinness heiress claims Ivana, 73, passed away last week after falling down the stairs at her townhouse in the Upper East Side Author Ivana Lowell has revealed that she spent time with the socialite in a Malibu rehab The pair bonded over their same first name, with Ivana demanding to be called 'Maria' during her stay She was accompanied by a man called 'Roberto' who went with her on various shopping sprees

If you had to sum up the Trump administration in a series of five pictures, what would they be?

Jay Bazzinotti's answer to Did Donald Trump make America great again after four years as boss, human rights, economy, military, diplomatically, and health care? in Corruption: Trump and GOP

Essay: Macho Man Mona Eltahawy Oct 20, 2020

A variety of Trump watchers have tracked Donald Trump’s business failures, lawsuits and assorted controversies. Now, Trump's social media venture has released a rap sheet cataloguing the many stains on his long business career. This remarkable disclosure occurs on page 107 of the registration statement Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 16, providing key details of its planned merger with Trump’s new company, Trump Media & Technology Group. DWAC is a so-called blank check company set up last year that in October announced a deal to merge with Trump’s company, including the Truth Social messaging app. DWAC’s shares soared from $10 to $94 on the news. The shares now trade around $45. The registration statement provides details relevant to shareholders, including risks they might want to know about. That’s where the fun begins. Many of the risks posted in 66 pages of disclosures are boilerplate startup concerns, such as tough competition or possible financing difficulty. Then comes a section you won’t see in any other business filing: “Risks Related to our Chairman President Donald J. Trump.” This section includes five basic parts: A list of lawsuits Trump is involved in; a fraud charge the government levied against a Trump company 23 years ago; a list of Trump companies that have filed for bankruptcy; another set of Trump ventures that failed without declaring bankruptcy; and the rules governing Trump’s role in the company. Most of the information isn’t new, but this tidy compilation amounts to overt acknowledgement that Trump isn’t the business genius he makes himself out to be.

Trump Crime Family, Rape, Racism, Election Lies, archived May 18, 2022

These qualities make a great leader — and president Surrounds themselves with competence not sycophants

My extreme frustration with Joe Biden and his administration motivated me to find sources on leadership. The following content is exclusively from the Champlain College Online. I will add a comment or two but this non-political list from the Champlain College is very instructive. Think of Donald Trump versus Biden when you review the list and try to be objective.

  1. VISION — See the big picture...and what it takes to get there. Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  2. INSPIRATION — Convey that vision to others, and get them excited about it. Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  3. STRATEGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING — Understand your strengths, weaknesses and course correct. Trump was a businessman and learned this lesson early in life. Biden was a 35-year, secure member of the U.S. Senate. Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  4. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION — Interact in a way that feels genuine. Trump was not perfect in the traditional “presidential” mode, but he was as genuine as you could be with his fearless personal style and love of America. Biden comes across as a tired, insincere and occasionally angry person. Advantage Trump.
  5. AUTHENTICITY & SELF-AWARENESS — Be self-aware of your flaws and don’t try to fit a mold set by others. Try to not make an emotional decision because of tweets. Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  6. OPEN MINDEDNESS & CREATIVITY — Be open to new ideas, possibilities and perspectives. Be able to listen, observe and change. Trump the human dynamo versus Biden? Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  7. FLEXIBILITY — Be adaptable and nimble and stop, reassess and determine a new course. Trump renegotiated bad deals with other countries while Biden seems to be wandering aimlessly. Advantage Trump.
  8. RESPONSIBILITY & DEPENDABILITY—This applies to your individual work. Trump was a workaholic who called Biden "Sleepy Joe." Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  9. PATIENCE & TENACITY — Take the long view whether strategic, situational or a goal. Trump, as mentioned earlier was a force of nature and a powerful leader. Biden is not a leader. He seems afraid of the press and is using prepared answers in his notes. Advantage Trump. Easy one.
  10. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT — Perfection is a myth. Trump was not perfect by tweeting excessively, but he felt he had no choice when single-handedly battling the media. Biden's reluctance to fire people reveals a tolerance for incompetence. Advantage Trump. Easy one.
So, there you have it. The list is from a great source, and you can agree or disagree with my commentary, but I feel I am on solid ground in criticizing our unfortunate predicament of being led by a man who has very little to offer in the way of leadership qualities. read the original list:

Mike Zuroick lives in Langhorne.

'I've got much more important things to do than being on the cover of Vogue': Melania attacks 'biased' Anna Wintour for putting Jill Biden on cover but failing to do same for her when she was First Lady Melania Trump has spoken out against Vogue editor-in-Chief, Anna Wintour Former first lady never graced the cover of the magazine while at White House Jill Biden and Kamala Harris were both been on the front cover during 2021 Michelle Obama posed for three covers during her husband's two terms Hillary Clinton was the first wife of a President to pose on the cover in 1998 Plenty of others haven't appeared including Laura Bush and Barbara Bush.

Trump hosts MAGA ball at Mar-a-Lago: Kyle Rittenhouse, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert join ex-president's faithful allies at premiere of the election fraud film 2,000 Mules Trump allowed his Florida resort to be used for the red carpet premiere of conservative filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza's new movie 2,000 Mules The 'documentary' further builds on Trump's baseless 2020 fraud claims A veritable who's-who of Trump world was present, including MLK's niece Alveda King, a host of GOP reps. as well as former Trump White House aides It comes after Hollywood and Washington dressed their best for the White House Correspondents Dinner and the NYC Met Gala within the last week

President Trump forced governors to flatter him and ask 'nicely' to get vital federal disaster aid, a new book says. Former President Donald Trump made governors flatter him personally for federal aid after natural disasters, a new book says. The revelations are made in an upcoming book, "This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America's Future," by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns, according to The Independent. In the book, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, a Republican, said Trump told governors who wanted aid: "You have to call and ask me nicely." Hogan claimed that Trump had a policy in which only Texas and Florida, two states with governors Trump considered close allies, would be given federal aid when needed without question.

JARED KUSHNER FLAUNTED HIS INFLUENCE WITH SAUDI ARABIA, RUSSIA IN PITCH TO INVESTORS. Affinity Partners boasts of “accelerating transformation through connectivity” in a slide deck obtained by The Intercept.

Grifters gonna grift. Trump Swooped In and Published Own Book Using White House Photographer’s Portfolio. Donald Trump hijacked White House staff photographer Shealah Craighead’s book deal by taking her images and publishing them in a book of his own, the New York Times reported Thursday. Published in December, “Our Journey Together” makes Trump the first former president to attempt to personally profit from a White House photographer’s planned book. Since Ronald Reagan, it has been tradition for the official White House photographer to publish a book of their most notable images of the president under which they served. According to the article, Craighead had already secured a publishing deal – including a six-figure advance – when she notified the White House about the book. Trump had also agreed to write the forward, as is custom for presidents to do. But her plan began to fall apart when Trump’s aides asked for a share of the profits for the forward and for helping promote the book. His team later asked her to delay publishing the book so that Trump could publish a book of his own using the work of Craighead and other White House photographers, for which he received a multimillion-dollar advance. The book, which is retailing for up to $230 apiece, sold out its first 300,000 copies for an estimated gross of $20 million. It’s sold on the website of Winning Team Publishing, the company co-founded by Donald Trump Jr. and Republican campaign operative Sergio Gor.

EXCLUSIVE: Rev your engines! Buxom reality star Frenchy Morgan takes center stage at invite-only vintage car event at Mar-A-Lago and gets to meet President Trump Reality star Frenchy Morgan, 46, got an exclusive invite to an vintage car event at Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago club last weekend Frenchy - real name Angelique Morgan, 46 - is seen in exclusive photos from the event She wore a pink bikini around the upscale club, held a pink Trump 2024 flag, wore a pink bedazzled Trump baseball hat and a flashy MAGA purse The Paris-born TV star was even able to meet the former president when he came out to greet his guests During their interaction, she called the former president 'Daddy Trump'

Donald Trump sues Hillary Clinton, others over Russian collusion allegations. "Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty," the former president alleged in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Florida. Trump, who beat Democratic nominee Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, alleges "racketeering" and a "conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood," among other claims. Trump's allegations in the lawsuit are undermined by a 966-page report issued by a Republican-led U.S. Senate committee in August 2020. That report concluded that Russia used Republican political operative Paul Manafort and the WikiLeaks website to try to help Trump win the 2016 election. Manafort worked on Trump's presidential campaign for five months in 2016.

Trump forgoes playing fan-favorite song YMCA at his South Carolina rally Saturday after dubbing it the 'gay national anthem' - and instead plays Hold On I’m Coming by Sam & Dave Donald Trump did not play Village People hit YMCA at his Saturday rally in a windy and cold Florence, South Carolina Came after he called the song the 'gay national anthem' in a podcast interview Former president ended his rally Saturday with 1966 song Hold On I'm Coming by duo Sam & Dave Trump sat for a wide-ranging interview with the Full Send podcast Wednesday Bragged about his 'high aptitude' for music while talking about his new gig as a disc jockey at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida Trump said he had 'a lot of good selections' and 'people love it when I do it' Trump is known for playing Village People hits YMCA and Macho Man at rallies

Melania Trump slams the 'inaccurate' New York Times for saying her up to $50,000-a-table high tea has been postponed over questions about the investigation into her charity that 'doesn't exist' Melania Trump slams New York Times report that fundraiser she was attending was canceled after charity didn't register with state of Florida Trump says April fundraiser rescheduled for December Trump: 'As a result of the New York Times' inaccurate reporting, we captured the attention of way more people than expected and required a larger venue' New York Times reported the 'Tulips & Topiaries' was canceled because the charity didn't exist - it hadn't registered with state Organizer said he was originally advised he didn't need to register but did so after a state investigation began into event

A law clerk repeatedly had to tell Trump's lawyer to stop interrupting the judge while she ranted about political bias and right-wing conspiracy theories. "When the judge speaks, you have to stop speaking," the clerk told Trump's lawyer, Alina Habba.

Melania Trump issues rare statement calling press ‘dream killers’ for reporting on Florida charity investigation. Former first lady claims media reports on a Florida probe into a charity event she promoted are part of an attempt to ‘cancel’ her. grifter

Florida Reportedly Probing Melania Trump Tea For Charity That Doesn't Seem To Exist. All the documents are "in the works," the former first lady said of an "exclusive high tea," which is already selling tickets for up to $50,000. According to information from Trump’s office, the tea will raise money for the charity Fostering the Future, which is described as an initiative of Be Best, the anti-bullying mission launched by Trump when she was living in the White House. Money is supposed to fund computer science scholarships to young people who have been in foster care, according to the ticket sales site. Tickets for a VIP table sponsor cost $50,000. Patron tickets are going for $3,000. But no such charity is registered in Florida, the Times reported. Nor does it appear to exist anywhere else.

Read NPR's full interview with former President Donald Trump. Donald Trump abruptly ended an interview with NPR on Tuesday after he was repeatedly called out on his baseless claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. A video of the interview, published Wednesday morning, shows Trump becoming increasingly irritated as NPR’s Steve Inskeep asks him why he’s still pushing debunked conspiracy theories about his 2020 defeat.

Dallas crowd HECKLES Trump when he reveals he's had a COVID booster: Tells audience 'you're playing right into their hands' when you doubt the vaccine.

Trump accused of 'vile anti-Semitism' for saying American Jews 'no longer love or care about Israel' because of Biden, Obama and the 'Jewish people' who run the New York Times. Trump has claimed that Jews in America 'no longer love Israel,' and that evangelical Christians love it more. 'It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress and today I think it's the exact opposite,' Trump said. 'I think Obama and Biden did that,' the former president continued. 'Yet in the election they still get a lot of votes from the Jewish people'

Trump kicked of a four-event 'History Tour' with conservative media personality Bill O'Reilly in Sunrise, Florida on Saturday evening . According to the Sentinel, the event location at FLA Live Arena had many empty seats – so much so that the top level of the venue was closed and ticket buyers were 'upgraded' to the lower levels. The Huffington Post noted that tickets remained for the event in Sunrise on Saturday. And there are still available tickets for the remaining three days of the tour in Orlando, Florida on Sunday; Houston, Texas next Saturday; and Dallas, Texas next Sunday.

Trump starts speaking tour in Florida as shows fail to sell out. The tickets that have sold cost $100 each, and VIP and premium tickets were available for several thousand dollars. Former President Donald Trump will kick off his four-date speaking tour with former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Saturday, though tickets have far from sold out. With only days before the tour is slated to start, Newsweek discovered that none of the events have sold out, and that tickets were still widely available. However, just because shows have not sold out does not mean they haven't made the former president and the sex scandal plagued former Fox News pundit money; more than 1,000 tickets have been sold between the two Florida speaking venues. The tickets that have sold cost $100 each, and VIP and premium tickets were available for several thousand dollars. The tour, dubbed the "History Tour," will start on Saturday at the FLA Live Arena in Sunrise Florida, with a second speaking engagement scheduled the next day at the Amway Centre in Orlando.

Trump accuses former ally Netanyahu of disloyalty: 'F--- him'. Former President Trump blasted Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing the former Israeli prime minister of disloyalty while using profanity to criticize the former ally for his congratulatory message to President Biden following the 2020 election, according to an Axios report. Trump touted that he helped Netanyahu, now the opposition leader in Israel, in his own election efforts, reversed decades of U.S. policy in Israel's favor and supported Israel's claim to land that was seized in war, while continuing to incorrectly claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him, reports The Associated Press. "The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. ... Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake," Trump said, according to Axios. "[Netanyahu] was very early — like, earlier than most. I haven’t spoken to him since. F--- him," Trump said according to Axios.

Stephen Miller (born August 23, 1985) is an American political advisor who served as a senior advisor for policy and White House director of speechwriting to President Donald Trump. His politics have been described as far-right and anti-immigration. He was previously the communications director for then-Senator Jeff Sessions. He was also a press secretary for U.S. representatives Michele Bachmann and John Shadegg.

Key revelations from the new book by Trump's former chief of staff Mark Meadows.

Trump draws attention with admission he 'fired Comey'. Former President Trump is drawing attention after giving an interview in which he admitted to firing ex-FBI Director James Comey and suggested that doing so allowed him to remain in office for four years. "A lot of people say to me, how you survived is one of the most incredible things," Trump told Fox News host Mark Levin in an interview that aired Sunday night. "Don’t forget, I fired Comey. Had I not fired Comey, you might not be talking to me right now about a beautiful book of four years at the White House, and we’ll see about the future. The future is going to be very interesting," Trump continued.

'Joe Biden Stole Christmas': Trump puts out ad attacking President over supply chain crisis and warns he could 'take America to a point where it can’t come back'. Trump has been on Fox News promoting his new book Our Journey Together.

OXFORD, Michigan—school shooting. Detailed descriptions of a wish to massacre classmates on his cellphone and in a journal. At least one social media post pointing to elation at access to a handgun bought by his dad. A mom who thanked Trump for “my right to bear arms.” And a meeting between his parents and school administrators about his conduct just hours before the attack. The boy’s father, James Crumbley, 45, has worked as a tech salesman and recently ran into legal trouble in Florida over child-support payments. A spokesperson for his last employer, a San Francisco-based company called Monarch that provides GPS tracking to the transportation industry, said Crumbley “briefly worked... as an independent contractor from February to July 2021” and “was terminated for reasons unrelated to this incident.” Ethan Crumbley’s mother, Jennifer Crumbley, 43, worked as a real estate broker in the Oxford area, but her staff bio has now been taken down. Although James’ online presence demonstrates a preference for the Seattle Seahawks, his posts were not overtly political. Jennifer, however, penned an open letter to President-elect Donald Trump, which she posted on her blog, in November 2016. “Mr. Trump, I actually love that you are a bad public speaker because that showed sincerity, and humility,” she wrote. “You changed your mind, and you said ‘so what.’ You made the famous ‘grab them in the pussy’ comment, did it offend me? No. I say things all the time that people take the wrong way, do I mean them, not always. Do I agree that you should of [sic] shown your tax returns? No. I don’t care what you do or maybe don’t pay in taxes, I think those are personal and if the Gov’t can lock someone up over $10,000 of unpaid taxes and you slipped on by, then that shows the corruption.” Crumbley went on to tell Trump that she hoped he would “really uncover the politicians for what I believe they really are,” and that he might “shut down Big Pharma, make health care affordable for me and my MIDDLE CLASS family again.” She was in favor of Trump’s long-promised border wall, and noted that she was “not racist” because her grandfather “came straight off the boat in Italy.” “As a female and a Realtor, thank you for allowing my right to bear arms,” the letter continued. “Allowing me to be protected if I show a home to someone with bad intentions. Thank you for respecting that Amendment.” She complained about parents at other schools where the “kids come from illegal immigrant parents” and “don’t care about learning.” It was signed, “A hard working Middle Class Law Abiding Citizen who is sick of getting fucked in the ass and would rather be grabbed by the pussy.”

Michael Cohen Says Prosecutors ‘Are Going After Donald, Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka’ “I truly believe that [prosecutors] can indict Donald Trump tomorrow if they really wanted, and be successful,” Trump’s former personal attorney said of New York law enforcement’s investigation of the Trump Organization.

New Trouble for Trump: His Company Is Accused of a Major Insurance Scam. Two former insiders tell ‘Rolling Stone’ that Trump’s team attempted to turn a storm into a massive payday — part of a pattern of shady insurance practices that have caught law enforcement’s attention.

Trump criticizes media for treating Powell 'beautifully' in death. "Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media. Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!"

Steve Bannon, the chairman of the Trump campaign and a White House strategist, was a frequent visitor to Epstein’s New York mansion. A former Epstein associate, who spoke to Rolling Stone anonymously for fear of professional reprisal, recalled being introduced to Bannon at Epstein’s Manhattan home. “He was the main person that [Epstein] would brag about to literally everyone. It wasn’t a secret,” this person said. Epstein “loved having this ‘one famous person’ around that he would talk about and introduce to everyone. Almost like [he was] using Bannon to get more people to accept him. That’s my sense.” Bannon did not respond to several messages left seeking comment. His spokesperson declined to comment on the record. Billionaires with scandal and nasty allegations swirling around them seem to be the company Bannon likes to keep.

Former Trump attorneys are now steering clear of him, partly because he fails to pay, report claims. List includes William Burk, who represented Trump figures in the Russia investigation.

Melania Trump’s Real Reason for Swatting Donald Trump’s Hand Still Suggests Their Marriage Was Rocky. Mrs. Trump ‘slapped’ her husband’s hand away that day because she thought it was against protocol to hold hands at such a formal ceremony,” she explained. The former Trump aide calls Melania “a rule follower” and Donald would sometimes try to antagonize her because he knew it would upset her. “He often tried to hold her hand or messed with her hands on purpose in front of the camera to irritate her,” she wrote.

Donald Trump Falls Off The Forbes 400 For First Time In 25 Years. onald Trump is worth an estimated $2.5 billion, leaving him $400 million short of the cutoff to make this year’s Forbes 400 list of America’s richest people. The real estate mogul is just as wealthy as he was a year ago, when he stood at No. 339 on the ranking, but he is down $600 million since the start of the pandemic. Technology stocks, cryptocurrencies and other assets have thrived in the COVID era. But big-city properties—which make up the bulk of Trump’s fortune—have languished, knocking the former president out of the nation’s most-exclusive club. If Trump is looking for someone to blame, he can start with himself. Five years ago, he had a golden opportunity to diversify his fortune. Fresh off the 2016 election, federal ethics officials were pushing Trump to divest his real estate assets. That would have allowed him to reinvest the proceeds into broad-based index funds and assume office free of conflicts of interest.

Former Trump aide Omarosa, newly freed from her NDA, suggests Trump won't 'be healthy enough' for a 2024 run.

Trump asks U.S. judge to force Twitter to restart his account. Trump filed a request for preliminary injunction against Twitter in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, arguing the social media company was "coerced" by members of the U.S. Congress to suspend his account. Twitter "exercises a degree of power and control over political discourse in this country that is immeasurable, historically unprecedented, and profoundly dangerous to open democratic debate," Trump's lawyers said in the filing. The filing was reported earlier by Bloomberg.

Trump donor: Corey Lewandowski made unwanted sexual advances. The longtime Trump aide harassed her at a charity event, a major Republican Party contributor alleges. A Donald Trump donor is accusing Corey Lewandowski, one of the former president’s longtime top aides, of making unwanted sexual advances toward her at a Las Vegas charity event over the weekend. Trashelle Odom, the wife of Idaho construction executive John Odom, alleges that Lewandowski repeatedly touched her, including on her leg and buttocks, and spoke to her in sexually graphic terms. Odom said that Lewandowski “stalked” her throughout the evening.

'Stephanie was angry and bitter after her break-up and had big problems': Trump says Melania's ex-press secretary memoir shouldn't be taken seriously because she was 'seldom relied upon' and is being paid by 'radical left publisher'

Twitterless Trump trashes Lindsey Graham in late-night email rampage whining that his coup attempt failed. It started after 8 p.m. eastern when Trump trashed the 43rd president of the United States as a "Republican in Name Only" (RINO). Trump's rage against his own party then turned to his complaints that the media has seen "evidence" of election fraud, even though he went on to say such evidence was not yet public. "Why is the Fake News Media continuing on their path of saying, 'baseless and disproven lies,' concerning the Presidential Election of 2020, no matter how much evidence they see?" Trump wondered, even though his lies of election fraud have been thoroughly debunked. It was then time for GOP Senators to share the hot seat. "I spent virtually no time with Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the 'Crime of the Century.' Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win," Trump said of his failed coup attempt. Trump was apparently referring to reports in the new book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa that Lee and Graham had investigated claims of election fraud and found they "added up to nothing."

Decertify the ‘Illegitimate’ Election, Says Man Under Investigation for Election Interference. Donald Trump, who lies a lot, tells Georgia officials that “the truth must be allowed to come out”

Trump predicts America will cease to exist in three years in rambling Newsmax interview. The former US president also claimed Joe Biden is ‘worse than Obama’.

'Drunk' Giuliani imitates the Queen, denies hanging out with Prince Andrew and 'young girls', and calls top US general an 'ass***e' in unhinged rant during 9/11 commemoration dinner Giuliani spoke at Cipriani restaurant in New York City on Saturday night Annual dinner is held to commemorate the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks Former New York City mayor went on rant and appeared to be intoxicated

EXCLUSIVE: 'She knows where all the bodies are buried because she buried them herself!' Melania's former chief of staff Stephanie Grisham is publishing a tell-all book and she's already been warned that the Trumps are going to 'strike back hard' Melania Trump's former chief of staff Stephanie Grisham will publish a memoir next month that will reportedly detail 'where the bodies are buried' The book: 'I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in The Trump White House', will reveal 'surprising new scandals' from Trump's turbulent four years in office 'She is going for it, telling her truth, and letting the chips fall where they may,' a source close to the publication told The source says that Grisham has been 'warned that the Trumps are going to strike back hard' Grisham was seen as Melania's enforcer and protector and was one of the few people who saw the former First Lady and Trump in their private residence A source close to the publishers said: 'Grisham knows where all the bodies are buried because she buried a lot of them herself' Grisham has kept a low profile since resigning on January 6th as Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol Her 'top secret' memoir was kept under wraps until its news broke with just a month to go until the release

Stephanie Grisham has quietly written a top-secret memoir of her four years in Donald Trump's White House, and a publishing source says she'll reveal "surprising new scandals." A former West Wing colleague of Grisham's tells Axios: "When I heard this, all I could think about was Stephanie surrounded by a lake of gasoline, striking a match with a grin on her face." A source close to the publication told Axios: "Grisham knows where all the bodies are buried because she buried a lot of them herself."

Trump’s Weird New Rant About Robert E. Lee Contains A Baffling 3-Word Claim. I don’t know where to start with this one. “Except for Gettysburg” he would have won the war? Like, except for D-Day, Hitler would have won WWII? And as for reconciliation after the Civil War, it was Grant who interceded to saved Lee from indictment for treason. And so on….

Trump Crime Family, Rape, Racism, Election Lies. archived September 09, 2021

Melania Trump is telling friends she has no interest in being first lady again despite her husband's 2024 teases, report says. "Not unlike 2016, Melania Trump has no intention really of joining the campaign," CNN's Kate Bennett said on Sunday. "I've spoken to people who said that she's not even really interested in being in the White House again, going through being first lady again." Several of Melania Trump's friends told the outlet she has no interest in returning the White House, let alone helping if her husband decides to run.

Trump helped bankroll Senate audit, texts suggest. In an April text exchange with audit spokesman Randy Pullen, Trump campaign official and former Arizona state treasurer Jeff DeWit offered to send $175,000 to the Guardian Defense Fund, a dark-money fund run by Rep. Mark Finchem, R-Oro Valley, where Pullen serves as treasurer. A dark-money fund is not required to disclose its funders. Finchem is also running for secretary of state. DeWit later asked about a second nonprofit that contributed money to the audit, Fund the Audit by The America Project. “So they are ok to donate to? Trump asking,” he texted Pullen on April 28.

Bone spur quarterbacking

Trump suggests Osama bin Laden wasn’t ‘a monster’ and had ‘only one hit’ in new interview. Trump boasts in an interview Laden wasn’t the ‘nastier’ terrorists his administration had taken out. Mr Trump, in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday, boasted about operations in which the US took out “nastier” terrorists during his time at the Oval Office. “Isis is tougher than the Taliban, and nastier than the Taliban. And Isis was watching, and then they were, they didn’t exist anymore,” Mr Trump said in the interview. “And we took out the founder of Isis, al-Baghdadi, and then of course Soleimani. Now just so you understand, Soleimani is bigger by many, many times than Osama bin Laden. The founder of Isis is bigger by many, many times, al-Baghdadi than Osama bin Laden,” he added. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an Iraqi militant who rose to become the leader of Islamic State, died in a raid by US special forces in northwest Syria in 2019. In January 2020 a US drone strike in Iraq killed top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani who led the elite Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards.

Maybe You Don’t Want to Be In Business With Jared Kushner. He’s “re-entering the private sector” with his own financial firm — so as a public service, my own tale of doing a deal with him.

Former President Trump on Saturday slammed the Senate's $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package just hours before the upper chamber is scheduled to vote on winding down debate, calling the bill a “disgrace” and pushing GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) to negotiate a better deal. The ex-commander in chief issued the message from his Save America PAC, accusing Republican leaders of satisfying the policy agenda of Democrats and telling GOP senators to think “twice before you approve this terrible deal.” “Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill is a disgrace,” Trump wrote. “If Mitch McConnell was smart, which we’ve seen no evidence of, he would use the debt ceiling card to negotiate a good infrastructure package.” Trump went on to express doubt that lawmakers have actually read through the entirety of the 2,700-page infrastructure proposal, arguing, “they would have needed to take speed reading courses.” “It is a gift to the Democrat Party, compliments of Mitch McConnell and some RINOs, who have no idea what they are doing,” he added. Trump, who has used his platform in recent months to throw his support behind allied congressional candidates running in 2022, warned Saturday that the “infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024.” “It will be very hard for me to endorse anyone foolish enough to vote in favor of this deal,” he cautioned, a potential threat for anyone aiming to bank off of the support from Trump, who remains one of the most powerful members of the Republican Party months after leaving the Oval Office.

Today, Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, the Chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, released handwritten notes taken by then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard P. Donoghue of a December 27, 2020, phone call with former President Donald J. Trump and former Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. These notes reveal attempts by former President Trump to directly pressure the two most senior officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ) to overturn the certified results of the 2020 election or risk losing their jobs. “These handwritten notes show that President Trump directly instructed our nation’s top law enforcement agency to take steps to overturn a free and fair election in the final days of his presidency,” Chairwoman Maloney said. “The Committee has begun scheduling interviews with key witnesses to investigate the full extent of the former President’s corruption, and I will exercise every tool at my disposal to ensure all witness testimony is secured without delay.”

Top U.S. General Said Trump Preached ‘Gospel of the Führer’. Although the book chronicles Milley’s concern with Trump dating back to that moment, the general’s worries grew rapidly as the president plunged the nation into chaos following Election Day. Seven days later, Milley got a call from “an old friend” with an explicit warning that Trump and his allies were trying to “overturn the government.” Milley was confident that any attempts by Trump to hold on to power would be thwarted, because the military wouldn’t go along. “They may try, but they’re not going to fucking succeed,” he told aides. “You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with guns.” On January 6, Milley watched with disgust as Trump addressed his supporters. Soon after Trump finished speaking, a violent mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the certification of the presidential election by a joint session of Congress — and many promised to return for Biden’s inauguration. “These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II,” Milley said a week after the attack on the Capitol. After Biden took the oath of office on January 20, and Trump was finally an ex-president, former First Lady Michelle Obama encountered Milley at the Capitol and asked how he was feeling. “No one has a bigger smile today than I do,” he said. “You can’t see it under my mask but I do.”

Fact check: Untethered to reality, Trump lies over and over about the 2020 election at CPAC.

Trump says being impeached twice didn't change him: 'I became worse' “He became a different man when the Democrats viciously stated that they wanted to impeach him. They went wild. We want to impeach him. We're gonna impeach Bill Barr. We're gonna impeach him. He became different. I understand that. I didn't become different. I got impeached twice. I became worse,” Trump said, garnering applause from the crowd. “I became worse,” he emphasized.

'He's always buzzed': Trump's aides believed Rudy Giuliani was often DRUNK and feared former president's personal lawyer, 77, was growing senile, explosive new Michael Wolff book claims

A reporter asked Trump, "Because so much of your banning (on social media platforms) has to do with comments you made around Jan. 6, just to clarify further, what did you do to stop the insurrection as some people call it, and why were you not able to stop it?" In his answer, Trump called the storming of the Capitol an "unfortunate event" and pivoted to the death of Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old San Diego woman who was shot and killed by a U.S. Capitol Police officer when a crowd of rioters was trying to force its way into the House chamber. "The person that shot Ashli Babbitt — boom — right through the head — just boom — there was no reason for that," Trump said. "And why isn’t that person being opened up, and why isn’t that being studied? They’ve already written it off. They said that case is closed. If that were the opposite, that case would be going on for years and years, and it would not be pretty." First, we should note that the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for Washington, D.C., determined that Babbitt was struck in the front left shoulder, not the head. Beyond that, Trump’s assertion that "there was no reason" for the shooting goes beyond saying that, in his opinion, the shooting was unjustified. Rather, he’s saying there’s no possible argument to support it. However, even if one disagrees with the Justice Department’s determination not to prosecute the officer for the shooting, video evidence demonstrates that the officer was facing an angry mob near the House chamber. Experts told PolitiFact that the situation involved a risk of serious bodily harm to either law enforcement or lawmakers, which is a longstanding defense made and upheld by the courts in police shootings.

Trump got distracted by the word 'nuclear' during a bizarre press conference about his latest lawsuit. "My team is demanding an end to the shadow banning, a stop to the silencing, a stop to the blacklisting, vanishing, and canceling," he said in an email soliciting funds for the lawsuit. "We will not rest until we've achieved a MAJOR VICTORY for the American People."

Pay Arrangement Named In Trump Org Indictment Linked To Ivanka Trump. Allen Weisselberg is in trouble for collecting “non-employee compensation” while company CFO — similar to a reported arrangement involving Ivanka Trump. The probe involved Trump Organization tax write-offs on “millions of dollars in consulting fees, some of which appear to have gone to Ivanka Trump,” sources told the Times — though there was no indication at the time that the former president’s daughter was a target of the investigation, the newspaper noted. The Associated Press also reported last year that the attorney general sent a subpoena to the Trump Organization for records related to consulting fees paid to Ivanka Trump while she was also a senior executive at the Trump Organization. The Times reported Friday that both New York City and state investigators had issued subpoenas last year for information on tax write-offs for “millions of dollars of consulting fees” paid to TTT consulting, a limited liability company set up for Trump’s eldest three children. Only fees paid to Ivanka Trump in the last few years are publicly known, however, because she was required to reveal fees as a White House adviser.

Look at all the bored Trump fans walking out right during his speech.

Former President Trump on Monday lashed out at Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), incensed by a forthcoming book that reports McConnell urged former Attorney General William Barr to push back on Trump's falsehoods after November's election. Trump implied that had McConnell intervened to block the certification of President Biden's electoral votes, the Senate GOP leader would not be in a position where he is navigating bipartisan infrastructure talks. "Had Mitch McConnell fought for the Presidency like he should have, there would right now be Presidential Vetoes on all of the phased Legislation that he has proven to be incapable of stopping," Trump said in a Monday statement, reiterating his belief that Republicans lost both Senate runoff races in Georgia in January because of McConnell. "He never fought for the White House and blew it for the Country," Trump said. "Too bad I backed him in Kentucky, he would have been primaried and lost!"

Excerpts from three upcoming books revealed previously unknown efforts by then-President Donald Trump to abuse the powers of his office to overturn the 2020 election, deploy the military against racial justice protests and prosecute his political opponents. The excerpts also shed new light on Trump's increasingly unstable mindset in his final year. They portrayed a president who was obsessed with self-serving conspiracy theories and surrounded by aides who knew he was delusional but were too afraid to tell him the truth.

‘Crack their skulls’: The latest book on Trump shows America had a narrow escape. Trump reportedly called for the military to go in and ‘beat the f**k out of’ Black Lives Matter protesters – and several times, he told officials to ‘just shoot them’. "That's how you're supposed to handle these people," Trump told his top law enforcement and military officials, according to Bender. "Crack their skulls!" Trump also told his team that he wanted the military to go in and "beat the f--k out" of the civil rights protesters, Bender writes. "Just shoot them," Trump said on multiple occasions inside the Oval Office, according to the excerpts.

‘I Made Juneteenth Very Famous’: The Inside Story of Trump’s Post-George Floyd Month.

‘He’s screwed over so many publishers’: Trump confronts a skeptical book industry. The former president insists he has offers from two of the “most prestigious publishing houses.” None of the major five said they extended one.

Donald Trump interview 1980 (Rona Barrett) hard to stomach

Roger Stone claims Steve Bannon blackmailed Trump to receive his pardon. ‘Come on, sloppy Steve. We can find you a suit and tie that is clean, I think, and you should come on Infowars and answer what I just said,’ Roger Stone says.

Trump is telling people he thinks he'll be 'reinstated' as president in August, according to a report. Former President Donald Trump is reportedly floating another idea about unlawfully taking power. Trump is said to have echoed a far-right conspiracy theory that he'll be "reinstated." Pro-Trump personalities such as MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have pushed the baseless claim for months. In Lindell's telling, August would be when he would go to the Supreme Court to present evidence the pillow tycoon says he acquired on January 9. Lindell claims the evidence will be so convincing that the justices will be forced to reject the 2020 election results. Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon's podcast has amplified the conspiracy theory, with Lindell and others going on the show to promote it with minimal pushback. The Bannon podcast remains influential among GOP lawmakers hoping to avoid a primary challenge while seeking reelection. Dozens of lawsuits related to the election have been filed by Trump lawyers and other Republicans, and all of them have failed.

“Rudy Giuliani is a great patriot. He just loves this country, and they raid his apartment,” Trump complained to Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo on Thursday morning. “It’s, like, so unfair and it’s such a double standard like I don’t think anybody’s ever seen before... It’s very, very unfair. Rudy is a patriot who loves this country, and I don’t know what they’re looking for or what they’re doing.” Trump rips raid on 'great patriot' Rudy Giuliani's apartment as 'very unfair'

Many Trump employees got away with power abuses. Mike Pompeo shouldn't be one of them. Pompeo's worst abuses — rooted in extreme politicization of the State Department — were devastating to U.S. interests around the globe.

Father-of-five Trump brags about his success as a dad and takes a veiled swipe at Biden by saying the key to raising amazing kids is no drugs or alcohol

Trump tells crowd daughter-in-law Lara IS running for Senate during surprise appearance at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser for charity rescuing dogs from China. Fat pics of Trump.

Lara Trump-linked dog rescue charity spent $2m on Trump properties. Florida-based Big Dog Ranch Rescue has spent as much as $1,883,160 on fundraising costs for events at Mar-a-Lago.

Former president, private citizen and, perhaps, criminal defendant: Donald Trump’s new reality. By George T. Conway III JANUARY 22, 2021. Here's my 5022-word essay on why three or four Justice Department special prosecutor's offices should be established to investigate—and if the evidence and their judgment supports it, to criminally charge—our newest ex-president. Russia, Ukraine, Campaign finance laws, Bank, insurance and tax fraud.

Melania Trump disengaged from her husband's second impeachment trial and bitter over Jill Biden's publicity.

‘The perfect target’: Russia cultivated Trump as asset for 40 years – ex-KGB spy. The KGB ‘played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality’, Yuri Shvets, a key source for a new book, tells the Guardian. Donald Trump was cultivated as a Russian asset over 40 years and proved so willing to parrot anti-western propaganda that there were celebrations in Moscow, a former KGB spy has told the Guardian. Yuri Shvets, posted to Washington by the Soviet Union in the 1980s, compares the former US president to “the Cambridge five”, the British spy ring that passed secrets to Moscow during the second world war and early cold war. Now 67, Shvets is a key source for American Kompromat, a new book by journalist Craig Unger, whose previous works include House of Trump, House of Putin. The book also explores the former president’s relationship with the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.

A term of untruths. The longer Trump was president, the more frequently he made false or misleading claims.

The First Lady is complicit in the destruction of America. Melania held one of the most honorary positions in the world, one that so many brave Americans have fought and died for. Michelle Obama, and so many first ladies before her, accomplished so many things. Michelle was beautiful, brilliant and wise on the inside and out, and in spite of being criticized constantly, actually enacted programs to help children and military families instead of just talking about it. Since Melania wasn’t going to be “given credit by the media” and had little support, she resigned herself to just go through the motions. She left behind no legacy or profile to be proud of as First Lady of the United States. I made a life-changing mistake and continued working for Melania, even though I knew the environment was toxic after the planning of the inauguration, because I believed I could make a difference. What a fool I was, thinking I could make a difference in the middle of this den of thieves. The fleecing of America will be the legacy the Trump family name will be synonymous with, their time in the White House will always be aligned and maligned with scandal, and they will always be remembered as the most careless president, first lady and first family our country has ever known. As people are dying in America from COVID because of his ineptness, if Melania had an ounce of Eleanor Roosevelt in her, she would be out there getting the vaccine to people, supporting our nurses and doctors, and helping at food banks. They will depart the White House, with no regrets, leaving dead bodies behind, and driving off to Mar-a-Lago without looking back.

Iran issues Interpol arrest warrant for Trump over Soleimani killing as tensions rise. Interpol rejected previous warrant issued for Mr Trump and other officials in June.

Trump thinks "elitist snobs" kept Melania off fashion magazine covers the past four years.

Roger Stone thanked Trump for pardon during exchange at West Palm Beach club.

Psychopaths favor right-wing authoritarianism, finds study. 7 Signs You're Dealing With a Psychopath.

Trump's latest batch of pardons favors the well-connected. Those receiving pardons include several indicted former members of Congress, players in the Russia scandal, and military contractors convicted for illicit killing in Iraq. Some of Trump’s actions seemed intended to send clear messages, such as grants of clemency for the former campaign operative whose 2016 activities triggered the FBI probe that led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and to four security contractors convicted for massacring Iraqi civilians in 2008, including one serving a life-sentence for first-degree murder. The signal of Trump’s disapproval of Mueller’s investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia was unmistakable. His pardons for the contractors and for two Border Patrol agents also fit a pattern of Trump using his constitutional clemency power to rein in efforts to police the conduct of front-line military and security personnel. That has prompted pushback from military leaders who fear a loss of discipline among those who routinely use deadly force. Trump’s holiday pardon list also fulfilled a longstanding tradition followed by many presidents of favoring their political allies. Recipients of Trump’s newest pardons included his first two congressional endorsers, former Rep. Chris Collins (N.Y.) — convicted on charges related to insider trading — and former Rep. Duncan Hunter (Calif.), who pleaded guilty to flagrant campaign finance abuses, including some to support extramarital affairs. Collins was already serving a 26-month sentence. Hunter had yet to begin his 11-month term. Trump also commuted the sentence of former Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas), who was convicted in 2018 on a variety of fraud and money laundering charges. Stockman had served two years of a 10-year sentence. One set of Trump pardons released Tuesday could result in significant fallout overseas. Trump effectively wiped out the convictions of four contractors for the former Blackwater Worldwide security firm in connection with a shooting spree in Baghdad’s Nisour Square that left 17 Iraqis dead and 20 wounded. One of the former Blackwater contractors granted a full pardon Tuesday by Trump, Nicholas Slatten, was serving a sentence of life in prison for first-degree murder. The three others, Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty and Paul Slough, were serving terms of between 12 and 15 years in prison for manslaughter.

Nearly one year after the House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump, the federal government has released the criminal referral alleging Trump committed crimes related to his phone call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, a conversation that sparked the historic proceedings. The document, obtained by BuzzFeed News from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, is a letter dated September 4, 2019, and signed by Michael Atkinson, inspector general for the intelligence community. It was sent to Stacey Moy, the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division. Moy’s involvement in the Ukraine matter has not been previously disclosed. The inspector general “is formally referring allegations received from an individual regarding, among other things, alleged violations of law related to a telephone call on July 25, 2019, between President Donald J. Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,” Atkinson wrote. “This referral is a follow-up to my secure telephone call on August 27, 2019, with FBI Director Christopher A. Wray’s Chief of Staff, Paul B. Murphy, during which I provided to Mr. Murphy a summary of the Complainant’s allegations.”

Was the Trump Christmas card photoshopped? Social media users accused US first lady of manipulating portrait.

Trump appoints flurry of allies as presidency winds down

Ryan Zinke’s Official Portrait Is a Final Slap in the Face for Native American Tribes. It’s just “another desperate attempt to rewrite history.”

Trump seeks to halt rape accuser's lawsuit amid DOJ appeal. E. Jean Carroll, a former magazine columnist, published her account last year of Trump sexually assaulting her in a New York City department store in the 1990s. After Trump p

Trump will pay you Tuesday for a cheeseburger today

Mike Lindell Announces Telethon To Prepare Nation For Election Reversal. My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has announced a 3-day "marathon" broadcast to prepare the country for the 2020 presidential election to be overturned. "This is absolutely the biggest cover-up for the biggest crime in history," Lindell told right-wing host Steve Bannon on Friday. "I cannot wait to drop this Supreme Court case the Tuesday at 9 a.m. before Thanksgiving and the whole world is going to be watching all this unfold over Thanksgiving." Lindell predicted that up to 30 state attorneys general would join his lawsuit claiming that the election was stolen from former President Donald Trump. "I really believe it will be 9-0 that they will at least look at it," he said of the court, "that they're going to take it down." Lindell said that the "marathon" broadcast would begin the Wednesday before Thanksgiving on his website.

Trump warns on 'scary' inflation, says surging prices will 'ravage our country'

Brace yourself: Donald Trump plans to run for president again. At least that’s what the former president is telling his dinner buddies. Trump has told at least three people he’s dined with in recent months that he plans to run in 2024, a former senior official at the Republican National Committee tells Rolling Stone. “I have three friends who’ve had dinner with him in the last couple of months. All three reported that his current plans are to run for president in 2024,” the former R.N.C. official says. “Now, whether he does or not is a different issue. We’ve still got three years to go. But he’s telling people that.” The ex-R.N.C. official says the first two dinners took place in late spring. But the third dinner happened in the last two weeks, the official said. The first two dinner companions came away from their conversations convinced Trump was serious and he’s running, the official adds. The third said he left the dinner “not 100% sure Trump wants to run but he likes being in the conversation, he wants to freeze the field, and he wants his name out there,” according to the ex-R.N.C. official.

Ticket sales are moving slowly for the coming Trump-O’Reilly stadium tour. Time remains to sell out the stadiums. But those familiar with the current sales pace say it lags behind other acts. Early last month, Trump and O’Reilly, the one-time top Fox News host, announced a joint “History Tour” "Grab 'em by the pussy" featuring four stops in December. O’Reilly said his conversations with Trump “will not be boring,” while the former president promised “fun, fun, fun for everyone who attends.”

Former President Trump is launching a speaking tour with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly that will aim to “provide a never before heard inside view of his administration.” The series, dubbed “The History Tour,” will feature four live conversations across the country between Trump and O’Reilly in December. The tour “will discuss exactly how things were accomplished, as well as challenges, both good and bad,” according to a press release announcing the series. Trump in a statement said the conversations will be “wonderful but hard-hitting sessions” that will discuss the “real problems” occurring in the U.S. “I will be focusing on greatness for our Country, something seldom discussed in political dialogue. If we don’t make our Country great again, we will soon no longer have a Country! I look forward to working with Bill, who right now has the #1 bestselling book, to openly discuss the real problems of our Country, and how to solve them,” Trump said. “Additionally, it will be fun, fun, fun, for everyone who attends!” he added.

Trump Claims ICE and Border Patrol Are Asking Him to Visit the Border. ‘A LOT OF PEOPLE WANT ME TO’ Former President Trump says he might visit the southern border in the next few weeks, claiming he was invited by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol. “Well a lot of people want me to [go], the Border Patrol and the people of ICE want me there and have asked me to go. I feel I sort of owe it to them,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night. Asked when he plans to make the trip, he sounded non-committal, “Over the next couple of weeks. The Border Patrol wants me to go. Probably over the next couple of weeks. I don’t think there’s a rush for me to go.”

Donald Trump will return to social media in the next few months with a platform of his own, longtime advisor Jason Miller revealed Sunday. 'I do think that we're going to see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here with his own platform – and this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media,' Miller said during an interview with Fox News 'MediaBuzz' host Howard Kurtz on Sunday morning. He added that the new platform will 'completely redefine the game' of social media.


Trump Boat Parades Left Untold Destruction in Their Wake. Trump’s boat parades were a major source of pride for the former president. They were also a major source of accidents for the boaters.

Trump Nazifacation of US

  1. Flags
  2. Storm troopers
  3. Concentration camps
  4. Surveillance
  5. Political police Protection Squadron SS/Proud Boys
  6. Internal conflict
  7. Secret State Police ICE/Gestapo
  8. Symbols red MAGA
  9. Clothing MAGA hats/arm bands
  10. homosexuality Ernst Röhm/Roy Cohn/Roger Stone
  11. Under age sex Ivanka/Angela Maria "Geli" Raubal/Eva Braun
  12. Establish an enemy
  13. Tell simple stories with no regard for the truth
  14. Attack democratic institutions
  15. Create a cult of personality where you live above the law
  16. Free press is the enemy of the people


Florida Officials Reportedly Steeling For A Trump Extradition Block By Gov. Ron DeSantis. Florida law would let the governor intervene if Manhattan D.A. Cy Vance Jr. seeks to extradite Trump after his investigation into possible banking and tax fraud.

Has the Republican party actually "completed its transformation into a fascist, authoritarian death cult," as anti-Trump group MeidasTouch puts it? The four steps they set forth to achieving demagoguery are: 1) Establish an enemy; 2) Tell simple stories with no regard for the truth; 3) Attack democratic institutions; 4) Create a cult of personality where you live above the law. "With these four things accomplished, the gullible will blindly follow the Big Lie and lose all humanity," the narrator says in this video. "We've seen it happen before. We can't let it happen again."

Trump Spawned a New Group of Mega-Donors Who Now Hold Sway Over the GOP’s Future. These powerful donors, who each contributed more than $1 million, shied away from party politics before Trump. What brought them off the sidelines? ProPublica identified 29 people and couples who increased their political contributions at least tenfold since 2015, based on an analysis of Federal Election Commission records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. The donors in the table below gave at least $1 million to Trump and the GOP after previously having spent less than $1 million total. Most of the donations went to super PACs supporting Trump or to the Trump Victory joint fundraising vehicle that spread the money among his campaign and party committees.

Op-Ed: The media’s whitewashing of Stephen Miller’s white nationalism. By JEAN GUERRERO APRIL 11, 2021 Stephen Miller, the former Trump White House senior advisor and speechwriter from Santa Monica, has gone back to the California conservative playbook for his next act: launching a legal group that co-opts social justice strategies to fight social justice. Miller is characterizing his group, America First Legal, as a conservative version of the American Civil Liberties Union, in the same way he spins himself, with a smirk, as a “conservative social-justice warrior.” His goals have nothing to do with social justice, civil liberties or putting America first. Miller aims to wage rabid political warfare against President Biden’s efforts to make America more equitable and livable for marginalized people. If the media organizations that cover Miller’s activities pretend otherwise, as Fox News, Politico and others are doing, they are complicit in his well-documented plan to make America white. For Miller, the nation’s biggest problems aren’t white supremacy, which he deliberately fueled and which homeland security experts recognize as the top terror threat, or the brutal police killings of brown and Black men, and certainly not pandemics or economic inequality. The biggest problems in his view are “cancel culture,” i.e. holding white men accountable for anything, and multiculturalism. We can dismantle white supremacy only by confronting how pervasive and basic it is. As a child, Miller wore a black cowboy hat in beachfront California. Later, as a grown man, he often dressed up as Robert De Niro’s mobster character in the movie “Casino.” He relished the role of villain. Miller’s legal group is the latest manifestation of his taste for trolling and traumatizing people — and bending, not enforcing, the rules. He knows the “bad hombres” aren’t at the border, but right here, in bespoke suits. And the others — at the Heritage Foundation, the Conservative Partnership Institute, Mar-a-Lago and so on — have his back.

Strongmen review: a chilling history for one nation no longer under Trump. Ruth Ben-Ghiat delivers a superb examination of how close the US came to fascism – and how it has propped it up before.

See how Adolf Hitler and the Nazis rise to power. In 1930, Germany is a liberal democracy. Just four years later, democracy is dead, Germany’s leader is a dictator and the government is in the hands of the Nazis.

Voter Suppression

How the Christian Right Embraced Voter Suppression. The Christian right’s ability to mobilize its own voters has long made it one of the most potent forces in American politics. But this year, evangelical leaders have embraced a new strategy, one with direct roots in the outcome of the 2020 election: Religious activists have taken up the cause of “election integrity,” pushing bills to crack down on voter fraud, even though no evidence of widespread fraud in U.S. elections exists. In the process, they’ve helped restrict ballot access for millions of Americans – the most regressive wave of voting measures since the Jim Crow era – and drawn a direct connection between their new cause and their core religious beliefs.

‘Devastating’: Florida Republicans worried about 2022 as they crafted election law. Emails and text messages undercut the GOP’s claim Florida’s election overhaul wasn’t political. But a raft of internal emails and text messages obtained by POLITICO show the law was drafted with the help of the Republican Party of Florida’s top lawyer — and that a crackdown on mail-in ballot requests was seen as a way for the GOP to erase the edge that Democrats had in mail-in voting during the 2020 election. The messages undercut the consistent argument made by Republicans that the new law was about preventing future electoral fraud.

What Georgia’s Voting Law Really Does. The New York Times analyzed the state’s new 98-page voting law and identified 16 key provisions that will limit ballot access, potentially confuse voters and give more power to Republican lawmakers. Go page by page through Georgia’s new voting law, and one takeaway stands above all others: The Republican legislature and governor have made a breathtaking assertion of partisan power in elections, making absentee voting harder and creating restrictions and complications in the wake of narrow losses to Democrats. The New York Times has examined and annotated the law, identifying 16 provisions that hamper the right to vote for some Georgians or strip power from state and local elections officials and give it to legislators.



Trump weirdly defensive of Russia in his first comments on Russian hack of U.S. government.

Exclusive: Suspected Chinese spy targeted California politicians. A suspected Chinese intelligence operative developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015, Axios found in a yearlong investigation. The woman at the center of the operation, a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christine Fang, targeted up-and-coming local politicians in the Bay Area and across the country who had the potential to make it big on the national stage. Among the most significant targets of Fang's efforts was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.). The case demonstrates China’s strategy of cultivating relationships that may take years or even decades to bear fruit. The Chinese Communist Party knows that today’s mayors and city council members are tomorrow’s governors and members of Congress.

Media, Propaganda, Ratfucking, Truth Decay

Media, Propaganda, Ratfucking, Truth Decay

Tucker Carlson's Newly Public Texts Reveal the Extent of His Deliberate Lies to Fox Viewers. “Sidney Powell is lying. Fucking bitch,” Carlson texted his producer on Nov. 16, 2020, about one of Trump's attorneys who claimed the election was rigged. Sidney Powell, one of Trump’s attorneys at the time, was also on Carlson’s radar. “Sidney Powell is lying. Fucking bitch,” Carlson texted his producer Alex Pfeiffer on Nov. 16, 2020. By Nov. 18, 2020, Carlson texted Ingraham that, too. “Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane.” Ingraham responded: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy [Giuliani].” Fox News’ own motion for summary judgement was also unsealed on Thursday, saying the electronic voting company is suing for a “staggering” amount of damages to bolster the company name. “Dominion brought this lawsuit to punish [Fox News Network] for reporting on one of the biggest stories of the day—allegations by the sitting President of the United States and his surrogates that the 2020 election was affected by fraud,” the filing said. “The very fact of those allegations was newsworthy.” The trial is scheduled to start on April 17. We’ll be waiting with popcorn to see what else is unearthed.

Fox Reporter ‘Blindsided’ Over Revelation That Tucker and Hannity Wanted Her Fired. Included in the explosive brief that Dominion’s lawyers recently filed in its defamation lawsuit against Fox News is the revelation that the network’s stars conspired to get one of their own colleagues fired. Why? Because she had the temerity to fact-check then-President Donald Trump’s election fraud lies. Days after Trump lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich correctly refuted a Trump tweet about Dominion that specifically mentioned Sean Hannity’s show. According to messages obtained by Dominion, Tucker Carlson told Hannity: “Please get her fired. Seriously….What the fuck? I’m actually shocked…It needs to stop immediately, like tonight.” After Carlson added that he “just went crazy on” Executive Vice President Meade Cooper “over it,” Hannity responded that he had already mentioned it to CEO Suzanne Scott. “I just dropped a bomb,” Hannity later texted his team. Scott would soon tell President Jay Wallace and SVP for Corporate Communications Irena Briganti that Heinrich “has serious nerve doing this and if this gets picked up, viewers are going to be further disgusted.” The reporter would later delete that tweet, replacing it with one that fact-checked Trump quoting far-right channel One America News. When the Dominion brief was unsealed on Thursday night, CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy reported that a “person with direct knowledge of the matter tells me that Heinrich was blindsided reading the details in the legal filing” and she “was not aware of the efforts by top hosts behind the scenes to get her fired.”

Bankrupt Alex Jones spends nearly $100,000 a month. He's the sole owner of eight different companies, including Infowars parent Free Speech Systems, which has paid him an annual salary of more than $600,000 for the last two years. In December, Mr Jones asked a court to allow him to take a bigger salary - $1.3m - from the company, which has also filed for bankruptcy. The court filings show that Mr Jones also paid a total of $1.3m to settle debts with his wife and parents. He gave one charitable contribution of $2,000 to an Austin church. One portion of the document notes that Mr Jones is "holding firearms for certain January 6th participants", a reference to the riot at the US Capitol two years ago. The 49-year-old father-of-four's biggest outgoings include more than $40,000 a month in taxes, $14,000 on childcare and education, $10,000 on alimony and child support, and more than $7,000 on home upkeep and repairs.

Roseanne Barr Lashes Out at Jimmy Kimmel After He Offered ‘Compassion’. The “canceled” comedian has been using her comeback media tour to ask why other comedians haven’t been canceled too. In 2018, ABC fired Barr from its Roseanne revival after she posted a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett, who served as Senior Adviser to Barack Obama during his presidency. During an appearance Tuesday on Fox News’ Outnumbered, Barr complained that she did not have ample opportunity back then to clarify that she hadn’t realized that Jarrett was black. (As she put it on her YouTube channel during the summer of 2018, “I thought the bitch was white!”) Barr, who apologized to Jarrett before later saying she regretted doing so, initially blamed sleeping pills for her tweet. She’s since also blamed her co-star Sara Gilbert for her dismissal—as well as Michelle Obama. During her Fox appearance Tuesday, Barr said that ABC “knew that I had made a mistake, and yet they did not allow me to go on any of their other shows and apologize for it.” She emphasized that she should have been allowed on programs hosted by celebrities who’ve had their own “more egregious” controversies. As one example, she cited ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel, who apologized in 2020 for his use of blackface in past comedy sketches. “Jimmy Kimmel and his [former] girlfriend, Sarah Silverman, they did blackface, and [ABC] never even said ‘It is wrong that you did that,’” Barr said Tuesday. “And they just let that go.”

Fox News is under fire from everyone from liberal activists to Trump. Here are 7 high-profile departures amid its turmoil.

  1. Roger Ailes He resigned in July 2016 after former host Gretchen Carlson accused the then-CEO and chairman of sexual harassment, along with several other women, including anchor Megyn Kelly.
  2. Gretchen Carlson also left the network in 2016, alleging that she'd been fired after refusing to sleep with Ailes.
  3. Megyn Kelly left Fox for NBC
  4. Bill O'Reilly was eventually exposed for serially harassing women in 2017.
  5. Bill Shine managed to find a second act in the White House after he too was forced out amid multiple lawsuits involving accusations he was involved in covering up harassment claims.
  6. Eric Bolling was forced out in 2017 for allegedly sending lewd texts and photos to female colleagues.
  7. Ed Henry became the latest Fox News man to lose his job over sexual misconduct allegations in 2020.
  8. Cathy Areu alleged she was sexually harassed by Henry, along with Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Howard Kurtz, and Gianno Caldwell — all prominent Fox hosts.


Musk manipulates Twitter to ensure the world sees his tweets at the top of their feed. Elon Musk wasn't getting enough attention on his $42 billion toy social media platform, so he threw a fit and fired one of his top engineers. And now, it seems like his team of green card engineers are so terrified of him that they're manipulating Twitter to force everyone to see his tweets at the top of their feed, regardless of whether they actually want to follow him or not. Because, you know, nothing says "I'm super popular" like forcing people to read your tweets. This morning, Musk tweeted, "Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .… 'algorithm,'" which can only mean that he's still not satisfied with how many views he's receiving. His engineers are now trying to figure out how to hack Google to make his tweets the top search result. Next thing you know, they'll be manipulating the universe to spell out his tweets in the stars. But nothing will ever be enough for his insatiable thirst for attention. The only thing that makes him happy these days is attending sporting events with ideological peers like Rupert Murdoch and Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud.


Steve Bannon Ran Up Huge Legal Bills and Stiffed His Lawyers. According to sources, Bannon owes “significant” sums of money to attorneys M. Evan Corcoran of Baltimore and Robert Costello of New York City. They—along with David Schoen of Montgomery, Alabama—spent months battling the Department of Justice in 2021 and 2022, and they represented him at a trial in Washington, D.C., last summer when he was eventually convicted of contempt of Congress. At one point late last summer, Bannon owed Costello alone more than $100,000, according to a source directly familiar with Bannon’s unpaid bills. And Bannon still owes Costello a ton of money, according to two other sources familiar with the situation.


Brands bail on Twitter as Musk's pro-hate policy takes hold. Apparently, Musk's masterful plan to woo advertisers by re-platforming Nazis, racists, and homophobes isn't working as well as he expected. CNN reports that "625 of the top 1,000 Twitter advertisers, including major brands such as Coca-Cola, Unilever, Jeep, Wells Fargo and Merck, had pulled their ad dollars as of January." The article goes on to say "monthly revenue from Twitter's top 1,000 advertisers plummeted by more than 60% from October through January 25, from around $127 million to just over $48 million." Musk was also hoping to boost revenue through his pay-for-a-checkmark program, but it turns out not very many incels were able to convince their moms to shell out $7 a month to subscribe. So far only 180,000 people out of 450 million monthly active users are subscribers to Twitter Blue.

James O’Keefe ‘Outright Cruel’ to Project Veritas Employees, Internal Memo Alleges. Employees allege O’Keefe wasted money on his theater dreams, berated staff, and even took a sandwich from a pregnant woman. The memo details a series of bizarre incidents. In one, during a Sept. 2022 trial against a Democratic consulting firm that O’Keefe later lost, an employee complained that O’Keefe berated them in front of jurors because he needed something to eat. Ultimately, the employee alleged, O’Keefe took a sandwich from a heavily pregnant woman to sate his hunger. “I was yelled at in front of jurors because he was hungry and then he took the 8-month pregnant woman’s sandwich,” the account reads. O’Keefe, who performed in high-school musicals, has added a series of musical productions to the group’s repertoire, including an elaborate “Project Veritas” experience that involves O’Keefe dancing while wearing a bulletproof vest. In December, Project Veritas acknowledged improperly giving O’Keefe $20,500 in “excess benefits” to pay for Project Veritas staff to accompany him to Virginia as he performed a lead role in a production of the musical Oklahoma!. But musicals weren’t the only thing irritating donors, according to the petition. O’Keefe is portrayed throughout the document as badgering uncomfortable donors for five- and six-figure checks. Other donors didn’t like his treatment of his employees, the employees say. When a woman O’Keefe had asked for a $75,000 check requested a picture with him, according to the memo, he “very rudely” refused. “She was humiliated to the point of tears,” the memo reads.

Media, Propaganda, Ratfucking, Truth Decay. archived February 09, 2023

Twitter Kept Entire ‘Database’ of Republican Requests to Censor Posts. Elon Musk's "Twitter Files" focus on Democrats, but former administration officials and Twitter employees say Trump’s team and other Republicans routinely demanded posts be taken down. WHEN THE WHITE House called up Twitter in the early morning hours of September 9, 2019, officials had what they believed was a serious issue to report: Famous model Chrissy Teigen had just called President Donald Trump “a pussy ass bitch” on Twitter — and the White House wanted the tweet to come down. That exchange — revealed during Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter by Rep. Gerry Connolly — and others like it are nowhere to be found in Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” releases, which have focused almost exclusively on requests from Democrats and the feds to the social media company. The newly empowered Republican majority in the House of Representatives is now devoting significant resources and time to investigating this supposed “collusion” between liberal politicians and Twitter. Some Republicans even believe the release of the “Twitter Files” is the “tip of the spear” of their crusade against the alleged liberal bias of Big Tech. But former Trump administration officials and Twitter employees tell Rolling Stone that the White House’s Teigen tweet demand was hardly an isolated incident: The Trump administration and its allied Republicans in Congress routinely asked Twitter to take down posts they objected to — the exact behavior that they’re claiming makes President Biden, the Democrats, and Twitter complicit in an anti-free speech conspiracy to muzzle conservatives online. “It was strange to me when all of these investigations were announced because it was all about the exact same stuff that we had done [when Donald Trump was in office],” one former top aide to a senior Trump administration official tells Rolling Stone. “It was normal.”

Alex Jones described himself as living “in hell,” being part of “a sick joke,” and sinking down into a “black hole” in previously private text messages given to Hatewatch. Content warning: This article contains graphic language, including antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theories. It also contains descriptions of sex and suggestions of domestic violence. Reader discretion is advised.

Thousands of Alex Jones' Texts Are Now Public, and Yep, He's the Worst. The right-wing conspiracy theorist texted his mistress to draw him a bath while he was obsessively stalking his wife through a personal investigator. Normal!

Watergate journalist Bob Woodward tears into media and Democrats for ignoring his warnings about the Steele Dossier on Trump - and 'cheating' Americans with Russiagate coverage Veteran reporter reveals he warned Washington Post reporters about dossier In interview, Bob Woodward said coverage was 'not handled well' And he called on newsrooms to 'walk down a painful road of introspection

DirecTV dumps Newsmax instead of paying new fee, drawing Republican outrage. DirecTV says Newsmax ratings aren't high enough to justify network's rate demand. While DirecTV described it as a financial decision, Newsmax accused DirecTV of discrimination and censorship. "This is a blatant act of political discrimination and censorship against Newsmax," Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said in an article on the Newsmax website titled, "AT&T's DirecTV Cancels Newsmax in Censorship Move."

Elon Musk has updated his Twitter bio to read: "State-affiliated media." He changed his bio after he said Twitter should be labeled as such. Musk has previously slammed "corporate journalism" for defending the state instead of "the people." Elon Musk on Monday updated his Twitter bio to "state-affiliated media" after saying the platform should have the label. In response to a question from a Twitter account on Sunday, which asked whether specific media accounts should have a "state-affiliated media" label like China Global Television Network's account, Musk said: "Technically, Twitter should have that too." Shortly afterwards, Musk tweeted: "Kudos to the BBC for self-labelling its state affiliation," without specifying where the broadcaster displayed this label. Musk then changed his Twitter bio to "state-affiliated media" in the early hours of Monday.

Elon Musk Asks Billionaire George Soros a Provocative Question. Tesla's CEO never shies from attacking his billionaire peers. "Do you actually know where your money is going?" Musk responded on Jan. 16.

I worked for Elon Musk at SpaceX. There was good Elon and bad Elon – and he was very capable of being vicious. Jim Cantrell worked at SpaceX during its earliest days in 2001 and 2002. He was impressed by Elon Musk's vision but he would yell and once called Cantrell to work at 3 a.m. Cantrell gives Twitter employees his advice on their new boss. I learned a lot, but I felt disrespected. I didn't need to be paid to be shouted at, so I walked away.

America Is Lost in a Dark Forest, But There's a Path Out. Sadly, in these not-so-United States, we have found our way deep into a dark forest, and the question before us is how do we find the path out of this dangerous thicket into which we have wandered? Our dire internal divisions are quite extraordinary and worrisome. And here I’m talking to you wherever you are on the political spectrum from MSNBC to Fox News. If you get up in the morning watching Morning Joe and you wrap it up with Rachel Maddow at night; or you start on the white couch over at Fox and you finish up with Sean Hannity—wherever you are on that spectrum, you ought to be concerned about the plummeting nature of our discourse with each other. Consider the challenges: an ongoing global pandemic, a broken withdrawal from Afghanistan, Vladimir Putin rattling the saber of nuclear weapons, failing cyber security, fierce competition with Beijing, Iran moving apace toward a nuclear weapon, Kim Jong-un taunting with ballistic missile launches, terrorism still smoldering in many places, a damaged environment, on and on. The dangers are real, and the world will not wait while we figure out how to face these challenges together as a nation. We must find practical ways to think through these problems and challenges or face dire consequences both internationally and here at home. Think of Sisyphus and his boulder: we must be resilient. Our leaders must be resilient, and the boulder rolls down whoever you are, no matter if you are the most powerful person on Earth. The boulder rolled down on George W. Bush on 9/11; it rolled down and Barack Obama with the Great Recession; it rolled down on Donald Trump with the pandemic; it is rolling down on Joe Biden with inflation spiking and a war in Ukraine. The boulder rolls down. The measure of anybody is not whether the boulder never crushes you; the measure is do you get up put your shoulder behind it and continue the hard work. That resilience is what we need in our leaders and ourselves. One of my great life mentors in addition to Bob Gates was General Colin Powell. If you look at his “Thirteen Rules,” four of them deal with hope and optimism. He said, “it will look better in the morning,” “optimism is a force multiplier,” and “it can be done.” Hope and optimism. So, if you remember nothing else from my words, I suggest you remember this quote: Napoleon, who knew a great deal about leadership, said “a leader is a dealer in hope.” Not in fear, not in chaos, not in anger. Those are the kind of leaders we need. Whatever you do in life, be that kind of leader yourself, a dealer in hope. Seek others who lead in that way. Above all, be optimistic about this extraordinary country. WTF BY JAMES STAVRIDIS JANUARY 7, 2023 7:00 AM EST Admiral Stavridis (Ret.) was the 16th Supreme Allied Commander at NATO and is Vice Chair, Global Affairs at The Carlyle Group and Chair of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation. He is the co-author of 2034: A Novel of the Next World War. His new nonfiction book is To Risk It All: Nine Conflicts and the Crucible of Decision

This video suggests Alex Jones is now "Finding Out" Then he attacked the media because "a bunch of the audience thinks, 'Well, he's going off air. I'm not going to support him.'" He whined that headlines reported, "Judge Strips Jones Of Bankruptcy Protection In Devastating Blow To Jones." Jones claimed "we took the stay off" (again forgetting the role of the judge) "because we're appealing it." Actually, it was more like an agreement had been reached with the Sandy Hook families. That was nothing compared to the lunacy that came next. He called it "a liberating feeling," that "I'm going to get down to the point where I can't buy groceries. That makes me feel actually like I've done my job. I'm actually liking this in a way."

Musk set up a phony poll asking Twitter users to vote on whether he should step down. They voted yes

Elon Musk's 'Twitter files': Emails reveal internal struggle on handling of Hunter Biden laptop. The emails focus on the debate within Twitter whether censoring tweets promoting a 2020 New York Post story on Hunter Biden's laptop was the right call. The Post story provided sensitive information that news organizations including USA TODAY could not verify at the time. Biden, his allies and former intelligence officials said the story was likely Russian disinformation. However, then- Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said the emails targeting the younger Biden weren't connected, even as federal authorities continued to review whether the material was part of such a campaign. According to Taibbi, Twitter blocked tweets from former Trump administration officials publicizing the article prompting them to contact and admonish the company for its actions. Meanwhile, members of Biden's campaign reported specific tweets to Twitter and requested they be blocked.

Fox News Parts Ways With Contributor Lara Trump. Even some Fox News outlets, which have not targeted Trump in recent months, have been harsh toward the former president. Last month, Lara Trump appeared on Fox Business Network after her father-in-law announced his candidacy for the 2024 election. Anchor Stuart Varney told her that “I’m sure you’re very supportive of your father-in-law, but to those of us on the outside looking at it, it didn’t seem as though he’s got the old magic, you know what I mean?” Lara Trump pushed back: “Oh, well, I highly disagree with that.”

Archaeologists reveal the white supremacist nonsense behind Netflix's "Ancient Apocalypse". The series is hosted by Graham Hancock, who's been on a mission for decades to disrupt "big archaeology" (as someone with a master's degree in archaeology and who worked in the field for a few years, the idea of "big archaeology" makes me literally laugh out loud) and their supposed power, which he posits has been used to suppress his important findings about the existence of some kind of lost, ancient advanced civilization of the Ice Age that was nearly wiped out by a cataclysmic cosmic (meteor) event 12,000 years ago and whose few survivors worked their way around the world to teach later communities their wise ways. I knew I was in for a wild ride when within the first minute of the first episode, we see clips of Graham Hancock being interviewed by Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan (who shows up again in the last episode). Later in the series, upon pointing out that prehistoric structures all over the world share elements such as terraces, inner chambers, and astronomical (as in, the planets and stars) orientations, he asks, "Could we be witnessing the unfolding of some extraordinary master plan? A shared legacy from a lost global civilization that provided the seeds and the spark of inspiration from which many later civilizations grew?" Here's something else that happens in the second episode. The first person he talks to is Geoff, on this tour of Cholula, but the second person who he talks to, who takes him to a couple of different sites? This is a guy named Marco Vigato, who last year published a book on the lost continent of Atlantis called The Empires of Atlantis, which is one of the most white supremacist, racist books that I have ever seen. He's not an archaeologist; he's not a historian. He's sort of an entrepreneur who has been able to get some permits to work at archaeological sites in Mexico. You could not have a more stark contrast between Geoff McCafferty, who is a highly respected qualified archaeologist, and Marco Vigato, who is basically a hack who writes very bizarre things, including this Atlantis book. If you don't like Hancock's story about the super-intelligent advanced civilisation being wiped off the face of the planet, here's another that might explain how Netflix gave the greenlight to Ancient Apocalypse: the platform's senior manager of unscripted originals happens to be Hancock's son. Honestly, what are the chances?

Rogue Project Veritas Ex-Employee Claims to Reveal Names of Undercover Operatives. The ex-employee, whose real name is Patrice Thibodeau, has taken to YouTube to reveal what he describes as the organization’s secrets, including the names of O’Keefe’s alleged undercover “sting” operatives and the kinds of hidden cameras he says the group uses. Thibodeau warned his audience that Project Veritas staffers could still be looking for targets on Washington’s dating sites. “If you are a person going on a dating app in D.C., you might potentially be on a date with a Project Veritas journalist,” Thibodeau said. Thibodeau also alleged in the video that Project Veritas uses hidden cameras that like buttons or coffee cups, supplied by a surveillance manufacturer called LawMate. In its lawsuit against Thibodeau, Project Veritas accused him of violating confidentiality clauses in his employment contract regarding “covert devices.” Thibodeau made his videos in August in the aftermath of a lawsuit filed against Project Veritas by another former employee named Antoinetta Zappier. That complaint painted Project Veritas as a raucous, drug-fueled, sexually charged workplace. Among other things, Zappier alleged that a person overdosed on drugs during a party at the group’s corporate apartment, that a Project Veritas fundraiser impregnated a “subordinate” and paid for her abortion, and that a wild boat party hosted by O’Keefe culminated in an attendee defecating on the floor. Zappier has also claimed that O’Keefe opened pornography on his office computer multiple times. Will Sommer

The Twitter Worker Who Captured Elon Musk’s Takeover in All Its Cartoonish Glory.

Elon Musk confirms Twitter has tortious interference claims against activist groups calling for advertiser boycotts. Wikipedia says tortious interference occurs "when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party, causing economic harm." The Wikipedia entry describes several examples of tortious interference, none of which include the word "boycott." The activist groups that have asked Twitter to stop advertising on Twitter include the ADL and the NAACP. If Twitter files a lawsuit against either of these organizations it will go very badly for Musk. Further, many global-brand advertisers dropped Twitter not because activists asked them to, but because they have seen Musk's out-of-control political trolling for themselves, like linking to the false story claiming Paul Pelosi wasn't attacked by a MAGA cultist but by a gay lover. The fact that Musk is paying attention to what Fitton, a far-right troll who has filed lawsuits against climate scientists, has to say is all you need to know about Musk's promises to make Twitter "the most accurate source of information about the world." In June, Just Security released a study that revealed Fitton to the third most "repeat spreader" of false 2020 election claims among "far-right media entities and influencers, QAnon personalities, campaign advisors such as Rudy Giuliani, and the former president and his sons."

The 20 Worst Racial Attacks Limbaugh's Advertisers Have Sponsored.

Elon Musk jokingly responds to AOC’s claim he’s sabotaging her Twitter account: ‘Naked abuse of power’ ‘This is what my app has looked like ever since my tweet upset you yesterday,’ tweeted the irritated congresswoman earlier this week.

Musk's attempt at trolling AOC backfires. Elon Musk thought he could get the better of AOC after she took him to task for his plan to charge people $8 per month for a blue checkmark. AOC initially tweeted: "Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that "free speech" is actually a $8/mo subscription plan" Space Karen got busy researching AOC's website store and found a $58 sweatshirt. He took a screenshot, drew a crude green circle around the price tag, and added a chin-stroking emoji. Can't you just imagine him up there in his jet, tapping away on his phone with a self-amused grin stretched so tightly across his face that his hair plugs are ready to pop from his scalp? AOC replied, "My workers are union, have full healthcare + benefits like childcare help, and every one is paid a living wage. Proceeds go to community acts like tutoring underserved kids. You're a union buster with an ego problem who pockets the change from underpaying and mistreating people."

Dilbert comes for ESG? When a comic strip reveals reality. You know it is bad when your political agenda is destroyed by a comic strip. Dilbert, the well-loved syndicated comic strip, is a mild mocking of life in corporate or cubicle-bound America, a sort of cartoon equivalent of The Office television show. In recent editions, Dilbert turned his harrowing humor on environmental, social, and governance (ESG), a nationwide effort to grade large corporations on their commitment to left-wing principles, often to the detriment of their financial bottom line. In the first of a series of comics recently published, Dilbert asks his trusty sidekick and muse Dogbert, “What is this ‘ESG’ thing I keep hearing about? To which the wise Dogbert responds, “Imagine if a crooked politician and a crooked financial advisor got married and had a baby.” In subsequent strips, Dilbert lampoons ESG’s push for board and hiring diversity based on individual characteristics. As conservatives and people of faith, we should be on the forefront of the push back against ESG. It will come as no surprise that the “environmental” prong of ESG focuses on a company’s commitment to combatting climate change and fossil fuels. The “social” prong includes commitments to social justice, and the “governance” prong evaluates a company’s commitment to racial and gender diversity. All these are interpreted according to leftist ideologies. Now ESG is the reason behind corporate policies offering abortion travel “benefits” for employees post-Dobbs. In short, ESG is code for woke. ESG is pernicious, and it has real negative effects on real people. For instance, public employee retirement funds in Texas rely on outside asset managers to advise them on how to vote their shares at stockholder meetings. In line with the advice received from those asset managers, the Texas funds voted multiple times in recent months against the oil and gas industry because it was deemed incompatible with ESG principles. Read that again: Texas voted its shares against the oil and gas industry. Texas legislators, learning of these votes, were understandably outraged, and quickly launched an investigation into the intrusion of ESG ideology into the management of public investment funds.

'We're not going away. We're not going to stop': Alex Jones vows to CONTINUE 'questioning' school shootings after bombshell $1B verdict over his Sandy Hook lies - the highest defamation payout EVER Infowars host Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $965million dollars in compensation It is the largest defamation suit damages in US history, surpassing a 1997 case where a brokerage firm won $222.7million Jones was found liable to pay $49.3million during his first trial in Austin, with a jury returning the total sum in August He responded to the massive sum by ranting live on Infowars, where he branded the verdict as a 'joke' and said he is 'not going away' and 'not going to stop' Several family members of the victims killed in the shooting were overcome with emotion as they heard the sums The amount combines the damages for defamation, slander and emotional distress Jones is facing a third lawsuit in Texas, brought by the family of another child killed in the shooting

Alex Jones Hit With $965 Million Verdict In 2nd Trial Over Sandy Hook Lies. Multimillion-dollar verdicts keep stacking up against the Infowars host, who used his platform to falsely claim the Sandy Hook shooting never happened. “I think this is a deep-state situation,” Jones said of the trial while on the stand. When confronted by Mattei with the lies he told about parent Robbie Parker, Jones erupted and said Mattei was “ambulance chasing.” “Is this a struggle session. Are we in China?” Jones snapped. “I’m done saying I’m sorry.”

Democrats are operating a series of 51 'fake news' websites pushing left-wing stories in toss-up states in a bid to turn the midterms in their favor, shocking investigation finds A new report from Axios details 51 fake news websites that promote liberal political causes All of the websites, which have popped up in the past 12 months, are based in what are considered to be swing states Some of the publications are the Milwaukee Metro Times, the Tri-City Record and the Mecklenburg Herald

A List Of Text-Only News Sites (Updated 2022)

Kanye West Flips Out About Kim Kardashian During Bonkers Tucker Carlson Interview. The rapper and designer also criticized pop star Lizzo along with the Kushner brothers during an interview with the “Fox News” host.

What's Tucker doing there? Fox News host pays tribute to Hells Angels founder and convicted heroin dealer Sonny Barger at huge California biker funeral: Says notorious outlaw stood for 'freedom and honor' - and scared his mom 's***less' Tucker Carlson, 53, was one of more than 7,000 gathered at the Stockton 99 Speedway to pay respects to the fallen Ralph 'Sonny' Barger Barger, who founded the motorcycle club in 1948, died in June following a brief battle with throat cancer aged 83 It was an event the San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office warned could become dangerous - but the leather-clad mourners in attendance stayed peaceful Of those to deliver a stirring tribute to the Modesto native was Carlson, who in the past had expressed his admiration for Barger's no-nonsense, patriotic ideals

A federal jury has found Project Veritas, a conservative group often accused of using deceptive tactics, liable for violating wiretapping laws and misrepresenting itself in an undercover effort to target Democratic political consultants. Jurors in Washington on Thursday awarded $120,000 to a member of Democracy Partners, co-founded by self-described progressive strategist Robert Creamer. Democracy Partners claimed it had been infiltrated by a Project Veritas operative who lied about her name and background to obtain an internship during the 2016 presidential campaign, and secretly recorded conversations while working there.

"I'm done saying sorry" says Alex Jones at his latest farcicial court appearance

Now Dilbert is racist! Popular comic strip is canned by 77 newspapers after artist Scott Adams began incorporating anti-woke plotlines, including black character who identifies as white The popular comic strip was booted from a number of publications owned by Lee Enterprises Cartoonist Scott Adams said that some newspapers voiced concerns after receiving complaints about his comic content Gilbert strips feature in newspapers across 57 countries, and in 19 languages - and there are over 20 million Dilbert books and calendars in print

Project Veritas faces off in court with Democratic activist. The lawsuit stems from an undercover video operation that penetrated progressive organizations during the 2016 presidential campaign. During opening arguments in a civil trial in federal court in Washington, a lawyer for a Democratic operative who filed suit over the sting, Robert Creamer, said his client was targeted as part of a political espionage campaign aimed at embarrassing Hillary Clinton and helping Donald Trump secure the presidency. Longtime Democratic lawyer Joseph Sandler said Creamer and his organizations “were the victims of political spying conducted by Project Veritas” just weeks before the presidential election. “They’re journalists in the finest American tradition called muckraking,” said Paul Calli, an attorney for Project Veritas. The founder of the group, James O’Keefe, is a defendant in the case and sat at the defense table Thursday, taking notes on the proceedings and occasionally conferring with Calli. “What real news organization would pay $20,000 under false pretenses?” Sandler asked. Ultimately, the outcome of the trial may not turn on questions of journalistic ethics, but on whether the Project Veritas operative who gained the internship, Allison Maass, violated a particular legal, or “fiduciary,” duty owed to Creamer and his organizations when she took the internship. Maass, now an associate producer at Fox Business Network, is a defendant in the case. However, when Creamer took the stand around noon Thursday as the first witness in the trial, he quickly conceded that no one ever insisted that Maass — who used the name Angela Brandt — sign a non-disclosure agreement.

“They’re trying to kill me! They hate me! They just don’t like women,” a giggling Tucker Carlson said in a high-pitched tone on Fox & Friends this morning. He was mocking a recent GQ cover interview in which Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said, among other things, “My experience here has given me a front-row seat to how deeply and unconsciously, as well as consciously, so many people in this country hate women. And they hate women of color.” Ocasio-Cortez also touched upon a number of threats on her life, from a sexual assault to those from January 6 rioters, to those from colleagues such as GOP Rep. Paul Gosar, who was censured by the House earlier this year after he posted an anime video online that depicted him killing Ocasio-Cortez.

Alex Jones dumps Trump and guides his MAGA sheep: "I support DeSantis"

@alexstamos For the last nine months, Stanford University and the University of Washington have been fighting to protect academic freedom of speech against Project Veritas. After losing in federal court, Project Veritas has been ordered to pay our legal fees. Project Veritas on hook for Stanford legal tab after defamation ruling Project Veritas #BallotHarvesting Amplification

Media, Propaganda, Ratfucking, Truth Decay, archived Saturday August 06 2022

What have you noticed in watching Alex Jones on the stand that someone who isn’t as familiar with him wouldn’t have? Dan Friesen, the co-host of the podcast Knowledge Fight, a play on Jones’s Infowars, has been in court in Austin and watched the trial unfold. On his podcast, he spends hours upon hours chronicling Jones’ show and public statements, creating a dizzying ledger of what America’s foremost conspiracist is pumping out to his audience. When his lawyers were asking him questions, I think he was putting on an act. He wanted to look like a normal and rational person. But when he was being questioned by the judge, he would answer questions that weren’t being asked, and the judge would have to tell him to stop. That’s really how he works. If you listen or watch his show, you’ll notice it’s almost impossible to focus on what he’s saying if you’re not paying close attention. He goes off in tangents constantly. On the stand, you could see that. That’s just how he is.

Alex Jones ordered to pay $49.3M total over Sandy Hook lies. A Texas jury on Friday ordered Infowars’ Alex Jones to pay $49.3 million in total damages to the parents of a first-grader killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which the conspiracy theorist falsely called a hoax orchestrated by the government in order to tighten U.S. gun laws. The amount is less than the $150 million sought by Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, whose 6-year-old son Jesse Lewis was among the 20 children and six educators killed in the deadliest classroom shooting in U.S. history. The trial is the first time Jones has been held financially liable for peddling lies about the 2012 attack in Newtown, Connecticut. Throughout the trial, Jones has been his typically bombastic self, talking about conspiracies on the witness stand, during impromptu press conferences and on his show. His erratic behavior is unusual by courtroom standards, and the judge has scolded him, telling him at one point: “This is not your show.”

Elon Musk's tech allies miffed about Twitter subpoenas. Musk steps on his own dick, hard. San Francisco-based Twitter is suing Musk in Delaware in an attempt to get him to complete his $44 billion acquisition of the social media company, a deal Musk is trying to get out of. According to a report from The Washington Post, Twitter’s legal team on Monday asked for information about a host of tech investors and entrepreneurs connected to Musk in a wide-ranging subpoena. Twitter declined to comment. According to the Post, the subpoena includes “extensive requests for communications, including 'checklists, timelines, presentations, decks, organizational calls, meetings, notes, recordings' related to the deal’s financing.'" Well-known venture capitalists included in the subpoena, according to the report, are Marc Andreessen, founder of VC firm Andreessen Horowitz; former Facebook exec and CEO of Social Capital Chamath Palihapitiya; and David Sacks, the founding chief operating officer of PayPal and current general partner at Craft Ventures.

No proof that Black Lives Matter killed 36 people, injured 1,000 police officers

More Leaked Audio: Bannon Bragged That He Used Porn to Help Smear Hunter Biden. He said he pushed the material as part of a plan for Trump to declare election victory no matter what. Bannon also boasted on the recording about his efforts to help position Trump for his big election-fraud lie. Aiming to hurt Joe Biden’s chances and at least narrow the election results, Bannon ensured that sexually explicit material from Hunter Biden’s laptop was widely publicized. For that, he enlisted help from his patron, exiled Chinese mogul Guo Wengui. Bannon also expressed approval of lies by Guo and his associates about what that material actually showed, referring to their false accusations that Hunter Biden committed salacious crimes as “editorial creativity.” The audio comes from an October 31, 2020, meeting between Bannon and supporters of Guo, who controls pro-Trump, Chinese-language media sites and nonprofits that spread various forms of far-right disinformation.

US media circles were rocked this weekend after the New York Post issued an excoriating editorial indictment of Trump’s failure to stop the attack on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. The editorial, in a tabloid owned by Murdoch since 1976, began: “As his followers stormed the Capitol, calling for his vice-president to be hanged, President Donald Trump sat in his private dining room, watching TV, doing nothing. For three hours, seven minutes.” Trump’s only focus, the Post said, was to block the peaceful transfer of power. The Wall Street Journal, another Murdoch paper, issued a similar critique in which it said evidence before the House January 6 committee was a reminder that “Trump betrayed his supporters”. Trump, the Journal said, took an oath to defend the constitution and had an obligation to protect the Capitol from the mob he told to march there, knowing it was armed. “He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call [Mike] Pence to check on the safety of his loyal [vice-president]. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.” Trump had “shown not an iota of regret”, the Journal said, adding: “Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr Pence passed his January 6 trial. Mr Trump utterly failed his.”

AOC condemns ‘dangerous’ police failure to stop ‘disturbing’ sexual harasser on Capitol steps. Blaze TV contributor ‘wasn’t even asked to take a step back’ by officer. The congressman was harassed on Wednesday as she walked up toward the Capitol building, when she was approached by Alex Stein, a far right commentator.


Compound pejoratives on Reddit – from buttface to wankpuffin.


Barry Blitt cartoon

The play follows Kayla, a student at fictitious Eugene State College in Oregon, on her journey of political discovery amid the social tensions of 2019. When Trump’s announced to speak at Eugene State, Kayla is interested in becoming involved with more than middle-of-the-road politics and meets a cute boy who encourages her to do so. She starts attending White Nationalist meetings, although she never sees the boy there despite his promise to show up. The White Nationalists send Kayla to spy on ANTIFA as an undercover member. At the ANTIFA meeting, she finds the boy, Bent, and realizes she initially misunderstood him.

Project Veritas says the FBI declared it part of media. Prosecutors have ridiculed the idea that Project Veritas does journalism, but court filing says FBI treated group as "news media." Project Veritas says it learned the FBI’s initial characterization of it from an unnamed FBI agent who considered the actions against the organization to be improper. The agent sat for a video interview with Project Veritas’ founder, James O’Keefe, and provided O’Keefe a copy of an FBI document he said detailed the opening of an investigation into the group days before the presidential election in 2020, according to the filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

Watch Joe Rogan Realize In Real Time The Story He’s Ranting About Is Actually Fake News @KnowNothingTV joe rogan having a normal one (watch until the end) The fake is usually the warning

The Tesla CEO, who is in the midst of a $44billion takeover bid for Twitter, said he has previously voted 'overwhelmingly for Democrats', but savaged the current administration, saying Donald Trump's presidency was more effective at getting things done. He told The All-In Podcast: 'The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter. The path to power is the path to the teleprompter.' Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.

Elon Musk would end Trump Twitter ban. The Tesla CEO, who is in the process of buying the app, said Twitter’s decision to boot Trump from the platform was “morally bad” and “foolish in the extreme.”

Elon Musk Left a South Africa That Was Rife With Misinformation and White Privilege. The apartheid era created all-white enclaves littered with anti-Black government propaganda and sheltered from the atrocities of apartheid.

Tucker Carlson privately mocked Trump and declined a phone call from the former president to his Fox News show: report. Justin Wells, a senior executive producer of Tucker Carlson Tonight told Insider: "Tucker Carlson programming embraces diversity of thought and presents various points of view in an industry where contrarian thought and the search for truth are often ignored. Stories in Tucker Carlson Tonight broadcasts and Tucker Carlson Originals documentaries undergo a rigorous editorial process. We're also proud of our ongoing original reporting at a time when most in the media amplify only one point of view." In his Thursday show, Carlson lambasted the reporting of The New York Times, but did not comment on his relationship with Trump.

What would Musk's free-speech absolutism look like on Twitter? MARK FRAUENFELDER 10:20 AM THU APR 28, 2022 When Musk says that he supports all free speech within the law — US law, of course — remember how far the law goes. All of these are lawful speech in the US:

  • spam
  • doxxing
  • encouraging people to kill themselves
  • posting photos of murdered and mutilated children
  • posting Jihadi beheading videos
  • making your profile picture a swastika
  • Making your username “Lynch the N******” or “Gas the Kikes”1
  • campaigning for abolishing the age of sexual consent
  • posting long manifestos arguing that all Jews should be tortured to death

Will Musk allow them all? For many reasons, it's now looking unlikely that Musk will end up buying Twitter. But if he does, he has high-profile partners who will have invested billions in Twitter with profits in mind. Can you imagine them allowing Musk to turn Twitter into toxic slime pit?

Piers Morgan Finally Shows Unedited Clip Of Donald Trump Talk TV Storm-Off; Blames “Incompetent Aide” & A Trump “Simmering With Anger” But Reality Is Damp Squib.

The cognitive bias codex links to a definition of each cognitive bias.

He rose to fame painting Trump realism. He is doing just great with him gone. Jon McNaughton put MAGA to canvas. He says his life is just fine with his muse not in office.

WHY THE PAST 10 YEARS OF AMERICAN LIFE HAVE BEEN UNIQUELY STUPID. It’s not just a phase. By Jonathan Haidt It’s been clear for quite a while now that red America and blue America are becoming like two different countries claiming the same territory, with two different versions of the Constitution, economics, and American history. But Babel is not a story about tribalism; it’s a story about the fragmentation of everything. It’s about the shattering of all that had seemed solid, the scattering of people who had been a community. It’s a metaphor for what is happening not only between red and blue, but within the left and within the right, as well as within universities, companies, professional associations, museums, and even families.

Opinion | How Orwell Diagnosed Democrats’ Culture War Problem Decades Ago. The famed English writer warned that “cranks” on the left were turning off ordinary voters, even as broad support existed for progressive policies. by Jeff Greenfield is a five-time Emmy-winning network television analyst and author. In the most provocative segment of the entire book, Orwell also cites “the horrible, the really disquieting prevalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw toward them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.” And he notes the prospectus for a summer Socialist school in which attendees are asked if they prefer a vegetarian diet. “That kind of thing is by itself sufficient to alienate plenty of decent people. And their instinct is perfectly sound, for the food-crank is by definition a person willing to cut himself off from human society in hopes of adding five years onto the life of his carcass; a person out of touch with common humanity.”

"Libs of TikTok" unmasked in Washington Post exposé. It turns out that Libs of TikTok' author, Chaya Raichik, had in fact been identified online before this story—she'd registered the domain last October using her full name—and the story is also about the online sleuths who unraveled the thread. But it also reveals the involvement of a GOP operative, Grant Lally, and the reactionary rage overWaPo reporting all this out is spectacular in its own right.

The line between fact and fiction in American public life is becoming blurred. RAND calls this phenomenon "Truth Decay," and our researchers are studying its causes, consequences, and how to counter it. America's current era of Truth Decay is defined in part by an increasing disagreement about objective facts that exists on scale not observed in previous periods. For example, despite having more evidence than ever before about vaccines being safe and effective at preventing disease, vaccine skepticism in the United States is on the rise. This is just one example of how public attitudes can diverge from facts and data in debates and discourse. So what's behind the decline? RAND researchers have identified four main drivers:

  1. cognitive biases
  2. changes to the information ecosystem, including the rise of social media and changes in the economics of news
  3. demands on the educational system that slow its ability to adapt to changes in the information ecosystem
  4. political and social polarization

Devin Nunes Flops in Fox Grilling About Trump’s Truth Social Debacle. The Trump toady peddled outlandish positivity about his flailing app but couldn’t hack serious questions even from the friendly Fox Business Network. Over the past week, Truth Social has faced a bumpy launch, top executives fleeing the company, a parent company whose stock price has plummeted, claims of censorship, and the scorn of unhappy users over former President Donald Trump still not using the platform. All these compounding problems left even the traditionally obsequious Trump ally and Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo and her on-air colleagues with serious questions about the dumpster fire of a social-media app. During a chat with Bartiromo’s FBN program, Nunes tossed out outlandish claims in defense of Truth Social, including that the Trump-created platform is home to more “interactions” than Twitter—the immensely popular site that the twice-impeached president, who is banned from tweeting, so clearly seeks to rip off. “It’s clear that Twitter is kind of a ghost town,” Nunes declared. “There’s not very much activity over at Twitter right now, especially when you compare it to sites like ours,” he laughably added, failing to provide any concrete numbers. “Our interactions are already beating Twitter.”

A journalist who conducted Trump's latest interview was disowned by The Hill and Fox News after pushing disinformation about the Bidens and Ukraine. Trump, in an interview with John Solomon, sought Vladimir Putin's help in smearing Hunter Biden. Trump is exploiting disinformation about Biden and Ukraine long pushed by his allies and Russia. Among the architects of Trump's Ukraine disinformation was Solomon. in February 2020, Solomon's credibility took a major hit when The Hill in an internal review of his 14 articles about Ukraine and the Bidens found that he had omitted important details. The publication found that Solomon had not disclosed that key sources for his articles were Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani; the pro-Trump attorneys Victoria Toensing and Joseph diGenova; and other discredited Ukrainian sources. All three attorneys played key roles in propagating the narrative regarding the Bidens and Ukraine, distributing conspiracy theories and disinformation about the Bidens seemingly meant to help Trump's reelection campaign. Fox News, with whom Solomon was working as a commentator, severed ties with him later that year. An internal memo obtained by The Daily Beast warned that he had promoted "disinformation" about Ukraine. Russia has sought to tie Hunter Biden and other Republican hate figures to its disinformation campaign about secret US biolabs in Ukraine. Experts have told Insider that the campaign is an attempt to secure support from US conservatives for its invasion of Ukraine.

Rich Lowry: Ron DeSantis and the new Republican Party. DeSantis offers an important element of Trumpism without the baggage or selfishness of Trump.

Veteran Fox News cameraman dies from injuries after coming under attack yesterday near Kyiv in car he shared with father-of-three British Fox reporter who was left seriously wounded Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski, 55, was killed Monday in Ukraine Zakrzewski was based in London, but on assignment in Ukraine since February The vehicle he was traveling in was struck by incoming fire near Kyiv Zakrzewski was with reporter Benjamin Hall, 39, who was injured in the attack Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott confirmed Zakrzewski's death Tuesday Fox News praised Zakrzewski's 'bravery, professionalism and work ethic' The network extended condolences to his wife, Michelle, and his family Hall remains hospitalized from the attack, but no details were released

Fox News Cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski Killed In Ukraine. Zakrzewski was killed in the same attack that left Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall injured and hospitalized. Pierre Zakrzewski was killed in Horenka, a city outside of the country’s capital, Kyiv. Zakrzewski was killed in the same attack that wounded Fox News Ukraine correspondent Benjamin Hall. Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra Kuvshynova was also killed in the attack, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Before the attack that killed Zakrzewski and injured Hall, Hall pushed back against Fox News personality Greg Gutfeld for saying the media is trying to rouse up an “emotional response” with its coverage of Ukraine. “Speaking as someone on the ground, I want to say that this is not the media trying to drum up some emotional response,” Hall told Gutfield. “This is absolutely what’s happening.”

Right-wing group targets New York Times reporters who have aggressively reported on its spy tactics. Earlier this week, the right-wing organization Project Veritas released two undercover videos capturing Matthew Rosenberg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times, making a number of disparaging comments about his colleagues and the news media writ large. The right-wing group, headed by conservative activist James O'Keefe, has over the past year targeted three reporters in particular: Adam Goldman, Mark Mazzetti, and Michael Schmidt. Those three reporters, all Pulitzer Prize winners themselves, stand out because they are the journalists at The Times who have authored a series of exposés revealing how Project Veritas employs spy tactics and relies on ethically dubious reporting strategies to target perceived liberals. Project Veritas uses its stings against news organizations to fundraise. For instance, the blog post on the Project Veritas website featuring the Rosenberg video asked supporters to submit a donation "to support our mission." The stings against news organizations also generate a lot of publicity and attention for Project Veritas. They have often been featured prominently on Fox and receive significant attention in the right-wing media universe.

Trump tears in to Biden for 'playing into Putin's hands', admits he 'got along' with the Kremlin strongman but calls Ukraine invasion 'a crime against humanity' in Hannity interview Trump insists Ukraine invasion wouldn't have happened under his administration Ex-President of the United States spoke to Sean Hannity on FOX News talk show He went on to say the problem with Russian President Putin is his 'very big ego' The exchange saw Trump asked about comments made about Putin, describing the Russian's recognition of two Ukrainian 'republics' as independent as 'genius'

@atrupar LOL -- Hannity is trying so hard to get Trump to denounce authoritarians like Putin and he just refuses to do it

@atrupar Trump tells Hannity he had a "very strong" conversation with Putin in which he received some sort of assurance that Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine while he was in office

A Taxonomy of Right-Wing Dog Whistles. Listen closely and you’ll hear these phrases everywhere. The first time I witnessed the birth of a right-wing talking point, I was sitting in a crowded ballroom at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, in National Harbor, Maryland. This was the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, and I was listening to Sebastian Gorka deliver remarks that fell somewhere on the spectrum from venting to fomenting. There he was in his three-piece suit, voice booming: “They want to take your pickup truck. They want to rebuild your home. They want to take away your hamburgers.” As I jotted down the line about the hamburgers, a sudden sense of unreality came over me.

How G. Gordon Liddy Bungled Watergate With an Office-Supply Request. The story of Operation Gemstone, his totally bonkers, Nazi-themed dirty tricks wish list.

Sarah Palin's lawyers: New York Times libeled her amidst pattern of sliming conservatives. Manhattan jury begins deliberations in suit over 2017 editorial that linked Palin group's targeting map to 2011 Arizona shooting.

Fox News host tells Trump to 'stop wasting our time' with 2020 election lies. 'Nobody cares about your topics. Right now nobody cares about 2020, nobody,' Fox News host Brian Kilmeade told Donald Trump. "They did a recount in Arizona, and the recount showed no difference, almost, and he came out and said it showed that they won Arizona. That's an outright lie, and please stop wasting our time with that because he's capable of doing so much more," he said.

‘Be thankful you don’t have our poison’: US pollster Frank Luntz’s warning to UK. Luntz spent years sampling opinion for Republicans before a stroke changed his outlook: ‘I’m not afraid any more, so you will hear me criticise people I never would have two years ago’ Luntz is traitor

Check out the "top 10 craziest things" new Fox primetime toady Jesse Watters has said on TV.

Oregon father who said 'Let's Go Brandon' to Biden tells Steve Bannon it was a 'chance to voice his disapproval' of the 'terrible things' happening in the White House and insists the election was '100% stolen' from Trump. Jared Schmeck, 35, backtracked Monday on saying he is 'not a Trumper'. The Oregon-based father of four, donning a red Make America Great Again hat, went on to say that Trump is 'my president' and repeated the former president's claims that the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen'. 'Some of the media has run with that and said I don't support Donald Trump,' the former police officer said. 'That's absolutely false.' 'Donald Trump is my president and he should still be president right now. The election was 100 per cent stolen. So, I just want to make that clear,' he added.

Oregon father of four who told President Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ on Christmas Eve call said he meant it in jest. “At the end of the day, I have nothing against Mr. Biden, but I am frustrated because I think he can be doing a better job,” said Jared Schmeck, 35, who works for an electric company and was previously a Medford police officer for six years until he resigned in July 2018. “I mean no disrespect to him.”

@W7VOA “I am being attacked for utilizing my freedom of speech" for expressing "my frustrations in a joking manner,” complains Jared Schmeck, the #Oregon father of four who told @POTUS: 'Let's go Brandon.'

Tucker Carlson Was Blind to His Own Privilege in TPUSA Speech. The Crowd Loved It. The Fox News host extolled the virtues of daily sauna trips in front of a crowd fed up with elitism Carlson alluding to the future in his closing remarks. “And then you can wait for the dawn, which is coming,” he said. The crowd began to file out, enthused for the evening’s country concert. But just like the corny gun rights sweater with questionable math, Carlson’s speech on Saturday didn’t quite add up. It didn’t need to in front of a crowd, and a future generation of conservative Americans, for which facts were an afterthought.

Roger Stone and ‘Ratf—ing’: A Short History. The flamboyant political aide is often tagged with the term. But its origins—and Stone’s relationship with the word—are complicated.

Ex-Fox News Pundit Says ‘Screw It’ And Pens Scathing Essay About Network. “A huge share of the people” praising former President Donald Trump on TV were being dishonest because “they would say one thing to my face or in my presence and another thing when the cameras and microphones were flipped on,” claimed Goldberg. Over time, he added, he felt “like I was becoming complicit in a series of lies of omission.”

Watch: Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon plan a GOP takeover with "4,000 shock troops"

Two Fox News Contributors Quit in Protest of Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Special. Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, stars of a brand of conservatism that has fallen out of fashion, decide they’ve had enough. Mr. Carlson called Mr. Hayes’s and Mr. Goldberg’s resignations “great news” in a telephone interview on Sunday. “Our viewers will be grateful.”“There are lots of people there that I respect and like and consider friends, and they’re making a decision based upon how to provide for their families and deal with their careers and all of that. And I’m not going to second-guess them,” Mr. Goldberg said. “And there are also lots of people over there who think the Fox opinion side today is awesome.”

Project Veritas and the Line Between Journalism and Political Spying. Documents show how the conservative group worked with lawyers to gauge how far its deceptive reporting practices could go before running afoul of federal laws.

Tucker Carlson's Jan. 6 'Documentary' Is His Most Nakedly Fascist Piece Of Propaganda Yet. His recent series for Fox Nation, “Patriot Purge,” is setting the stage for something even worse than the attack on the Capitol.

Media, Propaganda, Ratfucking archived November 16, 2021

Cops ‘Laughed’ When Biden Staffers Called 911 for Trump Train Ambush: Lawsuit. But the City of San Marcos “refused to help,” instead privately mocking the Democratic staffers stuck on the bus and calling them “tards,” according to text messages and 911 audio recordings detailed in an amended federal lawsuit. The Oct. 30 “Trump Train” incident sent shockwaves across the country after videos showed cars with MAGA flags seemingly trying to force the bus off the road as it headed to Austin for a rally. Trump himself commented on the run-in, retweeting a video of it along with the caption, “I LOVE TEXAS!” Videos showed a white SUV and a black truck colliding during the episode.

Facebook Papers Reveal How It Had Been 'Fueling This Fire' Ahead Of The Insurrection. New internal documents provide a rare glimpse into how the tech giant appears to have stumbled into the Jan. 6 riot.

John McCain's daughter was the reason 'The View' was toxic. JASON WEISBERGER 7:44 AM THU OCT 21, 2021

Sinclair Broadcast Group hit by ransomware attack, upending local TV newscasts. The disturbance impeded the production of local newscasts throughout the day on Sunday and again on Monday, according to staffers at some TV stations. "Still no email, phones, file video or graphics," a reporter said Monday. "They expect us to keep broadcasting as if we aren't down," a reporter at a different station said.

AT&T is responsible for 90% of far-right propaganda network One America News' revenue. A lawyer for OAN, Patrick Nellies, testified in court that if OAN "was to lose or not be renewed on [AT&T's] DirecTV, the company would go out of business tomorrow." In February, Popular Information asked AT&T if it would continue to carry OAN on its platforms. AT&T provided the following response: When it comes to the channels we carry for customers, we do not exercise control over their editorial content. We review our contract terms continually and, in the meantime, if customers have questions about a provider's content, they should contact the individual channel provider. AT&T did not respond to a request for comment for this article.

How AT&T helped build far-right One America News. OAN founder and chief executive Robert Herring Sr has testified that the inspiration to launch OAN in 2013 came from AT&T executives. “They told us they wanted a conservative network,” Herring said during a 2019 deposition seen by Reuters. “They only had one, which was Fox News, and they had seven others on the other [leftwing] side. When they said that, I jumped to it and built one.” Since then, AT&T has been a crucial source of funds flowing into OAN, providing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, court records show. Ninety percent of OAN’s revenue came from a contract with AT&T-owned television platforms, including satellite broadcaster DirecTV, according to 2020 sworn testimony by an OAN accountant. Herring has testified he was offered $250 million for OAN in 2019. Without the DirecTV deal, the accountant said under oath, the network’s value “would be zero.”

Facebook Knew It Was Fueling QAnon. A damning whistleblower report reveals how Facebook mishandled the rise of QAnon—and other militarized social movements.

"Mother of all lawsuits" quietly filed against Facebook, Zuck, Sandberg, Thiel, and more. On Twitter, Jason Kint shares that a massive and damning lawsuit was filed in Deleware last month against Facebook, and many of its executives, and board members relating to what they knew, hid, and lied to congress about relating the Cambridge Analytica "hack." If you recall, Cambridge Analytica used data that it simply acquired through Facebook's APIs to target US voters vulnerable to misinformation attacks. Facebook tried to call this 'a hack' and has apparently been lying about it ever since. @jason_kint !!! news. mother of all lawsuits quietly filed last month vs Facebook in Delaware. I'll explain why it avoided notice until now in a bit but Zuckerberg, Sandberg, CFO, board inc Peter Thiel and Palantir are defendants - it's a result of sealed docs between FB execs and board. /1

In 2019, according to a new book, media executive and erstwhile Trump confidant Steve Bannon took time out of his busy schedule to sit down with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein and coach him through an imaginary 60 Minutes interview Epstein believed he would soon be doing. Bannon’s advice: Look into the camera occasionally, don’t be racist, deny you’re a pedophile. “You’re engaging, you’re not threatening,” Bannon reportedly told the sex offender at the end of the coaching session, “you’re natural, you’re friendly, you don’t look at all creepy, you’re a sympathetic figure.” That’s the incendiary, previously unreported anecdote included at the end of a new book by writer Michael Wolff, author of the bestseller Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. Though Bannon was an indispensable source for Wolff in Fire and Fury, Wolff wouldn’t tell The New York Times’ Ben Smith where he got these new Epstein transcripts. Bannon, in a statement, confirmed to the Times that he recorded more than 15 hours of interviews with Epstein, though he denied that he had ever “media-trained anyone.” Instead, Bannon claimed, the interviews with Epstein were not for 60 Minutes but an unreleased documentary Bannon was making on the billionaire’s “perversions and depravity.”

Lawyer for Afghan girls’ robotics team tells Oklahoma woman to stop taking credit for rescue. A lawyer for the famed all-girls Afghan robotics team has sent a cease-and-desist letter to an Oklahoma woman, telling her to stop taking credit for the girls’ escape from Kabul and warning that her numerous media appearances endanger their organization’s remaining members in Afghanistan. The woman, Allyson Reneau, spoke last week to and then to several other media outlets, telling a story of her supposed involvement in the evacuation of several members of the robotics team, known internationally as the “Afghan Dreamers.” These outlets reported that she had “saved” the girls from probable oppression under the Taliban. But a lawyer for the team’s parent organization, the Digital Citizen Fund, said that Reneau has overstated her role and has, in fact, put the girls and their families at risk because her repeated claims are undermining ongoing rescue efforts in the country. “Continuingly recycling old pictures with the Afghan Girls Robotics Team, many of whom are minors, as validation that you had anything to do with their immensely stressful and dangerous escape not only impacts the safety of the girls but it also significantly affects the safety of the members of the team who still remain in Afghanistan,” wrote Kim Motley, a lawyer for the group and a Digital Citizen Fund board member, in a letter sent to Reneau just after midnight Wednesday. “It is highly unfortunate that you would use such a tragically horrible situation … for what appears to be your own personal gain.”

Afghan all-girl robotics team members, journalists land in Mexico. Tuesday's safe arrival in Mexico was made possible by an "extensive international effort and coordination from a group of volunteers" who helped the girls, according to a volunteer who requested anonymity for fear of the safety of the families that remain under Taliban control. Other members of the robotics team landed in Qatar in recent days. August 25, 2021 10:41 AM PDT

FCC proposes $5m fine for Jacob Wohl and crony over robocall lies.

US mom helps rescue Afghan girls robotics team by: Scott Fagerstrom, Nexstar Media Wire Posted: Aug 24, 2021 / 05:38 AM PDT. Allyson Reneau told NewsNation Prime’s Marni Hughes on Monday that she met the young women when they were in the United States. Reneau said that while she is reluctant to discuss details about the girls’ escape, she is hearing from universities with “scholarship offers for them in the United States. … They’re a little anxious about their future, but I just let them know everything’s gonna be OK.” Because of her success in helping the robotics team girls to escape, Reneau said she is now hearing from other Afghan women seeking help in finding refuge from the Taliban regime. “I began to receive dire messages from women who were in hiding in Afghanistan … They’re all from a particular profession, and they were fired. The minute Kabul was taken over, letters were sent to them by the Taliban. They were being hunted. Two of them were shot, One of them was beat so badly that she nearly died.” Reneau said she can’t share many details of the latest rescue effort, but added that people from NASA, Yale Law School and the American Bar Association are all helping. She intends to set up a Facebook donation page to help with the new group’s relocation expenses.

Afghan robotics team arrives safely in Doha: ‘The girls rescued themselves’. At least a dozen of the girls from the team have fled the nation, the majority arriving in the capital city of Doha on Tuesday, according to Elizabeth Schaeffer Brown, an adviser with the New York-based Digital Citizen Fund, the team’s parent organization. Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed their arrival in a statement. Due to security reasons, advocates for the girls could not immediately confirm specific details about the evacuation, including how many girls fled, their ages and if they were accompanied by family.Plans to evacuate the robotics team accelerated Aug. 12 when Roya Mahboob, an Afghan technology entrepreneur who founded the DCF and serves as the team’s mentor, requested the help of the Qatari government, Brown said. Members of Qatar’s government kept in touch with the team after a visit to Doha in 2019. Brown rejected the narrative that the girls were “rescued” by American outsiders (the State Department did not immediately respond to requests confirming any involvement of U.S. officials), saying it was Mahboob and the Qatari government who navigated the difficult logistics, which included expediting the visa process and sending a plane to evacuate the girls after most outbound flights from the Kabul airport were canceled. Brown rejected the narrative that the girls were “rescued” by American outsiders (the State Department did not immediately respond to requests confirming any involvement of U.S. officials), saying it was Mahboob and the Qatari government who navigated the difficult logistics, which included expediting the visa process and sending a plane to evacuate the girls after most outbound flights from the Kabul airport were canceled. By Kim Bellware August 20, 2021 at 5:24 p.m. EDT

Laura Ingraham mocks Joe Biden's stutter

Veteran GOP pollster Frank Luntz advised President Biden’s COVID-19 team, sharing research with the White House to help develop strategies for encouraging individuals skeptical about the vaccine to get inoculated. Luntz confirmed that the White House approached him amid the country’s COVID-19 response, telling Politico, “The Biden team didn’t ask me for anything. They simply said, ‘Whatever you find, we want to know.” Luntz compared those efforts to that of former President Trump, contending that Biden’s predecessor “did not care about the research we started to do.” “This is more than Trump did. Trump did not care about the research we started to do. The [Trump] White House wasn’t interested in it, he didn’t promote it,” Luntz told the news outlet. When asked if his work with the Biden White House would further hurt his relationship with conservatives like Fox News's Tucker Carlson, who criticized him last year for renting a room to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Luntz told Politico, “I don’t care.”

Frank Luntz reveals struggle to maintain weight loss: 'I can't be this miserable'. "I’d rather be embarrassed about my weight than hungry and exhausted," the pollster said.

Texas Democrat hijacks Fox News interview over voting rights, blaming network for pushing Trump’s big lie. Host told to ‘Tell your viewers right now that Donald Trump lost the election’. A Texas Democrat has clashed with Fox News’ Pete Hegseth in an explosive exchange, which resulted in the TV host being asked repeatedly to admit that Trump lost the 2020 election – something he did not do. Texas state representative James Talarico was being asked about his role in blocking Republican-supported voting bills, in an interview that was fiery from the off. ‘Pete... Pete...” he went on. “You have made a lot of money personally, and you’ve enriched a lot of corporations with advertising by getting on here and spewing lies and conspiracy theories to folks who trust you.” He continued, “What I’m asking you to do is tell your viewers right now that Donald Trump lost the election in 2020.” When Mr Hegseth didn’t respond, he persisted: “Did Donald Trump lose the election in 2020? Can you answer the question? Did Donald Trump lose the election in 2020?” “I don’t really feel any obligation to answer anything of you,” Mr Hegseth said.

Fox News Runs Disclaimer After Trump Election Lies During CPAC Speech. Fox News was sued by Dominion and Smartmatic voting systems companies for amplifying false claims that the 2020 election was rigged.

Political Discrimination as Civil-Rights Struggle. Viewpoint neutrality should be legally mandated. When a sample of nearly 1,500 female Ivy League students was asked whether they would date a Trump supporter, only 6 percent said yes (after excluding the small minority of the sample who support him). So finds a survey of 20,000 university students that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) conducted in 2020. While people are free to discriminate however they wish in dating, this attitude bleeds into problematic spheres such as hiring and social toleration. This reveals the predilection among many young elite Americans for progressive authoritarianism, a belief system that justifies infringing rights to equal treatment or free speech in the name of the emotional “safety” of historically marginalized race, gender, and sexuality groups. In this left-modernist worldview, conservatives’ resistance to racial, gender, and sexual progressivism mark them as moral deviants. As Millennials take power, this generational earthquake is set to shake the foundations of the cultural elite to its core, leading to pervasive discrimination against, and censorship of, conservative views.

Top 10 Meghan McCain 'View' moments that won't quit

‘The View’ ladies were ‘at their wits’ end’ before Meghan McCain’s exit. It’s the worst kept secret that Meghan McCain was not a favorite among the ladies at “The View.” But sources tell Page Six that she became so insufferable that even “chill” Whoopi Goldberg could no longer take her. “Everyone was at their wits’ end — even Whoopi, and she’s the chillest of them all. Whoopi is never going to advocate for anyone to get fired. She’s not about that, but she was very clear that she no longer wanted to work with Meghan,” a source told Page Six.

Meghan McCain was ‘miserable’ at ‘vicious’ ‘The View’. A different source further said of the outgoing conservative co-host: “People have loved hurting her and being cruel to her the entire time she’s been there.” McCain joined the show in 2017 and caused waves throughout her tenure. ABC previously said in a statement: “For the past four years, Meghan McCain has brought her fierce determination and vast political knowledge and experience to ‘The View.’ She recently came to us with her decision to depart the show at the end of this season, a difficult choice that she made for her and her family that we respect and understand. We wish the best for Meghan as she plans her next chapter, and thank her for the passion and unique voice that she shared with us and our viewers each day.”

The newest MAGA app is tied to a Bannon-allied Chinese billionaire. GETTR has existed as a Chinese language social media network linked to Guo Wengui. It was unveiled as a new platform by Jason Miller on Thursday.

'Everybody knows he’s out of his mind': Joe Rogan claims President Biden is mentally unfit for office and 'barely hanging in there'. Podcast host Joe Rogan renewed his criticism of President Joe Biden. 'He is not a real leader. Everybody knows he's out of his mind,' Rogan said. Rogan described the 2020s of the United States as 'one of the most tumultuous periods in the history of the country'. The podcast also discussed cancel culture with Rogan's guest, comedian Iliza Shlesinger, saying the American public loved a celebrity 'public hanging'.

Tucker Carlson Calls Journalists ‘Animals.’ He’s Also Their Best Source. His platform on Fox News made him a big player in Donald Trump’s circle. Off camera, he shapes the coverage of Trump’s world and Fox’s own internal politics.

Wait, This Is Why a Local Fox Reporter Sabotaged Her Career? Fox 26 Houston general assignment reporter Ivory Hecker said Tuesday that she has been fired after interrupting a live on-air report to accuse her employers of “muzzling” her. In an interview with The Daily Beast on Tuesday afternoon, the 32-year-old reporter claimed she’d been terminated via text message and declared that she would never work in corporate media again—not even for Fox News, where she claimed “they wanted to bring me up.” In one piece of surreptitiously recorded footage, Fox 26 assistant news director Lee Meier was seen explaining why the station does not do more stories on Bitcoin. In the clip, Meier said it’s “an editorial choice” to not cover the cryptocurrency because it likely would not appeal to the station’s early-evening broadcast viewership. Hecker also contended that Fox 26 attempted to censor her over her coverage of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug hyped by former President Donald Trump as a miracle COVID-19 cure but found to be largely ineffective against the virus. In a recorded call with Meier and Fox 26 vice president and news director Susan Schiller, Hecker was told she “failed as a reporter” for not looking at the “latest research” on the drug before boosting a post from a local doctor hyping it as a COVID-19 treatment. “You need to cease and desist posting about hydroxychloroquine,” Schiller told Hecker.

Liberal media, Big Tech increase calls to 'deprogram,' deplatform Trump supporters. Lincoln Project threatens Expedia group: 'You will feel immense pain if we fight'. Forbes published an op-ed last week warning companies against hiring anyone who worked in communications for the Trump White House. "Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie," Randall Lane wrote.

Amazon Court Filing Includes Chilling Death Threats Published on Parler. But whatever you think of Amazon’s actions, the filing makes one thing absolutely clear: Parler was a cesspool of racist hate, insurrectionist appeals against the United States, and chillingly specific death threats. “We are going to fight in a civil War on Jan.20th, Form MILITIAS now and acquire targets.” “On January 20th we need to start systematicly [sic] assassinating [sic] #liberal leaders, liberal activists, #blm leaders and supporters, members of the #nba #nfl #mlb #nhl #mainstreammedia anchors and correspondents and #antifa. I already have a news worthy event planned.”

Newt Gingrich: My predictions for next 10 years — I expect these big changes. We in America control our own destiny.

Interviewed by Brian Stelter, CNN reporter and host Jake Tapper says that he won't book White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany because she "lies the way that most people breathe." @jaketapper tells @brianstelter he won't have @kayleighmcenany on his show because she "lies the way that, you know, most people breathe. There was no value in that...She can’t acknowledge reality. So I am just not going to put somebody like that on air." If you watch the whole show, note Stetler's eagerness at the idea Trump might found his own TV/News/Internet media network and keep the Trump wagon rolling there. Tapper was, in essense, countering that eagerness, explaining why he doesn't want to continue providing coverage to Trump and his cronies. There is deep anxiety among media folks about what happens when Trump isn't around creating daily blockbusters. If Trump traffic goes away, there'll be a badger cull in political media. Something to bear in mind when you see us, collectively, doing things that seem oddly to promote the continued presence of Trump in as close to the current form as possible.


Jacksonville artist's Trump Messiah painting misunderstood by the masses

Conservatives flocked to Parler to “speak freely” after the election. A month later, the platform has stalled as fewer people are actively using it. Parler, a social media company that declares itself “the world’s premier free speech platform,” has attracted millions of users (including some prominent conservatives) supposedly seeking a more hands-off approach to content moderation. Although many conservatives and other like-minded users claim they are switching to Parler to escape supposed social media censorship on Facebook and Twitter, their enthusiasm appears as insincere and opportunistic as their inaccurate claims of widespread ideological bias. In fact, some of the largest Parler accounts use the platform to repeat narratives they still post on other social media sites, and Parler’s growth and user activity have recently slowed down. Media Matters identified 236 Parler accounts associated with prominent right-wing and far-right figures with substantial followings on other social media platforms. We also included those who have been publicly banned from other platforms. We found that in that list some of Parler’s biggest right-wing accounts have earned more followers on Parler than on Facebook or Twitter, and they use Parler as another platform to spread narratives being posted elsewhere. At its peak in mid- to late November, Parler had roughly 2.9 million daily active users and its app was downloaded nearly 340,000 times on a single day. However, Parler’s growth and activity has since slowed. CNN Business reported that daily downloads of the app dropped to nearly 20,000 on December 7 and daily active users dropped to 2.3 million.

Nothing that’s happening now surprises me. I realized what was happening in 2016 with a shock. Glenn Greenwald. Julian Assange. Edward Snowden. I worked closely enough to or with them to realize in horror they are working far more closely with our enemy. To destroy America. I’ll never forget Jake Appelbaum salivating at the idea of destroying Hillary Clinton with those cable leaks. I didn’t know what he was referring to, I would months later. They had a hard-on for destroying America. And a weird soft spot for Putin. Now I know. I was so blind then. That time Julian Assange called me worse than a Jew. “She’s worse than a Jew.” That other time he threatened me when I noted on Twitter in 2016 how weird it was Trump was singing his praises, in the same breath as teasing WikiLeaks and Putin and some kind of surprise. I have always said that anyone who canonizes Snowden clearly has no fucking clue about what really happened there. He and Greenwald played Poitras like a matroschka doll. So weird how they’re all sexual degenerates with some weird stories there. At least one of them accused of rape. Actually no, two of them. And then Jake, so, three. Assange is gunning for a pardon. Time is almost out. I would like my experience to be on the record, with enough truly awful personally embarrassing oversharing that everyone knows it’s the real thing.

@AaronBlake Trump celebrates Fox's ratings slide. Left unsaid: The slide is happening with his favored, prime-time programs too. Hannity and Ingraham just finished behind CNN/MSNBC in the demo. @realDonaldTrump Can’t believe how badly @FoxNews is doing in the ratings. They played right into the hands of the Radical Left Democrats, & now are floating in limboland. Hiring fired @donnabraziIe, and far worse, allowing endless negative and unedited commercials. @FoxNews is dead. Really Sad! 5:21 AM · Dec 16, 2020

John Fund: Trump's legacy -- will president be remembered as a transformer or a tornado? Let’s look at five main areas where Donald Trump has had a real impact. Economy, Foreign Policy, Federal Courts, Politics, Being Presidential. As he noted in his 1987 book “The Art of the Deal”: “I play to people’s fantasies. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration, a very effective form of promotion.” Whatever it is, it helped redefine what it means to be “presidential.” David Shribman, a presidential scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, writes: “They will argue over whether he was a plutocrat, populist – or poseur.” But Shribman acknowledges that Trump will likely be “remembered in history as the most consequential president in three-quarters of a century and the most significant one-term president in nearly 175 years.”

Kayleigh McEnany scolds reporters at briefing for ignoring Eric Swalwell, Hunter Biden stories. Press briefing also featured latest outburst from CNN’s Jim Acosta.

After election, Zuckerberg flipped "secret switch" to favor credible news outlets there. If it seems comically selfish that Zuckerberg would profit from the far right until election day, then immediately about-face in obeisance to the changing wind, remember that he renounced his own atheism days before Trump took office in 2017. There's nothing particularly cunning or covert about Zuckerberg. He reacts to pressure like a chemical, and media cynics just can't quite accept that the jejeune creature he seems to be is for real. He will do whatever mercenary thing is in his and Facebook's immediate interest and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about it.

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