Pray for Peace Experiment

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Nov 28, 2006=
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Beachblogger (Talk | contribs)
below are the e-mails i sent:
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==below are the e-mails i sent:== ==below are the e-mails i sent:==
-===On Dec 23, 2006, at 8:34 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Dec 23, 2006===
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-===On Dec 22, 2006, at 9:18 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Dec 22, 2006wrote:===
please pray for peace. please pray for peace.
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peace to you. peace to you.
-===On Dec 21, 2006, at 11:27 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Dec 21, 2006:===
please pray for peace please pray for peace
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-===On Dec 20, 2006, at 8:46 AM, Luke Lane wrote:===+===Dec 20, 2006===
peace peace
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-===On Dec 19, 2006, at 9:19 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Dec 19, 2006===
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what more would you want? what more would you want?
-===On Dec 18, 2006, at 7:37 AM, Luke Lane wrote:===+===Dec 18, 2006===
please please please please pray for peace please please please please pray for peace
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-===On Dec 17, 2006, at 8:50 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Dec 17, 2006===
please please please please please please
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-===On Dec 16, 2006, at 8:28 AM, peter wrote:===+===Dec 16, 2006===
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-===On Nov 9, 2006, at 7:41 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Nov 9, 2006===
please pray for peace and reconciliation. please pray for peace and reconciliation.
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-===On Nov 8, 2006, at 7:22 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Nov 8, 2006===
please help us now as we pray for peace and reconciliation. please help us now as we pray for peace and reconciliation.
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-===On Nov 5, 2006, at 12:49 PM, 42 wrote:===+===Nov 5, 2006===
dear friends, dear friends,
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-===On Nov 3, 2006, at 7:30 AM, 42 wrote:===+===Nov 3, 2006===
if you are not praying for peace, what are you praying for? if you are not praying for peace, what are you praying for?

Revision as of 17:26, 25 December 2006

the 'please pray for peace' experiment

for seven weeks i have been e-mailing asking them to pray for peace.

today (December 22, 2006) they did!

Pray for President Bush today as he and Secretary Rice meet with Secretary of Defense Gates on Gates' findings following his trip to Iraq earlier this week...Pray for God's guidance and wisdom as they consider all the information available to them and develop a new strategy for our effort in Iraq... Pray for President nd Mrs. Bush as they celebrate Christmas with loved ones at Camp David, MD, asking God to meet them there and to bless them with His presence...They will travel to Crawford on Tuesday... Give thanks for the successful landing of Space Shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida! Pray for our troops spending the holiday away from loved ones, for comfort and strength...Pray for "peace on earth and good will toward men," particularly in Iraq...


below are the e-mails i sent:

Dec 23, 2006

thank you for praying for peace!

anything WAR can do, PEACE can do better.

peace to you!

Dec 22, 2006wrote:

please pray for peace.

if we had peace what more would we need?

peace to you.

Dec 21, 2006:

please pray for peace


Dec 20, 2006
















Dec 19, 2006






if we have peace

what more would you want?

Dec 18, 2006

please please please please pray for peace

please pray for peace

Dec 17, 2006

please please please

just one time

pray for peace

please just mention peace

just one time

it would mean so much

please please please

pray for peace

Dec 16, 2006

please please please please

pray for peace

Nov 9, 2006

please pray for peace and reconciliation.

please pray for our country to be healed and the forces of evil to be impeached and driven out.

please pray for an end of torture as a national policy.

please pray for a true separation of church and state as the founding fathers intended.

please pray that those who do not believe in the supernatural and superstition be free of the hate and corruption of evil religions.

Thank you for your prayers which brought the Democrats to power.

Nov 8, 2006

please help us now as we pray for peace and reconciliation.

Nov 5, 2006

dear friends,

if you're not praying for peace, what are you praying for?

pray for our country to be healed.

pray for those filled with hate and fear and anger.

peace to you!

Nov 3, 2006

if you are not praying for peace, what are you praying for?

please please please

pray for peace

pray for an end to the hate and violence.

These are the prayers from the Presidential Peace (War) Team

Dec 23, 2006

Pray for President Bush today as he and Secretary Rice meet with Secretary of Defense Gates on Gates' findings following his trip to Iraq earlier this week...Pray for God's guidance and wisdom as they consider all the information available to them and develop a new strategy for our effort in Iraq... Pray for President nd Mrs. Bush as they celebrate Christmas with loved ones at Camp David, MD, asking God to meet them there and to bless them with His presence...They will travel to Crawford on Tuesday... Give thanks for the successful landing of Space Shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida! Pray for our troops spending the holiday away from loved ones, for comfort and strength...Prace for "peace on earth and good will toward men," particularly in Iraq...

Dec 22, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush today as they visit with wounded troops at Walter Reed Army hospital and participate in a service project there...Pray that their presence and participation will be a source of comfort to troops and families... Pray for them as they depart for Camp David for the Christmas weekend...Pray for the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery as they prepare to return to earth, asking for great wisdom for NASA staff as weather conditions are poor at both the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and at Edwards Air Force Base in California...A third site in New Mexico may work, but lacks all needed gear for the landing... Pray for Secretary of Defense Robert Gates as he prepares his report on the situation in Iraq an dpresents it to the President this weekend...Pray for our troops spending the holiday away from loved ones, for comfort and strength...

Dec 21, 2006

Pray for continued health for President and Mrs. Bush particularly as Mrs. Bush heals from the removal of a small cancerous tumor on her right shin...Pray for the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery as they prepare to return to earth...Pray for favorable weather conditions and for a safe re-entry into earth's atmosphere...Pray for Defense Secretary Gates upon return from Iraq that he will have God's wisdom as he advises the President...

Dec 20, 2006

Pray for the President speaking to the media in a news conference today...Pray for Defense Secretary Robert Gates in Iraq today to evaluate conditions on the ground...Pray for his protection and for wisdom and guidance from God...Pray for full healing and no further developments in First Lady Laura Bush's recovery following the removal of a small cancerous skin tumor...Give thanks for the success of this procedure and pray for continued good health for her and President Bush...Pray for continued wisdom regarding the way forward in Iraq and for insight as he gathers information and makes decisions...Pray for those struggling to recover from last week's devastating storm in the Pacific Northwest, particularly those who lost loved ones due to carbon monoxide poisoning or in the mountain climbing accident...Pray for our troops to be protected, comforted and strengthened during this holiday season...Pray for all who are lonely or dealing with difficult issues this Christmas...

Dec 19, 2006

As First Lady Laura Bush has just revealed that she had a small cancerous skin tumor removed, give thanks for the success of this procedure and pray for continued good health for her and President Bush...Pray for President Bush as he signs into law three vital, health-related bills today...Pray for continued wisdom regarding the way forward in Iraq and for insight as he gathers information and makes decisions...Pray for those struggling to recover from last week's devastating storm in the Pacific Northwest, particularly those who lost loved ones due to carbon monoxide poisoning or in the mountain climbing accident...Pray for our troops to be protected, comforted and strengthened during this holiday season...Pray for all who are lonely or dealing with difficult issues this Christmas...

Dec 18, 2006

Pray President Bush as he officially swears in to office Defense Secretary Robert Gates today...Pray for Mr. Gates as he assumes this momentous responsibility...Also today, President Bush will welcome Jewish leaders to the White House and he and Mrs. Bush will host a Hanukkah reception tonight...He will sign the U.S.-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act... Give thanks that Sen. Tim Johnson is recovering well after a hemorrhage and subsequent brain surgery...Pray for his complete health and healing, and for God's good work in his life through this...Continue to pray for the President as he assimilates reports and recommendations on the way forward in Iraq, asking God to guide him with His wisdom...Pray for congressional leaders, in recess now, but working hard on their first priorities for the new session in January...

Dec 17, 2006

Give thanks for the service of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as he concludes his service to the country and as Robert Gates steps up as Secretary of Defense...Pray for Mr. Gates as he assumes this momentous resrponsibility...Pray for Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota, hospitalized in Washington after a hemorrage in his brain and subsequent surgery... Give thanks that he is responding well following the surgery...Pray for his complete health and healing, and for God's good work in his life through this...Continue to pray for the President as he assimilates reports and recommendations on the way forward in Iraq, asking God to guide him with His wisdom...Pray for congressional leaders, in recess now, but working hard on their first priorities for the new session in January...

Dec 16, 2006

Give thanks for the service of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as today he is honored by a full military review parade at the parade field at the Pentagon... President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Gen. Peter Pace will both attend...Pray for Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota, hospitalized in Washington after a hemorrage in his brain and subsequent surgery... Give thanks that he is responding well following the surgery...Pray for his complete health and healing, and for God's good work in his life through this...Pray also for President Bush today as he and Mrs. Bush host the Medal of Freedom recipients in a ceremony in the East Room and later host a the Christmas party for the members of the diplomatic corps of the State Department... Continue to pray for the President as he assimilates reports and recommendations on the way forward in Iraq, asking God to guide him with His wisdom...Pray for congressional leaders, in recess now, but working hard on their first priorities for the new session in January...

Dec 15, 2006

Pray for Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota, hospitalized in Washington after a hemorrage in his brain and subsequent surgery... Give thanks that he is responding well following the surgery...Pray for his complete health and healing, and for God's good work in his life through this...Pray for President Bush today as he meets with President Boni Yayi of Benin and as he and Mrs. Bush host the White House Conference on malaria...Pray that much good will come from the conference, aimed at strengthening prevention of the disease, particularly among marginalized people in Africa...Continue to pray for the President as he assimilates reports and recommendations on the way forward in Iraq, asking God to guide him with His wisdom...Pray for congressional leaders, in recess now, but working hard on their first priorities for the new session in January...

Dec 14, 2006

Pray for Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota, hospitalized in Washington after a possible stroke and subsequent brain surgery yesterday... Pray for his complete health and healing, and for God's good work in his life through this...Pray for President Bush today as he meets with President Boni Yayi of Benin and as he and Mrs. Bush host the White House Conference on malaria...Pray that much good will come from the conference, aimed at strengthening prevention of the disease, particularly among marginalized people in Africa...Continue to pray for the President as he assimilates reports and recommendations on the way forward in Iraq, asking God to guide him with His wisdom...Pray for congressional leaders, in recess now, but working hard on their first priorities for the new session in January...

Dec 12, 2006

Pray for President Bush as he as he goes to the State Department to meet with Secretary of State Rice and other State Department senior officials to seek counsel regarding the situation in Iraq...Pray also as later today he will meet with outside experts on Iraq and as he continues to assimilate the findings of the Iraq Study Group and asking God to provide wisdom for the way forward...Give thanks for the safe return to the U.S. of outgoing Defense Secretary Rumsfeld who made a surprise visit to Iraq this weekend to thank the troops...While there he worshiped with troops at Camp Victory... Give thanks for the successful launch of Space Shuttle Discovery and pray for the crew as they dock with the International Space Station today...

Dec 9, 2006

Pray for President Bush as he continues to assimilate the findings of the Iraq Study Group and as he meets early next week with Secretary of State Rice and other State Department senior officials, asking God to provide wisdom for the way forward in Iraq...Pray for the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery, as they are now scheduled to launch tonight... Pray for members of Congress as they head home for the Christmas break, asking God to move powerfully in their lives both individually and corporately that they may govern wisely when they return to Washington in January...

Dec 8, 2006

Pray for President Bush as he meets this morning with leadership of the Congress prior to their adjournment for the Christmas holiday...Pray also as he meets with South African President Thabo Mbeki later today...Pray for the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery, as the launch has been scrubbed due to unsuitable weather... Pray also for President Bush as he considers the report of the Iraq Study Group and other essential information provided for him by key advisors on Iraq...Pray for wisdom and insight as he determines next steps in Iraq...

Dec 7, 2006

Pray for President Bush as he considers the report of the Iraq Study Group and other essential information provided for him by key advisors on Iraq...Pray for wisdom and insight as he works with commanders on the ground in Iraq...

Dec 5, 2006

Pray for President Bush today as he meets with Secretary of Defense nominee Robert Gates...Pray for Mr. Gates and members of the Senate Armed Services Committe during confirmation hearings today...Pray for the transition from Donald Rumsfeld to Robert Gates, asking God to guide the process and to lead Robert Gates His great wisdom...Pray for wisdom for the President as he has accepted the resignation of U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, that he will choose an excellent replacement...Pray for wisdom and commanders on the ground as they consider the best way forward in Iraq...

Dec 4, 2006

Pray for President Bush today as he meets with Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, Shiite leader of the largest bloc in the Iraqi Parliament...Pray for the President as he has accepted the resignation of U.N. Ambassador John Bolton who will step down at the end of this congressional session--Pray for wisdom as the president seeks a new person to fill that post...Also today, President and Mrs. Bush will welcome many to the East Room of the White House for the Children's Christmas Reception...Pray for wisdom for the President and commanders on the ground as they consider the best way forward in Iraq...Pray for members of the Senate as they begin confirmation hearings for Secretary of Defense appointee Robert Gates...

Dec 2, 2006

As President and Mrs. Bush observe World AIDS Day, pray for the defeat of this disease--for researchers and frontline workers, for orphaned children and for all who are impacted by AIDS... Pray for President Bush, now returned from NATO and Jordan, for positive follow-up to each meeting, particularly as he considers all options and all counsel regarding the way forward in Iraq...Pray for former President George H.W. Bush as he leads the presidential delegation to the inauguration of Mexican President Felipe de Jesus...As Secretary of State Rice returns from the Middle East, pray for progress in the peace process and for the current cease-fire to hold...

Nov 30, 2006

Pray for President Bush, in Jordan today to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki to discuss progress in the war in Iraq...Pray for a positive meeting of the minds for these two leaders, pray for their protection and pray for progress in bringing peace and in quelling the insurgency in Iraq...Pray for Secretary of State Rice who will remain in the Middle East to meet with both Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Olmert...Pray for progress in the peace process and for the current cease-fire to hold...

Nov 28, 2006

Pray for President Bush, now in Riga, Latvia for the NATO Summit...He will speak at the University of Latvia this morning, will meet with the NATO Secretary General and will join in a cultural event with the other participants of the NATO Summit at the Latvian National Opera before a working dinner this evening...Pray for each encounter he has with NATO leaders, particularly as he seekes support for the effort to strengthen democracy in the Middle East...Pray for the thousands of employees and guests who will come to the White House for parties and celebrations this Christmas, that each will be touched by the true Christmas spirit--peace in Jesus Christ... Pray for all Americans as Christmas approaches, that our preparations and celebrations will remain focused on Jesus Christ... Pray for the end of insurgent violence in Iraq and for the nation to grow strong and united so they can govern and protect themselves, building a bright and strong future...

Nov 27, 2006

Pray for President Bush, en route to Tallin, Estonia today to meet with the President of Estonia in advance of his participation in the NATO summit...Pray for safety and strength as he travels...Today First Lady Laura Bush will receive the official White House Christmas Tree, and volunteers will begin decorating the White House for Christmas...Pray for the thousands of employees and guests who will come to the White House for parties and celebrations this Christmas, that each will be touched by the true Christmas spirit--peace in Jesus Christ... Give thanks for a good Thanksgiving weekend, and pray for all Americans as Christmas approaches, that our preparations and celebrations will remain focused on Jesus Christ... Pray for the end of insurgent violence in Iraq and for the nation to grow strong and united so they can govern and protect themselves, building a bright and strong future...

Nov 23, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush as they enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends at the Camp David Retreat in Maryland, asking God to bring rest, sanctuary and renewal of spirit. Pray for their complete refreshment as they prepare to leave again for the NATO Summit in Riga, Latvia...Pray for our troops as they sacrifice so we can enjoy the blessings of liberty, asking God to protect each one...Pray for strength and comfort their families who also sacrifice...Pray for the end of insurgent violence in Iraq and for the nation to grow strong and united so they can govern and protect themselves, building a bright and strong future...

Nov 22, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush, back in Washington today, thanking God for His protection and for positive results from the trip to Southeast Asia...Today President Bush will preside over the traditional pardoning of the turkey before preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday... Pray for him and members of his team as they plan for the NATO Summit and meetings next week as it has just been announced that he will meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki in Jordan, following the Summit...Pray for the four workers kidnapped in Iraq last week--for comfort and strength for them and their families and for their immediate release... Pray for comfort for the families and friends of the four girls killed in the Huntsville, AL school bus crash... Pray for safety on America's roads and railways and in our skies as the holiday travel season is in full gear...

Nov 21, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush in Honolulu, HI this morning where they will enjoy breakfast with troops before flying back across the country and home....Pray for President Bush's meetings with commanders in Hawaii as they discuss troop levels in Iraq, and pray for safety as they travel... As new relationaships are being initiated in the MIddle East, pray for God's guidance in each of these, so that peace may come to the region... Pray for the nation of Iraq as rampant bloodshed and violence continue to wreak havoc on citizens... Pray for the leadership of that nation to step up and enact measures to gain control over the situation...Pray for the families and loved ones of the three girls killed in a school bus crash in Huntsville, AL, for comfort and strength, and pray for the safety of all our children as they travel on school busses every day...

Nov 18, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush today as they continue participation in APEC meetings in Vietnam, giving thanks for the very positive encounters they have had, and for the positive news from Asian partners regarding the effort to draw North Korea back to six-party talks...Pray for continued strength and protection for President and Mrs. Bush...Pray for President Bush's meeting today with Chinese President Hu Jintao...Give thanks also as they worship with believers in Hanoi...As the search continues for five contract workers abducted in Iraq, pray for the efforts of U.S. officials who are making every effort to find them...Pray for their protection and comfort and for a positive end to this situation...Pray for our troops who work diligently in harm's way in Iraq...

Nov 17, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush today as they have a full day of meetings in Vietnam, for their health and safety and for great productivity and good results in each encounter...President Bush will meet with several Asian leaders today, will lunch with Japanese Prime Minister Abe and will attend the opening events for APEC in cluding a leader's dialogue and a gala dinner...Pray for the five contract workers abducted in Iraq yesterday, asking God to protect the four Americans and one Austrailian and to bring about their release... Pray for members of the House as Republicans choose their minority leaders today…Pray for our troops who work diligently in harm's way in Iraq...

Nov 15, 2006

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush, now en route to Singapore after a brief refeuling stop and visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Mrs. Putin...Pray for safety for them as they travel to Asia for the vital APEC Summitt...Pray for soon-to-be House Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and others as they continue to plan and organize... Pray for Republican leaders who will also be voted on this week...Pray for the choosing of leaders with integrity who will seek to honor God as they serve the nation...Pray for Senators and Representatives new to Washington as they continue orientation events, that they will determine in their hearts to serve with integrity and honor...

Nov 14, 2006

Pray for the President today as he meets in the Oval Office with executives from the automobile industry...Pray also as he prepares to depart for Russia in advance of the APEC meeting in Southeast Asia...Pray for the continued preparation for these meetings and for tomorrow's face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin...Pray for members of Congress as they consider who will step up to lead Congress in this new term--pray for leaders with integrity who will seek to honor God as they serve the nation...

Nov 13, 2006

Pray for the President today as he, Vice-President Cheney and Secretary of State Rice meet with the Iraq Study group to consider our efforts in Iraq...Later he will participate in the ground breaking of the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in Washingnton before a working lunch with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel...Pray for God's presence and wisdom in each of these gatherings...Pray for members of Congress as they consider new leaders for various congressional positions...